Why horse meat is useful: composition of meat, nutritional properties, benefits and harms. Horse meat sausage: benefits and harms, recipe

Horse sausage (kazy) is a national Central Asian dish. In Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia, nomadic tribes still prepare horse meat sausage by hand, with the whole family involved. Men carry out the process of slaughtering 2-3 year old horses specially bred for this purpose, and also butcher the meat; women process the intestines and prepare the kazy.

But horse meat is not only consumed by the peoples of Asia. In ancient times, Russians also made sausage exclusively from horse meat. Now horse meat is considered a delicacy and is not cheap. But this meat has several advantages:

  • horse meat contains complete and balanced protein in amino acid composition, which gives it every right to be considered dietary meat, which is perfectly absorbed by the body (8 times faster than beef);
  • horse meat is capable of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, has low fat content, and the fats it contains occupy an intermediate position between fats of animal and vegetable origin;
  • considerable content of vitamins and microelements, especially vitamins A, E, group B and iron;
  • horse meat is hypoallergenic.

The only drawback of horse meat is the low percentage of carbohydrates, which creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and the meat is poorly stored. Therefore, veterinary services carefully check horse meat for the presence of salmonella. But proper storage and preparation of horse meat will only help to extract the benefits of meat for the human body.

Horse sausage is a worthy decoration for a holiday table, an environmentally friendly and very tasty dish. The filling for kazy is prepared from horse ribs, which are cut into strips. The meat is then seasoned with a mixture of salt, black pepper and garlic and stuffed tightly into thoroughly washed large intestines. The shape of the sausage can be varied, but the length is no more than 60-70 cm. Kazy is left in a dry place to soak in seasoning, and then boiled, fried, dried or smoked. You need to cook raw sausage for at least two hours. Kazy is eaten both in its natural form and as an additive to pilaf.

In addition to kazy, such types of horse sausage as makhan and shuzhuk are also popular.

Mahan- This is a dry-cured or “dry” sausage, very dense and quite specific. Prepared from horse meat and fat with spices.

Shuzhuk It is thermally processed in the same way as kazy, but the filling is presented in the form of minced meat from any part of the carcass.

For most European countries, horse meat is not a common product. In Europe, such meat products are not produced everywhere due to low economic benefits. Animals are raised for meat only in Hungary. But the beneficial properties of horse meat are a powerful argument that can serve as a reason to include the food product in the diet. Allergy sufferers and overweight people will especially appreciate it.


Nomadic peoples have long understood that horse meat is one of the best products “for the road.” When cold, it warms, which is why it is a traditional food for Asians.

Horsemeat contains more complete protein than other types of meat - its share reaches 25%. It contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and other elements beneficial to the body.

Among the advantages of this type of meat is its low cholesterol content, so it does not harm blood vessels as much as many other varieties. Another benefit for the cardiovascular system lies in the abundance of potassium. This mineral, combined with magnesium, is essential for the heart muscle.

Another mineral - phosphorus - regulates the acid-base balance and is needed for the regeneration of bone tissue and teeth. Therefore, horse meat prevents anorexia and anemia.

Vitamin PP is involved in redox reactions of energy metabolism. It is necessary for dermatological diseases, malfunctions of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Iron is part of proteins, including enzymes. The metal helps transport oxygen to internal organs. Its deficiency is manifested by rapid fatigue, muscle atony, and atrophic gastritis.

Another valuable component of meat is copper. The metal stimulates the absorption of proteins and sugars. With copper deficiency, defects of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system are formed, and connective tissue dysplasia develops.

For children, horse meat may be healthier than chicken, which often causes allergies, and pork and beef, which are very difficult to digest foods. It is included in complementary foods as early as 6 months, starting with 5 g along with porridge or potatoes, if the pediatrician does not find contraindications to such complementary foods. This meat is also good for men. It has been noted that with regular and moderate use, potency improves.

Caring and healing properties have also been found in fat. It is used in cosmetology and pharmacy.


Horse meat is quite tough. This is explained by the mobility of foals, which is why they do not have time to grow fat. However, this drawback can be eliminated with proper culinary processing of raw materials. Horse meat broth is not recommended as it often causes digestive upsets. But according to another data, such a decoction restores strength after injuries and infectious diseases.

This type of meat, like any other, should be present on the table in moderation. Frequent consumption of protein foods causes cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other ailments.

Dietary properties

Horsemeat is a delicacy because it contains the least amount of amino acids that can trigger an immune response. Therefore, allergies rarely occur when consuming horse meat.

The meat contains little fat due to the early age of the individuals who are selected for slaughter (these are mainly foals). Another factor that ensures low lipid content is the same high mobility of animals. Therefore, fat deposits are found only in the rib region. Meat has a high moisture content, which improves digestibility.

As for horse meat fat, it has a different composition than pork or beef, and many properties resemble vegetable oils. This product has a pronounced choleretic effect, so horse meat is recommended to be included in the diet for biliary dyskinesia and for certain liver diseases.

The nutritional value

The calorie content of horse meat is extremely low, amounting to only 167 kcal per 100 g of product. For comparison, chicken drumstick has 185 kcal. However, the indicator varies depending on the cooking method.

Thus, a similar portion of boiled meat has an energy value of 240 kcal, stewed - 214 kcal, fried - 293 kcal. As for sausages, the number of calories depends on other ingredients.


Horse meat is prohibited if there is an individual “dislike” for the product. Some people cannot stand its taste and smell. There are pathologies in which the amount of meat products in general is reduced. These include:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncology of various organs;
  • ailments of the liver, kidneys.

Any contraindication listed above is grounds for revising your diet.

Is it possible for pregnant and breastfeeding women

During pregnancy, horse meat is included in the menu. Its advantages are a low level of allergenicity and the presence of minerals, in particular phosphorus, iron, copper. Horse meat is good for women who are breastfeeding. However, it ranks second after chicken, turkey, and rabbit.

The product is purchased in specialized markets to exclude dangerous infections. It is boiled, stewed, grilled, baked. Such culinary methods help in the absorption of valuable proteins and do not irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. In both cases, poorly cooked meat, with blood, or half-raw meat is not allowed.

The nutritional value

The chemical composition of horse meat, especially young horse meat, is very diverse. This saturates the body with the ingredients it needs and promotes health.

Table 1. Nutrient balance

Table 2. Nutrient balance

How to use

Horse meat is a common food product, especially among Central Asian peoples. For the latter, this meat is the only one in their diet.

As an ingredient, the product is added to sausages and servedlats. It gives elasticity to the consistency and gives it a spicy taste.

Horse meat is prepared in different ways - stewed, boiled, fried. Residents of Asia make minced meat for meatballs and cutlets. Meat is also marinated in vinegar or hot sauces. Horse meat is dried, which prolongs storage. In the south of France they make sausages from it, in Switzerland they use it in deep frying, and the Italians make pasta with it.


Horsemeat spoils quickly. They try not to buy it for future use and cook it right away. However, cooling is allowed for up to 72 hours. The meat is first placed in foil, a container or enamel bowl, preferably cut into large pieces. If the product was purchased in a container, which is preferable, then open the packaging only before consumption or cooking.

For longer storage, they resort to freezing. Before putting into the chamber, the meat is placed in foil (small pieces, bones) or vacuum containers. Plastic bags and cling film are not recommended. The shelf life in this form reaches six months. Meat that is sent for freezing is not washed, only wiped dry with napkins.

Drying preserves nutritional and taste properties. To do this, the product is generously salted and placed in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then the juice is drained, the meat is cut into small pieces and placed in an oven preheated to 50 °C. Keep the product at this temperature for up to 4 hours, wiping it with salt several times.

After drying is completed, the horsemeat is placed in jars and tightly closed with lids, and sent to a dry and dark place. In this form, the meat can be stored for up to two years. It is fried or boiled before eating.

How to choose

Whether horse meat is beneficial to the body largely depends on the correct choice of meat. Over-repair young animals and culled horses are sent for slaughter. They are pre-fed for 15–30 days. However, if this period is exceeded, the taste of horse meat deteriorates significantly.

There are three types of horse meat:

  • meat from foals under one year of age;
  • young horse meat from an animal up to three years old;
  • old horse meat from older individuals.

Of particular value for human health is the meat of foals up to 9 months - the most tender and tasty, with a minimum fat content. Cooking it is no more difficult than pork or beef.

Depending on the type of culinary processing, a distinction is made between chilled, freshly frozen pork, smoked and dried pork. The product is divided into grades, which depends on the part of the carcass from which the piece is cut:

  • first - hip, chest, back, lower back;
  • the second - neck, shoulder blade;
  • the third is the shin.

The first variety is valued more than others because of its tenderness and softness. But the second and third grades are difficult to prepare, in particular because of their hardness.

Choosing meat by appearance

Freshness is also determined by appearance. This meat is similar to beef, but is darker in color, almost purple. The following signs indicate a high quality product:

  • uniform color, without spots or inclusions;
  • light fat, without a yellow tint;
  • elasticity;
  • shiny and slightly moist surface of the meat.

When pressing on a good, fresh piece through a handkerchief or paper napkin, no blood or other discharge remains. Such traces indicate low quality of the product or its long shelf life. If you squeeze fat with your hand, it changes color and consistency and melts from the heat.

Signs of bad horse meat

The following signs indicate low quality of the product:

  • brown color - happens when the slaughtered animal is not young (the darker the shade, the older the horse meat);
  • yellow fat;
  • a silvery tint is a sign that the meat is already spoiling;
  • mucus, any stains - the product is unsuitable for human consumption and is dangerous for the human body;
  • Strong smell;
  • blurred, uneven edge of the piece, especially on the cut - this means that the raw material was soaked in vinegar.

What goes with it?

It is no less important what horse meat is served with - this also determines the benefits and harms. This meat is eaten with potatoes and other vegetables. Salads, stews, and boiled fruits promote maximum and complete absorption of proteins. Porridge is also allowed as a side dish, but horse meat is less digestible with it. The product is combined with hot, spicy spices - bay leaf, horseradish, garlic, salt, onion. Sauces made from tomatoes and herbs enrich and enhance the taste.

If there are no prejudices, then horse meat diversifies the diet. However, people with chronic diseases who have not previously consumed such meat need to be careful. Before including a new product in your diet, it is recommended to obtain the approval of your doctor.

Horse meat is a favorite product of many peoples. Among the Russian population, its consumption is not common due to its specific taste. However, experts have found that horse meat, the benefits or harm, the caloric content of which has been studied for decades, has enormous nutritional value and dietary properties, so eating dishes with this meat will only bring good results.


Doctors recommend including horse meat in various diets. This meat contains a small amount of fat and a sufficient amount of protein, so it allows you to quickly lose weight without losing muscle mass and causing damage to your health.

Horsemeat dishes saturate the body well, so this diet is very easy to tolerate. In 2 weeks of a mono-diet, which includes 200 g of horse meat daily, you can lose 4 kilograms.

In terms of its valuable properties for the body, horse meat is ahead of beef and lamb. This product

  • easily and quickly (in 3 hours) digested, since it consists of 73% water;
  • contains a complete protein that is easily absorbed by the body;
  • contains a minimal amount of allergenic compounds, therefore it is recommended for use even by allergy sufferers;
  • thanks to a large number of organic acids, it is able to normalize metabolism, tidy up the digestive tract and improve the composition of the intestinal microflora;
  • contains a record amount of valuable chemical elements: iron, sulfur, phosphorus, copper, due to which it has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, prevents the development of anemia, helps strengthen teeth and bones, and prevents the development of infections;
  • improves the process of hematopoiesis, increases the amount of hemoglobin;
  • consumed cold has a warming function;
  • able to neutralize the harmful effects of the environment, as well as radiation;
  • maintains normal muscle and mental activity;
  • horsemeat with fat improves liver function, so it is recommended for use in case of jaundice.

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, regular consumption of horse meat has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, preventing hair loss, nails, strengthening the plate and preventing it from delaminating, and skin, fighting acne and other inflammatory processes.


Eating horse meat in excessively large quantities can harm the body, causing the development of diseases of the digestive, skeletal and cardiovascular systems. The fat content in the product corresponds to the quantitative norm. Horse meat does not contain carbohydrates.

Horse meat should not be consumed raw: it can cause serious harm to the body. Uncooked horse meat may contain salmonella, a dangerous bacterium that causes intestinal diseases. In addition, raw meat can be a source of trichinosis, a helminth infection that can affect internal organs and the central nervous system. Horsemeat does not store well, harmful microorganisms quickly develop in it, so only fresh product must be used for cooking.

Horse meat is considered the most environmentally friendly meat: it does not contain carcinogens and other harmful substances.

Calorie content


Doctors advise consuming horse meat during pregnancy. If the expectant mother has heartburn, a tendency to quickly gain kilograms, or tachycardia, the meat should be boiled in small pieces, immersed in a bowl with cold water. In this way, 65% of extractives - organic compounds that have a strong physiological effect - will be removed from horse meat. Horse meat should be prepared in the same way when breastfeeding.

Any meat puree, including horse meat, is contraindicated for children under 6 months of age. When introducing meat complementary foods (at 6.5-7 months), pediatricians recommend starting with horse meat. This product is easily digestible by the baby's stomach and prevents the development of anemia in babies. Due to its low allergenic potential, horse meat is suitable for babies prone to allergic reactions.

Eating horse meat in moderation has no contraindications.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

To ensure that eating horse meat brings only benefits to the body and does not cause the development of serious diseases, you need to choose only fresh meat and boil it thoroughly. In this case, it will help improve the functioning of many internal organs and get rid of extra pounds without harm to the body.

Horse meat - benefits and harm, calorie content. What are the benefits of horse meat?

Man has been eating horse meat since prehistoric times. This dish was especially popular among nomadic tribes, whose inhabitants did not stay in one place for long. The benefits and harms of horse meat were known to ancient people, who prepared a variety of dishes from meat. The product was salted and dried, boiled and stewed, smoked and fried.

To this day, the most favorite dishes of nomads remain the following: shuzhuk and besbarmak, kazy and zhal, and others. Modern humanity has also fallen in love with this type of meat and has learned to prepare delicious dishes and semi-finished products from it.

Chemical composition

The invaluable benefit of horse meat lies precisely in the fact that it contains complete protein more than all other types of meat (up to 20-25% of the total composition). It contains fats (about 2-5%), water (70-75%), and ash (about 1%). Horse meat is rich in microelements. So, it contains phosphorus and potassium, copper and sodium, magnesium and iron, amino acids. The vitamin composition of the product is also invaluable. It contains B vitamins, as well as E, A, PP, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide.

If we compare horse meat with other meat, it contains the most organic acids, which have a beneficial effect on the body’s metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the digestive system, and also improve the intestinal microflora.

Calorie content of horse meat

Although this meat needs to be stewed and cooked longer than other types due to coarse and thick fibers, the nutritional value of the product is invaluable. Thus, the calorie content of horse meat varies from 119 to 185 kcal per 100 grams of product. However, this meat (unlike others) does not contain cholesterol. Horse meat is also useful for its anti-sclerotic properties.

The benefits of horse meat

The benefit of horse meat is that it practically does not contain allergenic amino acids, as well as complex compounds. This means that this product can be eaten even by allergy sufferers.

However, this is not the only useful thing about horse meat, because horse meat contains a minimal amount of fat (it accumulates most often in the rib part). The water content in the product is quite high, which means that it is easier for the body to digest such food. Thus, experts say that horse meat is digested several times faster than beef.

It is noted that the fat contained in horse meat differs from beef and pork. Its composition is similar to vegetable oils, and its beneficial properties are due to its minimal cholesterol content and pronounced choleretic effect. It is thanks to the latter property that such meat is best consumed by people who suffer from liver diseases and biliary dyskinesia.

This same product is a “supplier” of high-quality protein to the human body. The vitamins and substances contained in meat help normalize metabolic processes in the body. In addition, nutritionists recommend consuming this meat for overweight people due to its low calorie content.

This product will be able to neutralize the harmful effects of radiation. This statement is supported by numerous studies conducted by scientists from all over the world. But nomadic tribes believed that eating horse skin helps restore male strength - increases potency.

Good news for people suffering from anemia too. Due to the high iron content in meat, the product can be consumed by those who need to improve blood formation processes. Meat can also be used in baby food, since horse meat is rich in hemoglobin.

The unique properties of horse fat help you recover faster from jaundice. And the fat itself is often used by cosmetic companies to make beauty products. In addition, fat is also used for frostbite and burns.

Harm of horse meat

There are no special contraindications to horse meat, but it should be remembered that this product cannot be stored for long periods of time.

Horse meat fillet with red wine sauce (cooking recipe)

Meat - benefits and beneficial properties of various types of meat

Meat and meat products constitute the main part of the human diet. Only a few abstain from eating meat and eat exclusively vegetarian food. Despite the fact that people have been eating meat for several thousand years, debates about the benefits and harms of this product do not subside.

Proponents of eating meat argue that only this product can supply the human body with necessary and essential proteins. While vegetarians claim that meat is harmful, it is the source of pathogens for a wide variety of diseases.

When discussing the benefits and harms of meat, it must be said that a lot depends on the type of meat. Today, the human diet includes meat from cattle (beef, veal), small livestock (goat meat, lamb), pork and poultry meat (chicken, turkey, goose, duck, quail). And also horse meat, rabbit meat and game (game includes the meat of any wild animals: hare, wild boar, deer, bear, etc.). In some countries, they eat the meat of dogs, cats and other animals (camels, buffalos, mules, donkeys). Each type of meat has its own flavor and beneficial properties.

Pork meat

– the benefit of this product is not only its high protein content, but also in vitamin B12 content, vitamin D, microelements: iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Pork is good for the bone and nervous system. “Meat eaters” claim that by excluding pork from their diet, a man faces impotence.


– the benefits of meat from cows and calves in the high content of B vitamins, as well as C, E, A, PP, minerals: copper, magnesium, sodium, cobalt, zinc, iron, potassium. Beef is extremely beneficial for blood formation, can increase hemoglobin levels, and is indispensable for anemia.

Chicken's meat

– the benefits of this product are high content of easily digestible protein, in a minimum amount of fat and in the absence of carbohydrates. In addition, chicken is rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Chicken meat can affect blood pressure, participates in lipid metabolism, balancing sugar levels in the blood and urine, it also lowers cholesterol and stimulates kidney function. Chicken meat is an excellent dietary product with low energy value.

Turkey meat

– the benefits of this product are in a large number of vitamins (A and E), as well as in the content of iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iodine, manganese, magnesium. Turkey has twice the sodium content of beef, so you don't need to use salt when cooking turkey meat. In terms of iron content, turkey meat is also a record holder and is far ahead of beef, pork and chicken combined. Calcium, which is contained in meat, makes turkey meat an excellent prevention of osteoporosis and prevents joint diseases.

The benefits of duck meat

For the body in a large number of vitamins and nutrients, duck contains: B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, B12), as well as vitamins E and K. Duck meat is rich in selenium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Along with the Duck is quite a fatty product, containing saturated fatty acids, which can form cholesterol plaques in blood vessels.

Even ancient nomadic tribes appreciated the tasty and healthy properties of horse meat. Horse meat is not a staple food these days, but more and more people are including it in their diet.

Horse meat is a dietary meat, as it is very easily digestible and contains practically no allergenic amino acids, so both dieters and people suffering from allergies can eat it.

The beneficial properties of horse meat are explained by the fact that it contains a particularly high protein content - it contains from 20 to 25%, water in it - 70-75% and only 2-5% fat. The product is rich in vitamins A, B, E and PP, as well as microelements (magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, copper, potassium and others).

The benefit of horse meat also lies in the fact that it helps neutralize radiation and other harmful effects on the body. The high content of vitamins helps improve blood circulation. The main benefit of horse meat for obese people is that its consumption reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and improves metabolic processes in the body.

The dietary benefits of horse meat are due to its low fat content and high percentage of essential proteins and amino acids. Properly cooked meat helps you lose extra pounds. But here you should be patient: horse meat is much tougher than other types of meat, and therefore its preparation takes a lot of time.

Contraindications and harmful properties

Eating horse meat can bring not only benefits, but also harm. The main disadvantage of horse meat is its low carbohydrate content - less than one percent. Therefore, horse meat is poorly stored, being an excellent breeding ground for various bacteria. When purchasing this product, you need to be sure that it is fresh.

As for contraindications, there are no special warnings. Like any other product, horse meat is healthy in moderation. Provided that this meat is the only source of protein, the recommended daily dose is 200 g for women and 400 g for men, and it is recommended to consume it no more than 3-4 times a week.

Excessive consumption of horse meat risks cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and hypertension, diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis may develop.

The average person's diet is not particularly varied. We eat certain types of fruits and vegetables, but only certain types of fish, meat and dairy products. This limitation is most often explained by the simple inaccessibility of other more exotic products. Horse meat was especially popular among our ancestors, but now it is difficult to find it on the open market, however, this type of meat can bring significant benefits to the body. Let's try to understand the features of such a product as horse meat, what benefits or harm can be to our body from eating such meat, and learn recipes for its preparation.

Horse meat - cooking recipes

Azu in pots
To prepare such a delicious dish, you will need eight medium potatoes, four hundred grams of horse meat, six pickled or pickled cucumbers, three onions, one carrot, six tablespoons of ketchup with mayonnaise. In addition, prepare two hundred grams of hard cheese, a couple of pinches of dill, a couple of bay leaves, six black peppercorns, as well as one chili pepper and a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste.

Pickled cucumbers should be cut into cubes, and pickled cucumbers should be grated. Place them on the bottom of the pots. The horse meat needs to be cut into strips, fry them for ten minutes in a heated frying pan, then pepper, add salt and cool slightly.

The meat should be placed on top of the cucumbers and poured with the juice remaining from frying it. Place three tablespoons of ketchup sauce with mayonnaise, a bay leaf and a few peppercorns on top, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

Cut the onion into half rings and grate the carrots on a medium grater. Fry the vegetables for a few minutes and place in the pots. Sprinkle all-purpose seasoning intended for meat on top. Cut the potatoes into cubes, fry until golden and sprinkle with chopped chili pepper in a frying pan. Cool slightly and transfer to pots.

Dilute the tomato paste with half a glass of water and pour into the pots. Bake for forty minutes in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees. Shortly before the end of cooking, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.
Horse meat with diamonds
To prepare such an interesting and tasty dish, you need to prepare one and a half kilograms of young horse meat, five medium onions, a couple of tablespoons of flour and two eggs. In addition, you will need one carrot, two hundred milliliters of broth, five black peppercorns and a couple of bay leaves.

Cut the meat into large pieces, place in a saucepan and cover with water. Once foam begins to form on the surface of the water, remove it immediately. Turn the heat to low and simmer the horse meat for three hours, covered. You should ensure that the meat easily separates from the bone.

An hour after boiling, add peeled onions and carrots, as well as pepper, salt and bay leaves to the meat broth.

Prepare the dough using eggs, broth, salt and flour. The resulting mass should be elastic enough, as for making dumplings. Wrap it in cling film for a quarter of an hour. Next, roll out the dough and cut it into diamonds.

Remove the meat from the broth and separate it into pieces with your hands. Also remove the seasoned vegetables.

Divide the broth into a couple of parts. Throw finely chopped onion and allspice into the first one and boil. In the second, boil the diamonds for a quarter of an hour.

To serve, place diamonds on a plate, then onions, and meat on top. In a bowl, serve the meat broth in which the onions were boiled.

The benefits of horse meat

If we compare horse meat with other types of meat, we can conclude that it contains a particularly high amount of complete protein, it also contains a lot of water and relatively little fat and carbohydrates.

Horse meat protein is considered to be the most balanced in terms of amino acid content, so this meat is classified as dietary. Nutritionists say that our body absorbs it about eight times faster than beef.

Such food has high nutritional value. Horse meat is rich in a number of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12), and it also contains ascorbic acid. This product is also a source of significant amounts of potassium, phosphorus and iron, and is high in magnesium, sodium, selenium, copper and zinc. Horse meat also contains some calcium and manganese.

Consumption of such meat leads to a choleretic effect; it also removes “bad” cholesterol and helps optimize liver activity. So it is often recommended to include it in the diet for jaundice. Horse meat effectively improves metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and normalizes intestinal microflora. There is evidence that such meat can help protect our body from various kinds of toxins, radiation, etc.

Horse meat is a hypoallergenic product. It is strongly recommended to eat it for anemia and for the general normalization of blood composition.

To whom is horse meat dangerous, what harm?

Horse meat is not a particularly popular product now. This is due to the presence of a minimal amount of carbohydrates in its composition, which makes meat a very favorable environment for the growth and reproduction of bacteria, and interferes with its normal storage.

Moderate consumption of high-quality horse meat cannot harm your health in any way. However, it must be borne in mind that it can extremely rarely cause allergies.

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Horse meat is a favorite product of many peoples. Among the Russian population, its consumption is not common due to its specific taste. However, experts have found that horse meat, the benefits or harm, the caloric content of which has been studied for decades, has enormous nutritional value and dietary properties, so eating dishes with this meat will only bring good results.


Doctors recommend including horse meat in various diets. This meat contains a small amount of fat and a sufficient amount of protein, so it allows you to quickly lose weight without losing muscle mass and causing damage to your health.

Horsemeat dishes saturate the body well, so this diet is very easy to tolerate. In 2 weeks of a mono-diet, which includes 200 g of horse meat daily, you can lose 4 kilograms.

In terms of its valuable properties for the body, horse meat is ahead of beef and lamb. This product

  • easily and quickly (in 3 hours) digested, since it consists of 73% water;
  • contains a complete protein that is easily absorbed by the body;
  • contains a minimal amount of allergenic compounds, therefore it is recommended for use even by allergy sufferers;
  • thanks to a large number of organic acids, it is able to normalize metabolism, tidy up the digestive tract and improve the composition of the intestinal microflora;
  • contains a record amount of valuable chemical elements: iron, sulfur, phosphorus, copper, due to which it has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, prevents the development of anemia, helps strengthen teeth and bones, and prevents the development of infections;
  • improves the process of hematopoiesis, increases the amount of hemoglobin;
  • consumed cold has a warming function;
  • able to neutralize the harmful effects of the environment, as well as radiation;
  • maintains normal muscle and mental activity;
  • horsemeat with fat improves liver function, so it is recommended for use in case of jaundice.

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, regular consumption of horse meat has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, preventing hair loss, nails, strengthening the plate and preventing it from delaminating, and skin, fighting acne and other inflammatory processes.


Eating horse meat in excessively large quantities can harm the body, causing the development of diseases of the digestive, skeletal and cardiovascular systems. The fat content in the product corresponds to the quantitative norm. Horse meat does not contain carbohydrates.

Horse meat should not be consumed raw: it can cause serious harm to the body. Uncooked horse meat may contain salmonella, a dangerous bacterium that causes intestinal diseases. In addition, raw meat can be a source of trichinosis, a helminth infection that can affect internal organs and the central nervous system. Horsemeat does not store well, harmful microorganisms quickly develop in it, so only fresh product must be used for cooking.

Horse meat is considered the most environmentally friendly meat: it does not contain carcinogens and other harmful substances.

Calorie content


Doctors advise consuming horse meat during pregnancy. If the expectant mother has heartburn, a tendency to quickly gain kilograms, or tachycardia, the meat should be boiled in small pieces, immersed in a bowl with cold water. In this way, 65% of extractives - organic compounds that have a strong physiological effect - will be removed from horse meat. Horse meat should be prepared in the same way when breastfeeding.

Any meat puree, including horse meat, is contraindicated for children under 6 months of age. When introducing meat complementary foods (at 6.5-7 months), pediatricians recommend starting with horse meat. This product is easily digestible by the baby's stomach and prevents the development of anemia in babies. Due to its low allergenic potential, horse meat is suitable for babies prone to allergic reactions.

Eating horse meat in moderation has no contraindications.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

To ensure that eating horse meat brings only benefits to the body and does not cause the development of serious diseases, you need to choose only fresh meat and boil it thoroughly. In this case, it will help improve the functioning of many internal organs and get rid of extra pounds without harm to the body.

Is meat good or bad for the human body?

Fragrant shish kebab, tender chops, spicy lamb or golden-brown chicken... Mmm... Just the mention of these dishes makes the imagination draw tempting pictures and causes most of us an irresistible desire to eat something tasty right now. Most, but not all.

The number of those who, due to certain beliefs, consciously refuse to eat meat is growing every year. In a society where traditionally meat and meat products were considered one of the main components of the diet, more and more vegetarians are appearing who claim that the consumption of animal protein does not correspond to the principles of a healthy diet, and the body can obtain all the necessary components from plant foods.

Let's try to figure it out - is it really so, is it worth minimizing its presence on our tables, or do the benefits of meat still exist?

Benefits for the body

Let's start with the last question. Indeed, despite the convincing evidence of opponents of meat-eating, many cannot live a day without this product, which is not bad at all. After all, be it pork, beef, lamb, horse meat, rabbit, elk or other animal meat, it has enormous energy and nutritional value, and the protein it contains, close in composition to human protein, is rightly called the “main building material” of our body. It participates in metabolic processes that continuously occur in the body, maintains muscle elasticity and bone strength, and also forms immunity.

Meat quickly replenishes wasted energy reserves, provides substances necessary for normal growth and development, and maintains performance at the proper level. Normal functioning of the human body is not possible in the absence of essential amino acids. They are found in large quantities in products of animal origin - meat, offal, eggs, and their composition is as balanced as possible, which makes such food especially valuable. A lack of them (for example, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid) leads to slower growth in children and provokes the development of atherosclerosis in adults.

The benefits of meat, especially red meat, lie in its significant iron content, an element responsible for blood formation. Meat iron is perfectly absorbed and helps restore the deficiency of this substance in the body without the use of medications. By the way, many vegetarians suffer from anemia, which cannot be said about those who regularly eat meat. Doctors strongly recommend the product to young girls and women expecting a baby - during this period, iron deficiency occurs in the majority of expectant mothers seen at the antenatal clinic.

Meat also contains such important components as magnesium (of particular importance for the nervous system), zinc (necessary for the growth and regeneration of tissues and the production of sex hormones), phosphorus (strengthens tooth enamel and improves brain activity) and potassium (maintains normal blood pressure). The product contains vitamins A, B12, D, PP in sufficient quantities.

The benefits of meat, in particular some of its types (rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal), also lie in its relatively low calorie content. Such meat can be consumed during many diets, since it does not burden the digestive system and at the same time contributes to the active functioning of the body.

Meat - benefits and beneficial properties of various types of meat

Meat and meat products constitute the main part of the human diet. Only a few abstain from eating meat and eat exclusively vegetarian food. Despite the fact that people have been eating meat for several thousand years, debates about the benefits and harms of this product do not subside.

Proponents of eating meat argue that only this product can supply the human body with necessary and essential proteins. While vegetarians claim that meat is harmful, it is the source of pathogens for a wide variety of diseases.

When discussing the benefits and harms of meat, it must be said that a lot depends on the type of meat. Today, the human diet includes meat from cattle (beef, veal), small livestock (goat meat, lamb), pork and poultry meat (chicken, turkey, goose, duck, quail). And also horse meat, rabbit meat and game (game includes the meat of any wild animals: hare, wild boar, deer, bear, etc.). In some countries, they eat the meat of dogs, cats and other animals (camels, buffalos, mules, donkeys). Each type of meat has its own flavor and beneficial properties.

Pork meat

– the benefit of this product is not only its high protein content, but also in vitamin B12 content, vitamin D, microelements: iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Pork is good for the bone and nervous system. “Meat eaters” claim that by excluding pork from their diet, a man faces impotence.

Around the world, horse meat is treated differently - different peoples of the world have completely different attitudes towards horse meat. For example, for the Japanese, horse meat is a rather expensive delicacy. But residents of Israel and other Jews are prohibited from eating this product. In Central Asia, from time immemorial, horse meat has been one of the main types of meat (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, etc.).

It should be noted that horse meat does not have a very pleasant aroma, and it is also tough. However, if you cook it correctly, adding a little certain spices, you can get a good-tasting dietary meat food.


In many ways, the taste of horse meat and the composition of the meat depend on the age of the horse, as well as the conditions of its keeping. If horses are kept in captivity for a long time, the product will eventually be “loose.” That is why pastoralism is more developed in the world.

The best and tastiest meat is foal meat (the animal’s age does not exceed 1 year). Below is the composition (per 100 g):

  • water – 72.6 g,
  • ash – 1 g,
  • proteins – 21.4 g,
  • fats – 4.6 g.

Comparing horse meat with other types of meat (beef, pork, lamb), it becomes clear that it contains the most high-quality protein (meaning protein that is balanced in amino acids). Thus, meat is absorbed much better by the body (compared to beef - several times faster).

Vitamins in meat:

  • Group B
  • PP, E

Micro- and macroelements:

  • manganese – 19 mcg,
  • phosphorus – 221 mg,
  • magnesium – 24 mg,
  • iron – 3.8 mg,
  • zinc – 2.9 mg,
  • potassium – 360 mg,
  • copper – 144 mcg,
  • sodium – 53 mg,
  • selenium – 10.1 mcg.

In addition, horse meat has a minimal amount of cholesterol and a high level of organic acids, which, according to nutritionists, is a big plus for meat, since metabolic processes improve when taken daily.

Calorie content of meat

Fat in horse meat is distributed unevenly. Most of all it is found in the ribs and peritoneum. The calorie content in these parts is high: about 500 kcal per 100 g. As for the remaining parts, there is about 5 times less fat: only 133 kcal per 100 g of meat.

Beneficial features

Horse meat has long been consumed by peoples who have developed nomadic cattle breeding. Horse meat, even when cold, has a warming property and also gives vigor. Horsemeat is also used in the production of baby food as one of the first types of meat that should be given to babies.

Horse meat is digested in the body in 3-4 hours and has an anti-sclerotic effect. Doctors recommend eating it to improve the digestive system and intestinal health.

Application in medicine

According to doctors, horse meat is a very useful product and can be used as a treatment for various diseases. Today, horse meat is included in various therapeutic diets. Let's list the main advantages of horse meat:

  • As mentioned above, lowering cholesterol in the blood. Moreover, due to the presence of organic acids, meat can be used in the treatment of vascular and heart diseases.
  • A number of scientific studies have shown that horse meat can minimize radioactive effects on the body, as well as neutralize the negative effects after chemotherapy.
  • Horse meat products are recommended for small children.
  • Good choleretic effect. Horsemeat will help restore the body after diseases such as jaundice and biliary dyskinesia.
  • It increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which means that anemia and other similar diseases can be treated with the help of meat.
  • Application in cosmetology
  • Use in the treatment of burns and frostbite


There are no special contraindications. However, you should not overuse horse meat, since excessive consumption of meat may lead to the risk of developing diabetes, osteoporosis and hypertension.

Horsemeat is used by nutritionists in various nutrition systems: both for therapeutic and prophylactic action, and those intended for weight loss. The relatively low percentage of fat and carbohydrates, as well as rapid absorption by the body, make horse meat attractive from a nutritional point of view - horse meat can easily replace beef.

Let's consider the most popular diet, which is based on horse meat:

  • Morning: boiled rice (without vegetable oil, salt and seasonings), tea without sugar and boiled meat (180-200 g)
  • Day: goulash made from horse meat (250-300 g), vegetable salad, tea without sugar or natural juice
  • Evening: boiled horse meat (100-120 g), vegetable salad and unsweetened tea
  • An hour before bedtime: a glass of kefir

  • Morning: porridge with water (oatmeal or whole grains), boiled horse meat (100-120 g), 1 fruit (apple or pear)
  • Day: stewed horse meat (200 g), some fruit (except banana and grapes), herbal tea
  • Evening: again stewed horse meat (200 g) with bran or rye bread, cucumber and tomato salad, herbal tea
  • Before bed: a little cottage cheese

As you can see, the diet is quite strict. It is best to follow it for no more than 12-14 days, alternating the menus presented above. It is also recommended to take multivitamins and drink plenty of clean still water throughout the course of nutrition. According to reviews from those who have lost weight, you can lose from 3-4 to 7-8 kg of excess weight.
