Carp baked in a frying pan. Fried carp. Cooking instructions

Carp is the most common fish in cooking, and this is not surprising. After all, it contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for the human body. Fish can be boiled, stewed, baked, smoked, but the most delicious is fried carp. When asked how long it will take to cook, we can say with confidence that it will take a maximum of 10 minutes.

You can fry carp in a variety of ways.

Preparing such a dish does not take much time, and if you also buy a cut carcass, then you will only have to stand in the kitchen for 20-25 minutes. Another thing is to catch the fish yourself and be sure that the main ingredient will be fresh. But if this is not possible, you must remember that to prepare a delicious dish you need only fresh fish.

What you will need for this recipe:

  • two-kilogram carp (preferably a mirror one, but a regular one is also possible);
  • half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • crushed crackers;
  • salt and pepper.

If you purchased unpeeled carp, you need to remove the scales from it with a knife and cut off the head. Then remove all the giblets without touching the gall bladder. Cut the cleaned carcass into pieces about 2 centimeters thick so that each of them is well fried inside. Next, the fillet is rubbed with salt, your favorite spices and pepper. In order for the fish to be soaked in this mixture, it must be placed in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

Roll each piece in breadcrumbs; they form a crispy and at the same time golden brown crust. At the same time, the meat in the middle will remain tender and flavorful.

Carp can be fried with breadcrumbs

Then you need to pour oil into a preheated frying pan and fry each piece for 7 minutes. Using a spatula, carefully turn over to the other side and cook until golden brown. If large pieces of fish are used, then at the end you need to cover the pan and simmer a little more over low heat.

Immediately after frying, place all stewed steaks on paper towels so that the dish is not too greasy. It is preferable to serve it with pasta, boiled rice porridge or potatoes. The dish is also optionally decorated with herbs.

Spicy fried carp

With this recipe you can diversify your diet. The fish meat turns out juicy, tasty, and with an appetizing crispy crust. When purchasing carp, the first thing you need to pay attention to is freshness and weight. A one and a half or two kilogram carcass is perfect for frying, because pieces of large fish may not be cooked well from the inside. In addition, the smaller the carp, the more likely it is that small bones will be felt.


  • one and a half or two kilogram carp;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • one spoon of mustard;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • the same amount of vinegar;
  • garlic to taste;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • the amount of salt and pepper depends on individual preferences;
  • spices.

You can fry carp by pre-marinating it, which will give it a better taste.

In a clean bowl, mix milk, mustard, honey, vinegar and pressed garlic - this will be the marinade. Let stand for 10-15 minutes. At this time, you need to clean and gut the carp, then cut into pieces and keep in the prepared marinade for 15 minutes. For uniform impregnation, each piece should be turned over 2-4 times throughout the entire period.

While the fillet is marinating, you need to make the breading - to do this, just mix half a glass of flour, a little salt, pepper, and spices. After the frying pan is hot, each steak should be thoroughly dipped in the marinade and then in flour. Fry until done, namely until a golden brown crust forms.

You can serve with freshly prepared vegetable salad, any porridge or as a separate dish.

Carp fried in sour cream

Small fish are usually fried whole, but large fish need to be cut into small pieces and cooked in batter. Before preparing any dish, carp must be cleaned, giblets removed and the head and fins cut off.

What you need to prepare this dish:

  • 2 small or 1 large carp;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • lemon;
  • sour cream;
  • salt and pepper;
  • 2 bay leaves.

Carp goes well with sautéed onions and carrots

Pre-cleaned and gutted fish should be cut into pieces 2 cm thick. Then, rub with salt and pepper, let stand for 20 minutes. After that, the steaks are fried over medium heat on both sides until a golden crust appears, and at the end they are sprinkled with lemon juice.

In a separate container, you need to fry the vegetables and sprinkle on top of the steaks placed in the saucepan, throw bay leaves in there too. Place a spoonful of sour cream on each piece, add a little water, and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, covering with a lid. Serve this dish with salad or boiled porridge, after pouring juice from the saucepan over the steaks.

Carp fried in batter

Lovers of fish products are wondering how else to fry carp. After all, many recipes have already been tried, but I want something new. Then it is recommended to try not just frying the fish, but first dipping it in batter.

What you will need for this:

  • half a kilogram of finished carp fillet;
  • lemon;
  • egg;
  • ground crackers;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • The amount of salt and pepper depends on individual preference.

You can use batter to fry carp

Pre-cleaned and gutted fish without heads and fins must be cut into pieces 2-3 centimeters thick. Sprinkle with juice squeezed from lemon, add salt and pepper and set aside in a cool place for 15-20 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the batter: beat the egg, add salt and pepper. Remove the steaks from the refrigerator and coat each steak in the batter, then roll in breadcrumbs. Fry on both sides until golden brown. Serve warm with salad or pasta, or garnish with herbs.

Fried carp with vegetables

It is recommended to eat fish no more than 1-2 times a week. Would it be useful to know how to cook carp in a frying pan so that it is at the same time fast, tasty and satisfying? Everything is very simple, you can fry it with vegetables, the big advantage of this dish is that you don’t have to prepare a side dish for it at all.


  • small carp;
  • frying oil;
  • one bow;
  • two tomatoes;
  • six new potatoes;
  • greenery;
  • juice squeezed from lemon;
  • a little white wine;
  • grape vinegar;
  • flour;
  • spices to taste.

Carp goes well with various vegetables

How to cook fried carp with vegetables

For this dish, it is better to take fish of such a size that it fits entirely in the pan. To begin with, you need to clean the carp, remove the entrails and cut out the gills, and then add salt and pepper and sprinkle with your favorite dry herbs.

Then place the carcass in a container and pour over the marinade. To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of vinegar and soy sauce, as well as 100 grams of wine and stir well. Place in the refrigerator for 60 minutes, during which time turn over several times to ensure even soaking.

After an hour, place the carcass on paper towels to remove excess moisture. Then roll in flour and fry in a hot frying pan for about 5 minutes on both sides.

To prevent the middle from being raw, you can simmer for another 2 minutes with the lid closed.

Boil the potatoes, and fry the tomato and onion, cut into strips, with salt and other spices. Lettuce leaves are beautifully laid out on the dish, with fried carp on top. Potatoes cut into slices on both sides, poured with tomato and sprinkled with herbs.

An option on how to fry carp can be found in the video:

Carp can almost always be bought at the market or in a supermarket, so this fish is inexpensive, but very tasty in any form: boiled, baked, stewed with vegetables and, of course, fried. It is the last method of preparation that is the fastest and most affordable. In just half an hour you can enjoy a tasty, healthy and satisfying dish.

How to properly fry small carp in a frying pan?

Carps are small in size, slightly larger than the palm of your hand, and are usually cooked whole. The fish is cleaned of scales, gutted, and the head and fins are removed. An important point - you must get rid of the black film inside so that the finished carp does not taste bitter. The prepared carcass is washed under running water, salted and left for 10-15 minutes.

If the fish is small but thick, then 3-4 cuts should be made along the back. This way the carcass will be better salted and will be completely fried during the heat treatment. Since carp is a river fish, the last point is very important if there are helminths in the meat.

After 10-15 minutes, the remaining salt from the carcass must be washed off or removed with a paper napkin and you can start frying. Roll the fish in flour and place in a heated frying pan with sunflower oil covering the bottom. Carps of small thickness are usually simply fried on both sides until golden brown and removed. Heavier specimens are simmered under a lid over low heat 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

How to properly fry large carp in a frying pan?

If you managed to catch or buy a large fish (a kilogram or more), then you will have to fry it into steaks or fillet it. Like small, large carp are cleaned, the head and fins are removed, and cut into pieces at your discretion. The resulting steaks or fillets are also salted and left for 10-15 minutes. But unlike small ones, large carp can be fried not only in flour or breadcrumbs. This fish in batter turns out very tasty.

The eggs must be salted and beaten well. Dip each piece of fish in the resulting mixture, then roll in flour and place in a frying pan heated with sunflower oil. In this way, the fish seems to be sealed in egg-flour batter, remaining juicy and very tender inside.

Fried carp can be served as a single dish or with any side dish. This fish goes well with rice, stewed and fresh vegetables.

Carp is considered the royal fish and is included in the holiday menu of some countries. It has a rich chemical composition that has a positive effect on the human body. The fish lives in almost all corners of the globe and often becomes the prey of fishermen. But many people still don’t know how to properly fry carp so that it gets a crispy crust and the meat remains tender and juicy. For cooking, a frying pan or oven is most often used, which allows the dish to bake, become richer and more aromatic. By following the advice of professionals and following the rules for preparing fish, you can get a delicious appetizer for any side dish, as well as replenish your body’s reserves of nutrients.

Selection and preparation

You can fry any member of the carp family, but it is better to give preference to cooking mirror carp. This species is larger in size than its relatives and is practically devoid of hard scaly cover.

The fish that is going to be baked must be fresh, otherwise its special taste qualities are lost.

Advice! It is better to use specimens of today's catch.

Freezing is allowed, but only if it is not possible to immediately prepare the product and consume it. Fresh carp should have red gills, clear eyes, an elastic body and a smell without unpleasant notes.

Preparing the fish:

  • rinse the carcass well in cool running water;
  • if necessary, cut off the fins, head and tail;
  • carefully remove all the insides without touching the bile bladder;
  • Carefully separate any caviar and use it for pickling;
  • clean the skin of scales, working in the opposite direction of its growth;
  • to grind thin bones, make frequent oblique cuts in the ridge area;
  • cut large fish into pieces or fillets;
  • marinate the product with lemon juice and spices to get rid of the specific smell.

Carp goes well with various side dishes and can also be served as an independent appetizer. What is most appreciated in this dish is its crispy crust with its special taste.


Before frying the whole crispy carp in a frying pan, you need to heat the pan well and add oil. It tastes better if you mix a creamy product and a vegetable fat.

Cooking the whole carcass is allowed without removing the head, tail and fins. But at the same time, be sure to remove the eyes and gills, which can cause bitterness in the final dish. Rub the carp with pepper and salt inside and out. You can use other spices or herbs according to your preferences. Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and then leave to soak for five minutes.

The last stage of preparation is to coat the carcass in breading. Then it is placed in a hot frying pan with a large amount of oil, which should reach half of the baked product. First fry the carp over high heat until golden brown. Then the fish is turned over, covered with a lid and cooked until a crust forms on the other side, while reducing the heat. The total cooking time is about fifteen minutes.

If you managed to catch carp and there is a barbecue nearby, then fry your tasty catch on the coals. You can first marinate and stuff the carcasses with lemon and tomato slices, or simply salt them and place them on a wire rack. Baking will last no more than twenty minutes with obligatory turning. It is recommended to lubricate the sides of the fish with sour cream.


The recipe for a tasty and healthy dish is obtained by frying juicy carp in batter. The crispy outer layer and juicy fillet inside complement each other perfectly, making the snack very original and nutritious.

Meat pieces separated from the bone or just portioned slices should be coated with spices and allowed to brew for five minutes. At this time, prepare the dough, which will require two beaten eggs, two tablespoons of flour and salt. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, then dip each piece of fish into the batter and place in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. It is recommended to fry over medium heat with the lid open until each barrel is browned.

Sour cream

To make the dish tender, you can use sour cream for cooking. And the fattier this ingredient is, the thicker the sauce will be.

Marinate the whole fish and leave for half an hour. Cut one head of onion into half rings and fry it until golden brown in a frying pan with oil. Then, using a slotted spoon, transfer the onion to a separate container, and cook the carp in a hot dish for about three minutes on each side. Mix sour cream (100 ml) with water (50 ml), fried onions and pour the resulting sauce over the carcass. Reduce the cooking temperature, add spices to taste and simmer for fifteen minutes. This delicacy is best served hot, sprinkled with fresh herbs. If you fry a whole carp in the oven or on the grill in sour cream, you can first stuff the carcass with vegetables.

In pieces

Cut the prepared fish into pieces without removing the skin. Use lemon juice, pepper mixture and marinating salt. Wait five minutes and place the carp in a frying pan with hot oil.

Before frying, the pieces on each side must be rolled in a plate with flour or other breading.

Bake the fish on both sides until golden brown.

In flour

You can fry both whole carp carcasses and portioned pieces in flour. The wheat ingredient must be sifted before use. This breading product helps create an outer crispy layer.

The pickled fish is dredged in flour and placed in a frying pan with boiling oil. Cook until a golden layer appears on both sides. The dish can be served on lettuce leaves with lemon wedges.


Fried carp fillet with a crust turns out unusual and juicy. To create it, you will first need to roll the slices in flour, then in beaten eggs and finally in breadcrumbs. Only after this can you cook the product in a frying pan. The fish meat inside retains its juiciness, and the outer crispy crust looks beautiful and appetizing.


You can enjoy this fried delicacy cooked in the oven by baking carp in the oven. For this method, you will need a special foil that will protect the fish from burning. After marinating a whole carcass, you should coat it both outside and inside with a mixture of spices and sour cream. Fill the belly of the carp with half rings of onions and thin slices of carrots. Be sure to secure the walls with toothpicks to prevent the contents from falling out. Place the stuffed product on foil and completely wrap the fish in it.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place a baking sheet with a fish “bag” inside. Roasting will take approximately forty minutes, depending on the size of the carp. Fifteen minutes before the end of the process, open the foil and allow the carcass to brown.

Frying delicious, aromatic fish is not difficult if you know the cooking recipes and small tips, for example, on how to eliminate unwanted odors. Carp can be baked using various ingredients that improve its taste and add piquancy to the dish. By following all the rules and nuances, you are guaranteed to receive a healthy and nutritious snack.

To ensure that it turns out juicy, it is better to take live fish, weighing one and a half to two kilograms, and in order for the food to be aromatic and delicious, prepare citrus fruits and spices. So let's get started.


  • Mirror carp – one fish;
  • White wheat flour 100 grams;
  • Vegetable oil for frying 100 grams;
  • One large lemon (you can take half an orange);
  • Salt to taste;
  • Spices for fish to taste;


Before cooking, rinse the fish well in running water. Take the tail and remove the scales, pointing the knife against its growth.

Take a cutting board, preferably made of plastic or stone. Wood is fundamentally not suitable, since it is difficult to wash it off fish afterwards.

Place the fish on a cutting board, cut off the head, tail, fins and cut into portions. Then mix the salt and spices in a saucer and pour them into the fish, thoroughly mix all the pieces together.

Place a frying pan with a diameter of 20–25 cm over medium heat. Pour vegetable oil into it.

While the pan is heating, cut the lemon into two parts and squeeze the juice directly into the bowl with the prepared fish and shake everything.

Place flour on a plate to coat the pieces.
Then roll them in flour.
And throw it into the frying pan. 5-7 minutes on each side.

The total cooking time for mirror carp takes approximately 40 minutes.

Cooking tips

If there is no live fish, you can replace it with frozen fish, but completely defrost it before cooking. Otherwise, porridge will appear in the pan instead of fish.

If you plan to fry the fish head as well, do not forget to cut out the gills.
Place hot pieces on a tray lined with paper towels to remove excess oil.

Fried carp in a frying pan is ready. Bon appetit!

Carp meat is very tasty and tender, slightly sweet in taste. The number of bones directly depends on the size of the fish, so I buy large specimens weighing more than 2 kilograms. Many wonderful dishes are prepared from carp; it is good in any form. My family loves carp fried in a frying pan according to this recipe; it turns out very tasty, tender, juicy, with a subtle note of citrus aroma and spices.


To prepare carp fried in a frying pan, you will need:
fresh carp - 2.5 kg;
salt, freshly ground black pepper - to taste;
lemon - 5 rings;
flour for breading;
vegetable oil for frying fish.

Cooking steps

Using a large knife, cut off the head and tail of the fish, and cut off the fins (I use kitchen scissors to cut off the fins). I don’t fry the head; it’s perfect for preparing a first course.

Pour boiling water over the lemon or rinse it well, then cut into rings. Add salt, pepper and lemon slices to the carp pieces, stir, trying to squeeze the juice out of the lemon rings. Leave the fish for 10-15 minutes.

Fry the carp pieces for 5-7 minutes on each side (until golden brown) over medium heat. Transfer the finished fish pieces from the frying pan to a paper towel to drain excess fat.

Delicious and pleasant moments!
