Cut the cheese beautifully for the table. Sliced ​​cheese options - tasty, beautiful, original. Sliced ​​meats for the holiday table at home, photo

You can decorate your holiday table with beautiful cuts of any product: cheese, meat, sausage, vegetables, fish and fruit. Ideas for designing cuts are presented in this article.

It will help to decorate an everyday, and especially a holiday table beautiful cut. It can be made from any ingredients: meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits. Pieces and slices of food can be laid out not in simple, but in original ways so that they invariably attracted attention and aroused appetite.

There are several cutting rules:

  • For serving, choose wide flat dish, preferably white. On such dishes there will be cutting look bright and attractive.
  • You should not combine plant and animal products. If these are vegetables, they have a separate dish, fruits too (they are considered a dessert). Meat and sausage can be combined.
  • The slices should not be seasoned with any sauce or oil, or sprinkled with spices. If you think that you can decorate the taste of vegetables with sour cream or mayonnaise, Offer them to your guests separately in a gravy boat.
  • Cutting (any) should always be very just cut into small slices (flat pieces). Rough and thick cutting of ingredients does not look aesthetically pleasing.
  • The main rule of beautiful cutting is sharp knife. The size and material of the knife (ceramics or metal) are completely unimportant; you should be comfortable working with it.
  • Select for slicing only quality and fresh products. Try to surprise your guests with an unusual product.
  • Stick to one cutting shape, for example, a semicircle or triangle, so that the whole dish looks organic.
Beautiful vegetable slices

Large vegetable slices

Fruit slices in the shape of a heart

Unusual fruit slices

Some types of cuts are so skillful that include many decorative elements from the ingredients themselves in cutting: figures, flowers, unusual arrangement of pieces. In some cases, when cutting vegetables, you can use a special cutting device - slicer

Slicer for slicing meat and cheese. vegetables and fruits

Slicing watermelon and melon for the holiday table

Melons will also be a bright seasonal treat for guests. Such a treat can decorate main and dessert table. In any case, it will be appropriate and very “popular” among guests.

There are several basic ways to cut melon and watermelon:

  • Cubes– cutting is done with a knife. The peeled pulp of watermelon or melon is cut, cleared of seeds. The pieces are laid out scattered or in half on a serving plate.
  • Balls– a special spoon is used for slicing, which forms a beautiful ball. These cuts should be placed in wide bowls or bowls.
  • Slices– this method involves peeling the fruit from the seed part and cutting it into triangular slices along with the skin. In this case, you can use wooden sticks (for ice cream) so that the pieces can be conveniently taken from the dish and eaten.

It is customary to eat pieces of watermelon or melon by pricking them with a fork. If your feast does not involve cutlery (buffet, picnic), you should stick a skewer and a toothpick into each piece.

Watermelon dicing

Cutting watermelon into pieces

Cutting watermelon into balls

Cutting melon into cubes

Melon slicing

Video: “Watermelon fruit basket”

Beautiful cheese slices: design and decoration

Cheese slices must be present on the holiday table. Only cheese can be cut into shapes, making the serving original and interesting. Slicing cheese is very convenient curly knives. They leave a grooved cut, resulting in each piece having a specific shape.

Simplest cheese cutting knife- "wave". The knife allows you to cut cheese pieces of any thickness. It is best to place the cheese slices on a plate on which lettuce leaves are laid out. This is necessary so that the cheese does not dry out quickly and looks appetizing.

Cheese is the only cutting ingredient that can be successfully combined with pieces of sausage or meat, creating patterns and shapes. In addition, the combination will be extremely tasty cheese with berries:

  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Malina
  • Blueberries
  • Grapes

The most delicious sliced ​​cheese is considered to be made from different types of cheese. You can combine fatty ones with low-fat ones, salty ones with aromatic ones made from fermented milk, with nuts and herbs, with mold and paprika.

One of the best flavor combinations - cheese with honey. This flavor combination gives another interesting idea for slicing: you can place a small bowl of liquid honey in the center of the serving dish. Around the bowl you should place different types of cheese (of various flavors), cheese can be supplemented with nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews.

Simple cheese slice with grapes

Sliced ​​cheese with vegetables

Cheese cubes with nuts and grapes

Unusual slices of expensive varieties of cheese

Cheese plate with honey and fruits

Video: “Cheese slicing, cheese plate design”

Beautiful cold cuts: design and decoration

Cold cuts– the best snack and tasty treat for guests. As a rule, cold cuts consist of from different varieties of salted, smoked meat, supplemented with sausages. Cold cuts can be combined with a variety of cheeses, olives, lettuce or herbs. Vegetables in cut meats can release “juice”, which is very undesirable for meat.

IMPORTANT: The exception is small cherry tomatoes, which do not need to be cut. They can be neatly placed on top of the slices, adding brightness and freshness to the dish.

Made from meat sliced ​​into thin slices, it is very convenient to roll up neat tubes and arrange it in “scales” or roses. You can cut the meat very thinly and beautifully using a sharp wide knife or a special “slicer” device.

Simple large cuts of meat

Original cold cuts with cheese

Sliced ​​meats with fresh and salted vegetables

Appetizing cold cuts on a wooden plate

Video: “Beautiful cuts of meat”

Beautiful slicing of sausage: design and decoration

Sausage- the most “frequent guest” on the holiday table. You can serve sausage in several interesting ways. This must be done in order to interest everyone present and whet their appetite.

Sausage can be combined with cheese, olives, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, and physalis. From different varieties of sausage you can lay out a variety of patterns and designs.

Sliced ​​sausage with “roses”

Festive sausage slices

Meat cut into large pieces

Video: “Sausage cutting”

Types of cutting vegetables, curly cutting

Vegetable cutting is a must must be on the table to “even out” the severity of some fatty dishes: meat, salads with mayonnaise, fish and potatoes. In order for vegetables to “want to be eaten,” they should be arrange on a serving platter in interesting ways.

For slicing, enough hard vegetables (carrots, beets, cucumbers) you can use curly knives, which cut vegetables in a “wave” or zigzag pattern. Small vegetables, such as cherry tomatoes, should be cut in half or left whole.

Can be added to chopped vegetables fresh onions. It is best to use less spicy varieties of onion so that it evokes only a pleasant taste sensation: blue, white, leek, shallot. The onion should be cut into neat and not thick rings.

Special knife for cutting vegetables into shapes

Flowers from vegetables: curly cutting

Slicing vegetables with a curly knife

carving: artistic cutting of vegetables

Video: “Holiday vegetable slicing”

Beautiful slicing of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions: design and decoration

Simple vegetables such as tomato, cucumber and onion can be beautifully served on a plate and served at the holiday table.

Slicing Features:

  • Tomato very watery, so it should be cut into either large rings or half rings. Small tomatoes are best cut into slices (four pieces from one fruit). Cherry tomatoes are cut in half or left whole.
  • Cucumber allows several cutting methods: rings, ovals (diagonally cutting), half rings, serpentine (using a special device). The shape of the vegetable also allows it to be cut lengthwise into slices, strips, or cubes.
  • Onion cut only into rings, the rings are placed either on top of all vegetables, or alternating with them. You can decorate the slices with a bunch of fresh onion feathers, which can be easily bent, laid, and made into a pattern.

Any cut of vegetables can be decorated with any herbs: parsley, dill, basil, lettuce.

Shaped tomato slicing

Shaped cucumber slicing

Shaped onion slicing

Video: “How to make a rose from a cucumber?”

Beautiful vegetable slicing for the festive table: design and decoration

You can decorate vegetable cuttings in both simple and original ways. For this you will need a few ideas:

Festive fruit slices on a platter

Shaped cutting of vegetables Meat cutting for the holiday

Meat slicer

Festive vegetable and cheese slicing Cheese and sausage dicing

Butterfly sliced ​​meat and vegetables

How to cut apples beautifully so that they don’t darken when slicing?

Apple- one of the most healthy and tasty fruits. Buying an apple is not a problem at any time of the year. If you eat an apple with fatty foods, it will may help the digestion process. The acid in apples helps break down complex fats and speed up metabolism.

You can choose a sweet or sour apple for slicing. Its structure is dense enough that allows you to cut fruit into thin slices and beautifully placed on a serving plate. The only and main problem of the apple is the large amount of iron in it, which contributes oxidation of fruit in fresh air(we are talking about pulp).

To prevent this from happening and the apple not to darken, it needs to be processed citric acid in one of the following ways:

  • Sprinkle apple slices with lemon juice
  • Wash the apple pulp (sliced) in water and lemon juice.
  • Drizzle the apple with lime juice before serving.

Slicing an apple into a flower shape

Apple slicing "leaf"

Swan apple slicing

Video: “How to cut an apple beautifully?”

Beautiful sliced ​​orange for the holiday table: design and decoration

Just like an apple, an orange is a wonderful addition to the holiday and everyday table. The acid of orange will help digest fatty foods and serve as a snack for alcoholic drinks.

Slicing an orange is quite simple. You can cut citrus rings or half rings. There is no need to peel the orange; the crust will help keep the slices in shape. Fruit is a must pit that may be present in it.

You can combine orange slices with other fruits: lemon, apple, kiwi, grapefruit, banana, pear and berries.

Slicing orange blossom

Slicing an orange with other fruits

Video: “Rose from an orange”

Beautiful sliced ​​pineapple for the holiday table: photo

A pineapple - exotic fruit(in particular, scientifically it is considered a vegetable, since it grows in the garden). A pineapple ideal for slicing, which can decorate any table, especially a festive one. In terms of its taste, pineapple can act as a dessert, or can be combined with meat and poultry dishes.

The unusual shape of the pineapple allows several winning ways to cut it, which will result in a beautiful holiday dish. Pineapple has enough thick skin which should be cut with a knife. This is done carefully so as not to scratch your hands with the thorns on the peel.

Pineapple fruit cut in half, the pulp is cleaned out. The pulp can be cut into slices and placed not on a plate, but in a pineapple bowl, preserving all its features: skin and green tail. This cut will immediately delight your guests.

Pineapple as a cut can be successfully combined with other fruits: kiwi, pineapples, grapefruit.

Beautiful sliced ​​pineapple with berries

Swan pineapple slice

Cutting pineapple into cubes

Slicing pineapple into rings

Video: “Pineapple slicing option”

Beautiful fruit slices for a children's holiday table: design and decoration

Children's cutting should "interest" children. That is why fruits are cut in an original way, repeating cartoon stories and interesting pictures.

The most popular ways to cut fruit slices:

  • Make a “fruit skewers”
  • Make a “fruit hedgehog” using toothpicks
  • Make a drawing out of fruits

Interesting ideas for fruit slices for children:

Fruit sliced ​​apple with berries

Herring often decorates the holiday table, since it is a favorite “snack” for strong alcoholic drinks among the “Russian people”. In order to give it a more “elegant look”, you should use several ways to decorate fish:

  • Cleaned fish can be placed on a plate in pieces, alternating them with slices of fresh lemon.
  • Fish can be decorated white or blue onion rings, onions can be inserted between the pieces.
  • You can decorate the laid out pieces of herring, sprinkle them with chopped green onions(onions can be replaced with chopped dill or parsley).
  • The flesh of the fish goes well with green olive flavor, which can simultaneously decorate the table setting.

Festive cutting of herring

Bright and beautiful sliced ​​fish

Video: “Fish slicing”

Sausage and cheese are a universal snack for any occasion. They are used to make sandwiches for breakfast, added to salads and pizza, and also put on the table as a slice. You should not treat this method of serving with disdain, because the overall impression of the table depends on its type. To pleasantly surprise your guests, you should know how to cut cheese and sausage beautifully.

How to make a beautiful cut?

One of the most important rules for beautiful slicing is a well-sharpened knife. A dull knife will only shred food without creating the proper impression. With the help of a sharp knife, you will really cut sausage and cheese beautifully, because the cuts will turn out neat and thin.

You need to start slicing with sausages, because they retain their proper appearance longer. To cut the sausage beautifully, you should carefully divide it into thin slices. Then, you can twist it into various rolls, tubes, roses, etc. You can put sprigs of herbs, olives or lemon inside the sausage tube. Sausages of small diameter can simply be laid out beautifully on a plate.

As for sliced ​​cheese, the size of the slices should be small (about 5 - 6 cm). To make the cutting look beautiful on the plate, place lettuce leaves on the bottom. Sausage slices should occupy 2/3 of the plate, and cheese slices should occupy 1/3.

Meat tubes and rolls are placed on the bottom of the plate. Thin slices are laid out on top. You can place a small amount of vegetables on top of the sausage. Place the sliced ​​cheese on the rest of the plate.

This is a fairly simple way to beautifully decorate the cutting.

Learning to cut sausage

  • Sausage slices should consist of identical, even and thin pieces. To save time, you can use a special device called “Slayster”, which is used for slicing. You can also stock up on curly knives so that you can use them to cut out interesting figures from sausage.
  • Before slicing the sausage, you should remove the film from it. To easily clean smoked or dried meat, place it briefly in cold water. If this method does not help, put the sausage in the freezer - then the film will definitely be easy to clean.
  • If you wish, you can beautifully decorate the sausage slices by showing a little imagination. One of the simplest ways is to cut it in the shape of a flower. Place greens on the edges of a large dish, arrange petals from slices of sausage in a circle, the core of the flower is made of cheese. Moreover, you can cut the cheese with a curly knife to make the dish look more impressive.
  • Dr. An option for decorating the cutting is kala flowers. Thin slices of sausage are rolled into a bud, and pieces of cheese or olives are inserted into the core. Sausage kala is laid out on a plate and decorated with sprigs of greenery.
  • You can make roses from sausage. To do this, cut the boiled into thin circles, roll into a bud and tie with a feather of green onion. Each subsequent layer of petals is laid out more freely and bent to the side. These roses will decorate any table.

Rules for cutting design

To give the cut an original look, you can add additional elements. In addition to greens, olives and lettuce, you can use cherry tomatoes, fresh or pickled cucumbers, pomegranate seeds, strawberries, lemon, mushrooms, nuts, candied fruits, etc.

Some craftswomen decorate the cut with fresh or artificial flowers. You can get original design ideas from cookbooks to create something unusual and memorable.

To truly surprise guests, some housewives heat up sliced ​​sausage and cheese in the microwave. This will allow the cheese to melt and partially cover the sausage, giving it an unusual taste.

Sliced ​​sausage and cheese can be served as canapés. Thread pieces of sausage, meat, cheese, vegetables or fruit onto a toothpick or skewer. Mix up the ingredients to create a truly interesting cut that's easy to pick up and eat.

Beautiful cuts for the holiday table: what to serve with?

When serving sliced ​​sausage and cheese, it is important to know how and what to serve it with. It is advisable to serve the cut on the table no earlier than 1 hour before the guests arrive. Vegetable salads, pickles, and a side dish of potatoes and rice are ideal for slicing.

As for drinks, the ideal option would be strong grape wines, vodka, cognac, whiskey and various liqueurs. Such drinks stimulate the appetite and are mainly enjoyed with sausage and cheese.

Beautiful cuts will decorate any table and increase the appetite of guests. We are used to paying special attention to the design of vegetables and fruits, but we have completely forgotten about cheeses. A cheese plate is one of the most popular appetizers at any table. And it is not at all necessary to use only hard varieties, because today you can find soft and semi-soft cheeses on sale that look beautiful and impress with taste.

How to cut cheese beautifully: ideas, photos

Decorating a cheese plate is not the easiest task and many have no idea how to do it. We are used to simply cutting the product into thin slices. It’s convenient and quick, but it’s unlikely that such an appetizer will become a worthy decoration for a holiday table. Surprise your guests with your originality and creativity!

How to beautifully cut cheese on the table? Photo We have presented the simplest and most interesting ideas below. All of them can be realized using a regular knife. And of course, we will tell you how to serve soft and semi-soft cheeses, since they require a special approach.

Hard cheese. Traditionally it is cut into slices, we also recommend using this method.

Cheese pyramids and blocks. What to do in this case? Start cutting from the top, from the very center, into slices.

Semi-soft and soft varieties in the shape of triangles. It is important here that the pieces are not too thin, as such a product quickly loses its shape.

Cheese in the form of an elongated cylinder (goat cheese, feta cheese) - cut as follows, into round pieces 1 cm thick or thinner.

Soft cheeses (brie, camembert ) are divided into the maximum number of triangles, cut from the center.

Fatty varieties (with mold). Since the product is very fatty and filling, it needs to be cut into small pieces, like a fan.

Expensive cheeses, such as goat, brie, camembert, with mold, do not require special cutting. What could be more appetizing than the most ordinary piece of aromatic cheese? But you can experiment with durum varieties.

How to beautifully cut cheese and sausage: interesting ideas

Most often, cheeses are served with bacon and sausages. Not surprising, because they combine perfectly in taste and appearance. For example, you can cut cheese into thin slices of a triangular or square shape. Hard varieties are ideal for this type of cutting, as they hold their shape well.

The overall design is important here, the secret is not in the cutting. Layer the cheeses on top of each other to make the cheese plate look richer. Combine layers of cheese and sausage and bacon.

If you wish, you can serve the cheese in the form of small cubes; they are convenient to take on a skewer. Complete the cheese plate with grapes or berries, nuts.

To prevent the cheese plate from becoming weathered, try to prepare it no earlier than 2-3 hours before serving. Then wrap the dish on top with cling film, this will prevent the food from chapping and drying out.

As you can see, cutting cheese beautifully is not so difficult; you just need a little patience and imagination. And of course, you will need a sharp knife with which you can make the thinnest slices possible. Good luck!

Greetings to everyone who came to visit))

I still haven’t gotten around to making a selection from the photographs I’ve accumulated in addition to the article about cold cuts, but here we are))

This time it will be sliced ​​cheese for the holiday table with a photo.

This selection will be especially useful on the eve of the holidays.

Although the ability to decorate a cheese plate never hurts, it is especially needed by those who are preparing a buffet-style table, or who are opposed to copious gastronomic “libations” on New Year’s Eve and prefer a light but refined table.

I must say that the “cheese” selection is understandable; cheeses are a more refined product, more expensive and huge dishes, as in the case of sausage, cannot be served with them.

But despite the fact that there is significantly less information and photos on this topic, I still tried to structure it according to various criteria, because... well, I like it when everything is on the shelves)))

First, a few important rules about storing cheese.

  • For packaging, the best option is parchment; cheese in polyethylene “does not breathe.”
  • It must be stored tightly packed, since cheese, just as it absorbs foreign odors well, also shares its own well and generously.
  • It can be stored for 7 to 10 days.
  • The best temperature for storage is 6-10 degrees with a humidity of 90%. The ideal place for this is the fruit and vegetable drawer in the refrigerator.

Cheese plate photo, composition, design

So, let's start with a small number of beautiful, but complex photos that are more suitable for inspiration, although I have no doubt that there are many who can reproduce this kind of thing.

In general, there’s not much of an option to put just cheese in something special and beautiful.

Therefore, it can be cut into curly notches.

Or just cubes.

Or the serving is “combined” with cold cuts, fruits or vegetables and baked goods.

Sliced ​​sausage and cheese for the festive table, photo

Perhaps the most traditional option for us.

Cheese slices, photo, decoration with cookies and/or bread

And not only very beautiful, but also very tasty

Fruit and vegetable combination

As an option - assorted.

And there are also such modern variants of assorted meats; in the article about cold cuts I wrote that I find them especially interesting and attractive.

Several options specifically for the upcoming New Year holidays; here the cheese is laid out in the form of symbols of the coming year. It’s quite difficult to make them from cheese alone, and they won’t be bright enough, so they add vegetables and fruits.

Well, maybe someone will like these “birds of paradise”)

It should be noted that the methods proposed above are by no means for gourmets and true connoisseurs of cheese, because a “real” cheese plate has its own rules. Get to know the main ones, it's interesting.

  1. The most acceptable number of cheeses on a plate is from 3 to 7. Moreover, when choosing them, you should focus on their “noble origin” and quality. It is curious that true gourmets recommend using an odd number of cheeses - 3, 5, 7.
  2. The plate should contain an assortment of cheeses with different tastes: neutral, sharp, mild, pronounced, etc.
  3. They need to be arranged in a certain order from more neutral varieties to more saturated ones. Typically, the “dial” rule is applied, ordering the mildest cheeses clockwise first and ending with the brightest varieties. Or laying it out in a square, where there will be sharper cheeses along the edges and less intense ones towards the center.
  4. Soft cheeses can be served placed on glass or porcelain dishes, and hard cheeses can be served directly on wooden boards; I liked the phrase I read somewhere that they look “especially brutal” on them))
  5. Different varieties need to be laid out keeping a distance from each other so that the smells of the cheeses do not mix with each other.

Alternatively, a cheese plate could look like this:

  • fresh cheeses: feta, mozzarella or ricotta;
  • soft: Neuchatel and/or soft with a pronounced taste: for example, Camembert;
  • semi-soft: gouda;
  • hard: emmental and/or hard savory: parmesan;
  • sheep or goat cheese: option - pecorino;
  • blue cheeses: Roquefort or Dor Blue.

To reveal the taste, the following is added to the cheeses as an “accompaniment”:

  • Fruits – grapes(!), pears, apples, figs, strawberries, pineapple;
  • Dried fruits – raisins, dates, dried apricots, prunes, figs;
  • Olives;
  • Spicy greens – cilantro, arugula, mint.
  • Nuts, especially almonds, pecans and walnuts.
  • Crackers, croutons and crusty bread.
  • Jams, marmalades and honey. There are even special jams for cheeses, I really haven’t seen them here)) in this case, it is recommended to choose jams from apricots and figs.
  • And, of course, wine.

A universal option for a cheese plate is a light wine with a fruity tint. But in general, each type of cheese “prefers” its own wine:

  • soft fatty cheeses – semi-dry and dry;
  • hard – red wine;
  • goat and sheep - classic Sauvignon;
  • blue cheeses – sweet fortified;
  • cheeses with a blue rind - brut.

Beautiful, tasty and original cheese plates for you :)

And if for the holiday table you want to prepare something yourself, interesting, but more “substantial”, then pay attention to: and.
