How to make cheese cream. Cheese cream for cake - step-by-step recipes for making it at home with photos. Decoration of confectionery products

Cream cheese cream for cake is considered the most unique and common. Firstly, it can be supplemented with various ingredients - nuts, fresh fruits, liqueurs or cognac. Secondly, it holds its shape perfectly, since temperature does not affect this type of cream. So, we invite you to consider step-by-step recipes and a variety of cooking options.

Classic filling option

It is recommended to make a sweet, tasty layer for cakes with two types of cheeses: Mascarpone and Philadelphia. They are used not only for coating, but also as a decoration for the finished confectionery product. Most suitable for sponge or honey type cakes.


  • powdered sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • cream 35% fat - 350 ml;
  • Mascarpone cheese - 270 g;
  • vanilla - 1/2 tsp;
  • Philadelphia cheese - 270 g.


First of all, you need to put the cream in the refrigerator or freezer for 20 minutes.

Place two types of cheese in a container and stir. Using a mixer, beat.

Add sweet powder. Beat until the cheese mass is fluffy.

Add vanilla essence and stir.

Add cold cream in a thin stream and continue whipping. That's it, the cream cheese cake recipe has come to an end. You can safely take it and use it for its intended purpose.

Important! It’s easy to make the mass thick; just put it in the cold for 60 minutes.

Nut filling for cake


  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 220 g;
  • cream 33% fat - 200 ml;
  • lemon zest - 1/3 tsp;
  • food gelatin - 2 tbsp;
  • chilled water - 100 ml;
  • vanilla - 1 g;
  • walnuts - 100 g.


  1. Pour the required amount of water into a small container and add the gelling ingredient. Stir, cover and leave for half an hour to swell.
  2. In the meantime, you need to prepare the remaining ingredients: rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve (there should be no small lumps in the finished mass), sort out the nuts and lightly fry in a frying pan without oil, then finely chop.
  3. Place the prepared curd product in a deep container, add vanillin, and beat. Add finely chopped lemon zest and gelatin, stirring.
  4. Pour the cream into a separate container and whip. Then add small portions to the curd mixture with constant stirring.
  5. At the very end, add the nuts, stir and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Berry version of cream

Let's look at a recipe with a photo for preparing cream cheese cream for a cake, which, in addition to the main components, includes berries. To enhance the aroma, it is recommended to add a little vanilla.


  • Philadelphia curd cheese - 350 g;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 130 g;
  • fresh berries - 500 g;
  • powdered sugar - 120 g.


  1. Place the butter in a bowl and start grinding, adding powder.
  2. After 7 minutes, add vanilla, add cheese, beat until the mass becomes homogeneous and airy.
  3. We sort the berries, removing spoiled and rotten ones. Transfer to a sieve and rinse. Pour into a blender bowl and grind. Combine them with the previously prepared mass, stirring gently.
  4. The sweet layer can be used immediately, but it is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Advice! To beat the ingredients, you can use not only a mixer, but also a blender, if it has special attachments. If the mass is too saturated with air, then placing it on the surface of the cake will be much more difficult.

Berries can be taken not only fresh, but also frozen. First you need to defrost them, allow excess liquid to drain, and only then use them.

Butter cheese cream

In this recipe, it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature of the products: the cheese is chilled, the butter is soft. They are used not only for decoration, but also for leveling the sides of the confectionery product.


  • granulated sugar - 120 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • Mascarpone cheese - 340 g;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp.


  1. Grind the sugar in a coffee grinder.
  2. Remove the soft butter from the packaging and leave it in a plastic container. Grind, adding powdered sugar in small portions.
  3. Add cream cheese a tablespoon at a time and beat. At the very end, add vanilla and stir gently.
  4. Then put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

The resulting cream can be used to decorate a cake with a diameter of 25 cm. For frosting, the specified components must be multiplied by 2.

Important! If the cake will be decorated with fondant in the future, then the place of attachment with the figurine must be greased with melted chocolate. Otherwise, the decoration will melt, which can ruin the appearance of the product.

Option with condensed cream

Let's look at the recipe with step-by-step photos for preparing cream cheese cream for the cake. It can be used not only for coating cakes, but also for decorating cakes.


  • cream 33% fat - 220 ml;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • vanilla - 1/2 tsp.


  1. Remove the butter from the packaging, cut into small pieces and place in a plastic container.
  2. Pour in the condensed milk and start beating with a mixer. The consistency of the mixture should be homogeneous.
  3. Pour the chilled cream into another container, add crystalline vanillin, and beat.
  4. Combine the two mixtures and stir gently with a plastic spoon.
  5. Place the finished mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Advice! Heavy cream must be refrigerated before cooking. Dishes must be cold and clean. While whipping, the cream will foam and thicken in just a few minutes. The main condition is not to beat for too long, otherwise you will end up with butter.

Cream cheese cream for cake is also suitable for cakes and cheesecakes. It goes well with fruit, nut, and caramel filling.

The cheese cream for the cake turns out airy


Cream cheese 400 grams Cream 33% fat 300 milliliters Powdered sugar 5 grams Vanilla essence 5 milliliters

  • Number of servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

Cheese cream recipe for cake

You can coat the cakes with the finished cream or decorate the top of the cake. It does not flow, it turns out thick and stable.

The cream must first be cooled well, put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours or in the freezer for 40-50 minutes. Another necessary condition is that they must have high fat content; they cannot be replaced with cream with a fat content of 10 or 20%.

  1. Place the cheese in a bowl and beat with a mixer for at least 5 minutes. Start with the lowest mixer speed and gradually increase it.
  2. Add powdered sugar and vanilla essence, mix.
  3. Beat again, adding chilled cream in small portions as you go.

Vanilla essence can be replaced with a pinch of vanillin.

The finished cream should be used immediately; it should not be stored in the refrigerator for longer than a day. Using food coloring, you can give it a bright color.

Cream cheese cream for cake

If you introduce an additional ingredient, the cream will acquire a completely new taste.

Required ingredients:

  • 400 g cream cheese;
  • 300 ml cream 33% fat;
  • 5 g powdered sugar;
  • 2 ripe bananas.

Powdered sugar is made by grinding sugar in a coffee grinder.

  1. Stir powdered sugar into pre-cooled cream. Beat them with a mixer for 5-7 minutes, gradually increasing the speed of the mixer.
  2. Add cheese, mix.
  3. Mash the bananas well with a fork or blender to a paste-like consistency. Add to the cream and beat for another 5 minutes.

You can put sliced ​​banana on top of the cream.

Light fruit cream is great for cakes whose surface is covered with fruit jelly.

Cheese cream for cake with chocolate

You can use any chocolate: both bitter and milk, the main thing is that it is natural.

Required ingredients:

  • 400 g cream cheese;
  • 350 ml cream 33% fat;
  • 100 g chocolate.

The cream must be well cooled in the refrigerator or freezer in advance.

  1. Beat the cheese with a mixer for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and add it to the cream. Mix well.
  3. Combine ingredients and beat at high speed for at least 5 minutes.

Chocolate can be replaced with 3 tsp. cocoa powder.

Coffee lovers can make coffee cream. To do this, add 1 tsp to the cream. powdered sugar and 2 tsp. instant coffee or coffee grounds.

Making such a cake is not difficult, and the ingredients can be found in any store. The ingredients are indicated for the preparation of two biscuits (flour, sugar, eggs, vanillin).

To prepare one biscuit you will need 5 eggs. First of all, you need to separate the whites from the yolks.

It is important that the yolks do not get into the whites, otherwise you may not get a thick, fluffy foam.

Add 120 grams of sugar to the whites and beat with a mixer until a thick, airy foam forms.

You need to beat until the protein foam becomes stable and does not leak out of the container if you turn it over.

The yolks should be placed in a clean, dry container.

You also need to add 120 grams of sugar to the yolks.

Grind the yolks and sugar well; you can use a fork.

Gradually you should combine the whites with the yolks, but this must be done carefully, otherwise the whites may sag and the sponge cake will not be so fluffy.

Stir until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Flour must be added to the resulting protein-yolk mixture. (for one biscuit 190 grams) This should be done gradually, and the flour should be sifted through a sieve.

You need to add in small portions, slowly stirring the dough.

You can add vanilla sugar, but a small amount.

Pour the resulting dough, similar in consistency to sour cream, into a baking dish. To prevent the biscuit from burning, it is better to cover the baking pan with parchment. Bake the biscuit for about 30-40 minutes.

You can check its readiness using a match or toothpick. To make this cake you will need two biscuits, so you should repeat the recipe from the beginning.

While the sponge cake is baking, you can prepare the cream, especially since it must cool before applying. For the cream, mix mascarpone, butter and powdered sugar. The photo shows mascarpone cheese placed on a plate. Mascarpone cream must be cold

It’s better to take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. Approximately 1 hour before preparing the cream. It is better to use butter with a fat content of 82.5%. The softened butter should be cut into small cubes or sticks.

Powdered sugar should be sifted through a sieve to make it more airy.

The resulting ingredients should be mixed well. Place the finished cream in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

When the biscuit is ready, it needs to be cooled and cut into two parts. If the sponge cake is very fluffy, you can cut it into 3 parts.

To prevent the biscuit from being dry, it needs to be soaked in sugar syrup. You can make sugar syrup from water and sugar. 12 tablespoons of water and 7 tablespoons of sugar should be heated until the sugar is completely dissolved, but should not be boiled.

Now you need to assemble the cake. Each layer of sponge cake should be slightly soaked in sugar syrup and spread with cream on top.

You need to put cherries on top of the cream, but you can use other berries or fruits. This should be repeated with all the cakes.

The finished cake needs to be leveled along the edges with cream. To do this, you can use a pastry spatula, which smoothes the cream along the edges, filling the voids between the cakes. The cake spread with cream should be put in the refrigerator so that the cream hardens a little again.

Now you should prepare the glaze.

To do this, melt the cream with chocolate in a water bath, stirring constantly.

Stir until the glaze becomes a homogeneous mass. Depending on the amount of cream, the glaze is either thick or thin. But it’s better to use 150 ml of cream per chocolate bar.

The glaze should be cooled and applied on top of the finished cake.

You can decorate the cake with m&ms dragees or fruits and confectionery sprinkles.

The finished cake must be placed in the refrigerator so that it is soaked and the glaze hardens.

The cake is ready. Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT02H00M 2 hours

I can imagine how much you have heard about cheese cream, its advantages and excellent durability. But you just can’t find the exact recipe, can you?!

In our best traditions, we have selected 10 of the best cheese cream recipes for you. And about the types of cream cheese, so as not to make a mistake in choosing. What's good about any cheese cream is that it's like a construction kit - the number of ingredients depends on the purpose of its use - for layering you can make a not very dense cream, but for decoration... you know)

Yes, remember right away! You can adjust the density of the cream by adding whipped cream, mascarpone or butter (if they are already in the recipe), and the sweetness by adding powdered sugar. To flavor and color the cake you can add cocoa, berry puree, vanilla, chocolate chips, nut praline or crushed nuts. This is usually done at the final mixing stage, just watch the thickness of the cream.

Any cheese cream according to the recipes below is stable, which means it is suitable for caps on cupcakes, rosettes on cakes, as well as for covering the sides and tops of cakes. Just remember to cool the cream thoroughly before use.

Cheese cream with mascarpone

500 g mascarpone

500 g cream with fat content from 33%

250 g powdered sugar

Beat mascarpone at room temperature with powdered sugar. Separately, whip cold cream. Gently stir the cream into the mascarpone until smooth. Cool the cream cheese well before using.

Cream cheese

300 g cream cheese

200 g cream with fat content from 33%

200 g powdered sugar

Beat cream cheese at room temperature with powdered sugar. Whip cold cream in a separate bowl. Gently fold the cream into the cream cheese.

Cheese cream according to Andrey Rudkov's recipe

500 g cream cheese

100 g cream with fat content from 33%

70 g powdered sugar

Whip cold cream. Add cream cheese and powdered sugar and beat until completely combined. Cool the cream cheese well before using.

Cheese cream with curd cheeseaccording to Andrey Rudkov's recipe

340 g – curd cheese

115 g – butter

100 g – powdered sugar

2 tsp – vanilla extract

The curd cheese should be cold and the butter should be at room temperature. Place everything in one bowl and mix until smooth. If you need a whiter color, first beat the butter with powder, and only then add the cream cheese. Cool the cream cheese well before using.

Cheese cream with white chocolate from Ira anybenyraba

300g curd cheese

300g mascarpone

100-150g white chocolate

Both cheeses must be at room temperature, otherwise the melted chocolate will clump into the cold cheese. In a water bath, carefully melt the white chocolate (about the rules for melting chocolate). At this time, mix the cheeses at low speed and bring to a smooth paste-like state. Cool the chocolate to room temperature and add it to the cheese, one spoon at a time, without turning off the mixer. The amount of chocolate globally does not affect the texture, flow or density of the cream. Therefore, we adjust it to suit ourselves exclusively in terms of sweetness. Cool the cream cheese well before using.

Cheesy cream

225 g butter

226 g cream cheese

340 g powdered sugar

1 tbsp. vanilla extract (if possible)

0.5 tsp salt

Butter and cheese should be at room temperature. First, beat the butter and powdered sugar. Then add cream cheese and beat until smooth. Chill the cream cheese well before using.

This cream will be sweet and will go perfectly with low-sweet cakes or a sour berry layer.

Ricotta cream

500 g ricotta

135 g powdered sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

60 g mascarpone

Zest of 1 lemon

Beat mascarpone at room temperature with powdered sugar. Add ricotta and all other ingredients, stir until smooth. Cool the cream cheese well before using.

Buttercream with condensed cream

500gr. mascarpone

1 can of condensed cream

Whisk mascarpone at room temperature with condensed cream. Cool the cream cheese well before using.

Cheese cream with condensed milk

500 g mascarpone

Mascarpone should be at room temperature. Beat mascarpone with 100 g of condensed milk, then adjust the sweetness and thickness of the cream by adding a little condensed milk. Cool the cream cheese well before using.

Cheese cream with condensed milk

250 g cream cheese

250 g mascarpone

100-300 g condensed milk (not boiled)

Mascarpone and cream cheese should be at room temperature. Beat mascarpone with cream cheese and 100 g of condensed milk, then adjust the sweetness and thickness of the cream by adding a little condensed milk. Cool the cream cheese well before using.

Phew... Well, we hope you have no more questions about cheese cream) Now share your opinion about the taste

Homemade cakes are real edible masterpieces. Cooks do everything they can to surprise their guests: various decorations, decor, patterns and even entire paintings created using creams, mastic and marzipan. It seems that a creative person is capable of magic if he only takes up what he loves. But what is a “cake” if it does not have an incomparable taste?! And such a taste was found. For me, the cream we’ll be talking about is just a godsend. Maybe for you it will become popular and indispensable. The cake with cream cheese frosting is simply magically delicious. Someone compares it with a nostalgic taste, and, without mincing words, says that this is “the taste of childhood,” because these are the kind of cakes that were sold before on store shelves. But for me, this is simply the greatest sweetness you can imagine. I use this cream for cakes, pastries, and even cookies. It has become the most indispensable in my kitchen, and I will gladly share it with you right now. The biscuit dough recipe is classic. It is offered only to those who have not yet found the recipe for the perfect sponge cake that always turns out.


for test:

  • chicken eggs – 6 pieces
  • granulated sugar – 1 cup
  • wheat flour – 1.5 cups (250 ml cup)
  • salt - a pinch

for cream:

  • heavy cream (33% and above) – 500 ml
  • cream cheese “mascarpone” - 250 g
  • powdered sugar – 100 g (more is possible)

How to make a buttercream cake:

I cooked 3 separate cake layers in the oven, and therefore, distributed the entire mass into three parts when baking.

Beat chicken eggs with salt and granulated sugar for 7-10 minutes. The dishes must be dry, as well as everything else that comes into contact with chicken eggs - whisks and spoons.

Add the sifted flour and stir with a spoon.

Spread the mixture over oiled foil and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 200 degrees. We keep an eye on the cakes, don’t go far, but don’t open the door either.

If you bake in a multicooker, then the entire biscuit mass is used completely. In the “baking” mode it will take 1 hour.

Cut the finished cake any way you like. Either a circle using a plate, or a square using any other available means. The biscuit scraps can be set aside and cooked later.

Beat the cream with a mixer for 10 minutes. To speed up this process, you can also use a special “Cream Thickener”, then the whipping time will be halved.

Then add cream cheese to the whipped cream. We continue to beat.

The mass turns out to be very thick, you can easily form cake decorations from it, which is undoubtedly a plus for this cream. All that remains is to add powdered sugar.

Spread the cream cheese cream over the crust. In advance, it can be soaked with jam or diluted condensed milk.
