How to make beer in a slow cooker. Complete technology for brewing beer in a multicooker. How to brew homemade beer - recipe

Today I will tell you how one home brewer easily and simply brews beer at home using a slow cooker. Marat Settarov from Korolev is probably the first in Russia to start brewing homemade beer using 1-Gallon Brewing technology. Maybe not the first, but at least I don’t know the others yet.

I was personally interested in the fact that Marat, having read a lot about his foreign colleagues, immediately began brewing grain beer, and not from some concentrates for home brewing. Not only that, but his first release was none other than an American Porter-style beer with 7.7% ABV and 100 IBU bitterness. There are no hefeweizens (I have nothing against them) and other “light live unfiltered” ones, but just craft beer.

Why 1-Gallon Brewing? Because only one gallon of beer (3.79 liters) is brewed, and the finished product yield is only 3 liters. Firstly, all the equipment along with the fermenting beer takes up extremely little space, and this immediately removes one of the reasons why many are hesitant to take up home brewing in limited living conditions. Secondly, it allows you to brew new varieties as often as you want, without waiting for the previous ones to be drunk. After all, every new brew is a new lesson that allows you to strive for perfection.

The most interesting thing in all this is the know-how that Marat himself came up with, bringing even greater relief to the 1-Gallon Brewing technology. I'm talking about mashing wort using a household multicooker.

All of the above made me join Marat Settarov on a festive May day to brew a new variety. The idea was to brew American Single Hop IPA with ultra-fashionable American Mosaic hops.

I suggested the name - MayDay Single Hop Mosaic IPA.
Nobody, including the head brewer, was against it :)

You don't need to think too much about recipes. Everything you can imagine has already been done before you. Although you can always make your own adjustments, you understand. What I mean is that the “One Gallon Brewing” movement is developing quite actively, and you can find a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, although mostly in English. As well as a bunch of ready-made beer recipes of different styles. You can download a ready-made recipe, although in most cases they are for 20-liter cooks. In special brewing applications for iOS and Android, you can adjust (convert) any recipe to the volume you need, in our case - 1 gallon.

Here is the recipe for this cooking.

Let's start preparing the ingredients.
Several varieties of malt of different colors (degrees of roasting).

Marat is attaching a mill for malt.

Using a kitchen scale, the required quantities of malt are measured.

The head brewer's colleague Dmitry Bogdanov grinds malt. Having seen enough of Marat, he is preparing to open his own One Gallon Brewery, and is doing an internship here. The head brewer, as expected, makes him do all the dirty work :)

The malts are ground and poured into the multicooker bowl.

In the meantime, the equipment is being processed using this tool.

And on the stove, the water for mashing the wort is heated to the required temperature.

When the water has reached the desired temperature, it is added to the multicooker bowl with ground malt.

And mix until the required consistency.

It’s a bit thick, add more water.

To get something like this “porridge”.

The multicooker is set to a mode that can maintain the required temperature for the required amount of time.

While the mashing is happening, we rest.
The multicooker beeps when the set time is over.
Let's stir the porridge.

And set the next temperature. And we rest again.

This is the know-how. A slow cooker makes mashing the wort easier. There is no need to stand at the stove with a thermometer for a long time in order to control the stability of the required temperature. The multicooker will call you to it when the mashing process is complete.

You can use any multicooker that has similar functionality.

Let me remind you that today we brew beer in the India Pale Ale style using the most popular Mosaic hops.

We will measure the required amount of hops using these scales.

Dmitry cannot get enough of the magical aroma of American Mosaic hops. Aroma!!! He really is amazing.

In the background are measuring cups, they are also shot glasses. We will pour weighed portions of hops into them.

To add them to the brewing wort at the right time.

Everything is ready to filter the wort from the spent grain.

We begin filtering by dumping the malt “porridge” from the multicooker bowl into the cooking pan through a filter bag.

We squeeze out the grain.

And we spill (rinse) it with the required amount of water.

Here is our wort.

Now we wash the spent grain again, this time with wort.

Squeeze out the last drops.

And put the pan with the wort on the fire, we will cook it.

Let's rest again.

The head brewer monitors compliance with the recipe and sets a timer that will remind you with a signal when the first hops need to be added to the boiling wort.

The signal sounded, add the first dose of hops. We do this several more times, according to the recipe, according to the timer signals at the desired cooking time.

The cooking is finished.
Place the pan in a bathtub with cold water. To lower the temperature of the coolant, packages of gel frozen in the freezer are thrown into the water.

24.05.2018 19:30

I have long wanted to visit some kind of beer brewing at Cosmic City One Gallon Home Brewery, first of all, to see for myself how it is done, and, of course, to tell you. My friend, Marat Settarov, is probably the first in Russia who decided to brew beer using the 1-Gallon Brewing technology. Maybe not the first, but at least I don’t know the others.

I was personally interested in the fact that Marat, having read a lot about his foreign colleagues, immediately began brewing grain beer. Not only that, but his first beer was none other than First Step, an American Porter-style beer with 7.7% ABV and 100 IBU bitterness. No hefeweizens there (I have nothing against them) and other “light live unfiltered” ones, but straight to craft. Marat gave a brief presentation of his first variety to a narrow circle of beer lovers at GlavPivMag in mid-November last year.

Then I was a little shocked that the first test beer of the new home brewer turned out to be completely free of the defects characteristic of many, even very experienced “home brewers.” I won’t say that it was world-class beer, but the application was very serious.

“Great aroma balancing between a wine-port base and American dry-hopped hops. The taste is initially strongly coffee-like, and as it warms up it turns into woody-leather tones, seasoned with serious bitterness that lingers in the aftertaste. Roasted prunes, something else dark and burnt, a little soot, soot and smoked alder, charcoal in the aftertaste"- these are the epithets I used to describe First Step after the tasting.

The other day it will be six months since tasting the first beer from Cosmic City. Six months... and already 10 beers, one of them is non-alcoholic - Hophead Cola with 110 IBU bitterness.

Why Cosmic City? Because Marat lives in Korolev, Moscow region, and loves everything related to space and astronauts.

Why 1-Gallon Brewing? Because only one gallon of beer is brewed, and the finished product yield is only 3 liters. Firstly, all the equipment along with the fermenting beer takes up extremely little space, and this immediately removes one of the reasons why many are hesitant to take up home brewing in limited living conditions. Secondly, it allows you to brew new varieties as often as you want, without waiting for the previous ones to be drunk. After all, every new brew is a new lesson that allows you to strive for perfection.

The most interesting thing in all this is the know-how that Marat himself came up with, bringing even greater relief to the 1-Gallon Brewing technology. I'm talking about mashing wort using a household multicooker.

All of the above made me join Marat Settarov on a festive May day to brew a new variety. The idea was to brew American Single Hop IPA with ultra-fashionable American Mosaic hops.

I suggested the name - MayDay Single Hop Mosaic IPA.

Nobody, including the head brewer, was against it :)

You don't need to think too much about recipes. Everything you can imagine has already been done before you. Although you can always make your own adjustments, you understand. What I mean is that the “One Gallon Brewing” movement is developing quite actively, and you can find a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, although mostly in English. As well as a bunch of ready-made beer recipes of different styles. You can download a ready-made recipe, although in most cases they are for 20-liter cooks. In special brewing applications for iOS and Android, you can adjust (convert) any recipe to the volume you need, in our case - 1 gallon.

Here is the recipe for this cooking.

Let's start preparing the ingredients.

Several varieties of malt of different colors (degrees of roasting).

Marat is attaching a mill for malt.

Using a kitchen scale, the required quantities of malt are measured.

The malts are ground and poured into the multicooker bowl.

In the meantime, the equipment is being processed using this tool.

And on the stove, the water for mashing the wort is heated to the required temperature.

When the water has reached the desired temperature, it is added to the multicooker bowl with ground malt.

Beer is the third most popular drink in the world (after water and tea) and the most popular alcoholic drink in the world. 0:16 Necessary equipment and ingredients 2:10 Fine-tuning the Unit 2:35 Beginning of mashing 3:36 Forgive me!))) 3:56 Changing the conditions of the Technological process 5:38 Beginning of washing/filtration 7:37 Beginning of boiling 8:45 Calculation amount of Hops, bitterness, SOFT Demonstration 12:25 We weigh, add hops 13:01 Working with starter Yeast 14:25 pouring into fermentation tank 15:01 summing up 16:40 Measuring Initial Density using a Refractometer 18:35 When we drink Beer. .. Many novice home brewers are interested in the question: is it convenient and realistic to prepare delicious beer in a slow cooker? - there is an answer - the beer turned out to be very tasty!, very dense, and alcoholic - about 7%... you can watch the video in detail on the intricacies of preparation using this method. I decided to try brewing beer in a slow cooker... I thought, what did I put there, it brews and mashes for itself, then boiled it and that’s it... the result is sad - take it - a wagon, and the output is even less than I thought... - the efficiency is nowhere near not good...(The process is not particularly different from standard brewing at home, the only difference is in the malt and its quantity, as well as the quantity and brand of Hops. However, home brewing is a very labor-intensive and interesting process! When we brew beer at home, so to speak, “we brew beer at home”, we can completely influence the process of creating beer, make the beer denser, or more alcoholic, or make the beer denser and alcoholic))) you can make beer of any color, from light yellow to black stout , or red beer, the so-called abbey beer. Direct link to video: We brew beer from concentrate Preparing Gelatin for clarification: Results of clarification with gelatin: Brewer's yeast. Collect brewer's yeast from the wort: Brewing equipment. Home brewing: Clarification of homemade beer. Clarification of Homemade Beer with Gelatin: Preparing Gelatin for clarification. How to clarify beer with gelatin: Let's cut the beer. Dark and light beer in one glass. Cut beer: Come to Beer and subscribe to my Beer channel: beer, home brewing, brewing beer, beer recipe, home beer, beer at home, beer from extract, preparing beer, preparing beer, how to brew home beer, carbonation of beer, yeast, brewer's yeast, beer extract

Today I will tell you how one home brewer easily and simply brews beer at home using a slow cooker. Marat Settarov from Korolev is probably the first in Russia to start brewing homemade beer using 1-Gallon Brewing technology. Maybe not the first, but at least I don’t know the others yet.

I was personally interested in the fact that Marat, having read a lot about his foreign colleagues, immediately began brewing grain beer, and not from some concentrates for home brewing. Not only that, but his first release was none other than an American Porter-style beer with 7.7% ABV and 100 IBU bitterness. There are no hefeweizens (I have nothing against them) and other “light live unfiltered” ones, but just craft beer.

Why 1-Gallon Brewing? Because only one gallon of beer (3.79 liters) is brewed, and the finished product yield is only 3 liters. Firstly, all the equipment along with the fermenting beer takes up extremely little space, and this immediately removes one of the reasons why many are hesitant to take up home brewing in limited living conditions. Secondly, it allows you to brew new varieties as often as you want, without waiting for the previous ones to be drunk. After all, every new brew is a new lesson that allows you to strive for perfection.

The most interesting thing in all this is the know-how that Marat himself came up with, bringing even greater relief to the 1-Gallon Brewing technology. I'm talking about mashing wort using a household multicooker.

All of the above made me join Marat Settarov on a festive May day to brew a new variety. The idea was to brew American Single Hop IPA with ultra-fashionable American Mosaic hops.

I suggested the name - MayDay Single Hop Mosaic IPA.
Nobody, including the head brewer, was against it :)

You don't need to think too much about recipes. Everything you can imagine has already been done before you. Although you can always make your own adjustments, you understand. What I mean is that the “One Gallon Brewing” movement is developing quite actively, and you can find a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, although mostly in English. As well as a bunch of ready-made beer recipes of different styles. You can download a ready-made recipe, although in most cases they are for 20-liter cooks. In special brewing applications for iOS and Android, you can adjust (convert) any recipe to the volume you need, in our case - 1 gallon.

Here is the recipe for this cooking.

Let's start preparing the ingredients.
Several varieties of malt of different colors (degrees of roasting).

Marat is attaching a mill for malt.

Using a kitchen scale, the required quantities of malt are measured.

The head brewer's colleague Dmitry Bogdanov grinds malt. Having seen enough of Marat, he is preparing to open his own One Gallon Brewery, and is doing an internship here. The head brewer, as expected, makes him do all the dirty work :)

The malts are ground and poured into the multicooker bowl.

In the meantime, the equipment is being processed using this tool.

And on the stove, the water for mashing the wort is heated to the required temperature.

When the water has reached the desired temperature, it is added to the multicooker bowl with ground malt.

And mix until the required consistency.

It’s a bit thick, add more water.

To get something like this “porridge”.

The multicooker is set to a mode that can maintain the required temperature for the required amount of time.

While the mashing is happening, we rest.
The multicooker beeps when the set time is over.
Let's stir the porridge.

And set the next temperature. And we rest again.

This is the know-how. A slow cooker makes mashing the wort easier. There is no need to stand at the stove with a thermometer for a long time in order to control the stability of the required temperature. The multicooker will call you to it when the mashing process is complete.

You can use any multicooker that has similar functionality.

Let me remind you that today we brew beer in the India Pale Ale style using the most popular Mosaic hops.

We will measure the required amount of hops using these scales.

Dmitry cannot get enough of the magical aroma of American Mosaic hops. Aroma!!! He really is amazing.

In the background are measuring cups, aka shot glasses. We will pour weighed portions of hops into them.

To add them to the brewing wort at the right time.

Everything is ready to filter the wort from the spent grain.

We begin filtering by dumping the malt “porridge” from the multicooker bowl into the cooking pan through a filter bag.

We squeeze out the grain.

And we spill (rinse) it with the required amount of water.

Here is our wort.

Now we wash the spent grain again, this time with wort.

Squeeze out the last drops.

And put the pan with the wort on the fire, we will cook it.

Let's rest again.

The head brewer monitors compliance with the recipe and sets a timer that will remind you with a signal when the first hops need to be added to the boiling wort.

The signal sounded, add the first dose of hops. We do this several more times, according to the recipe, according to the timer signals at the desired cooking time.

The cooking is finished.
Place the pan in a bathtub with cold water. To lower the temperature of the coolant, packages of gel frozen in the freezer are thrown into the water.

While the wort is cooling, the yeast is being prepared for pitching.

Pour the cooled wort into a gallon bottle, which is correctly called “1 gallon glass carboy”. The beer will be fermented in it.

The head brewer controls the extractivity (density) of the wort.

And he pours the yeast directly into the bottle. It was possible to scatter them in advance, but Marat said that everything was going fine anyway.

Now you need to shake the bottle thoroughly to mix the yeast. Of course, both the bottle and the brewer’s hands are pre-treated with a disinfecting solution.

Well, that’s all. A hose is inserted through the lid into the bottle, the second end of which is lowered into a jar of water. Such an improvised water seal

Spent grain remaining after mashing the wort. It's always a shame to throw it away :)

After a couple of days of active fermentation, a normal water seal was placed on top of the bottle. And 6 days after brewing, Marat added Mosaic hops to the bottle for dry hopping in a special bag.
A week later I repeated this procedure again. And 18 days after brewing, I bottled the finished beer, adding special candies for carbonation.

Every beginner once comes up with the idea of ​​making beer in a slow cooker at home. The idea is obvious; this technique allows you to make controlled temperature breaks and not waste time monitoring the process.

Let's find out in a regular household appliance with a 5 liter bowl. All you need is simple ingredients and some free time. Almost every multicooker beer recipe is simple and accessible even to beginners.

It is not very convenient to completely prepare a drink in a bowl, because long-term boiling is difficult to check by constantly opening the lid. But the technique of mashing malt makes it very simple.

A simple recipe for brewing beer in a slow cooker

You will need:

  • 3 liters of water,
  • 1 kg barley malt,
  • 3 g hops with alpha acidity 4.5%,
  • 1/3 sachet of brewer's yeast (5 l),
  • sugar for carbonation.


  1. Heat 3 liters of water in a slow cooker to a temperature of 70 degrees, slowly stir the malt into the water.
  2. Set the temperature to 65 degrees and cook the mash for 90 minutes. Stir the mixture every 20 minutes so that the malt does not settle.
  3. After an hour and a half, do an iodine test. If the starch does not completely turn into sugar, add another 15 minutes of cooking.
  4. Filter the drink, return the liquid to the multicooker bowl or leave it in the pan.
  5. The wort must be brought to a boil, then add 1 g of hops. After 30 minutes, add another 1 gram, and 20 minutes before the end of the boil, add the last portion. Total cooking time is 1 hour.
  6. Make sure that the liquid boils intensely and that gurgling is visually visible.
  7. Quickly cool the wort to the temperature recommended for the selected yeast.
  8. Pour the filtered liquid into the fermentation tank.
  9. Pour the yeast onto the surface of the wort, wait 5–7 minutes, mix the liquid well and close with a lid with a water seal.
  10. Leave the wort for 10 days in a dark, cool place (temperature no higher than 14 degrees).
  11. Remove the beer from the sediment using a silicone straw; add 1 liter of beer to 7 g of sugar in each bottle.
  12. Pour the drink into bottles, leaving 2 cm of space under the neck. Place in a dark room at a temperature no higher than 24 degrees. After 20 days, secondary fermentation will be completed and the drink will become carbonated.
  13. The drink should spend another 20–25 days in the refrigerator to fully ripen.

Recipe for making homemade beer in a slow cooker

Using this technology, you will get a classic American lager, light and light.

You will need:

  • 12 liters of water,
  • 1.5 kg Kursk Pilsner,
  • 20 g Istra hops (alpha acidity 4.2%),
  • yeast Saflager S-23.


  1. Mix 5.2 liters of water with malt in a multicooker bowl. Set the temperature to 69 degrees and cook for an hour.
  2. Make a final pause at 72 degrees for 10 minutes.
  3. Filter the infusion; Rinse the mash with 6 liters of water heated to 72 degrees.
  4. Mix the barrier and rinse water, place on the heat and cook for 65 minutes, maintaining a visible boil.
  5. Remove the multicooker bowl and let the beer sit for 25 minutes, then cool the wort.
  6. Pour the liquid into the fermentation vat, pour the yeast onto its surface and after a few minutes mix well.
  7. Close the container with a lid with a water seal; wait for fermentation to complete, this will take 6 to 10 days.
  8. Filter the beer and bottle it, after adding sugar (7 g per 1 l).
  9. Leave the beer for secondary fermentation in a dark place with a temperature no higher than 24 degrees, then transfer it to the refrigerator and wait another 10-12 days.

From a slow cooker - six months in a dark and cool place, an open bottle should be drunk immediately. Otherwise, this drink is similar to any other, brewed from natural ingredients.

Why a slow cooker?

These household appliances will become a simplified version of a mini-brewery; you can try your hand at it and then buy high-quality and convenient equipment. To choose the right model and not waste your money, read
