Redcurrant juice. How to prepare blackcurrant juice for children and adults. Recipes for making currant juice

What would be so tasty and at the same time refreshing to drink on hot days? Of course, a healthy fruit drink, but not a simple one, but made from black currants. It is perfect for adults and children. The drink is prepared in different ways, but each of them produces a rich taste and aroma.


Previously, fruit drink was considered a seasonal drink, but now it is prepared at any time of the year. It can be drunk chilled or hot. It refreshes in the summer, and warms in the winter and protects against illnesses and colds.

In winter, we lack vitamin D (a vitamin that helps restore health), but fruit drinks contain it, which has a beneficial effect on our well-being and performance. Before you start preparing a miracle drink, it will be useful for you to learn about the general principles of successful preparation.

Skip the mixer

Using a blender or mixer, the work goes, of course, faster, but because of the metal, all the beneficial substances stored in the berries will be destroyed. For this reason, you will have to “plunge” into the old days, when there were no kitchen assistants yet, and stir the drink by hand. It may even bring joy to you and the children.

Vary your drink

Use other fruits to suit your taste. If you prefer a sour drink, add cranberries. You can add less or more sugar. All wild berries go well in fruit juice, but don’t be afraid to experiment. If you have strawberries, add them. Do you like raspberries? Let it be one of the ingredients.

Make sure you have the right utensils

It is worth preparing the right dishes, since this largely determines how tasty the drink will be, as well as whether it will be beneficial. It is better to choose enamel cookware or use a heat-resistant glass pan.

Forget about an aluminum pan - there is a risk that the juice will react with such dishes, in addition to this, you will not be very happy with the resulting taste.

Otherwise, there are no individual requirements, the drink is easy to prepare, and you will see for yourself by reading the recipes.


Frozen currant juice


  • bee honey – 2-3 tablespoons;
  • frozen black currants – 300 grams;
  • water - liter.

Let the berries sit in a warm place to defrost. When this happens, mash them with a masher, and squeeze out the juice from the resulting mass using a gauze cloth. Set the drink aside to cool. The remaining squeezed mass will be useful for infusion. Place the mixture into a saucepan. Let it heat until it boils. When the water boils, pour the resulting mixture into a thermos, so the fruit drink will infuse for one hour. After this, strain the mixture using a strainer, and then mix it with the chilled drink. Add honey. It will sweeten your drink and give it smoothness.

Blackcurrant and apple juice


  • sugar – 0.15 kg;
  • water – 2 liters;
  • currants – 0.2 kg;
  • apple – 2 pcs.

Wash all the fruits thoroughly, prepare the apples - cut them into pieces. We make juice from currants and apples by squeezing them. Then pour the resulting mixture into one container. Heat the resulting juice on the stove. Cook the juice obtained from apples and currants for several minutes. Add sugar to the hot mixture and pour juice into it. After the drink has infused and cooled, you can start drinking. Fruit juice made from apples and currants gives such a refined taste to the drink that it cannot be confused with anything else.

Blackcurrant juice for losing weight


  • sugar substitute – 7 tablets;
  • currant berries – 0.2 kg;
  • mint and cinnamon - at your request;
  • water – 1.2 liters.

While you complete the other steps, let the water heat up. The first step is to put the water on to warm up. The berries need to defrost, so rinse them and leave them in a warm place. Grind the berries. You can use a blender, but as mentioned in the article, it's better to do it by hand if you don't want to ruin the taste. Place the ground berries in a saucepan to cook them. After the berries are cooked, strain them through a strainer.

If you are a fan of cinnamon or mint, add them to your drink. You can add other spices at your discretion.

Cool the drink, and when it becomes cold, add sugar tablets. You can also find a powder substitute in the store. When the drink has cooled completely, you can drink it. The calorie content of this fruit drink is low, so you don’t have to worry about gaining extra pounds.

Fruit drink with lemon juice


  • black currant – 400 grams;
  • cinnamon – 5 grams;
  • water – 2 liters;
  • sugar – 200 grams;
  • lemon juice – 50 grams.

Heat up the water. Sort out the currants, wash them thoroughly, and then put them in a saucepan to cook. After the water boils, reduce the gas, then let the currants cook for another 15 minutes. When this time has passed, leave the berry drink to cool, but for now move on to other steps. Get juice from lemon. This is easy to do manually. Add all the ingredients: cinnamon, sugar, lemon juice to the cooled drink, and the next step will be to enjoy the prepared fruit drink.

Currant juice with orange zest


  • orange zest - ¼ teaspoon;
  • black currant – 300 grams;
  • sugar – 3 tablespoons;
  • vanilla sugar - a bag;
  • lemon juice – 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • water – 400 ml.

Wash and sort the currants. Cook the orange zest until it boils, and then add sugar to the pan. Let the mixture boil for about seven minutes. The next step is adding berries. The currants need to be brought to a boil. Cool the drink in a cool place. Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. After this time, strain it. Add lemon juice and place the drink in the refrigerator to cool. You decide for yourself when to start using it.

Morse with currants and basil


  • honey - to your taste;
  • red and black currants - 2 cups;
  • red basil – 2 branches;
  • orange zest - at your discretion;
  • water – 1.5 liters;
  • sugar - of your choice;
  • mint - sprig.

First, fill the bottom of the jar with previously washed basil sprigs and mint. Use a masher. With it you need to chop the berries for juice to appear. You need to do this in a glass jar. Pour the resulting mixture with hot, pre-boiled water. Lemon, orange zest - whatever is added to taste. Add honey according to your preference. If you have a sweet tooth, you can add more. Also don't forget about sugar. Fill the jar completely with boiled water.

The fruit drink should steep for at least 40 minutes. This time is enough for the drink to acquire an unforgettable aroma and be filled with useful components. Drink the fruit drink after straining.

Now you have seen for yourself that preparing such a healthy drink as fruit juice is easy and quick. It includes affordable products that can always be found, and most importantly, fruit juice can please the whole family all year round. With regular use of this elixir, you will probably forget about doctors, and colds will bypass you.

For a video recipe for blackcurrant juice, see the following video.

Red currant drink is incredibly beneficial for the body. It contains vitamins necessary for humans and a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is an antioxidant. The health benefits of such berry juice are invaluable.

Properties of the drink

The benefits of currant juice are revealed both in the summer heat and in winter. In summer, as a tonic and cooling drink that will give strength, freshness and vigor. During the cold season, currant juice will strengthen your immune system and become an indispensable assistant in the fight against annoying viral diseases. Red currant berries are rich in vitamin C, so a glass of fruit drink will allow you to satisfy your body's daily need for this element. The drink can only be harmful to people with high stomach acidity.

In addition, currant berries contain violet acid, which helps cleanse the body and remove toxins. The beneficial substances of the drink reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases. Drinking currant juice will also help replenish the iron and potassium that is missing in the body.

Currant juice is an excellent remedy that allows you to remove protein in the urine and generally normalize kidney function. We will share with you examples of simple and healthy currant drink recipes for all occasions, which you can easily prepare in your own kitchen.

Preliminary preparation of currants

For the future drink, we will need fully ripened currant fruits. To make sure that the berry is completely ripe, you need to pay attention to the twig; it should be a little dry and easy to pick. For the integrity of the berries and ease of transportation, we recommend that you collect the berries with twigs. Particular attention should be paid to the processing of fruits; this task should not be put off for a long time, since the skin of currants is very thin and easily deformed.

First of all, the collected berries need to be washed thoroughly; for this you will need a large container from which it would be convenient to drain the water in several passes. We wash the berries 2-3 times, changing the water each time. Do not overdo it with “sorting” the berries during water procedures, since the fruits are quite fragile, and it is important for us to maintain their integrity. After the berries have been washed, let them dry for about 20 minutes.

If you plan to use currants for subsequent freezing, the fruits must be dried more thoroughly and evenly distributed on a towel, which will absorb the remaining moisture.

Popular recipes

Classic fruit drink recipe

We present to your attention a recipe that can rightfully be called a classic. In fact, we have to cook the syrup. Let's look at the cooking process step by step.

  • First, take 300 grams of currants and chop them in any way convenient for you. It is recommended to use a blender if available, but you can also cope with chopping using a fork or potato masher. The remaining juice after processing is poured into a separate container.
  • Currant berries do not require preliminary blanching (treatment with boiling water or steam), since the fruits have a very thin skin.
  • Next, using a regular tablespoon, you will have to bring the previously chopped currants to a homogeneous mass.

  • We begin to cook the syrup; for 300 grams of berries we use 1 liter of water. Add 5 tablespoons of sugar to the water and wait for it to boil, after which we add our reserved crushed currant mass.
  • Cook the fruit juice for 5-7 minutes over medium heat, stirring the mixture constantly.
  • Remove the syrup from the heat and strain the drink through a fine sieve. We wait for the drink to cool completely.
  • Add the berry juice that was set aside at the first stage, remaining after grinding, into the resulting fruit drink and mix.

Raw fruit drink

The recipe, which we will present below, has established itself among the people as the most useful in its vitamin content and the easiest to prepare. The main difference from the previous version is that you do not need to boil the syrup. The proportions are as follows: for half a glass of currants we need one and a half glasses of cool water. Pay special attention to the quality of water, as this factor will significantly affect the taste of the drink. Immediately add 2 to 2.5 tablespoons of sugar to the water, then mix everything in a blender.

After we have brought the drink to a homogeneous mass, mix it thoroughly again with a tablespoon and let the drink brew for about 15 minutes so that the sugar dissolves evenly and completely. Next we have to strain the fruit drink through a fine sieve. The drink is ready to drink.

Note that the cake remaining after straining does not lose its beneficial properties; it would be appropriate to keep it frozen in order to prepare currant compote based on it in the winter.

Currant juice with honey

The basis of fruit drink with the addition of honey can be any of the two recipes listed above. The key difference from the recipes already mentioned above is that natural honey will be used instead of sugar. You add the amount of honey to the drink to your taste. When preparing a drink, it is important to remember that honey should never be added to a warm liquid, since in this case it loses all its beneficial properties.

That is why adding honey must be done at the very end of the preparation procedure, when the drink has already cooled down sufficiently naturally. Currant juice with honey can easily be classified as a drink that boosts immunity, as well as a means of preventing viral diseases.

Currant juice from frozen berries

There is no popular practice of “rolling up” currant fruit drinks for the winter, but this does not mean that in winter you cannot treat yourself to a vitamin drink. In order to meet the cold and please yourself with the taste of summer berries, you only need to pre-prepare these same berries and leave them in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator to wait in the wings.

To prepare a drink based on frozen berries, you need to defrost the currants. At the same time, do not rush into defrosting; let the berries thaw on their own at room temperature. Remember that any heat treatment will only kill the beneficial properties and make the drink tasteless, depriving it of its natural vitamin content.

After the defrosting procedure has been successfully completed, it is necessary to chop the berries. Of course, a blender is best for this, but don’t despair if you don’t have such a device on your household. Thawed berries are pliable and can be finely chopped even with a regular fork. After that, the berry pulp and juice must be rubbed through the grate. The remaining currant pulp must be transferred to a separate container and covered with sugar to taste.

The candied cake must be filled with water at room temperature. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. In equal proportions we take defrosted berries, which we do not chop, but use for cooking. Cook the syrup for about 10 minutes over medium heat. Then we pass the drink through a fine sieve and combine it with the previously left infused liquid based on crushed candied berries. Mix thoroughly and let it brew for 10-15 minutes, after which the drink is ready to drink.

Winter currant juice without cooking

There is also a recipe that does not involve boiling the syrup and is quite simple and quick to prepare. To prepare the drink, we will use frozen berries and will not defrost them. Place the berries in a blender, add boiling water, and add sugar to taste. Thoroughly grind the contents of the blender bowl - the drink is ready. The drink recipe partially loses its vitamin properties and serves more as a “quickly” option.

In order to properly use the currant drink and preserve all its beneficial properties, we strongly recommend that you drink it immediately after preparation. If you need to leave some of the drink in the refrigerator, be sure to seal the container tightly. It is not recommended to store currant juice for more than a day.

See below for the recipe for making currant juice.

What could be more pleasant in the scorching heat than a glass of scalding cold fruit drink with pieces of ice? The best of the soft drinks is considered to be a fruit drink made from fresh black currants, cranberries and lingonberries; they are the leaders among all others in terms of the presence of useful substances. Along with the saving coolness, several important vitamins enter the human body: C, B, D and A, each of which is a guarantee of health.

To prepare fruit juice, you don’t need any special tricks, lengthy processes or special ingredients, just berries, water and sugar, and just a little free time.

What is fruit drink?

A cold drink made from any berries without heat treatment. For comparison: compote is a decoction of berries or fruits, and fruit drink is fresh or frozen berries, crushed and diluted with water. The value of fruit drinks is that they retain the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients contained in fresh berries, while in boiled (compote) their amount decreases in direct proportion to the heat treatment time.

Currant juice is an excellent thirst quencher, although you can drink it hot instead of tea or coffee, which, by the way, is what adherents of a healthy lifestyle do: vegetarians and raw foodists. This drink perfectly energizes, significantly affects the overall tone of the body and mind, nourishing a person with useful microelements from berries.

Who invented fruit juice?

Many people believe that fruit drink is an original Russian, Slavic drink that was made from wild berries back in the Middle Ages. This opinion was formed due to the fact that the first mentions of fruit drink as a drink are found in the main book on “proper housekeeping” - “Domostroy” (XVI century). In fact, fruit drink was in use even earlier, only the name sounded a little different: “mursa,” which translated from Byzantine means “berry water with honey.” Byzantium is the real birthplace of fruit drink, and the Slavs slightly changed the name of this drink to something more familiar to the local language. Over time, the principle of preparation has undergone slight changes, but the essence remains: a sweetened berry infusion to quench thirst - this is a modern fruit drink.

A simple recipe for blackcurrant juice with honey

For those who are very busy, but still want to treat themselves to a delicious drink, there is an extremely simple and quick-to-prepare recipe for which you can use any berries: fresh or frozen. Beat black currants (200 grams) and a glass of boiling water in a blender, add another half liter of cold water and 2-3 tablespoons of honey.

Mix again and strain through a strainer, which is found in every kitchen. If not, you can use gauze folded in half. The resulting fruit drink can be drunk immediately or further cooled by dipping a few pieces of ice into it. What could be better in the summer heat than the tartness and sourness of black currants?!

From frozen berries

Is this recipe ideal in the summer heat, when the thermometer rises above 30 and the body craves cooling? The saving sourness of lemon present in the recipe will be very helpful. To prepare the fruit drink, take frozen blackcurrants and let them thaw slightly at room temperature, in the meantime, remove the zest from the lemon with a vegetable peeler, being careful not to use the white peel.

Pour currant berries into a blender bowl, add the zest, sprinkle everything with half a glass of sugar and add a glass of boiling water. Beat the mixture with a blender at high speed, add another 800 ml of cold purified water, squeeze lemon juice into it and beat again. Strain the resulting fruit drink through a sieve to remove the liquid from small particles of berries: pieces of skin, seeds. Then place the prepared fruit drink in the refrigerator for half an hour to cool.

Recipe for blackcurrant juice with cinnamon

Grind blackcurrants (200 grams) in a blender and rub the mixture through a sieve, set the strained juice aside, and pour three glasses of water into the pulp and boil, add half a glass of sugar and a good pinch of cinnamon. Sugar, in principle, suits taste - so we act at our own discretion. Boil the liquid for five minutes, strain and mix with currant juice. Let the fruit drink cool and you can serve it. This spicy drink is ideal on frosty evenings, giving the aroma of summer and the slight warming spiciness of cinnamon, filling the body with a pleasant, life-giving warmth.

How to prepare fruit juice with orange flavor?

Fruit juice is traditionally made from berries, so it won’t come out of orange - it will be more like orangeade. But blackcurrant juice with an aromatic note of orange is quite possible.

Required Products:

  • 800 ml water.
  • Zest and juice of one orange.
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, can be replaced with two spoons of honey.
  • 500 grams of black currants.

Fruit juice is prepared very simply: boil water with zest and sugar, add berries chopped in a meat grinder or blender. When the liquid has cooled to room temperature, add freshly squeezed orange juice, stir and place in the refrigerator.

This fruit drink is very aromatic and refreshing, and is also extremely useful for colds, especially if you replace the sugar with honey and serve it warm, not cold. The body will receive a double dose of vitamin C, which will significantly affect health. A protected immune system will not allow a harmful virus to pass through, so this drink is recommended for weakened children: it is tasty and healthy.

From blackcurrant pulp

Fruit juice can be prepared not only from whole berries, but also from the cake left after preparing freshly squeezed juice for jelly and sauces. Two drinks from one ingredient - Ebenezer Scrooge himself would be jealous! For every 250 grams of blackcurrant juice, about two and a half liters will come out: we take exactly the same amount of boiling water and pour it over the pulp. It’s easier to do this in a three-liter jar: it’s convenient and takes up little space in the refrigerator.

Add about ten clean and fresh mint leaves to the currant water; you can lightly rub them in your hands, then the leaves will release the aroma faster. We add sugar to taste: some people like sweet drinks, but some know what sweets can do for their figure, so they use a minimal amount or even replace it with honey. We leave the blackcurrant juice to infuse for at least an hour and then you can use it for its intended purpose, having first filtered the liquid.

The pulp cannot be used immediately after squeezing the juice - it can be frozen in small silicone molds and taken as needed in winter, preparing aromatic fruit juice. How to prepare fruit juice? Take out a briquette of frozen cake and pour boiling water over it, then follow the recipe above.

If you add a couple of sprigs of thyme (in boiling water) to a regular blackcurrant drink, the unsurpassed aroma of the drink will win your heart, simultaneously stimulating the circulatory system (which is what this unique spicy herb is famous for).

Fruit juice can be stored in the refrigerator for several days without losing its nutritional properties, so you can prepare several liters at a time, and the life-giving moisture is always at hand at the right time.

By experimenting with adding natural flavors and flavor enhancers, you will be able to create your own unique fruit drink recipe. Nutmeg, lemon, ginger, tangerine zest or lemon balm - these fragrant plants can diversify the main blackcurrant fruit drink, making it new each time, with a unique bouquet of flavor.

It’s a hot summer outside, the sun is warming, flowers are blooming, berries are ripening; but if we can only enjoy the beauty of nature visually, then ripe berries must be eaten. It is easy to combine pleasure with benefit, thanks to a simple drink known to everyone as red currant juice - this light, thirst-quenching delicacy will appeal to all adherents of a healthy diet. Any housewife can make such a healthy drink, because the technology for its preparation is extremely simple, and the benefits are simply invaluable for the body.

Currant juice: the benefits of the drink

Morse is a light non-carbonated drink made from the juice of fresh berries of one or more types. One of the most delicious types of fruit juice is considered to be currant. And although the black currant variety is more popular, the red variety is in many ways ahead of its “black” comrade.

The undeservedly red variety of summer berries is deprived of their attention by many, not knowing what a huge complex of useful natural substances is contained in these small berries. Unfortunately, most of our compatriots are accustomed to being treated with chemicals purchased at pharmacies at unprecedented prices.

Many people think that these are the medications that give quick results and the desired effect. However, the best medicine of all times and peoples is nature itself, which has grown in its soil a real panacea for many ailments. And red currant is one of these natural healers.

Once upon a time, back in Rus', red currant bushes were planted tens of times more than black currants. This does not mean that black sweet and sour fruits are so inferior in benefits to their red relatives. It’s just that black currants were perceived more as a food product, and red currants were perceived exclusively as a medicinal product. You can make sure that all these are not empty words thanks to the effect that red currants have on the human body.

Chemical composition of red currant variety

Red berries contain vitamins A, C and P. Also, red currants are rich in pectin, iodine, macro- and microelements, carotene, tannins, mineral salts, coumarin, furocoumarin.

Moreover, the berry is a record holder for the content of oxycoumarin, a substance that can reduce blood clotting. Based on all of the above, it will not be difficult to determine the benefits of currant juice.

So, what are the benefits of delicious redcurrant juice:

  • the drink increases hemoglobin;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes waste, toxins, excess fluid, uric acid salts from the body;
  • prevents inflammatory processes;
  • improves the body's absorption of animal fats;
  • helps fight chronic constipation;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • is an excellent prevention of strokes and heart attacks;
  • thins the blood;
  • regulates water-salt balance.

Morse helps in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • cystitis;
  • renal pathologies;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • hyperacid gastritis.

In addition to all of the above, the benefit of red currants (and, accordingly, the fruit drink itself made on its basis) lies in the fact that this type of berry does not cause allergies. This means that people prone to allergies can safely eat a natural product in almost unlimited quantities. Another value of red fruits lies in a number of medicinal functions that they diligently perform in the human body.

Some of the most significant functions are:

  1. diuretic;
  2. antipyretic;
  3. bactericidal;
  4. sweatshop;
  5. antirheumatic;
  6. laxative;
  7. anti-inflammatory.

It is worth noting that currant juice is an excellent remedy for nausea and vomiting. For many pregnant women, a drink made from red berries helps cope with toxicosis. Berries are often used in cosmetology; masks are made from them to cleanse and moisturize the skin.

The benefits of red currants for weight loss

You cannot miss the fact that red currants help with weight loss. Since the berries contain few calories (the calorie content of red currants per 100 g of product is 43 kcal), they are often included in the menu of various weight loss diets.

No matter how many currants you eat, you will not be able to get better from it. Currant fruit drinks are often drunk on fasting days, so the benefits of berries for weight loss are beyond doubt.

Is redcurrant juice harmful?

Despite the huge number of beneficial properties, currant juice has a number of contraindications.

  • hepatitis;
  • gastritis in the acute stage;
  • hemophilia (a disease characterized by poor blood clotting);
  • ulcers of the duodenum and stomach (however, sometimes, for these diseases, doctors, on the contrary, recommend drinking red currant juice. But without a doctor’s prescription, you should not drink the drink for such pathologies).

Having understood all the advantages and so-called “disadvantages” in the form of contraindications to drinking fruit juice, you can finally begin step-by-step recipes for its preparation.

It is worth noting right away that in order to maximize the preservation of useful substances in a natural product, it is not recommended to boil currant juice; it is better to do as described in the recipe below.

How to make classic redcurrant juice


  • Red Ribes— 500 g + -
  • — 1.5 l + -
  • — 50 g + -

Recipe for making delicious currant juice

  1. We wash the berries under running water and separate them from the branches.
  2. We transfer the washed fruits into a colander, then wipe them, turning them into puree.
  3. During the grinding process, juice will be released; pour it into a separate clean container.
  4. Pour the cake into a saucepan, add sugar to it, fill it with cold water, and put it on the stove.
  5. Let the product boil, then cook it for another 5 minutes.
  6. After cooking, remove the pan from the heat and let the contents cool completely.
  7. Pour the natural squeezed juice into glasses or glasses (fill only ½ of the container), then add the juice boiled from the cake (cooled), decorate the glasses with a sprig of currants - and you’re done, you can happily drink your favorite summer fruit drink.

It is not necessary to make fruit juice only from currants. Often, to increase the benefits of a summer soft drink, it is prepared from a combination of all kinds of berries.

For example, fruit juice made from cranberries and currants tastes great. This combination (and quite popular) makes the drink a truly multivitamin. You can prepare delicious fruit juice at home from other combinations of products, for example, lingonberries and currants.

The taste of red berries, loved by many, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, gooseberries, honey, lemon juice, as well as other fruit and even vegetable juices, will not spoil the taste.

How to make fruit drink from frozen currants

Of course, it is best to make a fruit drink from fresh currants, however, if this is not possible, then you will have to make a fruit drink from frozen currants. To do this, you will need to first freeze them correctly, and then defrost them.

The technology for preparing frozen currants is simple:

  • First we wash the berries, then dry them, then place them thinly on a baking sheet and freeze;
  • Next, divide the berry mass into portions, place them in plastic bags, and store them in the refrigerator (freezer). Berries can be stored frozen for no longer than 0.5-1 year;
  • Make sure that the currants do not begin to thaw during storage. When you need to defrost some of the berries, select the required portion, pour into a clean bag and place under the freezer. This will allow the berries to slowly melt. In general, this process will take 8-10 hours, so it is better to take them out of the freezer in advance, for example, in the evening. This method of defrosting, although it takes a long time, is the most reliable. Thanks to it, currants retain maximum beneficial properties, in contrast to defrosting at room temperature or quick defrosting in the microwave.

For those who have a multicooker, the ideal recipe for making a drink in it will be. The fruit juice is prepared in a slow cooker for about 30 minutes. As a rule, the greatest difficulty in preparation lies in processing the berries - separating them from the branches.

To somehow speed up and facilitate this process (without crushing the berries too much), you can use a fork. To do this, you need to hold the base of the berries with a fork, and gently pull the branches themselves towards you. This way, several currants will be peeled at once, and they will be damaged less than with manual peeling.


  • Water – 1 l;
  • Red currant berries – 150 g;
  • Sugar – 5 tbsp. l.

How to cook currant juice in a slow cooker

  1. We sort the berries, wash them and dry them.
  2. Place them in a bowl with a sieve and press with a pestle.
  3. Squeeze out the juice and put it in the refrigerator. If the juice does not separate well, add a couple of tablespoons of cold boiled water to the puree mass.
  4. Turn on the “Multi-cook” mode, set the temperature to 160°C, and boil water in the multi-bowl. Depending on the model, the mode may vary. If your multicooker does not have a “Multi-cooker”, boil water in the “Cooking” mode.
  5. Add berry extracts to boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Afterwards, filter the broth, squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth or a sieve.
  7. Add sugar to the semi-finished drink, stir the mixture until it is completely dissolved.
  8. Finally, pour freshly squeezed juice into the broth, mix everything, cool and serve.

Morse is a drink that is equally useful for both adults and children. Children, of course, should consume this vitamin drink, but it must be prepared taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body.

First, it’s worth understanding at what age can you give your child currant juice? According to children's pediatricians, berries of all types of currants can be introduced into the diet along with other first complementary foods.

  • You cannot feed your baby any berries until he is 5-6 months old.
  • From six months you can give your child ½ tsp. currants, after a year - 1 tsp.
  • A child can consume up to 100 g of fruits and berries per year, by 3 years - 150 g, from 3 to 6 years - 150-200 g.

Drinks are consumed in the same dosage as whole berries, provided that the child is not allergic to this product. It is also not recommended to add sugar to fruit drinks when teaching your baby to eat berries. It is harmful to the child’s body, so try to give only natural juice. If the drink is too sour for your baby, just add a little more water to it. You should not mix several types of berry juice at once; this option is suitable for older children and adults.

Red currant juice is a natural medicine with a truly unforgettable taste. This summer drink will come in handy even in the cold season. In a word, being treated with such a product is a pleasure. Prepare currant juice at home - and be healthy all year round!

In the summer it is good to quench your thirst with a drink like red currant juice; it gives coolness, refreshes and tones on a hot summer day. The most important thing is that fruit drinks are very healthy, as they are rich in vitamins C. They are prepared from sweet and sour berries, such as red, black, white currants, cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, etc. Fruit drink differs from compote in the presence of fresh berry juice in its composition and a low sugar content. (more details on how to prepare) The shelf life of fruit juice is not long, no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator. This cool drink is very easy to prepare. There are many recipes, but the principle of their preparation is almost always the same.

Ingredients for currant juice

To prepare approximately 1 liter of refreshing redcurrant juice you will need:

  • red currant berries 1-1.5 tbsp;
  • water 800-850 ml;
  • granulated sugar 2-3 tbsp;
  • ice cubes (optional)

Preparing redcurrant juice

Berries for fruit juice can be used fresh or frozen. This means that such a soft drink can be prepared regardless of the time of year or when the berries ripen.

We sort the berries and remove the branches, wash them with running water (it is most convenient to use a slotted spoon or a colander). Simply defrost frozen red currants at room temperature. If they were frozen correctly (sorted, washed and dried), then no additional processing will be required.

Mash the currants with a fork, a crusher or the convex side of a spoon.

We rub the mashed berries through a sieve.

It turns out approximately 70-100 ml of juice.

The pulp remaining after compression is still rich in vitamins and we will also use it. It is better to put the resulting currant juice in the refrigerator while further preparing the fruit drink. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add the squeezed cake. After waiting for it to boil again, remove the container from the heat.

Strain the composition through a sieve. Now we have taken everything from the berries and can throw away the skins and seeds without regret. Pour the juice into a carafe and cool slightly.

Without adding sugar, the fruit drink will be bland and not tasty, so add granulated sugar to the carafe.

Mix well until completely dissolved while the fruit drink is warm. When the fruit drink has cooled well, pour the previously squeezed berry juice from the refrigerator into the carafe. It is recommended to consume fruit drink cold, so we put the entire carafe in the refrigerator for a few hours.

It should be served in glasses or glasses half filled with ice cubes.

You can add a sprig of mint or a slice of lemon as decoration.

Currant juice is an inexhaustible source of vitamins; it has an invigorating effect on the body in the hot summer. Red currants are ideal for making such refreshing summer fruit drinks. The sweet and sour taste of these berries quenches thirst well on a hot summer day, giving a pleasant breath of coolness. Currants are rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamins C, B, P, A and other useful elements. Read more about. By consuming currant juice, you will keep your body in good shape.
