Dried mushroom mushroom sauce recipe. Dried mushroom sauce recipe. Mushroom sauce made from dried mushrooms with pepper

Hi all! My name is Angela! From time to time I share my recipes on the site, but not often. And now I wanted to take part in the competition. I have a lot of interesting ideas on what to prepare for the New Year's table, gradually I will share them.

Today I want to invite you to cook fried chickpeas in a frying pan, I know that fried chickpeas with hot spices are prepared in India and, perhaps, in other Asian countries, but they do it differently there - they don’t soak or boil it in advance, so the snack turns out kind of crispy snack, like chips. But I cook a little differently, and it seems to me that my technique is more advanced. 🙂

For a festive table, fried chickpeas with spices will be a good appetizer before or together with the main course. These peas can also be added to salads instead of croutons.

We need:

  • 1 cup chickpeas;
  • ½ tsp. turmeric;
  • 1 tsp. no heaps of wasabi powder (mustard green);
  • a pinch of black pepper;
  • vegetable oil;

Less calorie recipe - in the oven.

How to fry chickpeas - recipe with photo:

We wash the chickpeas and soak them overnight so that instead of dry “wood”, they taste and “feel” like green peas - soft, sweetish, juicy.

Pour oil into the frying pan. This is not deep frying, but you need to fry it harder.

Pour in the peas, add all the spices, but without salt. And we fry.

When the chickpeas begin to become covered with a golden crust, and the whole kitchen is filled with the smell of fried spices, then sprinkle salt to taste. Frying will take 7-10 minutes, no more.

Now taste 1 pea. Surprisingly, without pre-cooking (just soaking), the chickpeas are soft and tender on the inside, and crunchy on the outside and have a beautiful crust.

I suggest putting it beautifully on a plate, decorating it with fresh lettuce or pekin leaves, you can add cucumbers or tomatoes as a counterbalance to hot spices.

Happy upcoming holidays to everyone, although they are still a long way off :)!

And bon appetit from Angelica!

Do you love potato chips, but don't want to gain extra pounds because of them? Why not replace the chips with roasted chickpeas. An excellent alternative to a light, but very filling snack. And men will appreciate this snack as an excellent addition to a foamy drink. After all, chickpeas can be fried with salt and various spices, giving it a particular flavor.

Chickpeas or chickpeas, as they are also called in the East, do not themselves have a characteristic taste, so they perfectly absorb the aromas of spices added to them. But it has a pleasant light nutty aroma, which sets it apart from the legume family.

Chickpeas can easily replace meat for those losing weight and fasting, because it is a record holder for the content of protein and carbohydrates, as well as minerals and vitamins.

Experts have also noted that with regular consumption of chickpeas, just like in humans, the level of cholesterol in the blood significantly decreases and the functioning of the heart improves. But before you completely eliminate meat from your diet, be sure to consult your doctor!

The total cooking time is 14 hours (when cooking chickpeas on gas), 1 hour (when cooking chickpeas in a slow cooker).

Active cooking time is 20 – 30 minutes.

The calorie content of the finished product (per 100 grams) is 250 kcal.

Serving quantity – 5 – 6.

Ingredients for making savory roasted chickpeas:

  • Chickpeas – 250 grams,
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Ground paprika (sweet) – 1 teaspoon (not heaped),
  • Hot red pepper - 1 pinch,
  • Ground black allspice – 1 pinch,
  • Water.

How to cook roasted chickpeas

Start your preparation by rinsing the chickpeas. Then soak it in warm water with a pinch of baking soda and salt. Soda can reduce gas formation in the human stomach after eating legumes.

Leave the soaked chickpeas for 12 hours to swell. Then rinse the chickpeas with cold water. Place the peas in a deep saucepan and cover with hot water. Place over medium heat and cook until done. Cooking on gas will take you about an hour. In a regular slow cooker, peas are cooked for about 40 minutes. In a multicooker - pressure cooker, this process will take no more than half an hour.

How to tell when chickpeas are ready? Fully cooked chickpeas should not turn into mush, they should remain whole, but when pressed with your finger, they will fall apart.

Dry the cooked chickpeas and start frying them.

Pour odorless vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it.

Place the chickpeas in the pan and reduce the heat to medium, fry them, stirring occasionally, until golden brown.

During the frying process, add salt; if you are frying chickpeas as a snack for foamy drinks, then you don’t have to skimp on the salt. Mix salt with legumes and fry until done.

Place the fried chickpeas on a paper napkin, folded in three, and leave to absorb the excess oil.

A classic Indian hot snack is chickpea popcorn. The crunchy snack is very popular throughout India, as well as in Sri Lanka and some other Asian countries. On the streets of India, you can often see mobile trays with hot snacks, as a rule, these are spicy “donuts”, hot flatbreads, chickpea popcorn, etc.

Spicy legume snacks are in great demand for several reasons: firstly, legumes, due to their high protein content, perfectly satisfy hunger, secondly, spicy snacks remain fresh for a long time, thirdly, in India, chickpeas are a very cheap product that can Almost every person can afford it. And finally, crispy chickpeas are delicious, and it’s very hard to tear yourself away from them! So be prudent, bake twice as many chickpeas in the oven as you plan to eat. Moreover, the spicy snack can be placed in a glass jar, where it will remain for several more weeks without changing its taste.

What you will need:

  • 200 gr. chickpeas (chickpeas)
  • 1/2 tsp. curry (dark powder)
  • 1/4 tsp. turmeric (light powder)
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon
  • pinch of red pepper
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (coconut, olive or sunflower)
  • dried curry tree leaves (it’s very hard to find curry leaves on sale, but if you do find them, be sure to buy a few bags for preparing Indian dishes!)
  • salt to taste

You can choose a mixture of other hot spices to your taste and even bake sweet crispy chickpeas in the oven, preparing it in the same way as hot popcorn, but at a certain stage replacing the spices with sugar, cocoa, vanillin, cardamom, cinnamon, etc.

Spicy crispy chickpeas in the oven

Soak the chickpeas overnight in drinking water. In the morning, drain the water, rinse the peas and refill with drinking water. Boil until tender, approximately 20-25 minutes. The beans should become soft and fall apart easily when pressed.

Place the chickpeas on a towel and let the peas dry. Meanwhile, mix all the spices.

Combine chickpeas with spices and add vegetable oil. Place the appetizer on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 C for 35-40 minutes. Every 10-15 min. The legumes need to be stirred so that the chickpeas bake evenly.

Legumes can also be dried in a frying pan. Heat a dry frying pan, add the chickpeas and fry for 5-7 minutes until all the moisture has evaporated. Then add spices and oil and cook the fried chickpeas for another 5-7 minutes until golden brown.

Crispy chickpeas can be served hot. Or cool the popcorn and transfer it to a glass jar, where the spicy snack will be stored for a very long time.

Bon appetit!

Spicy Crispy Roasted Chickpeas are an absolutely versatile dish. It can be served instead of soups, sprinkled on salads, but of course, first of all, it is a nutritious and tasty snack that can be an excellent alternative to crackers or chips.

Neutral in taste on their own, chickpeas allow you to endlessly experiment with seasonings and spices, which give the snack a new flavor every time. And the process of its preparation itself captivates with its simplicity. Just add a little oil, season the grains with a pinch or two of spicy spices, and then simply fry until crispy in a frying pan or in the oven. Try it!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Pour cold water over the chickpeas and leave for 10-12 hours, or even better, for a day.

During the frying process, the chickpeas shrink and almost completely return to their original size. So when buying chickpeas to make a snack, choose the largest ones you can find.

Drain the water, rinse the chickpeas under running water and dry thoroughly. It is important that not a drop of moisture remains on the surface of the chickpeas - in this case, they will cook faster and turn out crispy.

To prepare fried chickpeas in a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil over medium heat, add the prepared chickpeas and, stirring about once every 5 minutes, fry the grains until tender. As a rule, the cooking process takes 15-20 minutes.

Since roasted chickpeas are not very different in appearance from raw chickpeas, periodically taste the grains during cooking.

When the inside of the grains are completely cooked and have a thin crispy crust, add the spices and, stirring over low heat, fry the chickpeas for another 4-5 minutes or until the grains are crispy enough to taste.

To prepare roasted chickpeas in the oven, pour 2-3 tablespoons into a baking dish. vegetable oil.

Add prepared chickpeas and spices to taste. I add salt, paprika, ground red pepper, ginger, curry and dried garlic.

Mix everything thoroughly so that the oil and spices evenly coat the chickpeas.

Then place the prepared chickpeas in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until desired degree of doneness. Stir occasionally during the process and taste the chickpeas; as soon as they become crispy enough for your taste, the snack is ready. Depending on the size of the grains, the process of cooking chickpeas in the oven usually takes from 35 to 60 minutes.

No matter how you cook chickpeas, don't leave them unattended for too long, as overcooking them can cause them to become hard.

Fried chickpeas with salt and spices are ready. Bon appetit!
