Turkey paws: benefits and harms, chemical composition. The benefits and harms of turkey meat, important properties of turkey meat. Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of turkey meat

Composition of turkey meat

Turkey meat contains a really large amount of vitamins - in particular, vitamin A and E, it is low in cholesterol, it is well and easily absorbed by the human body, and thanks to its properties, experts boldly classify turkey meat as a dietary category of food. Also, in the composition of meat you can find many microelements necessary for the human body - iron and calcium, phosphorus and sodium, sulfur and potassium, iodine, magnesium and manganese. So, by eating the meat of this bird, you not only pamper yourself with high-quality protein, but also get all the substances necessary for your body, without which it is impossible to imagine its normal functioning.

By the way, you will probably be interested to know that, for example, there is even more sodium in turkey meat than in veal or beef, and it is thanks to this sodium in the composition that almost no salt can be used in the process of cooking turkey meat, which is very important for people those suffering from high blood pressure or those looking for menu items. But the meat of this bird contains exactly as much potassium as is needed by the human body. Whereas, the level of fat content in meat promotes good absorption of calcium, which, as we remember, is necessary to keep our bones and teeth healthy. It is precisely taking into account the latter fact that turkey meat is recommended to be consumed for the prevention of joint diseases, and.

As for iron, there is much more of it in turkey meat than in chicken meat, and 2 times more than in beef. So, if you are suffering, do not rush to take pharmaceutical drugs, just include turkey dishes in your diet. In addition, given that experts say that regular consumption of this poultry meat is also effective in preventing the appearance and growth of cancer cells, such a menu will be really useful...

Who benefits from eating turkey meat?

Despite the fact that the benefits of this type of dietary meat are obvious and relevant for everyone, there are those categories of people who simply must include turkey meat in their diet. These are physically active people, athletes and those who simply lead an active lifestyle - for them this product will become a source of replenishing energy resources. Meat will also be useful for pregnant women, women during lactation and for babies. It is with turkey meat that baby nutrition experts recommend starting a child’s acquaintance with meat products - it is easily digestible and helps increase the child’s immunity. Also, turkey meat dishes are recommended to be included in the diet of convalescent people and those recovering from serious illnesses.

How to choose turkey meat

When choosing turkey meat, regardless of what you choose - a whole turkey cut into portions - pay attention to the fact that the bird is meaty and well-fed, and its breast and legs are well-fed. The skin of a fresh bird should be yellowish, light, moist, and free of spots.

To determine the freshness of the meat, you can gently press your finger on the carcass - if a dent does not form, then the poultry meat is fresh, but if a mark remains, then the bird is no longer fresh, and it is not worth buying.

How to store turkey meat

Store purchased poultry in a plastic bag and in the refrigerator (find out). At the same time, the shelf life when thawed should not exceed 24 hours. If you purchased frozen poultry, you must cook it immediately after defrosting the meat, since at room temperature microbes begin to quickly develop in the meat and will not die, even if the meat is re-frozen.

Cooking turkey meat

Any cooking site or home book will tell you about a huge number of recipes for cooking turkey meat. And indeed it is. The meat of this bird can be fried, baked, boiled, stewed and even smoked, or it can be steamed (use for this) - then you will get the most dietary dish. You can also make cutlets, pate and sausage from ground turkey.

At the same time, each country has its own secrets for preparing such meat. So, the British, for example, love turkey stuffed with mushrooms and berries, and in France the bird carcass is stuffed with rosemary, mushrooms and truffles, and before serving it is poured with a delicate creamy sauce, while the Italians stuff the carcass with oranges.

How to properly bake turkey meat

If you decide to cook turkey meat in the oven, be patient and... time. The cooking process will take hours, and on average it will take you up to 3 hours, provided that the oven is well heated (at least 200 degrees).

Today, most people know firsthand that turkey is the highest quality and healthiest type of poultry meat. Due to its composition, turkey meat, the benefits of which are simply incredibly enormous, is considered dietary. Currently, these birds are bred literally all over the world, including in Russia and many other CIS countries. That is why experts are well versed in the following question: “Turkey: the benefits or harms of this meat.”

At the first analysis of the nutritional and mineral components that make up this product, it becomes clear that the benefits of turkey, first of all, lie in the fact that it is rich in vitamins such as E and A. Also a distinctive feature of the turkey meat product, the benefits which immediately becomes obvious is a significantly low cholesterol content, which means that the meat is easily digested and absorbed by the human body. Consequently, thanks to this factor, turkey is classified as a dietary product.

Don’t forget that this meat contains all the microelements a person needs, namely iron, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, sulfur and, of course, magnesium. So, by consuming turkey meat daily, the benefits of this product become noticeable instantly, because you get not only the highest quality protein, but also many other nutrients and beneficial substances that your body simply cannot do without.

It should also be noted that in terms of sodium content in turkey meat, it is significantly higher than products such as beef and veal, which is very strange. But, nevertheless, thanks to the presence of sodium in our body, the volume of plasma in the human blood increases, which contributes to normal metabolic processes and the healthy functioning of the entire body as a whole. Let's not forget that the relatively high level of sodium contained in turkey meat virtually eliminates the need to use salt during cooking, which is very important for people suffering from high blood pressure.

The ideal level of potassium in the meat makes this product the best of its kind. The level of fat is moderate, so the absorption of calcium, which plays a decisive role in the formation, occurs quickly and easily. Thus, turkey meat is considered a very useful product for preventive procedures associated with joint diseases, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.

The level of iron is twice that of beef and much higher than that of chicken. Most doctors recommend using this product when prescribing diets for patients suffering from iron deficiency anemia. Thus, regular consumption of turkey undoubtedly prevents the development of cancer cells.

It is also worth mentioning such a product as turkey liver, the benefits of which are as great as the meat itself. After all, the ideal balance of protein, fat and carbohydrate content makes this product very nutritious and healthy. The important thing is that turkey has no contraindications for consumption. That is why this meat must be included in your daily diet. However, you should always pay attention to the quality and freshness of the meat. Since the goal that every person pursues is to obtain the maximum benefit from a given food product.

Thus, having received such detailed information about this product, everything becomes completely clear, and the answer to the question: “Turkey meat: benefit or harm?” suggests itself. You no longer have to be afraid that such an unusual product for you may turn out to be harmful and cause damage to your health. After all, as we have already found out, there is nothing healthier than turkey meat and liver.

Kira Stoletova

The fashionable health trend has put an end to many animal products. To prolong youth and maintain your figure, you need to be careful about the food you eat. What is the benefit of turkey meat, whose appearance revolutionized cooking? Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of popular food.


The homeland of turkeys is America, and the first turkeys were brought to Europe on the ships of the Spanish conquerors at the beginning of the 16th century. I liked the tasty and low-fat product, so they started eating the bird. With skillful care, males reach 20 kg, and females - 15.

Fiber contains practically no cholesterol, but a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins. The rate of absorption of protein exceeds that of rabbit and chicken. Satisfaction comes with a smaller portion of food, so it began to be recommended in many diets.

In America and Western Europe, turkey meat has long enjoyed well-deserved popularity. It has firmly taken a central place in national cuisines or replaced fattier ingredients. Domestic consumers look at supermarket shelves with caution, not knowing where and how the product can be used.

In terms of taste, tender meat is between chicken and. It does not have the specific aroma of poultry, which is so annoying when consumed regularly. The minimum amount of fat is absorbed very quickly and does not leave extra centimeters on the waist and hips.

What does turkey meat look like? The breast is painted white, and the legs have a pleasant pink tint. The view in the photo shows a gradual transition from light parts to darker parts. The fillets are not as dry as chicken fillets. There is practically no fat layer under the skin.

The benefits of turkey meat are its amazing composition. If you are careful about your own health, then this is an ideal food for every day. Delicious food contains many useful microelements.

  1. Vitamins. Includes all the components necessary for the development of the body. Group B, A, E and PP are responsible for many functions within the body.
  2. Protein. The substance is involved in DNA synthesis and muscle construction. Responsible for the proper functioning of organs and metabolic processes.
  3. Phosphorus. Prevents joint diseases, “builds” bones. In terms of the amount of component, the product is not inferior to fish.
  4. Tryptophan. Improves the functions of the central nervous system, and also makes the emotional background stable.
  5. Microelements. Iron, potassium, calcium are involved in the creation of blood, and copper, chromium, zinc and cobalt stabilize the functioning of all internal organs.
  6. Folic acid. Needed for the healthy formation and development of the child in the womb.

This amazing product contains components that are important for humans. They manage all functions of the structure of internal organs and are responsible for strong immunity. When used wisely, the product can relieve many problems, including insomnia and manager's syndrome.

The nutritional value of the popular protein is 270 kcal per 100 grams. Additionally, poultry contains the daily requirement of unsaturated Omega-3 acids, which increase brain activity. The benefits and harms depend on the correct preparation of the dish.

Beneficial features

Food of animal origin has long been present in the human diet. But the cholesterol content in pork and beef has forced the world's thinning population to give up tasty food. The main benefit of turkey meat is that lean fiber does not include a dangerous component and will be a good addition to the diet menu.

What are the beneficial properties of turkey meat? The unique concentration of potassium and unsaturated fats can have a positive effect on the health of the heart and blood vessels. The product is an essential element of a therapeutic diet for cardiac diseases.

Low fat content and abundance of phosphorus makes it possible to absorb calcium as much as possible. Such food will be a good addition to the diet during the recovery stages after fractures or joint diseases. By the way, it contains a lot of sodium, which improves metabolic processes in the body.

Turkey meat improves immunity and strengthens human reproductive abilities. Does not cause allergies in babies and helps the proper development of the fetus in pregnant women. It is recommended for men to solve problems with potency. Scientists have noticed that regular use of the product prevents the development of cancer.


Even the healthiest food can be harmful if consumed in excess. Constant overeating on protein foods has a negative impact on the digestive system and can cause various abnormalities. The predominance of any product in the diet disrupts metabolism.

Turkey meat does not contain cholesterol, but due to the increased concentration of animal protein it can be dangerous for people with kidney disease and gout. It is worth remembering that for any illness, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Changing your diet on your own can lead to disastrous results.

The substance sodium normalizes metabolic processes and restores blood. Excess consumption accumulates in the body, causing high blood pressure in hypertensive patients. To avoid exacerbation, experts recommend less salting of poultry dishes.

The composition and calorie content of turkey meat cannot be used as a medicine. A large amount of protein contributes to the occurrence of intestinal colic and flatulence. The lack of plant fiber in such a diet leads to constipation.

Vitamins and other important substances will be useless if a spoiled product is consumed. Remember that only fresh food is used in the diet. You should stay away from turkey meat that has rotten or unpleasant odors.

How to choose

According to GOST, retail chains and markets offer customers both whole carcasses and individual parts. On store shelves you can find offal (liver, heart) and minced meat. Red meat is practically no different from veal, and diet breast smells better than chicken fillet.

Experts recommend buying chilled raw materials, although the unique products retain their beneficial properties even after two months of deep freezing. Remember that turkey meat on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator has a limited shelf life. If you do not use it as intended within 24 hours, putrefactive bacteria begin to multiply in the tissues.

No matter how much they talk about the beneficial characteristics of food, you should not purchase fresh products from unverified places. In this case, there is no guarantee that the poultry was raised in accordance with all requirements and that the animal fibers will not contain antibiotics or hormones. You shouldn't experiment with your health.

How to choose the right turkey meat? The skin on the carcass should be smooth, without spots or stickiness. If you press your finger anywhere, the hole is quickly restored. The breast looks light and the legs are pink. The smell of fresh poultry is without chemical aromas, and an unpleasant odor indicates the presence of putrefactive processes.

Frozen fillets should not be cloudy or have dark areas on the surface. If the cost of the product is much cheaper than the fresh options, then it is better to refuse the purchase. Often retail chains do not comply with technical requirements, as a result of which the bacteria content inside increases.

How to cook

Hypoallergenic turkey meat is used in the production of semi-finished products and homemade food. Unlike chicken, it does not have a specific aroma, so it can be given to both children and adults. Cooking does not violate the value of the product, maintaining a sufficient amount of iron, potassium and other elements.

Turkey meat with boiled vegetables can be used in diets when a person counts the number of calories eaten. In dietary nutrition, poultry has found many fans, so it is allowed in all popular weight loss systems. The vitamin content is not reduced by this treatment.

Modern technologies make it possible to use tasty poultry in the preparation of sausages and sausages. Low calorie content and excellent taste are complemented by natural food flavors. Semi-finished products are most often produced from breast meat.

If weight allows, then the whole carcass can be baked in the oven with potatoes or roasted on a spit. Turkey meat is often used to make kebabs, which are not inferior in taste to pork. Any parts of the bird's body do not lose their positive properties during cooking.

It is very healthy to eat steamed cutlets made from minced turkey meat - they are suitable even for those who are forced to adhere to a therapeutic diet.

From breast and liver you can make a delicious pate that contains a minimum of calories. Cooking does not require long-term heat treatment from the cook. This dish does not have the aroma of chicken or pork, and the unique concentration of substances is not destroyed by temperature.

Things to remember

If you are concerned about your health, then you should not fry the valuable turkey meat. The appetizing color of the crust is achieved due to the oxidation of fats, and this negatively affects the digestive system. Eating such food is dangerous for both children and adults.

Turkey. The healthiest meat.

Turkey fillet in balsamic vinegar - Tasty Easy Healthy

The quality of turkey meat depends on how it was raised. Unlike chickens, it requires more time and costs. To reduce the cost of live weight, some farmers use antibiotics and hormonal agents. Such additives accumulate in tissues and can be harmful to the consumer.

The type of low-quality meat is practically no different from ordinary meat, but it is not advisable for children and sick people to eat it. To avoid a dangerous purchase, we advise you to purchase food from reliable retail chains. Stores that respect their reputation will not take risks with untested goods.

Turkey meat has long been a favorite of foreign and domestic cuisine. Low calorie content and excellent taste make it possible to replace fatty pork. Our recommendations will help you determine the beneficial and harmful aspects of popular foods.

Turkey meat was brought to Europe from North America, which is considered its homeland. This bird is one of the most popular; very often it becomes a replacement for everyone’s usual chicken.

Turkeys are the second largest poultry after ostriches.

Depending on the part of the carcass, the meat is white and red. In the first case, a product is produced from poultry fillet, and in the second, all other parts are used. These types of meat have different nutritional properties. The benefits and harms of turkey meat for the body are described in detail in this article.

What does turkey meat contain?

Turkey meat

The chemical composition of turkey has distinctive features depending on the part of the bird. The concentration of some elements is much higher in red meat, but both types contain the following components:

  • B vitamins, beta-carotene, nicotinic acid, tocopherol;
  • minerals – iron, chromium, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, cobalt, magnesium, sodium, molybdenum, calcium, iodine, chlorine;
  • organic acids;
  • phospholipids and triglycerides;
  • choline

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The nutritional value of turkey fillet consists of a higher concentration of protein and less fat, unlike red meat. BZHU fresh turkey breast fillet 100 g of product is 19.2 g, 0.7 g, 0 g respectively. Cooked turkey fillet proteins, fats, carbohydrates are 22.8 g, 4 g, 0.5 g respectively. The BJU of red type turkey meat corresponds to the values ​​of 13 g, 8 g, 0.5 g. The energy value of turkey depending on the part of the bird is described in detail below.

How many calories are in turkey fillet? Corresponds to turkey fillet 121 kcal. How many calories are in turkey red meat? It also depends on the specific part. Turkey drumstick fillet has 142 kcal calories, and turkey thigh fillet has 144 kcal. Red turkey meat has almost the same calorie content when cooked. Turkey wings have 191 calories. Steamed turkey has 131 kcal. Speaking about turkey and cholesterol, it is worth noting that white meat contains much less of this harmful component, as well as calories, which is why it is often preferred.

What are the benefits of turkey meat for the body?

This product is one of the best sources of protein. This is a nutritious and low-calorie meat, in which the presence of moderate fat content promotes the absorption of calcium. So, the benefits of turkey for the body are as follows:

  • strengthens the heart muscle, prevents heart disease;
  • prevents the development of anemia;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • strengthens the musculoskeletal system, teeth, skeletal system;
  • increases immunity;
  • normalizes the process of hematopoiesis;
  • prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis, joint diseases, osteochondrosis;
  • activates brain activity;
  • improves metabolism;
  • prevents the development of pathologies in the fetus during pregnancy;
  • has a positive effect on potency.

How do quail eggs help restore potency in men? right now!

The beneficial properties of turkey meat are also aimed at strengthening the nervous system, thanks to which you can get rid of insomnia and overcome stress. In addition, protein helps restore strength after heavy physical activity. Which turkey meat is healthier - white or red? Both types have a set of useful vitamins and microelements. At the same time, white meat is lower in calories, contains more protein and a minimal amount of cholesterol, due to which it is preferred by people on a diet and those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Red meat has more protein, iron and sodium.

For more information about the properties of turkey meat, watch the video:

What are the benefits of turkey for children?

Is turkey meat good for children? Is turkey hypoallergenic or not? The product is not only healthy, but also does not cause allergies. It is easily digestible, saturates the body with protein, strengthens the musculoskeletal skeleton, and promotes teeth growth. Due to the fact that this is a hypoallergenic product, it is recommended as the first complementary food for babies from 6 months. Turkey for babies helps in brain development, strengthening bones, immunity, and the nervous system.

Turkey during breastfeeding is beneficial for both mother and child. The presence of calcium promotes bone growth and has a beneficial effect on nails and hair.

In addition, the baby is actively developing thanks to the supply of necessary substances through mother’s milk. These features are relevant, including during pregnancy. It also helps relieve depression, insomnia, and cope with stressful situations.

Benefits for men and women

For women, the question is whether turkey is a dietary meat or not. Due to its low calorie content and low fat content, the product is considered dietary and is widely used in the menu of various diets, which is important for maintaining a figure. Turkey for weight loss replenishes the body with useful substances, restores it after a diet, and energizes it. In addition, substances in meat help strengthen nails and hair.

For men, such a product is necessary to enhance sexual activity. If you regularly include it in your diet, it will increase your sex drive and potency. In addition, a positive effect is noted regarding the improvement in the reproductive function of the male half of the population.

What are the contraindications and harms?

In what cases should it be abandoned? Turkey is often included in therapeutic diets; on the contrary, it is indicated for pancreatitis, and it should be used with caution in the following situations:

  • in case of kidney problems, gout due to the high protein content;
  • for hypertension, since the product contains a lot of sodium; extra salt in a dish can increase blood pressure;
  • in case of a history of renal failure.


The bird is used on menus around the world. It is used to prepare salads, first and second courses, chops, casseroles, cutlets, pies, and rolls. Boiled meat is most beneficial, but it is also often stewed, fried, marinated, baked, steamed or grilled. It is combined with a huge number of products, in particular with the following:

  • vegetables, berries, sweet and sour fruits.
  • herbs, seasonings and spices.
  • chestnuts, capers, olives.
  • sour cream, cream, .
  • dried fruits, .
  • offal, butter, vegetable oil.
  • , pasta.

Boiled turkey meat has the greatest benefits.

It is not recommended to consume meat with legumes and cabbage in the diet. This ingredient, finely chopped, cooks very quickly, so it is important to monitor its content on the fire so as not to overcook. On a diet, it is unacceptable to use high-calorie sauces and dressings, in particular mayonnaise, with poultry.

Signature dish

A variety of dishes are prepared from this bird, however, one of the most festive and popular dishes is the baked stuffed bird carcass. It is coated inside and out with a mixture of 30 mg of olive oil, 0.5 tsp. nutmeg, marjoram, oregano, 2 cloves of garlic. You need to marinate it this way in the refrigerator, leaving it overnight.

For stuffing, mix 4 apples, 100 g of grated cheese, 300 g, half a bunch, 6 cloves, lemon juice and salt. Stuff the carcass with this mixture, wrap in foil and place in the oven to bake at 250 degrees. After half an hour, the temperature should be reduced to 180 degrees. Just before it's ready, unwrap the bird to brown it.

How turkey is beneficial for those who want to lose weight, watch the video:

Let's sum it up

The benefits and harms of turkey fillet and its other parts are determined by the content of beneficial components and cholesterol. Meat not only saturates with protein and other beneficial substances, but is also a low-calorie product, which is why it is used for weight loss.

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Which turkey meat to choose depends on the purpose of its use. At the same time, it is also important to know the consumption standards of the product due to its protein content. For an adult man this is 120-140 g, and for a woman 100-120 g. Children under three years of age should not consume more than 80 g of this meat. The norm is considered to be four times a week.

A high-quality product has elastic muscle fiber, and there are no pronounced fatty layers. The skin has a pale pink tint, sometimes a little yellowish. There should be no dark spots or bluish color on the bird. It should be stored refrigerated for no more than two days, and frozen for about two months.

Similar materials

Turkey meat is quite unique in its chemical composition. The product is valued among people who watch their figure and lead a healthy lifestyle. Experts recommend diversifying your daily menu with a similar dish if you haven’t already done so. Let's consider what the benefits and harms of the product lie.

Calorie content and composition of turkey

  1. Turkey is a fairly healthy meat with an impressive list of essential elements for humans. Among the enzymes, the largest amount is nicotinic acid, tocopherol, retinol, vitamin K, B.
  2. The product is also rich in phosphorus, potassium, iodine, iron, magnesium and calcium. In addition to this list, you can find quite interesting substances in the form of atomic gold, protein and fiber. Don't forget about thiamine, lysine, histidine and isoleucine.
  3. 100 grams of product contains only 75 mg. cholesterol, which is perfectly absorbed by the body without harming the circulatory system. In addition, the enzyme found in turkey meat prevents the synthesis of harmful lipids that come with other products.
  4. Meat perfectly accelerates all metabolic processes in the body, saturating tissues with important microelements. The latter, in turn, prevent the development of harmful microorganisms in the form of pathology and oncology.
  5. Studies have shown that meat is rich in iron, which is an excellent prevention of anemia. Therefore, the product must be included in the daily diet. Systematic intake of the dish will prevent the risk of developing anemia.
  6. If you compare two types of meat - red and turkey, then the latter will contain 2 times more iron. Doctors often recommend the first option, not knowing about the value of the composition of the second type of product. Poultry meat is also rich in magnesium, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.
  7. The presence of phosphorus in turkey meat is almost on par with red fish. Due to this, calcium is absorbed in the body without any problems. As a result, all bone tissue is completely strengthened. The hair becomes much better, the nail plate is restored.
  8. The abundance of microelements has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. It is worth knowing that poultry meat is several times higher in sodium content than veal and beef. To verify this, simply cook the turkey and taste it.
  9. Poultry meat is famous for its high content of natural protein, so the product is in demand among athletes for building muscle fibers. The calorie content of turkey ranges from 100-190 Kcal, the only difference is in the parts of the bird.

Effect of turkey on the body

  • actively participates in hematopoiesis;
  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • stimulates tissue renewal at the cellular level;
  • lowers bad cholesterol levels;
  • has a positive effect on brain activity;
  • normalizes the activity of the endocrine system;
  • suppresses the occurrence of atherosclerosis;
  • excellent for osteochondrosis and hypotension;
  • has a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart;
  • significantly increases the strength of inert tissue;
  • helps cope with insomnia and depression;
  • suppresses premature aging;
  • has a beneficial effect on male strength.

  1. Turkey contains a lot of good, easily digestible protein. With its deficiency, the skin becomes pale, the person feels sluggish, and fatigue appears. Turkey is necessary for raising morale, as well as gaining muscle mass (relevant for athletes). Meat contains more protein than the notorious fish.
  2. Systematic intake of turkey will provide you with quality sleep and a good psycho-emotional environment. In a short time you can get rid of nervousness, anxiety and fear. All this becomes possible thanks to tryptophan, an essential amino acid that must be supplied to the body with food.
  3. Interestingly, turkey accelerates the production of the joy hormone. Eating meat improves your mood, gives you a boost of energy, and speeds up all metabolic processes in the body.
  4. It contains a lot of phosphorus, which is responsible for the strength of teeth and enamel, bone tissue, hair and nails. Without this element, teeth begin to crumble, nails begin to peel, and hair falls out. This is especially true for people with an unstable hormonal environment.
  5. Eating turkey benefits the thyroid gland. Contains a serving weighing 100 g. the daily norm of selenium accumulates. This component is important for the entire endocrine system, as it maintains the balance of hormones.
  6. Turkey prevents the development of cancer. Its constituent elements are often used when added to drugs that are aimed at fighting cancer. It's all about the ability of meat to block oxygen and blood flow to malignant tumors. The beneficial effects are most observed on the esophagus, lungs, bladder, skin, and prostate.
  7. Meat contains a lot of vitamin B12, which is responsible for cognitive functions. This substance reduces the amount of homocysteine, which often provokes disorders.
  8. Turkey has a relatively low glycemic index and is consumed by diabetics to maintain blood glucose levels. The product also removes cholesterol plaques, and this leads to the prevention of atherosclerosis, varicose veins, and thrombophlebitis.
  9. Turkey meat is the main participant in a healthy diet. The product has the properties to increase metabolism and enhance the digestibility of food. Moreover, after eating turkey, a person does not suffer from hunger. Meat affects the cleansing of the intestines, removing the most stagnant phenomena from it.
  10. High-quality protein, which accumulates in large volumes in turkey, allows male athletes to gain weight faster. The muscles are formed correctly and do not crumble during long periods of rest. Turkey should be eaten during very intense exercise.
  11. It is useful to eat turkey to support the functioning of the pancreas. Scientists conducted a study in which they proved that daily consumption of 150 grams. meat reduces the likelihood of pancreatic cancer.
  12. Broth cooked with turkey meat has a good effect on the body. Use it as a prevention and treatment for respiratory infections, flu, and sore throat. The composition helps to recover after a recent operation or serious illness.
  13. Turkey meat is good for pregnant girls and children. In the first case, the lack of protein is compensated, the central nervous system and skeleton of the fetus are formed. In the second, the structure of bone tissue and teeth is improved, and caries is prevented.

  1. Turkey does not pose a threat to the body of an adult if the meat is consumed taking into account the recommended daily allowance. However, it is worth remembering about possible allergies to the product and its individual intolerance. Such cases are extremely rare, but they do occur.
  2. Categories of people who have the following diseases should avoid consuming turkey meat: gout, high blood pressure, kidney failure, urolithiasis.
  3. Foods with a large accumulation of proteins load the human liver. The internal organ cannot cope with such a flow, making it difficult to remove bile.
  4. As for hypertensive patients, you don’t have to completely exclude turkey meat from your diet. Use the product only without salt and spices. It is advisable to consult your doctor for more detailed information.
  5. The skin of poultry contains a lot of harmful fat that the body does not need. If you want to maintain youth and live a long time, eat only the pulp, legs or wings. Before any heat treatment, remove the skin.
  6. If you plan to introduce turkey into your child’s diet, take care of the freshness of the raw materials. It is advisable to buy turkey from friends to be sure of the health of the bird.

Turkey meat can rightfully be considered a valuable product for the body. The composition fits perfectly into the diet of almost any person. With the help of this meat, you can lose extra pounds, build muscle mass, or significantly improve your health.

Video: the benefits and harms of turkey meat
