Daily calorie intake. Daily calorie intake for a man. What to consider when calculating calories per day

If there is an eternal classic in manicure, proven over the years, then this is white french.

It suits absolutely everyone, suits any occasion and looks good on any nail shape.

And if you think that a classic French jacket is boring, then you can diversify it with a pattern.

The options here are practically unlimited, and you can choose what you like.

Exactly ring finger Most often it is customary to highlight it with a picture. A white jacket with this idea will look very interesting.

You can stick a picture in the form of a slider or draw it by hand.

Absolutely everything will look good on the ring finger.

You can decorate it with a white pattern, or highlight it as an accent with a contrasting color.

It will be interesting to look at the drawing in lace, rhinestone figures and even images of our favorite cartoon characters.

French manicure with white pattern

White drawing for decorating a French manicure - an excellent option for those who value tenderness in manicure.

A pattern in the form of white lace or a scattering of flowers will look very romantic. This option, by the way, can be well suited for a wedding manicure - its insane tenderness allows this.

In addition, the jacket can be decorated with white geometry.

Black pattern design

Combination white and black in manicure has long been a classic. A double jacket looks good with a combination of these shades. This is brighter than the classic French jacket, but at the same time very stylish, versatile and always appropriate.

Black is the perfect color for painting on your nails stylish geometry. This design is in fashion today.

Also, the combination of black and white can be used to paint ties and collars on nails, which naturally suggests the presence of a white smile.

Another interesting option is to make a white jacket on black nails. This combination looks moderately strict and very fashionable.

Design ideas with red pattern

You can't go wrong if you choose a combination for your manicure white and red, you can't go wrong.

It can be complemented with red lipstick on the lips.

Floral designs look good in red and white.

You can also paint stylish vintage polka dots on your nails. To such an ensemble you can add black as a third shade.

White jacket with blue pattern

Adding a blue pattern to a white jacket is a great option. for a modern marine manicure.

You can decorate your nails with stripes, you can draw anchors and starfish. This is a great choice if you are going to the seas and want to pre-decorate your nails with a stylish manicure.

The combination of white and blue suits girls with a cold color type. It is very catchy and noticeable, and at the same time not too provocative.

Design options for short nails

French on short nails looks great stylish and neat. It can be combined with a moon manicure, highlighting the hole with white. At the same time, the nail itself can remain either transparent or be colored, because anything goes with white.

Which drawing should I choose? It all depends on the mood. If you want to add romance to your look, you can decorate your nails floral pattern, draw cute bows or polka dots. In this case, the ideal choice would be pink.

Geometry looks stylish on short nails, so you can slightly diversify the jacket by turning your smile into a square or triangle.

One of the advantages of a short nail is that even the most beautiful nails will look good on it. bright colors and combinations– they will not look vulgar, as it can look on long nails. Therefore, give free rein to your imagination and experiment as you please. You can combine white with neon acid shades.

It will look noble with dark, rich tones like blue and burgundy. To decorate short nails you can also use rhinestones.

By the way, the French coat visually lengthens the nail, so if you want to achieve this effect, choose a white smile for yourself.

French manicure ideas with designs for sharp nails

Sharp marigolds have become very fashionable lately. French can be the perfect complement for them too. But remember that with this shape it is necessary to use colors and bright details sparingly so that the manicure does not look too provocative. Geometric designs look beautiful on sharp nails. You can leave most of your nails transparent with a white smile, but paint stylish abstract designs on a couple of nails.

I must say that sharp nails are an ideal option for classic combinations. Stylish black and white complement it perfectly.

What else can you paint on sharp nails? If they are long, then you can put anything on them. In black and white, the names of famous fashion brands or, for example, the image of the Eiffel Tower look interesting. This way your manicure will look elegant in French.

The French on sharp nails may not be oval, but sharp, imitating the shape of the nail. Such a manicure will attract attention and reveal a strong and energetic nature in you.

White French with a pattern on square nails

White jacket decorates square nails, and makes their strict shape more delicate. You can experiment with animal prints by creating a zebra pattern.

Floral and floral designs will look good on these nails. lace pattern. The choice of color scheme is yours. You can prefer both a classic and a very bright combination.

The French millennium look looks good on square-shaped nails, which suggests a brilliant “smile.”

You can make a double jacket like this by combining white with gold, silver or shiny black. At the same time, let the nail itself remain transparent, since your manicure will already be very bright.

Fashionable solutions for extended nails

French on extended nails– this is exactly the classic that millions of women around the world like. When choosing a manicure design, consider the length of your nails. If yours is extremely long, opt for a simpler design.

  • Black patterns and abstractions will look beautiful on a white jacket on extended nails. This manicure remains classic, and at the same time pleases with its originality.
  • On long nails you can paint both double and triple French. The main thing is to choose good color combination.
  • Recently, fruit motifs on nails have become popular. For example, you can do regular jacket, and top a couple of marigolds with limes, watermelon or cherries. In the summer, such a manicure will perfectly suit the situation, and in the cold season it will warm you and delight you, reminding you of summer, which has already passed, but will definitely return.

French with a pattern and rhinestones

A French jacket, decorated not only with a pattern, looks very elegant. , but also with rhinestones, which can be either part of the composition or a separate element. You can create flowers and ornaments from rhinestones.

You can also try selecting one finger numerous colored stones, which will look very bright and interesting.

The color of the rhinestones can be any. Silver looks very stylish, gold looks luxurious and rich. And black pebbles are the choice of those who love brightness, but at the same time want it to be moderately restrained.

Ideas for a white jacket with drawings huge variety. The specific choice should depend on the shape and length of the nail, your style of clothing, lifestyle, as well as your skill or the skill of the specialist to whom you entrust your nails.

And remember that the good thing about manicure is that you can constantly experiment with it. Whether you do it yourself or go to a master, in any case, no one forbids you to change your nail design as often as your heart desires.

Calories are the energy that our body spends for its full functioning. How many calories you need to consume per day is determined by such criteria as gender and age, the presence or absence of physical activity in everyday life, and lifestyle.

This is due to the fact that a young body requires more energy for development and growth, the daily rate of calories expended by men and women differs, and different amounts of calories are spent on different types of activity.

In order to determine, first find out how many of them are required normally for an ordinary person. Especially for those who are not going to lose weight.

How many calories is normal for men to consume per day?

With a sedentary lifestyle that does not include sports, two thousand calories per day is enough for men over the age of fifty.

With the same lifestyle, a man from thirty to fifty will need 2200 kcal per day.

If the same men lead a moderately active lifestyle, for example, do daily exercises and walk for an hour a day, then they should add another 200 - 400 calories per day to the above figures.

With an active, athletic lifestyle, men from eighteen to thirty years old should adhere to a daily allowance of three thousand calories. Men over thirty can reduce this figure by 100 - 200 calories. And for representatives of the stronger sex after fifty, it is recommended to consume from 2500 to 2800 calories.

Calories per day in foods that women should normally consume

With a sedentary lifestyle, ladies after fifty need no more than 1600 calories per day. Women in the age group from 26 to 50 need 1800 kcal, and girls under 26 - two thousand.

With a moderate active lifestyle, the same indicators need to be increased by 200 units.

And with full activity, the average daily caloric intake for women under thirty is 2400 kcal, for women from 30 to 60 - 2200, and for women from sixty and above - two thousand calories.

The number of calories per day for weight loss, of course, will be less than the usual norm. But if a person wants to get better, then vice versa.

In addition to the above factors, the calculation of calories per day should also be based on the ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the food consumed. These are key microelements that provide strength and energy to the body.

A Brief Overview of Micronutrients

When you are losing weight, you need to strive not only to reduce the number of calories consumed per day, but also to ensure that these calories are properly distributed and bring maximum benefit to the body.

First microelement

Carbohydrates are the body's main energy resource. And they should account for 60% of calories consumed per day.

Carbohydrates can be simple and complex, or in another way - harmful and beneficial. A person who wants to lose weight should only consume complex foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and products made from them. It is advisable to completely exclude chocolate, buns, ice cream, pasta and potatoes (especially fried ones) from the diet. What is their difference? Simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body, this leads to a sharp rise in blood, but it also falls sharply, after which the person begins to feel severe hunger and fatigue. It takes longer for the body to process them, and they are more nutritious, meaning satiety remains for a longer time. When they are absorbed, blood sugar remains at a normal level, which does not cause fluctuations in mood and well-being.

Second microelement

Proteins are the building blocks of the body. Human nails and hair, organs and muscles are made up of protein.

Its daily rate should be 15%. When making your daily calorie menu, make sure that at least 200 of them come from protein.

Proteins can be of animal or plant origin. Which ones to choose depends on your preferences. So-called “animal” products contain this microelement in larger quantities. But you can eat more plant foods without exceeding the maximum number of calories per day for weight loss.

Third trace element

Fats are the main component for activating the body's protective function. Also, these microelements are directly involved in metabolic processes.

Fats should be 25-30% in the daily diet. For example, out of 1000 calories per day, 250 should be allocated specifically to fats. However, more than half of them should be unsaturated. They are also called “healthy”. They are found in milk and dairy products, fish and nuts, and olive oil. The amount should be reduced as much as possible in the diet. They are not only harmful to your figure, but also contribute to the acquisition of various heart diseases.

Count calories and lose weight

If you want to always stay in shape, you need to learn how to calculate calories per day. To do this, you need to find out the number corresponding to your basal metabolic rate.

For men, it is one calorie per kilogram of body weight per hour. For the weaker sex, this is 0.9 calories per kilogram per hour.

If you are a woman and you weigh 70 kg, then the basal metabolic rate is calculated as follows:

0.9 calories x 70 kilograms x 24 hours. That would be 1701.6 calories, round up to get 1702 calories per day.

In order to calculate the number of calories per day for losing weight to the desired result, you need to replace the existing weight in the formula with the one you want to gain.

For example, you want to weigh 60 kilograms.

0.9 calories x 60 kilograms x 24 hours = 1296 calories. This is your daily requirement to lose weight.

However, these calculations are correct for people with a sedentary lifestyle. At the same time, if you play sports and you are a man, then add 400 - 500 to the resulting figure. If you play sports and you are a woman, then add another 250 - 350 kcal.

Take care of your weight loss safety

If you really have problems with weight, then lose weight only under the supervision of a doctor. If you just decide to lose a few kilograms, for example, for the beach season, then it will be enough to exclude simple carbohydrates and saturated fats from your daily menu and add more physical activity to your daily routine.

Losing weight should promote health and beauty, and not harm them.

When you lose weight very quickly, your liver suffers greatly. After all, the fats we hate are not burned anywhere and do not disappear from the body, as is commonly thought, they are simply processed into other chemical elements. The first sign of excessively rapid weight loss is the appearance of fatty acids in the blood plasma in large quantities. This is poison for her, and the liver rushes to the rescue and begins to cleanse the blood. These fats are already accumulating in it, but in a different form. This may well lead to cirrhosis of the liver, and as you know, people die from it.

In order to lose weight, you do not need to starve or take any special medications. This hasn't benefited anyone yet. You shouldn’t trust advertisements about miracle remedies that will allow you to eat as much as you want, whatever you want, and lose weight at the same time. This doesn't happen. You can't fool the body. You just need to control yourself to spend more calories daily than you consume. Exhausting diets, among other things, cause hair loss and nails to deteriorate. Fasting has a detrimental effect on the heart and muscle function.

In addition to maintaining the balance of microelements, you also need to consume the required amount of fiber and fluid per day. It is advisable to eat food at the same time every day. For people losing weight, three meals a day with the last meal three to three and a half hours before bedtime would be ideal. Before creating a menu, study the ratio of essential microelements in them in advance. Prepare delicious, healthy, balanced and beautiful food.

Remember that losing weight should be safe and bring joy and ease.

A person needs a certain amount of calories per day. How much is this, and how to determine what is the norm?

You can calculate the required amount using the Muffin-Jeor formula. This formula was created back in the nineties of the twentieth century. The world has come up with all sorts of formulas over the years, but the Muffin-Jeor formula is the most accurate so far.


portion of calories

Recommendation of maximum calories from fat Recommended number of grams of fat Recommended calories from saturated fat Recommended number of grams of saturated fat
1,600 400 to 560 44 to 62 112 or less 12 or less
1,800 450 to 630 50 to 70 126 or less 14 or less
2,000 500 to 700 56 to 78 140 or less 16 or less
2,200 550 to 770 61 to 86 154 or less 17 or less
2,400 600 to 840 67 to 93 168 or less 19 or less
2,600 650 to 910 72 to 101 182 or less 20 or less
2,800 700 to 980 78 to 109 196 or less 22 or less

You will get the amount of kcal needed for each person, which is contained in a variety of foods. After calculation, the result must be multiplied by the specified coefficients.

  • For people who sit a lot: BMR (basal metabolic rate) x 1.2;
  • If there is minimal physical activity (one to three workouts per week): OCB x 1.375;
  • If the load level is average (three to five workouts per week): OCB X 1.55;
  • If high (up to seven workouts per week): OCB x 1.725;
  • At maximum load intensity (a combination of heavy physical labor and daily training): OCB x 1.9;

This number is the optimal amount of calories for twenty-four hours that a person needs. If you do not consume calories in excess of the calculated amount, you will not gain excess weight.

Calorie counters: fats, proteins, carbohydrates - how many kilocalories you should eat per day

Children and their growing bodies require a decent amount of calories. Children need them, because their growth and full comprehensive development depend on it. Weight during this period may be unstable.

For a boy between the ages of fourteen and seventeen, the daily norm is 3160, and for a girl of the same age - 2760.

For men

In order to determine how many calories you need, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle and the frequency of physical activity in your life. The amount of kcal per day for men depends on:

1) lifestyle;
2) specifics of the work;
3) age.

For those whose lifestyle or work requires sitting for long periods of time:

A man between the ages of 19 and 30 needs to consume 2,400 kilocalories per day;

If there is physical activity, but it is not too frequent and intense:

An active lifestyle will mean that the norm will be slightly higher than in other cases:

The more weight you have, the more effort you need to put into losing it. Besides the fact that it is not very aesthetically pleasing, excess weight has a negative impact on your overall health.

For women

The required amount of calories is also determined by lifestyle and the presence or absence of any type of physical activity. A woman needs fewer calories than a man. To understand how many calories a woman needs, you must also take into account data about her lifestyle and the load to which the body is exposed.

For women for whom the sitting position prevails over all others:

From 19 to 25 years old – you need to consume 2000 kilocalories per day;
From 26 to 50 – 1800;
From age 51 – 1600.

If there is physical activity, but it is not very strong or irregular:

From 19 to 25 years old – you need 2200 kcal;
From 26 to 50 – 2200;
From age 51 – 1800.

If your lifestyle is active, then an increased norm is natural:

From 19 to 30 years old – you need 2400 kcal;
From 31 to 60 – 2200;
From 61 years old - 2000.

Sudden weight loss is fraught not only with a deterioration in well-being. Hair becomes brittle, as do nails. Your entire appearance may deteriorate sharply - keep this in mind when choosing a radical method of losing weight.

For athletes

For athletes, the number of calories is calculated individually. This mainly depends on:

  1. Level of sports activity;
  2. Hormones;
  3. Physiological status (this means what the athlete is like - whether he is healthy, sick, injured, pregnancy or youth is also taken into account - and therefore the active growth of the body);
  4. Gender and age.

It is important to take into account that sometimes it is necessary to consume foods that will help you gain muscle mass.

You can make a simple calculation, which is based on the correspondence between the number of calories and weight, that is, it determines how much the body needs:

  1. You need 26-30 calories per 1 kg of weight: for light physical activity;
  2. 31-37 per 1 kg: moderate intensity physical activity;
  3. 38-40 per 1 kg: maximum load.

For athletes, such calculations will be different:

  • 41-50 calories: if strength training sessions last from 15 to 20 hours per week;
  • 50 and more: for athletes practicing extreme training

How many calories you need is determined by the type of exercise. You need to consume as many kilocalories per day as you need to maintain your body’s strength.

How to lose weight

For productive weight loss, you need to remember this nuance. Whether you sharply or gradually reduce the number of calories you consume per day, do not forget to increase your diet. This increase should be done once a week. This specific dietary zigzag is needed in order to interfere with the internal process of slowing metabolism.

You need to reduce your calorie intake slowly but gradually. Eating fewer calories stimulates the body. This provokes him to use the energy of fatty tissues.

All diets in which the daily intake is less than 1200 calories per day are dangerous to health. To prevent dieting from causing harm, use common sense in your quest to lose weight.

To avoid gaining excess weight again, you need to not exceed your calorie allowance. Losing weight requires patience and a rational approach. What benefits will eating this type of product bring you? And this?
Mindless consumption of foods will lead to regression in the weight loss process. Try not to exceed the norm that you have set for yourself for the day.

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight? Calorie intake

Calorie consumption table

The table allows you to clearly see how this or that action or activity affects the burning of calories per day. For convenience, the amount of calories burned is indicated in the table for the duration of the activity/activity of an hour.

The table will help you figure out what to do in order to increase the productivity of the weight loss process. In addition, the table will help you organize your daily routine: decide on the priority of loads and actions if you want to change your weight. Your day can be fully productive: you will have time to do everything, and the extra pounds will disappear.

Food calorie table

Products Calorie content

per 100 grams



Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates % digestibility
Cocoa 373 10-30 24 17,5 28 69
Jam, jam 290 10-50 0,3 68 68
Prunes 269 40-70 3,4 62 65
Raisin 260 20-40 2,5 61 63
Dried fruits 235 50-70 2 1 65 68
Walnuts 621 20-30 13,6 56 11,7 81
Buckwheat 330 60-100 13 2 68 83
Millet cereal 334 60-80 12 3 69,3 84
Oat groats 345 40-70 12 6 65 83

For more motivation: look how many calories are in sweets. But often it is “thanks to” that they manage to gain annoying excess weight. To lose weight, it is better to choose those foods that do not put such a heavy burden on the body.

The table shows the calorie content of foods per hundred grams. The table will help you balance your diet and understand how much you can eat per day of certain foods, and which of them have a particularly negative effect on weight. In addition, perhaps the table will arouse your interest in a particular product. Take a closer look: what if there is something here that you haven’t tried yet? After all, now, in addition to curiosity, you also have a desire to lose weight.

An online daily calorie and dietary calculator will help you understand what amount is needed to stay in shape, gain weight or lose weight. Specify your parameters, choose your lifestyle and goal. The system will do the calculation automatically!

Your height (cm):

Your weight, kg:

Your lifestyle:

Don't know Sedentary, inactive Light activity (exercise 1-3 times a week) Moderate activity (exercise 3-5 times a week) Vigorous activity (high exercise every day) Extremely vigorous activity

Your aim:

Daily calorie intake:
according to average consumption per kilogram 2600 - 3000;
according to the Harris-Benedict formula 2923;
according to the Mifflin-San Jeor formula 2410.
Guidelines for:
calorie range 2290 - 2531;
daily protein intake 143 - 221 grams;
daily fat intake 64 - 84 grams;
The daily carbohydrate intake is 258 - 348 grams.

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates are the most important components of our food. When planning a diet for weight loss, it is necessary to accurately calculate the daily calorie intake to meet the body's needs and the ratio of BJU. Properly selected nutrition will allow those losing weight to:

  • do not feel hungry, lethargic and weak;
  • provide yourself with enough nutrients;
  • effectively lose weight and maintain weight at a certain level, which is especially important for women;
  • for men - choose a diet to gain muscle mass or lose weight, prepare the body for drying;
  • get the correct ratio and balance of nutrients in the body.

Online calculator for calculating BZHU and daily calorie intake

  • indicate your parameters;
  • choose a lifestyle and goal;
  • the system will do the calculation automatically.

Why do you need to know this?

The counter will allow you to get answers to the questions:

  • How many calories do we need to lose weight?
  • Should the nutritional value of food be increased/decreased?
  • Are we eating enough BJU?

Daily calorie intake for weight loss

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight? How to correctly calculate calories and their consumption? An online calorie calculator will help you solve these problems.

Of course, each person who wants to lose weight has their own lifestyle: some are more active, some are less active. Accordingly, one needs to calculate the number of calories per day to lose weight and strictly adhere to this plan, while the other just needs to decide how much he needs to stay in shape.

How to correctly calculate calorie consumption for weight loss

If you decide to lose weight, you need to know your acceptable intake and the optimal amount of calories per day. To calculate calorie consumption and understand the calorie content of a particular dish, use an online calculator.

To calculate your calorie intake per day, you need to determine how much you consume in one day.

There is a specially designed Mifflin-San Geor counting formula:

  • daily calorie intake for men: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (g) + 5) x A;
  • for women, the daily calorie intake is calculated using the same formula, the difference from the men’s formula is in the last coefficient: +5 change to -161.

After performing this simple computational operation, we obtain data to keep ourselves in shape. In order to calculate calorie content for weight loss, multiply the result by the physical activity indicator (A):

  • low (sedentary work in the office + rare walks around the city) =1.2;
  • small (the above + exercises in the gym + swimming several times a week) = 1.4;
  • average (workouts 3-5 times a week) =1.6;
  • high (daily physical activity) =1.7.

Harris-Benedict formula.

BMR (basal metabolic rate) * AMR (active metabolic rate).

BMR for women: 447.593 + (9.247 * weight in kg) + (3.098 * height in cm) - (4.330 * age in years).

BMR for men: odds 88.362; 13.397; 4.799; 5.677 respectively.

  • Sedentary lifestyle – 1.2;
  • Moderate activity – 1.375;
  • Average (classes 3-5 times a week) – 1.55;
  • Active people (intense loads) – 1.725;
  • Athletes (6-7 times a week) – 1.9.

For gaining muscle mass AMR=1.2; for losing weight women and men – 0.8.

Consumption per kilogram depends only on weight and lifestyle:

  • sedentary. 1 kg from x26 to x30;
  • light activity. 1 kg from x31 to x37;
  • average. 1 kg from x38 to x40;
  • high. 1 kg from x41 to x50;
  • extreme. 1 kg from x50 to x55.

Norm for men and women per day for weight loss

Nutritionists say that when losing weight, the daily calorie intake for a woman and a girl should be at least 1100-1300 kcal. This amount of consumption can provide the female body with everything it needs.

For weight loss, the daily calorie intake for a man is slightly higher - 1300-1600 kcal. It is extremely important to calculate the calorie content of the food you eat so that it contains not only proteins, but also complex carbohydrates. Under no circumstances should you give up entire food groups. This may have a negative impact on your well-being.

How to calculate the daily calorie intake for weight loss?

An online daily calorie calculator will help you understand what calorie intake you need to stay in shape, and will also make a calculation and help you understand how many calories per day you need to lose weight. In addition, you can calculate the norm yourself using calorie consumption tables and formulas.

For a person, the recommended daily calorie intake for weight loss is 20% less than the result you obtained from the above calculations (1200-1400 kcal). For a child (up to 10 years old), the average daily intake, when losing weight, fluctuates around 1800-2000 kcal, and for a teenager the recommended daily intake is 2300-2500 kcal.

The ratio of BZHU in the diet

For a long time, doctors, nutritionists, scientists and physiologists tried to derive the proportional ratio of BZHU so that the human body could function fully, and also so that diseases associated with poor or unhealthy nutrition would not arise. As a result, they established the following relationship, which is important to remember:

  • 1 g B = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g F = 9;
  • 1 g U = 4.

A person should consume food per day containing 40% proteins and carbohydrates and 20% fat. The formulas for calculation are as follows:

  • B: (2000 kcal * 0.4) /4;
  • F: (2000 * 0.2) /9;
  • Y: (2000 * 0.4) /4.

The results obtained are the required norm for you for each substance separately.

Table of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) products

The last task remains: to choose food that matches these data.
It is important to take into account its usefulness for the body, the presence of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other useful elements that are directly involved in the growth and regeneration of cells and the proper functioning of all internal organs and systems.

The menu should be varied. If possible, include dairy and fermented milk products, meat, fish, cereals, fruits, vegetables, flour, nuts, and sweets.

When creating a balanced diet, this table will be an excellent assistant:

Product Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calorie content per 100g
boiled chicken egg 12,7 10,7 0,8 144
buckwheat 12,6 3,3 68,0 335
rice 7,0 1,0 77,3 330
boiled brown rice 2,7 0,8 24,7 116
semolina 10,3 1,0 73,3 328
oatmeal 11,0 6,1 65,4 303
durum wheat 13,0 2,5 66,6 301
wheat bran 15,1 3,8 33,5 191
Hercules 11,0 6,2 65,7 305
pearl barley 9,3 1,1 73,7 320
Dutch cheese 26,0 26,8 0,6 352
low-fat cottage cheese 18,0 0,6 1,8 88
raw cow's milk 3,2 3,6 4,8 64
Mozzarella 21,2 20,7 0,7 264
low-fat kefir 3 0,05 3,8 30
sour cream 10% 3,0 10,0 2,9 115
banana 1,5 0,1 21,8 89
watermelon 0,7 0,2 10,9 38
apple 0,4 0,4 11,8 45
cherries 1,1 0,4 11,5 50
cherry 0,8 0,5 11,3 52
pear 0,4 0,3 10,9 42
melon 0,6 0 10,3 38
strawberry 0,6 0,3 7,2 33
raspberries 0,8 0,3 14,1 42
peach 0,9 0,1 11,3 46
black currant 1,0 0,2 11,5 38
kiwi 1,3 1,0 9,8 52
White cabbage 1,8 0,1 6,8 27
cauliflower 2,5 0,3 2,4 30
corn 3,5 2,8 15,6 101
potato 2,0 0,4 18,1 80
salad 1,5 0,2 3,1 17
carrot 1,3 0,1 9,3 34
bulb onions 1,4 0 10,4 41
Sweet pepper 1,3 0 7,2 27
garlic 6,5 0 6,0 46
tomato 1,1 0,2 5,0 23
beet 1,5 0,1 11,8 42
tomato 1,1 0,2 5,0 23
cucumber 0,8 0,1 3,8 14
zucchini 0,6 0,3 5,2 23
bell pepper 1,3 0,1 7,2 26
cod 17,1 1,1 0,6 81
pink salmon 20,8 6,8 0,5 147
squid 19,0 2,6 1,3 105
pollock 16,5 1,3 0,6 78
salmon 20,8 10,1 1,3 172
trout 20,3 7,9 0,4 152
tuna 22,5 2,6 0,3 115
chum salmon 21,3 6,1 1,1 140
beef 20,4 12,7 0,5 193
beef liver 18,8 4,2 3,4 125
mutton 16,9 17,4 1,2 219
pork 20,5 11,5 0,04 209
chicken 21,3 9,7 1,3 175
chicken breast 23,9 2,9 0,7 124
chicken liver 19,8 6,7 1,1 143
chicken thigh 19,4 11,5 2,0 187
minced chicken 17,7 9,9 0,6 164
turkey breast 20,5 3,2 0,1 111
turkey fillet 20,0 4,1 0,2 117
peanut 26,3 45,2 9,9 551
cashew 22,6 49,0 17,5 606
milk pasta 11,5 2,9 67,1 345
durum pasta 10,4 1,1 74,9 337
spaghetti 9,9 1,4 59,2 293
wheat grain bread 8,1 1,4 45,6 231
Borodinsky black bread 6,8 1,3 41,8 207
premium wheat flour 10,3 1,1 70,6 334
pita 9,1 1,1 56,2 277
green beans 1,2 0,1 3,1 16
beans 21,0 2,0 54,5 292
green peas 5,0 0,2 13,8 73
asparagus 3,8 2,0 4,4 46
chanterelles 1,6 1,1 2,2 20
raisin 1,8 0 72,2 262
dried apricots 3,0 0 68,5 227
dates 2,5 0 72,1 271
granulated sugar 0 0 99,8 379
natural honey 0,8 0 80,3 314
raspberry jam 0,6 0 72,6 275
water 0 0 0 0
black coffee 0,2 0 0,3 2
cocoa powder 24,2 17,5 33,4 380
crab sticks 6,0 1,0 10,0 73
cutlet 15,4 18,1 8,2 248
smoked sausage 17,0 40,3 2,1 431
sausages 11,2 23,9 2,3 256
boiled breast 25,4 3,2 0,4 130
mashed potatoes 2,5 3,3 14,4 96
fried zucchini 1,2 6,6 7,1 96
braised cabbage 3,4 4,0 7,4 66
pancakes 6,1 8,4 27,9 206
pancakes 6,6 7,6 35,3 229
dumplings 11,5 14,0 25,8 265
pizza 9,3 13,4 24,7 260
pilaf 10,0 9,9 26,5 211
millet porridge 4,9 2,4 25,7 138
boiled rice 3,3 1,7 24,8 130
fried eggs 14,2 16,8 1,2 211
borsch 2,7 3,1 3,8 56
chicken bouillon 3,2 1,6 1,4 32
cheeseburger mcdonald's 13,9 11,9 28,6 281
McDonald's fries 3,2 12,7 31,3 252

To make the consumption of these components even more beneficial, it would be nice to additionally:

  • play sports (running, race walking, squats, push-ups, abs - these are the minimum physical activities necessary for everyone);
  • spend more time in the fresh air.

To determine how much a person of your height and build should eat each day, use our advanced online daily calorie calculator. The calculator is programmed with a formula that calculates the optimal calorie intake based on the specified parameters.

The daily calorie intake that can ensure the active life of men, women and children depends on a number of factors: height, age, metabolic characteristics, lifestyle. The goal that a person wants to achieve also influences.

Do you want to lose weight? Get ready to cut back on your diet. Do you want to get better? Consume excess calories.

Your height (in centimeters):

Your weight (in kilograms):

Your age:

Physical activity:


Your daily requirement

When you wash the dishes, walk in the park with your children, lift weights at the gym, or perform any other activity, your body burns calories. Calories serve as the only source of energy for humans, so daily caloric reserves must be replenished by digesting and breaking down food.

Feelings of hunger, weakness, and fatigue are the main signs of lack of energy; this is how the human body expresses the desire to “recharge” a little.

The daily norm for each person is determined individually. To determine how many calories to consume per day, you need to consider:

  • Floor. If we think from the point of view of gender differences, then the male norm of calories and other nutrients is much higher than that of women.
  • Age. If we take age into account, the norm for a young body will be even higher, because the bulk of energy is spent on body growth and development of the nervous system. Children and teenagers lead a more active, mobile lifestyle than adults, who over the years prefer peace and stability.
  • Daily load. It is logical that the daily calorie intake for office workers will be much lower than for athletes. After all, the daily activities of athletes include many hours of training, which requires large amounts of strength and energy.

For women

To find out how many calories a woman should eat per day, in addition to an online calculator, you can use manual calculation using the Mifflin-Saint-Geor formula.

Mifflin-Saint-Geor formula for women: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) – 161

We multiply the result by the load factor:

  • 1.2 – minimum;

Calculating the daily calorie intake using a calculator or formula shows results that can be divided into three categories:

  1. Daily activity is minimal: for a woman 19-25 years old, the daily calorie intake is 2000 kcal, 26-50 years old - 1800 kcal, over 51 years old - 1600 kcal. in a day.
  2. Moderate activity: for a woman 19-25 years old, the daily calorie intake is 2400 kcal, 26-50 years old - 2200 kcal, over 51 years old - 1800 kcal. in a day.
  3. Active lifestyle: for a woman 19-30 years old the daily calorie intake is 2600 cal., 31-60 years old - 2400 cal., over 61 years old - 2000 cal. in a day.

The daily calorie intake of a pregnant or lactating woman, regardless of the intensity of the load, increases by 1.5 times - 3200-3500 kcal per day.

For men

The daily calorie intake for men is calculated in the same way; you can use an online calculator or do a manual calculation. For men, there is the Mifflin-Saint-Geor formula, adapted to suit men's needs.

Mifflin-Saint-Geor formula for men: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) + 5

We multiply the result by the load factor:

  • 1.2 – minimum;
  • 1.375 – light exercise three times a week;
  • 1.4625 – light exercise 5-6 days a week;
  • 1,550 – complex training 5-6 days a week;
  • 1.6375 – daily complex loads;
  • 1.725 – daily complex loads twice a day;
  • 1.9 – sports + hard work.
The daily calorie intake for a man 19-30 years old is no less than 2400 calories, 31-50 years old is no less than 2200 calories, over 51 years old is no less than 2000 calories. in a day.
  • With moderate activity: the calorie norm for men 19-30 years old is no less than 2800 calories, 31-50 years old – 2600 calories, over 51 years old – 2400 calories. in a day.
  • With an active lifestyle: the norm for a man 19-30 years old is no less than 3000 cal., 31-60 years old – 2800 cal., over 61 years old – 2400 cal. in a day.
  • Table of daily norms for organizing nutrition for men and women, taking into account the severity of the daily load and age:

    For children

    Neither online calculators nor a manual calculation formula can determine how much energy is needed for the normal functioning of a child or teenager. But there is a ready-made table focused on the child’s age.

    The table shows that children's daily calorie intake is as follows:

    From the age of 13, a child’s daily intake is similar to that of an adult boy or girl. Pay special attention to the quality of your diet. Let your child eat vegetables, fruits, and cereals every day. And sweets and baked goods will only harm the growing body.

    Immediately remove processed foods, chips, carbonated drinks, and fast food from the diet if your child has previously been allowed to eat this poison.

    For weight loss

    Those who want to lose weight will have to force their body to expend energy accumulated in the form of fat mass. In order for the body to understand that the time has come to “scrape the bottom” and begin to burn subcutaneous fat, it is necessary to create an energy deficit. There are two ways to manage energy shortages: reduce or increase energy consumption.

    First, determine your ideal weight, then calculate how many calories per day corresponds to it. Adjust your diet within the limits obtained and follow the chosen diet. You will notice that gradually the body will approach the ideal weight mark and stop there.

    Example: a 25-year-old girl, height 165 cm, weight 70 kg, dreams of losing weight to 60 kg. Calorie norm for a mass of 60 kg = 1345 kcal. Having balanced her diet within 1345 calories, after a while the girl will reduce her weight to 60 kg.

    The main thing in losing weight is not to get carried away playing with your own body and health. Nutritionists generally prohibit going on a debilitating diet, believing that the limit of the minimum amount of calories - body weight (kg) / 0.450 x 8 - cannot be crossed. This means that it is dangerous for our “experimental” girl to reduce her calorie intake to less than 1200 per day. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, she faces a disgusting mood, sluggish health, at best - gastritis, at worst - a stomach ulcer.

    For weight gain

    Example: you spend the whole day on the move, work, family, and you also signed up for the gym. You spend 2500-3000 kcal per day. This means you need to eat 250-300-500 kcal more – let’s say 3500 per day.

    To correctly create a diet for weight gain, you need to determine the exact amount of energy consumed by the body. Get ready to experiment a little:

    1. For one week, eat a diet with the same calorie content every day - 2800;
    2. On the eighth day, in the morning, on an empty stomach, measure your weight.

    Now let's analyze the results:

    • If your body has gained at least 1 kg of weight, do not change your diet, continue to eat in the same spirit.
    • If no changes in body weight are observed or the weight gain is slight (100-200 g), feel free to add another 250-300 calories to the daily menu.
    • And if the diet made you lose weight, then you need to add at least 500-750 calories to your diet. Now your daily calorie intake will be 3100-3550.

    How to make a diet

    Calories are formed by the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. But not all calories are synthesized into subcutaneous fat. Metabolism is designed in such a way that protein compounds are not suitable for the synthesis of fat mass; this function is assigned to fats and carbohydrates.

    It is not enough to calculate the daily calorie intake; it is more important to decide how much protein, fat, and carbohydrates to “feed” your body. It is important to balance your diet so that the calories extracted work for the benefit of the body and do not accumulate as excess fat under the skin.


    Proteins are the main builders of the body: internal organs, muscle tissue, hair, nails, and regulate the protective functions of the immune system. Try to balance your diet so that 20-30% of your calories come from proteins.

    Example: your calorie intake is 2000 per day, which means at least 400 kcal must be synthesized from proteins. Nutritionists recommend eating 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight.

    A large amount of proteins is found in animal products. That is why milk and meat are so important in the daily diet.


    Fats are also important for the body, perform protective functions, participate in metabolism, and provide essential amino acids. Leave about 20-30% of the diet for fats, make sure that the amount is no more than 7%.

    Excessive consumption of saturated and hydrogenated fats is harmful to health. And healthy fats are found in fish, milk, and nuts.
