How to beat egg whites until thick foam. How to properly beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. Application of protein cream

Many types of sweet and savory baked goods, as well as a wide variety of desserts and edible decorations, are prepared with the addition of whipped egg whites. Thanks to it, the dough is saturated with oxygen and the baked goods become very tender and airy. If you beat the egg whites incorrectly, you may not expect a tasty result.

Once upon a time it seemed to me that it was quite difficult to beat egg whites well, and that’s probably why I couldn’t do anything. The best you can do is beat until soft peaks form, when the whipped white loses its shape as soon as you take out the beaters. It turns out that there is nothing complicated if you follow a few simple rules.

So, secrets and tricks on how to beat egg whites well:

1. Eggs must be fresh.

2. It is better to use clean and dry dishes for whipping. There should not be a drop of fat on it that interferes with the whipping of the proteins.

3. It is better to separate the whites from the yolks at the initial stage of preparing the dish. After you have separated the whites from the yolks, put them in the refrigerator for a while. It is necessary to beat well-chilled whites.

4. To beat egg whites, use a mixer or food processor with a whisk attachment, but never a blender. You need to start whipping the whites at the lowest speed. And gradually increase the speed to maximum.

5. And the most important secret. When whipping, add a small pinch of salt or citric acid. Don't be afraid, a pinch of salt and lemon will not spoil the taste of even the sweetest and most delicate meringues.

That's all. If you follow these little tricks, you will succeed in whipping the egg whites to stable, firm peaks the first time!

Recipe: how to beat egg whites with photo

1. Carefully separate the cooled whites from the yolks. Add a pinch of citric acid or salt (to be on the safe side).

2. Start beating with a mixer at low speed. When the transparent yellow protein begins to foam and turn white, increase the speed.

3. The protein has whipped into an unstable white foam and increased in volume - we increase the speed even more. If you plan to use granulated sugar, add it at this stage so that the sugar crystals have time to dissolve.

4. Continue beating until strong and stable peaks form. Well-beaten whites should increase in volume by 4-5 times. The foam should be thick, dense and shiny.

When you remove the whisks from the bowl, the whites should not settle, and even when turning the dishes over, they should hold their shape. It is better to use whipped whites immediately so that they do not lose their properties. But if necessary, they can wait a little in the refrigerator.

Ingredients for protein cream:

3 eggs of the 1st category (medium eggs), an incomplete glass of sugar (a faceted glass filled not to the brim, but to the top edge), 100 ml. water, salt, citric acid crystals (to taste).

Equipment and utensils necessary for preparing protein cream:

a pan for cooking sugar syrup, a wide metal pan for whipping cream, a mixer, a deep plate with cold water, a large container with cold water (where you can put a pan for whipping egg white cream), various spoons, a glass and other available tools.

Preparation of protein cream:

Before you start cooking protein cream, you need to perfectly learn how to cook ordinary meringue. Although the recipe is simple, and I will try to fully describe it, it requires a certain skill. If you don't succeed the first time, don't be discouraged. The one who walks will master the road. I’ll tell you about myself, I succeeded the first time, which means there’s a great chance of winning. Let's get to the recipe!

Mix sugar with water in a separate pan and place over medium heat. Wash the eggs thoroughly. This significantly reduces the likelihood of various diseases.

Separate the egg whites and place in the refrigerator to cool. Chilled egg whites whip much easier and better. Bring the sugar syrup to a boil and cook over low heat.

I will dwell in more detail on cooking sugar syrup. It needs to be boiled until it rolls into a ball. Those. Take a little syrup with a teaspoon, cool it in a plate with cold water, then this syrup should easily roll into a ball. Only the syrup needs to be well cooled so as not to get burned. While cooking the syrup, try doing this procedure several times to understand the essence of the process. As soon as you see that, cook the syrup a little more and you will get a ball. Then start beating the egg whites.

Remove the egg whites from the refrigerator, add a little salt (to help the whites whip better). If you want to add crystalline citric acid. I don’t like protein cream with citric acid, so I don’t add it. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until thick foam forms. Those. If you turn off the mixer and remove the paddles, the resulting peaks should retain their shape. If the peaks are very high, it is allowed for them to lower their “heads”. It will be better if someone helps beat the egg whites while you work with the sugar syrup. It is highly undesirable to stop beating the whites.

It's time to test the syrup to test the ball rolling. If it works, the syrup is ready. I flattened the ball. It shouldn't spread.

So, the whites are whipped. The syrup is cooked. We continue to beat the egg whites and pour the sugar syrup into the future cream in a thin stream. This is the process of brewing protein cream. We don’t stop whipping for a second. When all the sugar syrup has been added, you need to continue beating the whites until the cream cools completely. To make the protein cream cool faster, you can place the pan with the cream in a large container with cold water.

Application of protein cream:

Prepared using this technology, it is perfectly stored and retains its shape. It can be used as a filling for various confectionery products and for the external decoration of cakes. Making jewelry from this cream is difficult, but possible. The small details just won't work out.

Safety of protein cream:

Thanks to heat treatment with sugar syrup, the protein cream becomes safe to eat. During boiling and brewing of the cream, the temperature of the sugar syrup reaches 115 degrees Celsius. According to technology, the storage time of such cream in the refrigerator is 36 hours.

It is very important to beat the egg whites correctly! The quality and appearance of the dish depends on this.

It would seem that nothing could be easier - beat the egg whites. But it turns out that this was not the case. I can imagine how nerve-wracking this process cost many of you. I was worried myself. But this is if you approach it without preparation, without special knowledge. After all, any business requires a careful approach. And especially something as delicate as cooking. Therefore, let's understand all the intricacies of whipping proteins, using the accumulated knowledge.

Believe me, there are no trifles in this matter. Here it is important to take into account everything: what to beat, what to beat, how to beat, and finally, which eggs are more suitable for beating whites. Yes, it's not that simple!

What to consider when choosing and preparing dishes
So, what is the best way to beat egg whites? Under no circumstances should you use utensils made of plastic or aluminum. Ideally, egg whites will whip best in a copper bowl, if you have one, of course. If not, then metal or glass dishes will do. The main thing is that it is not narrow and comfortable to use. Chose.

Next, you need to carefully prepare the dishes before starting the process of beating the whites. Under no circumstances should it be wet, or, worse, greasy. Therefore, you need to try to wash it thoroughly, pour boiling water over it, and dry it with a towel. And to be sure, wipe with a slice of lemon and let dry. After such procedures, the dishes will be ready for use.

Which eggs to choose and what temperature
There is a misconception that it is better to use cold whites for whipping, as they whip faster. This is not entirely correct.

There is another side to the coin. Let's figure out what the point is. Cold protein has a fairly dense structure. And, therefore, when whipping, it is poorly saturated with air and becomes less fluffy.

And one more thing: cold whipped whites do not hold their shape well and quickly spread out. Do we need this?

Therefore, to achieve optimal results, you need to use proteins at room temperature. Their consistency is soft. When whipped, it is easily saturated with oxygen, and, therefore, becomes more fluffy. And one more plus - warm whipped whites hold their shape clearly and do not spread during baking. This is why it is so important to take this knowledge into account when choosing feed temperature.

Another misconception: many people think that homemade eggs are better than those sold in stores. They may be better and healthier, but for whipping whites it is better to use store-bought eggs. Since their protein is not as dense as homemade ones, and therefore easier to whip. And one more tip: it is better to use not very fresh eggs, but those that have been in the refrigerator for at least a week.

Before you begin to separate the whites, the eggs must be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel. Note that even a drop of water should not get into the egg whites, as this may cause a malfunction during the beating process. The moment of separating the whites from the yolks is also important. Do not allow even a small part of the yolk to get into the white.

How to beat egg whites and with what
You need to start whipping the whites at low speed, gradually increasing the speed. If you don’t take this point into account and start beating at high speed, it may happen that they remain liquid and won’t beat at all.

It is also important to choose the right tool for beating egg whites. A whisk with thin twigs is best (if you are whisking by hand). If you work with a mixer, it is better to use a frame-shaped attachment. And one more important point - when whipping, you need to move in a circle, making sure to reach the very bottom of the dish.

What do properly whipped whites look like?
The process of whipping egg whites takes place in several stages. First stage: the whites turn into a fluffy, white foam. But this is just the beginning. We continue to whisk.

Second stage: the consistency of the proteins becomes thicker, but they still do not hold their shape and fall off the whisk. It is at this stage that sugar (powdered sugar) needs to be added to the proteins. The beating process continues further.

The third stage: whipping the whites comes to its logical conclusion - the whites become dense, shiny and clearly hold their shape. Yes, one more little secret: to make the whites whip faster, at the very beginning of the process, add a small pinch of regular salt to them.

That's it, the beating process is complete. The result has been achieved!

How and when to add sugar
Firstly: instead of sugar, especially when beating egg whites, it is better to use powdered sugar. It enters the protein more easily, dissolves faster and does not settle to the bottom of the dish.

Secondly: you need to introduce powdered sugar into the whites very carefully, adding it in small portions. Literally a teaspoon at a time, without stopping the beating process.

Thirdly: you need to add powdered sugar when the whipped whites become “fluffy”, that is, at the second stage of whipping.

Another little tip: if you need to add whipped whites into the dough, you need to do this very carefully, in small portions. Gradually mixing them with the test mass. A whisk or silicone spatula will help you with this.

Well, these are, perhaps, all the tricks that will help you cope with the task of whipping egg whites. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.

Use the knowledge you have gained and you will definitely succeed!

It would seem that there is nothing complicated about beating egg whites. But this type of culinary skill is beyond the capabilities of many housewives. And therefore, the preparation of biscuit dough, protein cream, meringues is postponed until better times. But we just need to approach this process more responsibly.

Egg selection

The quality of the protein foam depends on the freshness of the eggs. Eggs that have been lying on the counter for a long time may not be spoiled, but they are unlikely to be beaten to a stable foam.

Even experienced housewives encounter such a “puncture”: everything seems to have been done correctly, but the protein remains liquid and viscous after beating for a long time.

It is believed that eggs that are only a few hours old will also not produce perfectly whipped foam. Maybe this is due to the fact that the eggs have not cooled enough yet.

To beat the yolk and white you need different temperatures. If the yolk beats well when warm, the white must be cold before whipping.

Some housewives even place the protein in the freezer for a few minutes. But here the opposite effect can occur: the protein will harden, and therefore it will not be possible to beat it either.

Preparing eggs for beating whites

Even if the appearance of the eggs does not cause you any concern, be sure to wash them in warm water and soap before using them. Firstly, the shell may contain not only dirt and fluff, but also pathogens such as salmonella, which causes a dangerous disease - salmonellosis. Secondly, particles of fat and epithelium remain on the surface of the shell (given the way the eggs appear). And fat and other organic substances inhibit the whipping of protein.

Selection of cookware

To beat egg whites, choose glass, earthenware or enamel dishes. You cannot use aluminum containers; it is undesirable to take plastic containers. If you use a plastic bowl for this purpose, it must be absolutely clean. However, like the rest of the inventory.

The bowl for whipping must be high enough, since a perfectly whipped egg white increases in volume by 3-4 times.

How to separate the white from the yolk

Using a sharp knife, break the egg into two halves. One of them will contain a yolk.

Pour the white into the prepared bowl, and begin to carefully transfer the yolk from one shell to another, thus freeing it from the remaining protein. At the same time, make sure that the yolk film does not break on the sharp edge of the shell.

Never perform these manipulations over a bowl of eggs (in this case, whites). To do this, you must have separate dishes. Then you will prevent spoiled eggs from getting into the general mass.

If even a drop of yolk gets into the white, remove it using a shell.

How to beat egg whites

To get perfectly whipped whites, For 4 eggs you need to take 1 cup of sugar.

You can beat the egg whites using a mixer, blender, whisk, or even a regular fork.

  • To quickly form a dense, stable foam, place a pinch of salt in a bowl with the whites.
  • If you use for this purpose blender, start beating at low speed.
  • When the protein turns white, slightly increases in volume and is covered with numerous bubbles, begin to gradually add sugar. Pour it in a thin stream or add a teaspoon at short intervals.
  • When all the sugar has been used, increase the blender speed. Usually the protein is whipped using a blender in 8-12 minutes. Prolonged whipping of whites with sugar is contraindicated, otherwise the mass becomes dense and becomes glossy. Products made from it do not provide the airiness that the owner would like to achieve.

Video recipe for the occasion:

In the mixer Beat the whites in the same way as using a blender. That is, first beat them at low speed, then gradually add sugar and only after that increase the speed.

Using manual corolla Beating the egg whites can take half an hour.
This process is more labor-intensive, and beating cannot be interrupted until it is completely completed.

You only need to work the whisk in one direction, otherwise the whites will settle.

If you don’t have a blender or a whisk, then you can beat the whites with a regular fork, or rather two. To do this, connect the forks together, turning their tines towards each other. Then proceed in the same way as when working with a whisk.

Storing whipped egg whites

Whipped whites cannot be stored.

After some time, they settle, the bubbles burst and part of the protein returns to its original state. Therefore, they must be used immediately after preparation.

To make the whipped whites hold their shape better, add a few crystals of citric acid to them while whipping.

The white must be beaten until the sugar is completely dissolved.

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Whipped protein with sugar, which is the basis of protein cream, is a very tasty, tender, beautiful thing and therefore popular. We hope you find this information useful on how to beat egg whites and sugar so that your baked goods turn out delicious and elegant.

Read useful tips on how to whip egg whites and sugar into a thick foam at and cook with pleasure.

How to beat egg whites with sugar - ingredients and proportions

  • 4 egg whites,
  • 8 tbsp. spoons of sugar or powdered sugar,
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife.

How to beat egg whites with sugar - preparation

Before you start working with eggs, wash them thoroughly to disinfect them. Do you remember where they come from?

Also, dry the eggs, because... even a drop of water or other liquid (for example, vegetable oil or yolk) can ruin your work, and you won’t be able to beat the whites well.

How to beat egg whites with sugar - separating whites from yolks

Before you beat the egg whites with sugar, you must first carefully separate the white from the yolk. There are several ways.

  • The most common method is to carefully break the egg into two halves and, pouring from one shell to another, gradually strain out the white, leaving the yolk in the shell.
  • You can also use a paper funnel, through which the white will be safely separated from the yolk and seep into the container.
  • There is also advice to separate the white from the yolk by piercing the eggshell on both sides with a thick needle. The yolk will remain in the shell.

Eggs should be broken one at a time over a separate container. This makes it easier to prevent the yolk from getting into the total mass of whites, as well as to detect a stale or spoiled egg.

If a piece of shell accidentally gets into the cup, it can be easily removed with the corner of a paper towel.

How to beat egg whites with sugar - properties of protein

Egg whites and sugar are whipped much better if they are, firstly, fresh, and secondly, chilled.

If the eggs are old, the white will be more watery and runny in appearance, and it will not whip well.

To make the whites and sugar whip better, you can add a pinch of salt, citric acid or a drop of vinegar.

How to beat egg whites with sugar - selection of utensils and equipment

  • To beat the whites, choose a deep container so that the mass fits, because... During the beating process it will increase several times.
  • Beat the egg whites in a completely clean and dry bowl.
  • Before you start whipping the egg whites, cool the bowl - this will make the process go better.
  • To beat egg whites, choose an enamel, ceramic or glass container. This should not be done in aluminum containers, because... the beaten egg white will have a gray tint.
  • While whisking the egg whites, make quick, even circular movements in one direction for about 10 minutes.
  • If you beat egg whites with a mixer, then choose attachments in the form of one or two frames. But a blender for whipping cocktails will not work here - the protein will remain liquid and will not whip up.
  • The protein whipping speed should be low at the initial stage. It can be gradually increased.
  • When whipping the protein, make sure that it is all involved in the beating process, i.e. so that the stirrer reaches the bottom of the dish, otherwise the protein may remain liquid at the bottom or from some edge.

How to beat egg whites with sugar - adding sugar

  • By the time you add sugar to the mass, the protein should be well beaten, and the mass itself should begin to increase in volume.
  • If the protein is weakly beaten, large air bubbles form in it, which burst when the protein is added to the dough, and the finished products will not turn out fluffy and airy.
  • If the egg white is beaten too hard, it creates small air bubbles, which burst during the baking process and the baked goods fall off.
  • The indicator of a well-beaten protein is an increase in its volume by 4-5 times, as well as a fluffy and strong foam that holds its shape. You should not add sugar if the egg white is not whipped well enough.
  • Add sugar (or powdered sugar) to the protein slowly and gradually, 1/4 teaspoon at a time, without ceasing to beat the protein. Powdered sugar should be sifted through a sieve before adding to the protein.
  • If you add all the sugar at once, it will dissolve and the white will become liquid.
  • After adding sugar, the whole mass is whipped until smooth and shiny.

How to beat egg whites with sugar - other ingredients

Adding a little citric acid, lemon juice or vinegar to the egg whites at the end of beating will make the cream more flexible.

If desired, you can add natural or artificial colors and flavors to the protein cream.

Whipped protein with sugar is a perishable product; it can not last long in the refrigerator, so the protein cream should be used immediately after preparation.


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