Pea soup recipe for 1 year old child. Healthy pea soup for children: tasty for the child, happy for the mother. The main composition of a pea dish

Legumes, which include peas, are one of the first foods that you can and should introduce your baby to. It is recommended to start complementary feeding no earlier than seven months, and complementary feeding should be gradual so that the child’s reaction to new food can be monitored. Indeed, in addition to the well-known “pea effect” in the form of intestinal discomfort, there may also be an allergy to it. Therefore, peas should appear fully on the menu no earlier than by one and a half years.

We will cook not just delicious food. We will prepare it so that the tummy feels good, for which we will turn the pea soup into a puree soup, and even disguise the carrots. In addition, we’ll give you some tasty croutons to crunch on.


  • peas - 200 grams
  • onion - 1 small or half a medium one
  • carrots - 1 small
  • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • broth (water) - about 2 liters



You can use low-fat chicken () or vegetable broth.

If your baby eats soup without salt, that’s great. If not, then add some salt directly on the plate.

About the benefits of peas for a child

Consider yourself lucky if your baby likes pea soup, because peas are very healthy. Its benefit lies in its high content of vegetable protein, which can successfully replace animal protein, however, to fully transform into protein it still needs the support of grains or meat. Nevertheless, pea dishes are indispensable for children with low weight - peas are very nutritious.

But peas are not only valuable for protein. It also contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins, and also contains fiber. It is insoluble fiber that causes flatulence and gastrointestinal problems.

You can avoid them by thoroughly grinding them to a puree-like state (the more homogeneous and tender the puree, the easier it is for the body to cope with coarse fiber). That's what we did.

Peas go well not only with grains and meat, but also with vegetables, such as potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and herbs. By the way, if your child does not eat carrots, then peas will perfectly mask the taste of carrots, so the baby will eat it and not notice.

  • legumes increase gas formation, and this can cause abdominal pain in the baby;
  • The protein in peas is difficult to digest. Quite a lot of energy is spent on it. The work of the enzyme system of the intestines and stomach is quite intense.

From how many months can you give pea soup to your baby?

Most pediatricians advise giving peas from the age of 1.5 years. But it is better to introduce pea soup from the age of 2, when the baby’s digestive system is ready to digest this product.

How to start complementary feeding with peas?

The introduction scheme corresponds to the general rules for introducing new dishes:

  1. We let him eat pea soup before lunch, so that during the day there will be an opportunity to see the baby’s reaction to the new product.
  2. We start with ½ teaspoon, gradually increasing to 100 ml.
  3. There is no need to add smoked meats to pea soup until it is ten years old.
  4. You can add sour cream.

Be sure to rinse the peas (about ½ cup) under running water. Next, you need to soak it in cold water for 40 - 60 minutes. After this, in an enamel bowl, pouring 1.5 liters of water into it, boil the peas.

Pea soup can be made with beef or chicken broth.

Cook for quite a long time - 20 - 30 minutes. The readiness of peas can be determined by the fact that they begin to fall apart, or by tasting them.

Peas make a delicious puree soup. After preparing the soup, pass it through a blender to the desired consistency.

Pea porridge

You can give porridge to children. We also soak the peas before cooking. After this, boil, you can pass the finished porridge through a blender. Add ½ teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Personal experience! Natalya, 23 years old: “I started introducing peas to my son when he was 2 years old. He liked him immediately. We tried it in the form of soups, porridges, purees. I also added it to salads in the form of green peas. I didn’t notice any allergic reactions.”

Pea porridge can also be mixed with vegetables or minced meat, which will only improve its taste.

Signs of pea intolerance

  1. Bloating, colic, bowel movements,...
  2. Hives all over the body.
  3. Swelling.

If these signs appear, you should consult a doctor.

Children's first introduction to pea soup is very important. After all, peas are a storehouse of nutrients and minerals.

We should not forget that this dish causes increased gas formation, so it is better to serve it for lunch, no more than 2-3 times a week.

It should also be taken into account that if the baby does not want to eat a new product, then it is better to remove the peas for a while.

Not all kids enjoy eating first courses, but few of them will refuse delicious pureed pea soup with crispy croutons. Teachers noted that this soup is the most popular in preschool institutions.

Peas are very useful for a growing body, they contain a lot of natural protein, which is very well absorbed, as well as vitamins and microelements that a growing body needs.

Preparing pea soup for a child is quite easy even for a working and busy mother; it is enough to know some subtleties and tricks. We will cook in a slow cooker. I have this Polaris 0517 ad, but the recipe is easy to prepare in other models: Redmond, Panasonic, Philips, etc.

To prepare soup in a slow cooker required:

  • Chicken breast – 1 pc.
  • Split peas – 2 multi-cups
  • Fresh carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Salt (preferably sea salt) - to taste
  • A bunch of fresh or dry herbs (for children over 3 years old, you can season for soup) – 1 teaspoon
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.

Pea soup for children over 2 years old in a slow cooker with chicken - recipe with photo:

If you are not sure what quality the peas are, then you should soak them in cool water, for example, before leaving for work in the morning or from evening to night. It is best to pour more water into the bowl so that the peas do not absorb it all.

Cut the thawed chicken breast into thin strips or cubes. Meanwhile, grate the carrots on a fine grater or cut into thin strips. It is recommended to chop the onion very finely. Cut the potatoes into large cubes so that after cooking they can be removed from the soup and mashed.

To make the soup look attractive, you can cut out stars from one carrot and add it along with peas.

It is not necessary to use onions specifically; leeks or shallots, for example, have a much milder taste.

Place the meat in the multicooker bowl, add 1.5 liters of water and cook the first broth, which will need to be drained. This does not have to be done in a smart assistant; you can cook the broth with meat in a saucepan on the stove in advance. After the chicken broth is ready, it must be drained. We will cook pea soup for small children using the second broth.

To prepare this soup, you can use not only meat, but also vegetable broth, the soup will be lighter.

Place washed peas, carrots, potatoes, onions and chicken into a clean multi-pan.

Pour in 1.5 liters of clean water. Add salt to the soup, add bay leaf and some finely chopped herbs.

It is best to cook pea soup with chicken in a multicooker for children using the “Stew” mode for 2 hours.

After cooking, remove the potatoes from the soup into a bowl.

Use a masher to make mashed potatoes.

And add it again to the pea soup with chicken. Mix.

After cooking, pea soup in a slow cooker for children should sit. A stewed effect can be achieved by leaving the soup in the slow cooker for half an hour in the “Warming” mode.

In the meantime, you can start making croutons. Cut the pieces of bread into small cubes and place in a dry frying pan. Brown the bread cubes until golden brown and add butter. Stir the croutons quickly to absorb the oil.

Pea soup for a child can be served in an interesting, deep plate. If desired, add some fresh herbs and toasted bread.

Dishes made from legumes are deservedly popular. These delicious diet treats are on many people's menus. Peas are the leader among other relatives, and the most common dish made from them is soup. He is loved and popular in many families. When a child appears in a family, a logical question arises: when can children be given pea soup, which is cooked at home quite often.

Pea soup on the child's menu

Pea soup for a child

Peas contain vitamins, essential microelements and a lot of protein. It activates the nervous system and brain. As a complete meal, pea soup can be given to a child after 1-2 years. If before this time the baby eats a spoonful of such soup, for example as educational complementary food, there will be no harm.

Pea soup, like any new dish, should be introduced gradually. Start with one or two spoons, watching the baby's reaction. Although legumes are a dietary food and contain a large amount of protein, they cause excessive gas formation.

How to properly prepare pea soup for a child

So, having found out whether your child can have pea soup, you need to prepare it correctly. After all, the classic recipe for smoked ribs is not suitable for use by a small child. There are several basic principles for preparing soups (not just pea, but any) for children after one year:

Note to moms!

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  1. Cook the soup using vegetable broth.
  2. You can make soup with meat broth. To do this, you need to use low-fat pulp, finely chopped. Place the pieces of meat in cold water. After boiling, remove the meat and drain the water. Rinse the meat with cold water and pour boiling water over it. After half an hour of slow simmering, the broth is ready.
  3. For quick boiling, it is better to soak peas in cold water in the evening.
  4. We put the ingredients for the soup in descending order of their cooking time: peas, carrots, potatoes, onions.
  5. First, it is better to prepare puree soup - this will make it easier for the baby to eat and for the stomach to cope with its processing.

When making pea soup for children under three years of age, it is better to use fresh or frozen green peas rather than dry split peas. This way the dish will be more dietary, healthy and light. You can start giving this soup to babies after six months.

Inappropriate ingredients for babies

Some products should not be used when preparing pea soup for a child:

  • smoked meats;
  • fat meat;
  • spices;
  • bouillon cubes.

To make things easier for mom, you don’t have to cook pea soup for your baby separately. Just dilute the soup, which was cooked for the whole family, with water or vegetable broth twice.

On the topic of complementary feeding:
