Steam hake for how many minutes. Scientists have found out what harm can be caused by hake, and how to choose it correctly

During the Soviet Union, silver hake became famous for being the most frequent guest on catering tables on Thursday fish days. In this, his only competition was the blue whiting fish. Hake was cheap, which is why then, in an era of shortages, it seemed like a kind of lame product that was served in canteens and cafes only due to a shortage of more decent varieties of fish. Today, when we have a choice, we understand that hake is a fish worthy in almost every respect. Pampered Europe even considers it the best of the 31 species of cod fish. Why? This will be discussed below.

Description of the ocean guest

Hake is also called hake, and this predatory fish lives in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Its population is impressive; experts believe that the world's reserves of all types of hake reach 10 million tons, although due to rampant fishing this number has recently been declining. The size of an adult hake ranges from 30 centimeters to one and a half meters.

Did you know?This bottom-dwelling fish is able to withstand enormous water pressure on its body, descending to depths of up to a kilometer.

Chemical composition

In its composition, hake is very similar to navaga, and in terms of the presence of fat, which it contains in an amount of about four percent, it is a champion among cod fish.


These valuable elements for health are impressively represented in it:


The palette of macro- and microelements is even more extensive:

  • copper;
  • chlorine;
  • sulfur;

Nutritional value and calorie content of hake

The record fat content for cod fish has already been mentioned, but it is also rich in protein, of which its fillet contains up to 17 percent, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids such as .

With all this, hake is not very high in calories. Its calorie content reaches only 86 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

About the benefits

Merluza is useful for humans, but its various valuable qualities are in demand by different categories of people in their own way.

For adults

The presence of hake in meat is especially important for people at an age when problems with the cardiovascular system arise. These antioxidants help normalize cholesterol levels in the blood and thereby help cleanse the walls of blood vessels.
It is also useful for those suffering from endocrine system disorders. The iodine present in hake has a very beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, but its caviar is very indicated for keeping the nervous system in good condition.

A rich range of vitamins really helps to keep the human central nervous system in good shape.

Diabetes slows down its destructive effect on the body when eating hake dishes, since hake fillets, as well as caviar, can lower blood sugar levels.

For children

It is hake that doctors recommend as a fish that a baby tries for the first time in his life. But this should be done in the form of fish puree only after a child of 8-9 months has already switched to meat food.

Important!At an early age, children should never be given fried fish - only boiled or baked fish.

For older children, due to the excellent digestibility of hake and its richness in vitamins and minerals, dishes made from it are highly recommended.

Moreover, hake is indicated even for children who have problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The only contraindication is individual allergic reactions to it.

Separately about dietary nutrition

The almost ideal digestibility of culinary dishes from hake, their low calorie content, its saturation with protein and low fat content - all this allows hake to automatically be classified as a dietary product.

For those who want to maintain a slim figure and not suffer from a lack of protein food, which causes a constant feeling of hunger, hake dishes are an extremely good choice.

Is it possible to have hake

People whose requirements for their diet are especially high have their own nuances regarding this fish.


High nutritional value, good digestibility and saturation with useful substances, it would seem, should bring hake to one of the first places in the menu of pregnant women. This is how it was a few decades ago.

However, the rapidly progressing pollution of the world's oceans leads to the fact that many marine fish, especially predators, which include hake, accumulate toxic salts of heavy metals in their bodies.
Therefore, doctors today recommend that pregnant women treat marine predatory fish with caution as food.

Of course, this does not mean a complete rejection of such a useful seafood product. Just before purchasing it, it is advisable to inquire about its origin.

Fish caught off the coast of Japan, for example, is especially dangerous due to possible radioactive contamination after accidents at nuclear power plants there.

Important!During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should absolutely not eat raw fish or products containing it, such as sushi.


The same applies to breastfeeding mothers. The abundance of vitamins and minerals in fish helps them increase the number of blood cells that decreased during childbirth. They also help keep teeth, hair, nails and skin in good shape, and help fight increased fatigue and stress.

The basics of making the right choice: how not to buy pollock

Merluza and its relative from the order of cod pollock are quite similar in appearance, but they differ somewhat in taste, composition and dietary properties, in which hake is undoubtedly the leader.

This is also reflected in the price of the product, so when purchasing, it is advisable that unscrupulous traders do not sell cheaper pollock to the buyer at the price of more expensive hake.

Meanwhile, it is not very difficult to distinguish these fish from each other:

  • hake is evenly elongated along the entire length of the body, and pollock is wider near the head and narrow in the tail area;
  • Hake has a silvery lower side and belly with a much darker back, while pollock is covered with dark spots all over its body.

Did you know?In the USSR, active fishing for hake began only in the 60s of the last century after the cod population began to decline. At that time, hake was considered a second-class fish.

How to cook delicious hake

Of course, this fish, recognized by Europeans as the best among its cod counterparts, is very much in demand among consumers. Hence there are a lot of recipes for preparing delicious dishes from it.

Meat characteristics and taste

Merluza meat, which is famous for its excellent digestibility, is also very tasty. Its white meat is easily separated from the backbone, does not spread when fried, and is suitable for all types of heat treatment without visible harm to its original configuration.

This meat is also distinguished by its juiciness, which compares favorably with the meat of the same pollock or cod.

Popular cooking recipes

Fish allows you to get creative and prepare both everyday and festive dishes. Here are a few recipes for preparing the product that are simple and do not require time.

Fried hake with onions


  • medium-sized hake carcass - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - as needed;
  • salt - to taste.


  • cut the hake carcass into pieces;
  • cut the onion into rings;
  • mix pieces of hake with onion;
  • add salt;
  • leave to marinate for half an hour;
  • bread hake pieces in flour;
  • fry in a frying pan with sunflower oil;
  • sauté onions;
  • add it to the fried hake.

Hake stewed with vegetables


  • small hake carcasses - enough to fill the frying pan in rows;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - as needed.


  • grease the frying pan with sunflower oil;
  • fill it with hake carcasses, tightly laid in rows;
  • salt;
  • cut the onion into rings;
  • cover the hake with them;
  • cut into small pieces;
  • sprinkle it in a layer on top of the onion layer;
  • add tomato sauce;
  • Spice up;
  • pour water to the edges of the pan;
  • add ;
  • cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Hake baked in the oven


  • medium-sized hake carcasses (according to the number of eaters);
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • The fact that hake is sold everywhere without a head is not explained by the fact that it looks terrifying, especially with an open mouth in which sharp teeth stick out.

    Not at all because of the unaesthetic appearance, but purely for practical reasons, when consumers, when preparing fish, injured their hands on these very sharp teeth, the heads are completely removed from the hake carcass.

    Are there any contraindications

    It has already been said about the possibility of fish accumulating toxic salts of heavy metals, which makes it especially dangerous for pregnant and nursing mothers.

    Like many other marine life, hake can also cause allergic reactions in humans, which must be taken into account by potential consumers of this product.

    It is recommended not to indulge in hake for people with problems associated with bowel movements (constipation).

    How to replace hake

    Although it is the best among its cod relatives, it is not completely irreplaceable. There are many other types of fish that can compete with hake in health benefits and excellent taste.


    Extremely similar to its marine relative. Their composition is almost the same, except that hake is superior to navaga in fat content and, therefore, juiciness of the meat.


    This eternal rival of hake in fish departments sometimes becomes a replacement for financial reasons, but it is unable to completely replace it, because it loses in all respects. The exception is caviar, which is considered more valuable in pollock.


    The white meat of both of these fish, somewhat similar in taste, suggests that they are interchangeable in culinary terms. In principle, this is true when it comes to fish cakes and other similar dishes.

    However, when comparing their fried meats in their pure form, you don’t need to be an advanced gourmet to notice a taste difference between them in favor of hake. Its meat is more tender, juicier and, therefore, tastier.

    This fish is good in all respects: tasty, healthy, healing, nutritious. It is perfect for gourmet and dietary dishes.
    If today's predatory fishing for hake is stopped, its huge population will be able to feed more than one generation of earthlings.

The valuable commercial fish hake is very tasty, but, unfortunately, is less known than its relatives in the cod family. But hake is a real storehouse of useful substances, and eating dishes made from it results in tangible benefits for the whole body.

The main thing is to know how to choose high-quality fish, how to cook it deliciously and for what indications it is most useful, and in what cases hake is harmful.

What substances affect the benefits of hake?

There are more than a dozen varieties of this predatory deep-sea fish, but their differences are important only to ichthyologists and fishermen, since they are all virtually equivalent in taste and beneficial qualities.

The mineral range in hake is represented by fluorine, copper, sulfur, nickel, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, chromium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, iodine, molybdenum, zinc, sodium, chromium, cobalt. With an average portion of a hake fillet dish, the human body can receive up to 50-130% of the daily intake of individual minerals.

Of the vitamins in hake, PP, C, E, A and the group of vitamins B (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12) are most fully represented.

Along with salmon and lumpfish, hake meat and especially its caviar are valuable sources of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. The protective properties of omega-3 against the development of hypertension and varicose veins are also known.

What are the benefits of hake for those watching their figure?

Hake fillet is easily, quickly digested and does not burden the body with calories - 100 g of raw fish contains only 86. 100 g of boiled hake - 93 kcal, baked or stewed - about 95 kcal, fried - 105 kcal. Being a low-calorie product, hake, in addition, prevents the accumulation of fat in problem areas of the figure and therefore often appears on the diet menu.

What diseases will benefit from hake?

Regular consumption of hake, in principle, has a positive effect on the condition of the entire human body, but, like many other products distinguished by uniquely balanced complexes of vitamins, minerals and other substances, there are areas of health on which hake has a particularly noticeable effect.

· digestive system;

· reproductive system;

· mucous membranes;

· skin;

· and with hormonal imbalances.

But its medicinal properties are not limited to this:

· hake dishes for diabetes are useful for two reasons - they are not difficult for the gastrointestinal tract, contain a minimum of calories and fat, and also lower blood sugar levels;

· the composition of fish fillet acts as an antioxidant, promoting the removal of toxins and free radicals from the body, as well as the complete renewal of blood;

· as a seafood product with a high iodine content, hake is useful for thyroid diseases;

· soon after introducing hake into the weekly diet, metabolism approaches normal;

· hake promotes a speedy return of health to normal after infectious diseases;

· a number of scientists also talk about the theoretical benefits of this fish for the prevention of cancer;

· hake dishes, by the way, ideally elegantly served (for better psychological perception), are recommended to be included in the diet during periods of depression and severe stress. Hake also has a positive effect on sleep, normalizing it and driving away insomnia.

How to select and cook fish to benefit from hake

The second name for hake on the shelves is hake.

The size of the fish varies from 20 to 90 cm, and the weight rarely exceeds 3 kg.

When buying chilled fish, you should evaluate the freshness of its smell, the shine of its eyes and the fact that when you press on the fillet, the finger hole should disappear without a trace.

But fresh hake is only good for sale near the places where it is caught, since long-term storage in a refrigerated state reduces its taste.

Frozen hake is sold as gutted whole carcasses or fillet pieces. Dry (shock) freezing most fully preserves the benefits of hake.

If you are choosing hake covered with ice when frozen, you need to evaluate the following:

· The size of the fish must correspond to its weight. Too heavy - excess frozen water wasted the price of the hake and ruined the structure of its meat, tearing the fibers. Suspiciously light - it means it has been stale and the moisture from the meat has had time to evaporate, so it will be tasteless and dry;

· crooked, bent fish has most likely been defrosted and frozen more than once, and this completely deprives the hake of its high taste qualities and many beneficial properties.

Hake contains small bones, but after heat treatment of the fish, the fillet plates are easily separated from them and the backbone.

Many people find white, not very dense hake meat more tender, fatty and juicy than cod or pollock meat. Hake can be deliciously prepared in recipes for mackerel, pollock and cod, and fillets of these fish can also be combined in dishes.

Keeping in mind that hake meat itself is a bit dry, when frying you should choose a batter or a thick layer of breadcrumbs for it, when baking - place it in foil or a cooking sleeve, a layer of dough, and moisten it with sauce or broth. Regardless of the cooking method, hake does not lose its beneficial properties. Fish soup, fish pies, cutlets, and stews are prepared with it.

Possible harm of hake and contraindications to its use

The advantages of this fish are excellent, but there are also disadvantages, expressed in the potential harm that hake can bring, and in contraindications to its consumption.

· a contraindication to the presence of hake on the table is gastritis with high acidity and ulcers, since this fish easily increases the acidity of gastric juice;

Naturally, you should not eat hake if you have an individual intolerance to seafood.

Heavy metals and other pollutants entering the world's oceans as a result of human activity tend not only to dissolve in water, but also to accumulate by lower marine life, for example, algae and crustaceans. And further along the food chain, harmful substances end up in commercial fish, some of which, for example, cod, are distinguished by their ability to accumulate them in fairly large quantities.

Unfortunately, the origin of hake is often completely impossible to determine, but we can assume that large fish suppliers fish in environmentally clean water areas. You can also choose hake grown under artificial conditions.

But if you have any doubts about the quality of the fish, you should not include it too much in the diet of children, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and those who are severely weakened by disease.

Connoisseurs of healthy eating should pay attention to the fact that many seafood producers use food additives and stabilizers designed to improve the quality of frozen products - retain water in them, preserve their shape, extend shelf life, and finally. Many of the additives are officially approved, such as E452, but much remains to be discovered regarding their harmlessness to humans.


  • Black peppercorns
  • Whole hake

How to cook hake deliciously

How to cook hake in a saucepan step by step instructions with photos:

Step 1

To work, we will need hake, water, salt, black peppercorns, a knife, a saucepan, and a cutting board.

Step 3

Bring water with a little salt and a few black peppercorns to a boil. Place fish cut into portions into boiling water.

We will need:

  • Double boiler
  • Cutting board


  • Ground black pepper
  • Whole hake

How to cook hake deliciously

Hake is a low-calorie and tasty fish. It is one of the healthiest and most delicious representatives of cod fish. Hake meat contains many useful vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats. Another indisputable advantage is that hake contains a small amount of bones. In addition, these bones are very easy to remove.

In addition to all this, hake meat is low-fat and is successfully used in dietary nutrition. This product is recommended for everyone, even children, so the use of hake in cooking is very wide. It is fried, stewed, boiled, soufflés, cutlets, casseroles, and spreads are prepared from it. Boiled hake is considered especially useful.

You can boil hake in a saucepan or double boiler. Hake cooks quite quickly and can then be served with a side dish or used to make salads, fillings for pies and pies, pancakes and dumplings.

Hake is a fish of the cod family. The size of this fish does not exceed 70 cm, but individuals smaller than 20 cm cannot be found either. Depending on the length, its weight may vary. The maximum weight can reach 3 kg.

Hake is a predatory fish and eats small shrimp and similar foods early in its life. Already in adulthood, the fish can consume fish such as mackerel or herring, as well as large invertebrates such as squid and shrimp.

Properties of hake

The taste of hake is very pleasant. The fillet is white, tender and lean. It has few bones, and when cooked, the fish behaves perfectly, does not become overcooked, but at the same time separates well when necessary.

The calorie content of fish is low - less than 90 kcal per 100 g. This makes fish a dietary product that can be consumed by those who want to lose excess weight.

The benefits of hake

The composition of this fish determines its benefits. Thus, it contains vitamins B, PP, A, E and C. Among the minerals, it contains more than 10 substances that are very useful for every organism. Hake contains a large amount of omega-3 acids. By the way, they are most abundant in the caviar of this fish, which is also suitable for consumption. By the way, these acids are simply necessary for any person. Without them, heart and vascular diseases may develop, and reproductive function will decrease. The nervous psyche, which does not receive omega-3 acids, will not strengthen and ultimately this can lead to its weakening.

There is a lot of fat in hake, more than in other types of fish, for example, in high-fat cod. And this property is undoubtedly a plus for culinary processing. At the same time, fillet is considered lean, better than the meat of various red fish.

Fish meat is perfectly absorbed by the body, better than animal meat. 100 g of hake contains 17 g of protein, and this is another advantage of the fish. Thanks to a large amount of vitamins, fish helps maintain metabolic processes in the body and normalize blood sugar levels.

Fish helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, and unsaturated fats are responsible for this. Hake is especially useful for diseases such as hypertension and diabetes; it can be eaten even when depressed.

Since fish contains phosphorus and other useful substances, it helps improve vision - for this you need to eat it once a week. For people who spend a lot of time on a PC, as well as for older people, this is especially useful and relevant.

Application of hake

Fried hake is healthier and best. But other methods of processing this fish are also good. However, there is one drawback - hake has a specific smell, which becomes noticeable in the finished dish. However, this drawback can be easily removed by adding greens that have a perceptible smell, such as dill or parsley, to the dish.

With any heat treatment of fish, it should be taken into account that prolonged heat exposure destroys all its beneficial properties, and the fish becomes a meaningless product for the body. Ideally, it should be cooked for no more than 15 minutes.

Fried hake is prepared simply: you need to fillet the fish, cut it into small pieces, add lemon juice and salt. It is recommended to fry the pieces in olive oil, and the frying process itself should last no more than 15 minutes. If desired, you can sprinkle with herbs or add them to creamy or sour cream sauce.

Harm from hake

Hake is an extremely healthy fish, so anyone can eat it. The exception here is those who have an individual intolerance to the product. In this case, hake should be completely excluded from your diet.

I would like to pay special attention to the correct choice of fish. When purchasing frozen hake, you need to ensure that it was only frozen and not repeated. The dishonesty of sellers will reveal the amount of ice - if there is a lot of it, then, most likely, such fish will simply lose all its beneficial and tasteful properties.

Greetings to dear readers of the site! How to cook hake fish deliciously? I recommend boiling hake pieces in water mixed with cucumber brine. For how long to cook a white fish dish, read the step-by-step recipe described below.

How long to cook sea hake for a child in a double boiler? Thawed hake is cooked in portions for 40 minutes. How many minutes to cook hake fish in a slow cooker? Lean hake fillet is steamed in the gadget for 20 minutes.

Fish are fairly easy to purchase during hake season. The cost of it decreases significantly in February-March. It is better to choose dry frozen hake to avoid excess weight in the form of ice.

A popular recipe among chefs is hake with vegetable marinade in tomato sauce. The dish becomes richer and more flavorful if you cook the hake the day before. Cod fish can be baked. I cook hake in the oven with mushrooms. It turns out to be a delicious dietary dish that can be given to children.

Fry the dry hake in oil on the stove, turning the pieces of fish over. How long does it take to fry delicious hake? Each portion is cooked on both sides for 5 minutes in a hot frying pan. Healthy boiled hake can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

To prepare boiled hake fish, we will need:

  • 500 g white hake fillet;
  • a glass of pickled cucumber brine;
  • a glass of drinking water;
  • a piece of butter;
  • green feather onions;
  • dill, parsley in bunches;
  • garlic and pepper.

How to cook hake for a child with seasonings, recipe with photos

Mix the acidic brine with water and bring to a boil in a saucepan. Place the hake in a container on the stove, flesh side down, and put the seasoning on top.

How long should you cook hake meat for a child? After 25 minutes, the boiled hake can be served with butter and seasonings.

Cook, read the recipe.

Recipe for a delicious sauce for boiled hake. Fry 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour in sunflower oil. Add half a glass of broth and stir. Pour lemon juice, add chopped boiled egg, fresh herbs and aromatic seasoning. How long does it take to cook hake sauce? Without a lid, cook the sauce for boiled hake for 10 minutes. Subscribe to menu updates.
