Caucasian sauces and seasonings. Caucasian sauces: legendary recipes. Caucasian sauce for shish kebab

It’s hard to imagine without sauces, they are what give it that unique flavor, juiciness and exquisite taste.

Currant seasoning

A glass of red currant berries is passed through a meat grinder along with two or three cloves of garlic, add salt and sugar to taste.

This is an excellent seasoning for fish and meat dishes; it can also be eaten simply spread on black bread.

Spicy tomato sauce

Peel the tomatoes, chop, cook for 30 minutes with salt, then rub through a sieve. Add all the spices and vinegar to the resulting puree and cook over low heat for 30-45 minutes without a lid.

1.5 kg of tomatoes, 15 g of salt, 1 teaspoon of Russian (industrial, ready-made) mustard, 1/2 teaspoon of ground red pepper, a pinch of grated nutmeg, 2 cloves, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1— 2 tbsp. spoons of 3% vinegar.

Garlic sauce

Salt the peeled garlic, crush it in a mortar, put it in a gravy boat, add broth or water and stir. Add some greens. 6-8 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. boiled cold water or broth.

Sloe sauce

Sort the sloe, rinse, put in a saucepan, add water and cook until the berries are softened. Remove from heat, remove the seeds, discard and rub with the broth through a sieve. Add crushed capsicum with salt, garlic, and finely chopped herbs to the mixture. Mix everything.

500 g of thorns, 3-4 sprigs of cilantro, parsley and dill, a clove of garlic, pepper, salt to taste.

Tomato sauce

Dilute a tablespoon of tomato paste with tbsp. boiled water, add crushed capsicum, half a teaspoon of granulated sugar, three chopped cloves of garlic, finely chopped herbs and salt to taste.

Special salad dressing 1/4 tbsp. mix vinegar with 1-2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar. Salt and pepper to taste. There is another option.

At 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar 4-5 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 1/2 teaspoon of powdered sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

Sacibeli sauce

Crushed nuts are diluted with vinegar, broth is added (meat for meat dishes, fish for fish) or boiled water, chopped onions, crushed garlic, salt, red pepper and herbs.

1.5 tbsp. walnuts, 4-5 onions, 1 tbsp. wine vinegar, garlic, ground red pepper, mint and cilantro, 2 tbsp. broth or water, 2 teaspoons of salt.


Finely chopped onion and garlic are sautéed in butter and fat skimmed from chicken broth, flour is added, diluted with broth, boiled and the pan is removed from the heat. Crushed nuts are mixed with dried and fresh herbs, ground red pepper, egg yolks, saffron tincture and boiled wine vinegar with spices. The resulting mixture is put into sauté and, stirring, heated, without bringing the sauce to a boil.

1/2 tbsp. butter, 2 tbsp. walnuts, 5 onions, 3 teaspoons of wheat flour, 3 eggs (yolks), 1 clove of garlic, 1/2 tbsp. wine vinegar, 5 cloves, cinnamon, red pepper, bay, saffron, fresh herbs, dried herbs, 2 tbsp. broth, salt.

Tkemali sauce

Tkemali fruits (plums) are sorted, washed, boiled in a small amount of water and rubbed through a sieve. The mixture is diluted with broth, sprinkled with chopped herbs, garlic, pepper and salt, brought to a boil and cooled. The finished sauce should have the consistency of sour cream. Served with a variety of boiled and fried meat and fish dishes.

700 g tkemali (plum), 300 g garlic, 100 g herbs, 50 g fresh capsicum or 4 g dry pepper, 1.5 tsp salt.

Peanut sauce

Grind nuts, garlic, cilantro and pepper, mix and dilute with vinegar and water until sour cream thickens. Add salt and hop-suneli powder, stir again.

200 g of walnuts, 1 clove of garlic, 2 sprigs of cilantro, 1 sweet pepper, 50 g of wine vinegar, 200 ml of water, suneli hops, salt.

Garo sauce

Grind the nuts, chopped cilantro and salt together, gradually dilute with vinegar, then with broth, stirring. Add finely chopped onion, boil for 10 minutes. Mix the beaten yolks with a small amount of warm sauce and gradually pour the mixture into the sauce, stirring so that the egg does not curdle. Serve over roasted chicken or turkey.

2 tbsp. chicken broth, 2.5 tbsp. walnuts, 3 tbsp. spoons of 3% wine vinegar, 2 onions, 2 yolks, 4 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp. spoons of cilantro.

Shhyuschips (Adyghe seasoning)

Combine sour milk and sour cream, season with salt and garlic to taste. Shhyuschips serves as a side dish for boiled meat. It is served separately on small plates.

2 tbsp. sour milk, 1 tbsp. sour cream, salt, garlic to taste.



Parsley and dill are finely chopped with a knife, all other products are passed through a meat grinder, mixed, salt is added (to taste), then placed in jars, covered with plastic lids and stored in a cold place for no more than two months. If you need to preserve it longer, boil the mass for 5 minutes, put it in jars and seal.

For 3 liters of adjika: 8 medium-sized heads of garlic, 10 red bell peppers, 2 kg of red firm tomatoes, 5 hot peppers, 4 horseradish sticks, 400 g parsley, 200 g dill.

Nasharabi - Nar sherab Nasharabi is the Georgian name for boiled pomegranate juice.

In Azerbaijani cuisine it is called “nar sherab” (lit., “pomegranate wine”). This thick black viscous liquid is used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes of oriental cuisine, to which it imparts a sweet and sour taste. It is especially good with boiled or fried sturgeon.

However, there are also a number of sauces based on pomegranate juice, which are easy to make at home.

Pomegranate juice sauce


This sauce goes perfectly with meat and fish dishes.

Squeeze the juice from the pomegranate, add cilantro, crushed with salt,

Capsicum, garlic, chilled boiled water, mix and drain into

Gravy boat.

1/2 tbsp. pomegranate juice, 1/2 tbsp. water, 1-2 sprigs of green cilantro, 1-2 cloves of garlic, capsicum and salt to taste.


Squeeze the juice from the pomegranate. Grind cilantro and savory greens, dill, garlic and salt together well, with pomegranate juice, add chopped onion. 1 tbsp. pomegranate juice, 2 sprigs of green cilantro, 1 sprig each of savory and dill, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, salt to taste.

Pomegranate juice sauce with nuts

This sauce is perfect for meat and fish dishes.

Squeeze the juice from the pomegranate. Crush the peeled walnuts, cilantro, garlic, capsicum and salt together well, add pomegranate juice, chilled boiled water (1/2 cup) and mix.

If the sauce is prepared for fish dishes, very finely chopped onions or green onions are added to it.

1 tbsp. pomegranate juice, 1/2 tbsp. peeled walnuts, 2-3 sprigs of green cilantro, 1 clove of garlic, capsicum and salt to taste.

Spicy seasoning for shish kebab am

Cut the red peppers lengthwise and lightly fry in a frying pan. Then cut into pieces. Blanch the tomatoes. Cool and strain through a colander. Chop the garlic. Finely chop the hot pepper. Mix everything with oil, add sugar, spices, vinegar and heat slightly. Add salt and cool. Serve with the kebab in a separate bowl.

3 pcs. red bell pepper, 500 g tomatoes, 3 onions, 12-14 cloves of garlic, 100 g vegetable oil, 100 g sugar, 6 tbsp. spoons of wine vinegar,

1 tbsp. spoon of hot mustard, 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 1 pod of hot pepper, salt to taste.

Spicy tomato sauce

Crush the tomatoes and rub through a sieve. Add finely chopped bell pepper and bitter pod, parsley, and then boil it all. Add crushed garlic, salt.

Wine sauce

1 small onion, 300 g dry red wine, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, 1 carrot, parsley and celery root, ground black pepper, 1 tbsp. spoon of butter.

Peel the onion, chop finely, boil in wine for literally 5 minutes. Gradually add flour, add spices and let the sauce boil.

2 tbsp. Heat tablespoons of fat in a saucepan, pour 2 tbsp into it. spoons of flour and saute it over moderate heat until light brown and the aroma of roasted nuts appears. Separately, sauté finely chopped onions, carrots, celery and parsley with fat. Add 50 g of tomato paste, previously diluted with broth, to the sautéed roots. And sauté all this for another 10 minutes. Pour the hot, strained broth into the flour mixture while stirring continuously. Boil the resulting homogeneous mass, then add sautéed roots and peppers to it and continue cooking, periodically skimming off the fat. After this, strain the sauce and rub the boiled roots. Add salt, sugar to the sauce, pour in 100 g of dry red wine, bring to a boil, remove from heat and season with 1 tbsp. spoon of butter.
Garlic-tomato sauce

Chopped garlic, ground with salt, sugar and vegetable oil, finely chopped herbs are added to the tomato puree and seasoned with lemon juice. Parsley or dill, sugar and salt are added to taste.

100 g tomato puree, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, 20 g lemon, parsley or dill, sugar, salt.

She has long and firmly settled in our hearts. Not a single picnic is complete without barbecue, tapaka chicken is often prepared for holidays (and sometimes on unremarkable days), and even perpetually mischievous teenagers do not refuse satsivi chicken. And the most important thing in this cuisine is Caucasian sauces, which can add charm to the most ordinary dish.


This is perhaps the most famous and popular Caucasian sauce. Each housewife has her own recipe. And each of them has the right to exist. But I would really like to ask culinary experts not to spoil this wonderful seasoning with tomato pastes and ketchups. It should be remembered that Caucasian sauces are attractive because they are made exclusively from fresh fruits and vegetables, without preservatives, dyes, etc. Try preparing adjika according to the proposed recipe and compare how much brighter and richer its taste is compared to using ketchups. Take half a kilo of ripe tomatoes, a large bunch of cilantro (200 grams), two large heads of garlic, a large red bell pepper, also red hot - as you like, but at least one pod must be present, and a glass of walnuts. All this is ground in a meat grinder, salted - and the adjika is ready. According to the rules, it does not need to be supplemented with any spices, only herbs and vegetables. But flights of fancy and culinary improvements were always welcomed.

Adjika nut

This sauce of Caucasian cuisine is prepared without tomatoes at all. Take three chili peppers, cut them very finely, mix with a bunch of chopped cilantro, a spoonful of suneli hops, a teaspoon of saffron, a couple of crushed garlic cloves, a shot of wine vinegar and half a glass of crushed walnuts. It turns out to be a fairly dense mass. The main thing in preparing it is not to use anything other than a knife. The seasoning should consist of pieces of all components.

Green adjika

All Caucasian sauces are made hot and spicy, but this one is especially so. You will need four long, extremely hot green peppers, one and a half heads of garlic and just a huge bunch of cilantro. All this is put into a blender and pureed. The final product is salted and consumed. The resulting sauce is so aromatic and captivating that it’s delicious to eat even just spread on a tomato slice.


Now we will describe other, no less famous Caucasian sauces. Satsebeli is served with both fish and meat. Depending on what kind of dish you plan to serve, the appropriate strong broth is cooked. One and a half glasses of nuts are ground, poured with a glass or two of broth (depending on which sauce you like more - thin or thicker), flavored with chopped four onions, a couple of spoons of salt, half of ground red pepper, mint and cilantro.


This legendary Caucasian sauce is made from plums. It is advisable to find fruits of the appropriate variety that have a similar name. But in their absence, others will do. Half a kilo of plums is boiled in a small volume of water until soft and rubbed through a fine colander. The puree is slightly diluted with a decoction of fruits; chopped greens are poured into it (cilantro is a must, select the rest according to your preferences). Plus, the indispensable garlic is added (a lot, up to a third of a kilogram), salt and a couple of crushed hot peppers. The pan is returned to the fire. As soon as it boils, the tkemali is ready.

Pomegranate sauce Narsharab

Like other Caucasian sauces, it is prepared from natural fruits; store-bought juice is not suitable. You need to squeeze the juice out of two pomegranates, into which you mix in a paste of cilantro (a couple of sprigs), garlic (a clove), salt and a small hot pepper. To avoid it becoming cloying, dilute the sauce with half a glass of water.

Garo sauce

For him, two and a half glasses of nuts are pounded together with salt and cilantro (three spoons, chopped). Then slowly, with stirring, pour in three tablespoons of three percent wine vinegar, followed by a couple of glasses of chicken broth. Finely chop two onions and four garlic cloves into the prepared base, place the saucepan on the fire and simmer quietly for about ten minutes. At the end, two yolks are beaten with a spoon of warm sauce and poured into the mixture, gradually stirring so that the eggs do not curdle. For poultry - just the perfect choice.


This sauce of Caucasian cuisine is first prepared by frying chopped onions (three medium heads) and garlic (two cloves) with butter. When the color of the vegetables suits you, add a couple of tablespoons of flour and two glasses of broth. As soon as it boils, remove from heat. A full spoon of dry herbs is combined with two glasses of ground walnuts, the yolks of three eggs, half a glass of wine vinegar and spices: bay leaf, ground red pepper, cinnamon, cloves and saffron. This mixture is placed in a liquid base; When the sauce boils again, it is ready.

Cucumber from the Caucasus

Shish kebab is not just a dish. This is a process, a sacred act, which must be accompanied by the correct additions. These include fire-roasted vegetables and Caucasian barbecue sauce. The most popular among the mountaineers is the following: a couple of cucumbers (fresh!) are cut into very, very small cubes. To these are added a large amount of chopped greens (two market bunches of each type): onions, dill, parsley, cilantro. Two or three garlic cloves are rubbed on the finest grater and thrown into the mixture. Mix a glass of mayonnaise with the same volume of evaporated tomato juice (in field conditions, replacing with ketchup is acceptable). Season with salt and pepper and dip the pieces of meat.

Enjoy your discoveries in Caucasian cooking!

MIVIMEX Caucasian extra hot sauce 200g will be appreciated by all lovers of “fiery food”. The fiery taste of chili pepper is only slightly muted by tomato paste and the aroma of garlic. Use this seasoning with caution. Try a small amount first, and then add it to your favorite dishes. To reduce the spiciness, mix the sauce with sour cream, mayonnaise or natural yogurt. Serve with meat, chicken, sausages, sausages, dumplings or jellied meat. Convenient bottle for accurate dosing.


Manufacturer TPK BioFood
Trademark MIVIMEX
A country Russia
Type Caucasian
Purpose, for: Meat
Taste Spicy
Sauce base Vegetables
Volume 200 ml
Type of packaging Plastic bottle
Compound Water, sugar, corn starch, salt, chili pepper paste, flavor and aroma enhancer - monosodium glutamate, fresh garlic, acidity regulator - acetic acid, tomato paste, garlic flavor (flavoring substances), flavor and aroma enhancers (inosinate and guanylate sodium), acidity regulator - citric acid, thickener - xanthan gum, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), red pepper extract, dyes (caramel color, sunset yellow, Ponceau 4R), sweetener - sucralose. The food additives used in the production of this product are safe and approved for use by the authorities and institutions of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare. Contains dyes that may have a negative effect on children's activity and attention

Nutritional value per 100g

Storage conditions

Storage temperature max. 25 ℃
Shelf life 365 days

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