Italian dish tagliatelle. Tagliatelle for a wonderful lucrezia. Ingredients for making tagliatelle

Place tagliatelle (nest pasta) in boiling salted water, wait until it boils again and cook. Then place the tagliatelle in a colander and let the water drain. To prevent the tagliatelle from sticking, add a spoonful of oil and stir. The pasta is cooked.

Tagliatelle with mushrooms

Tagliatelle - 250 grams
Fresh forest mushrooms (or champignons) - half a kilo
Cream 20% fat - 330 milliliters
Onions - 2 heads
Garlic - 2 cloves
Parmesan - 200 grams
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Butter - 3 tablespoons
Dried basil, parsley, salt and pepper - to taste

1. Peel, wash, finely chop the mushrooms and fry with onions in vegetable oil.
2. Salt the mushrooms, pepper, add peeled and chopped garlic, salt and seasonings.
3. Pour cream over the mushrooms, bring to a boil over low heat, stirring. The cream should thicken a little.
4. Cook the tagliatelle, drain in a colander, and place the pasta on a plate.
5. Place mushrooms in cream sauce on top or nearby.

To taste, you can add peeled thawed shrimp (10 minutes before the end of cooking) or boiled chicken (10 minutes before the end of cooking) to the mushrooms in the frying pan.

Tagliatelle with shrimps

Tagliatelle - 250 grams
Shrimp - 500 grams
Parmesan cheese - 50 grams
Tomato - 1 large
Cream 20% - half a glass
Garlic - 3 cloves
Fresh basil - a few sprigs
Olive oil - 3 tablespoons
Salt and pepper - to taste

1. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
2. When the water boils, add 1 teaspoon of oil.
3. Place tagliatelle in water, cook for 5 minutes, drain in a colander.
4. Boil the shrimp, cool slightly and remove shells.
5. Peel the garlic from the film and cut into petals.
6. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, pour in 2.5 tablespoons, add garlic and fry for 2 minutes.
7. Remove the garlic from the pan and add the shrimp.
8. Wash the tomato, pour boiling water over it, peel it and finely chop it.
9. Add basil, ground black pepper and salt to the pan and fry for 2 minutes.
10. Add tomato to the pan and fry for 1 minute.
11. Pour the cream into the frying pan, add the pasta and stir, turn off the heat and leave the tagliatelle with shrimp for 2 minutes under the lid.
12. Grate Parmesan cheese.
Serve tagliatelle with shrimp, sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese.

Reading time - 2 min.

Now we will prepare a simple dish that has amazing taste. You can only taste real pasta in Italy and at home - if you cook it yourself. Surprise your loved ones - they will definitely appreciate it.
For tagliatelle we need only four components: durum wheat flour, eggs, salt and excellent equipment that will knead, roll and cut. Of course, you can get by with your hands, a rolling pin and a knife, but preparing the right pasta by hand requires considerable skill. By the way, classic tagliatelle is thin and flat strips of egg dough from 5 to 8 mm wide. The Academy of Italian Cuisine decided in 1972 that the width of tagliatelle should be exactly 8 millimeters.
Let's get started.

For pasta: durum wheat flour - 300 g, eggs - 3 pcs., yolks - 3 pcs., a pinch of salt.
For the sauce: onion - ½ piece, garlic - 2 cloves, tomatoes sliced ​​in their own juice - 1 tbsp, olive oil - 1 tbsp, dried herbs (basil, oregano) - 1 tsp each, salt, pepper - to taste

Separate the yolks from the whites. Place flour, salt, whole eggs and yolks into the bowl of a food processor. Knead the dough at the lowest speed. After 8-10 minutes, take out the dough, knead it lightly, wrap it in parchment paper and let it rest for 15 minutes.
Many people ask why so much attention should be paid to food. I answer: the first people lived in paradise. Why were they not there? Because they ate the wrong thing. So let's watch what we eat.
While the dough is resting, let's make the sauce.
Take olive oil infused with rosemary and pour it into a heated frying pan. Finely chop the onion and fry it until translucent. Add chopped garlic and tomatoes with juice, simmer for 5 minutes. Season with spices and herbs. The sauce is ready.
Let's return to the test. It's ready; All that remains is to turn it into a paste. A miracle machine will help us with this - it has both rollers for rolling out the dough and a noodle cutter. Divide the dough into four parts. Take a piece and roll out the dough using rollers. We start with the largest thickness - No. 1. Let's move on to thickness No. 2. Next is the thickness that we need - No. 4. We get a thin and long layer. If you cut it into large squares, you will get a preparation for lasagna. And we'll put it through a noodle cutter - the pasta is ready!
By the way, according to legend, Italian tagliatelle pasta was invented as a gift for lovers. An unknown romantic chef invented it in honor of the wedding of Lucrezia Borgia. They say that he was inspired to create the culinary masterpiece by the bride’s blonde curls.
Add olive oil to boiling water and place our delicious pasta in the pan. Tagliatelle should be cooked for 3-5 minutes from the moment it boils, no more. Ready?
Drain the water, add a little olive oil to the tagliatelle, stir. Season the pasta with our sauce and garnish with coarsely chopped parsley.
Real Italian tagliatelle pasta is ready. All that remains is to add a glass of white wine, turn on the Celentano recording and be in a good mood. Enjoy!

©Uriel Stern Culinary School. Egg tagliatelle pasta with tomato sauce - recipe (video and text).
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Tagliatelle is a purely Italian dish; you won’t find it in any cuisine anymore. Tagliatelle, the recipe for which we give below, is suitable for both ordinary lovers and gourmets. So, how to cook tagliatelle?

Classic tagliatelle - recipe

The Italian name for this tagliatelle recipe is tagliatelle verdi

Recipe ingredients for green tagliatelle

Cooking green tagliatelle

To prepare tagliatelle according to the recipe, rinse the spinach thoroughly in water.

Bring water (without salt) to a boil, add spinach for 2 minutes (if the leaves are hard, you can cook longer). Remove the cooked spinach from the boiling water and immediately place it in ice (so that the leaves do not lose their rich green color). Squeeze properly. Purée the spinach according to the tagliatelle recipe.

Pour the flour into a heap, break the eggs into the center, pour in the olive oil and spinach mixture and knead the dough. If the dough is a little dry and does not come together, you can add a little water, and if the dough is liquid, add a little flour. It is most convenient to knead the dough in a food processor to prepare tagliatelle according to the recipe.

Roll the dough into a ball and cover with plastic wrap or a damp cloth. Leave to “rest” for 40 minutes in the refrigerator. Roll out the dough into thin layers of pasta (2 mm) and cut them into tagliatelle (using a special machine or knife).

How to cook gourmet tagliatelle - recipe

The Italian name for this tagliatelle recipe is tagliatelle verdi alia buongustaia

Tagliatelle recipe ingredients:

  • 320 g pasta (green tagliatelle)
  • 50 g frozen peas
  • 2 slices ham (prosciutto cotto)
  • 6 tbsp. l. bolognese sauce
  • 125 ml cream
  • 4 champignons
  • 80 g parmesan
  • 1 sprig rosemary or thyme
  • 60 g butter
  • 1 sprig of parsley salt, pepper

For the bolognese for tagliatelle:

  • 500 g lean beef
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 sprig sage or thyme
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 100 ml dry red wine
  • 250 g peeled tomatoes in their own juice
  • 4-5 ladles of vegetable broth (or water)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 50 g butter
  • salt pepper

To prepare tagliatelle according to the recipe, boil the peas in salted water, then cool in cold water (so as not to lose their rich green color).

Cut the ham into small pieces, wash the mushrooms first, remove the stems and peel. Fry all this in butter and pepper. As soon as the water from the champignons has evaporated, add a couple of chopped rosemary leaves and Bolognese sauce, keep on the fire for a couple more minutes and add cream and peas, you can simmer for a couple more minutes on the fire (see for yourself - so that the sauce turns out to be the right consistency, not too liquid), according to the tagliatelle recipe.

Boil the tagliatelle in salted water (at the rate of 6 liters of water per 1 kg of pasta) until al cente (the crust should remain elastic).

Serve the tagliatelle with the sauce, sprinkle with Parmesan and chopped parsley to prepare the tagliatelle according to the recipe.

For the bolognese, chop the carrots, celery, onion and garlic very finely. Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Heat olive oil and butter in a saucepan, add bay leaf, sage or thyme and chopped vegetables. Lightly fry over medium heat - about 6 minutes. Add minced meat, salt and pepper and cook, stirring and kneading the meat lumps, until all the liquid has evaporated. Pour in red wine. Cook until it evaporates. Add tomatoes, 4-5 ladles of vegetable broth and a sprig of rosemary, according to the tagliatelle recipe. Simmer for 40 minutes over low heat with the lid loosely closed.

How to cook tagliatelle with chicken - recipe

4 servings of tagliatelle with chicken:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • 1 red onion (cut into segments)
  • 350 g tagliatelle (long flat noodles)
  • 1 clove garlic (chopped)
  • 350 g chicken (cut into cubes)
  • 300 ml dry vermouth
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons chopped herb mixture
  • 150 ml cottage cheese
  • salt and ground black pepper
  • chopped fresh mint for garnish

Chicken tagliatelle recipe

To make the chicken tagliatelle recipe, heat the oil in a large frying pan and fry the onion for 10 minutes. The onion should become soft.

Cook pasta in plenty of salted boiling water according to package directions to make chicken tagliatelle.

Add the garlic and chicken to the pan and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the chicken is browned and cooked through.

Pour in the vermouth, bring to a boil and cook over high heat until the wine has reduced by half, according to the chicken tagliatelle recipe.

Stir in herbs, cottage cheese, salt and pepper. Heat, but do not bring to a boil.

Drain the pasta in a colander and toss with the sauce. Garnish with chopped mint and serve immediately.

Tagliatelle with truffles - recipe

Ingredients for making tagliatelle with truffles

  • 400g plain flour plus some for dusting
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 g butter
  • 100 g prosciutto, diced
  • 50 g parmesan, freshly grated
  • 100g black truffles, ideally from Dovadola (Forlì), cut into thin strips

Step-by-step recipe for making tagliatelle

To prepare tagliatelle according to the recipe, prepare a firm, elastic pasta dough from flour and eggs. Roll it out very thin on a lightly floured surface and cut into 5mm wide strips. For the sauce, melt the butter in a frying pan, add the prosciutto and fry over medium heat until softened but not darkened.

Meanwhile, add the tagliatelle to a large pan of boiling salted water and cook until al dente, then drain in a colander and pour into the pan with the prosciutto and butter. Add Parmesan and mix thoroughly. Transfer the tagliatelle to a warmed serving platter and garnish with truffle strips.

Tagliatelle with lemon cream and arugula - recipe

Ingredients for making tagliatelle

  • 250 ml creme fraiche, finely grated
  • zest and juice of 2 lemons
  • 320 g egg tagliatelle
  • 150 g arugula leaves, coarsely chopped
  • 150 g parmesan, freshly grated
  • salt and pepper

Step-by-step preparation of tagliatelle

To prepare the tagliatelle according to the recipe, pour the crème fraiche into a bowl, stir in the lemon zest and juice, and season with salt and pepper. Bring salted water to a boil in a large saucepan and cook tagliatelle until al dente; drain and return to the pan according to the tagliatelle recipe. Pour the sauce over the pasta, add the arugula and Parmesan and toss to combine. Serve with the remaining Parmesan.




Surely such a dish as tagliatelle is known. What kind of food is this? If you don’t know, we’ll tell you now.

Let's figure it out!

The Italian word "pasta" translates to "dough". This is how in Italy they call any dishes prepared on their basis. They are a national sign of the sunny country. Tagliatelle pasta is very similar to Russian noodles. To prepare it you need only three components: flour, water and eggs. A stiff dough is kneaded from them, which is then cut into narrow strips eight to ten millimeters wide, and the length of the product reaches ten centimeters. The basis for kneading is flour made from durum wheat.

This dough composition is suitable for preparing others. They will differ from each other only in appearance. For example, taglierini have a similar length, but are much narrower in width - only three millimeters. But tagliolini, on the contrary, is similar in width to tagliatelle pasta, but much shorter in length. Long strips of dough can also be rolled into bird's nest shapes.

The pasta acquired the beautiful and melodious name “tagliatelle” back in the fifteenth century thanks to Bolognese cooks. To celebrate the wedding of Princess Lucrezia Borgia, culinary specialists sought to prepare only the best and most unusual dishes. The incredible beauty of the girl and her luxurious long hair the color of ripe wheat gave the chefs the idea of ​​​​creating tagliatelle pasta.

Cooked and cut pieces are not tagliatelle. What it really is becomes clear when the paste is dried in special ovens in a special way. Now all that remains is to cook it in rapidly boiling water with the addition of salt, and it will be almost ready. The product must not be overcooked. The tagliatelle paste should have a slightly thick consistency. Under no circumstances should it be washed under running water.


When boiled, the taste of the product is completely neutral; it is just or semi-finished tagliatelle. Not everyone knows that this will become a complete dish only after combining pasta with various additives in the form of sauces, fish, and vegetable products. That is why we continue our story.

There are plenty of opportunities for Italian chefs to experiment with tagliatelle. What does this represent? The structure of the paste is porous and rough, so thick, rich sauces such as bolognese will suit it. In addition to the products listed, you can serve tagliatelle with walnuts, mushrooms, seafood, herbs and herbs.

Beneficial features

Despite the fact that the paste is very simple in composition, it still contains useful substances. These are the B complex of vitamins, proteins, fiber, and a rich composition of microelements. It contains virtually no sugar, so the paste does not contribute to weight gain.

If you regularly eat tagliatelle with vegetables, herbs and seafood, then such a diet can significantly reduce body weight. People prone to obesity should not eat pasta in combination with high-calorie foods and rich, fatty sauces.

National Italian cuisine has traditional methods for preparing tagliatelle. We will look at several popular dishes. The main advantage of Italian dishes is that they are prepared very simply and quickly. Even those who are not closely familiar with the peculiarities of Italian cuisine can safely try to combine any available products from the refrigerator with boiled pasta.

Tagliatelle nests with minced meat and cheese

To prepare a tasty and healthy dish for four people, you need to take eight nests of tagliatelle from a store-bought package (such as TM “Makfa”). Two or three nests at a time should be immersed in salted boiling water for exactly one minute. Under no circumstances should you allow the paste to be overcooked - it can instantly dissolve in boiling water.

A baking sheet with high sides should be greased with melted butter. You need to place the nests on it, removing them from the pan with a slotted spoon. In each preparation you need to spoon a very dense layer of minced meat (500 grams), mixed with finely chopped champignons (100 grams).

Next stage

Separately, you need to prepare a gravy consisting of a glass of meat broth, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and mayonnaise, and several cloves of garlic. You can add salt and pepper to taste. The resulting mixture should be poured into the nests in the baking tray. Sprinkle grated cheese (about 150 grams) on top and cover with a sheet of foil.

Half an hour is allotted for baking - and an appetizing dish, sprinkled with fresh herbs, can be served.

Tagliatelle with mushrooms in creamy sauce

To prepare the sauce, grind a medium onion in a blender and fry it in oil for several minutes until transparent. Then add 200 grams of chopped champignons and fry together for about five more minutes.

To add aroma and enhance the taste, you can sprinkle with dried herbs: basil, coriander, thyme. After this, you need to carefully add 300 milliliters of heavy cream (25%) into the frying. Bring the mixture to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat until thickened.

The prepared sauce should be mixed with boiled tagliatelle pasta and served immediately. The dish is prepared very quickly, in just fifteen to twenty minutes, and is especially suitable for very hungry people.

That's all, tagliatelle pasta is ready, the recipe, as you can see, is quite simple.

Tagliatelle is the most popular type of pasta in Italian cuisine, just look at our top photo and you will immediately want to try this mouth-watering dish. In Italy, all pasta is called pasta; there is even an opinion that they made tallelli before they learned how to bake bread. Without bothering too much, the Italians came up with the simplest recipe, based on two common and affordable ingredients - flour and water. At first, pasta was considered a poor man's food, but in the early 19th century it was recognized as a national dish that is popular throughout the world. Let's learn the tagliatelle recipe at home together!

Recipes for delicious Italian tagliatelle

To prepare our current “pasta” at home yourself, you need to equip yourself with such kitchen utensils as a noodle cutter. If you do not have such an assistant, then you can take a well-sharpened knife and parchment paper to help you. The process of preparing these delicious “pasta” requires the following ingredients:

  • 3 cups premium flour;
  • 6 pieces of eggs;
  • Salt.

The ingredients are clear, now we proceed step by step:

  1. Sift the flour through a sieve.
  2. We make a hole in the center of the slide and pour the eggs into the resulting depression.
  3. Add a little salt and first mix it all with a fork, and then knead the dough with wet hands. The result is a lump of elastic dough.
  4. We divide the dough that lags behind our hands into parts, after which we roll out each lump separately into thin plates (each side of the rolled “pancake” must be sprinkled with flour).
  5. We carefully roll the plates into a roll and cut them with a sharp knife into rings 5-7 centimeters wide.
  6. Spread the finished noodles on parchment in a thin layer.
  7. After the noodles have dried, they can be boiled or stored in a jar indefinitely.

Tagliatelle pasta is cooked over medium heat for 3 - 4 minutes in well-salted water. No need to rinse.

Cooking delicious tagliatelle pasta

Like any pasta, tagliatelle is not particularly different from other pastas, since in essence it is ordinary unleavened dough boiled in water. What makes it tasty and unique is solely its sauces and dressings. This type of pasta goes best with a thick meat sauce, such as Bolognese. You can prepare aromatic tagliatelle sauce yourself, using a set of simple and affordable ingredients. First of all, we will share with you a simple and very tasty recipe for tagliatelle in creamy sauce.

Tagliatelle in creamy sauce - how to cook it correctly

The instructions for preparing this pasta do not have any difficulties, everything is as simple as always. We prepare the necessary list of products, and then follow our cooking scheme step by step.

The ingredients are:

  • Butter - 5 tablespoons;
  • Pasta - 500 grams;
  • Cream - 500 milliliters;
  • Sage leaves - 10 pieces;
  • Grated Parmesan cheese, or any other hard variety - 100 grams;
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.

The preparation scheme is as follows:

  1. Place butter in a saucepan and melt over low heat.
  2. Add sage leaves pre-cut into ribbons, mix thoroughly and leave to fry for another 1-2 minutes.
  3. Then pour in the cream and, remembering to stir, evaporate the resulting sauce for several minutes. It is important that the sauce does not burn.
  4. Place the finished tagliatelle into the sauce and stir. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top and serve.

This dish is hearty and aromatic, perfect for a romantic table.

Tagliatelle with mushrooms in creamy sauce - one, two and done

The second recipe we have prepared for today is tagliatelle with mushrooms in a creamy sauce, this is a very tasty pasta with an amazing mushroom aroma, once you try this dish you will never be able to forget it! Ingredients to prepare at home:

  • Tagliatelle - 300 grams;
  • White mushrooms - 300 grams;
  • White wine - 100 grams;
  • Natural cream - 1 glass;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Olive oil, basil leaves, ground pepper, salt.

Let's cook step by step following our chef's instructions:

  1. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and chop them quite finely.
  2. Peel the onions and garlic. Finely chop the onion and fry until golden brown.
  3. In a separate frying pan, lightly fry the mushrooms.
  4. Mix the contents of both frying pans, add wine and, stirring with a spatula, let it evaporate completely. Pour the cream here, salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Over low heat, reduce the sauce by half and add finely chopped garlic.
  6. Boil the tagliatelle and place in portions on plates. Pour onion-mushroom sauce and olive oil on top (no more than 1 tbsp per serving).
  7. We complete the decoration with grated hard cheese and basil leaves.

Tagliatelle with mushrooms is ready. Serve with light dry wine.

You can also cook tagliatelle with chicken - this version of the dish is more satisfying and ideal for a family dinner with a large family. And if you like tagliatelle pasta with seafood, then your choice is tagliatelle with shrimp. This pasta is prepared just as simply as the pastas that we described above, the only thing you need to do is replace the white creamy sauce with tomato sauce and add more basil, preferably fresh leaves.

Video: cooking tagliatelle at home
