How to cook lush. How to make a tall and airy omelette. Delicious fluffy omelette - classic recipe

A tall omelette without flour is the dream of any housewife. Thanks to its airy consistency and mild taste, it is always eaten with pleasure by both children and adults. We saw similar casseroles - tall and fluffy - in kindergartens and school canteens: they did not settle on the plate even when cold. Every housewife can prepare the same ones - just learn the secret of a fluffy omelette from experienced chefs.

Traditionally, a tall omelette is baked in the oven - due to the uniform baking of the dish on all sides, its porosity and fluffiness are achieved. However, frying a properly fluffy omelette in a frying pan is also easy; it cooks quickly: to do this, you need to simmer the dish under a lid over low heat, and to avoid cooling, take a dish with thick sides. In addition to the “school” casserole, you can prepare an omelette soufflé - also a tasty dish, the height of which is achieved by thoroughly beating the egg whites.

6 cooking secrets

How to cook a fluffy omelette with milk in a frying pan? Take advice from experienced chefs.

  1. Do not add flour to the omelette: the consistency will become softer and lighter. The classic dish does not contain flour - its fluffiness is achieved thanks to the correct recipe and cooking conditions, which are listed below.
  2. Follow the 50/50 principle. To make the dish taller, make the amount of milk equal to the amount of egg mixture. The ratio of ingredients should be the same. But don't overdo it: too much liquid in the casserole will have the opposite effect.
  3. Use a thick-bottomed frying pan, preferably cast iron. The more massive the dishes, the better the steaming of the dish. Give preference to dishes with high sides and fill them at least one-third with omelette mixture.
  4. Always cook with the lid on and do not open it during cooking. This will avoid temperature changes that are detrimental to the splendor of the dish. To be able to control the cooking process, use a lid made of transparent material.
  5. Make a layer of omelette mixture of at least 3 cm. This will allow the dish to rise to 4-4.5 cm. Why does the omelette fall off? To prevent the omelette from falling, keep it on the stove for a couple of minutes until the temperature of the dish approaches room temperature. But don’t overcook, otherwise the cold omelette will collapse.
  6. To make the omelet airy and not fall off, do not include additives in its composition.(meat, cheese, vegetables) by more than 50%. Excess ingredients will make the consistency of the dish heavier, denser and will resemble a tasty but flat “pancake”.

Classic fluffy omelette recipe

What is an omelet made of? A simple recipe for fluffy scrambled eggs with milk in a frying pan includes only eggs, salt and milk, excluding flour, starch, soda and yeast. To prepare a tall omelette, it is enough to maintain the proportions of eggs and milk (1:1) and simmer the dish under a closed lid. How to cook an omelette so that it doesn't settle? Cooks recommend keeping it in the oven or covered for 5 minutes after cooking and transferring it to preheated plates before serving.

You will need:

  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 4 tbsp. l.


  1. Bring the eggs with milk and a pinch of salt until smooth.
  2. Place the omelette mixture in a frying pan with butter.
  3. Simmer the dish, covered, over medium heat until the omelette begins to thicken (about 3 minutes), then reduce the heat to low.
  4. Cook for another 3-5 minutes. Completed in 5 minutes!

You can make an omelette fluffy in a frying pan if you bring the conditions closer to simmering in the oven: fry over low heat, without opening the lid, in a preheated container. Many chefs advise using only one type of oil when cooking, but some admit that mixing vegetable oil with butter in a 1:1 ratio will make the taste of the dish more original.

The invariable rule of a lush omelet is fresh, selected eggs. To select a quality product, dip the eggs in water. Newly laid eggs always sink.

Soufflé omelettes

With cheese

The easiest way to cook a lush omelette in a frying pan is to make an omelette soufflé, as in the photo. Its essence lies in the separate preparation of the yolk and white, which, as a rule, is whipped into foam. The delicate texture of the dish is due to the aerated protein, but you need to mix the omelette components very carefully so as not to disturb it.

You will need:

  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • lemon - half;
  • butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • grated cheese - 100 g;
  • salt.


  1. Separate the whites and beat into a strong foam.
  2. Add salt and lemon juice to the yolks separately and bring until smooth. Next, pour the cheese into the mixture and mix again.
  3. Carefully mix the white and yolk masses together and pour into a frying pan, preheating the butter in it.
  4. Simmer over low heat with the lid closed for 10 minutes.

You can add any ingredients to your taste to the recipe for a lush omelette in a frying pan: meat products, vegetables, mushrooms and even sweet ingredients. In any case, it will delight you with its height, fluffiness and texture that melts on the tongue. You can watch the video below to see how to prepare a fluffy omelette.

Cooks advise sending the omelette mixture to the frying pan immediately after mixing it - otherwise the dish, regardless of your efforts, will turn out flat and heavy.

Sweet omelet

A sweet soufflé omelet is a win-win option for a children's breakfast: it will certainly be eaten with pleasure. To feed your child not only tasty and quick, but also healthy, you can add a quarter of a glass of low-fat cottage cheese to the eggs at the mixing stage.

You will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 15 g;
  • jam or jam - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - a pinch.

Cooking step by step

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat until strong.
  2. Mix the yolks with sugar.
  3. Carefully combine both masses using a spatula.
  4. Pour the omelette mixture into the pan and cook with butter, covered, for 3-5 minutes until the bottom of the dish is browned.
  5. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180° for 5 minutes.
  6. When the time is up, spread the jam on top of the dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

To make the consistency of the omelet thicker, you can add 1 tablespoon of sour cream to the egg mixture. It is not forbidden to add vanillin, dried fruits, honey, cumin, nuts, candied fruits, as well as a pinch of baking powder for airiness to the recipe for a sweet omelet. A classic omelette-soufflé can be prepared the Kaiser way: tear the dish stewed on both sides (with raisins and cinnamon) into pieces, then fry them until crisp.

How to make the most delicious and fluffy omelette without it falling off? There is no single secret: in order for the dish to turn out high, you need to follow several rules for its preparation. Using the knowledge of experienced chefs, you can prepare an egg casserole “like in childhood” - with a creamy egg taste and a delicate consistency that will not fall off even after cooling.

Ready-made fluffy omelettes (photo)

Look what happened to those who prepared a fluffy omelette according to our recipe!

Many housewives are interested in the question of how to prepare a fluffy omelette? Interested in learning all the secrets of this dish? In the classic recipe, an oven was used to obtain a tall omelette. Why? Thanks to uniform baking on all sides, the dish became porous and fluffy. However, you can add airiness to the omelette using a regular frying pan. The main thing is to simmer the dish over low heat under a lid, and then you will get the desired result.

Secrets of making a fluffy omelette

  • To make the omelet tender and light, it is not recommended to pour flour into the preparation of eggs and milk. The classic version does not contain this ingredient. Only with the help of the right technology and cooking conditions can you achieve splendor.
  • In the omelette recipe, you need to adhere to the following proportions: 50:50 (milk: eggs). Just don’t overdo it, if there is too much liquid in the “workpiece” - the casserole will turn out low and thin.
  • If you don’t have time to mess around with the oven, then cook a fluffy omelette in a frying pan with a thick bottom. The more massive the dishes, the better the dish will steam.

  • The omelet should always be cooked with the lid on and not “tugged” during the cooking process. The constant temperature difference when opening contributes to the loss of splendor of the omelette. To control the cooking process, use a transparent lid.
  • Make the omelette layer at least 3 cm thick. When cooking, the dish will rise to another 4-4.5 cm. To prevent the omelette from falling apart, let it sit for a few minutes on the stove.
  • For a fluffy omelet-casserole, do not add various additives (cheese, vegetables, meat) by more than 50%. Due to the large number of additional ingredients, the consistency will be too heavy and the dish will simply sag.

Lush omelette recipe in a frying pan

Some people add ingredients such as soda, yeast, starch or flour for fluffiness. We will tell you about the correct recipe - the choice is yours! Do not forget to adhere to the above rules for bulk omelettes during the cooking process. For cooking, take the following products:

  • eggs.2 pcs.
  • butter (.1 tbsp..
  • milk.4 tbsp..

Beat eggs into a bowl, add milk, salt and bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.

Then put a piece of butter in a frying pan and add our egg mixture there.

Simmer the dish over low heat until it thickens (up to 3 minutes). Afterwards, turn the heat down even lower and cook for 3-4 minutes. The dish is ready!

To cook an omelet in the oven: take a baking dish, grease it well with oil, pour in the egg mixture and bake for up to 15 minutes at 200C. After cooking, do not remove immediately; leave the omelette to steep in the oven for up to 5 minutes.

Omelet-soufflé in a frying pan

The easiest way to get a fluffy dish is to make an omelette soufflé. What it is? During the cooking process, you need to separately beat the yolks and whites into a foam. Protein saturated with air will make the texture of the dish even more tender and airy, but you need to combine the ingredients with caution so as not to disrupt the recipe.

  • eggs 6 pcs.
  • butter.2-3 tbsp..
  • half a lemon 1 tsp.
  • finely grated cheese 90 gr.

Separate the whites and beat by hand until foam forms. Add lemon juice, spices to the separated yolks and beat until smooth. Then pour the cheese into the mixture and mix thoroughly.

Very carefully combine the protein mixture with the yolk mixture and mix with each other slowly. Pour into a frying pan coated with butter. Set the heat to low on the stove and simmer with the lid closed for up to 10 minutes.

You can also add various additional ingredients: vegetables, meat, mushrooms, etc. After all, the omelette soufflé always turns out fluffy and tender.

The egg mass must be placed in the pan immediately after kneading, otherwise the omelette may not rise.

Tender omelette with sour cream

  • sour cream 2 tsp.
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • salt pepper
  • butter for frying (it is this oil that gives the omelette tenderness)
  • fresh herbs optional

Beat eggs into a bowl, add sour cream, salt, pepper, and herbs. Whisk everything thoroughly until smooth. Pour the prepared mixture into a heated frying pan, place on low heat and cover with a lid.

The cooking time for the omelet is from 5 to 10 minutes, it all depends on your frying pan. After it has risen, remove the dish from the heat and let it brew for 3-5 minutes. If the egg casserole begins to fall apart, it means you added a lot of sour cream to the egg mixture or it is too thin in consistency.

Airy omelette with flour in a frying pan

  • eggs 4 pcs.
  • flour 4 tsp..
  • milk 60 ml.
  • green onion
  • spices, salt

Break eggs into a bowl and season. Then pour in the milk, add flour, spices, salt and mix thoroughly until smooth without lumps. Place oil on a heated frying pan and be sure to grease the sides. Next, pour the mixture, distribute it evenly on the surface and sprinkle chopped green onions on top. Place on low heat to simmer for 7-10 minutes, covered.

Lush omelet in a slow cooker

  • eggs 6 pcs.
  • milk 180 ml.
  • spices, salt, fresh herbs

Before cooking, add a little oil to the multicooker and heat for up to 5 minutes. in the “baking” mode with the lid closed. Break the eggs into a bowl, add milk, salt, spices, herbs, and mix thoroughly without beating.

If you want to achieve fluffiness, do not beat the mixture. Just mix gently with a whisk until smooth. Pour the resulting mixture into the slow cooker and cook for 15 minutes. Then open the lid, fake it with a spatula on all sides and remove it using a double boiler.

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What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty

If you have eggs, salt and milk at home, you can whip up the most delicious and simple breakfast dish - a fluffy omelette! Breakfast will be hearty, light and delicious!

15 minutes

150 kcal

5/5 (2)

- This is the best Sunday dish that you can whip up along with dishes like or. It can even be called a “lazy” dish due to the speed of preparation and the unpretentiousness of the ingredients used. Making the right omelette is very easy - you can bake it in a slow cooker, in a frying pan on the stove, and even cook a couple of omelettes, having at your disposal only a colander instead of a double boiler. To obtain the most dietary version of this dish, it can be made from proteins alone.

The benefits of simplicity

The average calorie content of an omelet is up to 200 kilocalories per 100 grams and depends entirely on its composition. And the composition can be completely different - you can add sausage or pieces of meat to your taste, vegetables, even pieces of fruit, similar to pineapple pizza!

The main thing is to remember the products that form the basis of this dish: milk and eggs. You can even say that the dish is healthy due to the naturalness of the products used for it. Especially if the milk and eggs are homemade, and instead of the usual sausage for the omelet, dietary chicken is taken.

How to cook an egg omelet? The dish is prepared very simply by mixing all the ingredients in crushed form and quickly cooking in the oven or in a frying pan - whichever you prefer!

Secrets of the airiness of an omelet

There are several secrets that housewives use to ensure that a thick omelette turns out like a soufflé:

To make the dough more airy, some people add dry yeast to the ingredients at the tip of a knife.

If you don’t have yeast at home, and the omelet is cooked with milk, you can add a pinch of soda.

If there is a need to make the omelet less caloric, milk can be diluted with water.

To ensure that the omelette rises gradually and does not shrink after turning off the burner, you need to cook it over low heat, after covering it with a lid.

And don’t forget to beat the eggs and milk well at the very beginning of cooking. The better you perform this stage, the more beautiful the dish will turn out. In order for the egg-milk mixture to be better saturated with air bubbles, some housewives rub the eggs through a sieve. And carefully pour the mixture into the frying pan through a sieve.

Omelette recipes in the oven and in a frying pan

Below are the easiest ways to prepare an omelet, with which you can provide the whole family with a delicious and nutritious energizing breakfast in a matter of minutes!

Omelet with milk

To make this simple recipe you only need a couple of ingredients:

  1. Mix the ingredients well without whisking. Finally add salt and stir again.
  2. Grease a baking dish generously with oil, pour in the mixture and bake for up to 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees Celsius.
  3. When finished, leave the dish in the oven to cool.

    Advice: The mass can also be prepared in a frying pan. To do this, the frying pan must be preheated.

Omelet with mayonnaise

In this recipe milk can be replaced with mayonnaise:

  • Eggs – 4 pieces
  • Mayonnaise – 100 grams
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons
  • Chopped green onions – 2 tablespoons
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Eggs and mayonnaise must be beaten well. Pour the dough into a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil and cook for up to 5 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with onions.

Omelette with flour

Flour adds a baking touch to this recipe.

  • Eggs – 6 pieces
  • Milk – 1 glass
  • Wheat flour – 2 tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste
  1. Beat the eggs well.
  2. Add milk, salt and stir.
  3. Then add flour and beat again.
  4. Pour into a preheated pan and bake until done.
  5. An omelet with flour can also be baked in the oven.

Advice: The consistency of the dough should be similar to pancake dough.

Difference in preparation

All omelet recipes are similar to each other. The main difference is the cooking method: oven or in a frying pan. There is no particular difference in these two methods. But experienced housewives claim that in a frying pan you can achieve a golden, sometimes even crispy crust. But in the oven you get a more fluffy dough. You can get a tall omelette even if it is made not with milk, but with sparkling water.

In addition, there are differences in the ingredients. For example, instead of regular chicken eggs, you can use duck or quail eggs to get a new interesting taste.

Greens add freshness to the dish and remind you of spring. Chopped green onions can be added to the dough, or you can sprinkle them on the finished dish.

The filling of an omelet can be completely different! Eggs and milk are only the basis of the dough, into which, like pizza, you can add pieces of sausage, mushrooms or vegetables. Sprats, cheese and different types of meat can also easily be used as filling. The main rule is to chop the ingredients thoroughly. They can be mixed and added separately to achieve specific flavor combinations. If you still doubt your abilities, watch how to prepare an omelet in a training video that you can easily find on the Internet.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with such a simple recipe as an omelette - every time you will surprise your family with new delicious and quick breakfasts!

- certainly fluffy, tender, tasty and melting in your mouth. But does it always turn out like this? In the morning, everyone is rushing to work, and the time for preparing breakfast is reduced to a minimum. Sometimes, instead of an airy omelette, the plates end up with a dry, dense mass, more reminiscent of an egg pie. An unsuccessful culinary “masterpiece” can be disguised with herbs, delicious sauces, meat, vegetable, mushroom and cheese fillings. But every housewife wants to cook a delicious omelette that doesn’t have to be hidden under ham and cheese, but how to learn this art? Many cookbooks write that an omelette is a very complex dish that requires skill, dexterity and knowledge of some special secrets. In fact, everything is much simpler, and even a novice housewife can easily understand how to properly prepare an omelette and surprise the whole family.

Preparing dishes and ingredients for the omelette

Nice frying pan. Omelet is a capricious dish that will not be cooked in the wrong container with a thin or uneven bottom. The ideal option is a cast-iron frying pan with a non-stick coating, which heats up evenly and retains heat for a long time, although a regular Teflon frying pan is also suitable for preparing omelettes. It is good if the lid has a hole for air to escape so that the omelette does not turn out too watery.

Egg quality. The eggs should be very fresh, preferably homemade, but if you buy them in a store, try to choose only high-quality products. The fact is that you can’t make a delicious omelet from bad eggs, no matter how hard you try. The most suitable store-bought eggs for omelettes are diet and table eggs. Fresh eggs have a shell without shine and are not too light in weight. The most famous way to check is to put the eggs in water. Fresh ones sink immediately.

Oil. The best oil for frying omelettes is butter: tasty, aromatic. Despite the fact that many people fry omelettes in vegetable oil, it is high-quality butter that makes the dish melting and tender.

How to cook a lush and tender omelette: secrets and subtleties

The recipe seems simple even for a schoolchild: beat eggs with milk or cream, add salt, pour the egg mixture into an oiled hot frying pan and fry for several minutes under a closed lid over medium heat. Then cut the omelette into portions or place the whole omelette on a plate and sprinkle with herbs. However, knowing some tricks and culinary techniques will help you prepare an airy omelette with a creamy taste that all family members will devour with gusto.

Beat the eggs. Culinary experts say that it is better to beat an omelette with a whisk or fork, rather than with a blender or mixer, so as not to disturb the structure of the whites and yolks - such an omelette turns out to be especially fluffy. For a diet omelet, use only whites, and if you want a thicker consistency of the dish, prepare an omelet from yolks. For an omelet-soufflé, the whites are whipped into a fluffy foam, then the yolks and other ingredients are added. The most important thing is to bake the omelette as soon as the eggs are beaten, otherwise the dish will turn out dense and flat.

The splendor of an omelette. Despite the fact that dairy products are added to eggs for fluffiness, do not overuse liquid - ideally, there should be 1 tbsp per 1 egg. l. cream or milk, otherwise it will be too wet and will fall off. Instead of milk, you can use broths, kefir or fermented baked milk - with fermented milk products the omelet turns out very high and airy. If you add a little sour cream or mayonnaise to the egg mixture, the dish will acquire a pleasant creamy taste, and with mineral water the omelette becomes unusually light and fluffy. Some recipes recommend adding a little semolina or flour to the eggs - no more than 1½ tsp. for 4 eggs. Flour gives the dish a slightly denser consistency, retains its shape and adds volume - for this purpose, some people add soda, starch or a pinch of yeast to the eggs. And only the French do not add anything to the omelette, believing that it should not rise. Well, there is no arguing about tastes!

Delicious filling. You can add additional ingredients to the egg-milk mixture - seasonings, vegetables, mushrooms, meat, fish, powdered sugar instead of salt, fruits, nuts and chocolate. It all depends on the recipe, tastes and preferences of family members, but even if you are a follower of conservative culinary traditions, try making a sweet omelet at least once. It is no coincidence that the first omelets that appeared in Ancient Rome were desserts that were prepared with honey. It is important that all the ingredients that are added to the eggs, from milk to pieces of meat, are not cold, otherwise the omelet will not rise.

How to fry. At first it should be fried over high heat, but as soon as it starts to rise, the heat should be reduced to a minimum so that the dish simmers under the lid until cooked. If it is still wet on top and already burning on the bottom, pierce the omelette with a fork or slightly lift it with a spatula so that the liquid component drips down. You can fry the omelette on both sides, and after turning off the heat, leave the dish covered for a couple of minutes so that it reaches the desired condition.

How to serve. The omelette is served in the form of portioned pieces, folded in half or into a tube, filled with sweet or savory filling. There are thousands - it can be a delicious dessert, a hot or cold appetizer, a main course, a side dish, a base for sandwiches, an ingredient for salads and sushi. Each country has its own peculiarities of preparing this dish, and if you want to learn how to make a French, English or American omelette, you can go on a trip, since it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times...

We wish you pleasant culinary discoveries and bold experiments!

A tall omelette is the dream of any housewife. Thanks to its airy consistency and mild taste, it is always eaten with pleasure by both children and adults. We saw similar casseroles - tall and fluffy - in kindergartens and school canteens: they did not settle on the plate even when cold. Every housewife can prepare the same ones - just learn the secret of a fluffy omelette from experienced chefs.

Traditionally, a tall omelette is baked in the oven - due to the uniform baking of the dish on all sides, its porosity and fluffiness are achieved. However, it’s also easy to cook a fluffy omelette in a frying pan: to do this, you need to simmer the dish under a lid over low heat, and to avoid cooling, take dishes with thick sides. In addition to the “school” casserole, you can prepare an omelette soufflé - also a tasty dish, the height of which is achieved by thoroughly beating the egg whites.

6 cooking secrets

How to cook a fluffy omelette with milk in a frying pan? Take advice from experienced chefs.

  1. Do not add flour to the omelette: the consistency will become softer and lighter. The classic dish does not contain flour - its fluffiness is achieved thanks to the correct recipe and cooking conditions, which are listed below.
  2. Follow the 50/50 principle. To make the dish taller, make the amount of milk equal to the amount of egg mixture. But don't overdo it: too much liquid in the casserole will have the opposite effect.
  3. Use a thick-bottomed frying pan, preferably cast iron. The more massive the dishes, the better the steaming of the dish. Give preference to dishes with high sides and fill them at least one-third with omelette mixture.
  4. Always cook with the lid on and do not open it during cooking. This will avoid temperature changes that are detrimental to the splendor of the dish. To be able to control the cooking process, use a lid made of transparent material.
  5. Make a layer of omelette mixture of at least 3 cm. This will allow the dish to rise to 4-4.5 cm. To prevent the omelette from falling, keep it on the stove for a couple of minutes until the temperature of the dish approaches room temperature. But don’t overcook, otherwise the cold omelette will collapse.
  6. To make the omelet airy and not fall off, do not include additives in its composition.(meat, cheese, vegetables) by more than 50%. Excess ingredients will make the consistency of the dish heavier, denser and will resemble a tasty but flat “pancake”.

Classic fluffy omelette recipe

A simple recipe for a fluffy omelette with milk in a frying pan includes only eggs, salt and milk, excluding flour, starch, soda and yeast. To prepare a tall omelette, it is enough to maintain the proportions of eggs and milk (1:1) and simmer the dish under a closed lid. How to cook an omelette so that it doesn't settle? Cooks recommend keeping it in the oven or covered for 5 minutes after cooking, and also transferring it to preheated plates before serving.

You will need:

  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 4 tbsp. l.


  1. Bring the eggs with milk and a pinch of salt until smooth.
  2. Place the omelette mixture in a frying pan with butter.
  3. Simmer the dish, covered, over medium heat until the omelette begins to thicken (about 3 minutes), then reduce the heat to low.
  4. Cook for another 3-5 minutes. Completed!

You can make an omelette fluffy in a frying pan if you bring the conditions closer to simmering in the oven: fry over low heat, without opening the lid, in a preheated container. Many chefs advise using only one type of oil when cooking, but some admit that mixing vegetable oil with butter in a 1:1 ratio will make the taste of the dish more original.

The invariable rule of a lush omelet is fresh, selected eggs. To select a quality product, dip the eggs in water. Newly laid eggs always sink.

Soufflé omelettes

With cheese

The easiest way to cook a fluffy omelette in a frying pan is to make an omelette soufflé. Its essence lies in the separate preparation of the yolk and white, which, as a rule, is whipped into foam. The delicate texture of the dish is due to the aerated protein, but you need to mix the omelette components very carefully so as not to disturb it.

You will need:

  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • lemon - half;
  • butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • grated cheese - 100 g;
  • salt.


  1. Separate the whites and beat into a strong foam.
  2. Add salt and lemon juice to the yolks separately and bring until smooth. Next, pour the cheese into the mixture and mix again.
  3. Carefully mix the white and yolk masses together and pour into a frying pan, preheating the butter in it.
  4. Simmer over low heat with the lid closed for 10 minutes.

You can add any ingredients to your taste to the recipe for a lush omelette in a frying pan: meat products, vegetables, mushrooms and even sweet ingredients. In any case, it will delight you with its height, fluffiness and texture that melts on the tongue.

Cooks advise sending the omelette mixture to the frying pan immediately after mixing it - otherwise the dish, regardless of your efforts, will turn out flat and heavy.

Sweet omelet

A sweet soufflé omelet is a win-win option for a children's breakfast: it will certainly be eaten with pleasure. To feed your child not only tasty, but also healthy, you can add a quarter of a glass of low-fat cottage cheese to the eggs at the mixing stage.

You will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 15 g;
  • jam or jam - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - a pinch.


  1. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat until strong.
  2. Mix the yolks with sugar.
  3. Carefully combine both masses using a spatula.
  4. Pour the omelette mixture into the pan and cook with butter, covered, for 3-5 minutes until the bottom of the dish is browned.
  5. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180° for 5 minutes.
  6. When the time is up, spread the jam on top of the dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

To make the consistency of the omelet thicker, you can add 1 tablespoon of sour cream to the egg mixture. It is not forbidden to add vanillin, dried fruits, honey, cumin, nuts, candied fruits, as well as a pinch of baking powder for airiness to the recipe for a sweet omelet. A classic omelette-soufflé can be prepared the Kaiser way: tear the dish stewed on both sides (with raisins and cinnamon) into pieces, then fry them until crisp.

How to make a fluffy omelette? There is no single secret: in order for the dish to turn out high, you need to follow several rules for its preparation. Using the knowledge of experienced chefs, you can prepare an egg casserole “like in childhood” - with a creamy egg taste and a delicate consistency that will not fall off even after cooling.
