Exotic cuisine of Nicaragua: cassava, vigoron and cerdo con yuca. In which country did noodles first appear? KFC success story

America through the eyes of Tragladite...

I can’t say that my childhood was difficult or that I lacked anything. My father worked in ORS and we had a family “settled” according to Soviet understanding. But for as long as I can remember, I dreamed of the “West”, dreamed of seeing skyscrapers and drinking real American Coca-Cola. In those days, probably every second person dreamed of this. And only when I was 35, I suddenly had the opportunity to go to Washington for a couple of weeks.

While I was getting my visa, I changed my mind ten times and, arguing with the guards near the embassy, ​​shouted at them to return my passport and that I didn’t want to go anywhere. But everything turned out well, I was given a visa for 5 years and I went on a trip with pleasure. Perhaps I was lucky or somehow I was in a positive mood, but the trip was a great success, I even traveled a little, visited New York and rinsed in the ocean. And on the way back, I took with me a whole suitcase of food, scooped up a lot of different things and especially those goodies that you can’t find in Poland.

I did the following: I marinated it for a couple of days chicken breast in marinade based silane(date molasses) soy sauce, Thai pepper, a couple of tsp. ginger juice, white seeds And black sesame, sumac and a small amount olive oil.
Of course, all this is completely un-Mexican and it was simply necessary to add cepotle, but... since this is something like creativity, the cepotle in this case play the role of an entourage. This meat was marinated for a couple of days in the refrigerator. On the third day, I turned the oven on to 200 degrees, put the meat in there and turned the heater to 75 degrees. That is, the meat, having been fried on the outside, was heated in such a way that in a couple of hours it reached its 75 degrees.
For those interested, an alternative preparation option: immediately cut the meat into pieces and simmer in a mixture of chepotls, tomato paste and oregano. I think 40 minutes will do what you need.
Now let's move on to the actual process of preparing Tacos.

We take this same meat, more variety of vegetables and fruits for salsa, greenery (oregano Necessarily!), cheese(Necessarily Cheddar), corn. For guacomole we need: large ripe avocado, lime(more precisely, juice from it), several cloves garlic and a little bit olive oil. Well, actually corn tortillas(I have it for Burritos).

And finally, guacomole, to which it is recommended to add fresh cilantro. Unfortunately, I have trouble with cilantro, so I tried to sublimate it by adding oregano. I'll be honest: it certainly didn't ruin the taste, but it didn't improve it either. If possible, add cilantro.

Sprinkle with cheese and raise the edges on both sides. In theory you should end up with something similar to this:

Yes exactly. They are served in threes, however, with the adjustment that the tortillas themselves are half the size. Honestly, after eating such a portion, you will forget about hunger for a long time, and when you get hungry, you will think about Tacos again. I have the impression that they are putting something in there. It's just incredibly delicious.

Tacos are another Mexican dish after Nachos that are fun to eat. This is because it is eaten with your hands. I don’t know about you, but this process amuses me and my little one, especially when pieces of food fall past our mouths and onto our clothes. In a narrow family circle this is exactly what is needed. Therefore, dear hulinars, cook Mexican cuisine more often and you will always have a cheerful mood at home.
I recommend!

Mexican cuisine with its traditions, formed on the basis of the synthesis of two cultures - Aztec and Spanish, is known throughout the world. Many recipes for Mexican dishes are rooted in antiquity, which is why at the UN international conference held in November 2010, Mexican cuisine was included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

Without getting out of the saddle

The “heart” of Mexican cuisine is rightly called beans, chili peppers and tartillas - almost every Mexican dish includes at least one of these ingredients. The most popular of them is tacos. This is a traditional Mexican flatbread with a spicy filling. Thin corn or wheat tortillas (tortillas) are filled with filling and the tortilla is folded in half.

Actually, it is correct to call this dish “taco” (Spanish: Taco), and the “C” at the end indicates the plural. The word "taco" means "plug" or "lump." The Etymology Dictionary defines a taco as "a tortilla filled with spicy meat" and describes it as a "light lunch." Tacos are an on-the-go dish that is said to have been invented by wandering Mexican cowboys who preferred to dine without getting out of the saddle.

For those who like it spicy

According to official statistics, on average, each resident of Mexico eats at least 60 kg of tortillas annually. The local population has created a real cult of this dish. Each takaria will offer many varieties of tacos to suit every taste.

Tacos are considered one of the most popular dishes of national cuisine in Mexico: they are sold not only in special culinary establishments, but also on the streets of the country’s cities in “mobile” kiosks. Local craftsmen wrap tacos with an incredible variety of fillings: minced fried or boiled beef, pork, chicken, fish. In this case, be sure to use cheese, onions and vegetables. At the request of the client, a kind of “edible envelope” is also flavored with spicy seasonings, which usually make inexperienced tasters cry and sweat on their faces.

Tacos have a variety of fillings: with cheese and asparagus, with vegetables, with tofu, salmon, beef, tuna, pineapple and pork, sweet peppers, baked meat, beans, chorizo, chicken, shrimp, avocado and corn.

Mexico also prepares tacos, which are especially respected by supporters of exotic dishes. For example, local chefs season the filling of the flatbreads with special types of grasshoppers, caterpillars living in the leaves of the maguey cactus, and even ant larvae.

The dish is eaten exclusively with the hands, although foreigners may also be offered cutlery. Connoisseurs of Mexican food warn against eating chili sauce, since not every European stomach can handle it.

Classic tacos recipe:


ground coriander - 0.5 tsp.

vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

canned red beans - 200 g

lettuce - 0.25 heads

carrots - 1 pc.

tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.

grated cheddar cheese - 0.25 cups

minced beef - 150 g

onion - 1 pc.

tomato - 1 pc.

For wheat tortillas:

salt - 0.5 tsp.

flour - 1 cup

rendered pork fat - 1 tsp.

Cooking time: 1 hour

Cooking process:

Sift flour with salt, add fat and grind it into flour. Slowly, stirring, pour in 0.25 cups of warm water. Knead into a soft, homogeneous dough. Form the dough into a ball, cover it with a damp hot cloth and leave for 10 minutes. Divide the ball into 6 pieces and roll each into a thin round cake.

Fry the resulting flat cakes in a very hot dry frying pan for 30 seconds. from each side. Stack the tortillas on top of each other, wrap in foil and set aside.

Peel and finely chop the onion, heat the vegetable oil. Fry the onion in it (a saucepan is ideal) for 3 minutes. Then add the minced meat and, kneading it with a spatula, cook until almost all the liquid has evaporated. Finally, add tomato paste, coriander, salt and canned beans to the mixture. Simmer for another 4 minutes.

Peel and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Wash the tomato, cut into thin slices. Wash the lettuce leaves and chop finely.

Place the tortillas on a baking sheet, slightly folding them in half. Bake them in an oven preheated to 180°C for 5 minutes. Add beans with minced meat to the tortillas, sprinkle with grated cheese, then carrots. Top with tomato slices and shredded lettuce leaves.

Tacos are served hot.

Tacos or tacos(usually used in the plural) is a traditional Mexican dish. A taco is a stuffed tortilla that is served accompanied by traditional Mexican sauces.

It's worth noting that taco tortitas can be made from either corn or wheat flour. As a rule, tacos are filled with meat such as pork, beef or chicken. In addition, tacos are filled with seafood, vegetables and sausages.

The most popular tacos are those with chorizo ​​sausage, beans, and even edible cactus leaves. World famous salsa, guacamole or cilantro, as well as chili sauce are served as sauces for tacos. Such a dish as a taco is convenient because it can be eaten “on the run” without using cutlery.

The history of tacos and dishes began even before the Spanish landed in South America and the formation of the state of Mexico. Researchers were able to find anthropological reliable evidence of the fact that even the indigenous people of the ancient tribes living in the valley of the Mexico City River ate tacos filled with small fish.

During the time of the Spanish conquistadors, the recipe for making tacos underwent changes. The main component of the taco filling was meat; fish was used extremely rarely in the preparation process. In addition, the meaning of the name of the dish has changed.

Now the word taco has come to mean “a tortilla filled with meat.” It is worth noting that taco is not just a national dish, it is a kind of symbol of Mexico. Over the thousand-year history of the existence of tacos as a dish, a huge number of variations have appeared on the theme of the recipe of the culinary product.

As a rule, one or another type of taco differs primarily from others in the composition of the filling. Among the main and world-famous types of tacos are the following:

  • taco al pastor is a dish based on pork pre-marinated in a sauce of chili peppers, annatto, vinegar and orange juice, which is fried and served with slices of pineapple;
  • taco al carbón is meat, usually beef, chicken or pork, that is fried over an open fire;
  • taco de carnitas is a dish filled with pork, which has been stewed in fat or lard;
  • taco de carne asada is a type of culinary product that is filled with roasted beef;
  • taco árabe is a type of shawarma that Mexicans were taught to make by Arab settlers, using pork seasoned with onions, oregano and cumin, served with tacos in a lemon vinegar sauce and chipotle;
  • de cochinita is a type of taco made from pork that is marinated in annatto and then baked in the oven or in tropical leaves over an open fire;
  • taco de barbacoa is made from slow-braised lamb, which becomes especially soft and tender after a sufficiently long cooking time;
  • taco de cabeza is a dish filled with the head meat of a cow or lamb carcass, as well as offal such as cheeks, tongue and brain;
  • taco de birria is a type of taco that is made with a filling of young goat meat, which is baked in a special way with spices in clay pots for a long period of time;
  • taco de pollo is a dish that consists of finely chopped pieces of chicken with onions and mole sauce;
  • Taco a la siberia is considered a traditional dish, most often prepared in the Mexican city of Monterrey from chicken breast, which is finely chopped and seasoned with a sauce of sour cream, jalapeno and guacamole.

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State in Southeast Asia

State in Asia

Who invented Roulette? And in what country and when did it first appear?

The first roulette (the kind we know) appeared in France in 1765. Roulette is a wheel with numbered holes. During the game the wheel is rotated, and is especially made by throwing the ball against the direction of rotation of the wheel. The real historical origin of roulette is not known. According to the version of scientific historians, roulette was invented by the Chinese, according to others, by an unknown French monk. The third sign is the invention of roulette by a scientist named Blaise Pascal (French philosopher and mathematician), who did not at all intend to create a device for gambling; his invention was simply used by friends who had not a scientific, but a commercial sense. According to one legend, Parisian Francois Blanc sold his soul to the devil for the secret of roulette. This incredible version is confirmed by the sum of all roulette numbers, which is 666.

The prototypes of modern roulette appeared in gaming establishments in France and Germany already in the 17th century.
The predecessor of modern roulette (now a special wheel with numbered slots around the circumference in which the ball stops) was a game called “hoka”. There were as many as three zeros on the playing field of this game, and if the ball stopped there, the casino took the player's bets. Compared to modern roulettes, it was a more primitive game, and the field was also less balanced.
Another predecessor to roulette was the odd-even game., where the playing field was in the form of a wooden wheel with marked bets, on which there were 40 holes. Half of the slots were marked with the letter E (even in French for “even”), that is, even bets, and the remaining 20 were marked with the letter O (in French for “odd”). If the ball landed in an even hole, the bets on the odd holes were taken by the casino, and vice versa.
Another predecessor of roulette, which existed in European casinos in the 18th century, was the game Boule. It was a large, motionless bowl, and the ball moved along its edge. There were 18 nests in total, numbered from one to nine, where zero was designated by five. You could bet on any number, including five, and the payout was 7 to one.

The fashion for casinos spreads instantly and the houses where the game lives are successfully gaining popularity throughout Europe. The roulette wheel only stopped spinning in 1789 when, during the French Revolution, the government issued a decree banning all gambling. With Napoleon coming to power, gambling houses were reopened. The business did not flourish for long - in 1839 all gambling houses in France were closed. But by this time, roulette fever had spread throughout the world.
In 1861, the victim of the devil's temptation, Francois Blanc, opens the first casino in Monaco. And when many European gambling houses were closed in 1873, Monaco became the official capital of the gambling business. A huge gambling palace was built in Monte Carlo, where crowds of gamblers from all over the world came to try their luck.
