How to cook small red mullet. Fried, baked red mullet: recipes

Today I will share special recipe preparation of this fried fish, it is also sometimes called red mullet in Alexandrian style. The fish turns out simply delicious, tender, very juicy and aromatic. Prepare according to this recipe fried red mullet very simple and fast, you won’t even notice how it will stand on your table. I really like the aroma of fried garlic in this dish, it harmonizes very well with the fishy taste and together they give a good result.


  • red mullet about 600 gr
  • 2 lemons
  • tomatoes 5 - 6 pcs
  • garlic 10 - 12 cloves
  • salt pepper to taste
  • flour or breadcrumbs for breading
  • greenery
  • vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method

Peel the mullet, place in a container, lightly salt and arrange with lemon slices, leave in the refrigerator for one to two hours. U fresh tomatoes remove the skin, cut them into medium pieces and simmer in a frying pan in vegetable oil until tomato paste. Finely chop half the garlic and add to the tomatoes, add salt and pepper. At the end of cooking, add the chopped herbs. Cut the remaining garlic in half lengthwise and fry quickly on both sides over medium heat. Dry the red mullet a little with a paper towel, bread it in flour or breadcrumbs, and fry over moderate heat. The way she has quite a lot small seeds, I try to turn it over more often during frying, so the bones are steamed and made soft. But this must be done carefully, the fish is very tender and can simply fall apart. Place the finished fried red mullet on a plate and add sauce on top and fried garlic. Bon appetit.

Among the variety of fish, many gourmets highlight the sultana. A more popular name for this fish is red mullet. The cooking recipes that we would like to offer you today will be very easy and quick, but incredibly tasty.

Many people think that red mullet can only be found in the waters of the Black Sea, but in fact this underwater resident is caught by fishermen both in the Indian Ocean and in Mediterranean waters. Fish, when fried or cooked in the oven, releases quite a lot of aromatic fat. It has amazing taste. That is why gourmets call her the “queen of delicious dishes.”

Fried red mullet with lemon sauce: ingredients

So, did you manage to find this fish at the market? How to cook red mullet so that it is tasty and satisfying? The most common recipe is fried fish. Today we propose not only to fry it, but also to flavor it aromatic sauce from lemon and spices.

To prepare you will need:

  • 15-20 small fish or 7-8 large ones.
  • Two large tomatoes.
  • Half a lemon.
  • Five large cloves of garlic.
  • 100 ml dry white wine.
  • One bunch of fresh parsley.
  • Fresh sage - a couple of leaves.
  • Freshly ground black pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Breadcrumbs for breading.
  • Oil (vegetable or olive) for frying.
  • A pinch of sugar.

Cooking process

So, we have red mullet on the table. Recipes for preparing this fish always begin with cleaning. To begin with, we make a cut from the tail to the head, take out the insides and rinse thoroughly under running water. It is not necessary to cut off the head. Cleaned and washed red mullet should be thoroughly salted and seasoned with aromatic freshly ground pepper.

It must be said that in this recipe fried red mullet will be prepared in a slightly unusual way. If we simply throw ordinary fish into a frying pan and fry it, then here the frying process will be preceded by some ritual. We will need to pour into the frying pan sufficient quantity oils The secret of frying lies in the garlic, which we also have to fry in a frying pan before adding the fish. When the garlic has released all its juices and aroma, it can be removed from the oil. Now it's the fish's turn. We roll it in breading mixture and place to fry in aromatic garlic oil. As soon as a golden brown crust appears, you can turn the fish over. After frying, it should lie for a while in a warm place.

Now we need to cook lemon sauce. Wash the prepared greens and chop them well into small pieces. We cut the tomatoes into rounds. Now we need to simmer the tomatoes and herbs a little over low heat. We take out the tomatoes. Immediately pour white wine into the frying pan, squeeze half of one lemon, add salt and pepper. You can even add a small cube butter. To neutralize the acidity of the lemon, you can add half a teaspoon of sugar. As soon as the sauce becomes thicker, turn off the heat under the pan.

How is red mullet served? The recipes for this delicacy are so tasty and popular also because this small fish lends itself perfectly to beautiful serving. First we will need to decorate the plate fried tomatoes, then lay out a layer of fish and sprinkle parsley on top. And only on final stage Before serving the fish, pour aromatic lemon sauce over it.

Red mullet in the oven with herbs

If fried fish If for some reason you can’t eat, but you want to try red mullet, then we offer you a dietary (without oil) option. We will be cooking red mullet in the oven with aromatic herbs. By the way, in Mediterranean countries this fish is baked in the oven as soon as it reaches the cook’s table. In this case, the insides are not removed.

But, you must admit, not everyone will like such exoticism, when under a layer of delicious fish meat Something completely inedible will suddenly appear. We will have gutted red mullet. The cooking recipes we offer today will all start with cleaning the fish. We don't have any surprises planned.


  • 400 grams of small fish.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • One large tomato.
  • One large sweet pepper.
  • One lemon.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • Bunch of basil.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Olive oil.

How to cook

We have already cleaned the fish, now it needs to be salted and seasoned with pepper. In a separate bowl, mix chopped herbs (basil, parsley) and add the juice from half a lemon. Chop the garlic and add it there. You can add a little salt to the sauce, but don't overdo it. Rationally distribute the amount of salt on the fish itself and on the sauce. Now we need to prepare a baking sheet. Foil is spread on it. Before placing on foil, the fish should be thoroughly coated with green sauce.

How to cook red mullet in the oven? How long does it take? This is the most FAQ, which are found among housewives who decide to pamper their household with something tasty. We answer: the oven should be preheated to 170 degrees. Place the red mullet wrapped in foil envelopes in the oven for twenty to thirty minutes. The fish is served to the table with fresh vegetables. bell pepper cut into half rings, and tomatoes into large rings. Place plates on one side fragrant fish in green sauce, and on the other - fresh vegetables.


It must be said that red mullet dishes can be made very diverse just by using different spices and herbs. This fish has a very a small amount of calories (only 117 per hundred grams of product), so it’s great for the daily menu for those who adhere to proper nutrition. Eliminate oil or frying from the recipe, and in the end you will get a dinner full of vitamins and microelements without extra calories.

No one will deny the exceptional benefits of seafood, irreplaceable source Yoda. The red mullet attracts attention with its delicious taste and bright carmine outfit. When choosing it, you should make sure that there is no pronounced fishy smell, and that the antennae are in place.

Preparation for baking involves only a small cut in the abdomen and removal of the entrails. However, the absence of bile makes evisceration unnecessary. Within half an hour, dietary and delicious food in the shape of a fish with a funny name. The small number of bones allows you to introduce the dish into the diet of children.


  • 2-3 red mullet
  • 0.5 pcs. lemon
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 0.5 tsp. salt
  • 2-3 pinches dried rosemary or thyme

How to bake red mullet in the oven

1. The only disadvantage of red mullet is its small scales, but if you are preparing the fish for yourself, then you don’t have to peel them off. All you have to do is make a wide cut on the belly of each fish and take out the insides, and then rinse thoroughly. But if you are preparing fish for children, then you must remove the scales and it is best to do this in water so that they do not scatter throughout the kitchen.

2. Line a baking sheet parchment paper and pour it on her vegetable oil. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and pour it inside each fish and onto its surface. Then coat the red mullet with salt, dried rosemary or thyme. Place the prepared fish in vegetable oil and lightly pour it over them, being careful not to wash off the spices and seasonings. Place the baking sheet with the fish in the oven and bake them for about 25 minutes at 220 C. Watch the surface of the fish - it should not burn.

At an already quite conscious, but still very young age, I developed favorite dish. No, it wasn’t cheesecake (which I also really loved), it wasn’t carrots in cream, and it wasn’t even my mother’s version. My favorite dish was small minnows, which in the summer I caught with a fishing rod and brought to my grandmother, and she fried them, rolling them in flour.

This method of preparing small fish is very simple, but no less attractive: golden crispy crust, soft and juicy fish, and absolutely fantastic tails that I will definitely steal from your plate if you decide not to eat them. This time I prepared fried mullet in this way, but since the recipe itself is as elementary as I don’t know what, we will talk not only about mullet, but also, in principle, about how to fry it correctly small fish in a frying pan.

Fried red mullet, or how to fry fish in a frying pan

Frying small fish is very simple, but the result is excellent: golden crispy crust, soft and juicy fish, and absolutely fantastic tails. Since the recipe itself is elementary, let’s talk not only about red mullet, but also, in principle, about how to properly fry small fish in a frying pan.
Alexey Onegin

Small fish - it could be a mullet, or it could be the same minnows, smelt, vendace and in general anything that comes to your mind - clean it of scales and gut it. Some people insist that you don’t have to gut the small fish, and this, of course, makes the work a lot easier, but then such a fish will most likely taste bitter, so decide for yourself. Place all the fish in a bowl, add a few pinches of salt and stir to coat evenly.

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The quick breading method, when the food and flour are combined in a bag and shaken several times, is not suitable for fish, as it will all break, so just sift some of the flour onto a plate through a fine sieve, place the fish in one layer and sift a little more flour on top. Dredge the fish in flour, shake off any excess and begin frying.

Frying the fish in a pan is the defining step of this recipe, and it’s all the more surprising that some people don’t pay enough attention to it. So, place a large frying pan on high, but not maximum heat, and pour vegetable oil into it. There should be enough oil so that the fish that ends up in it is at least half covered, and if you fry the fish in several batches, check the oil level before frying a new portion of fish, adding more if necessary.

Before you start frying the fish, the oil must be well heated, and then the moisture contained on the surface of the fish will immediately begin to evaporate. This will create a kind of “air cushion” of steam around the fish, which will prevent the oil from being absorbed into it: the hotter the oil, the less fatty the fried fish will be. The second rule is not to overload the frying pan, it is better to fry the fish in several stages than not to leave space between the fish in the frying pan: in this case, the water will not be able to evaporate quickly and the oil will cool down, and we have already discussed why this is a disaster a little higher.

So, fry the fish, optionally adding a sprig and a couple of crushed garlic cloves to the pan for extra flavor, for 2-3 minutes on one side, then flip and fry for another 1-2 minutes on the other. Remove fish from pan using a slotted spoon or tongs and drain on paper towels to remove excess oil. After this, the fried fish can be placed on big dish, season with freshly ground pepper, garnish with herbs, and serve with lemon wedges. If you are not at a gala dinner, eat with your hands, it tastes better!

Well, if you think this method of preparing fish is too simple, I suggest you watch my video recipe for preparing Far Eastern salmon in sous vide. And certainly subscribe to my channel on Youtube to be notified when new videos are released!
