Electric coffee grinder. How to choose a coffee grinder: recommendations. The best electric coffee grinders Electric coffee grinder how to grind for a coffee machine

Almost every family makes and drinks coffee. This energizing, flavorful drink can be made using instant or store-bought ground coffee. But true coffee lovers love to grind the beans themselves before brewing. They can be ground in manual or electric coffee grinders. Before choosing a coffee grinder for your home, it is recommended to study the features of its operation and technical characteristics.

Electric coffee grinders are usually of two types:

Let's look at what an electric rotary coffee grinder is, how to choose it correctly and what to look for.

In such coffee grinders, raw materials are ground using knives, mounted on a rod, which break the coffee beans at high speed. The body of the devices is made of plastic (metal models are also produced). Inside the case there is a motor, and in the upper part there is a container for coffee beans. The rotary knife is made in the form of a two-bladed propeller; as a rule, it is made of stainless steel. It is located at the very bottom of the tank and is connected to the motor. The top of the case is covered with a transparent, removable lid. When the beans are ground, the lid is opened and the coffee is poured out of the container. The capacity of blade coffee grinders is usually no more than 120 g.

Rotary models have a power button, but there is no mechanism for controlling the degree of grinding. Usually it depends on the duration of action of the rotary knives (the longer they rotate, the finer the grinding, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve a uniform degree of grinding).


When rotating at high speed, the knife grinds the grains; the quality of grinding directly depends on the time of its rotation. And the rotation speed is directly dependent on the power of the motor in the coffee grinder, which can be from 80 to 270 W. The optimal power in this case is considered to be 180 W.

If the grinding speed of the beans is too high (and therefore at high power), the beans may become charred and the coffee will acquire a bitter taste.

Advantages and disadvantages

Coffee grinders are equipped with containers for filling coffee, with a volume of 30 to 100 g. This must be taken into account, since on average 6-7 g of ground coffee are used for one cup of drink. It is not recommended to make a large supply, as coffee quickly loses its taste and smell. For example, 30 g is enough for 3 cups of aromatic drink.

The advantages of knife coffee grinders include:

  • Relatively low cost.
  • Compactness.
  • Easy to use.

The disadvantages include:

  • Lack of control over grinding degree.
  • Uneven grinding of coffee beans.

Coffee of this grind can also be brewed in a Turk. But if you are thinking about which coffee grinder is best to buy for subsequent preparation of a drink in a coffee maker, it is better to opt for millstone models.

Unlike blade or rotary models, burr coffee grinders use a different grinding method, namely burrs. The grinding degree is quite homogeneous, this type of coffee is good for use in pressurized coffee machines. The body of the millstones is also made of plastic. It contains:

  • Transparent container for filling coffee beans.
  • Transparent container for ready-made ground coffee.
  • Opaque compartment with electric motor.

All parts of the coffee grinder are closed with sealed lids and separated from each other.

The device works simply:

  1. When you press the power button located on the control panel, the millstones begin to grind grains at high speed.
  2. The ground particles enter the lower compartment intended for them, from where they can be collected into the cup.

The mechanism of burr electric coffee grinders consists from two disks(millstones) used to grind coffee beans. The grinding quality can be adjusted independently, and it depends on the distance between these two disks.

Ground coffee prepared in a burr grinder can be brewed in any coffee makers and coffee machines.

These models have more capacity than knife models - up to 300 g coffee beans. The devices have about 15 modes for grinding grains, i.e. The resulting ground coffee is quite homogeneous.

Advantages of millstones:

  1. Using a special program, you can dose the amount of grinding.
  2. Their cost is of course higher, but it is compensated by the presence of additional useful functions.


The power of this type of device ranges from 100 to 1000 W. Moreover, the most optimal power is 250-300 W.

Manufacturing materials

The blade in rotary coffee grinders is usually made of steel. In millstone models, the choice of material is somewhat wider:

  1. Metal millstones made of stainless steel (inexpensive, durable and lightweight products, sometimes coated with titanium to increase service life) or cast iron (reliable, durable and inexpensive millstones, but quickly grind down and absorb various odors).

  2. Ceramic The millstones, which cope well with grinding of any degree, have a long service life with proper care, but are quite fragile and can break if dropped.

  3. Stone millstones, which are a kind of alloy of corundum with ceramics. This alloy is strong, durable, and provides the best grind (especially suitable for making espresso). They must be handled with care, as the millstones may break if dropped.

When purchasing a coffee grinder with burrs, you need to keep in mind what it contains: two containers at once– one for beans, the other for ground coffee. It is better to choose a device with a large container for grains. These containers are sealed; by pouring bean coffee into them, you can, if necessary, set only the volume of ground coffee received. The remaining grains can be stored in them for quite a long time, maintaining their aroma and good taste.

Additional functions of electric coffee grinders

Some manufacturers of these devices, in order to make their models more popular, equip them with various additional functions, for example:

  1. Double knives to increase the speed of grinding grains.
  2. Make a special tilt of the container with grains for uniform grinding and better mixing intensity.
  3. “Overheat protection”, an automatic shutdown function when the motor overheats or if the owners forget.
  4. Locking function – protection from turning on the device when the lid is open.
  5. A special device for winding the cord, for the convenience and compactness of the device.
  6. Some models have a function to turn off the device in case of clogging, i.e. hitting the millstone with a pebble or piece of wood.
  7. Enhanced sound insulation for quieter operation of the device (for example, in the morning, when the rest of the family is still sleeping).
  8. Comfortable rubber feet, which, unlike plastic ones, provide better grip on the working surface of the table.
  9. The timer comes in two different versions - to set the grinding time in seconds and the number of cups for which the coffee is ground.

Advice. It is easier to use a timer to set the number of cups, and the device itself will measure the required number of beans for them.

Manual coffee grinders

In addition to electric rotary or burr type appliances, there are also conventional manual coffee grinders. Their work is also based on millstones, with the help of which the degree of grinding of coffee beans is set. The ground coffee is poured into a special container designed for it.

Manual coffee grinder, also called mill, is a fairly simple device with a millstone mechanism inside a square box equipped with a rotating handle. The device is equipped with a regulator for setting the degree of grinding, which depends on the size of the gap between the two millstones. The millstone discs in them are made of metal or ceramic. The latter option is preferable; it makes the coffee taste better. When deciding how to choose a manual coffee grinder, it is better to listen to customer reviews, which mostly prefer the Peterhof PH-12721 and Gipfel KS 833 BP models.

It will take 15-20 minutes to grind coffee by hand. This device is rarely used now. But they are often bought to give to loved ones or used as souvenirs on various occasions.

Famous manufacturers

Coffee grinders are produced mainly by the same companies that produce various household appliances for the home. Electric models from Scarlett, Saturn, Binatone are inexpensive and of good quality. If you want to purchase a device from a well-known brand, you can opt for the following products:

  • Philips.
  • Bosch.

  • Kenwood.
  • Moulinex.

All models from the above manufacturers differ from each other not only in cost, but also in functionality. However, most of these models are of the rotational type.

Anyone interested in burr coffee grinders can opt for products from Gaggia and Saeco, which are popular and trusted by users.

Fans of manual coffee grinders can turn their attention to brands such as:

  • Scarlett.

  • Becker.

  • Bosch.


To decide how to choose a coffee grinder for your home, it is recommended to determine the following points for yourself:

  1. If the coffee will be brewed in a Turk, it is enough to purchase a rotary electric coffee grinder or even a manual one if you don’t need to rush anywhere and want to enjoy the process of preparing the drink.
  2. When brewing coffee in a coffee maker, it is better to buy a burr coffee grinder so that you can control the degree of grinding in the purchased device.

It is also worth taking a closer look at the power of the device and the volume of the container for coffee beans (30-50 g is suitable for two adults). The best option for lovers of an aromatic drink would be a burr coffee grinder with ceramic millstones(which coffee grinder to choose, manual or electric - everyone decides for themselves). The optimal power can be no more than 180 W. If you follow all the recommendations, then with the newly purchased coffee grinder you will be able to prepare an excellent aromatic drink that everyone at home will enjoy.

The heart of the coffee grinder is where the taste and smell of coffee is born. Beans that are ground incorrectly will not give off all the flavor, will impart a bitterness, or will not brew at all. But you need to understand that not only a coffee grinder can be the reason for delicious coffee. The correct choice of coffee maker also affects the resulting coffee. More on this later, now we will study coffee grinders.

What types of coffee grinders are there?

There are only 3 options for coffee grinders - manual, rotary (blade) and millstone. At the same time, I want to surprise you - a coffee grinder can only be used for grinding coffee. Neither powdered sugar, nor walnuts, nor pepper, nor anything else can be ground on it - there is a blender for these purposes. The fact is that the coffee grinder absorbs the odors of the products and as a result, the coffee will slowly begin to smell like everything, but not coffee.

So, you have definitely decided that you need a coffee grinder. But which one should you choose? The answer to this question depends entirely on another question - “What kind of coffee and what do you use?”

For espresso, you only need a burr grinder - to completely extract the essential oils from the beans, they must be as equal in size as possible. Although for other cooking options, a millstone is still preferable. When we look at this type of coffee grinder, I will explain why.

A manual coffee grinder is suitable only for those who care not only about the drink itself, but also about the process of preparing it. Not everyone can twist the handle for a few minutes in the morning, but there is a certain magic in it 🙂 In fact, the most important difference between a manual coffee grinder is that you cannot “burn” the coffee in it. When grinding at a very high speed, the beans heat up and, if the heating temperature is too high, the coffee burns and begins to become very bitter. Plus, when heated, essential oils begin to release in the coffee grinder, not in the coffee maker. And the taste of coffee is significantly lost.

Do you make coffee in a Turk, drip or geyser coffee maker? Most people think that they can get by with a blade coffee grinder. Although I don’t think so - the coffee is burned and the grinding is extremely uneven. Therefore, in my opinion, a rotary coffee grinder is only suitable for grinding sugar into powder, nuts, etc. But not coffee. If I haven't convinced you, then look at the table below.

When choosing, you should pay attention to how the grains are crushed. They can grind, chop and crush. It is best when the grains are ground, because... in this case, the essential oils from the grain are practically not lost and are completely transferred into coffee powder. The most undesirable option is chopping, because... The structure of the grain is disrupted and the taste of the coffee is much worse.

Let's look at the main differences between the coffee grinder options.

Manual Knife (rotary) Millstone
Grinding method Grinds Chops Grinds and crushes
Grinding uniformity (all particles are as equal as possible) + +
Possibility to “burn” coffee + +
Possibility to select grinding fineness + +/- +
Ability to dose how much coffee to grind +
Possibility to fill a pack of coffee +
Availability of a separate container for ready-made coffee + +
Time spent on grinding 1-5 minutes 10-20 seconds 10-30 seconds
Price from 400 rubles from 350 rubles from 810 rubles

So, you have already chosen the coffee grinder option that is suitable for you. Let's look at each of them separately.

Now we will study all the intricacies of choosing a manual coffee grinder. You can read about knife and burr coffee grinders in the articles “” and “”.

Choosing a manual coffee grinder

A manual coffee grinder is an item for coffee connoisseurs. For such people, it is important not only to drink coffee, but also to enjoy the process of making it. And one of the stages is grinding the coffee beans. You just need to imagine the aroma that spreads throughout the whole house with every movement of your hand, and you immediately want to opt for a manual coffee grinder. But don’t forget - on average, to grind coffee for 1 cup you will spend 1-5 minutes :)

The operating principle of all manual coffee grinders is simple - you pour in the grain, turn the handle and at the output you get the finished powder. At the same time, the design of manual coffee grinders itself sometimes varies greatly.

Coffee grinders from the brands Bekker (not all, for example, Bekker BK-2533 for 900 rubles), LoewenGermany, Cuissential, Zassenhaus are considered good. True, the latter can only be found in foreign online stores, but they can still be found :)

The cost of manual coffee grinders starts from 403 rubles for a Typika coffee grinder and ends at 8,980 rubles for an Artina SKS coffee grinder. Good quality coffee grinders cost at least 900 rubles. Although above 2500-3000 rubles you are already starting to overpay, unless you buy a coffee grinder with stone millstones.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a manual coffee grinder:

  1. Millstone
  2. Type of shell
  3. Changing the grinding fineness
  4. Handle location
  5. Housing material
  6. Bean container
  7. Container for finished powder

So, first things first.


Millstones for a manual coffee grinder are made in the form of cones, one of them is fixed, the other is movable. By moving this millstone, you can change the fineness of the grind. But more on that later.

Millstones are usually made from:

  1. Cast iron
  2. Hardened steel
  3. Ceramics
  4. Stone

What influences the material of the millstones?

The taste of the coffee, the uniformity of the grind and the durability of the grinder. Let's take a look at what each material is.

The cast iron in a manual coffee grinder is very good - durable, not afraid of impacts, very wear-resistant and cheap. On the other hand, cast iron millstones gradually grind down and these shavings end up in the coffee. Therefore, the coffee begins to give off a “metallic” feel. In addition, cast iron has a porous structure and absorbs odors well. Therefore, if you often change the type of coffee, the smells of the previous varieties may get into the new one.

Hardened steel is also good for durability. Its resistance to wear is somewhat lower than that of cast iron, so such millstones wear out somewhat faster. This problem is solved by coating the millstones, for example, with titanium. But this measure greatly increases the cost of the coffee grinder. Although the option turns out to be almost ideal - durable, wear-resistant, the dense and smooth structure of titanium does not allow odors to be absorbed and is easy to clean.

Ceramic, on the contrary, is quite fragile - drop such a coffee grinder and you can go for a new one. But ceramics are not inferior in hardness to diamonds, so such millstones remain sharp for a long time and grind, perhaps, better than steel and cast iron. In addition, ceramics are not afraid of moisture and dampness, which can cause cast iron and steel to rust. The price is somewhere between cast iron and steel with titanium coating.

Stone millstones are an ideal option, but very expensive. Usually made from an alloy of ceramics and corundum. Why are they so good? Firstly, it is an environmentally friendly material. Secondly, stone millstones are the only ones that can grind coffee “to dust” for cooking in a Turk. Other materials cannot do this. Thirdly, the complete absence of foreign taste. The impact resistance and abrasion resistance of such millstones is excellent. If you don’t throw it away, you can give it to your grandchildren :)

What to choose?

Personally, I recommend ceramic burrs. The price is not much more expensive than cast iron ones, but you can use this coffee grinder for a very long time. If you don’t throw it around the kitchen :)

If funds allow, then feel free to choose a coffee grinder with stone millstones. The only negative is that there are only a few models on the market, so there are no special alternatives.

Type of shell

There are 3 known types of housing - European, Turkish and without housing.

What are the features of the cases?

The European case type is cubic. The average size of such coffee grinders is 15x15 cm (about the size of a 1-liter saucepan). On top of the coffee grinder there is a coffee funnel and a handle (sometimes located on the side), and on the bottom there is a coffee drawer. When used, this coffee grinder should be placed on a surface, for example, on a table.

Turkish (Eastern) case type is cylindrical. Average dimensions – 5×15 cm (diameter – the size of a matchbox). The coffee funnel is closed and located on top. The handle is also on top. The finished coffee is poured into a container located in the lower part of the body. This type of coffee grinder must be held in your hand when grinding. By the way, the bodies of Turkish coffee grinders are always decorated with oriental-themed patterns.

A coffee grinder without a case is a fundamentally new type of coffee grinder that is installed directly on a coffee container, for example, on a French press. From below, the coffee grinder looks like a multi-stage pyramid. This allows it to be installed on most containers. This type of coffee grinder also has a handle and funnel for coffee on top, but there is no container for ready-made coffee - it is poured into the container on which the coffee grinder is installed.

Which case should you choose?

It depends entirely on your personal preferences. For me personally, a coffee grinder is not just a coffee grinder, but also a beautiful object. Therefore, I will prefer a European coffee grinder so that I can keep it in sight. If you don’t like to keep things in sight or you don’t have a lot of space in the kitchen, then you should like a Turkish coffee grinder - it takes up little space, is very practical, but at the same time this does not prevent it from being orientally beautiful :) Well a coffee grinder without a body is for a pure practitioner who does not care about appearance, but only about functionality.

Changing the grinding fineness

Changing the grinding fineness allows you to grind coffee of any fineness for different purposes - from a coarse fraction for a French press to a dusty state for a Turkish coffee.

How does grinding fineness change?

There are 2 options - stepped and stepless and depends on the type of housing. The stepped one is used in coffee grinders with a European body and without a body, the stepless one is used in Turkish coffee grinders.

In the step version, the adjustment does not occur smoothly, but with some steps. To change the fineness, you usually need to unscrew the screw on the handle and turn the adjuster.

In the stepless version, just turn the screw that secures the handle, and the grinding fineness will change.

Which option is preferable?

This will depend on the type of case you prefer. There is not much difference between them.

Handle location

The location of the handle directly affects the ease of use.

What options for the location of the coffee grinder handle are there?

The handle can be on the top or side and depends on the type of case. On top there are all versions, and on the side - only on European coffee grinders.

Which handle option should I choose?

To understand this, just twist the handle of the coffee grinder you have chosen a little. See how comfortable the handle is in your hand and whether it is convenient for you to rotate it.

In general, as strange as it may seem, a coffee grinder with a side handle is more convenient. Firstly, they stand more stable because the force on the coffee grinder is from top to bottom, rather than from left to right, and they do not move around the table. Secondly, it is easier to turn the handle from the side, because when twisting such a handle, stronger muscles of the shoulder and back work, and when using the handle from above, only the muscles of the arm.

Housing material

The material for the body can be:

  • Wood (usually beech)
  • Metal (steel, brass, tin)
  • Plastic
  • Porcelain

What depends on the material?

Perhaps just aesthetics.

What material is best to choose a coffee grinder from?

It depends on your personal preferences. True, you need to remember that Turkish coffee grinders are made only of steel, and European ones are made of any steel.

Bean container

The container for beans is located on the top of all manual coffee grinders. In European coffee grinders, the containers are usually made in the form of a funnel, in Turkish ones - like the upper part of the coffee grinder tube. The containers differ from each other only in volume and the presence of a lid.

What are the sizes of bean containers for manual coffee grinders and why do you need a lid?

The volume of the grain container usually holds from 10 to 200 grams of grains.

Quite often there are coffee grinders with a lid for the container. The lid is useful for two things - it somewhat reduces the noise when grinding and, if the lid fits tightly, it allows you to store beans directly in the coffee grinder. On the other hand, the strength of the smell of ground coffee decreases :)

What container size should I choose and with or without a lid?

The volume depends on what kind of coffee you drink. So, to prepare 100 ml of coffee in a Turk, French press or filter coffee maker you need about 7-8 grams per 100 ml of water. Espresso requires 7-8 grams per 30 ml of water. If 2 people in a family drink coffee, then a container with a volume of 20-30 grams is enough. If there are 10 people in the family and everyone drinks coffee, or it is more convenient for you to store coffee in a coffee grinder, then take one with a capacity of up to 100 grams. A larger container is not advisable - it is still better to store coffee in special packaging to reduce its contact with oxygen.

A lid is really necessary if you are making coffee while someone is sleeping at home or if you are storing coffee beans in the grinder. In other cases, the lid is not so necessary.

Container for finished powder

In European coffee grinders it is usually done in the form of a box at the bottom of the coffee grinder, and in Eastern coffee grinders - as the lower part of the coffee grinder tube.

What volumes of containers are there?

Typically, the volume of the container for the finished powder is 1-2 grams less than the container for grains. But if the coffee grinder has a large capacity for beans (50 grams or more), then the capacity for finished coffee will not exceed 40-50 grams.

What size container should you prefer?

In your choice, proceed from the volume of the container for grains - their volumes are interrelated.

Pleasant trifles

The only pleasant detail that can be noted is the ability to remove the handle and put it inside the coffee grinder. Because we looked at everything else above :)

Few places indicate how and how often to clean a coffee grinder. And it’s easy to clean - 1-2 times a year, pass a handful of raw rice through it, followed by a few coffee beans. And the coffee grinder is clean :) However, the grains will have to be thrown away after this.

Modern developers offer an excellent selection of electric and manual devices for grinding coffee beans. The editors of the YaNashla website have prepared for you a review of the best coffee grinders for home.

What should you pay attention to when purchasing coffee bean grinders?

When choosing this product, there are several aspects to consider:

  • Frequency of coffee preparation;
  • A type of coffee maker designed for preparing ground coffee;
  • The type of preferred drink, which requires a certain type of grinding.

Whether these products are manual or electric is a matter of personal preference. Equipment with an affordable price is perfect for preparing a coffee drink in a Turk. This type of coffee does not impose any requirements for the uniformity of the size of the crushed product. If you have a drip, carob, geyser or semi-automatic coffee machine in your home, you will need a millstone-type product. A device that allows you to adjust the degree of grinding will become a universal option.

Features of choosing a rotary model

The rotary type of electric coffee grinder is distinguished by the presence of one container. It is excellent for whole grains and ground products. The volume of this type of equipment ranges from 40 to 120 grams. There is a knife mounted at the bottom of the functional bowl. There are curved specimens, but it is better to use a double one. Adjustment of grinding of coffee beans is carried out due to the duration of operation of the coffee grinder. The uniformity of the particles depends entirely on the shape of the knife. A flat single blade can only grind a small volume of beans at a time. Ensuring uniform grinding is achieved by periodically shaking the device. Having a double curved knife will allow you to get the job done much faster.

When using this type of coffee grinder, each portion will contain small and large particles. This grinding is not suitable for brewing coffee in carob coffee makers, although it is quite acceptable for preparing this drink in a Turk, geyser coffee maker or French press.

TOP rotary coffee grinders

Rotary models have a number of differences from each other, but to understand them in more detail, you need to consider each of the models.

The manufacturer presented consumers with a classic version of a coffee grinder with a steel impact blade. Operating the device is quite simple. This is done using one button. While it is pressed, grinding is performed. If the lid comes off and the button is pressed out, the grinding stops. The glass bowl holds 75 grams of coffee. The knife literally cuts or chops the grains, grinding them into dust. The power of the device is 180 W. The cost of the Bosch MKM 6003 rotary coffee grinder is 1,036 rubles.


  • Compactness;
  • Ease of use;
  • Modern design;
  • Minimum noise level;
  • Acceptable price;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Powerful motor;
  • Stainless steel grinding bowl;
  • Durable;
  • Grinds everything;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Reliability;
  • Grinds not only coffee, but also other products;
  • Grinding quality.


  • There is no device for winding the cord;
  • Inconvenient to clean;
  • The cover is not fixed to the body;
  • Short cord;
  • Coffee spills a little from the lid;
  • Not automatic;
  • With frequent grinding, the knife quickly becomes dull, which provokes its failure;
  • Fixed bowl.

The material for the manufacture of this model was stainless steel. The device is equipped with a removable coffee tank. The coffee grinder is controlled mechanically. The manufacturer provides for adjusting the degree of grinding, of which there are as many as 5 in this device. The dosage of portions is made at the rate of 2, 4, 8 or 12. The lid and body are made of plastic, and the equipment also has rubberized feet. Power consumption is 270 W. The dimensions of this device are 11x22x14 cm and weight is 1.18 kg. The cost of the Bork J700 rotary coffee grinder is 2,770 rubles.


  • Large coffee tank;
  • Automatic shutdown system;
  • Stainless steel;
  • Power;
  • Easy to use;
  • Convenience;
  • Safety;
  • Durable parts;
  • Quality;
  • Reliability;
  • Versatility;
  • Functionality.


  • Coffee may spill during operation of the equipment;
  • High price;
  • High noise level.

The model of this manufacturer is very popular among our compatriots. Its average performance exceeds the category average. The power of the device is 130 W, and the capacity is 70 grams. The cost of the Vitek VT-1542 rotary coffee grinder is 1,100 rubles.


  • Ease of use;
  • Fast grinding;
  • Compactness;
  • Stylish design;
  • Stainless steel body;
  • Stands firmly on the table thanks to the rubberized stand;
  • Safety;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Quality;
  • Reliability;
  • Durability;
  • Protection function against accidental activation;
  • Uniform grinding;
  • You can grind more than just coffee;
  • There is a lid fixation.


  • Short cord;
  • Large grains remain that have to be fished out of the cup;
  • During grinding, you need to keep the lid on at all times;
  • Coffee doesn't shake out well;
  • There is an inconvenient button on the lid;
  • No brush;
  • The knife may fly off during use;
  • There is no dispenser;
  • No overheat protection.


The manufacturer of this coffee grinder equipped the product with a metal body and a removable coffee container. The knife and container are made of stainless steel. The transparent lid allows you to monitor the grinding process. The power of the equipment is 180 W. The capacity of the product is 40 grams. The dimensions of this device are 10.8x18.8x9.7 cm, and the weight is 0.75 kg. The cost of the SCARLETT SC-4245 rotary coffee grinder is 1,010 rubles.



  • Budget price;
  • Compactness;
  • Efficiency;
  • Stylish design;
  • Easy to clean;
  • Can be easily disassembled;
  • Quality;
  • Coffee grinding speed;
  • Stainless steel knives;
  • Convenient rewinding of the power cord;
  • You can grind not only coffee, but also sugar.


  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor during use;
  • Short wire;
  • High noise level.

Features of choosing an electric millstone model

Such coffee grinders will differ significantly from rotary ones, because they are equipped with separate containers for whole beans and ground products. When falling asleep, the grains fall between the millstones under the influence of gravity, after which they are crushed and ground into powder. The millstones are distinguished by their flat shape. They are installed parallel to each other. The gap between them can be completely adjusted. The planes of the millstones are crowned with special notches. The ground coffee is poured into the container located below. Models with conical burrs are much quieter, but slower. During their operation, overheating is completely excluded. The cost of such products is much higher.

The material used has a huge impact on the taste of the coffee drink and the durability of the product itself. It can be used as:

  • Hardened stainless steel;
  • Hardened steel with titanium coating;
  • Ceramics.

Ceramics is considered an environmentally friendly and safe material, the resource of which is designed to process up to 1000 kg of grains. This material is not afraid of rust, and also does not tend to absorb various odors. An alloy of corundum with ceramics is quite rare, but this material is an ideal component for a millstone device. Models made of hardened steel with titanium coating are much more expensive than uncoated products. The service life of such a device is quite long, because the material is resistant to abrasion. Products made from stainless hardened steel can be called less expensive and durable. Metal millstones should not be rinsed with water, as they do not have an anti-corrosion coating. The advantage of this type of coffee grinder is the presence of a timer, dispenser and grinding fineness regulator. Such a device can be left to work on its own while the owner is setting up the coffee maker.

TOP burr electric coffee grinders

The differences between burr coffee grinders are quite large, so it is worth looking at each of the models popular among our compatriots in more detail.

Any product from this manufacturer has bright and stylish packaging. The coffee grinder kit includes a device base, a container for coffee beans equipped with a lid, a container for ground products that closes quite hermetically, and fasteners for filter element holders. The front panel is equipped with a bright display with three control buttons:

  • Start grinding;
  • Regulator of the quantity of ground products;
  • Button for setting portions.

Coffee grinder capacity 450 grams. The power of the equipment is 165 W. The dimensions of the product are 15.5x39x20 cm, and the weight is 2.8 kg. The cost of the BORK J801 burr coffee grinder is 2,770 rubles.


  • Steel body;
  • 25 grinding levels;
  • Informative display;
  • Removable tray;
  • Stability is ensured by rubberized legs;
  • Conical millstones;
  • Stylish design;
  • Build quality;
  • Professional characteristics.


  • High price;
  • It is difficult to cope with grinding unroasted beans;
  • The weight of the ground coffee is not displayed;
  • The grinding amount is set on a relative scale;
  • Non-repairable.

This coffee grinder will allow you to grind beans using millstones efficiently and quickly, while maintaining the smell of natural coffee. The 110 W motor is quite powerful and reliable. The transparent, removable tank for ground coffee allows you to visually assess the quality of the grind. When the ground coffee or bean container is removed, the device stops working immediately. This provides protection against accidental activation. The black plastic body with steel elements gives the product a stylish and attractive look. To facilitate cleaning of the device, the coffee grinder can be easily disassembled. In addition, to facilitate the care of the equipment, the set includes a small brush. The dimensions of this product are 26x13x16 cm, and the weight is 1,700 grams. The cost of the Delonghi KG 89 burr coffee grinder is 3,867 rubles.


  • Blocking work with a removed container;
  • Stylish design;
  • Metal body;
  • Many levels of grinding;
  • Simplicity and ease of use;
  • Reliability;
  • Safety;
  • Durability;
  • Quality;
  • Sealed tank for coffee beans;
  • Compactness;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Possibility of repair and modernization.


  • Instability of the amount of fine grinding;
  • The coffee powder wakes up.


The German manufacturer offers only high-quality products. This coffee grinder model has a stylish design that will look harmonious in any kitchen. The motor power of this equipment is 150 W. The grinding can be adjusted according to the user's wishes. There are 12 grinding levels. The device’s solid capacity of 220 grams will please many coffee lovers. The coffee grinder is equipped with a dispenser and a container for ground coffee. The dimensions of the product are 14x29.5x18.5 cm. The cost of the ROMMELSBACHER EKM 300 burr coffee grinder is 7,974 rubles.



  • 12 grinding levels;
  • Removable container for coffee beans;
  • Grinding uniformity;
  • Long power cord;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Micro-optical adjustment of the degree of product grinding;
  • Stylish design;
  • Compactness;
  • Build quality;
  • Does not “burn” grains;
  • Ease of use;
  • Coffee does not spill when removing the container from the device.


  • Loud noise at maximum load;
  • Grinding is not suitable for all types of coffee machines;
  • High price;
  • Questionable quality of plastic;
  • Nebula instruction manual.

Choosing a manual coffee grinder

Handmade models of these products fit perfectly into the interior of any kitchen. They are not demanding on the availability of electricity. Millstones for a manual coffee grinder can be made of cast iron, steel or ceramic. The body of the device can be made of wood, ceramic or metal. The most convenient coffee grinders are considered to be those with a side handle. In contrast, coffee grinders with a handle on top provide less comfort during use. The disadvantage of grinding coffee this way can be a high probability of overheating and the appearance of an unpleasant burnt taste in the ground product, but real coffee lovers prefer only manual grinding.

TOP manual coffee grinders

Choosing such a product is always an exciting event. Every little detail is important here: from the design of the product to the material of manufacture. To understand this issue in more detail, it is worth considering the most popular models among our compatriots.

The manufacturer managed to embody functionality and aesthetic appeal in a product made of natural wood, decorated with metal inserts. The equipment is equipped with a special internal mechanism, due to which grinding is carried out. The handle of the product is located at the top. Its dimensions are 12x12x17, and its weight is 0.565 kg. The device is manufactured in China, but this does not at all affect the high quality and functionality of the device. The cost of the Mayer&Boch 2316 manual coffee grinder is 1,107 rubles.

The surface of the product is easy to damage;

  • Enough for a couple of cups of espresso.
  • Silampos Stellar

    The Portuguese manufacturer offers consumers a stylish manual coffee grinder made in high-tech style. The set includes a stylish stainless steel spoon. An aluminum disc is encapsulated between the bottom of the pan and a stainless steel protective shell under a pressure of 1500 tons. The dimensions of the product are 10x4.5x2.5 cm. This device will be an excellent gift for all coffee lovers. The cost of the Silampos Stellar manual coffee grinder is 3990 rubles.

    Silampos Stellar


    • Collapsible body;
    • The set includes a steel spoon;
    • Stylish design;
    • You can adjust the degree of grinding of coffee beans;
    • The product is made in high-tech style;
    • Easy to clean;
    • Safety;
    • Compactness.


    • High price.

    This coffee grinder is made of ceramic and wood. The product is decorated with a bright pattern that combines aesthetics and functionality. The internal mechanism of the product is ceramic. In addition, it is possible to adjust the grinding. The size of the device is 20x15x13 cm, and the weight is 1.115 kg. The cost of a manual coffee grinder Bekker BK-2517 is 1,000 rubles.


    • Attractive design;
    • Stylish design;
    • Porcelain millstones and body;
    • There is an adjustment for grinding coffee beans;
    • Reasonable cost;
    • Convenience;
    • Functionality;
    • Safety.


    • Fragile body material;
    • Creaks;
    • Small compartment for ground coffee;
    • Presence of metal dust;
    • Takes up a lot of space;
    • Low productivity;
    • Not suitable for spices.

    We reviewed the most popular models of coffee bean grinding products among our compatriots. Such products have been valued among coffee connoisseurs for a long time. If you have experience using the coffee grinders listed in the rating, or a more interesting model, share your opinion in the comments.

    There are two types of coffee grinders on sale: electric and manual. If home owners attach importance to design when choosing kitchen utensils, the ritual of making coffee is not strictly limited in time, and the requirements for grinding quality are high, then a manual coffee grinder is an excellent option. Electrical devices are faster and more efficient, but are dependent on the availability of electricity.

    General criteria for choosing coffee grinders

    When deciding which coffee grinder to choose, you need to answer a few questions:

    • how often is coffee prepared in the house, or more precisely, how many cups are brewed per day;
    • what drink the household prefer: Turkish, espresso or Americano - the required degree of grinding depends on this;
    • For what type of coffee maker do you need to prepare ground coffee?

    If 25–35 g of ground coffee is enough in the morning (for 3–4 cups of the finished drink), and large groups of friends do not come, then a coffee grinder with a small container for beans is enough.

    An inexpensive coffee grinder without special requirements for particle size uniformity is suitable for preparing coffee in a Turk (cezve). In this case, you can purchase a rotary coffee grinder. If the house has an electric coffee maker of carob, drip, geyser type or a semi-automatic coffee machine, you need a burr type coffee grinder, manual or electric - a matter of taste.

    A universal option that is suitable in any situation is a coffee grinder with adjustable grinding degree.

    Types of electric coffee grinders:

    • rotary (knife);
    • millstones

    How to choose a rotary (blade) coffee grinder

    Rotary or knife grinders are electric coffee grinders with one container that serves both whole beans and ground product. Its volume, for different models, is designed for an amount of coffee from 40 to 120 g. A rotating knife is installed at the bottom of the bowl: in some models it is curved, but preferably a double one. The degree of grinding depends only on the duration of operation of the device, and the uniformity of particle size depends on the shape of the knife.

    A flat single knife grinds only some of the grains. To ensure more uniform grinding, you have to shake the device periodically. The double curved knife mixes the grain in volume and gets the job done faster.

    Each portion of powder contains large and small particles. This grinding quality is acceptable for brewing in a Turk, French press or geyser coffee maker, but it is not suitable for carob coffee makers.

    The power of rotary models varies from 110 to 270 W. You should not strive for maximum values, as overheating is possible, which will cause the ground coffee to acquire a bitter taste. The optimal power indicator is 180 W.

    Table 1. Features of rotary coffee grinders of popular brands

    Model name, capacity (g) and power (W)Advantages that distinguish this model from othersFlaws
    Bosch MKM 6000/6003Sloping bottom of steel bowl; blocking the rotation of the knife when the cover is removed;

    stylish design

    No cord compartment
    Bork J700Stainless steel housing;

    5 degrees of grinding fineness;

    presence of a timer;

    overheat protection;

    there is a compartment for the cord;

    the presence of a dispenser: the ability to grind coffee for a certain number of cups.

    No blocking of operation with the cover removed
    CASO COFFEE & KITCHEN FLAVORtwo replaceable bowls;

    blocking operation with the cover removed

    one of the two bowls is used for grinding crackers, nuts and other products

    Uneven grinding
    Vitek VT-1542stainless steel bowl and knife;

    adjustment of grinding fineness;

    automatic shutdown

    Short cord;

    uneven grinding

    SCARLETT SC-4245Metal body, stainless steel knives;

    pulse mode – overheat protection:

    removable bowl

    Poor grinding quality - no particle size adjustment

    According to customer reviews, the best coffee grinder for home in the rotary class is Bosch MKM 6000/6003. It has no additional functions, a plastic case, but for its intended use it is convenient and reliable. Also attractive is the reasonable price/quality ratio.

    How to choose an electric burr coffee grinder

    Electric burr coffee grinders differ from rotary (blade) coffee grinders in their operating principle. Such devices are equipped with a receiving hopper for whole beans and a container for ground coffee. Grains poured into the receiving hopper, under the influence of gravity, fall between the millstones, where they are crushed and ground into powder.

    Flat millstones are installed parallel to each other with an adjustable gap. A special notch is applied on the planes in contact with each other. The millstones rotate at high speed and grind the grains until the formation of grains smaller than the distance between the working planes. The ground coffee is poured down into a plastic container.

    Conical millstones are two cones with a toothed surface, one of them is inserted inside the other. The outer cone is stationary, while the inner one rotates. The beans move down, and the coffee, ground to a given particle size, ends up in a collection of the finished product.

    Models of coffee grinders with conical burrs are much quieter, although slower, than with flat ones, but the possibility of overheating the beans is eliminated. Such models are more expensive, but if you need to grind beans efficiently, it is better to choose a coffee grinder with conical burrs. Precision devices with a micrometric mechanism for adjusting the grinding fineness are especially valued.

    The material from which the millstones are made has a great influence on the taste of the drink and the durability of the coffee grinder. There are products in the manufacture of which the following is used:

    • stainless hardened steel - millstones made from it last a long time, but are less resistant to abrasion than cast iron. It is not recommended to wash metal millstones with water; they are susceptible to corrosion;
    • Hardened steel with titanium coating, millstones made of this material will last longer and are more resistant to abrasion. But models with such millstones are much more expensive than those without coating;
    • ceramics is a durable and environmentally friendly material, the resource of which is designed for grinding up to 1000 kg of grains. An alloy of ceramics with corundum is an ideal option; it is very rarely found on sale. The material is not afraid of rust and does not absorb any foreign odors.

    Electric burr coffee grinders are more productive and the quality of grinding is higher than that of rotary coffee grinders: you can set a certain particle size of ground coffee, suitable for preparing drinks according to a particular recipe. The presence of a timer, grind fineness regulator and dispenser in the coffee grinder allows you to leave the device turned on and, in the meantime, start servicing the coffee maker. Whereas when a rotary coffee grinder is operating, you need to hold the power button pressed and monitor the degree of grinding.

    Table 2. Features of electric burr coffee grinders of various brands

    How to choose a manual coffee grinder for your home

    The operating principle of this type of coffee grinder is the same as that of electric millstone models, however, manual devices do not depend on the vagaries of the electrical network. Manual coffee grinders in artistic design will harmoniously fit into the interior of the kitchen, made in any style.

    Manual coffee grinder - long but reliable

    Millstones can be made of steel, ceramics, cast iron. Cast iron millstones are durable and inexpensive, designed to process up to 500 kg of coffee beans.

    The cases are made of wood, metal or ceramics (porcelain). When choosing a model, you should pay attention to the location of the handle. It is easier to use if the handle is on the side than when it is attached to the top.

    It takes more time to grind the beans than when using an electric coffee grinder, but the possibility of overheating the coffee and causing an unpleasant aftertaste is eliminated. True coffee connoisseurs prefer only hand grinding.

    Table 3. Features of manual coffee grinders of different brands

    This means the purity and balance of the drink. Choosing a good coffee grinder is not easy: you need to decide on the type of millstone, its material, diameter and purpose. We have compiled a guide that will help you travel this path faster.

    The text will talk about automatic coffee grinders for home and professional use, for example, for coffee shops. We will not consider manual coffee grinders in this article, but much of what is written below is also true for them.

    Why is a coffee grinder so important?

    The main task of a coffee grinder is to grind the most homogeneous coffee, in which all the particles are as close in size to each other as possible.

    If the grinding fractions differ greatly in size, then water will dissolve more substances from small particles, and less from large ones. The result is a cup that is both unbalanced and tasteless.

    The ability to grind uniform fractions is the most important parameter by which you should choose a coffee grinder. However, do not forget about other characteristics: performance, purpose, ease of use.

    So, let’s look at the main differences between coffee grinders.

    Millstone type

    It is the type of millstone that determines the uniformity of grinding, as well as the speed of the coffee grinder, the degree of heating and clumping of coffee.

    Blade coffee grinders - the simplest type of coffee grinder. They consist of a chamber inside which the knives rotate at high speed.

    The device is in many ways reminiscent of a blender and is not suitable for any of the cooking methods, because it produces extremely uneven grinding. We will not dwell on this type of millstone, but simply remind you that this is the worst choice for making delicious coffee.

    Flat millstones cutting grain.

    Flat burrs used in the Mahlkoenig EK43 coffee grinder

    To do this, they have three types of cutting surfaces. The first stage crushes the grains entering the coffee grinder path. The second grinds large coffee particles after crushing. The third stage “cuts” the coffee particles to the required fraction, after which the coffee enters either the outlet channel or a special container.

    Scheme of operation of flat millstones

    Conical millstones They break the grains to a greater extent by squeezing rather than cutting.

    Conical burrs used in the Mazzer Kony coffee grinder

    When the lower millstone rotates, the grains are sent through screw cutouts onto a row of teeth. They, in turn, grind the grains to the required size.

    Scheme of operation of conical millstones

    A flat burr grinder grinds coffee more evenly than a conical burr grinder.

    The green line is the Mazzer Super Jolly coffee grinder with flat burrs, the red and blue lines are the Mazzer Robur and Macap MXK with conical burrs. The sharper the graph, the more uniform the grind

    What is the difference between flat and conical millstones?

    On the left is a Mazzer Kony coffee grinder with conical burrs, and on the right is a Mahlkoenig K30 with flat burrs

    Flat burrs grind coffee more evenly, resulting in better-tasting coffee. However, there is also a significant disadvantage: a coffee grinder with flat burrs has lower productivity. The millstones rotate faster, causing the grind to heat up. Heating the grind too much has several negative consequences: the aroma quickly evaporates, the taste deteriorates and the stability of the preparation decreases.

    Conical burrs produce a slightly less uniform grind. This type of coffee grinder is more barista-friendly when setting up espresso, since due to a wider range of fractions, the influence of the environment on the grind is reduced, which means that you will have to adjust the grind less often during the day. Coffee grinders of this type have higher productivity at a millstone rotation speed that is half as low. As a result, the grinding heats up less.

    What materials are millstones made from?

    The material of the millstones determines how long the coffee grinder will produce grinds of the same quality, as well as the amount of coffee dust in the grind.

    Ceramic millstones They hardly become dull, which means they can last longer. However, this is a fragile material, so there is a risk that the millstones will break if hit by a hard foreign object. In addition, ceramic millstones produce significantly more fine fractions, which means it is more difficult to get delicious coffee with them.

    Ceramic burrs used in the Baratza Vario coffee grinder

    The main reason for the popularity of ceramic burrs among equipment manufacturers is their relatively low price.

    Steel millstones come in different qualities. Over time, metal burrs become dull, causing poor grind quality, heating up the grind, and reducing grinder performance. To increase the wear resistance of millstones, they are sometimes coated with titanium or tungsten carbide.

    Steel flat burrs inside the Mahlkoenig EK43 coffee grinder

    Such millstones are more expensive, but they will have to be changed much less frequently: while steel millstones are recommended to be changed every 500-1000 kg, depending on the productivity of the coffee grinder, then coated millstones remain sharp about 3 times longer.

    Should you choose a coffee grinder with steel or ceramic burrs?

    Millstone diameter

    Baratza Encore conical burrs on the left, Mazzer Kony on the right

    The diameter of the millstones determines the speed, uniformity and temperature of grinding. If the burrs overheat, coffee particles become baked into the grinder, resulting in a burnt taste in the cup. Moreover, the barista often has to adjust the grinding, since due to the expansion of the metal, the size of the fractions also changes.

    Remains of ground baked coffee inside the Mahlkoenig EK43 coffee grinder

    The larger the diameter of the millstones, the higher the grinding speed, the lower the likelihood of overheating of the millstones and the more uniform the grinding.

    The diameter of the millstones also determines the clumping of coffee, which negatively affects extraction. Clumping is more common on small-diameter flat burrs and is less common on conical burrs or large-diameter flat burrs.

    What diameter of burrs should I choose a coffee grinder with?

    Depends on what performance you need. For a home or establishment with a small flow of guests, the diameter of the millstones may be small, but when working on a flow, a large diameter is simply necessary.

    Espresso coffee grinders

    Espresso coffee grinders are “sharpened” for fine grinding and are often equipped with a special holder for the holder. These coffee grinders come in two types.

    With hopper for ground coffee. Such a bunker is convenient if the productivity of the coffee grinder is not very high, and the flow of guests is high. In this case, you can grind the coffee into the hopper in advance and then pour it into the holder in a second.

    When pouring coffee into the holder, the blades inside such a hopper additionally break up lumps in the ground coffee.

    The obvious disadvantage is the oxidation of coffee and the instability of preparation, since the time from grinding to preparation will always vary.

    Compak K3 coffee grinder with ground coffee hopper

    With direct grinding into a holder. This type of coffee grinder has an obvious advantage: the coffee is ground into each serving and does not oxidize. Often these coffee grinders have a built-in timer that helps you dose the coffee.

    However, there are also disadvantages: with a low productivity of the coffee grinder, a standard portion of 18 grams of coffee can be ground in up to 15 seconds, which is quite slow. Another disadvantage is the high probability that the grind will clump.

    Direct grind coffee grinder grinds coffee directly into the holder

    In most cases, a coffee grinder with direct grinding into a holder and a timer is preferable. If we are talking about a small-capacity coffee grinder that grinds coffee slowly, then a hopper for ground coffee can be convenient.

    Coffee grinders for alternative brewing methods

    In an alternative coffee grinder it is easy to grind coarse beans without coffee dust. They do not have a holder for a coffee holder, but they do have a removable hopper for ground coffee or special mounts for a measuring cup or bag.

    Mahlkoenig EK43 coffee grinder designed for alternative brewing methods

    What else to pay attention to

    Overheat protection. The temperature of the millstones determines the size of the grinding fractions, the taste in the cup and the stability of preparation, so many manufacturers strive to stabilize the temperature of the millstones.

    The more the millstones heat up, the more the metal expands, which means the grinding fractions decrease. In addition, highly heated millstones “bake” the coffee during grinding and it loses some of its taste, becoming flatter and bitter.

    Temperature stability is especially important when preparing espresso, as heating can increase the brewing time of the espresso by 3-5 seconds, which will greatly affect the taste.

    Cooling cooler mesh for the Mazzer Kony model

    A coffee grinder with motor or burr cooling coolers does not allow these parts to heat above a certain temperature.

    In addition to cooling, there are coffee grinders with heated burrs, which make it easier to adjust the grind at the beginning of a shift or after long breaks in preparation.

    Nuova Simonelli coffee grinders with millstone heating element

    If you make espresso at home, in a establishment with a small number of guests, or use a coffee grinder to brew coffee using alternative methods, then you do not need to worry about the thermoregulation system. If you have a large flow of guests, it is better to purchase a coffee grinder with coolers for cooling the millstones. If the flow of guests is not stable, but the quality of preparation is of great importance to you, we recommend choosing coffee grinders with cooling and heating.

    Remains of ground coffee inside. In many coffee grinders, a small amount of ground coffee remains in the channel between the burrs and the outlet of the grinder. This can greatly affect the taste of the drink.

    This problem affects coffee grinders whose burrs are located horizontally. After the millstones stop, part of the grinding remains in the channel and does not fall out until the next portion begins to be ground. All this time, the remaining coffee oxidizes and inevitably affects the taste of the next cup.

    According to our observations, in a Mazzer Kony coffee grinder with conical burrs, about 10 grams of coffee remains in this channel. If you make coffee from 18 grams, then more than half the serving is old coffee. We recommend grinding one additional coffee if you brewed the coffee more than an hour ago. This will help freshen up the grind and create a really tasty cup.

    Coffee grinders with inclined or vertical millstones are practically free of this problem.

    Micrometric grind setting on a Mazzer Kony coffee grinder

    Grinding adjustment type. They are divided into two main types: micrometric and stepwise. Micrometric type of adjustment means smooth. With this type, the grind can be changed by moving the millstones literally by a few microns. The step-by-step adjustment type means that the millstones move in specified steps. A micrometric grind setting is better for espresso, especially if it's a flat burr grinder.

    Step-by-step grind settings on a Cunill Tranquilo Tron coffee grinder

    For an alternative coffee grinder, the type of adjustment is not so important, since coarse grinding is used.

    Automatic dosage. Often, coffee grinders can be programmed to produce a specific dosage of coffee. This is especially convenient on espresso coffee grinders, but it is also useful on filter coffee grinders.

    Dosage setting panel for the Mazzer Kony coffee grinder

    Usually the dosage works on a timer. This is an inexpensive and fairly effective solution, but it also has a significant drawback - due to the different densities of different types of grains, different weights will be ground at the same time. This means you will have to reconfigure the values ​​every time you change the type of coffee or even for every new package.

    Another, more accurate and more expensive solution is built-in scales.

    The main thing about how to choose a coffee grinder

    The coffee grinder affects the taste of the coffee even more than the coffee machine, so you should try to choose the best coffee grinder within your capabilities.

    1. For making espresso Look for coffee grinders with a micrometric grinding adjustment system, a holder holder, direct grinding into the holder and dosage options.
    2. To prepare an alternative you need to choose a coffee grinder depending on the expected workload and your capabilities.

    It is better to choose coffee grinders with large diameter steel burrs and cooling, but these grinders may be too expensive.

    Surprisingly, the price of a coffee grinder reflects its quality quite well. Therefore, we recommend choosing the most expensive coffee grinder available to you.
