Salted hamsa recipe. Salted anchovy. Brine ingredients

Cooking anchovies at home

Today I salted two 5-liter jars of anchovies.

The story with these anchovy sprat is like this. This is the third time. how I salt these anchovies myself. I picked it for the first time under the guidance of a good lady in the town of Lorikovo by the sea. While at her dinner, I saw that she was taking these anchovies out of a healthy jar that was clearly not an industrial type.
I immediately pricked up my ears, because... we always bought anchovies for pizza. By the way, they are not cheap.
Word by word, I found out that in the town, housewives salt their anchovies themselves. I immediately got excited about salting them, but they cut me off, saying that, they say, it’s already September, but they are salted in May, etc. and so on. To which I reacted according to my characteristic feeling of contradiction like “garbage is war, the main thing is maneuvers.”
Here are the “maneuvers” I managed to do then.

In small Italian towns, fish is delivered in vans on certain days. Although there are also fish shops.
As soon as the first van with fish shouted into the pipe in a loud Napoletan chant, saying, “KA-A-A-mu-u-u-u kI-I-Ilky!!”, I was right there with my wallet.
These wonderful fish, weighing 6 kg, left their mark on my culinary history.

The same lady from whom I saw home-salted anchovies volunteered to help pickle them.

But first these little fish had to be purged. What what? Remember Purgen tablets. Why did we put those pills in others' soup as a prank? Right. To help them cleanse their intestines. So the fish would need to be cleaned before salting.

But the fish are already dead, they don’t even eat the soup while they’re alive. Therefore, I had to simply tear off the heads they no longer needed and cover them with COARSE SEA salt (not iodized). By the way, this salt is sold in tobacco stores, because... Until now, the Italian state has exclusive rights to tobacco and salt. Miracles!

The fish, decapitated and covered with salt, were supposed to “snow”, i.e. the salt was supposed to “eat” the contents of their intestines within 24 hours. Please note that there is absolutely no need to wash the fish with tap water, either before or after cleaning, because... fresh water brings grylose microflora to the surface of the fish.
At hour N that lady, just Maria, came to me to show me exactly how to salt anchovies.

The process turned out to be simpler than one might imagine. Since then I have been salting myself and hope to teach anyone who wants to.
This is done like this: put a WIDE-Necked jar on the bottom! pour a layer of LARGE SEA salt as thick as your little finger; put the fish in a row; again a layer of salt, but not necessarily as thick as a little finger and knead it; again a layer of fish and a layer of salt, knead; etc. It is important that the spaces between the fish are filled, not the thickness of the salt between the layers of fish. I calculated the approximate salt consumption for the production of anchovies. For 2 kg of fish, 1 kg of salt is consumed, taking into account preliminary purging.

We do not fill the jar to capacity, because... in the future, the fish tissues will actively release liquid, which can rise upward. It is not advisable to lose this liquid.
On the topmost layer of fish we pour more salt and place some kind of support for the load (wooden, marble circle, saucer, finally) and pile the load itself on top. Fantasy splashes. In the photo you can see an old ceramic anchovy boat as cargo, which I captured for history. In fact, I hold a 1.5 liter water bottle as weight.

No special conditions are required to store a jar of salted anchovies. We place the open jar with the load in a simply dark and cool place, where we can easily control what is happening in it. I don’t mention the refrigerator as such a place! It is important for the first two months not to let the liquid evaporate too much: the top layer of salt should always remain moist. If there is too much liquid, you can remove the excess. If, however, there is not enough liquid left, you need to make a concentrated salt solution (2 tablespoons of coarse salt per glass of hot water, dissolve, cool and add what is needed). After two months, the jar can be closed with a lid, but a heavy circle should be left inside. When you open the jar, you should feel the smell of salted fish, the sea, but not rottenness. For this method of fish preservation, the presence of fresh water is detrimental. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude any contact of the jar with fish with water.
Maria just told me that the anchovies will be ready in 3 months. I started using them much earlier. We didn't have enough jars to last us a year.
This year, as you noticed, I made two jars, because... in a blogger discussion about anchovies, I gleaned information about the one year of salting required for the best taste of anchovies. Therefore, let's see and try what happens to the anchovies in the second jar, which, I hope, will live to see its one-year anniversary.
I recorded the color of the fish in the jar immediately after salting. I’ll capture it later after 3 months. And I hope to capture the color of anchovies in a year. I'll also report on the taste.

All I have to do is hint that the type of fish from which anchovies are produced in Italy is not caught in the seas around Russia. But in Russia there is their relative, the so-called anchovy.
The only problem is that the trade does not distinguish between zoological names, but rows everyone under the nickname “sprat”. Here, dear ones, who want to pickle sprat, to get anchovies, you need to experiment. Buy a kilo or two of different types of sprat and salt it. It would be nice to look and read about your results later.
By the way, a very large caliber of fish is absolutely not needed. But the fish should not be too small, because... will lose all its mass when salted. I recently listened to a program dedicated specifically to anchovies, in which I pointed this out. that the fish of the Tyrrhenian Sea, although much smaller than their Adriatic relatives, are much tastier in the finished product.
It remains to add a few words about what these anchovies are needed for. There are a lot of words about how to make them, but what to eat them with and in what form is not entirely clear.
Anchovy is a small, inconspicuous, but with a very pronounced character character in many recipes. We immediately discard sweet dishes as not worthy of attention for Their Anchovy. And we begin to list: appetizers (salads, bruschetta, kirsch, salty muffins), first (pasta sauces), second (sauces for meat, fish, vegetables). Pizza! A true Neapolitan pizza is simply unthinkable without anchovies. I will then add a couple of standard sauces with anchovies to the post to create an idea for using this product. In the meantime, I just recommend trying to create this simple preparation. You will not regret.

Chic and expensive restaurants around the world regularly invite guests to dinner, offering them the most exquisite dishes. Delicious dishes provide unique taste and real pleasure, which you can’t try in all establishments. And this lies not so much in the exorbitant cost of such a dish, but in the fact that the products from which they are prepared can only be found in a certain country.

Among the most elite delicacy dishes are “Deep-fried Rattlesnake”, “Jellyfish Salad”, “Lotus Salad”. But these overseas names do not cause any trembling in our souls or the production of gastric juice. Kerch anchovy is another matter.

This word alone makes your mouth water. The Internet is full of recipes for preparing small, tasty fish; anchovy can be salted, boiled, fried, dried... Most of all, everyone is interested.

The number of search queries on this topic during the anchovy period is simply off the charts. Some Kerchan residents and fans of all things fish are sincerely perplexed, what could be so difficult about salting anchovy? After all, this recipe accompanies them from early childhood and throughout their lives. Breakfast, lunch or dinner is certainly decorated with a truly Kerch dish - salted anchovy.

The easiest and fastest way to pickle anchovy is at the market. Wonderful offers customers anchovy in various degrees of salting. Here you can walk through the rows and try different fish so that the need for lunch will disappear by itself. But seriously, at the counter you can determine which anchovy you like: lightly salted or strongly salted.

During Putina (October-December), anchovy on the market is always the freshest, because it sells out very quickly. So you decided to pickle the anchovy yourself. We purchase a kilogram, two or more, according to appetites, of silver-black fish.

A simple recipe for lightly salted anchovy:

Place the anchovy in a wide bowl. It is not necessary to remove the heads and intestines from the fish. When preparing anchovy traditionally, it is enough to rinse it in water and sprinkle with coarse salt. Place the container with the future delicacy in the refrigerator and wait in anticipation for 2-3 hours. After this time, the first sample can be taken.

For lovers of lightly salted anchovy, there will be enough time for the fish to achieve a special light taste. To make the anchovy saltier, you need to wait longer, but periodically take a sample so as not to miss the degree of salting that suits you. When the anchovy has acquired the taste you were looking for, it must be washed again in running water to remove all the salt.

The finished fish can be stored in the refrigerator for some time, but most likely it will not suffer such a fate: salted anchovy is a dish that you cannot tear yourself away from until the bottom of the empty plate appears.

Delicious salted fatty fish served with boiled potatoes, mmm... delicious! or anchovy - delicious. Hamsa, or anchovies as it is also called, can be bought in a store, or you can cook it yourself. We will tell you about this - how to pickle anchovy at home, several options for pickling.

There are several options for deliciously salting anchovy, these are dry salting, salting in brine, and also spicy. But first things first, read, try and choose the option that suits your taste. Although fatty anchovy prepared with your own hands will be delicious in any case!

Dry salted anchovy

A very simple option. Just sprinkle the anchovies with salt, and in a couple of hours the fish will be ready.

Prepare clean and dry dishes, it can be an enamel or glass bowl. Place anchovy in it, it is important that the fish does not lie in a thick layer. Add coarse salt (not iodized). Stir. There should be so much salt that it evenly (but not abundantly) envelops the anchovy. We put the fish in the refrigerator, 2-3 hours is enough and lightly salted anchovies will be ready. Before serving, rinse the anchovy with cold water.

How to pickle anchovy in brine

When anchovy is salted in brine, it turns out very tender and juicy. Many people prefer this method of salting.

If you have frozen fish, leave it to defrost, and in the meantime prepare the brine. We would like to draw your attention to an important point! For pickling no good iodized salt and extra salt.

Brine ingredients:

  • Water -1 l
  • Sea salt - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp

Let the water boil and add sugar and salt, stir until dissolved. The anchovy brine is ready, let it cool.

We wash the fish under water, place it whole and head into a pan with ready-made brine. It must cover the anchovy completely. Now we need oppression. You can use a plate or saucer as it.

Place the dishes with brine and fish in the refrigerator. Depending on what kind of salted fish you want to get (lightly salted, medium salted or highly salted), the length of time the anchovies are kept in the brine depends. Keep in mind that when aged for 12 hours you will get anchovy of medium salinity. If you want to get lightly salted, keep less time, and accordingly more for highly salted.

Afterwards, just rinse the anchovy under water, remove the heads and add a little vegetable oil. Delicious lightly salted anchovy is ready!

So, now you know how to pickle anchovy in brine, let's move on to the next pickling option.

Spicy way of salting anchovy

For lovers of aromatic, spicy fish, we offer a recipe for spicy salting. Place 1 kg of fresh anchovy in a clean bowl and sprinkle with 150-200 grams of coarse salt. Add 2 teaspoons of spices. Mix. Next, cover the fish with oppression and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days.

In a couple of days, the spicy anchovy is ready! Rinse it with water and you can serve it.

Quick salting of anchovy with lemon

If you want to quickly pickle anchovy, then this method will suit you. Place the fish in a clean bowl, cover with table salt and sugar (for 1 kg of anchovy - 400 g of salt and 30 g of sugar). Squeeze the juice of one lemon and stir. leave the fish to salt for 30 minutes at room temperature. Then put the fish in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours. After this, rinse the anchovy and can be served.

That's all, now you know how to pickle anchovy at home to make it delicious! Enjoy your meal! And remember that fish is very healthy!

Anchovies are a rather expensive overseas delicacy, a small jar costs a lot of money, but anchovies can be prepared at home, and it turns out tasty and ten times cheaper. In addition, it’s easy to adjust the salt to your taste (commercial anchovies are terribly salty). Let's look at the recipe on how to cook anchovies at home.


  • 1 kg. fresh anchovy
  • 1 l. water
  • 1 cup sea salt
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • vegetable oil
  • To make anchovies, we need fresh anchovy, this fish is also called boquerón, sometimes sprat, although the latter is not entirely true. We buy anchovy in the store, choose fresh, firm, with whole bellies.
  • What is the best way to pickle anchovy? There are several ways to salt anchovies (anchovies). With the dry salting method, anchovy turns out to be quite dry and dense; not everyone likes this anchovy.
  • I prefer to salt anchovy in brine. Salted anchovy turns out more juicy and tender, it goes great both for canapés and appetizers, and with boiled potatoes with... yes, you thought correctly, with itself, with vodka))).
  • So, we hide the anchovy in the refrigerator for a while, and we ourselves will prepare the brine. If you manage to buy frozen anchovy, then defrost it slowly in the refrigerator.
  • Pour 1 liter of water, add 1 glass of sea salt. If there is no sea salt, then we take coarse rock salt (Extra or iodized salt is not suitable).
  • Add 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • Bring the water to a boil; salt and sugar should dissolve. Leave the brine to cool.
  • Take the anchovy out of the refrigerator and rinse the fish in cold water. No need to remove heads or entrails!
  • Place the anchovy in the brine, which has cooled to room temperature.
  • The brine should completely cover the fish.
  • We put a weight on top, it can be an ordinary plate or saucer.
  • Place the vessel with anchovy in the refrigerator overnight (12 hours). When salted for 12 hours, the anchovy is of medium salinity. Depending on the desired result, we reduce or increase the salting time. To obtain traditional salted anchovies, salt for 24 hours.
  • After this, we clean the fish: remove the heads and bellies. We wash the salted anchovy in cold water. That's all, the delicious salted anchovy is ready. By the way, you can serve it this way, just lightly drizzling it with olive oil, or you can, following tradition, remove the spines and serve one fish fillet (the tails are not removed).
  • To store salted anchovy, put it in a jar, fill it with vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), cover it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. But for the sake of fairness, I must say: do not rush to hide home-made anchovies in the refrigerator, they will come to eat them very quickly))))
  • As you can see, salting anchovy, that is, preparing anchovies, is very, very simple. Therefore, before the holidays, buy a kilogram of anchovy and pickle it at home. It will be tasty, cheap and cheerful)))

European anchovies or anchovies are a species of fish of the bony family from the herring order; they are mainly small-sized marine schooling fish. Hamsa can be stewed, fried, pickled, salted and dried. There are several ways to salt anchovy, but the best and fastest way to do it is in brine with spices (spicy salting). This method of salting gives the fish a uniform, lightly salted taste and a pleasant aroma.

To salt anchovy you will need:

Frozen anchovy fish 1.5 kg, salt 2 heaped tablespoons, sugar 1 heaped tablespoon, water 1 liter, 1 bay leaf, allspice 5 pcs, coriander 0.3 teaspoon.

How to taste and properly salt anchovy at home - recipe

Put spices, salt and sugar into the water and boil for 7 minutes, then cool the brine to room temperature. Thaw the anchovy and rinse.

Place the fish in an enamel bowl, pour in the prepared brine and keep in the kitchen for 1.5 hours, then stir and put in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Hamsa salts quickly enough and you can eat it within 10-15 hours. Ripeness can also be determined by the color of the brine; if it has darkened, then the fish is ready. I usually salt it in the evening, and in the morning you can eat it or use it in preparing other dishes.

For example, you can prepare a salad with anchovy from potatoes and pickles. You can eat it with onions and sunflower oil, or use it in snacks instead of regular salted herring. The recipe for pickling anchovy is quite simple, and preparing it at home is not difficult. Bon appetit everyone and see you soon on the site
