Is chicken marinated in kefir? Chicken in kefir in the oven - how to cook it so that the meat turns out tasty and tender. Poultry stewed in a slow cooker

Arugula is the salad of Roman emperors, French kings, oligarchs and superstars. It is loved equally by the poor and the rich, those who understand good cooking and those who simply love to eat heartily. Arugula is mysterious and unexpected, it refreshes and makes any salad brighter, and sometimes you can’t do without it, it is the star of Italian and French cuisine and an essential ingredient in elite restaurants. Arugula is tasty, spicy and very healthy.

Biologically, arugula is cabbage, but it is used as a salad green or a spice. There are wild and cultivated arugula. The wild leaves are small and the taste is brighter. Leaves, seeds and flowers are used as food. The seeds are made into oil, and the flowers and leaves are added to salads and other dishes. In Ancient Rome, arugula was used as a seasoning, and until now in the Mediterranean countries, arugula is treated more like a spice than a salad vegetable. Arugula is added to pizzas, risotto, salads and pasta dishes, it is used instead of basil or mixed with it in pesto sauce, served with meat and decorated with many different dishes.

There has been a lot of confusion with the names of this herb. In different countries, arugula is called by different names, and incompetent translators bring names into the language from other languages ​​(this is how the completely unnecessary word “arugula”, which came from Europe, appeared in Russian). Mixed in with this are relatives of arugula and simply similar plants. Arugula is confused with chicory, with radicchio salad and colza, they attribute to it a relationship with radishes and salads, and at the same time they prepare it in accordance with the misconceptions - stewed, baked and boiled. This is also complicated by the fact that arugula has different names even in European countries, and often a banal language barrier interferes with the solemn procession of this most useful herb-cabbage-vegetable.

The word "arugula" is Italian; in various regions of Italy the plant is called either rucula, ruchetta, rughetta or even ruca, which is definitely close to its Latin scientific name Eruca sativa. It would be good if that was all there was to it, but there are other names for arugula. Firstly, these are three versions of the Russian name: arugula, arugula, arugula, on par with folk caterpillar or reveler. They are equivalent, but the most common form is arugula. Secondly, in England and English-speaking countries, arugula is called rocket, in France and French-speaking roquette. Thirdly, in Portugal and Spain arugula is already arugula and is considered Persian mustard mostarda-persa, in Germany it is Rauke. It is believed that arugula “came” to the ancient world from what is now Central Asia. Now arugula is still found in the wild in the countries of this region, as well as in the Middle East, the Caucasus and even its foothills in the Krasnodar Territory. Arugula grows in India, Africa, North and South America, Mediterranean countries and even in central Europe. Arugula grows best in southern Europe in dry, loose soil, where it is successfully cultivated and exported to other countries. Especially a lot of arugula is grown in Veneto (Italy).

The inexperienced public will certainly enjoy the taste and aroma of this spicy herb, while connoisseurs will be most interested in the properties of arugula. It is the composition that determines how best to use arugula in cooking in order to preserve all the active substances of this wonderful plant. Arugula has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times, and we should not neglect the natural and tasty “medicine”. Arugula juice was used for ulcers, to get rid of freckles, polyps, calluses and bruises; seed juice was an excellent medicine for complex skin diseases or difficult wounds. And during the crazy feasts of the Roman emperors, arugula was considered an aphrodisiac.

Arugula really improves digestion, is a diuretic, that is, a diuretic, has an antibacterial effect, stimulates milk production in nursing women and successfully fights scurvy and spring vitamin deficiency. And all because arugula contains valuable mustard oils, which contain linoleic, erucic, linolenic, oleic and other acids, steroids p-sitosterol, compesterol, thioglycosides, several useful alkaloids and flavonoids. Arugula increases hemoglobin levels, removes cholesterol, improves digestion, improves the tone of the gastrointestinal tract and is even considered a preventative against cancer. There is an opinion that arugula helps to lose excess weight due to a special mechanism of influence on metabolism. Arugula contains a large amount of carotene, vitamin C and iodine.

Arugula can and should be grown at home “on the window”, and if you have a summer cottage or your own house and land, then such a useful plant simply must be in the arsenal of any gourmet. Arugula grows almost like a weed and all you need is a little warmth, for example, creating a separate bed inside a greenhouse with tomatoes. Arugula likes slightly acidic soils, grows well in sandy soils and does not like extreme heat. It tolerates the absence of sun calmly and grows well at 16-18 degrees Celsius. Arugula loves water and does not like drought. In hot, dry conditions the leaves become coarse and bitter.

You can prepare many different salads from fresh arugula, add it to omelettes, pasta dishes, risotto, and simply decorate ready-made dishes with its carved leaves. By the way, about salads. In addition to the fact that arugula enhances traditional green salads with herbs, it can successfully fit into complex and creative salads with contrasting ingredients based on meat, cheese, herbs, nuts and vegetables. Arugula is included in the traditional French salad mixture mexlin (mesclun) originally from Nice, where in addition to arugula there are dandelion leaves, red and regular chicory, young oak leaves, curly endive, chervil, radicchio, purslane, sorrel, Swiss chard, spinach and lettuce. Sometimes the mixture is enriched with other herbs, sometimes the composition is compressed to 5 minimum ingredients. Mexlen is seasoned with a traditional dressing made from a mixture of olive oil and lemon, flavored with garlic and black pepper. Serve this mix with toasted bread with pieces of grilled vegetables and cheese, or simply with meat.

Fresh arugula can be served with meat or as a “side dish” as part of other herbs and salads for barbecue or grilled meat. In this case, it is good to experiment with rosé wines. Arugula goes well with cheeses, especially hard ones. Arugula is very tasty and suitable for canapés and small appetizers. Arugula can be added to marinades when pickling vegetables or mushrooms, crumbled into soup, on a sandwich, hamburger or pizza. You can replace basil with arugula, which is especially good in classic pesto. Arugula forgives bold experiments and can delight you with a new taste, you just need to follow a few recommendations.

. Arugula should be dried after washing.
. You need to tear the arugula with your hands,
. Arugula loves oil, especially olive oil,
. Arugula goes well with pasta, nuts and cheese,
. Picked arugula does not store well,
. Arugula does not like prolonged high temperatures,
. A salad or dish with arugula should be eaten immediately after preparing it.

The most important rule when handling arugula is freshness. If you can use fresh leaves, use them. You can tear them with your hands, season them with olive oil, lemon juice, pepper and salt, or you can eat them just like that or beautifully place them in a mound on pasta or another dish already laid out on a plate. Arugula can be used as a seasoning - in the ancient Roman style - and added to a bowl of soup. And, by the way, why not use spicy herb in okroshka, in my opinion, it will be good there.

Do not try to bake arugula, make puree with it, or stew vegetable stew with arugula. Long-term (and even short) heat treatment kills most of the beneficial substances, leaving only a trace of aroma and a semblance of taste. Fresh arugula is healthy and tasty, but overcooked, boiled and stewed arugula turns into a tasteless, faded green substance.

Several recipes will help you understand the main uses of arugula.

Arugula with Parmesan

400 g arugula,
150 g parmesan,
40 ml olive oil,
10 ml balsamic vinegar,
5 ml walnut oil,
5 ml grape seed oil,
black pepper, salt to taste.

Mix dressing ingredients. Rinse the arugula leaves, dry them and place them in a salad bowl or on a flat dish, pour over the dressing. Place thin slices of Parmesan cheese on top. An excellent result is obtained if you use a paring knife to create the plates.

500 g pizza dough,
250 g thinly sliced ​​smoked salmon,
120 g mozzarella,
100 g arugula or 1 large bunch,
50 g parmesan,
1 tomato
5 tbsp. spoons of olive oil,
freshly ground black pepper, salt to taste.

Preheat the oven to 230°C, take a pizza pan (28 cm in diameter) or a baking tray, grease with olive oil and sprinkle with flour. Knead the dough and roll out thinly to the size of the mold, making small “sides”. Grease the dough with olive oil, place the salmon, then thin slices of tomato and bake for 15 minutes. Remove the pizza, add mozzarella and bake for another 5 minutes (the cheese should melt - this is a signal that everything is ready). Top the hot, finished pizza with arugula and thin slices of Parmesan (using a paring knife). Sprinkle black pepper on top and serve.

Experiment boldly! Arugula is a fragrant, healthy and very interesting flavoring seasoning.

Arugula salad (rucola, arugula) is a distant relative of dandelion from Italy. This aromatic, slightly spicy green with a mustard-nut flavor has won its place in cooking. Her vocation is a mandatory presence in salads. A light vegetable or hearty salad with meat will receive this herb with gratitude and will delight you with its special taste and benefits for the body.

Useful for business

Before you start making arugula salad, you should know a few facts and useful tips about this green.

  • Arugula does not keep for long. Therefore, a salad prepared with it should be eaten immediately, unless the recipe calls for it to steep. But then you definitely need to put it in the refrigerator.
  • Salads always use firm and dry greens.
  • Large arugula leaves should be torn with your hands, because after cutting with a knife, a reddish mark remains on them.
  • The most popular dressing for arugula salads is olive oil with acidic additives (lemon, lime, vinegars).
  • Arugula goes well with other greens: spinach, mint, lettuce.
  • Arugula is stored dry in the refrigerator and always under film.

Arugula in salads from A to Z

Whatever product of modern cooking comes to mind, it will be well complemented by arugula. To be convinced of this, it is enough to start preparing any salad, especially since there are many recipes for salads with arugula.

Avocado and cheese

This is a simple and delicious salad recipe that you can dress right before serving.

Tear 200 grams of arugula with your hands if the leaves are large. Cut 200 grams of small tomatoes into 2 or 4 parts. Cut the pulp of 2 avocados into cubes or cut out slices with a teaspoon. Cut 250 grams of cheese into cubes. Cut 200 grams of large pitted olives in half. Lay the salad in layers: arugula, tomatoes, cheese, avocado, olives. Salad dressing is prepared from 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and 1 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, which must be mixed and salt to taste.

Oyster mushrooms

A salad with a very harmonious combination, suitable for any time of year.

Wash 300 grams of oyster mushrooms and cut them in any way. Fry the mushrooms in oil until golden brown. Cut 2 medium-sized fresh cucumbers into strips. If the cucumbers are bitter, then the peel must be peeled. In a bowl, mix 200 grams of arugula, cucumbers and cooled mushrooms. Add salt to taste. If necessary, the salad can be coated with vegetable oil.

Pear and Dorblu

A festive recipe for an unusual salad. The juiciness and sweetness of the pear connects all the flavors.

Cut 3 large dense pears into 4 parts, remove the core and divide into slices. Fry the pear in a hot frying pan until brown. Sprinkle the prepared slices with 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice. Also fry 50 grams of pine nuts without oil. Prepare salad dressing. Mix 5 tbsp. spoons of sunflower and olive oil with 2 tbsp. spoons of any wine vinegar. Season the dressing with salt and pepper. Place 1 bunch of arugula on a flat plate and pour the dressing over it. Place the pear on the greens, crumble 250 grams of Dorblu blue cheese on top and sprinkle everything with nuts.

Blackberries and Greens

This summer salad recipe will allow you to experience the unusual taste obtained through a successful combination of flavor combinations.

The salad is prepared in portions. Mix 1 bunch of washed and dried arugula with 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of balsamic vinegar and a pinch of salt. Add ½ bunch each of lettuce, watercress and oregano and mix. Tear large leaves with your hands. Arrange the greens on plates. Top with 1 cup blackberries and 130g diced mozzarella. You can decorate with almond flakes and a mint leaf.

Figs, Yogurt and Shrimp

A salad recipe with an unusual combination that will be an excellent aperitif for the main course.

Place 10 grams of arugula and beetroot on a flat plate. Add a little salt and sprinkle with vegetable oil. Cut ½ head of red onion into thin half rings and arrange it on the greens. Cut 1 washed fig into slices and add to the salad. Sprinkle all 2 tbsp. spoons of small boiled shrimp. Cut 2 radishes into thin slices and place in the salad. Coarsely grate 20 grams of any hard cheese and pour on top of everything. Mix 100 ml of low-fat natural yogurt with 1 teaspoon of rice vinegar and 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir the dressing and pour over the salad.

Salmon Lightly salted

This salad recipe will be appreciated by all fish lovers.

Rinse and dry 125 g of arugula. Peel the grapefruit and halve. Cut ½ citrus into large pieces, and squeeze out the juice from the second part. Cut 100 grams of lightly salted salmon into thin slices. Cut 6 small tomatoes into 2 or 4 pieces. Cut ½ head of red onion into thin half rings. Mix all ingredients carefully in a deep bowl. Season the salad with sauce. For this, 3 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of olive oil with grapefruit juice, 2 teaspoons of balsamic vinegar, 2 cloves of garlic passed through a press and 1 teaspoon of honey. Season the dressing with pepper and Provençal herbs. Sprinkle the finished salad with 30 grams of pine nuts and 30 grams of thinly sliced ​​Parmesan.

Chickpeas and Nuts

This is a great salad recipe for a work snack. Arugula, with its specific taste and aroma, will perfectly complement boiled chickpeas. And the salad and dressing prepared in separate containers will allow you to prepare the dish in advance.

Layer all the ingredients for the salad into one container. Place 80 grams of arugula on the bottom. Then a can of ready-made chickpeas or 400 grams of boiled chickpeas. Place 1 cup of chopped tomatoes on top, preferably dense varieties. Sprinkle everything with ¼ cup toasted walnuts. In a second container, mix 2 tbsp for the sauce. spoons of olive oil and wine vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Everything is stored in the refrigerator. Before eating, pour the dressing over the salad and stir.

Pepper and Roast Beef

An exquisite recipe for a very satisfying salad. It will be a pleasure to surprise long-awaited guests with this dish.

First prepare the roast beef. To do this, 500 grams of beef fillet is salted and peppered on each side. Finely chop 4 cloves of garlic and sprinkle it over a piece of meat. Grease the beef with oil, place in a mold and bake for 30 minutes at 200°. Then wrap it in foil and let cool for 15 minutes. During this time, prepare the remaining components of the salad. 3 pcs. yellow bell pepper and 2 cucumbers, cut into strips. 10 pieces. Cut the cherry into halves and the onion into thin rings. Place the vegetables in a bowl and add 80 grams of arugula to them. Pour 6 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and mix everything. The finished roast beef is cut into thin slices. The salad is laid out on plates, pieces of meat are placed on top and everything is sprinkled with balsamic cream.

Sweet pepper and pumpkin

This is a warm and very nutritious salad recipe for vegetarians.

Cut 250 grams of peeled pumpkin into cubes or cubes. Place it in foil and cover the top. Cut 2 sweet peppers in half, remove membranes and seeds. Place the peppers on foil on top of the pumpkin. Bake vegetables at 200° for 25 minutes. Place hot peppers in a bag and let cool. After that, peel them and cut them into pieces the size of a pumpkin. Mix the vegetables. Fry 50 grams of any nuts in a frying pan. Place 1 bunch of arugula on a plate, then warm vegetables. Place 60 grams of feta on top, breaking it into pieces with your hands. Garnish with nuts, salt and pepper. You can season it with a mixture of any herbs. Pour the salad with a sauce of 1 teaspoon of wine vinegar, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of honey and a pinch of salt.

Duck and Feta

Delicious dish with duck breast. The traditional combination of duck and pear takes on a new flavor thanks to the aroma of arugula and the salty taste of feta. The recipe is simple even for a beginner.

Wash and dry 1 duck breast with skin. Make shallow cuts on the skin. Season the meat on all sides with salt and pepper. Fry the breast in a frying pan for 5 minutes on each side. Then wrap in foil and let cool slightly. To dress the salad you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey and lemon juice, salt and pepper. Beat all components until smooth. Cut half a firm pear into slices of any shape, but not thick. Place 100 grams of arugula, pear and crumble 30 grams of feta onto a serving plate. Carefully place the duck breast cut into pieces on top and pour the dressing over everything.

Bread and Zucchini

A refreshing zucchini salad is perfect for a snack or can be an excellent dinner.

Cut 1 piece of bread into 1 cm cubes. Finely chop 1 clove of garlic. In a frying pan in 2 tbsp. Fry garlic and pieces of bread in tablespoons of oil until golden brown. Cut 2 zucchini into slices, preferably thinly. For the sauce, mix 3 tbsp. spoons of wine vinegar with 2 teaspoons of grainy mustard. Add a pinch of sugar, pepper and salt to taste. Mix everything and, continuing to beat, pour in 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil. Chop 1 small onion and add to the sauce. In a deep bowl, mix 100 grams of arugula and frisee, add zucchini and bread. Pour the sauce over everything and mix carefully.

Cherry and Spinach

A simple recipe for a healthy and quickly prepared salad.

To dress the salad, mix olive oil, wine vinegar, soy sauce and lemon juice. You can take the proportions to your taste. Take 100 grams of spinach, arugula and watercress. Wash and dry the greens. Fry 30 grams of pine nuts in a dry frying pan. 6 pcs. Divide the cherry tomatoes in half. Break 200 grams of mozzarella into pieces. In a plate, mix greens with tomatoes and cheese. Pour in the dressing and stir again. Sprinkle nuts on top.

Sorrel and Eggs

A very simple vegetarian salad. Suitable for lunch, dinner, afternoon tea and dinner.

Boil 3 hard-boiled eggs. Cool and cut each into 4 pieces. Wash 1 bunch of sorrel, remove its stems and cut the leaves into strips. Mix 1 bunch of arugula with sorrel. Add 50 grams of pitted olives. Place eggs on top. Dress the salad with 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar. Add salt and pepper.


A wonderful salad recipe in which grapes, cheese and tarragon are combined very harmoniously. The main thing is to cool all the components so that they express their taste most strongly.

Finely chop 4 shallots and pour 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. Let it sit for 15 minutes. Cut a handful of each type of white and blue grapes in half and remove the seeds. Tear off the leaves from 1 bunch of tarragon and place them in a bowl. Add 1 bunch of arugula, grapes and onions with the marinade. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour 4 tbsp. spoons of oil and mix everything carefully. Grate 200 grams of goat cheese on a coarse grater over the salad.

Arugula recipes with photos will help you prepare dishes with healthy spicy herbs. Arugula recipes are not limited to adding greens to salads. Dishes with arugula include pastas, risottos and pizzas, where fresh young leaves and shoots of arugula are used instead of basil. Even pesto sauce can be made not from basil, but from arugula leaves. There are recipes where arugula is fried in olive oil and added to pasta and rice. It is believed that arugula improves the taste of beans and other legume dishes. Arugula seeds are used to make spicy mustard. In addition, oil is prepared from arugula seeds, which is added when canning vegetables. Arugula (arugula, arugula, arugula, gulyavnik, arugula, rucola, rocket, arugula, rocket, roquette, rugula) is a spicy, slightly pleasantly bitter herb that is slightly oily to the touch. This spice was used in cooking back in Ancient Rome. In the wild it is known as the medicinal frog. Arugula has gained popularity among lovers of Mediterranean, especially Italian, cuisine, thanks to its specific nutty-mustard taste. Young leaves are added to salads, often mixed with lettuce; finely chopped arugula leaves are mixed into cottage cheese snacks or simply sprinkled on boiled potatoes.

A recipe for an unusual vegetable salad, which includes avocado, mango, corn and herbs. It will take very little time to prepare, and as a result you will have a delicious, bright, juicy salad on your table that you will immediately want to eat.

chapter: Vegetable salads

Even though roast beef salad is quick to prepare and does not contain many ingredients, preparing it can be more difficult than it seems at first glance. If this is your first time cooking roast beef, you will need to follow the recipe exactly.

chapter: Beef dishes

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chapter: Turkey salads

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chapter: Pasta with sauces

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chapter: Cheese salads

I chose the recipe for white tuna with red vinegar sauce with arugula and tomatoes a long time ago because of its simplicity, or rather the technology that I dreamed of mastering, and at the same time I practiced. And I understood the taste of this fish. The hardest part of the recipe is not to dry out the fish.

chapter: Fried fish

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chapter: Italian Cuisine

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chapter: Sauces

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chapter: Squid salads

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chapter: Burrito

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chapter: Cheese salads

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chapter: Cheese pies

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chapter: Couscous

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chapter: Cheese salads

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chapter: Gnocchi

Hello dear readers. You can cook chicken in different ways: boil, fry, stew, bake, barbecue. There are a lot of recipes. But if you want the chicken to be tender, juicy, aromatic and tasty, then try cooking the chicken in the oven by marinating it in kefir. We have chicken in kefir in the oven, the recipe is as usual with photos. The chicken turns out amazing, thanks to kefir, the piquancy of ketchup, seasonings and garlic. By the way, this method of marinating meat is suitable for cooking on the grill. You can use any parts of the chicken except the breast, of course, I do not recommend marinating it. Let's now talk in detail about the ingredients that I use for this dish.

Chicken in kefir in the oven - what you need for the recipe

You can buy a whole chicken or separately legs, wings, and thighs. You can even buy a quarter or half a chicken. We buy chicken at the market from a friend; she raises chickens, ducks, and rabbits. You can even buy a kilo of legs or thighs separately and marinate them in this marinade.

Just the breast, I don’t recommend marinating it, so I put it aside, I’ll make cutlets, meatballs, chopped cutlets from it, or just bake it in the oven, I haven’t decided yet. I, like everyone else in our family, really like it.

Moreover, chicken in kefir can be cooked not only in the oven, but also on coals using a grill or skewers.


I bought kefir in a store, its fat content is 2.5%. But absolutely any kefir will do, even cooked or country milk. Just shake it well before use.


I added ketchup, this time not homemade, but store-bought. You can use any ketchup or even adjika. You can use kebab ketchup, light ketchup, spicy ketchup, or even children’s ketchup, this is exactly what I had in the refrigerator, it just ran out, and children’s ketchup has the least amount of preservatives.

Spices and salt

You can use the spices that you like best. I didn't add ground black pepper. I used spices for chicken, which included: turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, ground black and white pepper, garlic and other spices. Salt is also needed. We always add one teaspoon per kilogram of meat. You can add herbs if desired (dill or parsley), but I think it is better to serve fresh herbs with the finished dish.


I used fresh garlic, literally taking a couple of cloves.

The most tender chicken in kefir in the oven - recipe with step-by-step photos


  • 1 kg. Chicken
  • 200 ml. kefir (I have 2.5% fat content)
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of ketchup (not a mountain)
  • 1 teaspoon heaped chicken spices
  • 1 teaspoon lightly salt
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic

Here is such a simple set of products. We bought a whole chicken and then cut it into pieces. If you like your meat spicier, then each piece can be additionally peppered.

I transfer the chicken pieces into a bowl. I also prepare all the ingredients for the marinade.

In a separate bowl, mix salt, spices, and garlic passed through a press. I took 2 cloves of garlic, but you can use 3-4.

Then I pour in kefir and mix everything thoroughly with a tablespoon to form a homogeneous mass.

I pour the kefir marinade over the prepared chicken pieces and mix well so that each piece is completely covered.

The chicken pieces should be left to marinate. The chicken is marinated in kefir for about 4 hours, but it’s even better to leave it to marinate overnight.

I transfer the meat to an airtight tray, cover with a lid and put it in the refrigerator to marinate.

I place the meat on the onion rings. Cover with a lid and place in the oven.

You can put potatoes on the onions, as we did in another, but there we baked them whole.

Baking temperature 200 degrees. The meat was in the oven for 45 minutes; our chicken is not store-bought, but home-made.

To form a golden brown crust, it is best not to cover with a lid. And if you want more steamed meat, you don’t need to remove the lid.

Chicken in kefir in the oven turned out tender, aromatic and very tasty. A recipe with step-by-step photos will help you prepare it quickly, easily and simply.

You can cook it for lunch or dinner, I think you will be satisfied with the result.

You can serve with vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, etc. vegetables) or any side dish. Garnish with any herbs if desired: dill, parsley, green onions.

Cook with love and pleasure.

What you need to marinate chicken in kefir:

Chicken – 1 piece;

Kefir – 1 pack. 400ml.

Orange – 1 piece;

Carrots – 1 pc.

Salt, spices to taste;

Sunflower oil for frying;

To begin, wash the chicken well under running water, cut it into portions, and place it in a pan. Pour kefir over the chicken, cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator for 3 - 4 hours.

Make sure that the kefir covers the chicken pieces well on all sides, in which case it will marinate well. After 2 hours, take the chicken out of the refrigerator, peel the carrots and grate them, and add them to the marinade. Add salt to taste, I use ½ tbsp. spoons and add seasonings to taste (coriander, ground black pepper, rosemary and paprika). Mix the entire marinade well with the chicken pieces and place in the refrigerator for the remaining time.

When the time is up, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and place the chicken pieces on it.

We leave the marinade in the saucepan; we will need it later. I like the color of the meat to be not just light, but golden. Therefore, I fry the chicken on all sides until golden brown. After frying the chicken until half cooked for about 20 minutes, I place it in a container that can be placed in the microwave. It is advisable that this container have a lid, but if the latter is missing, you can replace it with a simple plate. I pour the remaining marinade over the top of the meat, if there is enough of it to the top of the meat, then I leave it like that. And if there is less marinade, then I add boiled water to equalize the amount of liquid with the height of the meat. Now I cover the container with a lid and put it in the microwave for 30 minutes at high power. After the time has passed, I take out the chicken and add orange slices to it, add water if necessary, and cover with a lid and put it in the microwave for another 30 minutes, at the same maximum power.

During this time, the chicken should be completely cooked, but you need to take into account the power of the microwave oven for everyone, so try the meat with a fork from time to time, if it is soft and can be easily pierced, then the chicken marinated in kefir is ready. I usually prepare this dish for a holiday, since it requires a lot of time, but for weekdays you can prepare
