Lenten cream soup. Lenten puree soup: the best recipes. Pumpkin cream soup with carrots and nuts

Potato puree soup in bread

Three simple ingredients, a few simple manipulations and velvety potato soup with the extraordinary aroma of baked garlic is ready. Serve it on a crispy half of rye bread and sprinkle with green onions. Both tasty and beautiful!

1 head of garlic
1 tbsp. spoon + 1 teaspoon olive oil
2–3 leeks
6–8 medium red potatoes
1 liter vegetable broth or water
salt, pepper - to taste
4–5 tbsp. tablespoons frozen or canned corn (optional)
1–2 loaves of rye bread (depending on the number of persons)
green onions - for garnish

How to cook:

    Heat the oven to 200°C. Remove the outer skin from the head of garlic. Cut off the top by 2-3 mm. Grease 1 tsp. olive oil, wrap in foil and place in the oven for 35–40 minutes.

    Remove the garlic and do not turn off the oven. In a large saucepan, heat 1 tbsp. olive oil, add leeks cut into rings and fry for 3-4 minutes until soft.

    Add potatoes, cut into small cubes, and broth/water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10–15 minutes until the potatoes are tender.

    Remove from heat, add baked garlic cloves, salt, pepper and blend with a blender until smooth. Add corn and stir. Cut the loaf of bread in half and remove the pulp.

    Bake in the oven for 15–20 minutes, the crust should be lightly browned. Pour soup into prepared bread bowls, garnish with green onions, and serve immediately.

Tomato soup with beans

Tomato soup with beans

This thick tomato soup tastes as good as it looks. Nutritious, aromatic, with crispy garlic croutons and spicy notes, the soup is reminiscent of sunny Provence and the approaching summer.

1 large onion
2 tbsp. spoon of olive oil
2 cloves garlic
1/4 teaspoon red chili pepper
3–4 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste
1 can (450 g) chopped tomatoes in their own juice
2 teaspoons Provençal herbs
1 can (420 g) white beans in their own juice
1 liter of water
1.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar
1.5 tbsp. tablespoons white wine vinegar
salt and black pepper - to taste

Garlic croutons:
2–3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
2–3 cloves of garlic
half a French baguette or a whole ciabatta
salt - to taste

How to cook:

    Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add finely chopped onion, sauté for 5 minutes. Add finely chopped garlic and chili, fry for another 1-2 minutes until golden brown.

    Add tomato paste and fry, stirring, for 1 minute. Add chopped tomatoes and Provençal herbs. Drain the beans and rinse well.

    Pour water into the frying pan and bring to a boil. Then add the beans and cook for 10–15 minutes. Add sugar, vinegar, salt and black pepper.

    Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. For the croutons, heat the oven to 200°C. In a bowl, mix olive oil and crushed garlic. Cut the bread into medium cubes, add to the bowl and mix well.

    Add salt to taste. Place on a baking sheet and cook for a few minutes until golden brown. Serve soup with garlic croutons.

Spicy vegetable soup with rice

Spicy vegetable soup

This is another fun vegetable soup. Its secret lies in the combination of the warming spiciness of chili peppers with light lemon sourness. Rice will make the stew even more rich and nutritious.

1 large onion

2–3 cloves of garlic
2 medium carrots
2 stalks of celery
2 teaspoons dried thyme
0.5 tsp dry chili pepper
3 leeks
2.5 liters vegetable broth
1 can (450 g) tomatoes in their own juice
2–3 tbsp. spoons of rice
salt, pepper - to taste
1 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice

How to cook:

    In a large saucepan, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Finely chop the onion and saute for 5 minutes, add finely chopped garlic and fry for another 1 minute.

    Add carrots and celery, chopped as desired, thyme, chili pepper and leeks cut into rings. Keep on fire for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly.

    Pour in the broth, tomatoes along with the liquid (if they are whole, chop them) and washed rice. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to medium-low.

    Cook for about 30 minutes. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice. Serve immediately.

Mushroom soup with sauerkraut

Mushroom soup

“Where there is cabbage soup, look for us there,” they said in Rus'. These thick, rich cabbage soup, with a wonderful aroma of porcini mushrooms and a rich sour taste, will help diversify your Lenten table. They become much tastier the next day.

7–9 dried porcini mushrooms
0.5 liters of warm water
1 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
2 medium onions
500–700 g sauerkraut
2 liters vegetable or mushroom broth
1 large potato
1 bay leaf
peppercorns - to taste
dill - to taste
4 cloves garlic
salt - to taste

How to cook:

    Soak mushrooms in warm water for 30 minutes. Strain the water and set aside. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.

    Fry finely chopped onion for 5 minutes. Add cabbage to the onion, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add mushroom water, mushrooms and diced potatoes to the broth.

    Cook for 10–15 minutes. Add bay leaf, peppercorns, salt, cook for another 10 minutes. Place cabbage and onion in a saucepan with soup and bring to a boil.

    Add dill and finely chopped garlic. Remove from heat and cover with a lid. Ideally, cabbage soup should sit for 12 hours before serving.

Vegetable noodle soup

Vegetable noodle soup

Noodle soup has been familiar to us since childhood. In the classic version, it is cooked in chicken broth with the addition of pieces of meat. Today we will introduce you to the Lenten option. It will appeal to both children and adults. If desired, you can add cubes of fried tofu.

1 medium onion
1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil
0.5 teaspoon dry thyme
3 medium carrots
2 stalks of celery
2.5 liters vegetable broth
1 bay leaf
1 cup small noodles
salt, pepper - to taste
fresh dill or parsley - for decoration

How to cook:

    Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Fry the onion for 5 minutes until golden brown. Add thyme and stir.

    Cut carrots and celery into any shape. Add to the onion and fry for 1-2 minutes. Pour in the broth and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.

    Add bay leaf to soup and reduce heat to medium. Add noodles and cook for about 10 minutes until al dente (depending on variety).

    Add salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Thick Lentil Soup

Thick Lentil Soup

Fragrant roasted vegetables, rich lentil stew with cumin and fresh cilantro – this vibrant trio comes together in one pan to make a delicious addition to your dinner table. Spicy notes of cumin create a festive oriental mood. Soup for true gourmets!

1 large eggplant
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 onion
4 cloves garlic
2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
1 can (450 g) tomatoes in their own juice
200 g red lentils
1 teaspoon cumin
1 liter vegetable broth
salt, pepper - to taste
0.5 bunch of cilantro or parsley - for decoration

How to cook:

    Cut the eggplant into small cubes, add salt and place on a paper towel. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with cold water and dry.

    Heat the oven to 220°C. Cut the peppers and onions into small cubes. Finely chop the garlic. Place peppers, onions, garlic and eggplant on a baking sheet greased with olive oil (1 tbsp).

    Pour the remaining oil on top and stir. Bake vegetables for 20-30 minutes, until golden brown. Place tomatoes, washed lentils and cumin, previously crushed in a mortar, into a large saucepan.

    Add to broth and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20-30 minutes until the lentils are tender.

    Add baked vegetables, salt, pepper and stir. Serve with chopped herbs.


Solyanka or selyanka is a classic dish of Russian cuisine. Today we will prepare hodgepodge using vegetable broth without meat. Sauerkraut, olives and capers create a rich sour-salty taste, and crushed garlic and cilantro give the solyanka a spicy note. The freshest rye bread will be an excellent addition to the soup.

400 g sauerkraut
2–3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
1 large onion
2–3 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste
2 pickled cucumbers
2 liters vegetable broth
1–2 teaspoons capers
4–5 olives (preferably with lemon)
2–3 cloves of garlic
0.5 bunch of cilantro
salt, pepper - to taste

How to cook:

    Pour boiling water over the sauerkraut. After a few minutes, drain the water and squeeze the cabbage thoroughly. Heat vegetable oil in a large frying pan.

    Add cabbage, simmer over medium heat for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Allow the cabbage to brown slightly. Add finely chopped onion and simmer for another 5 minutes.

    Add tomato paste and cucumbers, cut into small cubes, heat for another 2-3 minutes until a strong, pleasant aroma appears.

    Pour in the broth and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Cook for 10 minutes. Wash the capers and cut the olives into rings. Add to soup and cook for another 5 minutes.

    Place crushed garlic and finely chopped cilantro into the hodgepodge, add salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and cover with a lid.

    Let sit for at least 30 minutes.

Watch the video recipe - real French onion soup will perfectly diversify the Lenten menu, only the croutons with cheese will need to be replaced with regular ones!

Prepare the necessary ingredients for making pureed pea soup. You can use fresh or frozen tomato puree, or you can take chopped tomatoes without skins. It is better not to replace the puree with tomato paste; it is preferable to use tomato sauce.

To avoid problems with boiling peas, they must be filled with boiling water. Boiling water will easily destroy the thin shell of the peas, and the peas will quickly boil and become soft.

If desired, you can add a little more potatoes (cut into cubes or grated) to the lean pea puree soup; place them in the middle of cooking the peas.

Pour boiling water over the peas, cook after boiling and removing the foam for about an hour over low heat until the peas are boiled.

Peel the onions and carrots and chop finely. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, heat the spices in it (you can take paprika, curry, turmeric, bay leaf, ground black pepper, etc.). Fry vegetables with spices until soft.

Add tomato puree, simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Place the vegetables in the boiled peas (the bay leaf must be removed), add salt and stir.

Blend the soup using a blender. When serving, garnish with ground paprika, fresh or dried herbs, and ground pepper. Serve the lean pea soup hot.

We promised you delicious weight loss, and besides, Lent is now underway. So it's time to post Lenten recipes. Let's start with the first courses: today we have selected the best recipes for lean soups and want to tell you how to prepare them correctly.Lenten puree soup is the best option for a dietary first course for those who are used to eating without particularly restricting themselves. First of all, these soups are thick, which means they fill you up well. To a greater extent, this statement applies to soups containing legumes: peas, beans,. It should be remembered that although such soups are healthy (legumes are an excellent source of vegetable protein), they are contraindicated for people with digestive problems. Even a small portion of pea soup can provoke an attack of flatulence, and bean soup is generally quite difficult to digest. So perhaps for some of us it makes sense to limit ourselves to lean vegetable soups. By the way, you can add mushrooms to them. Goes great with mushrooms and bean soup.

Well, let's get to the recipes now. In this collection they are all very simple!

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Lenten carrot soup puree

For this soup you will need 1 kg of carrots, 200 g of seeded and peeled pumpkin pulp, 1 large onion, 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, a little salt and spices (ground black pepper, paprika powder). Cook it in a pilaf cauldron. Wash the pumpkin and carrots. Peel the carrots and cut into cubes, cut the pumpkin and peeled onions in the same way. Heat the oil in a cauldron, add chopped onion, lightly brown, then add diced carrots and pumpkin pulp. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly. After 15 minutes, add about 1 liter of boiling water, cook covered for 25-30 minutes, then remove from heat and use an immersion blender to puree the contents of the cauldron. Add salt to taste, add some spices, put back on the fire, bring to a boil, but do not boil. You can also add a pinch of ground ginger to the carrot puree soup.

Lenten pea soup-puree

The soup is prepared like this. Wash 1 cup of regular split peas and boil it in two liters of water. The peas should be very boiled. While it is cooking, you need to prepare the frying. In a frying pan or saucepan with a thick bottom, fry 1 finely chopped onion and 1 grated carrot in 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Fry until lightly golden. Add the roast to the pan with the soup, bring to a boil, remove from heat and puree with an immersion blender. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. This soup is best eaten fresh and hot. You can sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs.

Bean soup with mushrooms

Rinse 1 cup of red beans in running water, soak for several hours, then rinse again and cook in a liter of water until half cooked. Add another liter of water, 3 peeled and diced potatoes, a couple of pinches of salt and black pepper. Cook over low heat until the potatoes are done. At the same time, prepare the frying: peel a large carrot and 2 small onions, chop the onion and grate the carrots, fry in a frying pan in 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. At the very end of frying, add 200 g of diced fresh mushrooms. Stir, fry for another 5-7 minutes, then add the fry to the soup and let simmer for 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste, remove from heat, puree with an immersion blender. When serving, sprinkle with dried herbs. The soup is very filling!

Lean broccoli soup

Wash half a kilo of broccoli, divide into florets, lightly sauté in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Take at least 3-4 tablespoons of oil. After 5 minutes, add 300 g of diced celery root and 2 medium-sized onions, chopped in the same way. Sauté for another 5-7 minutes over low heat, then place in a saucepan, add a liter of water and cook until the celery and broccoli are soft. Season with salt and pepper and use an immersion blender to puree. Bring to a boil again, remove from heat and serve hot. You can sprinkle with fresh herbs, previously washed and chopped.

Lenten pumpkin soup

This soup is prepared with garlic and pumpkin oil and is spicy and aromatic. Wash half a kilo of peeled and seeded pumpkin pulp, wrap in foil and bake in the oven until soft. While baking, peel a large onion and 4-5 cloves of garlic, chop finely and place in a thick-bottomed pan. Warm the chopped garlic and onion in 3 tablespoons of pumpkin oil, then add the diced baked pumpkin, pour in a liter of hot water and bring to a boil. Cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat, add salt and pepper, and add a couple of pinches of ground ginger. Remove from heat, puree in a blender, serve hot, optionally with croutons or pumpkin seeds.

Calories: 760.35
Proteins/100g: 1.27
Carbohydrates/100g: 10.53

What is the main thing in Lenten soup? Get the broth so that it is satisfying and tasty. This also applies fully to puree soups. This can be achieved through starchy vegetables - potatoes, legumes, or flour. Flour will simply thicken the soup, and vegetables will give it both a special taste and thickness. There are also special requirements for Lenten soups: they must be easy to prepare, like, economical, nutritious, appetizing and not too high in calories (who wants to gain extra weight during Lent!). All these requirements are one hundred percent met by the vegetable puree soup that we will prepare today.

Lenten vegetable soup - recipe with photo.


Water – 1 liter;
- potatoes - 3 large tubers;
- carrots – 1 medium;
- zucchini – 250 g (or one medium zucchini);
- large onion – 1 piece;
- vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l;
- ground red pepper – 1 tsp;
- salt - to taste;
- any fresh herbs - for serving;
- croutons - for serving.

How to cook at home

Let's start preparing lean vegetable soup by preparing all the ingredients. While the water is boiling over low heat, clean, wash and lightly fry the vegetables. Cutting vegetables for puree soup does not matter; we cut the potatoes as convenient: into slices, cubes, strips.

Cut the onion in half, cut into half rings or feathers. Cut the carrots into slices, circles, bars.

Peel fresh zucchini, cut into 2-4 parts, then cut into cubes or slices not very thin.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. First add the onion and fry it over medium heat until soft. Add the carrots and fry for a few minutes until the carrots absorb the oil and soften slightly.

Add zucchini. We increase the heat to evaporate the juice that the zucchini will give. Fry for 3-5 minutes.

Place the potatoes in the pan, mix everything and season with spices. Simmer the vegetables in oil over low heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring so that the potatoes do not stick to the pan.

Transfer vegetables to boiling water. Increase the heat and wait until the soup starts to boil. Add salt to taste and cook under the lid for 20-25 minutes at a gentle simmer.

Use a slotted spoon to transfer the prepared vegetables into a blender bowl. Pour in a little broth and grind everything into a homogeneous puree. Return to the pan with the remaining broth and stir. If necessary, season with spices to taste. Let the soup boil, turn it off and leave it to steep under the lid on a warm stove.

Lenten vegetable puree soup will taste better with croutons. You can make them in a few minutes. While the soup is infusing, cut the gray or rye bread into small cubes and dry in a dry frying pan without oil or in the oven. Pour the soup into bowls and serve with croutons and fresh herbs. Bon appetit!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)
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