Birthday cakes and gift cakes. DIY birthday cake

Recipe DIY birthday cake:

In a suitable container, using a mixer, beat the yolks of 8 eggs with 400 g of sugar until white.

Melt the margarine, cool and pour into the container with the yolks. Then add sour cream and continue whisking everything.

Then sift through a sieve into the mass wheat flour and soda. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon.

Candies "Conafetto" or chocolate bars rub through the large holes of the grater, combine them with the dough and mix everything well again.

Separately, hard-boil 8 egg whites. Transfer the whipped whites into the container with the dough and gently mix everything with a spoon from bottom to top.

At a temperature of 180 degrees, bake 4 cakes separately from the resulting dough (about 15 minutes each). We check the readiness of the cakes with a toothpick (it should remain dry when piercing the dough). Ready-made cakes For our birthday cake, put them in a stack and give them time to cool completely.

In the meantime, while the cakes are cooling, prepare the creamy chocolate cream. To do this, in a small saucepan, combine the remaining 300 g of sugar with 100 ml of milk. Place the saucepan over low heat and, stirring occasionally, cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the mixture cool completely.

Then beat the cooled sugar mass with softened butter in a mixer at high speed.

Without stopping whisking, pour cocoa into the cream and bring everything until smooth. Creamy chocolate cream Ready for the birthday cake!

Spread the finished cream over all 4 cake layers. We also spread the top and sides of the cake with cream. For cooking chocolate glaze Melt dark chocolate in 50 ml of milk in a water bath. Spread the cooled glaze evenly over the top of the cake and sprinkle with sugar sprinkles.

Of course, you can decorate the dessert in a different way, it all depends on your own imagination!

To soak, put our cake in the refrigerator overnight.

The next day we serve it to the festive table.

What's a birthday without a cake?

That's right, none!

Birthday cake makes the event solemn and ends the meal deliciously.

Especially if it's homemade.

This dessert is above all praise, but how to prepare it?

Homemade chocolate birthday cake with M&M´s and Kit-Kat

A very bright and expressive birthday cake at home. Despite its effectiveness and brightness, it is very easy and simple to prepare. For decoration you will need a large pack of M&M´s and Kit Kat chocolates. Instead, you can also take Twix sticks or Kinder chocolate.


For the biscuit:

50 grams of cocoa;

Flour 100 grams;

Sugar 200 grams;

1 tsp. spoon of ripper.

For cream:

300 grams of butter;

250 grams of condensed milk;

1 chocolate bar.

For impregnation:

120 grams of sugar;

100 grams of water.


1. Prepare the crust. He will be alone. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy. The volume of the mass should at least double. Sift flour with cocoa and baking powder. Remove from egg mixture mixer and add flour mixture. Stir from the bottom to the top so as not to settle the eggs.

2. Pour the dough into springform and bake the biscuit at 180 degrees until dry. Let cool. Ideally, it is better to let the cake sit overnight.

3. Cook sugar syrup with water, you can add a little vanillin. And if the cake is adult, then pour in a spoonful of cognac or liqueur.

4. For the cream, you need to melt the chocolate and mix with condensed milk. But you can use chocolate condensed milk straight away.

5. Beat the softened butter until fluffy and gradually add condensed milk. The cream is ready!

6. We begin to assemble the cake. To do this, cut the cooled biscuit into several cake layers. It is better to use a large file-shaped knife. The number of cakes does not matter; you can make two or three.

7. Take the bottom cake, soak it in syrup, grease it with cream, then do the same with the next two.

8. Coat the sides of the cake with cream and glue the tic-tock sticks. You can temporarily tie them in a circle with a ribbon.

9. Sprinkle M&M´s candies on top and you're done! We send the cake to the cold for soaking. Before serving, remove the ribbons.

Homemade sponge cake for birthday

Sponge cakes are perfect for birthdays. They are tender, airy, and everyone will like them. And biscuits go well with the most different creams. They can be supplemented with fruits, chocolate, nuts and ready-made sweets. A simple but very tasty recipe sponge cake for a birthday.


75 grams of flour;

1 tsp. baking powder;

50 grams of potato or corn starch;

125 grams of sugar;


Cherry berries;

12 walnuts;

Dark chocolate.

For cream:

5 spoons of powder;

600 grams of heavy cream.


1. Combine starch, flour and baking powder and sift.

2. Beat chicken eggs with granulated sugar for about 10 minutes. As soon as the mass becomes light, increases in volume and begins to thicken, it is ready.

3. Add the flour mixture with starch, mix and pour into the mold. Place the dough in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, reduce the temperature to 170. Bake until done. Check for a dry stick.

4. Remove from the oven. Let it cool well and only after that remove the mold and cut it into two cake layers.

5. Whip the chilled cream with powdered sugar. You can add vanilla or any essence.

6. Remove the pits from the cherries and cut the chocolate into three large shavings. Chop the nuts into pieces, but not finely. For a more pronounced aroma, fry in a frying pan and cool.

7. Assembling the cake. To do this, grease the first cake with cream and place the cherries on it.

8. Cover with the second cake layer, coat it on all sides. Sprinkle the sides with walnuts.

9. Leftovers buttercream put it in pastry bag and make cones on the cake, place a cherry berry on the top of each one, here we do not violate the integrity and use it together with the pit.

10. Sprinkle the cake chocolate chips and send it for impregnation.

Homemade honey cake for birthday

Honey cake is one of the favorite cakes at home for birthdays and other holidays. And so that it doesn’t look boring, let’s decorate it with charming and bees. You can make as many pieces as the birthday boy is old. And then you won’t need a candle! We take real honey, molasses will not work.


500 grams of flour;

250 grams of sour cream;

180 grams of condensed milk;

300 grams of sugar;

70 grams of honey;

200 grams of butter;

1 tsp. soda

For bees:

1 tsp. spoon of cocoa;

1 tsp. butter;

A little condensed milk;

Almond leaves or fruit chips.


1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add honey, then granulated sugar and half the butter. We bet on water bath and heat the future dough until all the grains are completely dissolved.

2. Now add baking soda and cook for another minute. The mass will begin to foam and increase in volume. This is normal and you should immediately take a large bowl. Remove from heat.

3. Add flour, knead the dough, divide into 8 koloboks.

4. Roll out each piece into a round cake, apply a lid from a pan of a suitable diameter, and trim off all excess. But we don’t put it anywhere, we just move it a little and leave it on the baking sheet along with the cake. Pierce the flatbread with a fork and bake in the oven.

5. Cook all the cakes until golden brown and cool.

6. For the cream, beat softened butter with condensed milk, add sour cream.

7. Grease the cakes with cream, placing them on top of each other. We also coat the top and sides.

8. Grind the scraps from the honey cake into crumbs, sprinkle some on the sides of the cake and take some for the bees.

9. Put a little butter, cocoa and condensed milk into the chopped scraps. Knead the plasticine mass as for potato cake. We make bees, stick wings from almonds or fruit chips. We seat them on the cake. You can paint a little cream and draw stripes.

Fruit cake at home for birthday without baking

It turns out that to make a birthday cake at home, you don’t need to perfect confectionery skills. And even turn on the oven. There are very simple ones, but no less delicious cakes without baking, for example, gelatin. This recipe uses Exotic fruits, but you can also cook with our berries, apples, pears, and plums. And also ready-made sponge cakes.


2 thin sponge cakes;

1 cup of sugar;

3 oranges;

3 tangerines;

200 grams of canned pineapples;

50 grams of gelatin;

1-2 bananas;

1 liter of sour cream;

2 bags of vanilla.

You will also need a springform pan.


1. Look at the instructions on the gelatin package and pour in the powder the right amount water. Leave to swell.

2. We clean the fruits. Oranges need to be cut crosswise into circles so that they look like flowers. We simply separate the tangerines into slices; there is no need to remove the seeds. Cut bananas and pineapples into cubes. For color, you can add kiwi, strawberries, in general, experiments are welcome, but in this case you need to reduce some of the other fruits.

3. Take the sponge cakes and also cut them into cubes.

4. Heat the gelatin and cool it.

5. Beat the sour cream with the addition granulated sugar, add gelatin and the cream is ready!

6. We begin assembling the cake. Place orange slices on the bottom of the mold and press them to the sides. Arrange the tangerine slices. We turn on creative thinking and do it beautifully, as this will be the top of the cake.

7. Carefully pour sour cream and gelatin over the fruit composition, make a small layer of 0.5 centimeters and put it in the cold for 15 minutes.

8. Take it out, put pieces of biscuit and fruit inside the cake, pour the rest of the sour cream on it.

9. Fill the mold to the top and pour out all sour cream. Let the cake set for at least 5 hours.

10. Then cover with a flat plate and turn over. Remove the mold and you can stick in the candles!

Homemade cottage cheese cake for birthdays made from rolls

Another option lazy cake for a birthday at home. It is also called the royal charlotte or simply the lazy one. For cooking you will need ready-made rolls, you can use vanilla or chocolate, with fruit, caramel, butter creams.


3-4 rolls;

300 grams of cottage cheese;

300 grams of any fruit, canned;

400 ml heavy cream

30 grams of gelatin;

150 grams of sugar.


1. Immediately pour gelatin with 100 grams of water. Leave to swell.

2. Cut the rolls into equal pieces of 0.5 centimeters.

3. Grind the cottage cheese with sugar, add cream.

4. Place gelatin on the stove and heat it, then cool until warm and add to the cottage cheese.

5. Cut the fruits into small cubes. If used canned fruits, then strain the syrup well.

6. Combine cottage cheese with fruits and mix.

7. Take a deep bowl and cover it with cling film so that the edges hang down.

8. Place pieces of rolls over the entire area.

9. Now we lay it out curd mass with fruit, level the top with a spoon and again lay out a layer of chopped rolls.

10. Cover the cake with pieces hanging from the edge cling film and send it to harden for six hours. Place in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.

11. We take it out, move the film aside, and turn it over onto a plate. Carefully remove the film and the cake is ready!

These are some wonderful birthday cakes you can make at home! No store-bought equivalent can compare with a homemade dessert. And if you spend a little more time and effort on decoration, you can create a real masterpiece!
