Cinnamon - beneficial properties and contraindications of an aromatic spice. How cinnamon grows, its beneficial properties and contraindications

It is considered spicy, aromatic and famous all over the world, which has many advantages and some minor contraindications.

This material will tell you what benefits this oriental specific product provides, what it helps with, and what recipes it is used in.

What are the benefits of cinnamon for the body?

Originally, cinnamon is an evergreen tree belonging to the Laurel family, which is cultivated mainly in tropical regions. The composition of the plant includes such as, and, as well as,.

The calorie content of 5 g of ground product is approximately 20 calories. Energy value: proteins - 4 g, fats - 2 g, carbohydrates - 57 g.

Did you know? Cinnamon is one of the most ancient that humanity has learned about. It is mentioned in the Old Testament, in the part where Moses was supposed to use cinnamon spice in the sacred oil for anointing.

In order to obtain a well-known spicy product and release it for free sale, a thin layer of bark is cut from a grown two-year-old cinnamon tree and dried well, resulting in thin brown fragrant sticks, the benefits of which have long been proven in various areas of protecting human health:
  • . The product helps to significantly reduce;
  • . Heals, reduces acidity in the stomach, reduces pain, eliminates symptoms of flatulence;
  • . Cinnamon serves as a mild laxative and diuretic that relieves swelling, as well as a powerful antiseptic and stimulant;

Important! Before including spice in the diet of the expectant mother, it is necessary to consult a supervising doctor who will determine the required dosage of the spice in order to avoid harmful effects on the course of pregnancy.

  • cinnamon spice has strong antiseptic, tonic and stimulating properties that protect the body from harmful viruses and bacteria;
  • in complex therapy treats the gallbladder and;
  • can get rid of fungal infections on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • significantly reduces the risk of disease by reducing;
  • the spice normalizes the level of neurotransmitters and improves motor functions;
  • exhibits a toxic effect on malignant tumors, reduces the growth of cancer cells;
  • relieves pain from arthritis and osteoporosis;
  • helps reduce;
  • For children after three years of age, oriental spice is also useful, it improves, increases overall tone, and has a positive effect.

In addition to the listed advantages, it is worth noting the separate benefits of cinnamon for men. According to medical research, the famous oriental seasoning can improve erectile dysfunction, have a positive effect on the treatment of impotence, and also serve as a preventive measure against prostatitis.

For women, this product helps relieve severe

How to choose when purchasing

Before purchasing cinnamon, you should determine its authenticity, because the well-known aromatic product can not only be counterfeited, but also replaced with another product that is less rich in composition. Very often they pass off this as a necessary spice. Cassia (Indonesian cinnamon), which is made from the bark of a completely different type of tree and has completely different qualities that negatively affect the human body.

Real cinnamon spice can be easily distinguished from a fake by the following criteria:

  • genuine cinnamon sticks will always be more expensive, the packaging is often marked “Cinnamomum zeylonicum”, while the packaging of cassia is marked “Cinnamomum aromaticum”;
  • you should pay attention to the country of origin: better quality goods are usually supplied from Ceylon, and not from China or Indonesia;
  • do not choose ground oriental spices. The powder mixture is very easy to counterfeit;
  • the aroma of a real spice is soft, sweetish and warm, cassia will smell weaker, coarser and more cloying;
  • The color of the true product is usually uniform and light brown, the shade of cassia differs inside and outside and varies from burgundy brown to grayish brown.
After purchasing, you can easily check the authenticity of cinnamon spice at home; to do this, you need to drop a little iodine on a stick or powder. Cassia will turn a deep blue when tested this way, while real cinnamon will only turn a little blue.

How and where to store at home

Recipe 2.

Brew the juice of one, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon in a 1.5 liter container. The drink must be cooled naturally before drinking.

Recipe 3.

An ordinary tea leaves is poured into a tea cup, to which 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon is added and mixed thoroughly. You can drink this at any time of the day in unlimited quantities.

Important! It should be remembered that cinnamon can not only bring benefits, but in some individual cases it can also cause harm to the body. This happens rarely and mainly among people who overuse spice in their drink. Belching and stomach upset may occur after consuming excess amounts of cinnamon.

Home cosmetology recipes

In cosmetology, cinnamon spice is added to various masks to maintain beauty, and. Let's look at a few popular recipes.

For hair

The main benefit that cinnamon brings to the scalp is the cleansing of the sebaceous ducts of the scalp, the ability to quickly get rid of it, as well as reducing the death and loss of hair follicles.

Recipe 1. Strengthening and restoring mask with honey.

3 tbsp. spoons of cinnamon powder are mixed with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of liquid, then add 5 drops of essential cinnamon to the mixture and heat in a water bath. The mixture should be applied to clean and dry hair, and then put on a warm rubber cap and leave on your head for half an hour. It is recommended to use this mask 2 times a week, for a course of 1.5 months.

Recipe 2. Hair mask with cinnamon for lightening.

It is possible to lighten with oriental spice only those that have not been dyed. After this, the color of the cover can literally change by 2 or 3 tones, becoming brighter and lighter. To prepare this mask, you must use only a non-metallic container. Then:

  • Heat 2 tbsp in a water bath. spoons, which is then mixed with 3 tbsp. spoons of cinnamon powder;
  • 3 tbsp is added to the resulting mixture. spoons of hair balm;
  • The mixture is evenly applied to washed and slightly damp hair for 3-4 hours, the head is wrapped with film and a towel;
  • After the time has elapsed, the hair is thoroughly washed with room water, after which it is additionally rinsed with chamomile decoction, which should not be washed off afterwards.

For facial skin

Cinnamon also has a positive effect on the skin, depending on its type, you just need to turn to simple and popular recipes.

Recipe 1. Mask for drying out acne.

Mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon with 3 drops of oil of each of the following ingredients: bergamot, and. The mixture should be applied pointwise, only to inflamed areas, and held for about 7 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water.

Recipe 2. Scrub against oily shine and acne.

1 tbsp. thoroughly grind a spoon (medium thickness) with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. The mixture must be rubbed in a circular motion for at least 15 minutes, then rinsed with water at room temperature. You can use the recipe only 2-3 times a month.

Recipe 3. Mask against age spots.

A mixture of half mashed, a teaspoon, half a spoon of cinnamon powder, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice is applied to the cleansed facial skin. The mask is washed off with warm water after about 15 minutes.

Contraindications and harm

In addition to the positive aspects of using cinnamon in various areas, when using it, it is advisable to adhere to some precautions and take into account contraindications:

  1. You should not overuse the product - this can lead to contractions of the uterus and cause premature birth.
  2. In large quantities, spice can have a toxic effect on, cause severe headaches and general loss of energy.
  3. Do not use if there is bleeding or open wounds.
  4. The spice can worsen the condition of a patient with high body temperature.
  5. The product can cause individual intolerance.
It doesn’t matter at all where and in what dishes, cosmetic products add cinnamon, the main thing is that the overseas sticks will in any case enhance the spicy aroma, give a good mood and increase the vitality of the person using them.

Cinnamon can be called the spice of the elite, since in ancient times it was used exclusively during the preparation of dishes for crowned persons. The spice is obtained from the bark of cinnamon trees - trees of the Laurel family. It can be found on sale both in ground form and in the form of tubes (rolled pieces of bark).

In Russian, cinnamon got its name because of its brown color.

Cinnamomum verum is an evergreen cinnamon tree whose bark produces cinnamon. To obtain the spice, take the inner layer of tree bark.


Cinnamon trees are evergreen shrubs. Greenish cinnamon flowers have a rather unpleasant odor.

The fruits of the plant are purple berries. The leaves of the cinnamon tree are similar to bay leaves, but thinner and smaller.

Real or Ceylon cinnamon

The place where cinnamon trees of this species grow is not only Ceylon, but also Guiana, the island of Martinique, the states of Indonesia, Brazil, India and Malaysia. This cinnamon is valued higher than other types for its delicate smell and sweet taste. It is fragile.

In addition to Ceylon cinnamon, there are 3 more types that are much less valued.

Other types

Chinese (cassia)

It is also called fragrant, Indian or simple cinnamon. The well-known name for this type of seasoning is “cassia”. We wrote about it in detail in another article.

The trees from which this spice is extracted are grown in Indonesia, China, Laos, Cambodia and Burma. This spice has a less delicate aroma, it is sharper, tart and hot.


It is also called cinnamon. This cinnamon is obtained from a bush that is grown in Indonesia and the Moluccas Islands. It is very fragile, with graininess at the break, a pungent cinnamon smell, and also a rather spicy taste.


It is also called woody and brown. This cinnamon is extracted from the bark of trees growing in Burma and India. The difference between this spice and other types is its sharp bitter taste and dark brownish-brown color.

Where does it grow

The homeland of real cinnamon is Southern China. It is mentioned in Chinese writings dating back to 2800 BC. The taste of the spice was described by Pliny the Elder in the first century AD.

The highest quality cinnamon is produced in Sri Lanka - it has a warm, sweetish taste and a very pleasant aroma. This cinnamon is obtained from the thin bark of trees. Also, the production of this spice is established in such places and countries as Brazil, Egypt, Western India, Vietnam, the islands of Madagascar, Sumatra and Java.

Method of making spices

The bark is removed from cinnamon tree shoots that are less than three years old (usually shrubs about two meters high). Copper knives are used to obtain the bark, since cinnamon is rich in tannins that oxidize other metals.

The bark is harvested from the same tree twice a year. Usually the collection is carried out after the rainy period - at this time the bark is easier to remove and its aroma is higher.

The bark is cut into strips 1-2 centimeters wide and up to 30 centimeters long. The outer skin of these strips is scraped off, after which the inner part of the bark is sent to dry in a shady place, waiting for it to darken and curl into tubes. Ceylon spice has a very thin bark, so after drying the wall thickness of the tubes can be up to 1 mm. Before sale, the tubes are cut into pieces 5-10 centimeters long.

Not only the bark is extracted from the cinnamon tree, but also unripe fruits, which are called cinnamon “buds.” They are collected immediately after flowering. In appearance, these “buds” are similar to cloves. They are less aromatic, but have a sweet and rather mild odor. These “buds” are especially valued in India and China.

To learn how real Ceylon cinnamon is made, watch the following video.

How to choose and where to buy

  • Buy cinnamon powder in small quantities, as crushed spice quickly loses its aroma.
  • The sticks have a more persistent taste, but they are quite difficult to grind.
  • When choosing cinnamon powder, smell it - the aroma should be quite strong.
  • You can check whether you bought cinnamon or cassia using an iodine solution. This test will have almost no effect on cinnamon, but cassia will take on a dark blue color.


  • The Ceylon type of cinnamon has a delicate aroma, very unique.
  • The taste of the spice is slightly hot and sweet.
  • The structure of the seasoning is crumbly and not too dense.
  • It goes well with other tart and spicy seasonings.
  • You can add cinnamon to any dish that uses sugar.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 g of cinnamon contains:

Chemical composition

Valuable substances in the bark of cinnamon trees are:

  • essential oil (1-2%), consisting of cinnamaldehyde and tannins;
  • fatty acid;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • minerals;
  • mono and disaccharides;
  • vitamins.

Beneficial features

Ceylon cinnamon itself and the essential oil extracted from it have the following properties:

  • Strengthening blood supply and metabolic processes.
  • Resistance to cellulite.
  • Improvement of digestive processes.
  • Relief from flu and colds.
  • The warming effect makes the oil popular for massage.
  • Help with nausea, dizziness or fainting.
  • Eliminating bad breath.
  • Neutralization of poisons entering the body from insect bites.
  • Increased sexuality.
  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  • Help with asthenia, fears, depressive, melancholic and anxious moods.
  • Relief from seasickness.
  • Normalization of blood sugar levels.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Memory improvement.
  • Strong antioxidant effect.
  • Antimicrobial properties.

You can learn even more about cinnamon and its beneficial properties from the following video of the “1000 Little Things” program.


  • Chemotherapy of cancer.
  • Pregnancy (the spice stimulates uterine contractions).
  • Increased individual sensitivity.

If you want to use the spice externally, you must definitely mix it with a carrier oil.

Eating cassia is harmful to health. Buy only real Ceylon cinnamon. To learn how to distinguish cinnamon from cassia, read another article.

Aroma oil

Both the aroma and taste of the spice are associated with the aroma oil in its composition. The tree bark contains approximately 0.5-1% of this oil. You can extract aroma oil from the spice by grinding the bark - it is soaked in sea water and distilled. The resulting oil has a yellow-golden hue, a burning taste and a characteristic cinnamon odor. These characteristics are due to cinnamaldehyde, which is the main component of cinnamon aroma oil. Gradually, the oil oxidizes, its structure becomes more resinous, and its color becomes darker.


In cooking

Cinnamon bark is actively in demand in cooking:

  • It is added to candies, chocolate and various desserts.
  • Cinnamon sticks are used to prepare liquid dishes.
  • With the help of cinnamon you can get an unusual taste of kefir and yogurt.
  • The spice is added to marinades for meat, mushrooms or fruits.
  • The spice in crushed (ground) form is added to dough and main courses.
  • Cinnamon combined with sugar is often combined with cereals and fruits. It is especially often added to apple dishes.
  • The cooking of Transcaucasia and Central Asia involves adding this spice when cooking lamb, other meat or poultry.
  • This spice is included in various mixtures of dry seasonings.
  • Adding cinnamon helps flavor drinks such as punch, grog or liqueur.
  • Cinnamon goes well with salads made from carrots, spinach, young corn, and red cabbage.
  • This spice can be added to fruit soups that are served cold.
  • In England, cinnamon and sugar are sprinkled on crackers and served at tea parties.
  • The French love to bake cakes with cinnamon.
  • In some European countries, cinnamon is added to homemade beer.
  • Cinnamon rolls make a great addition to pumpkin or tomato soup.
  • Cinnamon goes great with coffee and cappuccino. You can stir the hot drink with a stick or sprinkle it with ground spices.
  • In Thai and Indian cooking, cinnamon leaves are added to curries.

Adding spices to dishes is recommended at the end of cooking to avoid the appearance of a bitter aftertaste. The average amount of cinnamon per dish will be 0.5-1 teaspoon. spoon per kilogram of product or liter of liquid, although in oriental cooking this spice is used in much larger quantities.

Add 1-2 seasoning sticks and other ingredients to the wine to taste. Heat the liquid over low heat.

Toast the bread slices on one side, brush the other side (not toasted) with butter, then sprinkle with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. Fry on the other side until browned.

Boil fruits (apples, nectarines, pears, peaches) in syrup. Sprinkle them with cinnamon and sugar, then place in the oven and bake until golden. These fruits should be served hot, topped with sour cream.

Watch the following video from the TV show "1000 and 1 Spice of Scheherazade". From it you will learn a lot about cinnamon.

In medicine

  • External use of the oil involves mixing it with a vegetable base oil. For 10 ml of vegetable oil, take two or three drops of aroma oil. The mixture is used for rubbing and massage.
  • Mix one or two drops of oil with tea. a spoonful of honey and adding to herbal tea, this drink is recommended for delayed menstruation, myalgia, weakness, impotence, diarrhea, colds, and flu.
  • A few drops of aroma oil are dripped into hot water and inhaled to help get rid of depressive mood and pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.
  • By adding cinnamon to hot wine, this drink is recommended for flu-like conditions and hypothermia. Also, for the flu, you can make a drink by dissolving honey and lemon juice in hot water, and after adding a pinch of cinnamon and 1 clove, bring the liquid to a boil, then leave for 20 minutes.
  • A preventive remedy for the flu is cinnamon brewed with boiling water, to which a pinch of black pepper and honey are added. Drink this remedy every three hours.
  • If headaches occur with a cold, stir cinnamon with water until a thick paste is obtained and apply to the forehead.
  • A strong infusion of cinnamon helps with diarrhea, meteorite and vomiting.

You can learn even more about the healing qualities of cinnamon from the program “Live Healthy!”

When losing weight

Cinnamon, due to its large amount of dietary fiber, prevents constipation (a common problem when losing weight) and stimulates intestinal function. Another advantage of consuming cinnamon when losing weight is its positive effect on mood and decreased appetite. It is also known that this seasoning has the property of accelerating the breakdown of sugar. You can use cinnamon for weight loss in different ways:

  • Add this spice to tea and coffee as a sugar substitute.
  • Massage against cellulite with cinnamon.
  • Do wraps.
  • Do fasting days, drinking kefir flavored with cinnamon all day.

At home

Cinnamon aroma oil is added to “oriental” perfume compositions.


Cinnamon trees are unpretentious and easily tolerate unfavorable conditions. Uncultivated trees can grow up to 6-12 meters in height, but on plantations that are cultivated, the plant is usually represented by low shrubs. After growing a tree for 2 years, it is pruned almost at the root, so that in the third year of cultivation new shoots are obtained (about ten of them appear), from which the bark is cut off.


To store cinnamon, it is important to seal the container in which the spice is placed. It is optimal to keep cinnamon in a glass container. Seasoning sticks can be stored for up to 12 months, and powder for up to six months. It is best to keep the spice in a cool, dark cabinet.

According to the testimony of Herodotus of the 5th century. BC, anyone who wanted to find the precious cinnamon bark had to go through many trials: fighting monsters, searching for it at the bottom of lakes and in the nests of huge birds of prey - these are not all the obstacles on the way to the most valuable spice. By telling such tales, Arab merchants promoted their business. That is why in Europe, cinnamon has long been considered an unattainable spice that only a select few deserve.

In Ancient times and the Middle Ages, cinnamon was used more as an aroma spice and incense. At that time, cooks most often used Indian laurel, which had a similar aroma, for food. But to give a special taste to honey cookies and sweet wine with spices, it was simply necessary.

Even more historical facts:

  • Cinnamon and its properties were learned about in ancient times. It often served as a gift to high-ranking persons.
  • The spice was brought to Ancient Egypt from China. The Egyptians used this spice for embalming.
  • Cinnamon is mentioned in the Old Testament. From the lines you can understand that this spice was valued higher than gold.
  • The ancient Romans considered cinnamon to be a plant of Jupiter, representing the element of fire. The Romans used this spice on funeral pyres.
  • Until the 17th century, cinnamon was collected from wild trees. Later, trees began to be cultivated to produce spices.
  • In the Victorian era, Austrian lovers gave each other bouquets of cinnamon, which was a symbol of love and tenderness.

Cinnamon, or as it is also called Ceylon cinnamon, is an evergreen plant belonging to the Laurel family. It grows in the jungle.

The bark is collected during the rainy season.

The spice has the same name as the plant. Cinnamon can be purchased in bark form, rolled into a tube, or ground.

The roots of the story of cinnamon go back to ancient times. This spice had a high cost and it was presented to emperors, kings, and kings as a gift. Cinnamon was brought to Ancient Egypt from China. In value it was equal to gold.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, cinnamon was sold by merchants who bought it in Alexandria. At the end of the 15th century, traders from Portugal discovered Sri Lanka and were able to use cinnamon at their discretion for more than 100 years.

After this, Sri Lanka was liberated by the Dutch. They began cultivating this plant to other countries.

It began to be grown in tropical Asia, the West Indies and the Seychelles.

This is what a cinnamon tree looks like in nature

For commercial purposes, cinnamon is grown in Vietnam, Brazil, western India, Egypt, and on islands such as Sumatra, Madagascar, and Java.

But the most valuable cinnamon is still considered a spice from Sri Lanka. It has a thinner bark, a delicate aroma and a sweet, warming taste.

Today, cinnamon is used all over the world. It is used to make chocolate, desserts, candies, liqueurs, and marinades.

  • In Sri Lanka, the spice is used in the form of dried leaves and added to soup.
  • In the East, cinnamon is still, as before, added to spicy meat dishes.
  • In America, cinnamon is added to cereals and fruits.
  • In Germany, this spice is used for mulled wine.

In Russia, both cinnamon and its closest relative, cassia from the Cinnamon family, are sold.

Cassia is native to China and its bark is thicker and rougher. Natural cinnamon has a very delicate aroma, the structure of the bark is very fragile, and the sticks are thin. Let's find out more about

Beneficial features

Fragrant, tasty cinnamon is not only a spice, but also a cosmetic and medicine in various fields.

  • It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  • Eugenol, which is part of cinnamon, kills germs.
  • This spice strengthens the immune system and enhances the protective function in the body.
  • It is a natural antioxidant.
  • When consuming cinnamon, blood glucose levels decrease.
  • This spice improves digestion, burns fat, converting glucose that enters the body into energy.
  • The blood vessels dilate, and the work of the brain is activated.
  • Cinnamon is good for diabetes. Blood sugar levels decrease when consumed.
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines, this spice helps speed up the healing process of ulcers, acidity decreases, pain in the stomach is relieved, digestion is normalized, colic and bloating are eliminated.
  • Since cinnamon is a natural antiseptic, it disinfects wounds and relieves pain.
  • Various types of skin diseases are treated with cinnamon.
  • In addition, cinnamon helps with heart disease, colds and decreased immunity. It is used as a weight loss product.


Cinnamon should not be used if:

  • high blood pressure,
  • temperature,
  • nervous excitability,
  • in old age,
  • for allergies,
  • pregnancy.

Recipes for diabetes, why does cinnamon help?

Cinnamon contains: more than half of the total composition of aldehyde, 20 percent phenol, polyphenol, tannins, essential oils, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese.
Vitamins A, C, E, K, riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid.

Essential oils stabilize blood sugar levels and remove bad cholesterol.

Polyphenol replaces insulin and is easily taken up by cells. When consuming cinnamon, the blood is saturated with oxygen. The liver, kidneys, and digestive tract begin to work properly. The spice has antibacterial, antiseptic and diuretic effects.

With high blood sugar, the phenol in cinnamon prevents inflammatory processes in the body. When the spice is consumed, the production of harmful substances is blocked. Glucose metabolism increases 20 times.

Heart diseases in diabetes go into remission. Cinnamon is especially beneficial for type 2 diabetes.

The calorie content of glucose is 260 kilocalories per 100 gm. A stick weighing 4 grams contains 10 kilocalories.

By adding half a teaspoon of spice to porridge, tea, freshly squeezed juice, coffee, kefir, and vegetable salads, the general condition improves.

Kefir with cinnamon is very effective for diabetes.

To do this, take: half a teaspoon of cinnamon, 250 milliliters of kefir and half a teaspoon of chopped ginger, 2 peas or a pinch of red pepper.

Another recipe for cinnamon with kefir.

For a glass of kefir use 1 teaspoon of spices.
You need to take a glass before breakfast and before bed for 10 days.

This drink acts almost instantly and alleviates the condition of diabetics.

Add a teaspoon of spice to a liter of water, put the mixture on the fire and boil for 15 minutes.

You need to take it in portions, every hour. The duration of the course is 10 days without breaks.

Video recipe for kefir with cinnamon for diabetes

Benefits of cinnamon for men, recipe

Cinnamon strengthens the body and increases vitality. With regular consumption of various dishes with cinnamon, men notice an increase in potency.

Vitamin A contained in cinnamon is a source of iron and calcium. They normalize the functionality of the genital organs. This spice stimulates blood circulation, which directly affects erection in men.

In addition, cinnamon helps in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. When taking cinnamon, microbes are killed in the body, which prevents the development of prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases.

When overexerted, erections may decrease, and cinnamon oil relieves inflammatory spasms and helps you relax before intimacy.

For inflammation of the kidneys and liver, cinnamon is not recommended as an aphrodisiac.

There are several quite effective recipes to improve erection.

Cinnamon powder is poured with boiled water cooled to 40 degrees, left for 30 minutes, honey is added. The ratio of water and honey should be 2:1. The course of treatment is 2 months. Take half a glass before meals.

  • Natural cinnamon essential oils can be added to various dishes. It goes well with drinks, meat, desserts, first and second courses.

Also, for coffee lovers, you can add cinnamon to this drink; a pinch of spice is added per cup.

  • It is better to replace soda with tea with added cinnamon. Orange zest, 2 cinnamon sticks are poured with boiling water, sugar or honey is added.

To strengthen the muscles of the heart and increase desire, take 60 grams of cinnamon, 30 grams of vanilla, and pour everything with a glass of red wine. The mixture is infused in a dark place for two weeks. Take a glass once a day with meals.

  • Hot mulled wine is a powerful aphrodisiac, as it contains cinnamon, lemon, cloves and honey.

Benefits of cinnamon for women

Cinnamon has many beneficial effects on the body; in addition, for women, cinnamon allows:

  • Reduce postmenstrual pain.
  • This spice helps convert sugar into energy. This fact allows you to reduce weight.
  • In the first 2 weeks after the birth of a child, cinnamon promotes uterine contractions.
  • For nursing mothers, tea with cinnamon and milk can improve lactation.

Cinnamon is contraindicated for pregnant women, as the substances in its composition can cause miscarriage.

Cinnamon for weight loss. Why is it useful for losing weight, recipes

Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels, speeds up the metabolic process, slows down the entry of food into the intestines, creating the effect of satiety.

This spice is added to cereals, cocoa, coffee, low-calorie yoghurts, jellies, tea, and puddings.

A drink made from cinnamon and honey in a 1:2 ratio works best.

The cinnamon is poured into a cup, poured with boiling water and left to cool. Then honey is added.

The glass is divided into two doses and consumed in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and before bed.

It is added to tea. A spoonful of cinnamon goes into a cup of tea.

Cinnamon can be added to kefir and fermented baked milk.

Video recipe for kefir with cinnamon for weight loss

Cinnamon with kefir

Recently, people who want to lose weight have been going on a kefir diet.

When adding cinnamon to kefir, fat is burned much faster, and digestion is accelerated and allows harmful substances not to linger in the body. This drink can be consumed daily.

During fasting days, the body receives valuable substances, a small amount of food and a pleasant taste, which helps to go through this process easier.

Prepare a drink from a teaspoon of spice per glass of liquid.

Kefir with cinnamon, pepper, ginger

A fairly popular recipe for various diseases and weight loss is kefir with cinnamon, red pepper and chopped ginger. This drink helps with excess weight and other health problems.

Kefir gently cleanses the intestines and improves digestion. In addition, it has a diuretic effect, reducing the likelihood of edema. Kefir contains protein and calcium, and these substances reduce appetite.

Cinnamon reduces blood glucose levels and dulls the feeling of hunger.

Red pepper suppresses appetite, accelerates metabolic processes, and helps break down lipids. Provokes thirst, which also helps reduce weight.

Ginger activates the digestive process, helps digest protein, normalizes metabolism, and cleanses of waste and toxins.

For a glass of low-calorie kefir, add a teaspoon of spice, a pinch of red pepper, and one and a half teaspoons of grated ginger..

The mixture is stirred and left to infuse for half an hour. Use for no more than 2 weeks 20 minutes before meals.

This drink should not be consumed by: pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with calcium stomach ulcers, gastritis, allergies to ingredients, any bleeding, hypertension, fever, nervous excitement.

Coffee with cinnamon - benefits, harm, how to prepare?

There are quite a few recipes for coffee with cinnamon. It is diluted with cream, milk, mixed with other spices and even alcohol.

The Arabic traditional coffee recipe is quite simple:

125 milligrams of water, a heaped teaspoon of coffee, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a third of a teaspoon of sugar.
Everything is poured into a pot, heated over a fire, water is poured into the dry mixture and brought to a boil. Part of the mixture is poured into a cup and heated again. The result is coffee with a beautiful foam.

The English recipe involves the use of milk.

A cinnamon stick is boiled in 120 g of milk, and the finished cinnamon milk is added to coffee.

In addition to these recipes, you can make coffee with cinnamon and honey or with cinnamon, ginger.

For 250 milligrams of freshly brewed coffee, add a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon.

For 2 spice sticks, 2 teaspoons of ground coffee, 1 centimeter of fresh ginger root, 150 grams of water.

Coffee with cinnamon is poured with boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. Ginger is cut into pieces, added to the drink and left to infuse for 5 minutes.

Used 20 minutes before eating.

For taste, add 1 piece of cardamom and 2 pieces of cloves.

The feeling of hunger after drinking this coffee decreases. Weight loss and blood sugar levels level out.

For heart disease, gastrointestinal and kidney diseases, this coffee is contraindicated.

Coffee with pepper, cinnamon:

2 teaspoons of natural coffee, half a teaspoon of spice, a pod of chili pepper (less or more is possible), 100 milliliters of water.
The ingredients are placed in the Turk, filled with water and cooked over low heat. After boiling, remove from heat.

A popular French recipe is coffee with wine.

  • To do this, espresso is brewed from heavily roasted ground beans.
  • After the coffee has cooled, add cinnamon, sugar, grated orange zest, and dark yellow mulled wine.
  • Everything is whipped in a blender and poured into glasses.
  • For two cups of espresso you need half a teaspoon of zest, a pinch of cinnamon, one and a half spoons of sugar and 50 grams of wine.

Cinnamon tea - benefits and harms, how to prepare?

In cold winter, tea helps to warm up and restore, and with the addition of cinnamon, this drink returns strength and gives the effect of warming from the inside.

This tea normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, helps cleanse the intestines, and accelerates glucose metabolism. Microelements help fight extra pounds. Appetite decreases. Helps remove waste and toxins.

There are many recipes for this drink and choosing the right one is quite easy.

  1. A pinch of mint, a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon, and citrus peel are added to the brewed tea. Tea with additives is infused for a couple of minutes, filtered and ready to drink.
  2. 2 teaspoons of loose leaf black tea, 1 clove, half a cinnamon stick, 1 teaspoon of ginger and half a liter of boiling water. Everything is mixed, infused for a couple of minutes, lemon or orange juice is added, and honey for sweetness.

If the tea is steeped longer, it acquires a bitter taste and can be harmful.

The water should not be very hot.

Eating cinnamon in large quantities is harmful to the body and has a negative effect on the stomach.

Cinnamon with honey: recipes

For weight loss, daily consumption of cinnamon with honey can help you lose weight.

The mixture is prepared in the evening.

For one part of cinnamon, take 2 parts of any natural honey. Cinnamon is poured into water for half an hour. Honey is added after cooling. You need to drink half the serving before bed. The second part is taken cold before breakfast.

Cinnamon with honey cleanses the esophagus, bacteria, fungi, and removes toxins.

Cinnamon and honey spread spread on bread for breakfast lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart attack.

Daily consumption of half a spoon of honey with cinnamon in a glass of water in the morning and afternoon relieves fatigue and gives strength.

For arthritis a cup of warm water, 2 tablespoons of honey, a dessert spoon of cinnamon cures even an advanced form of the disease.

Honey with cinnamon:

  • removes bad cholesterol,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • restores the genitourinary system,
  • strengthens hair,
  • treats skin infections, rashes,
  • insect bites,
  • indigestion, bloating,
  • toothache,
  • smell from the mouth,
  • hearing loss,
  • all types of colds and much more.

Cinnamon, when consumed correctly, not only improves health and reduces weight, but also prolongs life and improves its quality. Now you are familiar with the beneficial properties of cinnamon and contraindications for use.

This plant is widely used not only in cooking, but also in the treatment of various diseases. The beneficial properties and contraindications of cinnamon determine the advisability of its use in each specific case. Therefore, before starting home therapy, you should definitely understand in more detail the composition of the plant and its effect on the body.

Types of cinnamon spice and its composition

Cinnamon contains a large number of different beneficial substances.

  • It is very high in calories (247 Kcal per 100 g of product) due to its high carbohydrate content.
  • The plant also contains proteins and a small percentage of fats.
  • The most significant place in the composition is occupied by dietary fiber (cellulose). This is due to the plant origin of the spice.
  • It also contains water, small amounts of ash and saturated fatty acids.

The benefits of cinnamon are due to the active substances in its composition.

These include:

  • calcium and potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, manganese and iron, sodium, zinc, copper and selenium;
  • choline;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E) and niacin (vitamin PP);
  • a full range of B vitamins, including folic acid (vitamin B9), which is most valuable for women;
  • beta-carotene;
  • phylloquinone (vitamin K) and retinol.

Other active substances include tannins, resins, coumarin, starch, polyphenol, aldehyde and cinnamic alcohol. They also influence the properties of the product and have healing potential.

The chemical composition of cinnamon varies depending on the type.

  • The most useful plants grow in Sri Lanka. The concentration of active substances and their ratio in them are optimal.
  • In the Chinese form of Cassia, a large amount of coumarin and tanning resins were found. Therefore, the harm from such cinnamon may outweigh the benefits.
  • The Malabar species and Cinnamon are of average quality and do not have a high medicinal effect.

Cinnamon: beneficial and medicinal properties in detail

Thanks to its rich composition, cinnamon has many beneficial properties.

These include:

  • toning due to pyridoxine;
  • disinfection under the influence of cinnamon alcohol;
  • calming due to coumarin;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to fiber;
  • reducing the concentration of dangerous cholesterol in the blood;
  • prevention of colorectal cancer due to the presence of vitamin K;
  • regulation of carbohydrate metabolism by polyphenol;
  • improved memory and concentration due to vitamin B1;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle due to folic acid.

Each active substance is responsible for certain medicinal properties of cinnamon. This allowed it to have a wide range of indications for use and a wide range of applications.

Areas of application of cinnamon

Many people know this plant only as a spice. However, the scope of its use is much wider. Due to its rich composition, cinnamon is widely used in the treatment of diseases with herbs, in cosmetology and dietetics.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of diseases

Herbalists and healers have been respected since ancient times, but even now some of their recipes are relevant. Cinnamon is also used to treat many diseases.

These include:

  • the initial stage of atherosclerosis (removes dangerous cholesterol from the body);
  • diabetes mellitus (regulation of blood sugar due to polyphenol, which accelerates the action of insulin);
  • diarrhea (due to tannins in the composition);
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys (increases urination, washing the inflamed areas naturally);
  • blockage of the biliary tract or liver pathology (is a choleretic agent);
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, coronary heart disease;
  • systemic diseases, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • disorders in the human nervous system (improved sleep, increased mood, antidepressant effect);
  • antipyretic for colds;
  • due to the pungent odor, it helps to cope with nasal congestion;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect in the presence of diseases of the oral cavity.

A wide range of uses in folk medicine speaks of cinnamon as an indispensable medicine.

How cinnamon is used in cosmetology

The main product of cinnamon, widely used in cosmetology, is its oil.

It performs body massage, as well as various hair masks. But using this plant just inside also improves the appearance. Vitamins K, E, A and group B help maintain the water balance of the skin, trigger its renewal, and help synthesize collagen.

These substances also stimulate and awaken hair follicles. This increases the thickness of the hairstyle.

Cinnamon tinctures are used to treat the skin, which help get rid of inflammation.

Cinnamon for weight loss

The main reason for gaining excess weight is improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Cinnamon does an excellent job of eliminating these problems. Due to the large amount of cellulose, it improves the evacuation of food from the intestines. This helps speed up metabolism, which is the main goal of a person trying to lose weight.

Normalizing carbohydrate metabolism also promotes weight loss. This helps you burn more energy and accumulate less subcutaneous fat.

What is important, the complex of vitamins allows you to maintain healthy skin and hair even in conditions of insufficient nutrition on a diet.

Use in cooking

Cinnamon, as a spice, is known to everyone. It is added to desserts and sprinkled on cakes and pastries. Also, most oriental dishes are prepared with this spice. Coffee is served with cinnamon in restaurants, which adds a soft, spicy taste to it, and also allows you to draw intricate patterns on its surface.

This lifts the mood of guests, but in addition, the combination of cinnamon and coffee has a powerful invigorating effect.

The most famous cinnamon drink is mulled wine. It is simply impossible to cook it correctly without spicy spices. And the dessert that is famous throughout the world is rightfully apple pie with cinnamon. This combination is considered a culinary classic.

Cinnamon is often served with alcoholic drinks. It muffles the taste of alcohol and gives a refined aroma. Sometimes a cinnamon stick is specially placed on the table during dinner - its smell increases appetite and improves digestion.

How to properly use cinnamon for health?

A mixture of ginger, cinnamon and honey is considered a powerful vitamin cocktail.

  1. To prepare it, take a liter jar.
  2. It is half filled with honey, and then 100 g of ginger and 25 g of cinnamon are added.
  3. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and consumed with warm tea, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

You can also add orange or lemon to the composition. Citrus fruits will dilute the sweetness of honey, increase the amount of vitamin C in the medicine, and also add new notes of taste.

Cinnamon tea is considered a healthy drink. It is prepared with milk.

  1. A traditional drink is prepared in a teapot, into which a tablespoon of cinnamon is then poured.
  2. After thorough stirring, milk is added to the resulting solution.

The resulting tea drink stimulates the nervous system, gives strength and improves the functioning of the digestive organs. As a result, lightness and good mood appear.

Coffee with cinnamon - beneficial properties

Coffee perfectly stimulates the nervous system. It has an invigorating effect and also helps to start the gastrointestinal tract. Cinnamon enhances its properties. A pinch of spice added to the drink softens its taste and adds a boost of vivacity. In cafes, waiters make cinnamon drawings on coffee foam to improve the guest's mood.

This drink remains delicious without adding sugar. This reduces the amount of carbohydrates consumed, which helps you lose weight and improve your appearance. And along with the lightness that appears, the person’s energy increases, which he will spend on useful actions. This significantly improves the quality of life and helps you move forward with renewed vigor.

Honey and cinnamon - what are the benefits of the combination?

Cinnamon and honey are used as natural sedatives.

They soothe and eliminate sleep disturbances. For colds, this combination acts as a powerful antipyretic. A drink with cinnamon and honey allows you to quickly remove toxins through the skin, increasing sweat production. This speeds up recovery and alleviates the patient's condition.

Useful properties and uses of cinnamon essential oil

Cinnamon oil has found extensive use in cosmetology. It helps relieve inflammation and also disinfects the skin.

Performing a massage with this oil helps:

  • improve the overall condition of the skin;
  • even out complexion;
  • replenish nutritional deficiencies, remove peeling;
  • get rid of rashes;
  • accelerate the resorption of hematomas;
  • improve metabolic processes in the skin.

If a stronger effect is required, essential oil is used. It is added to masks or applied to spots.

It helps get rid of:

  • pediculosis;
  • papillomas and warts;
  • fungal diseases;
  • dermatitis and dermatoses.

Before using cinnamon oil, you should visit a dermatologist who will advise you on how exactly to use it.

Contraindications for use

Uncontrolled consumption of cinnamon in unlimited quantities may reduce the taste sensitivity of the tongue. In addition, headaches and a feeling of weakness occur.

To avoid side effects, cinnamon is not used for several conditions.

These include:

  • acute pathologies of the digestive system;
  • presence of problems with blood clotting;
  • presence of allergies to food products, including spices;
  • tendency to high blood pressure.

Cinnamon is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. When carrying a child, it is able to increase the contractile activity of the uterus, which leads to premature birth. Cinnamon is not consumed when breastfeeding because it changes the taste of milk under its influence. In this case, the child may refuse to eat at all.

Cinnamon is widely used to treat and prevent various conditions, as well as to prolong youth and beauty. This plant is rich in active substances, but you should not take it yourself. Any therapy should be supervised by a specialist. This will help you achieve the best results without harm to your health.

Let me introduce you to Her Majesty Cinnamon!

In ancient times this spice was present exclusively at meals of crowned heads.
- the bark of the evergreen cinnamon tree (lat. Cinnamomum verum) of the Laurel family. On sale, cinnamon spice can be found in the form of pieces of bark rolled into a tube or in ground form.
In Russian, the spice was called cinnamon because of its brown color.

Use in cooking spices cinnamon
Cinnamon bark is widely used as spices for desserts, chocolate, hot candies, liqueurs, sauces. In America, cinnamon is often used as an additive to porridge or fruits, especially apples and bananas. The spice is used in canning and in marinades; thanks to the antimicrobial properties of cinnamon, products last longer and acquire a fragrant aroma and a sweetish, slightly hot taste.
Cinnamon goes well with many other hot and tart spices. In home cooking, it is added to all dishes where sugar is used.
Added to various baked goods (muffins, Easter cakes, gingerbreads, pies filled with pumpkin, apples, cherries, strawberries), as well as to fruit salads and dishes with cottage cheese.
In Rus', cinnamon was always added to porridge, in the East - to sweets, pilaf, and fish dishes.
It goes well with lamb, pork, and chicken.
In Asia, cinnamon can easily be present in dishes with meat, vegetables, and legumes.
Dairy, fruit, vegetable and fish soups, as well as wine and fruit sauces are prepared with cinnamon.

In many countries, cinnamon is used in canning mushrooms, pickling lingonberries, cranberries, and pickling watermelons and tomatoes.
The spice can be used to flavor liqueurs, punches, grogs, compotes, fruit drinks, sbitni, tinctures, preserves, jams.

Cinnamon is found in wuxianmian spice mix, adwiya, panchporan, berebere, mulled wine and pumpkin pie spice mix, yerke, Moroccan spice mix, ras el hanout, curry
Cinnamon gives a very interesting taste to yogurt, Varenets, kefir, and cheese.
It is better to buy cinnamon powder in small quantities - it quickly loses its aroma, it is better to add it at the very end of cooking (no more than 10 minutes before the end), since with prolonged heat treatment cinnamon will give the dish an unpleasant bitterness...
The taste of cinnamon sticks is much more stable, although they are quite difficult to grind finely, so they are most often used for cooking and stewing, removing them at the end.

Use in medicine spices cinnamon
In medicine and aromatherapy, the use of cinnamon is associated primarily with the action of a complex of its volatile aromatic substances, some of which can be isolated in the form of essential oil. The aroma of cinnamon improves mood, calms, invigorates, and harmonizes. The spice itself has a warming effect, accelerates blood circulation, improves metabolism, and is an antioxidant. Cinnamon extracts and essential oil have earned a reputation as a valuable component of cold medicines.
Some types of cinnamon are still used to treat diarrhea, constipation and other diseases of the digestive system. However, the active ingredients contained in these drugs are currently not recommended for long-term use.
The media has reported the remarkable pharmaceutical effects of cinnamon in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The studies used not “true” cinnamon, but cassia. See below for confusion in terminology.
Cinnamon oil is also used in ointments with a warming-irritant effect, but its concentration in them is limited due to possible allergic reactions.

Description spices cinnamon
Cinnamon is a small 10-15 m tall evergreen tree native to Sri Lanka and southern India.
Cinnamon is grown for two years and then pruned at the root. Over the next year, about a dozen new shoots will form. Then the bark is cut off from these shoots. She is drying out. Only a thin (0.5 mm) inner layer of bark is used; the outer woody layer is removed, leaving meter-long cinnamon strips that curl into long tubes when dry; Each dried tube consists of strips from several shoots. These tubes are then cut into pieces 5-10 cm long for sale.
The highest quality cinnamon is produced in Sri Lanka, but the plant is also grown commercially in Java, Sumatra, western India, Brazil, Vietnam, Madagascar and Egypt. Sri Lankan high-quality cinnamon is made from a very thin soft bark of light yellowish or brown color, has a pleasant aroma and an unusually sweet, warm and pleasant taste.
The aroma and taste of cinnamon is due to the aromatic oil contained in cinnamon in an amount of 0.5% -1%. This essential oil is obtained by grinding the bark, soaking it in sea water and then quickly distilling the infusion. The oil is yellow-golden in color, with a characteristic smell of cinnamon and a burning, aromatic taste. The pungent taste and warm smell are caused by the main component of the oil - cinnamaldehyde, or cinnamal. As the oil oxidizes over time, it darkens and acquires a resinous structure.

The name "cinnamon" correctly refers to the species Cinnamomum zeylonicum, also known as "true cinnamon" (from the botanical name C. verum). However, the related plant cassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum, Chinese cinnamon tree) is sometimes sold with the label "cinnamon", but, unlike true cinnamon, it is labeled "Indonesian cinnamon" or "Fake cinnamon". With true cinnamon, using only the thin inner layer of bark produces a better, less dense and more crumbly structure. Real cinnamon is considered a stronger and hotter spice. Cassia is usually medium to dark reddish brown in color, and since the entire bark is used, its tubes are thicker (2-3mm thick) and have a more wood-like structure. Most cinnamon sold in supermarkets is actually cassia.
The two pieces of bark differ both in appearance and in their chemical characteristics. When bark powder is exposed to iodine solution (starch test), real high-quality cinnamon has only a small effect, while cassia bark powder turns a dark blue color, the intensity of which depends on the concentration of cassia.
“Fake cinnamon” or cassia contains the substance coumarin, which is dangerous to health. In any case, cinnamon is a very strong hot spice and should be used in small quantities.

Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum Cassia Blume)
Southern China is considered the homeland of the plant. This is precisely what is being discussed in the Chinese written monument dating back to 2800 BC. e.
Currently cultivated in China, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia. It has other names: aromatic cinnamon, Indian cinnamon, simple cinnamon, cassia, cassia-canel.
Chinese cinnamon is harvested from a tree that is seven years old. Moreover, the bark is removed from branches and trunks every 7-10 years. As in the previous case, the upper part of the bark is peeled off, and the lower layers are cut into strips 15 cm long and 2 cm wide. When dried, the bark takes on a concave shape with a rough surface. It differs in color from Ceylon cinnamon. If the first is yellow-brown in color, then the second is reddish-brown and thicker (1.5-2 mm or more), granular at the break.
The taste of Chinese cinnamon is sweetish, but it does not have the delicate aroma of Ceylon cinnamon. The heat, astringency and sharpness are noticeable. In the world market, these two different spices are often confused.
It goes well with sweet dishes, it is added to dough, for other confectionery purposes, and also to marinades.

Malabar cinnamon (Cinnamomum Tamala Nees.)
Malabar cinnamon is a classic spice obtained from the bark of the cinnamon tree, native to India and Burma. It has other names: brown cinnamon, tree cinnamon, cassia vera.
It differs from the previous two varieties of cinnamon in appearance (dark brown-brown) and taste (sharp, bitter).

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Culilawan Blume)
Cinnamon, or spicy cinnamon, is a spice obtained from the bark of the shoots of the cinnamon bush, grown on plantations in the Moluccas. Its breeders are also in Indonesia.
Annual shoots are cut, from which most of the outer layer is peeled off, and the remaining layers are dried until the spice turns beige on the outside and yellowish-red on the inside. Before drying, the bark is divided into pieces 1-3 mm thick, 2-5 mm wide and up to 40 cm long. Cinnamon is easy to recognize - these are fragile pieces, grainy when broken, crumbling when touched, slightly bent in appearance. They have a distinctive cinnamon pungent odor and a spicy taste with a hint of pungency.

Storyspices cinnamon
Cinnamon has been known since ancient times. It was highly valued for its taste and medicinal properties, so it was often presented as a gift only to monarchs and other rulers. Cinnamon was imported into Ancient Egypt from China until the 2nd millennium BC, it was worth a lot of money and merchants kept its real origin a secret. The spice is mentioned in the Bible when Moses is told to use sweet cinnamon and cassia.
Here, for example, is what Herodotus wrote about cinnamon: “The Arabs collect cinnamon in an even more amazing way. Where it grows, and what kind of land gives rise to this plant, they themselves do not know. Others claim (and they are probably right) that cinnamon grows in those regions where Dionysus was raised. According to their stories, large birds bring these dry strips of bark, which we call by the Phoenician name “kinamomon.” And these birds bring them to their nests, molded from clay, on the steep mountains, where man's foot has stepped on it. So, to get cinnamon, the Arabs came up with this trick. They cut the carcasses of dead bulls, donkeys and other beasts of burden into as large pieces as possible and bring them to these places. Having dumped the meat near the nests, they then move away. And the birds fly in and carry them away pieces of meat into their nests. The nests cannot withstand the weight and collapse to the ground. Then the Arabs return and collect cinnamon. The cinnamon collected in this way is then exported from the country of these Arabs to other countries."
The great Aristotle questioned these stories, and his student Theophrastus, considered the father of botany, first suggested that cinnamon was obtained from trees growing in Arabia. But his version became nothing more than one of the legends, since he further claimed that whole hordes of poisonous snakes guard these places and cinnamon collectors have to put on ox skins, leaving only one eye, to prepare this spice. Moreover, the collected spice had to be divided into 3 parts in order to leave one of them for the gods. The very assumption that cinnamon originated from Arabia was incorrect.
Rich patricians used cinnamon on funeral pyres in Ancient Rome, and Emperor Nero, according to some accounts, burned a year's supply of cinnamon at the funeral of his wife Poppaea Sabina in 65 AD; the cinnamon smell lingered over Rome for a long time.
Cinnamon was a very expensive spice in Greece; 35 kg of it was worth 5 kg of silver. In other countries it was valued 15 times more expensive. In many countries it had the weight of cash. It was used for baking flour products, to improve the taste of wine, and to refresh and disinfect the air.
During the Middle Ages, the origins of cinnamon continued to be a mystery to the Western world. Arab traders brought spices along overland trade routes to Alexandria in Egypt, where they were purchased by Venetian merchants from Italy, who had a monopoly on the spice trade in Europe.
The legends surrounding cinnamon fueled interest in the spice and helped raise prices for the product.

The stoppage of trade with the Arabs with the arrival of other Mediterranean powers such as the Mameluke dynasty and the Ottoman Empire was one of the many factors that forced the Europeans to increasingly seek a sea route to Asia.
At the end of the 15th century, Portuguese merchants discovered Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and changed the structure of traditional cinnamon production by the Salagama caste. The Portuguese founded a fortress on the island in 1518 and fiercely defended their monopoly for more than a hundred years.
Dutch merchants drove out the Portuguese by forming an alliance with the kingdom of Kandy in Ceylon. They established a post office here in 1638, seized control of the factories by 1640, and finally ousted the Portuguese by 1658.
The Dutch East Indian Company continued to reconsider its methods of growing wild cinnamon and eventually began cultivating its own trees.
The British ousted the Dutch in 1796, although the importance of the Ceylonese monopoly was no longer so great. Cinnamon trees began to be grown in other places, affordable cassia bark became more acceptable to consumers, and coffee, tea, sugar and chocolate began to displace previously popular traditional spices.

Dishes with cinnamon spice:
