Pan for preparations. The pots are good and different. Modern utensils for jam, which is better: Teflon or ceramic

I’m not one of those housewives who prepare hundreds of jars for the winter, and then put them in good hands because they “didn’t eat them.” I do several types of “sunsets,” but without fanaticism. I don’t want to turn my kitchen into a cannery and I don’t like standing in a hot, stuffy kitchen and twisting, twisting, twisting for hours. But in winter you really want to get a delicious jar made with love in the summer. Therefore, there should be conservation!

I have simplified this process for myself as much as possible and will share my canning methods and little secrets.

Utensils and equipment for canning

Pan, basin or other container should be with a wide bottom, thick-walled and made of non-oxidizing material, for example steel, non-stick or enameled, but without the slightest cracks or chips.

– For stirring I only use wooden spoons and spatulas, as well as silicone spoons. They are also convenient for stirring syrup for jam.

Cooking tongs, preferably with silicone tips. This is my most necessary attribute, I’ll tell you why later.

Spoon or ladle for pouring jam, jam, etc. My favorite thing is the sauce spoon. Thanks to its narrowed spout, you can carefully pour the jam without getting everything dirty. I also like the silicone ladle, it doesn't scratch the pan or knock on the jar.

Lids. Here I will immediately say that I make all my preparations using only jars with screw caps. For me this is the easiest and most time-saving way. But you can also use metal lids with rubber bands, as well as, in some cases, polyethylene ones.

– To avoid mistakes, when canning you can’t do without measuring cups and bowls(I use 0.5 and 1 liter bowls).

Seaming key, if you do not use screw caps (choose one so that the handle fits comfortably in your hand).

Spoon with holes to remove foam.

– Skimmers, colanders, etc. are used less frequently.

You also need to prepare oven mitts, mittens and towels.

Products for preservation

For myself, I long ago concluded that it is better not to start canning spoiled products. Money down the drain, time wasted. All vegetables, berries, fruits must be thoroughly washed and sorted, and then dried, for example, with paper towels.

Preparing containers

The jars need to be washed very well, preferably with baking soda, but I don’t recommend using dishwashing detergents, they leave an odor and are difficult to rinse off.

How to sterilize jars

There are several ways to sterilize jars.

  1. Some housewives like to do this in the microwave or on a baking sheet in the oven. To do this, you need to put the jars in a cold oven and turn on the heat to 100-110 degrees, the whole process will take about 25-30 minutes.

2. Also very popular is the steam sterilization method. a special stand, a steamer or a flat grease strainer. The jars should warm up well.

A three-liter jar is sterilized in this way for 15 minutes, a two-liter jar for 10 minutes, a liter jar for 5 minutes, and a half-liter jar for only 2-3 minutes.

The lids are most often simply boiled for about 5 minutes in water, in any saucepan or bowl.

3. I prefer another method, the easiest for me - in a saucepan of boiling water. I pour water into a large saucepan, so that it covers the jar in a horizontal position, and bring it to a boil. Using tongs, I carefully lower the jar onto its side and put the lid there.

The whole thing simmers slowly for a few minutes. This is where I need those same tongs with silicone tips - I take out the jar with them and drain the water.

I put the jar on a pre-prepared plate or on a towel. I lower the next jar and lid into the pan, while they are sterilized, I fill the finished jar with jam or vegetables and close it with a screw-on lid. It's quick and easy. I have never had anything spoiled after canning like this.

If the jars are small, then you can put two or three jars into the water at once. In this case, it is better to line the bottom with a cloth so that the jars do not slip or knock against each other.

4. There are recipes when you need to put food in clean jars, and then sterilize already filled jars , Fill them in a saucepan or basin with water approximately “up to your shoulders.” The sterilization time is usually indicated in the recipe; it can be either 10 minutes or 40 minutes - carefully read the instructions in the recipe.

After the jars are filled and closed, they need to be turned upside down and covered with a warm towel or blanket and allowed to cool that way.

It should be borne in mind that when cooking jelly, for example, or, it is better not to leave the jars in this state for more than an hour. Otherwise, an air cushion will form at the bottom of the jars, and the jelly or jam itself will thicken as if “hovering in the air.”

Preparation of products

In order for all berries, fruits or vegetables to cook evenly, they need to be selected approximately the same in size and degree of ripeness. And cut (if necessary) also into approximately equal pieces. Otherwise, they will cook unevenly, and the preserves will deteriorate and swell.


In order for pickled cucumbers to retain their bright color, they must be doused with boiling water before salting.

You cannot add added salt or iodized salt to the preservation, only the most common table salt.

You need to consider what percentage of vinegar is used in the recipe. 9% instead of 3% will simply ruin all your efforts, and vice versa.

When preserving fresh vegetables, the method of pouring hot marinade, brine or water is often used. It should be taken into account that when pouring cucumbers, not a boiling liquid is used, but with a temperature of approximately 90 degrees, otherwise the cucumbers may lose their crunch. Also, cucumbers can become loose due to an overfilled jar. You should not compact the vegetables too tightly; it is better to place them sideways to the barrel and shake the jar a little after.

Water for pouring and marinades should be filtered and not from the tap.

Jams and preserves

When making jam, it is important that the berries and fruits retain their shape and do not soften or wrinkle, so it is better to prepare no more than 4-5 kg ​​of jam at once.

To find out if the jam is ready, you need to drop a few drops of chilled syrup onto a saucer. The jam is ready if the drop does not spread across the saucer. In addition, if the jam is already ready, then the berries and fruits are evenly distributed throughout the syrup and do not float to the surface.

While the jam is cooking, do not cook strong-smelling dishes so that the jam does not absorb its aroma.

The taste of berry or apple jam can be improved or given an unusual note by adding lemon zest, vanilla or a little cinnamon when cooking; pear jam will sparkle in a new way if you add a glass of cognac to it, and a little lemon to gooseberry jam.

Jam is often candied during storage. To prevent this from happening, lemon juice or citric acid is added to it during cooking.

You can make candied fruits from freshly made jam. You need to take out some berries or fruits from the just made jam, let them dry (for example, on a plate or dish), shake lightly and roll in sugar or powdered sugar. You need to store such candied fruits in a jar.


Preservation should be stored in a cool, dry place, for example, in a pantry, on an insulated balcony equipped for storage, in a cellar or basement. The optimal storage temperature for canned food is 4-7 degrees C. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not drop below, otherwise the seal of the preparations may be compromised.

Finally, I’ll share one more little secret. If the plastic lid cannot be removed from the can of preserved food, you need to place a bowl of hot water on it. After 30 seconds the lid will soften and come off easily.

I hope this article was useful to you. Good luck and delicious preparations!

Preserving fruits and vegetables for months and even years is an art that requires knowledge and skill. By canning, food is significantly enriched and diversified during the winter months. When canning, sterilization is important, with the help of which microorganisms that can cause spoilage are completely or almost completely destroyed.

I will tell you how you can easily and quickly prepare sterile glassware without special equipment.

Wash a lot of jars thoroughly, place them in a cold stove oven and keep them at a temperature of 120-130 degrees for about 10 minutes. The jars will dry and be reliably sterilized. Do not remove the glassware from the oven immediately, let it cool slightly.
You can keep the jars over steam - a pan of water on the stove, on it is a wooden stand with holes - just a row of slats knocked together, a jar is placed on it for sterilization, if the size of the pan allows, you can fit several pieces.
They also practice sterilizing dishes in the microwave, but, unfortunately, a significant part of the bacteria after this feels as if nothing had happened. So my advice is to sterilize the jars in the oven or over steam. A microwave is absolutely not suitable for this, unfortunately...

That's it, our dishes are ready for further use. We choose a recipe and fill the jars with preserves, marmalades, compotes, jellies, fruit juices, vegetables, pickles and other goodies. To ensure that homemade preparations do not deteriorate and are stored well, it is necessary to include thermal heating in the process of home canning.
This process combines two concepts: pasteurization - heating homemade products at a temperature below 100 degrees, and sterilization - heating at a temperature of 100 degrees and above. Sterilization requires more complex conditions, usually an autoclave. Therefore, pasteurization is more often used at home. There is a certain relationship between temperature and heating time for canned food. At 120 degrees and above, microorganisms die quite quickly, and at lower temperatures, canned food must be heated for a longer time.

For pasteurization of homemade preparations, you can use any container with a lid in which it is convenient to place jars. At the bottom of the dish you need to place a wire rack, a stand, or put a cloth on which jars with homemade preparations are placed. It is necessary to pour water into the tank, heat it to 40-70° (depending on the temperature in the jars being placed), after which the jars are placed. The water level should reach the hangers of the cans. Cover the tank with a lid, put it on high heat and bring the water to a boil.

The water should not boil violently; the pasteurization time is counted from the moment the boil begins. The time of the first stage (bringing water to a boil) should be as fast as possible in order to reduce the duration of heat treatment of the product and avoid overcooking canned food. Thus, the time for heating water to a boil when pasteurizing half-liter and liter jars is no more than 15 minutes, for three-liter jars - no more than 20 minutes. The duration of the second stage of pasteurization depends on the acidity and consistency of the product: liquid products 10-15 minutes, and thick ones 2 hours or more. It takes less time to pasteurize acidic foods because... an acidic environment does not promote the development of bacteria. The size of the container is also important - the larger it is, the longer the duration of pasteurization.
The jars must be removed by the neck, without removing the lid, using a special clamp or potholder, transferred to the table and quickly sealed the lid tightly with a seaming machine. After this, roll the jar several times on the table to make sure that droplets of syrup do not appear from under the lid.

After this, cool the jar in air, turning it over several times (place the lid up and down) for better heat distribution inside it. To avoid digestion of fruits and berries during slow cooling in air, homemade preparations can be carefully cooled in water: first in water at a temperature of 60-70° for 8-10 minutes, then put the jar in for 6-8 minutes. into water at a temperature of 30-40°, and then finally cool in air.

Jars with homemade products cannot be sealed with metal lids before heating, as water vapor in the jar will create pressure that can rip off the lid. Glass lids with clips can be closed on the jar before heating, since the clip allows excess air and water vapor to be released from under the lid during heating. During cooling, a vacuum is created in the jar under such a lid, which will tightly press the lid with a rubber ring to the neck of the jar.

You can also pasteurize homemade preparations with steam. To do this you will need a kettle and a rubber tube. Steam pasteurization works well for marinades. You need to put fruits, berries or vegetables with spices in a sterile jar. Place a rubber tube on the spout of the kettle, lower its other end into the jar (at 2/3 of its height). Bring a kettle of water to a boil. From the moment steam appears in the jar, the pasteurization process begins. Three-liter jars with homemade preparations need to be pasteurized for 15-20 minutes, liter and half-liter jars - 7-10 minutes, until the juice appears. After this, you need to add boiling marinade or filling to the jars and quickly roll up. For apples, pears, plums, currants, gooseberries, strawberries and raspberries, jars of no more than 0.5 liters are recommended.

Or you can do it simpler: pasteurize it with steam in a saucepan. Pour some water (so that the water covers the wooden or metal grate), place the filled jars, cover tightly and bring the water to a boil. The resulting steam heats the jars and their contents. The time for heating water to a boil is 10-12 minutes; the time for pasteurizing cans with steam is twice as long as pasteurization in boiling water.

When canning at home, glass jars with glass lids and metal clamps work well for pressure cooker pasteurization. The jars need to be filled with the product, closed with lids with rubber gaskets and clips on. Then place them in the pressure cooker on the rack and add hot water (just below the top rims of the jars). After closing the pressure cooker with a lid, you need to heat it until it hisses (this sound means that pasteurization has begun). Once finished, turn off the heat and once the pressure cooker has cooled, open the lid and carefully remove the jars.

Products containing a lot of protein (for example, meat, poultry, fish, green peas) are pasteurized at the boiling point of water 2 or 3 times. During the first pasteurization, mold, yeast and microbes are killed. The spore microorganisms remain and germinate within a day. They are destroyed during the second, sometimes third, pasteurization. To carry out re-pasteurization, the jars are sealed with lids and special clamps are installed on them so that the lids do not come off during the process. These fuses are removed only after the cans have completely cooled down.

The most common and practical options for preserving food for the long term include freezing, canning and drying. Each of these methods has its own advantages and will certainly be useful to those who seriously care about the health and quality of the food they eat.


For those who are concerned about their health and also do not want to spend a lot of time and effort on preservation, freezing fresh food is well suited. The main advantage of this method: the ability to preserve all the beneficial properties of the crop, vitamins and microelements contained in vegetables and fruits, for a period of about 10-12 months. Products that contain little pulp are usually frozen: eggplants, green beans, corn, peppers, berries.

Options for freezing various foods, photo: Gabrielle Blair

Rules for freezing vegetables and fruits:

  • Before freezing, food must be washed, dried and cleaned.
  • You can freeze whole fruits or individual pieces
  • During storage, it is highly undesirable to defrost and re-cool food.
  • vegetables and fruits should be tightly packed in hermetically sealed bags (you can use rope or even glue) or containers
  • The freezer temperature must be at least 18 degrees for food to last for a really long time

Something that can come in handy when freezing food, photo: Gabrielle Blair

Advice: Even if you're not a fan of freezing, try freezing your herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, onions, etc.) to enjoy fresh, healthy herbs this winter. You can freeze finely chopped greens in an airtight container or bag, or you can add water or olive oil. Ice cubes can then be added to the finished dish without defrosting.

Greens frozen in olive oil. Photo: the Kitchen

Sometimes food loses its attractive appearance when frozen. If you are concerned about this fact, vegetables can be blanched before freezing - short-term steaming or boiling. This procedure helps to destroy enzymes that oxidize foods and lead to them losing their original color and taste.

Freezing greens in an airtight bag, photo: Laurie H. for OrganicLife

How to properly defrost vegetables and fruits:

  • do not use metal utensils for defrosting
  • It is better to defrost on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, in no case, not in direct sunlight or near the radiator
  • To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins, use a double boiler
  • Remember that frozen vegetables take longer to cook than normal vegetables

For convenience, label the frozen bags and containers, just the name of the product and the date of freezing, photo: Gabrielle Blair


Canning is, without a doubt, the most popular option for long-term storage of vegetables and fruits. The disadvantages of this method include the loss of many beneficial properties and vitamins by the product, while the advantages include the opportunity to get truly tasty and varied dishes. What are pickled cucumbers, spicy canned salads or salted tomatoes worth?


Each type of product has its own canning rules, so a story about them could take up more than one article. The site, for example, already had recipes on how to prepare some of the traditional dishes: pickled cucumbers, homemade squash caviar, salted tomatoes or pickled mushrooms.

Photo: Frugallivingnw

General rules for preserving vegetables:

  • for canning, take only fresh, good vegetables and fruits without damage
  • do not forget to sterilize the jars in which you will preserve (for about 10-15 minutes) and make sure that there are no scratches or chips on them
  • rinse the products thoroughly, blanch them if necessary
  • add herbs and spices to taste (salt, sugar, vinegar, pepper, bay leaf, cloves, etc.)
  • use dry, coarse or medium-ground white salt; sea salt is also suitable for preservation
  • oak, currant or cherry leaves help increase shelf life, improve taste and help vegetables retain their shape and texture
  • Fill future canned food with marinade or pre-cooked brine
  • Full jars can be sterilized again and sealed with a lid.
  • periodically check and rotate the cans of preserved food
  • keep jars out of direct sunlight

Photo: Knife, Pork and Spoon

Of course, the canning process is much more complicated and involves various stages and methods, however, almost every housewife has her own secrets and recipes for canning.


Drying is not the most common, but it is also a very interesting option for long-term storage of products, which allows you to preserve most of their beneficial properties. Initially, mushrooms, herbs and berries were preserved in this way, but modern methods also allow vegetables to be dried. Dried foods can be stored for several years, and the process itself does not require much effort.

Dried cherry tomatoes, photo: huffingtonpost

Previously, food was dried in the attics of country houses or on metal sheets and baking trays, which were simply placed on top of a gas stove. The simplest metal structures made of several metal sheets for drying can still be found in many dachas.

Large convection dryer or dehydrator, Excalibur Standart

Do you want to dry your mushrooms and berries right in your city apartment? It is enough to purchase an electric dryer, which will not take up much space and will allow you to preserve the harvest. Electric dryers come in two types: convective and infrared. The former blow moisture out of fruits and vegetables using hot air streams. In infrared dryers, excess moisture is removed using infrared radiation, which allows you to preserve not only vitamins, but also the original taste and appearance of products. Such a dryer, however, will cost more than a regular one and will require fruits and vegetables to be cut into small pieces.

Home convection dryer, Polaris

Dryers also differ in power, capacity of pallets (usually from 3 to 8 pieces) and material of manufacture. Lightweight, plastic dryers with transparent walls allow you to visually control the drying process and are cheaper than metal ones, which are more efficient and easier to maintain.

Wooden food dryer for the garden, which you can make yourself, Gardeners

Jul 31, 2016 Sergey

Kitchen accessories and utensils include a huge list of products, including pots. In the manufacture of pans, three types of materials are used - enameled steel, steel with a chrome surface and aluminum, which, by the way, are already falling out of use. It doesn’t matter what material your pans are made of, in this case volume is of great importance. To prevent the preparation process from taking many hours, you need to select such pans that you can roll up several 3-liter jars at the same time.

7. Pots. 1. 7 liter saucepan. 2. 9 liter saucepan.

Very convenient for preparing compotes and vegetable preparations. Place 2 pans on the fire at once while the water heats up to prepare berries, fruits or vegetables. Using 2 of these pans you can roll 4 3 liter jars. And if your recipe requires sterilizing a 3-liter jar, then place a sterilizer on the bottom of a 9-liter saucepan, place the jar, pour warm water and proceed according to the recipe. I usually sterilize jars in a 7 liter saucepan. You can also cook mushrooms, a lot of corn or jellied meat.

8. Pots, kettle.

In such a pan it is very convenient to chop vegetables for salads for the winter, cook jam, stew vegetables for various salads and sterilize 0.5 liter jars. And the kettle is useful for preparing cucumbers for the winter using the triple sterilization method.

9. Mug, bowl.

With the help of such a mug it is very convenient to measure sugar for making compotes. I add one such mug of sugar when cooking. And in a bowl you can put the lids for preservation and fill them with hot water - plastic ones for 30 seconds, metal ones for 1-2 minutes.

10. Metal can gripper, metal sieve. 1.This grip is used to remove jars after they have been sterilized. A very convenient little thing, grab the jar around the neck, squeeze the handles tightly and calmly remove it from the boiling water, your hands will always be without burns. I don’t sterilize three-liter jars, so I don’t know whether the jar grip will withstand such a load. 2. A metal sieve will be useful for blanching some vegetables and fruits when preparing salads and jam. It is very convenient to prepare some berries for jam by rubbing.
10. Stone squeezer for cherries, steelyard.

With the help of such a pitter, it is convenient to remove pits from cherries when preparing jam or pie filling. Can be of different shapes and sizes. If you don’t have special kitchen scales, then a steelyard is simply necessary, because when preparing many salads you need to strictly follow the recipe and weigh the products.

11. Mechanical meat grinder, food processor.

A mechanical meat grinder is very widely used by all housewives, especially when it is necessary to grind a small amount of food. I use the food processor for chopping and chopping food in large volumes.

12. Wooden apple slicer.

A spoon or a spoon with a long handle is convenient for stirring salads and jam. And you won’t scratch the dishes and you won’t burn your hands with hot splashes. An apple slicer is indispensable when preparing compotes and pies for the winter.

Looks like we've sorted out the basic kitchen utensils. What additional accessories do you use? Share your tricks with blog readers.

Hello, friends!

How often, when choosing pots and pans, do we think about what kind of cookware is best to buy for cooking. And first of all, we pay attention to the design and size. Size is also important; for cooking borscht for a family, for example, a 5-liter pan is better, and for porridge and eggs, a very small one.

But it is also important to pay attention to the material.

Let's figure out which dishes are better, which ones are better to cook porridge in, which jellied meats are used in, which ones are best for boiling milk, which ones are best for frying and baking.

Which cookware is better: enameled or stainless steel?

For cooking, use enameled, stainless steel, or aluminum pans. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Enameled pans are made of steel and coated with heat-resistant enamel. They are very beautiful, versatile, safe and unpretentious. But they also have disadvantages.


  • you can not only cook food, but also store it in such a container
  • enamel provides protection against metals and bacteria
  • long service life
  • can be used on any stove: gas, electric
  • Easy to clean by hand or in the dishwasher, as long as they don't get burnt. Although in this case there is salvation.

Just recently I managed to heat up puree soup in a new enamel pan. Naturally it burned, at first I was worried, but then I remembered what needed to be done: I poured salt on the bottom, poured water in and boiled for 10-15 minutes. When the water cooled down, I simply washed the pan with a sponge, everything came off on its own without any effort.


In addition to the fact that food in enamel cookware can easily burn, sudden changes in temperature cause damage to the coating. This can also happen when stirring food.

So, enamel pans must be handled carefully; when cooking, the fire must be set so that it does not catch the edges of the pan, but burns only under the bottom; the enamel must not be cleaned with mechanical objects.

If chips occur due to careless handling and a fall, such dishes should be thrown away immediately and without regret, since pieces of enamel can get into food, and metal that has become unprotected can cause harm to health.

What you can cook:

It is better to cook borscht, soups, vegetable stews, jelly, and compotes in enamel dishes.


Aluminum cookware is lightweight and has a high degree of thermal conductivity. It is best to boil water in such pans; it boils almost instantly.

In addition, this metal is stainless. Myths spread throughout the country about the dangers of aluminum cookware have no solid basis. Even WHO published that aluminum is not harmful to health, and our grandmothers used to use only such utensils.

But, on the other hand, aluminum can interact with food acids, so food cannot be stored in aluminum containers.

Since the walls and bottom of aluminum pans are quite thin, cooking food quickly sticks to them.

You will only have to wash such pans by hand and keep in mind that using metal graters will leave scratches.

To ensure that aluminum cookware lasts longer, it is better to choose pots with thick walls when purchasing.

What can you cook?

In principle, aluminum cookware is suitable for cooking any food, but you just need to avoid acids and alkalis. So it is not suitable for sauerkraut, but for pasta, meat, fish, vegetables, and cereals. And don’t forget to transfer food after cooking to glass or enamel trays.

Stainless steel pans

Stainless steel is probably the best cookware for cooking and the most popular, it is durable and pleases with its polished shiny appearance, thanks to which, by the way, food cools more slowly.

It is only a little heavier than aluminum, but it is more practical and safer.

In such pans you can cook and store food, prepare marinades and pickles, it is very easy to care for, is not afraid of mechanical damage, and can be washed in the dishwasher.

When buying pans, pay attention to the thickness of the bottom, the material of the handles and lids.

Food in thick-bottomed pans will stick less than in thin-bottomed pans.

Metal handles have an advantage over plastic ones in that although they heat up, they will not melt or fall off. And for convenience, you can use potholders.

The best option for lids is glass lids with a steam hole, through which you can control the entire process.

Since stainless steel is chemically neutral, almost anything can be cooked in such cookware.

Which dishes are best for baking in the oven?

Now that we've sorted out the cooking utensils a little, what kind of utensils are best for baking?


Our usual baking dishes made of aluminum and stainless steel quickly heat up and cool down and are not sensitive to temperature changes.

But, since their walls and bottom are thin, they require greasing with oil, sprinkling with flour or covering with parchment, otherwise the baked dish will stick. Therefore, dishes made of such metal are already going out of fashion.

But good old cast iron will always be relevant and can serve forever.

Cooking in cast iron is a pleasure:

  • because food doesn't stick in it
  • heat is evenly distributed and retained for a long time
  • You can start cooking on the stove and finish it in the oven in the same pan.

Cast iron has few disadvantages: it is fragile, despite the fact that it is heavy; It cannot be washed in the dishwasher.

  1. When choosing cast iron and frying pans, pay attention to the material of the handles; it would be ideal if they are also cast iron. The material heats up slowly, so you shouldn’t be afraid of getting burned, but such dishes can be used in the oven, unlike those with wooden or plastic handles.
  2. It is advisable to heat new cookware immediately with vegetable oil, this will create a non-stick film.
  3. You need to store cast iron cookware in a dry place, lubricating its walls with oil, but this should only be done if you will rarely use it.
  4. If something suddenly burns to the bottom, although this happens extremely rarely, just pour salt and heat it until light brown.


Frying pans, molds for cakes and muffins, and baking sheets made of fluoroplastic - metal coated with a special compound with a non-stick effect - some time ago occupied one of the first places in popularity.

Teflon cookware is lightweight, convenient, and does not require lubrication with oil.

But, as it turned out, such material is not very practical and not durable.

  1. Doesn't like metal spatulas or sponges.
  2. When cooking food, you need to completely cover the bottom with food.
  3. Does not tolerate temperatures above 200 degrees, shrinks and lags behind the walls.

Thermal decomposition of fluoroplastic releases toxic substances!

In this regard, ceramic coating is better than Teflon, which can withstand high temperatures well.

Glass and ceramic

Modern beautiful dishes made of transparent glass or multi-colored mosaics are surprisingly practical, although fragile: they are not sensitive to high temperatures, retain heat for a very long time, distributing it evenly, they can be used both in the oven and microwave, and store food in the refrigerator. is also possible.

However, sudden changes in temperature when cooking food in such dishes should be avoided, otherwise it will simply crack and burst.

If you put cold ingredients in the mold, then you need to bake them in a cold oven, accordingly, gradually heating them to the desired temperature. And vice versa, hot foods should be placed in an already preheated oven.

This is not a case where you can put the mold in cold water to extract the contents. Hot pots and glass dishes, after removing from the oven, can only be placed on warm stands.


Quite a new material that is gaining more and more popularity.

Silicone is practical, lightweight, easy to use and care for, can withstand very low and very high (up to 280 degrees) temperatures, and is easy to clean.

There is no need to grease molds and baking sheets, and frozen semi-finished products can be immediately sent to a hot oven.

Ready-made cupcakes are easily removed from the mold; you just need to turn it out.

Silicone molds are not only excellent utensils for baking, they can also be used to make jelly, aspic, ice cream, and candy.

The disadvantage of silicone is its softness, but there is a way out: so that “the molds do not lose their shape,” they should be placed on a wire rack or baking sheet before pouring dough into them.

Which utensils are best for cooking: conclusions

So which utensils are best for cooking? The conclusion can be drawn as follows: there is no perfect cookware, each type has its own pros and cons, and when preparing different dishes, different cookware is suitable:

  • It is better to cook porridge in thick-bottomed stainless steel pans
  • for jellied meat there is nothing better than a ceramic or glass pan
  • It is best to boil water and milk in aluminum
  • It is better to ferment cabbage in enamel dishes.

What kind of kitchen utensils do you prefer to use?


Today I discovered a new composer, Andrei Obidin, and his magical romantic music. I listened for three hours without stopping.

But I didn’t find any information about this author, I don’t know anything about him.

Just listen, it’s so tender, touching, sincere, magical!

Helpful Tips:
