Calorie content of red coho fish broth. Calorie content of coho salmon, beneficial properties, preparation. How to salt coho salmon fish

What kind of fish is coho salmon? This question is asked by most people who find themselves in a supermarket, because they hear completely different types of river and sea inhabitants. Much more common are flounder, pollock, cod, herring, and trout. Should you expand the range of fish on your dinner table? How does the body perceive coho salmon, and how to cook it deliciously?

The benefits of coho salmon fish for the body

This inhabitant of the oceans belongs to the Salmon genus and, due to its external similarity with their main representative, received the name “silver salmon”, which determines the color of its scales - very bright, shining, light gray. This is what gave it the name “white fish”, but do not be deceived - it has nothing to do with truly white fish (sturgeon, pollock, etc.). Its meat is red, its taste is similar to trout meat and it significantly outperforms relatives like chum salmon or pink salmon, which seem very dry compared to it.

  • A large head, a small tail, but with a high caudal peduncle, a large carcass that can weigh up to 10-12 kg: these are the main characteristics of any type of coho salmon fish. The total length from head to tail ranges from 90-150 cm, depending on the region of habitat.

If we talk about taste, which have already been briefly touched upon, it should be noted that coho salmon, in a positive sense, stands out from all salmon. Despite the fact that not every Russian still knows about it due to the low availability of the product (from the standpoint of its availability in the assortment of most average stores), it has gained popularity and fame as a fish with especially tender meat.

As for the effect on the body, like any fish, coho salmon is an excellent source of protein, which is much easier to digest than from cattle meat. At the same time, there are significantly more useful vitamins with minerals and various microelements, the lack of which primarily affects the female body:

  • Healthy fats mean beautiful skin, hair, nails, stable functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems, good vascular condition, and the absence of heart problems.
  • Frequent introduction of coho salmon fish into the diet helps build a protective membrane around all organs on which tumors can form, i.e. prevention of cancer is carried out.
  • The high content of B vitamins helps strengthen the nervous system, resist fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, improve concentration, and also affects metabolic processes.
  • Coho salmon also has a positive effect on vision, the immune system, the musculoskeletal system, and the chemical composition of the blood (this is especially important for anemia), due to the presence of phosphorus, sodium, fluorine, potassium, sodium, retinol, chlorine, magnesium, and niacin in its composition .

Red coho salmon fish is considered a dietary product, despite the fact that the calorie content of a hundred-gram piece is 140 kcal, which contains 21.6 g of protein, only 6 g of fat and no carbohydrates. And due to the fact that there are almost no small bones in the meat, cooked coho salmon is not prohibited even for small children.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the incredible degree of benefits of coho salmon fish, the harm from its consumption can also be felt if you do not know some of the nuances. In particular, during pregnancy, doctors advise limiting the presence of any red fish in the diet as much as possible, especially smoked and salted ones. However, a small piece of coho salmon can help stop toxicosis due to its high content of vitamin B6, although chum salmon “distinguished itself” much more strongly here. And in the second trimester, the expectant mother can also benefit from the fat contained in all Salmon.

Doctors put forward serious contraindications to eating coho salmon mainly to people with:

  • gastritis;
  • liver diseases in the acute stage.

The rest can include coho salmon in your diet without fear, however, if you have not tried it before and have not eaten red fish at all, start with a small portion, because An individual negative reaction from the digestive system cannot be ruled out. This is especially important for children, whose menu is just beginning to expand.

Coho salmon fish: consumer reviews

If we talk about the real perception of this product by the average person, then, like professionals, ordinary consumers also often focus their attention on the pleasant softness of the meat. The only drawback that is often mentioned is the availability of the product only in large hypermarkets. But at its cost, coho salmon is significantly cheaper than the salmon with which it is compared, which makes this fish more accessible to most consumers.

  • Karina: I once took a coho salmon almost at random, when I couldn’t find either trout or salmon. The taste was good, but I didn’t like the dryness of the meat. True, it turned out that this can be solved by frying the pieces in batter, but I bake more often, so I’m not happy with this nuance. The fish itself is good, even my daughter (7 years old) likes it.
  • Tatiana: I often buy frozen coho salmon steaks in hypermarkets, since salmon today is not too attractive with its price tag. With a difference of almost 2 times, coho salmon is not inferior to it in taste - it is also tender meat, low in calories. The fish turns out very tasty in a steamer and oven; I haven’t tried frying it. Fresh is more tender, frozen seems drier, but overall they are about the same.

It should also be noted that the red caviar of this fish is also popular. Moreover, according to consumers, it differs from chum salmon or pink salmon caviar - the color is closer to scarlet-orange, the eggs are smaller, there is no bitterness at all, which children like. It lasts longer because the shell is very dense. Moreover, the amount of useful substances in it is so high that coho salmon caviar is valued above others.

How to choose a good fish?

To get only benefits from a food product and not experience any negative consequences associated with its use, you need to choose it correctly. In relation to fish, the factor of freshness is of particular importance, since, as in stale meat, pathogenic microbes begin to multiply in it, the active activity of which can ultimately lead a person to both intoxication and the appearance of helminths in his body. Be sure to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • When buying steaks, take those that lie directly on the ice, and not on top of each other or even a clean surface of the counter: this way the chance of getting fresh fish becomes higher. This rule applies not only to coho salmon.
  • If you try to press the cut fish with your finger (it is advisable to do this in a store, be sure to wear disposable gloves), the deformed area should relatively quickly return to its original shape. Those. the hole you create with pressure rises back to a flat surface. If this does not happen, do not buy the fish - it has probably been defrosted and frozen more than once.
  • Do you want to take the whole carcass? Examine your eyes carefully - there should be no cloudy film on them.
  • Examine the scales carefully: light, shiny, slightly moist, but without stickiness, the parts fit evenly to each other - this is a description of the scales of healthy fresh fish. The presence of any stains, especially blood, as well as changes in the relief indicate poor quality of the product.

As for canned food, it is difficult to guess the actual condition of coho salmon fish: in addition to the main parameter - the swelling of the can - there are no ways to check what the fish pieces look like and what taste they have if the container is opaque. For this reason, buying canned food is always a kind of lottery for the consumer.

How to cook coho salmon?

When you come to a restaurant, you are likely to find coho salmon baked in foil on its menu - this is one of the main ways of preparing this product, allowing you to maximize the taste of the meat and maintain its juiciness. On the shelves you can find fish in any condition - from canned to salted and smoked, but experts still advise buying frozen or fresh and cooking it yourself. What's the best thing to do with it?

  • In addition to classically baked steaks or a whole carcass, you can make delicious fish kebab, roll, cook soup, and prepare interesting cold appetizers.

However, before studying recipes with coho salmon fish, you need to take into account several nuances of this product, which professionals willingly share:

  • An alcoholic marinade for this fish is not the best idea, as it kills its individual taste.
  • Try not to overdo it with flavoring additives: coho salmon is best complemented with garlic and herbs, as well as soy sauce. Dried rosemary is a good spice.
  • Do you want to cook coho salmon very quickly? Use the “grill” mode - this will allow you to get a delicious dish in 10-12 minutes.
  • Coho salmon should be fried breaded so that it does not lose its juiciness. Flour and salt, in which the pieces are rolled, are ideal. They turn them over very quickly, literally every 1.5-2 minutes.
  • Never put frozen coho salmon in the oven/pan without defrosting it. Be sure to keep the fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator until it regains its usual flexibility.

Since, as already mentioned, the most successful option for preparing coho salmon is baking it, to get acquainted with this product, professionals recommend recipes of this particular type. For example, soft pieces in a ginger marinade that can be served with boiled rice.


  • coho salmon - 450 g;
  • ginger root - 4 cm;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • rice vinegar - 50 ml;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 tsp;
  • sesame.


  1. Finely grate a piece of ginger root, add rice vinegar and soy sauce - this will be a marinade.
  2. Place chopped pieces of gutted and washed fish there and let stand for half an hour or an hour. If possible, refrigerate, making sure to cover the container with cling film.
  3. Salt the pieces and sprinkle with olive oil. Bread in sesame seeds or sprinkle with them - depends on your taste preferences.
  4. Place the coho salmon on foil and bake at 190 degrees for 20 minutes. If desired, you can then quickly fry each piece or give it a crust using the grill mode.

On store shelves, along with salmon, salmon and pink salmon, there is another name: coho salmon. What kind of fish it is, where it is found, how it is useful for the body and how it is used in cooking, we described in detail in the article presented to your attention.

Where do coho salmon live?

Coho salmon is a fish of the salmon family. It lives in fresh waters of rivers, in the Pacific Ocean, along its North American coast, in Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Hokkaido. The fish reaches 1 meter in length and weighs 15 kilograms. By the way, such large coho salmon can only be found in the North American waters of the Pacific Ocean, from California to Alaska.

The named fish has a bright silver color of scales, which distinguishes it from other representatives of the group. In America and Japan, coho salmon is called “silver salmon,” and in Russia, when mentioning it, they used to say that its meat is actually red.

Coho salmon are large, with a large head and a wide forehead. This is its main difference from other representatives of the salmon family. In terms of taste, it resembles pink salmon, salmon and chum salmon.

Nutritional value and calorie content

This is not just a tasty fish, but also a source of important vitamins, macro- and microelements. Among the vitamins in its composition are: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), PP, A. In addition, its meat contains minerals necessary for the body: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc .

The described fish from the salmon family has a lot of protein - 21.6 g per 100 grams of weight, the fat content is 6 g, and there are no carbohydrates at all. The calorie content of coho salmon is 140 kcal. By the way, this figure is less than that of salmon and salmon, which is especially important for those who adhere to a low-calorie diet.

Useful properties of coho salmon

Coho salmon, like any other, is beneficial for the human body. Its main advantage is its unique, rich vitamin and mineral composition.

The benefits of this representative of the salmon family for the body are as follows:

  • prevention of heart disease, heart attack and stroke is carried out, thanks to the content of omega-3 fatty acids in the composition;
  • blood vessels are strengthened, the formation of fatty plaques on their walls is prevented;
  • maintains skin elasticity and premature aging;
  • memory improves, concentration increases, which, in turn, is the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease;
  • metabolism, blood circulation and liver function are normalized.

As you can see, coho salmon, whose price is also lower than that of salmon or salmon, is an excellent alternative to them. It is no less useful, therefore, for the stable good condition of the body and its normal functioning, it is recommended to eat this fish at least twice a week.

How to choose coho salmon

In order for a coho salmon dish to please you with its exquisite taste, it is important to know how to choose the right fish. To do this, it must meet certain criteria:

  1. A good fish should have bright silver, shiny scales that fit tightly to the meat. And unevenness, stains and bruises are the main signs of a bad product.
  2. The fish carcass should be slightly damp and slippery, but not sticky. In this case, even if the price for coho salmon turns out to be lower than usual, you should refuse the purchase.
  3. Before purchasing a whole carcass, it is useful to look into the eyes of the fish - they should not be cloudy.
  4. In the store, fresh coho salmon steaks are always on ice.
  5. When pressing on the meat, it quickly restores its shape. There should be no holes left on it.

The calorie content of fresh coho salmon is 140 kcal per 100 grams. It is used to make delicious shashlik, baked on the grill, in the oven, in foil, boiled and salted. At the same time, all the beneficial properties of the fish are fully preserved.

How to cook coho salmon in the oven

To preserve the maximum amount of healthy vitamins and minerals in a dish, nutritionists recommend baking. To do this, you can first cut the fish into steaks or cook it whole. According to the latest recipe, it turns out unusually juicy and tender.

To prepare coho salmon baked in the oven, you will need:

  • fish carcass, weighing 1.5-2 kg;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt pepper.

Clean the fish from the head and entrails, rinse well, and dry with a paper towel. Make small cuts across the ridge every three centimeters. Season with salt and pepper on all sides. Then place the onion cut into thin half rings on the foil, put the fish on top of it, and place a slice of lemon and tomato in the cut. Wrap the foil and place the coho salmon in the oven for 50 minutes. All! Tasty and healthy fish can be served to the table.

Recipe for juicy coho salmon in foil

Fish cooked in foil in its own juice is not only very tasty. This dish is low in calories, so it can be included in a diet, including a protein diet.

How to cook coho salmon by baking it in the oven according to this recipe? First you need to prepare all the ingredients: a couple of steaks 2-3 centimeters thick, salt, pepper, lemon to taste, foil. Next, the sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Rinse the fish under running water and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Add salt and pepper to taste and place on a sheet of foil.
  3. Sprinkle the steaks with the juice of half a lemon, wrap in foil and leave to marinate for 10 minutes.
  4. At this time, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  5. Place the coho salmon in foil in the oven for 40 minutes.

A tasty, healthy and low-calorie dish is ready. Bon appetit!

The calorie content of coho salmon baked in foil is 150 kcal per 100 grams. Due to its high protein content, fish satisfies hunger well and is a source of energy necessary for the body.

at home

Coho salmon are not only baked, but also salted. According to this recipe, it turns out to melt in your mouth and is in no way inferior in taste to salmon. To pickle coho salmon at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg fish fillet with skin;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil;
  • black pepper to taste.

Rinse the coho salmon under cold water and check that there are no bones in the fish. Then dry the fillets with paper towels. Prepare the mixture for pickling. To do this, combine salt, sugar and pepper (optional) in one bowl.

Spread half of the pickling mixture along the bottom of the glass dish. Place coho salmon on top, skin side down. After this, pour the remaining mixture onto the fish and sprinkle with oil. Cover the dishes with cling film and place in the refrigerator for a day.

After the specified time, remove the fish, remove salt and wrap in cling film. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. The calorie content of lightly salted coho salmon is 192 kcal per 100 grams.

  1. Do not salt coho salmon in a metal container, otherwise the meat will have an unpleasant aftertaste.
  2. Do not rub the salt into the fillet, but distribute it evenly on top. Otherwise, the fish may turn out too salty.
  3. To reduce the salting time of coho salmon, you can cut it into thin slices before cooking. The proportions for the mixture will remain the same, but you will be able to eat fish after two hours.

Grilled coho salmon steak

Grilled coho salmon is especially tasty. To do this, you will need a double-sided grill and a grill with coals. To prepare the dish you need the following ingredients:

  • coho salmon fish;
  • salt pepper;
  • white wine or beer;
  • lemon.

Coho salmon cut into portions, the steak of which should not exceed 2-3 centimeters thick, is salted and peppered on both sides and placed on a wire rack. Fry for 10 minutes, turning occasionally to prevent the fish from burning. During cooking, pour wine or beer over the steak, depending on what drink will be served. Grilled fish according to this recipe has an unusual, interesting taste and unique aroma. It is best served with vegetables grilled in the same way.

Now, we hope you know, coho salmon (what kind of fish it is and what it is eaten with). So, don’t deny yourself the pleasure of trying it. Moreover, the price for it is set lower than for salmon or pink salmon, and coho salmon tastes juicier and more tender than other red fish.

When it comes to healthy and wholesome food, one cannot help but think of seafood in general and fish in particular. Salmon have always been highly valued, but even among them coho salmon stood out especially - this fish is simply a storehouse of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. Coho salmon meat has an unsurpassed taste, is easily digestible and benefits everyone without exception. It is not surprising that fishing for this representative of the water element has long been considered a profitable activity. Now its commercial importance is low - the population has become small.

Where does coho salmon live and how is it useful?

Coho salmon are found in rivers and lakes along the Asian Pacific coast from Anadyr to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Small populations live on Hokkaido and Sakhalin. Distributed along the entire North American coast, it can be caught in California and Alaska. Coho salmon has silvery scales, which is why the Russians called it “white fish,” and its name translated from Japanese is silver salmon. This fish lives up to five years, at the age of about 4 years it becomes sexually mature. It spawns in rivers and lives there most of its life. It prefers to spend the winter in the sea or ocean. Coho salmon, which is found in Russia, grows to 80-90 cm and reaches a weight of no more than 7 kg. Its North American counterpart is larger - its length is more than a meter, and the weight of especially large individuals is 14 kg or more.

Coho salmon prefer to spawn in the same place where they were born. To do this, he has to overcome a path length of 500-700 km. During spawning, the color of the scales becomes dark crimson.

The really high content of micro- and macroelements in coho salmon meat makes it especially valuable. The beneficial properties of coho salmon are:

  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • regeneration of bone tissue, and therefore prevention of osteochondrosis, osteitis and other bone diseases;
  • positive effect on the nervous system and excellent emotional state.
Consumption of “silver salmon” improves vision, prevents baldness, helps avoid thyroid pathologies and helps remove harmful substances from the body. In America, products were tested for environmental safety and numerous studies were conducted to determine the “utility factor” for humans - coho salmon entered the top six products.

Chemical composition and calorie content of coho salmon

Taste qualities of coho salmon and its use in cooking and for weight loss

Coho salmon is a product that can be included in various diets, including no-carb diets for weight loss. The low fat content and complete absence of carbohydrates will allow you to satisfy even a strong appetite without gaining excess weight. But when preparing diets, experts prefer to include other types of salmon. Not because they are healthier, but because they are cheaper. Sockeye salmon, for example, also contains a large amount of vitamins and elements necessary for the body, but costs an order of magnitude less. Nevertheless, nutritionists recommend including coho salmon dishes in your diet - they are very tasty and absolutely harmless if you have a “fish day” once or twice a month. Coho salmon is useful for pregnant women and children. It has no small bones and is digested fairly quickly.

You can eat the meat of “white fish” in any form - boiled, salted, fried, steamed, smoked and even raw. Coho salmon stroganina is a real delicacy, and those who have tried kebab made from this fish speak of it with admiration.

How to choose the right one

Storage Features

Harm and contraindications

Which is better - chum salmon or coho salmon?

Of the fairly large number of commercial fish of the salmon family, pink salmon and chum salmon are most often found in stores; this factor is associated with the highest prevalence of these species. Coho salmon looks quite strange against their background, both in name and in appearance.

What is the difference between coho salmon and chum salmon?

Chum salmon is distinguished by its rather large size, up to 1 meter in length, and up to 14 kg in weight. Coho salmon are much smaller - Kamchatka salmon is 60 cm in length, 3.5 kg in weight, Alaskan salmon reaches sizes of 85 cm and 6.5 kg. Another feature of coho salmon is its structure - a very large head with a wide forehead, silvery scales, which during spawning acquire a bright crimson hue.

Coho salmon caviar, unlike other types of salmon fish, is quite small and has a rich dark red color. Its taste is a little bitter, but in terms of beneficial properties it ranks first among other types of red caviar. The meat of chum salmon is white, and coho salmon is rich red.

Which is better chum salmon or coho salmon?

Residents of the Far East and Kamchatka, connoisseurs and connoisseurs of red fish, greatly value coho salmon for the unusual taste of the meat. For less knowledgeable people, it will be interesting to figure out which fish tastes better than chum salmon or coho salmon.

Coho salmon is considered a delicacy, which is reflected in its price; it can be found on the menu of the most famous restaurants with fish menus. Its meat is very juicy and tender with a slight bitterness. If we talk about beneficial properties and biochemical composition, then the indicators for chum salmon and coho salmon are approximately the same.

Coho salmon is a fattier fish, so it should be used with caution by people with problems and diseases of the digestive tract. If we talk about which fish is better than chum salmon or coho salmon for weight loss, then we need to compare their energy value. Chum salmon has 125 kcal, coho salmon has 140 kcal. Taste preferences are very subjective, so it is difficult to judge culinary preferences, but in the process of losing weight, chum salmon is the more preferable product.

Red caviar: benefits and harm to health

Nowadays, red caviar is considered a delicacy. But not so long ago, the excitement for this product was not so great; in the Far East, caviar was widely used in food, but not for people, but for sled dogs. Thanks to its unique and healthy composition, the product replaced meat proteins for animals, thereby supplying the body with all vital components. Red caviar was first used in human nutrition in Japan. It was in this country that large reserves of red caviar began to be stocked for the first time. Later, Russia, as well as other countries, joined the use of this healthy product. These days, red caviar, the benefits and harms of which have already been proven and substantiated, is a popular product on the holiday table.

Types of red caviar


Useful qualities

To get the maximum benefit, it is recommended to eat caviar in small portions. In one egg, nature contains all the vital ingredients that are necessary for the development of the fish embryo. Thanks to these qualities, the benefits of caviar for human health are invaluable.

What are the benefits of red caviar?

Harm and contraindications

It would seem that such a useful product is almost completely devoid of negative qualities. But that's not true. It is very important to follow the recommended proportions of consumption of red caviar, since excessive amounts can cause negative processes in the body. Experts recommend eating no more than 2 teaspoons of red caviar per meal. You can consume up to 5 teaspoons of the product throughout the day.

The main harm of red caviar is that the salt in the product can be retained when it enters the body, which causes metabolic disruption.

If white bread is used as sandwiches with red caviar, then such a combination becomes very difficult for the body to perceive. Moreover, such sandwiches also negatively affect the condition of the figure.

There are several simple basics for consuming red caviar, which, if followed, will make it almost impossible to harm the body:

  • You cannot combine red caviar with white bread - this leads to metabolic disruption.
  • Excessive consumption of the product leads to salt retention in the body.
  • Poorly produced red caviar poses a threat to human health.
  • Red caviar contains large amounts of cholesterol, so people suffering from cardiovascular diseases should eat it with caution.
  • For those people who suffer from a tendency to swelling, red caviar should be present in the diet in minimal proportions.
  • Allergy sufferers, as well as people with diseases of the urinary system, should refrain from eating this delicious delicacy.
  • The shelf life of industrially produced red caviar is 1 year, provided that the integrity of the jar is not compromised.
  • Once opened, red caviar cannot be stored for more than 3 days.
  • To avoid oxidation of the product, after opening the iron container, it must be transferred to a plastic or glass container. It is prohibited to store red caviar in an iron jar.

How to choose tasty and high-quality red caviar?

How to pickle red caviar at home?

Capelin, its benefits and harms

capelin- a fairly common product on store shelves, which many of us ignore. A small ocean fish, indeed, at first glance seems in no way attractive to a demanding buyer. But in fact, this is a dietary and very healthy variety, which experts recommend to include in your weekly diet. In addition to its dietary benefits, capelin is also valuable for its chemical composition. In any form, it is a source of vitamins and rare microelements that help overcome or prevent many ailments. Capelin also has contraindications that should not be overlooked.

Useful and medicinal properties of capelin

  1. The macroelements included in the fillet help to properly absorb calcium. Which is the key to strong nails, bones and teeth.
  2. Phosphorus, contained in abundance in the product, has a beneficial effect on the brain, stimulating its activity. Nutritionists often recommend capelin to people engaged in intense mental work (including students or schoolchildren).
  3. Saturated fatty acids are a panacea for many ills. They destroy cholesterol plaques, cleansing blood vessels. Normalize the functioning of the kidneys, liver and spleen.
  4. The rich vitamin composition helps strengthen the immune system, improve vision, refresh and heal the skin.
  5. It is believed that just 100 grams of this fish per day can prevent heart attack and stroke.
  6. And iodine, which is part of fish meat, supports normal thyroid function.
  7. ‏>

The benefits of seafood have long been proven. Fish contains many substances beneficial to the human body. Red fish from the salmon family is considered not only tasty, but also especially healthy. Let's learn about the beneficial properties and value of silver salmon.

What kind of fish

Coho salmon is a large and tasty fish from the Salmon family from the Pacific Ocean. Its weight can reach 15 kg with a length of 90 cm. Coho salmon has silver scales, a large head and a short tail, and the meat is famous for its excellent taste. Juicy and tender coho salmon fillet is considered the most delicious among salmon.

Did you know? In Japanese, coho salmon means silver salmon.

Silver salmon are found not only in lakes and rivers along the Pacific coast, but also on Sakhalin and the islands of Japan.

About the composition

Coho salmon is rich in vitamins, PP,. It also contains large quantities of: chromium, copper.

The most valuable components are those contained in this product.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Silver salmon has low calorie content.
100 g of product contains 140 kcal, protein - 21.6 g, fat - 6 g, water - 71.2 g. Due to the low calorie content of salmon, many nutritionists advise including it in the diet, but in small quantities.

Useful properties of fish

The tender meat of coho salmon is not only very tasty, but also healthy due to many microelements, vitamins and acids. It is recommended for everyone, even children.

The unique chemical composition has a beneficial effect on metabolism, the functioning of the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, improves brain function and memory, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and the protective properties of the body.

Food rich in vitamins improves the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, vision, strengthens teeth and bones. Iodine improves thyroid function, and chromium helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Did you know? In terms of sensitivity to odors, fish are only slightly inferior to dogs.

Application of coho salmon

Silver salmon is widely used in cooking; a huge number of tasty and healthy dishes are prepared from it. It is smoked, salted, canned, baked, fried, and is an ingredient in salads and soups.

Healthy coho salmon contains microelements and vitamins valuable for the body and is low in calories and is often included in diets.

In dietetics

Many nutritionists advise eating coho salmon dishes, because this fish contains absolutely no carbohydrates and very little fat. Salmon dishes promote weight loss and are included in low-carbohydrate diets, helping to satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time and not gaining extra pounds.

In cooking

Silver salmon is delicious in any form, even raw.
It contains very few small bones, cooks quickly and is easy to season. Dishes made from this fish are served in many restaurants. The most delicious baked coho salmon is very tender and juicy. Many people praise the kebab made from this fish.

Smoked, grilled, fried, salted, and boiled salmon is included in many delicious and healthy dishes.

Coho salmon: for pregnant and lactating women

During lactation, coho salmon will help restore a woman’s health after childbirth, replenish vitamins and microelements, normalize the nervous system, and reduce fatigue.

Healthy fatty acids contribute to the proper mental development of the child, microelements strengthen bones, vitamins ensure healthy hair and teeth. It is advisable for pregnant and lactating women to consume boiled or baked coho salmon.

Important! Red fish should be introduced into a woman’s diet during lactation carefully and gradually, since fish protein can cause allergic reactions in infants.

Harm and contraindications

Doctors do not recommend eating red fish for people with gastritis and liver diseases, as it contains cholesterol.
Do not use if you are allergic to fish protein.

Silver salmon is rare and quite expensive, but its excellent taste and beneficial properties will bring not only gastronomic pleasure, but also great benefits to the body. Coho salmon dishes are tasty, low-calorie and allow you to fill up without excess carbohydrates and fats, without gaining excess weight.

Be sure to include this storehouse of vitamins and microelements in your diet.

Coho salmon is a fish that can safely be called the most delicious fish from the salmon family. Its meat is tender and juicy, it has a wonderful taste and pleasant aroma. Dishes prepared from coho salmon are rightfully considered a delicacy. One cannot say anything about the high benefits of this red fish, because it contains a huge amount of useful substances, and coho salmon caviar is even used in folk medicine.

Why is coho salmon valued? Useful properties of fish

The benefits of coho salmon are widely known. That’s why in many gastronomic establishments you can find dishes made from this fish, prepared according to different recipes. Why is this type of salmon so popular?

The red meat of salmon fish contains a large amount of vitamins that are beneficial for the human body, these are B vitamins, as well as iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, fluorine, zinc and molybdenum. Of course, coho salmon is rich in Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 has a protective effect on the body, stimulates the immune system, and prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Coho salmon fish has a beneficial effect on brain activity and vision. Eating coho salmon significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer. It is useful for pregnant women to eat such fish, although in limited quantities. It is also suitable for children, because there are practically no bones in coho salmon. In addition, coho salmon has a relatively low calorie content and can be safely included in the diet. Do you want to know more precisely what the calorie content of coho salmon is? So it is 140 kcal per 100 grams, which is really not a lot.

How to use coho salmon for food? Cooking recipes

Below we have presented for you delicious recipes for preparing coho salmon for all occasions.


Salted coho salmon turns out very tasty. In order to salt fish, you must first wash it thoroughly and then cut it into small pieces along the ridge. For one kilogram of red fish you will need 2 tablespoons of rock salt, as well as 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1/2 tablespoon of your favorite spices and seasonings. Salt, sugar and spices need to be mixed, and then carefully rub each piece with this mixture. Next, all the pieces need to be put in a pan, sprinkled with the juice of one lemon and put in the refrigerator. The snack can be eaten after one to two days.

With honey and mustard


1.5 kg coho salmon,
2 lemons,
3 tablespoons honey,
1 head of onion,
1 tablespoon mustard,
1 grapefruit,
4 tablespoons oil (olive is best)
spices to taste,
ground black pepper to taste,
salt to taste.


Initially, you need to squeeze the juice out of citrus fruits, then add finely chopped onions, spices, ground black pepper and salt, as well as honey. Next, you need to cut the coho salmon into portions and place them in the prepared marinade. After two hours, the pieces are removed from the marinade and coated with mustard. Finally, place the pieces on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Crispy sticks

What you will need:

2 tablespoons flour,
1 coho salmon,
1 teaspoon vinegar
Vegetable oil,
Water - 2 glasses,
spices to taste,
salt to taste.


You need to take a large bowl and pour water into it, add table vinegar there. Next, chop the onion into half rings and place in a bowl, after which you can add the fish to the marinade, do not forget to first cut it into small pieces in the shape of sticks. After about one hour, salt and pepper the coho salmon and season with your favorite spices. In a separate container, mix the egg and flour, so you get a batter. Heat a frying pan by greasing it with vegetable oil. Dip each fish stick in batter and then fry until crisp.

Baked in the oven


1 fish carcass,
1/2 lemon
1 tomato
fresh greens,
ground black pepper.


The fish must be cleaned and washed thoroughly. Next, make cuts on one side of the delicious delicacy, where you should place lemon and tomato cut into slices, chopped greens, the same ingredients should be placed in the belly of the coho salmon. The fish itself must be generously spread with mayonnaise and rubbed with salt and pepper. Next, the coho salmon should be wrapped in foil and placed on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven until fully cooked, this will be clearly visible by the golden crust.
