Bell chicken made from salt dough for children. Salted dough chicken. Violette curd cheese: a trendy and healthy breakfast

We will need:

for salt dough:

flour - 2 cups;
salt - 1 glass;
water - 3/4 cup;

for crafts:
salty dough;
plastic knife;
toothpicks or sticks;
colorful paints

1. Knead soft and elastic salted dough. We form 2 balls: a small one for the head and a large one for the body of the chicken. Then we roll up 2 more parts: the neck and legs.

2. Roll up a thin strip and cut it with a plastic knife so that you get a fringe. It corresponds to the feathers that we attach in several rows to the neck of our bird.

3. We form an oval, squeeze it and attach it to the body as a wing.

4. We make a comb with a beak and install them in the appropriate places on the chicken’s head. Use a toothpick to make a hole on the head for the eye.

5. Form a small cone for the ponytail and attach it to the body. Leave the mother hen to dry.

6. By analogy, roll balls for the body and head of the chicks. We will not make a neck with feathers. We form the legs, wings and tails of the chickens.

7. Paint the head and body of the chicken orange.

8. Paint the wing and feathers yellow, the rest of the details red.

The master class was conducted by Olga Sitnikova.

How much time do we spend in the kitchen? According to the latest scientific research - eighteen days a year, or about three years of your entire life. This is a general average figure typical for Western Europe. They are accustomed to minimizing domestic work, and the culture of eating outside the home is considered the norm. We, the heirs of the USSR, should add another couple of years on top. Especially if we combine the kitchen with an impromptu creative workshop.

This is the center of our home universe. We come here inspired, in the mood for an artistic “exhalation.” But, you must admit, standard cooking utensils decorating the walls are a weak motivator for a handmaker. Something else is required. Something pleasing to the eye, putting you in a creative mood, helping to bring ideas to life. At the same time, something suitable for the kitchen environment. Maybe a miniature Ryaba chicken made from salt dough?

choux salty dough;
acrylic paints (can be replaced with oil or gouache);
sponge (or a piece of regular foam sponge);
cocktail straw;
food foil;
nail scissors and a large “gypsy” needle as a stack.

Recipe for choux pastry.

Flour (2 cups), salt (1 cup), water (2 cups), sunflower oil (1 tablespoon), citric acid (1 tablespoon). Mix all dry ingredients (flour, salt, citric acid). Heat water and sunflower oil in a saucepan almost to a boil (until the first bubbles appear), remove from heat and immediately pour into a container with the dry mixture, mix everything vigorously with a fork or mixer.

When the mixture has cooled slightly, knead with your hands. The dough should be soft, homogeneous, smooth. Thanks to citric acid, which acts as a preservative, it can be stored for quite a long time even at room temperature (tightly wrapped in a plastic bag).

How to make chicken from salt dough.

Figurine modeling. We crumple the food foil into a lump approximately the size of a chicken egg - we prepare the basis for the body, neck and head of the future Ryaba.


Roll out a voluminous flat cake from choux salted dough (can be replaced with cold porcelain or any plastic polymer clay), place it on the base. We smooth out the seams.


From a small teardrop-shaped piece of dough we form a chicken beak. Having slightly moistened the wide part with water, apply it to the head and press. Use a stack to press the grooves along the beak, with the nostrils on top.


We place a plump “pancake” of modeling mass on the top of the chicken’s head and form a comb.


We fit a small drop of dough under the beak, cut it vertically with nail scissors and round off the sharp edges with a stack - the “earrings” are ready.


Detailing and invoicing. For the tail, roll out a triangular piece of dough. We adapt it to the chicken’s body like a tent.


Moisten the joint with water and smooth the seams thoroughly. We cut the feathers with nail scissors.


Using the same principle, we make wings: we apply semicircular pieces of dough perpendicular to the body, use scissors to form feathers and carefully lay the finished wings, pressing them to the chicken sides.


We wet the seams and iron them. Use the round end of the brush handle to press through the eye sockets.


At the same time, carefully lift the dough shell from the inside and form the chicken cheeks.


Roll two small balls from the modeling mixture, place them in the eye sockets, and press lightly on top. So that the dough fills the indentations well.


The final step is imitation of feather cover. We will need a plastic cocktail straw, preferably with an oblique cut. Methodically sticking a simple tool into the dough, we leave many symmetrical horseshoe marks on Ryaba’s body.


With the sharp end of a stacking needle, we pass along the perimeter of the orbit (at the border with the eyeball), leaving a trace of deep punctures. Having completed the invoicing procedure, we send the chicken to dry in the oven (set the minimum temperature, leave the door ajar). The dried dough becomes white, hard and even translucent.

Painting and decoration. The chicken is ready for painting. We dilute black acrylic paint with water (do not overdo it - too much liquid can soak the dough and ruin the work). Take a soft, medium-sized brush and quickly and confidently apply the first dark tone. We try not to miss a single notch or recess.

When finished, lightly dry the figure in the air, and then carefully wipe off the paint from all protruding parts with a damp textile cloth (we do this without strong pressure, otherwise we risk smoothing or damaging the textured pattern on the moistened dough). Our chicken turned from a colorless laying hen into a real Ryaba.


We dip the sponge into white paint, blot off the excess and use a semi-dry tool to go over the wings, tail, neck, chest, beak and crest with short pokes.


Highlighted areas will highlight the texture. In addition, subsequent color layers - purple and yellow - will fit better on them. Apply them with a semi-dry sponge.

We cover the beak with purple paint. We paint the comb and “earrings” with a brush, using a dark red (carmine) color. We lightly go over the top with a dry brush and black paint, clarifying the contours. Cover the eyeballs with a thick white layer. Use a thin liner to draw black pupils. The closer they are shifted to the bridge of the nose, the more comical the bird’s appearance.


Well, the chicken is ready (if desired, you can additionally coat the figure with varnish). All that remains is to place her in a nest made of raffia or sisal, and figure out in which part of the kitchen to build an impromptu chicken coop.

Take note: Nests with such chickens look great on glass jars or glasses. Especially if you fill transparent containers with eggs - real quail and/or artificial decorative ones.

In this case, the composition takes on a bright Easter character and may well serve as an element of holiday table decor. And the rest of the time it will simply please the eye, evoke a spontaneous smile and put you in a creative mood. May inspiration always accompany you!

Chef Josh Eggleton, who transformed the 200-year-old Pony & Trap from a country pub into a Michelin-starred gastronomic landmark, teaches how to cook British classics. He shares recipes for pies that appeared in England back in the 18th-19th centuries.

Pork pie

Melton Mowbray Pork Pie is the official name of Britain's most famous classic mince pie. Melton Mowbray is a town in Leicestershire where this famous pie was invented. Already at the end of the 18th century, Melton Mowbray pies began to be especially popular among fox hunters. Now the official name (as well as the traditional pie recipe) is protected by the European Protected Designation Law. And only products manufactured in a certain area around the city of Melton Mowbray have the right to it.

To prepare a pie with a diameter of 15 cm you will need:


  • 500 g pork shoulder or loin without skin, cut into 1 cm cubes
  • 400 ml brine
  • 100 g minced pork belly or minced pork
  • 100g smoked bacon, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh sage, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh thyme leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp. no top (or less) freshly ground black pepper
  • ½ tsp. ground cloves
  • ½ tsp. ground nutmeg (or nutmeg)
  • ½ tsp. salt


  • 25 g butter, cut into cubes + for greasing the pan
  • 75 g rendered lard (lard)
  • 100 ml water
  • 225 g sifted flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 egg + 1 egg for brushing the pie


  • 125 ml cider
  • 125 ml pork broth
  • 6 g leaf gelatin

Place the pork cubes in a bowl and cover with brine. Mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 30 minutes to marinate the meat properly. Then rinse it in cold running water and dry it on a kitchen towel. To prepare the dough, place butter and lard in a small saucepan and add water. Heat until the butter and lard have melted, but do not bring to a boil. Combine flour and salt in a bowl, add egg and mix. Pour in the melted butter and lard and knead the dough. If there is not enough flour, add a little more so that the dough is smooth and does not stick to your hands. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. In a large bowl, combine rinsed and dried pork cubes, ground meat or ground meat, bacon, herbs, spices and salt. Mix everything thoroughly and set aside for a while. Preheat oven to 180°C. Generously butter a 15cm baking dish with a removable bottom. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and cut a quarter of it - from this piece we will make the top of the pie. Roll out a larger piece of dough on a floured surface into a circle 25 cm in diameter and 5-8 mm thick. Place the cake on the bottom of the baking pan, gently press the dough into the bottom and sides of the pan, leaving any excess around the edges. Place the filling in the pan, pressing the meat tightly. Roll out the reserved quarter of the dough into a flat cake and place it in the center of the pie on top of the filling. Moisten the free edges of the dough with water, bring them together with the edges of the cake and press the seams using the tines of a fork. Make a small hole in the center to allow steam to escape. Place the pie in the oven and bake for 25 minutes at 180°C. Then reduce the temperature to 160°C and bake for another 45 minutes. Remove the cake from the oven and remove from the pan. Using a pastry brush, brush it all over with raw egg and return to the oven for another 20 minutes until the crust is golden brown. Cool the finished pie on a baking rack. Combine the cider and pork stock in a small saucepan, bring to a boil over medium heat, allow half of the liquid to simmer, then remove from heat. Soak the gelatin sheets in a little cold water for 3 minutes, whisk until smooth, add to the cider and pork stock mixture and stir thoroughly - the sauce is ready. Pour the cooled sauce into the hole of the pie and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Make sure the pie is at room temperature before serving. Offer it with mustard and pickled cucumbers.

Shepherd's Pie

Shepherd's pie is a relative of "cottage pie," as the casserole that poor people used to make use of leftover roast meat and mashed potatoes began to be called in the late 18th century. Shepherd's pie appeared a century later. The slower and longer you cook the lamb, the more tender it will be. The perfect side dish for this traditional British dish is pickles in a spicy sauce.

For 4-6 servings you will need:

  • 600 g chopped lamb shoulder
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 40 g butter
  • 5 shallots, finely chopped
  • 3 carrots, peeled and diced
  • 3 stalks celery, diced
  • 1 tsp. fresh thyme leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp. fresh rosemary leaves, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • 3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
  • 500 ml dry red wine
  • 20 g sifted flour
  • 250 ml chicken broth
  • 8 waxy potatoes, peeled
  • 4 egg yolks
  • freshly ground black pepper

Place a large saucepan over high heat and brown the meat in vegetable oil in three batches. Place the lamb in a colander to drain excess fat. Rinse the pan and return to the heat. Melt 15 g of butter and saute all vegetables except garlic for 1 minute. Then add the herbs and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Place lamb, tomato paste and garlic in a saucepan. Simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Pour in the red wine and let the alcohol boil away - a quarter of the liquid should remain in the pan. Increase the heat and add flour to the pan. Continue cooking for another 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour in the chicken broth, bring to a boil, and then simmer the meat for 1-1.5 hours over low heat. Salt and season to taste. Cut the potatoes into halves. Place in a saucepan, cover with cold water, add salt, bring to a boil and simmer for about 30 minutes over low heat. Then drain in a colander and let dry thoroughly. Pure it, add the remaining butter, salt and season to taste. Cool slightly. Preheat oven to 200°C. Place the meat in a heatproof ceramic dish and spread it evenly over the bottom. Pour over the remaining meat sauce in the pan. Carefully stir the egg yolks into the mashed potatoes, place them on top of the meat and lightly beat the mashed potatoes with a fork. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Old English apple pie

Old English apple pie is very popular, thanks in large part to the bountiful apple harvest that the UK boasts every autumn. There are several ancient recipes - for example, created in the counties of Devonshire, Somerset and Dorset. I believe that a proper apple pie must be flavored with nutmeg. And these are the baked goods that only become tastier over time. The flavor of Old English apple pie develops to its fullest about a week after cooking.

To prepare 10-12 servings you will need:

  • 3 eggs
  • 450 g powdered sugar
  • 350 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 425 g wheat flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. soda
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 170 g raisins
  • 7 Granny Smith apples, peeled and cut into 1cm cubes
  • 115 g walnuts, chopped
  • butter for greasing molds

Preheat oven to 170°C. Spread butter and line 2 springform pie pans with a diameter of 20 cm with baking parchment. In the bowl of a mixer, using the paddle attachment, beat the eggs and powdered sugar until the mixture doubles in volume. Pour in the vegetable oil and mix at low mixer speed. Add vanilla extract. Sift together the flour, salt, baking soda and ground cinnamon and add to the egg mixture. Mix well. Sprinkle raisins, apples and walnuts with flour and also place in the mixer bowl. Stir again. Divide the resulting dough in half and place in the prepared pans. Bake in the oven for 1-1.5 hours, checking doneness with a metal skewer. Then remove the pies from the oven, cool for 5 minutes and remove from the pans. Cool completely on a wire rack.


Today I made Old English apple pie. Very tasty, easy to prepare and not expensive in time or price. I recommend!

I'll definitely try)

Comment on the article "3 classic English pies: chef's recipes"

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Toys in the kitchen-3 or: silicone and me!

Alina Rudenko

Program content: To develop coherent speech, thinking, and attention of children in the game “Find the Differences.” Continue to learn how to sculpt objects from several parts, correctly conveying the shape and their location. Use natural materials in your work, develop your imagination. To cultivate goodwill in children and a desire to help the game character - the chicken.

Materials for the lesson: For each child: yellow salt dough, working cardboard or modeling board, sunflower seeds for the beak, beads for the eyes, twigs for the legs. For the game “Find the Differences” - 2 pictures of chickens. For the game - staging the song “Chickens” - a chicken mask for an adult, chicken masks. Test composition: 1 cup flour, 1 cup salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, 0.5 cups of water. To obtain a yellow color, add gouache to the finished dough and mix thoroughly.

Progress of the lesson:

Give the children a riddle about chickens:

Yellow lumps squeak,

These are all sons and daughters

Mom clucks: Ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far!

Don't play hide and seek with your mom.

Children, who is she? ... (Chicks)

Invite children to look at 2 paintings about chickens, conduct them with children attention game "Find the differences". Give children the opportunity to find the answers themselves.

Ask the children what the mood of the chickens, of which there are many in the clearing, and of the chicken that is alone. In order for the chicken not to be sad, you need to make him friends.

Material for work is prepared on the tables.

The teacher invites the children to look at the chicken. Clarifies that the dough needs to be divided into 2 parts. One is larger for the body, the second is smaller for the head. Roll the dough for the body using circular movements of your hands. After this, place a piece of dough on cardboard or a modeling board and flatten it. Then we sculpt the chicken’s head and attach the legs from twigs. After this, we make the chicken a beak from a sunflower seed and eyes from small beads.

The guys get to work. The teacher provides individual assistance.

After the children have finished their work, the teacher offers to gather the chickens together in the clearing. Praise all children for their help.

In conclusion, invite all children to play a game - a dramatization of the song “Chickens” by the muses. Filippenko sl. Volgina. “Turning” into chickens:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we'll go for a walk now and now you won't

guys, but funny chickens. (The teacher is a chicken, the children are chickens. Wear masks. The adult sings and shows the movements, the children repeat.) You can play this game several times.

1. The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass,

And behind her are the boys,

Yellow chickens.

2. "Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far

Row your paws,

Look for grains!"

3. Ate a fat beetle


We drank some water

A complete mess.

We have such a wonderful clearing with chickens!

The interior of our group is decorated with children's works made of salty

test. Since not all the chickens fit in our clearing, we also ended up with individual work.

All the kids enjoy making dough crafts and look forward to new ones.
