Pictures from children's prints. Memorial panel "palms" for a friendly family. We make applications from palms outlined along the contour

A drawing made from palm prints is always a very surprising and interesting sight. Both children and adults really enjoy watching how the familiar shapes of children’s hands sometimes turn into.

The process of creating something like this causes great delight among children.

When we draw with our palms and hands, the work involves many sensitive endings, which this zone abounds in, so the child not only enjoys the activity, but also activates many areas of the cerebral cortex, which contributes to its development.

A pink palm can turn into a strawberry or a piece of juicy;

and from several two-color contours of the handles you will get a charming centipede.

The yellow and black print can be used to create an applique.

Pale green palms can make cheerful sea turtles - just add them to a suitable background.

The pink trace of a child's hand will become a very appetizing ice cream;

and prints of different colors can be used to create beautiful mermaid hair and tail.

A palm painted in a certain way can become the basis for the image of a stern sea pirate.

A gray palm print can easily transform into a smart dolphin.

Raspberry handles will complement the image of a cancer well;

and a brown palm can turn into a real walrus.

The pink print will become a butterfly using two bright hearts;

and two brown marks from the palm - a cat.

A white print can easily be turned into a zebra by applying black stripes to it.

A green palm easily becomes a dinosaur.

Two yellow prints are a perfect base for a pair of swans.

One blue print and a pair of green prints can make a field bell.

And the white palm can easily transform into a family.

Each handprint drawing is not easy. It is also a memory of what the hands of the child who discovered it were like at that time.

Panel "Palms" from a series of pleasant souvenirs about your family. This panel can be made in different ways. The most durable is embroidery.

1. Embroidered panel

For an embroidered panel you will need a single-color fabric (for example, chintz, satin, linen), multi-colored threads, a frame, and cardboard.

Operating procedure:

1. On paper, trace the hands of each family member. Then transfer the design onto the fabric, aligning the silhouettes of the palms. The translation can be done using carbon paper, or by cutting out the palms and tracing them with a simple pencil (or chalk).

2. Sew along each line using a stem or needle stitch. You can also sew a straight stitch using a brightly colored thread on a sewing machine. Fasten the ends of the threads to the back of the fabric.

3. Choose a frame of the appropriate size. It is advisable that the frame be sold with glass to protect the panel from house dust.

4. Cut a piece of thick cardboard the size of the inside of the frame and stretch the embroidered fabric onto this cardboard. On the reverse side, the fabric can be secured with several stitches, connecting its opposite edges. After this, insert the embroidery into the frame. The panel is ready!

2. Panel with handprints

For those who do not want or do not know how to sew or embroider, the second method of making a memorial panel is suitable. For it you will need paint (for example, watercolor, gouache), thick paper or whatman paper, and a frame.

Operating procedure:

1. On a large piece of paper, ask all family members to make colorful handprints. Help them to get the result like in the photo. If the prints are not very bright, carefully paint them over with the same paint.

2. Cut out the resulting pattern so that the pattern is in the center of the panel.

3. Insert the drawing into the frame, under the glass.

A birthday gift for grandma or grandpa should be touching, individual, and sincere.. Such a picture, made up of the handprints of the entire family, will be the pride and joy of the older generation. Besides, it's just good family photo idea.

Make handprints of the entire family one after another. Start with the oldest ones - with the imprints of grandparents. Then come the mothers and fathers, and at the very top are the children’s palms. Sign each print.

If you want the picture to turn out stylish, then it is better to choose a black background and white prints on it. And make the passport white and the frame black – like in the picture.

And if the picture will hang in the nursery, then you can make multi-colored prints. Many more ideas for paintings from palms below

Another similar idea is to draw a tree, and the foliage of the tree will be made from handprints. In this case, you need to use shades of yellow and green to resemble the crown of a tree.

Another option is to place a child’s handprint inside the print of an adult’s palm (dad or mother). Looks stylish.

You can use colored palms to make cards for the New Year, March 8th, or grandparents’ birthday. They will be touched by this an individual gift. Palms make excellent Christmas trees, Christmas deers, flowers, hearts and suns.

We invite you to create not just a stylish, but also a memorable picture from handprints in a few minutes. This painting can be used to decorate the walls in a child’s room. You can give it to your beloved grandmother or simply hide it in a family album as a keepsake. Look how beautiful the prints of children's and adult hands or feet look in one image.

The colored panel looks very stylish. You will need 4 canvases (one for each family member). Paint them in the colors you like and make prints in a contrasting color in the middle of the picture.

It's great to capture the paws of two little friends!

A painting made from the footprints of the little birthday boy's guests.

This is such a beautiful family tree that will come out of the palms of mom, dad and kids.

And these are cute pictures of a marine theme. Most likely, they can decorate a nursery.

Another option for a family tree. Use thick ink to make your prints more vibrant.

Dad's heart.

The best way for a mother to get half an hour of free time for knitting or embroidering is to give the child a task of her own. It's actually very easy! Try offering your active child, for example, crafts made from handprints - you just need to interest him at the initial stage in order to then enjoy the child's puffing and his own freedom. You may initially need a little help with cutting out the paper blanks, however, if you don’t set the bar too high and don’t strive for exhibition work, but pursue solely the goal of pleasure and involvement in the process, it’s quite possible to get by with independent child labor. Handprint Crafts- absolutely fertile soil on which you can “grow” more than one hour of free time for your mother.

Handprint crafts - 5 ideas for an interesting weekend:

Buy a dozen of the most ordinary, cheapest, simplest plastic flower pots and give them to your children to tear to pieces - believe me, this is not a big price to pay for your free time. As a bonus, you may also receive a nicely decorated pot for violets, which should have been transplanted into a larger “house” long ago.

Do you feel sorry for a couple of simple kitchen towels that you can give to your children to be torn to pieces? Give them the task of decorating their mother's towel - and rest assured, the children will try to do everything in the best possible way! Textile paints will help you - as a result, you will have an excellent and completely functional memory of this day.

3. Pencil holders

Pencil holders seem to be not consumables, but in a family with children, these things are always in demand - for some reason they break, tear, deteriorate and even disappear at an alarming rate. Unnecessary metal cans and a couple of children's hands will solve the problem of storing pencils and markers for a while.

4. Eco-bag with children's handprints

Don't you need a new eco-bag to go grocery shopping with? An excellent alternative to nature-killing plastic bags, it will be doubly wonderful, because your children will have a hand in its creation, which means you can show off your brand new handbag with pride and a satisfied smile.
