Vegetable side dishes for children. Chapter VII. Vegetable dishes and side dishes What to cook for a 3 year old child as a side dish

Is your precious son or daughter turning one year old?

First of all, we would like to congratulate you! Your baby can already crawl, walk, pronounce simple words, etc. And secondly, we would like to draw your attention, dear parents, to the fact that your baby needs complete and balanced nutrition to restore expended energy, as well as for normal growth and development.

By the age of one year, children are fed not only breast milk, but also some products of plant and animal origin. For example, fruits, boiled vegetables, fish, poultry and eggs.

After 1 year, you will have to diversify your child’s diet a lot by preparing delicious and healthy baby food every day. For proper metabolism, proper functioning of the digestive system, proper development of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the baby’s body needs vitamins, proteins, fats, hydrocarbons, minerals, etc., which are found in many foods of animal or plant origin.

Considering that eating is one of the most unpleasant moments for many children, parents should make sure that the prepared dishes are not only healthy, but also tasty and beautiful. To do this, you need to make the menu varied and serve the dish in a playful way.

What dishes can and should be prepared for 1-year-old children?

To answer this question, I have presented to your attention recipes for simple home-cooked dishes that can be prepared for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

So, the diet of a one-year-old kinder should consist of a varied 4-5 meals a day. Moreover, it is recommended to give dairy products (breast milk, cow's milk, infant formula) no more than 500 ml per day.


  • milk porridge or vermicelli milk soup
  • cottage cheese, cheesecakes or cottage cheese casserole
  • an omelet (usually by 1.5 years) or a hard-boiled egg.

Drinks: jelly, tea without sugar, dried fruit compote or infusion of rose hips and lentils.

By the way, you shouldn’t give all of the above for one breakfast. It is enough to feed the baby milk porridge (150-200 ml) with the addition of 5 g of butter and half a boiled egg. This will be quite enough for the little one to be full and not pass it on. Be sure to give him a cup of drink to quench his thirst.

What kind of porridge can a baby who is 1 year old eat?

I recommend giving multigrain, rye and barley porridge to baby food. By the age of one and a half years, you can feed him porridges: millet, wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice. All of them are valued for their unsurpassed healing and nutritional properties.

So that mommy doesn’t suffer for a long time over the cooking process, I’ll share my experience of quickly preparing tasty and healthy porridge. Just soak the cereal in water until it swells (becomes soft), and then boil it a little and that's it! The porridge is ready!


Pour clean, sorted buckwheat porridge (1 cup) into a saucepan with 2 cups of water. Leave for several hours to allow the cereal to absorb water. Then put on the fire and simmer for a couple of minutes until fully cooked. Don't forget to add a little salt. Pour the finished buckwheat porridge with milk or season with a small piece of butter.

If you decide to give your child a cottage cheese dish for the first breakfast, then you should know that he is supposed to eat no more than 70 grams of cottage cheese per day. We cook cottage cheese casserole and cheesecakes in the oven or steam! Fried food is contraindicated for children.

And finally: for the first breakfast - an omelette (steamed) can be served with a piece of white bread (no more than 40 g / day) with butter or cheese. By the way, a baby 1-1.5 years old can eat 15-20 grams of butter per day. Bread is preferably white, as it is easier for the child’s delicate stomach.

The second breakfast can consist of fruit puree, fruit or carrot juice, dried fruit compote, apples or lentil tincture. This breakfast will quench your thirst and stimulate the production of gastric juice before lunch.


The baby's lunch should be more eventful and consist of a first course, a second course and a drink.

For the first course, I suggest preparing soup, borscht, cabbage soup or vegetable salad.

If you are interested in vegetable salad, I can offer several types of it. For example: from grated fresh cucumbers, tomatoes or carrots. Or a salad of boiled vegetables: potatoes, carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, cabbage, stewed zucchini and tomatoes. I recommend adding egg yolk to salads – it’s healthy and tasty!

You can dress salads with vegetable oil or sour cream, but in no case with mayonnaise or any sauces.

If you decide to give your little one soup for lunch, then it also comes in several types:

  • milk soup with pasta. By the way, it is recommended to give this soup to a one-year-old child only once a week.
  • vegetable soup is borscht, ukha, cabbage soup, cream soup and cauliflower soup. Such soups, as a rule, are cooked in fish or meat broth with the following calculation: for one serving of soup – 0.3÷0.4 ml of broth.

The main course is served with a side dish and meat or fish.

For small children who have just turned one year old, puree of many vegetables and legumes is served as a side dish. Simply boil and grind through a sieve any of the following components: zucchini, pumpkin, onions, white or cauliflower cabbage, beets, turnips, beans, radishes, radishes, green peas. You can add greens: lettuce, dill, parsley, sorrel, nettle, spinach. By the way, don’t forget to salt the puree and add a small amount of butter or sunflower oil.

It is advisable to give mashed potatoes to your child not often, because this vegetable contains a large amount of starch.

Fish or meat is served as a side dish. By the age of one year, the toddler can be given: beef, lean pork, lamb, chicken, offal and rabbit meat. The meat is cooked separately and served in the form of meatballs, meat puree or soufflé.

It is advisable to arrange vegetarian, meat and fish days so that the baby’s diet is varied and healthy. A couple of times a week, replace the meat dish with fish. According to experts: a child should eat about 80 grams of fish per week. It is better to give him non-fatty varieties of sea fish: pollock, hake, cod, greenling.

What fish dishes can be offered for children 1 year old? This is boiled fish fillet with bones carefully removed, baked fish (without bones, of course), fish cutlets or soufflé.

Don't forget about such a useful product as liver! Usually children make pate from it.

And finally, a drink. This can be juice (from apples, carrots), compote/jelly (from dried fruits or fresh berries), lentil or rose hip tea.

Afternoon snack

An afternoon snack is a small snack. It may consist of one or more products: cookies, pudding, dessert, kefir, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, fruits (non-allergenic). I recommend preparing a fruit salad from fresh apples, bananas and pears, grated on a fine grater, as well as with the addition of cherries, raspberries, cranberries, black or red currants, lingonberries and sea buckthorn. After the baby turns 1.5 years old, he can be given pancakes with cottage cheese or homemade pancakes for an afternoon snack.

To quench your thirst, offer your little one fruit tea or juice.


And finally, what should you feed your baby for dinner? I can offer several options:

  • vegetables + cereals;
  • vegetables + meat;
  • omelet (if you didn’t give it for breakfast).

It could be oatmeal with pumpkin, vegetable stew with meat puree, stewed beets combined with apples, or zucchini soufflé with meat puree.

For dessert, offer your child fruit or make fruit puree, as well as fermented milk drinks and juices.

If your child has not yet been weaned from breastfeeding, then put him to your breast at night. By the way, for a one-year-old toddler, breastfeeding can be limited to once or twice a day.

Having listed the basic diet, I do not exclude the possibility that the child will not ask you for sweets, cookies, fruits or berries all day. There is nothing wrong with this if the norm is within the limits of reason. It should be noted that children of this age should not be given chocolates, candies, cakes, pastries and other sweets, which are overflowing the shelves of confectionery and food outlets. If you want to pamper your child with sweets, then offer him marmalade, jam, homemade jam. Many children enjoy eating honey and homemade condensed milk.

To summarize, I would like to note that a caring mother should monitor the amount of food her child eats. A child (1 ÷ 1.5 years old) should eat (excluding drinks) approximately 1-1.2 liters of food per day, and older ones: 1.4 ÷ 1.5 liters of food. I hope our recommendations and recipes for a 1-year-old child will be useful to you.

Inventing new side dishes for children is a whole science for young mothers. The side dish must not only be healthy, but also not become boring for the child. Ideally, each day of the week should be presented with a new side dish, while a meat or fish dish “for the second” can be prepared for 2-3 days. But what should you be guided by when choosing a side dish: its calorie content or composition?..

Invent new ones side dishes for children it's a whole science. It is necessary that the side dish is not only healthy, but also not boring for the child. Ideally, each day of the week should be presented with a new side dish, while a meat or fish dish for the second can be prepared for 2-3 days. But what should you be guided by when choosing a side dish: its calorie content or composition?..


Buckwheat is the most simple side dish that first comes to mind for every housewife. And it is still relevant for baby food! After all, buckwheat contains protein that is complete in amino acid composition. And also a large amount of vitamins and useful microelements (for example, in iron content it is not inferior to fish or red meat).


Another popular all-time side dish is potatoes. There are a lot of options for dishes from it: mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes with herbs, jacket potatoes, baked potatoes. It is rich in potassium and is good for children's health. The only taboo is on fried potatoes and french fries!


As you know, any type of cabbage (white cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower) is a wonderful side dish for meat. But broccoli is a real record holder for health benefits. If you persuade your child to try a new dish once (alas, for some reason the appearance of broccoli often turns kids off!), he will ask for it again and again.


To side dishes for children were as varied as possible, don’t be afraid to experiment with exotic vegetables. For example, with rutabaga (which was not exotic at all under Peter the Great!). This vegetable is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, which is not destroyed in it even during heat treatment! The rutabaga satay or casserole should please the child's taste.

Vegetable stew

In the summer, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables, it is better not to limit yourself to a single side dish, but to prepare it from several vegetables. Vegetable stew made from eggplant, zucchini, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and carrots not only looks beautiful and bright on the plate, but also has a pleasant taste.

Beet caviar

Another very healthy vegetable for baby food is beets. But not raw, but boiled or stewed. Simply boiling beets is not enough to whet a child's appetite. But beet caviar (stewed beet slices with carrots, onions and tomatoes) is a wonderful addition to a cutlet or chop.

Green pea

In classic English literature, it is no coincidence that little lords are often offered green peas as a side dish for lunch. Firstly, like other members of the legume family, this is a very filling side dish. Secondly, beneficial vitamins and minerals are preserved in it even in canned form.

Sea kale

For children living in regions poor in iodine content, seaweed will be an excellent side dish for both meat and fish. Salad from it can be purchased today in ready-made form. Or you can make it yourself by adding chopped onions, carrots and olive oil dressing.

Just not pasta!

When you choose side dishes for children, try to forget about pasta (horns, shells, etc. pasta). Yes, they are easy and quick to prepare. Yes, children eat pasta with pleasure. But there is very little benefit from such a side dish: it contains a large amount of carbohydrates and increases blood sugar levels. And this is harmful for a growing body and in the future may result in obesity for the child...

In children's nutrition, vegetables are used to prepare independent dishes and side dishes for meat and fish dishes.

Vegetable dishes have high nutritional value due to their high content of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. Their flavoring and coloring substances help stimulate appetite, fiber and pectin substances improve the digestion process. Vegetable dishes also contain substances with bactericidal and disinfectant properties (phytoncides and tannins).

In the process of heat treatment, the appearance, color, taste, consistency, weight and structure of vegetables change, their nutritional value decreases due to the partial loss of a number of substances, and digestibility increases.

In this regard, adherence to the technology and modes of preparation of vegetable dishes in baby food is of particular importance for preserving their nutritional value and appearance. Substances contained in vegetables undergo the following changes during heat treatment:

1. Water-soluble vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is easily destroyed. To preserve it, vegetables are placed in boiling water during cooking, since this decomposes enzymes that accelerate the oxidation of the vitamin. The utensils used must be made of non-oxidizing metal (preferably stainless steel) of the required volume. It must be closed with a lid to prevent the entry of air oxygen, which promotes oxidative processes. Vegetables should not be subjected to heat treatment for longer than the time limits established for them (Table 6), or boiled. Vegetable dishes and side dishes should be prepared according to demand; storing them hot for a long time is not recommended. Vitamin C is better preserved in vegetables when steamed and fried than when boiled in water.

Other vitamins change little during heat treatment; water-soluble vitamins turn into a decoction.

2. Minerals are also partially lost, passing into the decoction. To preserve them during cooking, salt is first added to the water, then peeled vegetables are added. When cooking unpeeled vegetables, steaming and poaching, the loss of minerals is significantly reduced.

3. Starch, when heated to a temperature of 55-70 ° C, binds the water contained in vegetables and gelatinizes. With further heating to temperatures above 110° C, during frying, starch breaks down to form dextrins, colored light cream. This explains the appearance of a golden brown crust on vegetables during frying and baking, which is also facilitated by the process of caramelization of the sugar contained in vegetables (when heated, sugar disintegrates, forming dark brown products).

The cells of raw vegetables are connected by a substance - protopectin, which, when cooked, turns into soluble pectin, due to which intercellular communication is disrupted and the tissue of vegetables softens. This process slows down in the presence of acid. The stability of protopectin in different vegetables is not the same. The time of their readiness during heat treatment also depends on this.

4. The color of various vegetables is determined by the coloring substances they contain - pigments. In green vegetables, when cooked, chlorophyll combines with the acids of cell sap and turns into a brown substance. Therefore, green peas, cabbage, spinach, and bean pods are cooked by placing them in very boiling water, without closing the lid, so that volatile acids are removed with the steam and the color of the vegetables does not change.

When cooking beets, citric acid is added, since the anthocyanin pigment, which gives the red color, is well preserved in an acidic environment.

Potatoes, cabbage and other cream-white vegetables containing flavone dyes turn yellow during cooking (hydrolysis). When using iron utensils, vegetables darken, since flavones combine with iron and turn dark.

Carotenoid pigments (carotene, lycopene, etc.) of orange, yellow and red color, contained in carrots, pumpkin, peppers, tomatoes, are resistant to heat treatment, retain color, and dissolve only in fat. Therefore, during the process of sautéing carrots, the fat turns orange.

5. When cooked, soluble proteins turn into a decoction, coagulate, floating to the surface in the form of foam. (Vegetable decoctions containing valuable substances are used to prepare soups and sauces).

6. As a result of the loss of nutrients and moisture during heat treatment, the weight of vegetables decreases, depending on their type, degree of grinding, and method of heat treatment (see Table 6).

According to heat treatment, vegetable dishes and side dishes are divided into boiled, stewed, fried in the main method, stewed, baked.

For young children, vegetable dishes are prepared by steaming.

§ 25. Boiled dishes and side dishes

Boiled potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots, corn, green peas and beans are used.

Vegetables are boiled in water or steamed, peeled or peeled. The best method is steaming in steam boxes or pans with mesh liners, which results in minimal loss of nutrients. This way you can cook potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, which have unstable protopectin.

More often, vegetables are cooked in the main way, placed in boiling salted water so that they are covered with water by 1-2 cm (excessive amount of water increases the loss of nutrients). For 1 liter of water take 5-10 g of salt. When preparing dishes from carrots, beets, and green peas, do not add salt, as it worsens the taste of these vegetables and increases their cooking time. Freshly frozen vegetables, such as green peas, are placed in boiling water without defrosting to reduce nutrient loss.

Boiled potatoes. Processed large potatoes are cut into two or four parts, small ones are left whole, placed in a cauldron, filled with hot water, salt is added and cooked at a low boil for 15-30 minutes, covering the container with a lid. Then the broth is drained, and the dish with the finished potatoes is placed on the fire and, shaking, heated for 1-2 minutes to dry it.

To better preserve the quality and nutritional value, potatoes are boiled before serving, without subjecting them to long-term storage. Boiled potatoes are used as a side dish for fish, meat, and vegetable dishes, and are also served as an independent dish, especially new potatoes.

The potatoes are placed on a plate, poured with melted butter, sprinkled with chopped parsley or dill. You can add fresh or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, fried onions, cabbage or carrot salad. Served with sauces - red, mushroom, sour cream, tomato.

(Potatoes 210, butter 5, parsley 5. Yield 150 *)

Potatoes in milk. Potatoes are cut into medium cubes, placed in a saucepan, poured with hot salted water and cooked until half cooked. Drain the water, add hot milk, cook until tender, add cold flour sauté diluted with milk and, stirring, bring to a boil.

Serve on a plate. Potatoes can be poured with oil, sprinkled with herbs, and used as a side dish for meat dishes.

(Potatoes 160, milk 40, wheat flour 3, butter 5. Yield 155.)

Mashed potatoes. The processed potatoes are placed in a saucepan or cauldron, poured with hot water 1-1.5 cm above the product level, salt is added, covered with a lid, brought to a boil and cooked over low heat until tender. Then the broth is drained, the potatoes are dried and passed through a rubbing machine. A small amount is rubbed through a sieve. The mashed potatoes are combined with hot milk so that the mass does not darken, and melted butter, mix well and, warming up, beat until a fluffy white mass is formed.

It should be remembered that boiled potatoes must be mashed hot at a temperature not lower than 80 ° C, since when cooling, potato cells containing gelled starch are easily destroyed and release a paste, which makes the puree viscous, dark and tasteless.

Mashed potatoes are placed on a plate, a pattern is applied with a spoon, poured with oil, and sprinkled with herbs. Used as a side dish for fish and meat dishes. Mashed potatoes as an independent dish are served with the same additional products and sauces as boiled potatoes.

To prepare this dish, you can also use semi-finished dry mashed potatoes, made in the form of grits, flakes, and granules. The semi-finished product must be combined with hot liquid (1:4). At a temperature of 95-100°C, the grains swell in 3-5 minutes, turning into puree.

(For 1000 g of mashed potatoes: potatoes 1100, milk 300, butter 30.)

Pink mashed potatoes. Peeled carrots are cut into slices and simmered in water or milk until tender. Potatoes are boiled and combined with poached carrots. This dish is then prepared in the same way as mashed potatoes. It is most often used as a side dish. When serving, pour over butter.

To prepare pink mashed potatoes, take 3-4 times more potatoes than carrots.

Boiled beets with sour cream. The beets are washed and boiled in their skins for 1-1.5 hours, cooled, peeled and cut into medium cubes. Place the prepared beets in a saucepan, add salt, sour cream or sour cream sauce, mix and bring to a boil. Beetroot in sour cream is used as a side dish for meat dishes; it can be part of a complex side dish.

Boiled cabbage. White cabbage is cut into pieces, cauliflower is divided into inflorescences. Add some salt to the water, bring to a boil, add cabbage and cook for 12-15 minutes. To preserve the color of the cabbage, do not cover the dishes with a lid.

Remove the boiled cabbage from the broth with a slotted spoon, transfer it to plates, and pour over melted butter or milk sauce. White cabbage can be sprinkled with chopped boiled eggs and dill.

Boiled cabbage is used as an independent dish, as well as a simple or complex side dish for meat dishes.

For older children, white cabbage can be boiled cut into large slices, cauliflower - in its entirety, without dividing into inflorescences, and then portioned.

Boiled cabbage should not be stored in the broth for more than 15 minutes, as vitamin C is destroyed and the taste and appearance of the dish deteriorate.

(Cabbage 300, butter 10, eggs ¼, dill 3. Yield 210.)

Boiled green peas. Fresh green peas are removed from the pods, fresh frozen ones are removed from the packaging, placed in boiling water and cooked for 10 minutes at a vigorous boil, without covering with a lid so that their color does not change. Place the boiled peas in a colander, allow the broth to drain, add medium-thick milk sauce or butter, salt, sugar and bring to a boil.

Peas are used as a side dish for fish, meat and poultry dishes. It is an integral part of a complex side dish for many dishes. When served as a separate dish, green peas are placed on a plate and white bread croutons are placed on top.

To make croutons, stale wheat bread is peeled, cut into squares, triangles, or shaped using shaped molds. A sweet leison is prepared from milk, raw eggs and sugar, in which pieces of bread are dipped and fried in butter on both sides.

Cauliflower puree. The processed cauliflower is divided into inflorescences, placed in boiling salted water and boiled for 10-15 minutes, then placed in a colander or sieve and allowed to drain. Boiled cabbage is rubbed through a rubbing machine. Prepare a milk sauce of medium thickness, combine with pureed cabbage, add butter, stir, and bring to a boil.

Cauliflower puree is used as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat dishes. Recommended for feeding young children.

(Cauliflower 330, butter 10, wheat flour 5, milk 50. Yield 200.)

Soufflé made from raw carrots and apples. Raw carrots are chopped into thin strips or grated. Apples are peeled and seeded and finely chopped. The yolks of raw eggs are separated from the whites, ground with sugar, and the whites are whipped into a fluffy foam. Combine carrots with apples, mix, add milk or sour cream, yolks with sugar, semolina and salt. The mixture is stirred, the beaten egg whites are added and carefully mixed again. The molds are greased with oil, filled with the prepared mass, placed in a water bath, closed with a lid and heated for 30-35 minutes (Fig. 12).

Before serving, cool the soufflé slightly, remove from the molds, place on plates (1 piece per serving) and top with butter or sour cream sauce.

The soufflé can also be baked.

(Carrots 175, apples 40, milk or sour cream 30, semolina 15, eggs ¼, sugar 5, butter 5. Yield 195.)

Carrot and rice pudding. Cook crumbly rice porridge. The carrots are finely chopped and simmered in a small amount of milk until soft, then pureed and combined with the porridge. Add butter to the mixture, yolks of raw eggs, ground with sugar, mix thoroughly, then add whipped whites and mix carefully so that the whites do not settle. Place in a greased pan or saucepan and steam until done. The pudding is served cut into pieces with butter or sweet sauce.

Cauliflower pudding. The processed cauliflower is divided into inflorescences, placed in boiling salted water and cooked until tender. The boiled cabbage is drained in a colander.

Wheat bread is peeled from crusts, cut into small cubes, placed in a bowl, poured with milk and left to swell, then combined with cabbage and passed through a meat chop with a fine grid or through a grinding machine.

The egg whites are separated from the yolks and beaten. Add egg yolks, flour, salt to the cabbage mass and stir everything. Then the beaten egg whites are added to the resulting mixture, the mass is carefully mixed, placed in a greased mold, and boiled for 25-30 minutes in a water bath, covered with a lid.

When serving, the pudding is removed from the mold, placed on a plate, and topped with butter or milk sauce.

§ 26. Poached dishes and side dishes

Vegetables are simmered in water, milk or broth (300 g of liquid per 1 kg of vegetables). They are cut into cubes, slices, checkers and placed in a saucepan or pan in a layer of 20 cm, tightly closed with a lid. Without liquid, in their own juice, poach zucchini, pumpkin, and tomatoes, place them in a greased dish in a 15 cm layer. The poaching process makes it possible to retain more nutrients in vegetables than cooking.

Poached vegetables are served with butter, milk or sour cream sauce, and vegetable broth.

Spinach with egg and croutons. Spinach leaves are processed, washed, placed in a saucepan, hot water is added and simmered without covering for 10 minutes, then wiped. The resulting puree is combined with salt, sugar, butter and heated for 2-3 minutes, stirring. Prepare a milk sauce of medium thickness. Eggs are hard-boiled, cooled, and finely chopped. Then the spinach puree is combined with the milk sauce and brought to a boil.

Separately prepare croutons from white bread, moisten them in lezone and fry in butter.

When serving, spinach is placed in a heap on a plate, sprinkled with chopped eggs, and croutons are placed around it. You can also place a boiled egg in a bag on top of the dish.

Carrots in milk sauce. Carrots are cut into medium cubes, slices or cubes, placed in a saucepan, water is added (200 g of water per 1 kg of vegetables), butter, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat until tender. During poaching, the container must be tightly closed with a lid. Poached carrots are combined with salt, sugar and medium-thick milk sauce, mixed and brought to a boil.

When serving, carrots are placed on a plate and sprinkled with oil. You can serve white bread croutons separately.

Carrots in milk sauce are used as a side dish (simple or part of a complex one) for meat and poultry dishes.

(Carrots 175, butter 10, wheat flour 5, milk 75, sugar 5. Yield 190.)

Green peas in milk sauce. Canned green peas are simmered in their own juice, a medium-thick milk sauce is added, brought to a boil, and seasoned with butter.

Use and dispense in the same way as carrots in milk sauce.

Carrots with green peas in milk sauce. Carrots are cut into small cubes, simmered in a small amount of water, adding butter, sugar and salt. Canned green peas are simmered in their own juice, combined with carrots, seasoned with milk sauce, stirred and heated for 2-3 minutes.

When serving, carrots and peas are placed on a plate or deep dish and sprinkled with oil. You can put wheat bread croutons on the sides.

Vegetables in milk sauce. White cabbage is cut into pieces, cauliflower is divided into inflorescences. Potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, turnips are cut into cubes, green bean pods are stripped of veins and cut crosswise into 3-4 pieces. Cauliflower, potatoes, and bean pods are boiled. Green peas are heated in their own juice. The remaining vegetables are poached. All vegetables are cooked separately, then combined, placed in a bowl with milk sauce, salt and sugar are added, carefully mixed, and brought to a boil.

When serving, place the vegetables on a plate in a heap and pour in butter. The dish can be served with croutons and sprinkled with herbs. The composition of vegetables can be supplemented with canned corn, kohlrabi or Brussels sprouts. Usually the dish includes at least four types of vegetables.

(Potatoes 70, cauliflower 40, zucchini 45, carrots 50, canned green peas 20, green beans in pods 30, butter 10, milk 70, wheat flour 5, sugar 5, parsley 7. Yield 205.)

Carrot puree. Peeled carrots are cut into small pieces, placed in a saucepan and simmered in a small amount of water until soft. The poached carrots are passed through a pulping machine. Prepare a milk sauce of medium thickness and combine with carrot puree, add sugar, heat for 2-3 minutes.

When serving, add melted butter to the puree. You can serve the dish with croutons (50 g per serving).

(Carrots 200, butter 10, milk 75, wheat flour 5, sugar 5. Yield 205.)

Zucchini puree. Peel the zucchini, remove the core with seeds, cut into large cubes, place in a saucepan, add salt and butter, cover with a lid and simmer in its own juice for 15-20 minutes. The finished zucchini is slightly cooled, passed through a grinding machine, combined with milk sauce and boiled for 3-5 minutes.

When serving, the puree is placed in a plate or deep saucer and poured with oil; croutons can be served separately. Puree is also used as a side dish.

Pumpkin in milk. The processed pumpkin is cut into large cubes, placed in a bowl, butter and salt are added, brought to a boil, covered with a lid and simmered over low heat until half cooked. Then add milk and sugar and continue to simmer until fully cooked. Poached pumpkin is seasoned with butter and served as a separate dish or as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

(Pumpkin 240, butter 10, milk 40, sugar 5. Yield 150.)

White cabbage poached with butter. Cabbage is cut into strips or pieces, placed in a bowl in a layer of 10-15 cm, water or broth, salt, butter are added, covered with a lid and simmered until soft.

When serving, cabbage is placed on a plate, poured with butter, milk or sour cream sauce, and sprinkled with chopped herbs. Poached cabbage is also used as a side dish for meat or fish dishes.

Pumpkin porridge. Pumpkin is prepared in the same way as white cabbage, but semolina is added along with milk and cooked with stirring for 12-15 minutes, then sugar and butter are added. Semolina can be replaced with rice or millet. Served as a separate dish.

§ 27. Fried dishes and side dishes

Fried vegetables are used as main dishes or as side dishes for meat and fish dishes in the diet of children of senior preschool age. Potatoes and zucchini are fried raw; potatoes, cabbage, beets, and carrots are pre-cooked. The last of these vegetables contain stable protopectin, so they must first be boiled. More often, dishes are prepared from chopped vegetable mass, which has undergone preliminary heat treatment and shaped into cutlets, zraz, and croquettes.

Vegetables are fried at a temperature of 120-140 ° C, you can finish frying them in the oven.

Fried potato. Peeled raw potatoes are cut into slices, cubes, slices or circles, rinsed with cold water so that they do not stick together during frying, and lightly dried to prevent splashing of fat.

Heat a baking tray or frying pan, add vegetable, ghee or butter, lay out the potatoes in a layer of no more than 5 cm and fry them, stirring gently to maintain their shape. When a golden brown crust appears, remove the potatoes from the stove, place them in the oven for 5 minutes and bring them to full readiness. Potatoes need to be salted after a barely noticeable crust appears on their surface, so that less moisture is released from them when frying. After frying, the weight of potatoes decreases by 30%.

Fried potatoes are used as a side dish for fish, meat, poultry, and vegetable dishes. It can also be served as a separate dish with fresh or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, and cabbage salad. When serving, place the potatoes on a plate in a heap, pour over butter, and sprinkle with herbs.

(Potatoes 200, vegetable oil 10. Yield 100.)

Fried potatoes (boiled). Washed potatoes are boiled in their skins, cooled, peeled, cut into slices or circles, and fried in a heated frying pan with vegetable or butter. Boiled potatoes should be placed in a thin layer in the pan, as they will quickly deform. During the frying process, potatoes are sprinkled with salt; their readiness is determined by the presence of a browned crust.

Fried potatoes are often used as a side dish for fried and baked meat and fish dishes.

Fried zucchini. The zucchini is peeled and grained, cut into slices or circles up to 1 cm thick, breaded in salted flour or breadcrumbs, placed on a preheated frying pan or baking sheet, fried in butter or vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. You can finish frying the zucchini in the oven.

When serving, the zucchini is placed on a plate, poured with butter, sour cream or milk sauce, and sprinkled with dill. You can serve them with a side dish of boiled or fried potatoes. In addition, fried zucchini is used as a side dish for fish and meat dishes.

Fried cauliflower. The processed head of cauliflower is placed in boiling salted water, boiled for 20 minutes, transferred to a colander, and the broth is allowed to drain. The boiled cabbage is cooled slightly, divided into portions, breaded in ground breadcrumbs and fried on all sides in a frying pan with butter until a golden crust forms.

When leaving, place the cabbage on a plate and pour melted butter over it.

Cabbage schnitzel. White cabbage is processed, stalks are cut from whole heads of cabbage. The prepared cabbage is placed in boiling salted water, boiled for 15-25 minutes, removed, cooled, divided into individual leaves and their thickened parts are beaten or cut off. Each schnitzel is made from two cabbage leaves: the leaves are folded together, their edges are folded inward and the product is given an oval shape. The formed schnitzel is breaded in flour, dipped in raw egg, and rolled in ground breadcrumbs. Then place it in a frying pan heated with oil, fry it in the main way on both sides, put it in the oven and bring it to readiness.

When serving, the schnitzel is placed on a plate and topped with butter, milk or sour cream sauce.

(White cabbage 225, wheat flour 5, eggs 1/8, ground crackers 8, butter 10. Yield 155.)

Potato cutlets. The process of preparing this dish includes several operations: preparing the potato mass; forming cutlets; heat treatment of semi-finished product; serving the dish.

To prepare the potato mass, the processed potatoes are placed in hot salted water and boiled, the broth is drained, and the finished potatoes are dried, passed hot through a rubbing machine, cooled to 50 ° C, raw eggs are added, and mixed. The resulting potato mass is hung into portions, avoiding overcooling, the products are shaped into cutlets and breaded in ground breadcrumbs or flour.

Then the cutlets are placed on a heated baking sheet with vegetable oil and fried on both sides using the basic method until a light golden brown crust forms. After this, the cutlets are placed in the oven and fried for 5-7 minutes so that they warm up inside until air bubbles appear on the surface.

The weight loss of potato cutlets and other semi-finished products during frying, stewing and baking is given in table. 7.

When serving, cutlets (1-2 pieces per serving) are placed on a plate, poured with butter or sauce - mushroom, sour cream, tomato.

Potato cutlets are also supplied as a ready-made frozen semi-finished product. In this case, the cutlets are fried without defrosting, placed on a well-heated baking sheet with fat. Potato mass can also be obtained from dry semi-finished potato grits and used for making cutlets, zraz, casseroles, rolls and other products.

(Potatoes 130, eggs ¼, vegetable oil 6, wheat flour 4, mushroom sauce 30. Yield 100/30.)

Potato zrazy. The cooking process immediately consists of preparing minced meat, potato mass, molding, heat treatment of products, and serving the dish.

To obtain minced meat, onions are finely chopped, sautéed, cooled, eggs are hard-boiled, peeled, finely chopped, combined with onions, salt and parsley are added. Carrots are cut into strips, simmered in water with the addition of butter, combined with sautéed onions, eggs, salt, and herbs. You can add poached cabbage to the minced meat.

The potato mass is prepared in the same way as for potato cutlets, hung into portions, laid out in the form of flat cakes, and minced meat is placed on them. Zrazy are shaped into bricks with oval edges and breaded in breadcrumbs or flour. They are fried in the same way as potato cutlets. To make the products more dense, you can immediately add flour to the potato mixture of cutlets.

When serving, zrazy (1-2 pieces per serving) is placed on a plate, poured with butter or sauces - sour cream, tomato.

(Potatoes 200, carrots 50, white cabbage 25, onions 15, parsley 5, wheat flour 15, eggs ¼, butter 10. Yield 215.)

Carrot cutlets. Peeled carrots are cut into pieces of arbitrary shape, simmered in water until soft, rubbed, combined with milk, butter, salt, sugar, semolina are added and boiled, stirring, for 5-7 minutes with low heat until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then the resulting mass is cooled to 50° C, raw eggs are introduced into it, and mixed. Cutlets are formed from the prepared mass, breaded in flour or ground breadcrumbs, fried in the main way and finished in the oven until cooked.

You can add cottage cheese, thick milk sauce or ready-made viscous semolina porridge (instead of semolina) to the carrot mixture.

Carrot cutlets (2 pieces per serving) are served with butter, milk or sour cream sauce.

(Carrots 150, milk 30, sugar 3, semolina 9, eggs 1/3, ground crackers 8, vegetable oil 15, butter 5. Yield 155.)

Carrot zrazy with rice cereal and egg. Peeled carrots are cut into pieces, placed in a bowl, water is added and simmered until soft. Then it is passed through a grinding machine, combined with milk, butter, salt, and sugar are added. Stir the resulting mass, bring to a boil, add semolina and cook for 5-10 minutes, stirring. The finished mass is cooled and combined with raw eggs.

To obtain minced meat, combine boiled rice with chopped eggs, parsley and salt and mix. Carrot zrazy is shaped in the same way as potato zrazy and breaded in ground breadcrumbs. They are fried and released in the same way as carrot cutlets.

(Carrots 190, milk 40, semolina 15, rice cereal 10, eggs 1/3, butter 10, sugar 5, crackers 15, parsley 7. Yield 215.)

Cabbage cutlets. White cabbage is cut into strips, placed in a bowl, milk is added and simmered, closing with a lid. Next, the cabbage cutlets are prepared and released in the same way as carrot cutlets.

Cabbage cutlets can be prepared with the addition of apples.

(Cabbage 213, milk 40, semolina 20, eggs 1/5, butter 10, crackers 12, sugar 4. Yield 155.)

Cabbage croquettes. Cabbage, shredded into strips, is simmered in milk until soft, fresh apples peeled and cut into strips are added, semolina and salt are added, and boiled, stirring, for 5-10 minutes. The resulting mass is cooled to 50° C, raw eggs are added and mixed. Then the croquettes are formed into balls, breaded in egg and breadcrumbs. Place the croquettes on a heated baking sheet with oil, fry on all sides until golden brown, place in the oven and finish frying for 5-7 minutes.

Cabbage croquettes can be prepared with the addition of carrots, boiled rice, raisins, and chopped eggs.

When serving, croquettes (2-4 pieces per serving) are placed on a plate, poured with butter, sour cream or milk sauce.

Potato pancakes. Processed raw potatoes are grated, combined with kefir, egg yolks, salt and flour. Add whipped egg whites to the kneaded dough, mix carefully and bake the pancakes in a frying pan heated with butter. Pancakes can be placed in the oven for 3-5 minutes and cooked until cooked. Served (2-4 pieces per serving) with sour cream, butter or mushroom sauce.

(Potatoes 80, kefir 10, wheat flour 10, eggs ¼, vegetable oil sour cream 10. Yield 100.)

Zucchini fritters. The zucchini is peeled, cored, passed through a meat grinder, combined with milk, egg yolks, salt, sugar and wheat flour and kneaded into a dough. Then the beaten egg whites are added to the dough and mixed gently.

Spoon the dough into a heated frying pan with melted butter and fry the pancakes on both sides until a light crispy crust appears.

When leaving, hot pancakes (2-4 pieces per serving) are placed on a plate, poured with butter or sour cream sauce.

(Zucchini 140, wheat flour 10, eggs 1/5, butter 10, milk 10, sugar 3. Yield 105.)

Pumpkin and carrot pancakes are also prepared, but the carrots are first poached in milk.

Beet cutlets. The beets are boiled in their skins, cooled, peeled, and passed through a pulping machine. Place beet puree in a bowl, add milk and bring to a boil. Then add semolina and, stirring, boil the puree until it swells. The resulting mass is combined with salt and sugar, cooled to 50° C, raw eggs are added, and mixed. Cutlets or balls are formed from it, breaded in ground breadcrumbs, fried and released like carrot cutlets.

Beetroot cutlets can be prepared with the addition of cottage cheese, apples, and raisins.

§ 28. Stews and side dishes

Vegetables are stewed in water, broth, milk, sour cream or sauce. During the stewing process, butter, tomato, sautéed roots, fresh or dried fruits, berries, and bay leaves are added. Before stewing, vegetables can be simmered or fried until half cooked. They need to be simmered at a low boil in a tightly closed

In children's nutrition, stewed dishes are given a relatively small place, since during stewing, most of the vitamin C contained in vegetables is lost.

Beets stewed in sour cream. The beets are boiled in their skins, cooled, peeled, cut into medium cubes or strips, placed in a saucepan, butter is added and heated with stirring for 3-5 minutes. Then add sour cream or sour cream sauce, salt, sugar to the beets and simmer for another 10-15 minutes with low heat. Beets can also be prepared with the addition of sautéed onions.

Stewed beets are used as a side dish for meat dishes or sprinkled with herbs and served as a separate dish.

Carrots stewed with prunes. The prunes are washed, soaked in boiled water until they swell, removed from the infusion, and the seeds removed. Carrots are cut into slices or medium cubes, simmered in a small amount of water until half cooked, prunes are added along with the infusion, butter, sugar and simmered in a container with a closed lid for 10-15 minutes.

The finished carrots are placed on a plate and sprinkled with oil. Instead of sugar, you can put honey in carrots.

(Carrots 260, butter 10, prunes 33, sugar 5. Yield 200.)

Carrots stewed in sour cream. Carrots are cut into slices, medium cubes or sticks, and simmered in water or milk until half cooked. Next, this dish is prepared and served in the same way as beets stewed in sour cream.

Stewed cabbage. Shred white cabbage into strips, place it in a cauldron in a 20-30 cm layer, add broth or water, butter and simmer, covered with a lid, for 20 minutes. Carrots, parsley and onions are cut into strips, sautéed, and tomato puree or finely chopped tomatoes are added. Combine cabbage with vegetables, add salt, sugar, bay leaf and continue to simmer until tender.

Prepare white dry sauté, cool, dilute with broth. The cabbage and vegetables are seasoned with sauté, mixed and simmered for another 3-5 minutes. To give the cabbage a sour taste, you can add citric acid or pieces of rhubarb when stewing.

This dish is also prepared from sauerkraut.

When serving, the cabbage is placed on a plate, poured with butter, and sprinkled with chopped parsley or dill. Stewed cabbage is also used as a side dish for meat and poultry dishes.

(Fresh cabbage 188 or sauerkraut 182, butter 8, carrots 9, onions 14, parsley 5, tomato puree 15, wheat flour 3, sugar 4. Yield 150.)

Stewed potatoes. Potatoes are cut into cubes or slices and fried until half cooked. Cut the onions into small cubes, sauté in butter, add tomato puree or diced tomatoes and sauté for another 5 minutes. Combine potatoes with onions, add broth, bay leaf, salt and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Instead of broth, you can use water and sauces. Potatoes are also stewed with the addition of carrots, green peas, prunes and raisins.

When serving, place the potatoes in a heap on a plate and sprinkle with chopped parsley or dill.

(Potatoes 265, onions 30, tomato puree 10, butter 5, parsley 5. Yield 200.)

Vegetable stew. White cabbage is cut into pieces, cauliflower is separated into individual inflorescences. Carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini are cut into cubes or slices. Cabbage is cooked until cooked, potatoes - until half cooked. Canned green peas are simmered in their own juice, carrots in a small amount of water. After this, put pumpkin and zucchini in the prepared dishes, add butter and simmer the vegetables in their own juice for 10 minutes, then add carrots, potatoes, sour cream sauce and simmer for another 10 minutes. Add cabbage, green peas, salt, chopped spinach or lettuce leaves to the resulting stew and simmer for 3-5 minutes.

When serving, the stew is placed on a plate in the form of a slide, poured over with melted butter and sprinkled with herbs. Instead of sour cream sauce, red or tomato sauce is also used. You can pre-saute the roots and onions, fry the potatoes, add garlic.

§ 29. Baked dishes

Baked dishes include casseroles, rolls, puddings, soufflés, etc. To prepare these dishes, vegetables are first subjected to various types of heat treatment, then baked in sauces, sour cream or butter for 15 minutes at a temperature of 250 ° C until a soft, browned appearance appears on their surface. crust and compaction of the mass, determined by puncture. When baking, the product should warm up inside to a temperature of 80° C.

Potato casserole. The process of preparing this dish consists of obtaining minced meat, preparing the potato mass, molding, and cooking the product.

Minced meat is prepared as follows: boil rice cereal in a large amount of water, finely chop hard-boiled eggs, onions and parsley. The onions are sautéed, combined with eggs, boiled rice, herbs, and mixed. Instead of cereal, you can add boiled mushrooms.

The potato mass is prepared in the same way as for cutlets; you can add a small amount of milk to it.

On a baking sheet, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, spread half of the potato mixture in an even layer of 1.5-2 cm, and minced meat on it. The minced meat is covered with the same layer of mass on top. The leveled surface of the casserole is greased with sour cream or raw egg, and a pattern is applied. Then the casserole is placed in the oven and baked at a temperature of 230-250 ° C until a soft, browned crust appears on the surface. Cool the finished casserole slightly and cut into portions. The casserole can be prepared from one potato mass without minced meat.

When serving, a piece of casserole is placed on a plate and topped with sour cream or red sauce.

(Potatoes 213, milk 30, eggs ¼, rice cereal 15, onions 12, parsley 5, butter 5, sour cream 5. Yield 200.)

Carrot casserole with apples and rice cereal. The cereal is boiled in a large amount of water, the liquid is drained, and the cereal is seasoned with butter. Apples are peeled and seeded and cut into strips. The carrots are chopped and simmered in a small amount of milk. Raw eggs are ground with sugar and diluted with milk - a sweet leison is obtained.

Poached carrots are combined with boiled rice, apples and lezon, mixed, and placed on a baking sheet greased with oil. The top of the casserole is moistened with leison. Bake it just like potato casserole.

Serve the casserole (1 piece per serving) with butter or sour cream sauce.

(Carrots 130, milk 40, apples 50, rice cereal 20, sugar 10, butter 10, eggs ¼, sour cream 5. Yield 205.)

For cabbage casserole, the mass is prepared in the same way as for cutlets.

Zucchini baked in sour cream. The pulp and seeds are removed from peeled zucchini, then they are cut into slices or cubes and fried, sprinkled with salt.

Prepare a medium thick sour cream sauce. Place the fried zucchini on a greased baking sheet, pour over sour cream sauce and bake in the oven until a light golden crust appears on the surface and the sauce thickens.

When serving, place the zucchini along with the sauce on a plate and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

(Zucchini 315, butter 10, wheat flour 5, sour cream 20, parsley 5. Yield 190.)

Potato roll. The potato mass is prepared in the same way as for potato cutlets (possibly with the addition of flour). Then they make minced meat: hard-boil the eggs, peel them, and finely chop them. Cauliflower is divided into inflorescences and boiled. Parsley is finely chopped. Canned green peas are simmered in their own juice and drained in a colander. The prepared cauliflower is combined with peas, butter, chopped eggs and herbs are added, and the resulting mixture is mixed.

The potato mass is laid out on a moistened napkin in the form of a rectangular layer 1.5-2 cm thick. Minced meat is placed along the middle of the potato mass. Using a towel, connect the edges of the roll, give it a shape, and carefully transfer it, seam side down, onto a greased baking sheet. The surface of the roll is greased with raw egg or sour cream, sprinkled with grated cheese or breadcrumbs, pierced in the middle in several places so that the roll does not deform during baking, poured with butter and placed in a heated oven. The roll is baked in the same way as a potato casserole.

When serving, the roll is cut crosswise into elongated pieces 2-2.5 cm thick, placed on a plate (1-2 pieces), poured with butter, sauce - sour cream, tomato, etc.

You can prepare a roll with minced meat from sautéed onions and carrots with the addition of eggs or white cabbage and carrots.

(Potatoes 213, cauliflower 80, green peas 10, parsley 5, butter 10, eggs 1/3, wheat flour 5, Dutch cheese 5. Yield 200.)

Cabbage roll. The mass for the roll is prepared in the same way as for cabbage cutlets. For minced meat, boil rice cereal in a large amount of water and drain in a colander. Carrots are cut into small cubes, simmered in water or milk, seasoned with salt and sugar. Seedless raisins are washed and kept in water to swell. Carrots, boiled rice and raisins are combined, mixed, seasoned with butter.

Beetroot roll. The beets are boiled in their skins, peeled, passed through a meat grinder, placed in a saucepan, and milk is added. The resulting mass is heated to a boil, semolina is gradually introduced into it and boiled with stirring for 7-10 minutes. Then it is cooled to 50 ° C, raw eggs are added and mixed.

Either jam, or fresh apples with cottage cheese, or boiled rice with raisins are used as minced meat.

A beet roll is shaped and baked in the same way as a potato roll. When serving, pour over butter.

Pumpkin and apple pudding. The apples are peeled and seeds cut into thin slices, and the processed pumpkin is cut into medium cubes. Egg yolks are separated from the whites and ground with sugar.

The pumpkin is placed in a bowl and simmered in its own juice until half cooked, then milk is added, brought to a boil, apples are added and the mixture is simmered until soft. After that, semolina is introduced into it, stirring, the mass is boiled for 5-7 minutes at low heat, cooled to 50-60 ° C. Then salt, egg yolks, ground with sugar, are added, and everything is mixed. Beat the whites until a fluffy, stable foam forms, combine with the vegetable mixture and mix carefully so that they do not settle. The pudding is placed on a greased baking sheet, filling the dish to ¾ of the height, poured with oil, and baked in the oven until a small dried crust appears on the surface of the pudding.

Pudding is also prepared from zucchini, cauliflower, carrots and other vegetables.

When serving, cut the slightly cooled pudding into pieces (1 per serving), pour over butter, sour cream or milk sauce.

(Pumpkin 155, apples 65, milk 40, semolina 20, eggs ¼, butter 10, sugar 10. Yield 200/5.)

Beetroot soufflé. The beets are boiled in their skins, cooled, peeled, rubbed or minced. Prepare a milk sauce of medium thickness. The yolks of raw eggs are separated from the whites, ground with sugar, and the whites are whipped into a fluffy foam. Combine the beets with the sauce and yolks, mix, add the whites and carefully stir the mass again.

The soufflé is placed in greased molds or on a baking sheet and baked in an oven or steamed (in a steam box or in a water bath). The finished slightly cooled soufflé is taken out or cut into portions, placed on a plate (1 piece or 1 piece), poured with butter or milk sauce.

Soufflé is also prepared from individual types of other vegetables (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin) or from a mixture of several vegetables.

(Beetroot 200, milk 70, butter 10, eggs ¼, wheat flour 10, sugar 5. Yield 200/5.)

Cabbage baked with milk sauce. White cabbage is cut into pieces, cauliflower is divided into individual inflorescences, placed in boiling salted water and cooked until tender, then placed in a colander to drain the broth.

Prepare a milk sauce of medium thickness and combine it with cabbage and mix. The resulting mixture is placed in an even layer on a greased baking sheet, sprinkled with grated cheese on top, poured with butter and baked in the oven until the sauce thickens and a light, dried crust appears.

When serving, cabbage is divided into portions, placed on a plate, and sprinkled with butter or milk sauce. Cabbage can be baked and released in portioned pans.

Stuffed cabbage rolls. The process of preparing cabbage rolls consists of preparing cabbage, preparing minced meat, molding semi-finished products, heat treatment, and serving.

The stalks are removed from a whole head of cabbage. Then the head of cabbage is boiled in salted water, cooled, divided into leaves, and their thickened part is beaten or cut off.

Minced meat is prepared either from vegetables alone, or from vegetables, or from vegetables with cereals (rice, buckwheat). To do this, eggs are hard-boiled and chopped, vegetables are finely chopped or cut into strips. Then the onions are sautéed, carrots are poached, combined with eggs, chopped parsley or spinach and salt are added. Minced meat can be prepared without onions.

Another option for stuffing cabbage rolls is also possible: boil rice crumbly porridge and combine it with minced vegetables. You can add a raw egg into it. To prepare minced meat with buckwheat, boil crumbly buckwheat porridge and combine it with sautéed onions and chopped eggs.

Any minced meat is placed on prepared cabbage leaves and their edges are folded, giving the products a rectangular shape. Semi-finished stuffed cabbage rolls are placed on a heated baking sheet with oil, fried on both sides until a light crust appears, poured with sour cream sauce, sprinkled with oil and baked in an oven at a temperature of 220-240 ° C for 15-20 minutes.

When serving, cabbage rolls are placed on a plate (2 pieces per serving), poured with sour cream sauce, sprinkled with herbs.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are also stewed in sour cream sauce with tomato, without frying.

(White cabbage 180, carrots 50, onions 15, parsley 7, rice cereal 25, eggs ¼, wheat flour 5, butter 10, sour cream 15. Yield 200.)

Stuffed zucchini. Zucchini prepared for stuffing is placed in boiling salted water and cooked for 3-5 minutes, then removed from the water, cooled and filled with minced meat.

The minced meat consists of boiled rice combined with sautéed onions, chopped parsley, and raw or boiled eggs. You can add poached carrots. Minced meat is also prepared without boiled rice, but with the addition of boiled white cabbage or cauliflower.

A baking sheet is greased with oil, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, zucchini is placed on it, poured with sour cream sauce or sour cream sauce with tomato, sprinkled with grated cheese, and poured with oil. Zucchini is baked in the oven until the sauce thickens and a light, dried crust appears on their surface.

When serving, zucchini (1-2 pieces per serving) are placed on a plate, poured over the sauce with which they were baked, or butter, and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Stuffed tomatoes. Ripe but firm medium-sized tomatoes are prepared for stuffing.

For minced meat, boil fluffy rice, saute chopped onion, and finely chop parsley. Season the rice with raw eggs, add onion and parsley and mix. The tomatoes are filled with minced meat, placed in a greased frying pan or baking sheet, poured with butter and baked in the oven.

When serving, tomatoes (1-2 pcs.) are placed on a plate and poured with sour cream or milk sauce.

§ 30. Requirements for the quality of vegetable dishes. Their shelf life

Boiled and stewed vegetables should be well peeled, soft, and of the correct shape. Their color corresponds to this type of vegetable; the potatoes are slightly yellowed. Boiled cabbage should be without a steamed smell and have a soft consistency. Potatoes may be partially boiled. Vegetables with milk sauce should not have the smell of burnt milk.

Vegetable purees have a delicate, uniform consistency, without pieces of ungrated vegetables, the color is characteristic of this type of vegetable. White-orange mashed potatoes with carrots have the taste of these vegetables and butter.

Fried vegetables have a uniform cut shape, soft consistency, and a slightly browned crust on the surface ranging from dark yellow to light brown. Fried products from vegetable mass must be of the correct shape, have a loose, uniform consistency, be free of cracks and rolled breading, and have a golden brown crust on the surface. The color of the products on the cut corresponds to the color of the vegetable mass.

The stewed vegetables have the same cut shape, the potatoes are partially boiled. The consistency of vegetables is soft, cabbage is elastic. The color corresponds to the type of vegetables used, but color changes to brown are allowed. Stewed vegetables should not have the smell of steamed vegetables.

Baked vegetables have a golden brown crust on the surface. Casseroles, puddings, souffles - with a smooth surface, without cracks or kinks. In products with minced meat, the minced meat is distributed evenly. Their consistency is soft, while that of puddings and soufflés is delicate. The taste of the products is characteristic of this type of vegetable. Before baking, some products are poured with sauce so that it lies on the surface in an even layer.

Vegetable dishes and side dishes are prepared before serving and are not subjected to long-term storage, since during storage their nutritional value is lost, taste and appearance deteriorate. In case of emergency, vegetable dishes are stored hot on a steam table for no more than 1.5-2 hours, boiled cabbage, corn, peas - up to 30 minutes.

Test questions and assignments

1. What is the importance of vegetable dishes in children's nutrition?

2. How do vitamins change when vegetables are cooked?

3. Why do vegetables soften during cooking?

5. How are vegetable dishes classified according to methods of heat treatment?

6. List boiled dishes and side dishes made from vegetables.

7. How is mashed potato prepared and used?

8. What are the rules for poaching vegetables?

9. How is potato mass prepared? What products are made from this mass?

10. Make a technological scheme for preparing carrot cutlets.

11. Calculate how much food is needed to prepare 50 servings of zucchini pancakes.

12. How is stewed cabbage prepared and used?

13. Make a technological scheme for preparing potato roll.

14. How is beet soufflé prepared?

15. How are dishes prepared from stuffed vegetables - zucchini and tomatoes?

16. How are cabbage rolls prepared and served?

4 meals a day

A child of this age should eat 4 times a day - this will allow him to form the right eating habits and follow a daily routine.

At breakfast, the baby should receive 25% of the total daily ration, at lunch - 35%, at dinner - 25%, and in the afternoon - 15%. This distribution will teach him to continue to eat properly.

Food structure

Now that the child already has significantly more teeth, it is not necessary to wipe or grind food in a blender; it will be enough to mash it with a fork or grate it on a coarse grater.

Soft foods such as bananas, berries, soft bread can be given whole, cut into slices.

Meat can now be offered not only in the form of puree or souffle, but also cutlets, meatballs and meatballs.

Heat treatment

Fried foods are still unacceptable in the diet. It doesn’t matter what we are talking about, meat, cereals or vegetables, we steam them.

So, let's look at specific examples of what breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner should look like for children aged 1.5 years.


As we remember, it should be quite high in calories, protein and carbohydrates. It is optimal to cook porridge with milk or water.

Children's menus from 1.5 years old may include oatmeal, wheat porridge, buckwheat and millet. They are the most useful. As for rice, it is better to cook it less often, since unpolished, that is, brown, is still rough for the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, and white is less healthy.

We offer you several sample breakfast options.

Option I - porridge


Let's prepare milk millet porridge. The serving should be approximately 150 – 170 ml.

To prepare the most healthy porridge, you need to cook it as little as possible, and for this you just need to soak the cereal for a few hours or overnight. Millet is the densest and most difficult to boil, so it makes sense to soak it in the evening.

  • Pour 2 tbsp. cereals and leave overnight.
  • In the morning, we wash the cereal, fill it with clean water so that it covers the millet by less than half a finger, add salt and put it on the fire.
  • As soon as the porridge boils, add 2 tbsp. milk, add 1 tsp. sugar and cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  • Turn off the finished porridge, let it stand under the lid for 5 - 10 minutes and serve. You can add 1 tsp per serving. butter.

Instead of sugar, you can use jam or preserves as a sweetener, but it is better to avoid honey for now - it is too allergenic.


Buckwheat is the most simple side dish that first comes to mind for every housewife. And it is still relevant for baby food! After all, buckwheat contains protein that is complete in amino acid composition. And also a large amount of vitamins and useful microelements (for example, in iron content it is not inferior to fish or red meat).


Another popular all-time side dish is potatoes. There are a lot of options for dishes from it: mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes with herbs, jacket potatoes, baked potatoes. It is rich in potassium and is good for children's health. The only taboo is on fried potatoes and french fries!


As you know, any type of cabbage (white cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower) is a wonderful side dish for meat. But broccoli is a real record holder for health benefits. If you persuade your child to try a new dish once (alas, for some reason the appearance of broccoli often turns kids off!), he will ask for it again and again.


To make side dishes for children as varied as possible, don’t be afraid to experiment with exotic vegetables. For example, with rutabaga (which was not exotic at all under Peter the Great!). This vegetable is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, which is not destroyed in it even during heat treatment! The rutabaga satay or casserole should please the child's taste.

Vegetable stew

In the summer, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables, it is better not to limit yourself to a single side dish, but to prepare it from several vegetables. Vegetable stew made from eggplant, zucchini, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and carrots not only looks beautiful and bright on the plate, but also has a pleasant taste.

Beet caviar

Another very healthy vegetable for baby food is beets. But not raw, but boiled or stewed. Simply boiling beets is not enough to whet a child's appetite. But beet caviar (stewed beet slices with carrots, onions and tomatoes) is a wonderful addition to a cutlet or chop.

Green pea

In classic English literature, it is no coincidence that little lords are often offered green peas as a side dish for lunch. Firstly, like other members of the legume family, this is a very filling side dish. Secondly, beneficial vitamins and minerals are preserved in it even in canned form.

Sea kale

For children living in regions poor in iodine content, seaweed will be an excellent side dish for both meat and fish. Salad from it can be purchased today in ready-made form. Or you can make it yourself by adding chopped onions, carrots and olive oil dressing.

Diet of a one and a half year old child

The diet of children after one and a half years includes 5 meals. Three of them are main and two are snacks. Some kids refuse second breakfast and switch to 4 meals a day with a 4-hour break between meals. Whatever the baby’s habits, the main thing is to invite him to the table at a strictly allotted time. This will develop a food reflex and create favorable conditions for digesting food.

Baby's diet after one year

When choosing food for a child after one year, you should give preference to light dietary products. Children's menus must include porridge, light soups, fermented milk dishes, fish and meat cutlets. To season dishes, use vegetable oil and low-fat sour cream. It is allowed to add salt, herbs, and ground pepper.

Porridge, vegetables, meat on the menu

Porridge can be served every day, at any time. The most valuable of them are oatmeal and buckwheat, which contain many useful microelements. Rice is well digested, but it should be limited if you are prone to constipation. Less popular corn and millet porridges are a source of silicon, calcium and phosphorus. You can also offer barley, which contains iron and potassium, and pearl barley is introduced after three years.

Vegetables and fruits can be given every day, in any form. They contain fiber, which prevents constipation and promotes easy digestion. Summer is the best time for light salads. Baked vegetables and mashed potatoes are suitable as a side dish at any time of the year.

The children's menu should not only be varied, but interesting and beautiful

For cutlets and meatballs, you should use lean meats - turkey, beef, veal. A blender, a double boiler and a slow cooker will help you prepare it. Low-fat fish dishes should be included in the diet at least 2 times a week. A piece of baked fish will provide the body with important amino acids, iodine, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, and phospholipids. However, it should be remembered that fish is a strong allergen.

Potato side dish “Pears”



Prescription purposes

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For lunch:
On the second

On the festive table
For dinner:
For hot dishes


  • 38357

Potatoes baked with seeds “Aromatic”

My family really loves baked potatoes, I constantly collect different recipes and experiment.
The idea for this recipe belongs entirely to me and, as they say: all coincidences are accidental.


Potatoes Sunflower oil Garlic Soy sauce Salt Seasoning Sunflower seeds

Prescription purposes

Competition recipes:
Competition “With all my heart!”

For lunch:
On the second

For dinner:
For hot dishes

Special food:
Lenten nutrition


  • 34733

PotatoesSunflower oilGarlicSoy sauceSaltSeasoningSunflower seeds

Potatoes “Delicious”

There are a great variety of potato dishes! This is one of the options to diversify your daily lunch or dinner, as an option for serving a side dish on the holiday table. It's a shame that the photos can't do justice to the scent! The recipe was seen in “Good Morning” on Channel 1. Elena Chekalova offers it as “Warm Potato Salad”.


Potatoes Olive oil Herbs Garlic Salt

Prescription purposes

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For lunch:
On the second

For the holiday table:

For dinner:
For hot dishes

Unexpected guests:
For hot dishes


  • 48451

PotatoesOlive oilGreensGarlicSalt

Potatoes baked with ginger and garlic

Very tasty baked potatoes that you simply can’t stop eating! Fragrant, with a crust. It's very easy to prepare. In our family it was just a hit of the past winter; I cooked such potatoes once, or even twice a week for sure. And it doesn’t get boring! Suitable for meat, chicken and fish. Finally, I hasten to show you.


Potatoes Ginger Garlic Vegetable oil Honey Salt Black pepper

Prescription purposes

For lunch:
On the second

On nature
For dinner:
For hot dishes

Unexpected guests:
For hot dishes


  • 38238

PotatoesGingerGarlicVegetable oilHoneySaltBlack pepper

Potatoes with sour cream and cheese sauce

Finger-licking deliciousness... Especially for potato lovers


Potatoes Onion Sour cream Suluguni cheese Pepperoni pepper Black pepper Vegetable oil Green onion

Prescription purposes

For children
For lunch
Unexpected guests


  • 57585

Potatoes Onion Sour cream Suluguni cheese Pepperoni Black pepper Vegetable oil Green onion

Fried potatoes “From Dad”

We all love fried potatoes. And every family has its own secret for preparing this simple and very tasty dish. When I first came to visit my future husband’s parents, my dad fried us a huge frying pan of potatoes. I still remember that taste! And I cook this way very often now. I was surprised when I didn’t find such a recipe on the site. And I remembered Yura’s comment (xmxm) “Now I’ll check everything, even how I fry potatoes.” So with this recipe I want to say thank you to Yura for reminding me of my favorite potatoes. Help yourself!


Potatoes White cabbage Onions Sunflower oil Salt

Prescription purposes

For lunch:
On the second

For dinner:
For hot dishes

Unexpected guests


  • 23118

Potatoes White cabbage Onions Sunflower oil Salt

Country-style potatoes

This is my 50th dish on the site. For the “anniversary” you are supposed to prepare a cake, but I don’t have a sweet tooth. I prefer salty, spicy, sour and kebab. But I’ll post my original kebab when we go to it this year, and today I’m treating you to potatoes from my favorite show “Spice.” Maybe there is one on the site, but I honestly searched and couldn’t find it. You need to tinker with these potatoes, but the result is worth it. In general, girls, boys, please love and favor: peasant-style potatoes!


Corn flour Dill Wheat flour Sunflower oil Water Garlic Chicken egg Salt Potatoes Black pepper

Prescription purposes

Competition recipes:
Competition “Recipe for the perfect picnic”

For breakfast:
Hearty breakfast

For lunch:
On the second

On the festive table
On nature
For dinner:
For hot dishes


  • 76436

Corn flour Dill Wheat flour Sunflower oil Water Garlic Chicken egg Salt Potatoes Black pepper

Potatoes in a fur coat with curd sauce


Potatoes Bread crumbs Sweet paprika Salt Allspice Red hot pepper Cumin Olive oil Curd cheese Green onion Garlic Thyme

Prescription purposes

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For lunch:
On the second

For dinner:
For hot dishes

Unexpected guests:
For hot dishes


  • 15544

Potatoes Bread crumbs Sweet paprika Salt Allspice Red hot pepper Cumin Olive oil Curd cheese Green onion Garlic Thyme

Duke's potatoes

15 years ago I was given Elvira Medzhitova’s book “Russian Cuisine”, in it I first saw potatoes served in this form, and recently I learned that these potato things have such a beautiful name. Delicious, beloved mashed potatoes in “evening makeup”, so elegant that they are worthy of a Duke’s table. And delicious, because it is prepared according to a special recipe.
From a collection of cooking video recipes.


Potatoes Butter Chicken egg Salt Nutmeg

Prescription purposes

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For breakfast:
Hearty breakfast

For lunch:
On the second
/ For a snack

For the holiday table:
February 23
/ March 8
/ Valentine's Day
/ Birthday
/ New Year
/ Easter
/ Christmas

For dinner:
For hot dishes
/ For a snack

Unexpected guests:
For hot dishes
/ For a snack

Special food:
For pregnant and lactating women


  • 27582

Potatoes Butter Chicken egg Salt Nutmeg

Potato fans with cheese

An excellent side dish for various dishes


Potatoes Butter Salt White pepper Hard cheese Dill

Prescription purposes

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For lunch:
On the second

For dinner:
For hot dishes

Unexpected guests:
For hot dishes


  • 54508

Potatoes Butter Salt White pepper Hard cheese Dill

His Majesty's side dish

Hello! I want to devote the first day of Star Week to side dishes. I bring to your attention a variety of their options, which are an integral part of a full dinner. Choose according to your taste!


Butter Vegetable oil Herbs Sun-dried tomatoes Potatoes Beans Corn Bell pepper Garlic Red onion Eggplant Beets Sugar Water Salt Chili pepper Vinegar

Prescription purposes

Star recipes
For lunch:
On the second

For dinner:
For a snack


  • 32816

ButterVegetable oilGreensSun-dried tomatoesPotatoesBeansCorn Bell pepperGarlicRed onionEggplantBeetsSugarWaterSaltChili pepperVinegar

Potatoes with cheese

Do you like potatoes, friends? We can't live without cheese either! The recipe is of course for us! Everything will be great, just great! I know for sure, tender, juicy, creamy and cheesy! Let's prepare the dish urgently! Delicious obviously! It will melt on your lips, everyone should like it! Dear ones, I assure you that he will remain in K.K.!


Potatoes Brynza Butter Wheat flour Chicken egg Spices

Prescription purposes

For children:
For breakfast
/ For lunch
/ For dinner

For breakfast:
Hearty breakfast

For lunch:
On the second
/ For a snack

For afternoon tea
For dinner:
For hot dishes
/ For a snack

Unexpected guests:
For hot dishes
/ For a snack


  • 27497

Potatoes Cheese cheese Butter Wheat flour Chicken egg Spices

Knight sausages

If you, like me, love lard, then this recipe is for you. Fragrant potato sausages with lard and sauerkraut – once you try one, you won’t be able to stop.


Potatoes White onion Lard Sauerkraut Egg yolk Cream Black pepper Nutmeg Salt Potato starch Butter

Prescription purposes

For breakfast:
Hearty breakfast

For lunch:
On the second
/ For a snack

For dinner:
For hot dishes
/ For a snack


  • 26467

Potatoes White onion Lard Sauerkraut Egg yolk Cream Black pepper Nutmeg Salt Potato starch Butter

Potato “Accordion”

There are only potato lovers in my family. Therefore, when you see a new dish with your beloved, your hands reach out to cook. The idea for preparing this dish was taken from the November issue of the magazine “Blik. Cooking.”


Potatoes Brisket Onion Garlic Vegetable oil Salt Seasoning

Prescription purposes

For lunch:
On the second

On the festive table
For dinner:
For hot dishes


  • 36760

Potatoes Brisket Onion Garlic Vegetable oil Salt Seasoning

Crispy side dish rice “Rice for rice”

I bring to your attention an unusual way, thanks to which you can quickly and easily prepare fluffy white rice of any kind, precisely “rice to grain”. Just three minutes of active boiling, salt, butter, and then your pan will do everything itself. All you have to do is serve this wonderful side dish, each grain of rice is enveloped in oil and shimmers like a pearl. This is delicious. Our family has been preparing rice using this recipe for many years. Try it too.


Rice Water Butter Salt

Prescription purposes

Competition recipes:
Competition “Basics of Cooking”

For lunch:
On the second

For dinner:
For hot dishes


  • 68310


Cabbage on the side


Sweet paprika Thyme Vegetable oil Onion White cabbage Basil Salt

Prescription purposes

For lunch:
On the second

For dinner:
For hot dishes

Special food:
Lenten nutrition


  • 110027

Sweet paprikaThymeVegetable oilOnion White cabbageBasilSalt

Amazing pearl barley garnish

Traditionally, the side dish is not given much importance - it is prepared quickly and simply... so as not to bother. I suggest diversifying your diet a little and preparing an amazingly tasty and healthy side dish. Dedicated to everyone who cares about their health and figure.


Salt Vegetable oil Carrots Onions Water Pearl barley Tomato

Prescription purposes

For lunch:
On the second

For dinner:
For hot dishes

Special food:
For pregnant and lactating women
/ For diet
/ Lenten nutrition


  • 226590

SaltVegetable oilCarrotOnionWater Pearl barleyTomato

Stuffed cauliflower with vegetable garnish

The cauliflower had been lying around for a week now and couldn’t wait in the wings. And finally she found a place on our table and in our stomach)))
Cauliflower is a very tasty side dish for any meat and fish dishes, and if you use a little imagination, it will not only be very tasty, but will also please the eye on the table.
Cabbage baked with meat, and as a side dish - vegetables with mushrooms in sour cream.


Cauliflower Minced meat Onion Garlic Potatoes Cream Vegetable oil Salt Sweet paprika Seasoning Mix of peppers Parsley Butter Bell pepper Carrot Tomato Champignons Sour cream Spices Chicken egg Milk Parmesan Breadcrumbs

Prescription purposes

For lunch:
On the second

On the festive table
For dinner:
For hot dishes


  • 95506

Cauliflower Minced meat Onion Garlic Potatoes Cream Vegetable oil Salt Sweet paprika Seasoning Mixed peppers Parsley Butter Bell pepper Carrot Tomato Champignons Sour cream Spices Chicken egg Milk Parmesan Breadcrumbs

Side dish “Tomato rice with cheese”

I would like to bring to your attention a very tasty, easy to prepare, but at the same time very unusual side dish! Plus, it looks beautiful! I invite you!


Rice Butter Tomato paste Hard cheese Salt Black pepper

Prescription purposes

For children:
For breakfast
/ For lunch
/ For dinner

For breakfast:
Quick breakfast
/ Hearty breakfast

For lunch:
/ For the second
/ For a snack

For afternoon tea
For the holiday table:
February 23
/ March 8
/ Valentine's Day
/ Birthday
/ New Year
/ Easter
/ Christmas

For dinner:
For hot dishes
/ For a snack

Unexpected guests:
For hot dishes


  • 30223

RiceButterTomato pasteHard cheeseSaltBlack pepper

Fried rice on the side

The rice turns out crumbly, one to one. It always works out! If you want aromatic rice with oriental notes, add spices (I’ll write which ones in the recipe). This time I cooked without adding spices, since this side dish was served with chicken curry, and it is already spicy in itself.
Recipe source: Aunt Masha (Miriam) from the culinary club.


Rice Water Salt Vegetable oil Spices

Prescription purposes

For lunch:
On the second

On the festive table
For dinner:
For hot dishes

Unexpected guests


A delicious and tender dish for the weekend! A side dish of white rice and mushrooms, stewed in cream, is covered with a delicate blanket of trout! Real jam!


Rice Champignons Cream Onion Trout Salt Vegetable oil

Prescription purposes

For lunch:
On the second

On the festive table
For dinner:
For hot dishes


  • 104171

RiceChampignonsCreamOnionTroutSaltVegetable oil

Potato side dish “Pears”

One of the options for a side dish of potatoes))).. Easy to prepare.. and will greatly decorate your dish.. and the table))... And again, I think about the kids... they will really like potatoes in this form)))


Chicken egg Bay leaf Breadcrumbs Salt Potatoes

Prescription purposes

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For lunch:
On the second

On the festive table
For dinner:
For hot dishes


  • 38357

Chicken egg Bay leaf Breadcrumbs Salt Potatoes

Festive potato side dish

I offer you an interesting, tasty, very effective and simple potato side dish. For salad, chicken and any of your favorite dishes! Watch and try for your health, dear cooks.


Potatoes Mozzarella Garlic Thyme Butter Salt Black Pepper

Prescription purposes

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For lunch:
On the second
/ For a snack

For afternoon tea
For dinner:
For hot dishes
/ For a snack

Unexpected guests:
For hot dishes
/ For a snack


  • 22837

PotatoesMozzarellaGarlicThymeButterSaltBlack Pepper

