How to make eggs for Easter. Easter eggs: how to beautifully paint eggs for Easter with your own hands - a selection of the best master classes. Decoupage eggs for Easter with napkins

Hello, dear friends!

The bright holiday of Easter is approaching.

And we have prepared for you a selection of how beautifully and originally you can decorate Easter eggs.

The oldest, simplest and most budget-friendly way!

We will need

  • Onion peel
  • Chicken eggs


Pour water into a saucepan and boil it. Add onion skins to boiling water.

The more husk, the richer the color.

Cook for 15-20 minutes. The finished broth will have a dark red-brown color.

Strain the onion broth, removing the skins from it. This is necessary so that the eggs are colored evenly.

Place the eggs in the solution and cook as usual for 10 minutes after boiling, hard-boiled.

Then remove from heat and fill with cold water. This is the beautiful color your Easter eggs will get.

For a beautiful shine, wipe them with a napkin soaked in vegetable oil.

Coloring eggs in onion skins with a pattern

Another simple and very inexpensive way to color eggs for Easter.

The eggs look like they are made of amber, very beautiful!

We will need

  • Eggs are white
  • Gauze
  • Onion peel
  • Zelenka


Tip: for best results, choose white eggs, they will show the pattern better.

Prepare onion skins. In a small bowl, use scissors to cut it into small pieces.

Cut the gauze into pieces so that you can completely wrap the egg and still have free edges.

If you don’t want marble-green hands, it’s better to protect them with gloves.

We place such a shaggy egg, with the peel stuck to it, on gauze.

We close it inside, securing our husk with gauze. We twist the tail and tie it with thread.

So that it is not too large, we cut off the excess gauze.

Having prepared the eggs in this way, place them in a saucepan with cold water.

Take dishes that you won’t mind if they get stained.

Pour a bottle of green stuff there and put the saucepan on the fire.

Boil the eggs hard in green water until cooked - 10 minutes after the water boils.

Then drain the boiling water and fill them with cold water to cool them down.

Our eggs are ready. Unwrap them from gauze and remove any stuck onion skins.

To make them look even better and shine, wipe them with a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil.

Well, it turned out beautiful!

A very interesting way of coloring. The drawings turn out so different, very beautiful!

Such testicles immediately attract the eye!

For detailed techniques, watch the video:

The simplest and least labor-intensive way is to decorate eggs with iron-on stickers.

There are a huge variety of them for sale, they are all very beautiful and bright! They look very elegant and festive.

It's very easy to glue them!

In addition, this is an ideal option for eggs that have cracked a little during cooking. The sticker will hide all errors.

We will need

  • A saucepan with boiling water
  • Thermal adhesives in assortment
  • Boiled eggs


Place the boiled egg inside the film. It is very convenient to use a ladle for this procedure.

Place it in a ladle and carefully lower it into boiling water.

The film will immediately begin to shrink and wrap the egg very tightly and beautifully.

We do the same with others. We put on the “shirt” and put it in boiling water.

When the thermal sticker tightly wraps around the testicle, remove it. Beauty!

Easter painting of eggs - pysanky

A special place is occupied by wax painting, popularly called pysanka.

This is a whole ritual that has its own rules and customs, dating back to ancient times.

People believed that a correctly painted pysanka could influence the whole life, improve it and bring grace.

Watch this video about the traditions of Slavic Easter eggs:

It’s enough to simply decorate the eggs in an original way using food coloring.

The design turns out very elegant, bright, with interesting prints.

We will need

  • Food colors in different shades
  • Paper napkin
  • Cotton buds
  • Gloves


Boil the eggs first.

To prevent eggs from bursting, boil them in salted water.

Wrap the finished egg tightly with a wet paper towel.

Dip a cotton swab into the dye and color the napkin in random places.

Let the whole egg be covered in colorful spots.

Place to dry for 10-15 minutes.

After the specified time, remove the napkin and you will see what a masterpiece you have created!

Watch some more ways to color using food coloring in this video:

Decoupage Easter eggs video

The most beautiful and very elegant eggs can be made using the decoupage technique.

It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance and you will definitely succeed!

We will need

  • Napkins with a pattern
  • Scissors
  • Brush
  • Egg white


Take already boiled and cooled white eggs.

Separately, break a raw egg into a bowl and separate the white, we will need it.

Divide the napkin into layers. We take only the one with the design printed on it, we don’t need the rest.

We will need to carefully tear off the piece with the pattern using our hands.

If you still have little experience and are afraid of ruining the picture, then you can cut it out with scissors.

In decoupage, the tear-off technique is used, because then the edges of the design are not so noticeable.

Place the resulting fragment of a napkin with a pattern on the egg. Dip the brush into the egg white and coat the picture thoroughly so that it is saturated and sticks to the shell.

We decorate all the eggs in the same way, placing a napkin with a pattern in the right places and covering it with egg white.

When it hardens, it will hold the picture to the shell like glue.

The beauty turns out to be incomparable! You can create a joyful spring mood!

Watch also a video about decoupage Easter eggs:

Gilding Easter eggs

Check out a very beautiful technique for gilding Easter eggs. They will delight everyone on any table!

Happy Easter to you!

Want to learn how to dye eggs with beets to give them a soft pink hue? Read this recipe. Everything can't be simple. And no synthetic paints are needed.

If you have saffron, you can use it to color the eggs orange. I tell you how to dye eggs with saffron.

If you want to put blue colored eggs on your Easter table, then read this recipe - I’ll tell you how to dye eggs with blue cabbage. Why use artificial colors if you have a natural product?

Learn how to dye eggs with turmeric and you won't have to worry about yellow Easter eggs anymore. Why use synthetic dyes when you can dye eggs naturally?

Tired of the same old brown eggs for Easter? Then I bring to your attention amazing hibiscus colored eggs. Why amazing? You can't even imagine what color they will turn out.

Perhaps the most popular way to color Easter eggs. I’ll tell you how to paint eggs with onion skins correctly so that they acquire a beautiful shade and do not burst.

Among the many artificial dyes, I really want to find something natural that I could use for the holiday. I offer you one of these options - spinach colored eggs.

For those who are looking for ideas for Easter, but prefer only natural ingredients, I offer a fairly simple option - coffee-dyed eggs.

If you prefer to use only natural dyes for Easter, then I offer you a great option - blueberry-dyed eggs.

Surprisingly, sometimes absolutely unusual things can come in handy in the kitchen. I bring to your attention one of these options - eggs painted with brilliant green.

Today you can find a lot of ready-made decorations for Easter eggs, but let's not forget grandma's recipes. I show you how to paint eggs with onion skins - according to a traditional Russian recipe!

You probably have pieces of unnecessary fabric at home. If so, then I offer you a festive idea - colored eggs in patches.

I bring to your attention a very interesting and original option for the festive table for Easter - eggs painted with stains.

Do you want to make something bright and unusual for the holiday table? Then I bring to your attention one of these options - striped colored eggs.

If you don't have creative abilities, but have a great desire to do something original for Easter, then spray painted eggs are exactly what you need.

If you are passionate about creativity, then you should definitely try making eggs painted using the decoupage technique for Easter.

Decorating eggs for Easter is a very old tradition, which has now received a lot of ideas for creativity in this direction. Besides the hassle of baking for Easter, everyone - adults and children - decorates the eggshells in a very friendly manner.

In this article you will find many original ideas and interesting ways to create an exclusive holiday attribute for Easter from an ordinary egg.

To make Easter eggs, you can use a boiled chicken egg, a whole eggshell without white and yolk, or wooden, porcelain or plastic egg-shaped blanks.

History calls for dyeing eggs red. Giving red-dyed eggs for Easter is an ancient custom, dating back to the lives of Mary Magdalene and Emperor Tiberius.

In Christianity, the egg symbolizes the tomb and resurrection, and the red color for Christians means the blood of the crucified Christ. Under the red shell of the egg there is a white protein, which serves as a symbol of the Resurrection and the life of Christ.

There has long been a tradition of preserving donated symbols throughout the year - until the next Holy Sunday. But it turned out to be difficult to comply with it - they are fragile and perishable.

Easter eggs came to the rescue - wooden blanks, beautifully painted and decorated with Christian symbols. Painted eggs were called krashenki.

30 ideas on how to decorate Easter eggs with your own hands

There are a lot of methods and ideas for coloring, because you have a large variety of materials at hand - paper, paints and fabrics.

In addition, there are a lot of interesting and beautiful ideas that have already been invented by someone; all you have to do is choose and bring your plans to life. Perhaps you will come up with your own way of decorating - unique and original!

It is important to boil the eggs correctly so that the shell remains intact without chips or cracks, because there is still work to be done with it, and therefore damage is unacceptable here. Carefully place the eggs in a bowl, pour warm water at 35-38 degrees so that it completely covers them, and let them stand for a couple of hours. Next, add 1-2 tablespoons of salt to the water, put the dishes on high heat, immediately after boiling, reduce the heat and cook for another 10 minutes.

Coloring eggs with natural dyes

You shouldn’t shy away from coloring eggs with natural dyes the old fashioned way, just as our beloved mothers and grandmothers traditionally painted the shells. After all, nowadays everything natural is in fashion, and therefore we will pay special attention to this method

Of course, for coloring it is better to use eggs in a white shell - the color will be bright and intense

Also, for convenience, you will need a homemade stand, which you can do yourself. To make it you will need toothpicks and a piece of polystyrene foam or thick foam rubber.

The essential onion peel is a familiar component in coloring. Everyone knows that the intensity of the color of the shell depends on the time boiled eggs remain in boiling water with the husks.

For brown color, you can also use coffee or tea, since they are always available on the farm, and you don’t have to grind anything. You will get a very beautiful dark brown shade.

Beetroot is a great helper in coloring eggs, giving us a pink or crimson color. It all depends on the soaking time. It is recommended to soak the egg in a white shell for 7-8 hours, for example overnight

A bright festive color will be given to you by carrots, from which you will need to squeeze the juice, and then boil the eggs in the resulting solution, leaving it in it for a while for an intense color

As an option for coloring, blueberry or natural grape juice. As a result, you will also get interesting shades of blue and lilac

Spinach, of course, is a somewhat unexpected green vegetable for our latitudes, but if desired, you can find it if you want to get a delicate green shell color

Red cabbage will give eggshells a beautiful blue color. Take a couple of heads of red cabbage, chop finely and mix with 500 ml of hot water. Leave the eggs in the same bowl with the cabbage for 8 hours, covering the top with film

But turmeric will give a magnificent sunny yellow. First grind the turmeric root (you should get 2-3 tablespoons) and cook until boiling, then cool and place the eggs there. You can use ready-made turmeric powder

If you want to further decorate the eggs after natural dyeing, then simply grease the surface with vegetable oil - this will add shine and gloss to the colored shell!

You can use many interesting techniques to decorate eggs when dyeing them with natural dyes.

Decoration with plant prints

For example, glue a flower, a sprig or a leaf of parsley or dill to the surface of a white egg, then tighten it into a nylon mesh, lower the workpiece into the paint solution

Stripes on the surface of the shell

To get a pattern of stripes on an egg after dyeing, you need to wrap the surface of the eggs with rubber bands before dyeing

To decorate the surface before painting with dye, you can stick strips, paper figures or stickers (hearts, circles, triangles, diamonds, etc.)

Strips of paper tape will do, or you can use electrical tape.

Coloring Easter eggs in a napkin

The method is not complicated. You will need different paints. The dry egg is wrapped in half a napkin, and using cotton swabs, you soak it in small spots with paints on top of the napkin, leaving no white spots. Let the napkin dry and carefully remove it - you get very elegant and colorful eggs

Dyeing eggs with threads

With the same success, you can use threads soaked in different colors. They leave mysterious patterns and stripes

Gradually wind the threads onto the white egg, alternating colors and waiting for complete drying after each wrapping.

Gold leaf foiling

They also use gold leaf foiling - a very effective and inexpensive way to decorate Easter eggs.

Easter eggs with degrade effect

For painting you will need multi-colored spray paints and a homemade plasticine stand. Blow out the contents of raw eggs by making two holes on both sides of the egg.

One color is first applied to the surface of the shell. Then, after drying, a second layer of paint is applied. It’s okay if there are some white spots left here and there, this will only add lightness and transparency.

You can add a specific design using rubber bands or thin strips of paper tape.

Easter eggs in colorful threads

You will need eggs and colorful threads. It can be floss, cotton or fine wool. A thread is attached to one end of the egg using tape, glue is applied to the shell, onto which the thread is wound; melange will look better in this decoration technique. Having wound the thread to the middle of the egg, the thread is broken and secured, and they start all over again from the other end.

Easter eggs in lace

The eggs are colored according to the instructions with food coloring, the lace is cut into pieces of the required size and attached to the colored shell using PVA glue

For clever needlewomen, eggs can be crocheted - a difficult and time-consuming job, but the final result is simply amazing

Easter eggs in beads, buttons and sequins

You will need wooden egg blanks, wax or paraffin, and medium-sized beads. The workpiece is dipped into melted wax or paraffin several times until a smooth surface is formed; each layer must be completely dry.

The beads are heated in a candle flame and laid out in patterns according to patterns of your choice - an amazing result

The base is also made - the base surface is covered with fabric, lace or ribbons, then bead embroidery is performed

Weaving with beads according to patterns is undoubtedly a labor-intensive process, but the result is amazing. Elegant, beautiful and very impressive!

Decorate the surface of the egg with buttons in an unexpected and original way. There are two ways to attach them to the surface of the shell: tighten the workpiece with fabric, then sew each button or glue the buttons to the surface with silicone glue

Elegant and brilliant! Of course, sequins! Why not?

Decoupage from napkins

One of the easiest ways to decorate eggs is decoupage. A beautiful design is selected on a napkin, cut out and glued to the surface of the shell with PVA glue, after which a second layer of glue is applied on top. Wait until the egg is completely dry

In specialized stores for creativity, napkins for decoupage are sold to choose from with a variety of designs and on any theme.

Quilling for decorating Easter eggs

Blanks are made from thin strips of colored paper using the quilling technique and, using PVA glue, they are glued to the surface of the eggs in the order that you have enough imagination for.

As a type of quilling, Easter eggs can be decorated with strips of paper

Easter eggs with mosaic

The eggs are painted in different colors, and the shells of some of them break into pieces of different sizes. They are attached using PVA glue to the surface of whole eggs.

Easter eggs in cereals and pasta

The house always has a supply of various cereals, legumes and seeds. They will be a wonderful material for creativity.

like small pasta

Floral patterns

To make Easter eggs in floral patterns, in addition to food coloring, vinegar, and acrylic paints, you will also need the ability to draw. If you have such talent, then feel free to take the job. Remember that you can always take diagrams and stencils to help

It is very easy and simple to apply the design using bubble wrap. You will need acrylic paint or ordinary thick gouache. We are waiting for the paint of each color to dry completely.

As well as corrugated packaging paper

Crumpled foil in paint will help you!

Cotton thread in paint, folded in several layers, leaves original stripes and stains

Kanzashi technique as an idea for decorating Easter eggs

Such elegant and original Easter masterpieces are made on empty shells, from which the whites and yolks are removed in advance, or on foam blanks. A thin tape is securely attached to one of the edges of the egg using tape or a needle with an eye, then your imagination will help

Decorating eggs using the artichoke technique

This technique is distinguished by special angular folding of ribbons of different colors and their fastening in a certain order using needles on a foam blank. The methods of folding ribbons are also different.

Easter eggs using the Kinusaiga technique

Easter eggs made using the kinusaiga technique look especially beautiful and homely thanks to the “patchwork” effect of sewing from cotton or knitwear according to patterns. The colors of the patches are selected in a single color palette, uniting the cover into a single composition

The secret is that these crafts are done without a needle.

Shallow cuts are made on the foam base, pieces of fabric are prepared according to patterns

The fabric is applied to the selected area, and its edges are tucked into the cuts.

In this case, the seam joints are hidden with matching braid or tape, masking the connections of the flaps

Decorating eggs for Easter with icing sugar

See what a miracle you can create by applying icing sugar to the surface of the shell. A very concentrated mixture is diluted: 1 protein per 150-200 g of fine powdered sugar

Dyeing with natural silk

You can beautifully dye Easter eggs with natural silk. Perhaps there are unnecessary silk items at home - scarves, ties or sewing scraps. Natural silk will readily share its pattern and paint in boiling water with egg shells. You will need to wrap the egg tightly in a piece of natural fabric, tie it tightly with thread and put it in boiling water for a long time

Animal theme in Easter eggs

Easter eggs in the shape of various animals look very cute and adorable. On sale in stores you can purchase ready-made kits for decorating eggs for Easter, the idea of ​​which, as a rule, is to combine the decoration with a stand for an Easter egg - practical and convenient

Decoration with dried flowers or branches of living plants

Easter eggs decorated with dried flowers and branches of living plants will look great at Easter. Twigs of plants in decorating Easter eggs are like spring itself - fresh and original! Your guests and loved ones will be pleasantly surprised

The use of dyes is excluded here - naturalness and environmental friendliness are a rising trend today!

A few more options for decorating eggs for Easter

Black and white are always in fashion. Stylish and tasteful!

Easter bunnies using a stencil and colored glitter

Feathers - lightness and grace! You will need feathers and glue

Emojis in an Easter theme - very stylish and modern in the spirit of ubiquitous instant messengers

Group in striped swimsuits with mustaches

Dragon eggs

The starry sky is real space!

Sequins are always bright and impressive!

White Provence with gold

Decorating Easter eggs with colored sand

Black profiles on white - very elegant

Blue and gold are an excellent and elegant color combination when dyeing eggs.

Video. Four easy ways to color eggs for Easter

Making Easter baskets for the holiday with your own hands

Many housewives find time to make chic Easter baskets. Exactly what you need for Easter! The main advantage of such an Easter accessory is the practical storage of Easter eggs and Easter cakes; in addition, it is very beautiful and elegant. You can make one large basket for general storage of holiday attributes for the whole family

Or you can make small baskets for friends and relatives, designed for one Easter cake and several eggs for congratulations

Believe me, your loved ones will be incredibly pleased to receive such a product as a gift from you with congratulations on Easter. A truly thoughtful and sweet gift for Easter Sunday.

Easter baskets and baskets can be made from regular wicker baskets in different sizes. The inside of the bottom can be draped with burlap, cotton fabric, chiffon, or lined with dry grass or hay. You can keep the brown shade of the vine, or you can paint the wicker in the color of your choice. The overall colors are light pastels, decorated with bright flowers and leaves. The basket should be the personification of spring and warmth. Artificial flowers, bows, ribbon flowers, beads and rhinestones, lace and braid will help you.

Easter baskets can also be made from felt - this is an excellent material for working with such products. It is moderately bright, holds its shape well, does not crumble, and is very interesting in finished products.

These unusual Easter baskets can be made from pasta - very creative and not difficult. This shape is achieved by gluing fragments on an inflated balloon, then the finished workpiece is opened with paint until completely dry.

Of course, baskets made of printed fabric with soft toys look very cute and beautiful

Options for beautiful and original Easter baskets

Easter is approaching. This year it falls on April 19th. According to church tradition, eggs need to be painted on Maundy Thursday, which means that a busy time is coming in every home to prepare for the bright holiday of the resurrection of Jesus - they paint eggs, make dough for Easter cakes and cook.

And also in families where there are small children or housewives who are needlewomen, they make crafts to decorate their home and as gifts for family and friends.

I remember when I was a child, my grandmother would dye her testicles red-brown with onion skins. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with the color red, and housewives are coming up with all sorts of ways to decorate. After all, on the Resurrection of Christ it is customary to christen yourself, and and. And I really want to stand out, so that the donated egg will be liked and remembered.

And every year I wonder how to paint eggs for Easter and I go to the Internet for new information. This time I decided to collect all the methods I liked in one place.

Painted Easter eggs vary in the way they are painted.

  • Krashenki - painted one color with natural or food coloring
  • Drapes (or scrapers) - a design is scratched out on a surface painted in one color with a sharp object, for example, a needle or a stationery knife. It is preferable to use brown specimens, because... their shell is stronger
  • Specks - first they are painted one color, then wax is applied in drops and dipped into paint of a different color. Once dry, the wax is removed by immersion in hot water or scraping. In ancient times it was impossible to apply more than three colors

  • Easter eggs are painted by hand and are considered the most difficult method. In skillful hands, this is a work of art. Beeswax is heated and, using a special steel pen, a pattern is applied to a raw, cold egg. Then it is painted in the required color, and the pattern is applied again and the whole process is repeated until the desired result is obtained. When all the patterns are applied, you need to carefully melt the wax from the surface over the candle flame
  • Sloths are the easiest way. Using thermal stickers is not time-consuming, and the result pleases the eye with a variety of patterns
  • Stickers – more suitable for crafts with children. Available materials are glued to the surface - cereals, peas, beads, braid, seeds
  • Beads – a bead pattern requires perseverance and patience, and is most often used on souvenir eggs
  • Malevanka (paint) - painted with an invented pattern and does not carry any semantic meaning. This method is suitable for children's activities when making gift souvenirs.

The last three types are more often used to create crafts for Easter, because... these species are preferable to use on empty eggs.

Basic rules for successful painting

Regardless of which painting method you choose, you need to properly prepare for the process:

  1. We wash with soap and a sponge so that the paint lays evenly. Or use alcohol or vodka
  2. Before cooking, be sure to remove the eggs from the refrigerator 1.5-2 hours in advance so that they have time to warm up. In this case, the shell will not crack due to temperature changes. Or pierce them with a sharp needle, but this is a more labor-intensive process
  3. When cooking, add 1-1.5 tbsp for each liter of water. salt. If the eggs do crack, salt will help seal the whites and prevent them from spilling.
  4. To keep the paint stronger, don’t forget about vinegar. A tablespoon per 1 liter of water will be enough.
  5. For painting, it is preferable to use white shell color, but if you paint with onion peels, you can use brown ones - the color will be brighter and less time will be required for painting
  6. For shine, grease them with vegetable oil and polish with a dry cloth.
  7. To make the shell easier to clean, immerse the boiled eggs in cold water for a couple of minutes.
  8. If there are children in the house, it is better to use natural dyes.

How to properly paint eggs in onion skins so they don't crack

The most traditional coloring method is to use onion peels. I usually save it up starting in the fall. Moreover, I need it not only for Easter, but also for gardening work as fertilizer and repelling pests when planting potatoes. By the way, if you don’t have husks, you can ask vegetable sellers for them - they will be happy to get rid of them. Verified.

  • Let's prepare onion skins and a box of eggs. If you have red onion peel, the color will be more saturated and bright

  • Pour boiling water over the husks, cover the dish with a lid and let cool

  • Add salt to the pan. 1 tbsp is enough per liter of water.

  • Place eggs in a saucepan and put on fire. Bring to a boil and boil for 10-12 minutes. Turn off and cool

  • Place in cold water, soak for a few minutes, and wipe until dry.

This is the usual way. There are others too. In some families, it is customary to boil water with the husk for 40-50 minutes and leave it to steep overnight. And in the morning, boil eggs in this water or water strained from the leaves. I tried both ways and didn’t see any difference, so I prefer the quick method.

Original painting in peel with a pattern

Patterned eggs can be made using parsley leaves, dill or other herbs. To secure the leaf, use a nylon stocking or gauze.

  • Place green leaves soaked in water on the raw egg for better fixation.

  • Wrap tightly in stockings or gauze, tie the ends with thread

  • Place a layer of husks in a saucepan, eggs on top and fill with water

  • Finish with another layer of onion and add water. Put on fire, boil for 10 minutes

  • Remove from the pan, remove the stocking and peel off the greens.

For beauty, you can grease it with sunflower oil.

We use brilliant green for marble stains

To obtain a marble effect, take ordinary onion peels and a bottle of brilliant green. It is preferable to take a white item for decoration. In this case, the drawing will turn out clear and bright.

  • To create a beautiful pattern, cut the husks finely with scissors. The smaller the leaves, the more beautiful the design. Another nuance - the joint use of red and golden husks will sparkle on the surface with richer shades

  • To avoid staining your hands, we use gloves. Cut pieces of gauze so large that you can wrap the egg and still have the ends left

  • Dip a raw egg in water and turn it in pieces of the husk so that the shell is completely covered

  • Place it on cheesecloth, sprinkle some leaves on top and wrap it in a bag. The gauze should fit tightly onto the surface. Fix with threads

  • We put the prepared bags into a container (it’s better to take an old one so you don’t feel sorry for it) and pour out a bottle of brilliant green (10 ml), add water to hide the protruding parts and add salt. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil over medium heat for 8 minutes

  • Fill with cold water so that the shells can be easily peeled off and leave to cool.

Remove the gauze from the cooled eggs and wipe the surface with a cotton pad soaked in oil to add shine.

How to Create Patterns Using Rice and Paint

I offer another interesting coloring recipe. Suitable for those who are always in a hurry - it is done easily and quickly.

Prepare multi-colored flowers (three pieces) and 1.5 cups of rice and 9% vinegar

  • We put the eggs on the fire to boil (we will need hot ones), and at this time we put the rice in plastic bags

  • If the dye is dry, then dilute it with water and add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and pour 2-3 teaspoons into each bag

  • Shake the bag thoroughly so that the paint evenly colors all the rice. Take out the boiled hot (required) egg and put it in a bag

  • Press each egg tightly with colored rice so that it is not visible, and tie the bags tightly

Leave for a while. The longer the egg is in the rice, the brighter and more intense the pattern will be.

Coloring with food coloring at home

Food coloring gives a huge scope for creativity. With their help, you can create various designs on the shell, and if you use improvised means in the form of threads, electrical tape or rubber bands, then every year you can surprise your family and friends with elegant Easter clothes.

Method 1 – classic

A huge number of Easter painting kits are sold in stores before Easter. We take any one we like, read the instructions and carry out the actions. Typically, pre-boiled white products are used for this method.

In separate containers (most often I use large mugs), in which one egg fits well, we dilute the dye. If there are only 4 colors in a pack, then it’s not scary. You can paint them first, and then mix the colors and get other colors. Pour 9% vinegar into a mug and lower the egg. Keep in the solution until the desired shade is obtained and dry on a cardboard stand. They are also often included in the kit. If not, then you can make it yourself.

Method 2 – rainbow

If you have time and desire, then let’s experiment and get a rainbow on your table.

  • We will need three primary colors - red, yellow and blue, 9% vinegar, water and a drying stand. The egg is already boiled and dried. It is better if it is warm or hot. This will make the paint adhere easier and stronger.
  • We dilute each color in a separate container with 100 ml of water per 1 tbsp of dye plus 1 tbsp. vinegar

  • Dip the egg at an angle into the red dye and hold for a couple of minutes. Take it out, blot the drop from the bottom with a napkin and put it in the dryer to dry.

  • Dip the other side into yellow dye and repeat the process.
  • We dip the unpainted part in blue, wait for the required time and dry.

It turns out to be a rainbow egg.

Method 3 – striped

With this method, you can use electrical tape or thread. With electrical tape the pattern will be more pronounced. And don't forget the gloves.

  • Let's prepare containers with paint

  • Boil the eggs, wipe them with a napkin and, without waiting for them to cool, wind them in a random order with electrical tape, which we will first cut lengthwise if it is too wide

  • Place it in a glass with dye for a couple of minutes.

  • Let's take it out and carefully blot it from excess moisture. We again stick electrical tape on the free space and lower it into a glass with another paint.

  • After waiting the allotted time, take it out and blot it with a napkin. Remove the tape and get a beautiful result

  • Using the same method, we decorate it with polka dots or a triangle. Moreover, you can glue circles or triangles onto an already painted egg.

  • If we wrap it with threads, the pattern turns out to be less pronounced, but gentle and unobtrusive.

Method 4 – patterned

We use different rubber bands. There are thick ones, there are elastic bands for money, and there are very thin ones. The combination gives an interesting result.

  • Wrap the egg with rubber bands and dip it in the paint for a while. Then we'll dry it

  • We get interesting patterned specimens.

Method 5 - speckled

There are several options. You can dilute regular acrylic paint and use a brush or toothbrush to spray it onto a white egg, or the second option onto an already painted one.

Using wax pencil for decoration

If you have a wax pencil, then use it. It is, of course, more convenient to use.

  • If you don’t have drawing skills, sketch a sketch of the future pattern with a pencil

  • Instead of a pencil, you can use wax. Take a candle and use melted wax using a toothpick or match to apply a design to the surface.

  • Then we paint in the usual way with natural or food dyes. Just don’t use hot liquid, otherwise the wax will melt. We get a wonderful pattern. Melt the wax with a candle or carefully scrape it off.

Coloring with natural dyes

Using natural products you can get beautiful and delicate colors. Unlike food, the process will, of course, take more time. But adherents of folk recipes will undoubtedly appreciate their merits.

To obtain golden and yellow flowers, birch leaves, both fresh and dried, are suitable. Brew them with boiling water for 30 minutes, and then boil white eggs in the solution for 10 minutes

Spinach will give a light green tint. Grind the leaves into a paste and boil the already boiled eggs in the spinach solution for one minute.

The pink color can be achieved with cranberry or cherry juice. Squeeze the juice from the berries, boil the eggs in it and leave overnight.

We get a beautiful brown-chocolate color with coffee or tea. Boil the eggs in a strong coffee solution (10 minutes).

In the table you can see which dyes and how to use to obtain the required color.

How to properly use beets for painting at home

Beetroot gives the shell a pink color. There are several ways to color this vegetable. See one of them in the table above - coloring with beet juice. Squeeze out the juice and leave the prepared egg in it for three hours. Be sure to add vinegar for color stability.

Another way is to cut the beets into cubes or three on a grater. The pattern on the surface of the shell depends on the grinding method. Boil for 10-20 minutes. The vegetable should become soft and the color deep red. Dip the eggs into the beet mixture. Leave it on all night. The color appears uneven and iridescent.

Dyeing eggs with turmeric for Easter

To obtain yellow color we use turmeric. Pre-boil the eggs.

Pour 3 tbsp into a bowl. l. spices and dilute with boiling water, add 2 tbsp. vinegar for durability, and lower the eggs into the solution. Let it cool and then put it in the refrigerator overnight for more intense coloring.

How to paint with red cabbage without the paint rubbing off

Surprisingly, we get our blue color from red cabbage. Such is the chemistry!

  • Cut a small head of cabbage into cubes
  • Fill with water to cover and put on fire for 20 minutes

  • Place eggs (ready) in a container and fill with strained cabbage broth. Pour 1 tbsp into one cup (on the left). soda The color changes immediately. In another 2 tbsp. vinegar 9%. And fill the third with one solution. Leave for 3 hours, then take out
  • We conduct an experiment on the duration of immersion time in different solutions. The difference is visible in the picture, and if you look even closer, the shades of color reflect very beautifully.

  • If you place eggs in an unstrained hot mixture and leave them overnight, the color will be marbled. After drying, the shell takes on a matte appearance. We add shine with a cotton pad dipped in oil.

How to get colorful eggs using fabric

Unusual way of painting. Look for unwanted pieces of brightly colored faded rags. Permanently colored ones will not work. You also need a white cotton cloth, water and vinegar.

  • Take a piece of fabric measuring 18 by 18 and wrap the egg in it. Make sure that the fabric fits tightly (without folds), secure with an elastic band. Wrap the top in white cloth

  • Place the tails on top of the pan, add water and vinegar, boil after boiling for 10-12 minutes

  • Cool and remove from fabric clothing.

We use regular napkins when painting

Using a napkin we get bright and unique colors. You choose the colors yourself, depending on your preferences and the quantity available.

We use ready-made eggs. We dilute the paint - yellow, red and blue, add vinegar for color fastness. We must wear gloves

  • Wrap the egg in a napkin, preferably in two or three layers

  • Apply paint using a spoon, cotton swab or syringe. First one color, then turn it over with the white side and apply another. Because We took the primary colors; when they cross, they give other shades - green, orange
  • The task is to completely paint over the napkin. Set aside the variety to dry for 5 minutes

  • We unfold and inspect. There are places where the paint has not reached. It's OK. You decide for yourself whether to leave it as is or enhance the effect with pearlescent paints for shimmer. In the meantime, let it dry naturally.

  • We take pink and blue mother-of-pearl and apply them one by one with brush strokes in the places we need. Let it dry.

We decorate eggs for Easter with our own hands without dyes with children

Joint creativity with children in preparation for Easter will benefit both mother and child.

Let's use a quick and easy way. We buy thermal stickers and cut them. Boil the eggs and dry with a napkin.

  • We put clothes on the egg, and use a spoon or other device to lower it into boiling water for a few seconds. As soon as the sticker tightly wraps around the testicle, remove it to a plate.

  • By the way, you can also put the sticker on a painted specimen.

  • FixPrice sells self-adhesive tape. It sticks perfectly to the shell and looks very elegant.

  • For decoration, water-based children's markers or the same paints are suitable. With their help, we draw funny and funny faces, apply various patterns and designs.

  • Monochrome patterns in one color look very beautiful.
  • And more options for inspiration and imitation. You can get by with purchased eyes and a marker, and get practically masterpieces.

  • You can decorate eggs using varnish. We put on gloves.

  • Pour varnish of different bright colors into a container with water. Use a toothpick to draw out different patterns and lower the egg.

Napkin technique in decoupage for decoration

A safe and unusual decoration method suitable for already boiled white eggs.

In handicraft stores we buy napkins with small Easter-themed patterns. We pull out motifs of a suitable size with our hands. You can also use scissors, but then the boundaries of the drawing will be clearer

  • Place a piece on the surface

  • Glue with a brush using egg white. This technique is also suitable for working with children, but requires accuracy and patience.

Video on how to beautifully color eggs at home

Potal is used in handicrafts and gives products an expensive and rich look. Get inspired by watching the video and repeat the process. Your loved ones will be surprised by the richness of the decor.

Choose your favorite Easter egg decoration option or even several. Happy Easter!
