Pu'er tea - beneficial properties and contraindications. Pu-erh tea beneficial properties and contraindications Pu-erh tea beneficial properties and contraindications

Pu-erh is a variety of real original tea. It has a large number of interesting and pleasant taste qualities. In addition, this drink has many benefits. Thanks to it, a person feels cheerful and gets rid of stress. This article will talk about Pu-erh tea, its effect, and customer reviews. Here you can find a lot of interesting information about this product.

Puer tea: beneficial properties

Due to the fact that the drink has a subtle resinous taste, it is called smoked. It has many useful properties. This drink is considered one of the most expensive in its price category.

Currently, Chinese Pu-erh tea can be bought in any supermarket. It is sold in loose, compressed and tablet form. One of the advantages of this product is that it does not have any special storage requirements.

Pu-erh tea's beneficial properties are considered unique. The drink has a tonic effect and invigorates better than coffee. In Pu-erh tea, the benefits and harms are not combined in equal proportions. The second category will be discussed in more detail in the next section.

It is also used for weight loss. The drink helps improve memory and concentrate better. It is also used in the treatment of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Regular consumption of Chinese Pu-erh tea will help you forget about health problems.

The drink helps improve performance. Therefore, if you have an important exam or report, do not forget to drink a cup of tea before it.

One of the advantages of this product is that it helps remove waste and toxins from the body, and also burns fat. The process of losing weight happens at lightning speed. At the same time, the effect of it remains for a long time.

It is also recommended to use this type of tea for those who have problems with high blood pressure and liver. It cleanses the body of accumulated debris.

An interesting fact is that it helps to remove a person from alcohol intoxication. It is also considered beneficial for diabetics, since regular consumption of this drink can lower blood sugar levels.

What harm can there be from the drink?

Pu-erh tea has contraindications. You should also know them. Otherwise, significant harm to human health can be caused.

The drink should not be consumed by pregnant women, as it contains a substance such as theophylline. The last component contributes to an increase in body temperature, which, of course, is undesirable for pregnant women.

One of the disadvantages of this product is that it helps to actively produce gastric juice. Thus, it should not be drunk by people with gastritis and ulcers.

It should also not be given to a child. Since it is not entirely known how a child’s body may react to the components of the drink.

What pu-erh tea brings - benefit or harm - to a person depends on the individual characteristics of each person’s body.

How to brew a drink in tablets correctly?

This product is sold in three versions. It can be purchased in tablet form, compressed and loose.

Each of the people who purchase it is probably wondering how to properly brew pu-erh tea. Proper preparation of the drink will preserve all its beneficial properties.

Pu-erh tea tablets are one of the most common types of product in supermarkets. A properly brewed drink should be quite thick with a caramel flavor.

To begin, knead the tablet and pour boiling water into the teapot. This water should then be drained. This process will ensure that the tea petals are cleansed of any dirt that has accumulated in them.

Afterwards hot boiled water is poured in. The drink needs to steep for about four minutes. Then you can already use it. You can drink this tea all day long. If it runs out, you can add more boiling water to the teapot. However, the taste of the drink will not change in any way.

How to properly prepare pressed tea?

This product is sold in tile form. It may have patterns or symbols on it. Also, when brewing tea in tablets from pressed tea, you need to break off a piece and add it to the cup. Pour boiling water over it, rinse and drain. Then pour water again at 95 degrees and enjoy the drink.

There is also another way to brew tea. To do this, you no longer need to rinse anything. You just need to pour boiling water over the pressed tea and let it brew for two minutes.

Unlike the type of product considered, the infusion time for this one must be increased each time.

How to properly brew a loose product?

This tea is very similar to regular tea. And unlike previous types, it does not scare off buyers with its unusualness.

So how to brew pu-erh tea correctly in this case? For this you will need a glass teapot. You need to put a couple of spoons of tea there. Then pour a small amount of hot boiled water into the container. After shaking the teapot, the liquid will need to be poured out. All this is done to ensure that the tea is cleansed and moisturized.

Afterwards boiling water is poured into the container. The drink should steep for three minutes. If you want to get a stronger drink, then the amount of time for this process should increase. Tea is drunk without sugar or other additives.

At what temperature should the product be brewed?

Pu-erh is an unusual drink. You must follow the rules for its correct preparation, and only in this case will you be able to appreciate not only the beneficial properties of this product, but also its taste.

This tea can be brewed several times in a row. It tastes almost the same every time I brew it. But there is an opinion that the effect of Pu-erh tea, according to customer reviews, is achieved with its sixth infusion.

Also, as you may have noticed, according to the rules, the first brew needs to be drained. In addition, you need to prepare tea at the right temperature. So, boiling water at 91-96 degrees is considered the best. It is the most optimal. At this temperature, the tea should steep for about three to four minutes.

How long does it take to brew a drink?

Pu-erh tea is considered one of those products that requires very little time to develop all its flavor qualities. It all depends on the type of product. So, it is believed that it will take 25 seconds to 4 minutes for pu-erh tea to brew. As mentioned, each variety requires different cooking methods.

Usually, due to the fact that tea leaves are stored for a long time, they tend to accumulate dirt and dust. This is the reason why tea is washed with boiling water for the first time. This process also allows the moistened leaf to impart color and a lot of flavor.

How many times can this product be brewed?

Due to its unusual way of ripening, tea can produce different flavor profiles with each infusion. The higher the price and quality of a product, the more times it can be brewed.

If when brewing regular tea again, for example, for the fifth time, we get clear water, then when preparing pu-erh it will not look like that at all. So, the last type of product can be prepared again from five to twenty-one times. But it should be remembered that with each infusion, the brewing time should be increased.

Puer tea: effect, customer reviews

Having studied the opinions of people who have ever purchased this product, we can say that they are mixed.

So, some say that they didn’t like him right away. But when they tried it for the third time, they liked the tea. Its tonic properties are largely noted.

Other buyers do not report any positive effects from the product. But they also don’t see the negative side of it.

Still others say that pu-erh tea is more interesting to drink hot. But regular consumption of this drink is boring for them. However, buyers do not deny that it can be drunk not every day, but as an original variety.

To summarize the above, we can say that, according to reviews, Pu-erh tea has a varied effect. But still he exists. And many people note this. Remember that there are contraindications for drinking this drink. Therefore, if you have any health problems, consult your doctor.

The benefits and harms of Pu-erh tea is a question of interest to all fans of a healthy lifestyle and healthy oriental teas. In order to give an answer, it is necessary to carefully study the composition and properties of the drink.

Production and origin of Puer tea

Pu'er's homeland is China, although this tea is currently grown in Vietnam, Thailand, and other countries of the world. Initially, the raw materials for the drink were collected only from a special large-leaved tea tree that grew in the Chinese province of Yunnan. Nowadays tea is also obtained from the leaves of ordinary tea trees.

The uniqueness of tea is due to its production technology:

  1. First, the collected leaves are slightly withered, rolled, and then fermented - that is, they are moistened and left to lie for a period of 50 to 100 days.
  2. Then the fermented tea is dried and pressed into different forms - briquettes, tablets, cakes.
  3. Then they let it sit for at least another year, otherwise the drink will not acquire its delicate taste and beneficial properties.

Pu-erh is a unique tea that only gets better with long storage. Of course, the tea that can be found in regular stores is not aged for long - a few years at most. But the aging period of a collectible drink can be 10-20 years, and its valuable properties only gain strength.

Types and varieties of Puer tea

There are only three main types of drink:

  1. Black Shu-Pu'er is a dark-colored drink with pleasant chocolate notes in the aroma.
  2. Green Shen Puer- a drink of translucent light green color with a sweetish aroma reminiscent of raisins, dates and prunes. Shen Puer tastes slightly sour, with a sweet aftertaste.
  3. White Puer - resembles Shen Puer, but has a whitish tint to the leaves, and smells of honey and meadow grass.

Any type of drink must belong to one of three types. And the varieties are mainly distinguished as follows:

  1. Royal - the raw materials for production are the top leaves of the tea tree. Usually undergoes a process of normal, non-accelerated fermentation over many years. It gives a different effect depending on the strength of the brew; weak royal tea relaxes, strong tea tones.
  2. Dvortsovy is an elite variety with long aging and double fermentation. It has a complex, rich aroma and taste with woody, grape, nutty and chocolate notes.
  3. Milk is a white drink with a slightly caramel taste and aroma, not as specific as other varieties.

Tea is also divided by shape - it can be pressed into pancakes and flat squares, in the shape of a bowl or mushroom, brick or pumpkin.

Chemical composition and calorie content of Puer tea

The main value of the drink lies in its rich composition. Each sip of any Pu-erh contains:

  • all essential vitamins - C and E, A and P, PP, vitamins B;
  • elements iron, potassium, fluorine, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium;
  • more than 15 amino acids;
  • organic acids;
  • polyphenols and alkaloids;
  • tannins and vegetable protein.

The calorie content of 100 g of the product is about 152 calories, with 20 g of the total amount being occupied by proteins, another 7 g by carbohydrates, and 5 g by fats.

Benefits of Pu-erh tea for men and women

Regardless of the type and variety, the drink has the following beneficial properties:

  • regulates blood pressure and has a tonic effect - this is the special benefit of green Pu-erh;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the body and improves digestion;
  • serves as a prevention of oncology;
  • removes waste, toxins and heavy metals from the body, reduces harm to the liver and blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels.

The benefit of Pu-erh for women is that the tea helps take care of your figure - thanks to its cleansing properties, the drink promotes effective weight loss.

And the benefit of Pu-erh for men lies in the fact that regular consumption of the drink has a beneficial effect on potency and prevents the development of prostate tumors. Tea is also used to get rid of a hangover; it quickly relieves intoxication and discomfort.

What are the benefits of Pu-erh tea?

For some body systems this tea will be especially beneficial. The drink has the best effect on digestion and blood vessels; it is also good for the brain, as it improves attention and concentration.

For weight loss

Pu-erh is one of the best drinks for those who want to quickly lose weight and not gain those extra pounds back. Tea speeds up metabolism, reduces appetite, and helps break down fatty tissue, so drinking Pu-erh to lose weight is very useful. Excess weight goes away in a short time and subsequently does not return.

For digestion

Pu-erh is a unique tea that does not increase stomach acidity. Therefore, you can use it even for ulcers and gastritis. It helps with heartburn, sluggish stomach, poisoning, colitis and duodenitis. Tea promotes normal digestion of food and helps normalize the bowel movement process.

At low pressure

Does Pu-erh raise or lower blood pressure? The tonic properties of the drink are very useful for hypotensive people. Tea raises blood pressure, without causing harm to the body, and restores vigor and physical strength.

For the circulatory system

With regular use, Pu-erh qualitatively improves blood composition: reduces “bad” cholesterol and sugar levels, removes toxins and harmful substances.

For the nervous system

A high-quality drink has an excellent tonic effect. Pu-erh tea invigorates even better than coffee and tea, but does not harm the body. The drink helps you focus and concentrate, improves clarity of thoughts.

Is it possible to use Pu-erh during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Unfortunately, for pregnant women, the beneficial properties of tea will most likely be detrimental. Pu-erh is a tonic and diuretic drink, so it can negatively affect the quality of sleep, worsen the general condition of a woman, and even lead to miscarriage.

The same applies to the lactation period - the invigorating properties of tea can harm the baby and negatively affect the nervous system. It is better to return a healthy drink to your diet no earlier than 4 months after giving birth.

Can children drink Puer tea?

In some cases, a tonic drink may be valuable for teenagers. For example, Pu-erh and black teas are very useful for schoolchildren during periods of intense intellectual stress.

However, Pu-erh can be offered to children for the first time no earlier than 6 years old, and even then it is very weak and in small quantities, no more than a cup per day. Pu-erh, brewed in the usual way, is allowed to be introduced into the children's diet only after 12 years.

Attention! Before offering your child invigorating tea, you should consult a pediatrician about whether the properties of the drink will harm the child’s body.

How to brew Pu-erh correctly at home

Chinese tonic tea is sold in several forms: loose, pressed, tableted. Depending on the variety, the methods of brewing the drink differ slightly.

Pu-erh tablets

Tablet Pu-erh cannot be brewed immediately. To begin with, the tablet is thoroughly kneaded, placed in a teapot and filled with hot water. After 2 minutes, the water is drained. The first brewing is required to clean the tea petals. After this, Pu-erh is poured with hot water again, left for another 4 minutes and drunk.

Pressed Pu'er

In supermarkets and specialty stores, Pu-erh is often found in briquettes, cakes, bowls and mushrooms, with a uniform surface or embossed patterns and symbols.

In order to brew such tea, you need to break off or cut off a small piece, put it in a cup or small teapot and pour boiling water over it. After 2 minutes, the first cleansing tea is drained, the leaves are again poured with hot, but not boiling water, and the tea is infused for 4 minutes.

Loose Pu'er

Chinese tea is also sold in the loose form familiar to buyers. It is very simple to brew it - you need to pour a couple of teaspoons of Pu-erh into a teapot, pour boiling water over it, rinse and drain the tea leaves. Then, for another 3 minutes, the wet tea is again poured with hot water and poured into cups.

Rules for drinking Puer tea for health benefits

Tips regarding the correct brewing of this drink will help you maximize the benefits of Pu-erh tea. In order for Pu-erh to please you with its delicate taste, you must follow the classic cooking technology:

  • as a rule, only small ceramic or glass teapots with preheated walls are used to brew a drink;
  • It is always recommended to drain the first brew. It is only needed to clean the tea leaves and prepare them for further infusion.

Pu-erh is not brewed for a long time; it takes only half a minute to prepare weak tea; strong Pu-erh is kept for 3-4 minutes before drinking.

At what temperature should Pu-erh be brewed?

Unlike regular tea, it is not customary to pour Puer with boiling water. The optimal water temperature is 90-95 degrees, in this case the tea maximizes its taste and aroma, but does not lose its beneficial properties.

How many times can Pu-erh be brewed?

High-quality Chinese tea can be brewed up to 20 times in a row. True, the infusion time needs to be increased a little each time. The optimal number of brewing cycles for Pu-erh is 5-6 times.

How and when to drink Pu'er tea

If used incorrectly, even healthy Pu-erh can cause harm. There are a few important rules to remember:

  • You should not drink Pu-erh on an empty stomach, otherwise the tonic drink will cause heartburn and cutting pain in the abdomen;
  • Sugar is not added to Pu-erh, since it reduces the benefits of tea and changes its taste properties for the worse;
  • It is not advisable to drink Pu-erh tea at night - the invigorating effect of this drink will be harmful and prevent you from falling asleep peacefully. You can drink a cup of Pu-erh no later than 3 hours before going to bed.

The drink can be brewed not only in hot water, but also in milk. The benefit of Pu-erh with milk is that this tea has an excellent relaxing effect, without dulling attention and concentration.

Advice! The drink should not be abused - it is recommended to drink no more than 2 cups per day.

The benefits and harms of Puer tea for various diseases

Chinese tea not only has a subtle pleasant taste and invigorating properties, but also has a healing effect for certain ailments.

For diabetes

Since high-quality tea lowers blood sugar levels, it is extremely beneficial for both types of diabetes. True, it is not recommended to abuse the drink: the daily norm should be no more than 1 cup. Of course, you cannot add sugar to tea, otherwise the drink will only cause harm.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers

Chinese Pu-erh is the only tea allowed for consumption even during exacerbations of gastritis and ulcers. It does not increase acidity and does not irritate the mucous membranes, so you can consume it half an hour after eating on a full stomach. The benefits of black Pu-erh tea for gastritis will be higher than the benefits of green varieties of the drink.

For cholecystitis

Tea does not cause harm to inflammation of the gallbladder if you drink it in small quantities. It is recommended to drink the drink 20 minutes before meals in the amount of half a glass in small sips.

For pancreatitis

In case of acute inflammation of the pancreas, it is better not to drink the drink and give preference exclusively to water. But a week after the exacerbation is over, Chinese tea can be returned to the diet. However, you need to brew the drink very weakly, and the maximum amount should be 2 cups per day.

Side effects and contraindications

This healthy drink has a number of contraindications and can be harmful in certain diseases. Namely, you can’t drink it:

  • with chronically high blood pressure - hypertension;
  • in case of atherosclerosis, the drink strengthens only healthy blood vessels, but in case of an existing disease there will be no benefit from it;
  • in case of serious heart disease, the tonic effect of the drink can be harmful;
  • for chronic kidney diseases - tea has a strong diuretic effect;
  • for colds - tea does not reduce the temperature, but additionally contributes to its increase;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for glaucoma;
  • with individual intolerance to caffeine, present in small doses in this tea.

Does Puer tea cause allergies?

Pu-erh producers claim that the tonic drink cannot cause allergies. However, practice proves the opposite: some people feel sick even from small portions of the drink, and here we can hardly talk about an overdose. When drinking Chinese tea for the first time, you must be careful and carefully monitor your own body’s reaction to avoid harm.

Is it possible to drink Pu'er tea while driving?

The invigorating properties of the drink and its ability to improve concentration can be very useful for drivers. However, you need to remember precautions: if you drink too much tea, the effect will be similar to being drunk.

Important! Before driving, you should drink no more than 1 cup of Chinese tea, and it is better to do this in advance and on a full stomach.


The benefits and harms of Pu-erh tea depend on how carefully you consume it. If you do not exceed the normal daily dosage and drink tea only after meals, in the absence of contraindications, it will reveal all its beneficial properties and will be very valuable for the body.

In this article we will look at some questions that our clients have repeatedly asked us. Which Pu'er Is Shu or Shen Puer healthier? How is Pu-erh tea different from other teas? What health benefits does Pu-erh tea have?

Tea has the ability to extract useful substances from the earth that have accumulated in it for centuries, and release useful microelements into the infusion. The tea leaf is a real chemical laboratory. Pu-erh tea contains a whole complex of amino acids, vitamins and microelements, which, penetrating into the blood, help maintain the balance of metabolism in the human body.

All teas from the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) have undoubted health benefits as they contain polyphenolic compounds. It should be noted that Pu'er tea contains the same chemicals as green, white, oolong or red tea.

What is unique about Pu-erh tea and what sets it apart from other teas?
For many years, Pu-erh has been promoted primarily as a safe weight loss aid due to its ability to burn fat and improve stomach function. However, the beneficial properties of Pu-erh tea can only be considered as an aid. You should not expect to get any results just from drinking tea. However, tea does have a number of exceptional properties that can be beneficial for achieving active longevity and improving the quality of life.

Pu-erh is made from broad-leaved varieties of the tea bush. Tea leaves have antimicrobial activity, which is considered to have medicinal benefits, including antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Pu-erh tea also has the ability to break down fats, which promotes weight loss and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The chemical composition of tea leaves from broadleaf trees grown in Yunnan province provides the unique aroma and taste of tea, making Pu'er leaves suitable for aging, which helps improve its quality. Puerh begins its life as green tea, only unlike green tea, enzymes remain in Shen Puerh during the processing process (there is no final drying). During the aging process, thanks to these enzymes, Shen Pu'er turns into dark tea. Pu'er is a tea that ages naturally (Shen Pu'er) or artificially (Shu Pu'er) over time. Tea leaves that retain a certain amount of moisture are subject to fermentation, which occurs due to the action of various microorganisms. The unique medicinal properties of Pu-erh tea are associated with the activity of these microorganisms.

Tea (Camellia Sinensis) began to be used for medicinal purposes about 5,000 years ago. It should be noted that Pu-erh from different areas of Yunnan Province will have different chemical composition, the amount of catechins, as well as theine, will vary.

In the 80s of the last century, scientific research was carried out on Puer tea, during which it was proven that the chemical composition of tea leaves of other varieties is significantly inferior to Puer tea leaves from Yunnan province. Tea from this province contains a larger amount of polyphenolic organic compounds, which are powerful antioxidants - epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate.

Catechins are classified as polyphenols. Thanks to their astringent and bitter taste, they also have a great influence on the taste of the drink. Catechins can be divided into three types in free form (catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin) and two types of esterified gallic acid (epicatechin glalate, epigallocatechin gallate). The gallic acid content is most significant in mature Pu-erh.

Microorganisms in Pu-erh tea not only create the final taste of the tea, but also endow it with beneficial properties
During the fermentation process of Pu'er tea, large carbohydrate molecules are broken down into small molecules of soluble sugar. Soluble sugar is the key factor that creates the flavor and body of Pu-erh, often characterized as a “sweet” aroma. Polyphenols in tea are one of the most special and beneficial substances. During fermentation (fermentation), these substances, in the process of biochemical transformations, form a pigment, which gives the liquid a unique red-brown color.

Pu-erh tea contains microorganisms that not only provide it with beneficial properties, but also create a good taste, providing sweetness, softness and a unique aroma in aged Pu-erh teas. In addition, the interaction between these organisms creates beneficial substances that give Pu-erh tea its unique health benefits. The health benefits of Pu-erh tea are the result of microorganisms. The following microorganisms are involved in the fermentation of Puer tea: aspergillus niger, penicillium, rhizopus, aspergillus glaucus, saccharomyces and other bacteria... The latter bacteria are found in Puer in very limited quantities and do not contain pathogenic species. The following microorganisms are mainly involved in the fermentation process of Vodouy: Aspergillus Niger and Saccharomyces ocuppy.

We will mainly consider these two types:

Aspergilius Niger- This is a type of mushroom from a number of lower eukaryotes; it is recognized throughout the world as safe for consumption. These mushrooms play an important role in determining the quality of Pu'er tea. The percentage of aspergillus niger in Pu-erh tea is higher than other microorganisms. During the fermentation process, these microorganisms produce glucomylase, cellulose and pectinase. These three substances can break down many organic compounds, including polysaccharides, proteins, organic fibers, pectin and insoluble carbohydrates, as well as natural fibers. As a result of the breakdown of these substances, monosaccharides, amino acids, hydrated pectin and soluble carbohydrates are released. This allows you to extract beneficial substances from the tea leaf and easily dissolve them. This process underlies the soft, pleasant and rich taste of Pu-erh. This is why aspergillus niger is credited with playing a key role in determining the quality of Pu-erh. During the metabolic process, this fungus produces organic acid and many enzymes.

Benefits of Saccharomyces in Pu'er Tea. Microorganisms in tea not only improve the nutritional value of Pu-erh tea, but also affect the quality. During fermentation, moisture and temperature provide the best conditions for Saccharomyces. Due to these factors, enzymatic activity increases. Other microorganisms use carboxylic acid and polysaccharides in the process of their metabolism, producing large amounts of poly and monosaccharides, which are necessary for nutrition and acceleration of the metabolism of Saccharomycetes. Fast metabolism results in a sweet and mild tasting tea.

Why doesn’t pathogenic microflora multiply during fermentation?
This is due to the fact that during the fermentation process there is a struggle between organisms. For example, metabolic products of saccharomecetes and other microorganisms limit the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Which pu-erh is healthier: Shu or Shen?
As a rule, the following main beneficial properties of Pu-erh can be identified:

  • helps prevent cancer
  • protects the stomach
  • strengthens tooth enamel
  • prevents the effects of radiation
  • and also helps in the fight against aging at the cellular level

These properties are manifested differently in Shen and Shu Puer. In Shen Puer, the weight loss effect occurs due to a large amount of polyphenols, chlorophyll, vitamin C and other substances. As you know, the Yunnan variety of tea bush contains a large amount of polyphenols, especially in fresh leaves. The polyphenol-rich leaves help cleanse the body of toxins and protect against radiation. Polyphenolic compounds, namely catechin and theaflafin, a product of its oxidation, help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides (fats). That is, Shen Puer helps control the level of fats in the blood, which helps reduce weight and blood pressure. Moreover, tea polyphenols kill lactic acid and other bacteria that form between teeth and inhibit glucose activity. This helps prevent bacteria from growing in the mouth. Thus, polyphenols prevent the growth of bacteria that usually occurs due to food debris remaining between the teeth. Such beneficial properties of polyphenols help protect not only teeth from destruction, but also prevent periodontal disease.

When consuming Shu Pu'er, weight loss occurs for a different reason. This occurs as a result of the combined action of several types of microorganisms. They reduce the absorption of triglycerides and glucose in the small intestine, which leads to smaller fat deposits around the waist. During the fermentation of Shu Pu'er, microorganisms break down high molecular weight polysaccharides into soluble monosaccharides and oligosaccharides. In addition, the fermentation process doubles vitamin C. As you know, these substances are of great importance for improving immunity. Microorganisms also provide one of the main properties of Shu Puer; it does not irritate the gastric mucosa. Shu Puer creates a protective film on the walls of the stomach. Very often, consuming Shu Pu'er has a beneficial effect on stomach health and digestion in general.

Pu-erh tea is often compared to good aged wine: every year it gets better and better. There are two types: raw (shen) and mature (shu). Shen Pu'er is unfermented tea leaves. In turn, shu pu-erh is tea prepared using wet stacking technology (tea is produced under the influence of moisture, microorganisms and high temperature). In addition, pu-erh can be loose or pressed.

Pu-erh should not be drunk on an empty stomach.

Chemical composition of puer tea

The chemical composition of pu-erh depends on where it grows and the type of tea. So, for example, tea growing in Shuangjiang County is distinguished by a high content of polyphenols: this figure is 43% (while the average value of this component in other tea leaves is 30%). And the leaves of the Jinchang tea tree, which grows in Malibo County, have too little caffeine (only 0.06%). For comparison: in the leaves of the Xinping tea tree (Xinping County) - 6%. In general, there are over 700 chemical elements present: there are amino acids, aromatic substances, proteins, polyphenols, statins, sugars, vitamins and other active components.

Beneficial properties of pu-erh tea

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of this elite drink. According to experts, pu-erh is “tea for a hundred diseases.” It is believed that this drink can normalize blood pressure and heart rate.

At the same time, this elite tea is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. Unlike green tea, which is contraindicated for stomach ulcers, gastritis and duodenitis, pu-erh does not increase the acidity of gastric juice, so you can drink it even with such diseases. Puer also improves metabolic processes and normalizes liver function. This tea also helps remove heavy metals and toxins from the body and minimizes the effects of alcohol poisoning.

Excessive consumption of this drink can cause insomnia.

In addition, pu-erh has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is recommended to drink this tea for colds. This elite drink also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the organs of vision and teeth. She also recommends drinking pu-erh tea for depression.

Puer also reduces blood glucose levels, so it is prescribed for diabetes. At the same time, this drink helps to lose weight and maintain youth; it is not for nothing that it is called the “elixir of beauty and health.”

Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world, with many traditions and rituals associated with it. But most of them, undoubtedly, are in China, the homeland of the tea leaf. More than a quarter of the world's volume of tea raw materials is produced here, and only in the Middle Kingdom are such rare varieties grown as white and yellow tea, oolong and puer.

The latter type is becoming increasingly popular, so it has already begun to be produced in Burma, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. However, Chinese pu-erh is considered the best. This is exactly what we will tell you about.

What is Pu-erh tea and is it true that it gives an intoxicating effect?

Since ancient times, the raw materials for the preparation of this drink have been grown in the Chinese provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan. After picking, the leaves of the tea bush are sorted, rolled into tubes to improve the release of juice, and kept under certain conditions for quite a long time. How more excerpt, the better the tea is considered.

This distinguishes Pu-erh from ordinary varieties of black and green tea, which lose their beneficial properties and aroma over time. Pu-erh, like cognac, only acquires new shades of taste and color over time.

Today, tea bars that are more than 300 years old are kept in the palace of the Chinese emperors, but on average, good aging for this product is considered 25 years. Although 10-year-old tea, thanks to successful processing and selection of leaves, can turn out to be so refined and aromatic that it will not be inferior to 30-year-old tea.

Some unscrupulous sellers take advantage of buyers’ ignorance and deliberately overestimate the age of tea. When purchasing, keep in mind that pu-erh that is more than 30 years old is not available for free sale.

So what is special about this unique product?

The composition must necessarily include leaves of old bushes, which can be up to several hundred years old. The mixture of old and young leaves gives the drink an exceptional unique taste. According to the method of preparation, Chinese pu-erh tea is divided into two groups. Shen puer, that is, raw, as well as Shu puer - cooked.

To impart the desired properties, plant leaves are aged. To prepare Shen Pu-erh, it is done naturally; the raw materials are kept at a certain temperature for 7-8 years, and during this time fermentation processes take place in it.

Shu Pu'er is a drink made from artificially aged leaves. They are placed in large piles and sprinkled with water. The temperature inside the heap rises, the active process of fermentation and fermentation begins, which can last 30-100 days.

The leaves are then dried, steamed and pressed into tiles of various shapes. It can be a nest, a brick, a plate, a bowl, a pumpkin, a disk, etc. Pressed tea can be stored for a long time and acquire an increasingly subtle aroma and taste over the years.

There is an opinion that the drink causes lung intoxication, similar to drugs or alcohol. They even came up with a term - puerh effect. However, not a single study has been able to prove that it contains any narcotic substances. During the experiments, some subjects noted vigor and slight euphoria after several cups, others simply felt a surge of strength, but green tea or strong coffee gives the same result.

Pu-erh can compete with these drinks because it has the strongest tonic impact on the body due to the high tannin content. That's why he not recommended Take at night, during pregnancy, for hypertension.

Tea composition

Puer is used in ancient Chinese medicine for treatment many diseases. Its healing properties are determined by its unique chemical composition. It contains vitamins, minerals, mono- and polyunsaturated fats, amino acids, saccharides, which stimulate and normalize the functioning of systems and organs, promote rejuvenation of the body, and improve mental activity.

In addition, this is an excellent dietary drink, since the calorie content per 100 grams of the drink is no more than 2-3 kcal!

IN composition The product contains vitamin B2, niacin, potassium and manganese, which have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, hematopoiesis, and gastrointestinal function.

Useful and healing properties

Eastern medicine names 22 beneficial properties of pu-erh, which can effectively combat a wide variety of ailments, which is why in China it was given the name “tea for 100 diseases.”

Modern research has shown that the product can be useful not only as a remedy, but also as preventive.

It turned out that he is capable block protein, involved in the development of cancer cells. Therefore, it can be considered an effective way to prevent or stop the development of cancer.

  • To reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, eliminate the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. The drink helps thin the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. Useful in the prevention of strokes, heart attacks, and circulatory disorders.
  • To remove radionuclides, toxins, waste, and heavy metal salts from the body. Tea also has excellent antioxidant and anti-aging properties.
  • To improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, eliminate constipation, cleanse the digestive system of rotting products. Pu-erh normalizes digestion processes and allows beneficial substances to be better absorbed. Since it is low in calories and has a mild diuretic effect, it is perfect for those who want to lose excess weight.
  • To preserve youthful skin, strengthen hair and nails, and give a healthy and radiant look. For women, tea is especially useful as a means to prevent and eliminate wrinkles.
  • To cleanse and heal the liver. The product is recommended to be regularly included in the menu for those who like fatty and spicy foods and drink alcohol. For men, the drink is an excellent way to get rid of a hangover.
  • To enhance mental activity, improve concentration and improve performance.

Harm and contraindications

Chinese Pu-erh tea is recommended to be taken in warmth, and not hot, and brew as required by the specific variety: raw pu-erh or cooked. If brewed incorrectly, the drink can cause discomfort.

You should not drink it on an empty stomach. Enzymes activate the production of gastric juice, and its excess in the absence of food can damage the mucous membrane, cause heartburn and pain. To avoid unwanted effects, drink do not drink more than 3 times a day and in the afternoon, it can cause headaches and insomnia.

In some cases, puer contraindicated for consumption, as it can cause significant harm to health.

  • During pregnancy, as it increases the tone of the uterus. While breastfeeding, you should not drink more than one cup of weak tea per day.
  • If you have a high temperature during illness, the temperature will rise even higher and it will be difficult to bring it down.
  • The drink is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age. For older children, it is undesirable if there is hyperactivity, nervous disorders, or difficulty sleeping.
  • With high blood pressure
  • For urolithiasis. The drink has a diuretic effect and can cause stones to pass, a process that is extremely painful and unsafe.
  • If brewed incorrectly, tea can cause a state similar to intoxication, severe headache, tachycardia and nausea.

How to prepare the drink correctly to get pleasure and health benefits?

How to brew pu-erh correctly

The tea is good on its own; its aroma and taste cannot be confused with anything else. However, in China it is often prepared with rose petals, chrysanthemum petals or cinnamon, adding extra flavor. The effects of tea on the body is different according to the method of preparation. The brewed one has an invigorating effect, but the boiled one has a calming effect. So pu-erh can be used both as a tonic and as a sedative.

Tea is brewed from tiles very rarely, since this process requires special skill and experience, and you will also need a glass teapot so that you can track the cooking process.

To prepare boiled pu-erh, place a glass teapot with soft water on the fire and monitor the heating. When chains of small bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, pour out 150 ml of water, and when you hear dull sounds - the precursors of boiling - pour this water back. Using a spoon, beat the water to form a funnel and drop the tea into it. Pu-erh must first be soaked for 1-2 minutes in cold water. When chains of bubbles form from the bottom again, remove the kettle from the heat and let stand for 30-50 seconds. If you overdo it, the taste will be cloying and bitter; if you don’t let it brew, it will be watery and inexpressive.

The process, as you can see, is quite difficult, requiring attention, so most pu-erh lovers prefer to brew it like regular tea. But this matter also has its own subtleties.

Soak a piece of tea bar about 2 cm in size in cold water or rinse thoroughly several times. Then fill it with soft water heated to 90-95 °C. After 10-25 seconds, the tea is ready. Subsequent brews will give a richer taste, and then to get the drink you will need to infuse it for up to a minute. For brewing, pu-erh can be used, depending on the variety and quality, 5-10 times. For cooking, it is best to use glass, earthenware or porcelain dishes.

Methods for brewing tea:
