Pp chocolate cheesecake. Diet cottage cheesecake: recipe. Apple curd dessert

I remember, I remember, friends!

I swore off making diet cakes without flour, butter, sugar, etc., etc. I believe that this kind of baking has nothing in common with confectionery craft.

But THIS carrot cake is an exception to my golden rule!

For me, this is a full-fledged cake with a base, cream and decoration, differing from a regular cake only in that it is prepared exclusively from healthy nutritional products.

Being a vegetarian myself, I do not consider milk to be a harmful product. But, firstly, I have wanted to try for a very long time cheesecake made from such unusual ingredients (see below), and secondly, this pp cake was intended for a person who is not on a diet, like many of us gathered here, but a person who is undergoing chemotherapy, and therefore he is strictly forbidden to consume sugar, gluten, milk and all sorts of refined products .

But he looked at my last one so pitifully, hoping that it was sugar-free, that I decided to make a healthy cheesecake just for him.

Well, about the cake itself

The cake is not vegan: there are eggs here!

Once upon a time, one of our readers innovatively crossed ours with and from that day this idea sunk into my soul, and I was waiting for a reason to implement it.

Probably a year later, I found a reason and I made such a cake, only in a healthy variation.

About the base

The base here is, in principle, the same as the classic carrot cake, only we replace refined oil and flour with coconut flour, and replace sugar with a small amount of honey.

About cream soufflé

But here the heat is already starting. The cheesecake of our pp cake will be made from... cashew nuts. In the West, these vegan cheesecakes are now very common. The texture and taste are really very similar to cheesecake. I give 100%, no one in life will guess what you made this cheesecake from.

The main thing you will need is raw cashew nuts and a fairly powerful blender. I have 700 watts - I handled it with ease.

We will achieve the texture of the soufflé due to the fact that We will soak the cashews in water overnight and they will become very soft and pliable. Without having a particularly strong taste, raw cashews will allow us to give the cream the flavor that we ourselves desire.

By the way, if you don’t bother with baking the base (even though it’s very easy to prepare), you can take my base made from dates and nuts. I love her. But it seems to me that nuts in the cream and nuts in the base are a bit too much, although I haven’t tried it myself.

For decoration, I took fresh fruit simply because I had no time to bother with pp-sauces and other things. Although in the end I still regretted it. It was necessary to cover it with some honey-caramelized oranges or, at worst, buy sugar-free confiture, these are available everywhere now. I didn't have enough fruit in the cake.

And a few words about cashews

According to scientific research, two cashew nuts have the same antidepressant effect as one dose of Prozac.

In addition, the fat content of this nut is much lower than most nuts known to us, while at the same time being a rich source of protein.

pp cake recipe

For the carrot base

  • carrots - 200 gr.
  • coconut oil - 90 gr.
  • coconut flour - 60 gr.
  • salt - ¼ tsp.
  • soda - ¼ tsp.
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • ginger - 1 pinch (optional)
  • eggs - 6 pcs. (large)
  • honey - 85 gr.
  • raisins - 50 gr.
  • nuts - 50 gr. (optional)

For the cashew cheesecake

  • raw cashews - 220 gr.
  • water - 100 gr. + for soaking nuts
  • honey - 6 tbsp. l.
  • vanilla extract - 2 tsp.
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • coconut oil, melted - 120 gr.
  • fruits, nuts, a pinch of cinnamon - for decoration, at your discretion


Cake base

Cream cheesecake

  1. In the evening, fill the cashews with water and put them in the refrigerator to soak overnight.
  2. Line the sides of the pan with a strip of parchment paper.
  3. The next day, strain the cashews and rinse well with running water.
  4. Place all ingredients in a blender except coconut oil: cashews, 100 g. water, honey, vanilla extract, lemon juice and a pinch of salt.
  5. Grind everything very carefully until you get a SMOOTH HOMOGENEOUS paste, periodically scraping the paste from the walls.

    Depending on the power of your blender, this may take up to 10 minutes.

  6. Then add the melted coconut oil and process a little more in the blender until smooth.
  7. Place the cooled cake base in the prepared pan and fill it with the resulting cream.

    The cream will be quite liquid at first, but after hardening it will turn into a wonderful soufflé.

  8. Place the finished cake in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours until completely set.
  9. Before serving, we decorate our pp cake with fresh fruit or sugar-free jam, such as orange.

That's all I wanted to say. Delicious and healthy desserts for you. And let all the fat go to the tits, as they say))

If anyone wants it, I’ll add a recipe for the pp sauce for this cake.

Good luck, love and patience.

Without sweet treats, life becomes gray and sad, your mood drops, and your character begins to deteriorate. But the figure is lost largely thanks to tempting pastries! In order to remain attractive in appearance and not lose the sympathy of others due to acquired irritability, we suggest sometimes pampering yourself by preparing a diet cheesecake. In its original form, this delicacy is considered almost the most high-calorie cake. However, if you deviate a little from the standard recipe and show a little imagination and ingenuity, the risk of adding unnecessary pounds will decrease several times.

Timeless classic

First, let's look at a low-calorie cheesecake that is as close to your favorite one as possible. The egg is beaten well, two tablespoons of flour made from oat bran and cottage cheese - soft and certainly low-fat - are added to it. All this is mixed with the addition of a third of a spoon of baking powder. If desired, you can add a spoonful of diet cocoa. The dough is thinly distributed into a silicone mold (without any oil! It won’t stick anyway), which is put into the oven for ten minutes. During this time, you will just have time to dissolve 20 grams of gelatin in half a glass of milk, and it will swell. For flavor, you can add a little lemon juice and vanilla. The mixture is heated until the gelatin dissolves and mixed with 150 grams of creamy, zero-fat cottage cheese and sweetener. The resulting mass is poured onto the cooled crust, and the diet cheesecake is placed in the refrigerator. It will set in a couple of hours, but to achieve the required density it is better to keep the dish cool all night.

The simplest recipe

For those who don’t want to bother with the oven, we can offer a no-bake diet cheesecake. You will still have to wait until the morning for it to be ready, but there is really less fuss. Five tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice are mixed with an equal amount of water; Nine grams of gelatin are soaked in this composition. After about five minutes, the liquid heats up, and when the gelatin dissolves, it cools. Separately, beat half a glass of natural low-fat yogurt with three tablespoons of liquid honey and a pack (200 g) of cottage cheese (remember that it is taken low-fat). Both masses are combined, and finally two whites, whipped until foamy, are very carefully introduced. The bottom of the mold is lined with berries and fruits, the mixture is poured on top - and into the cold.


The following diet cheesecake contains one hundred grams of low-calorie bread like “Doctor Corner” as a base. They crumble directly with your hands and mix with two eggs. When they are distributed evenly, the mixture is passed through a blender, poured into a mold and baked for a quarter of an hour at a standard temperature of 180 Celsius. For the filling, four egg whites are whipped to a stable foam, then a sweetener is added (preferably liquid, like stevia extract) and only then a little more than half a kilo of cottage cheese. Gelatin is prepared according to the instructions and added to the mass. It is placed on the finished cake, which is sent to the oven for a third of an hour. The diet cheesecake should cool right there, with the door ajar. This way you will avoid it cracking.

Berry cheesecake

Here, for the crust, 10 grams of oatmeal cookies are taken, its crumbs are mixed with a beaten egg; A cake is formed from the resulting “dough” and baked for 10 minutes. 600 grams of cottage cheese are kneaded with two tablespoons of fructose, blueberries are poured in (about 400 g, more is possible), and the foam of 10 proteins is added last. The filling is laid out on the base, and the assembled diet cheesecake is returned to the oven for about half an hour. After cooling, it must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours to obtain a dense filling structure.

Diet chocolate cheesecake

For many, sweets without chocolate do not bring much joy. And, as you know, it does not belong to low-calorie foods. However, there is a way out: replace the finished chocolate with cocoa without sugar. The latter should not be among the components at all: it is replaced by a sweetener, which is used as fructose.

First, prepare the base for the diet cheesecake. The glass is mixed with four spoons of cocoa and two fructose. Two large eggs are driven into the mixture. The dough is brought to smoothness and distributed into the mold. The cake is put into the oven, heated to standard baking temperatures of 180 Celsius, for a third of an hour.

For the filling, the whites are separated from four eggs and beaten into a dense mass until stiff peaks form. It is carefully kneaded in grams along with two more tablespoons of sweetener and the same amount of cocoa. The filling is spread over the crust, and the delicacy is returned to the oven, again for 20 minutes.

"Fitness pleasure"

A very beautiful and tasty berry diet cheesecake made from cottage cheese, built in layers. The shortbread for it is made quickly: half a glass of oatmeal is passed through a blender (you can through a meat grinder, but several times), combined with two eggs and a sweetener - the dough is obtained, distributed into the mold and sent to the oven for 10-15 minutes. By the way, the author of the recipe suggests using stevia as a sweetener, but you can use the one you are used to.

While the cake is cooling, a 20-gram bag of gelatin is diluted according to all the rules of the instructions: dissolved, heated, cooled. Three quarters of the resulting liquid is mixed with 800 grams of cottage cheese and a sugar substitute. This mixture is spread over the base and the future diet cheesecake is placed in the cold for at least a couple of hours. Then the berries are laid out on a layer (if you have frozen ones, they need to be thawed first), the remaining jelly is poured on top, and the dessert is put back in the refrigerator until it completely hardens.

Marble cheesecake

Those who feel confident at the stove can be offered a more complex cheesecake. This recipe turns out to be very elegant, marbled in color and incredibly tasty. Natural yogurt (half a glass) is whipped with a blender from (400 grams) until sour cream is thick. Next, three eggs and sweetener are added. Two spoons of cocoa are mixed into half the mass, the second is left light. The dough is poured one by one to form stripes and circles. The cheesecake will bake for about an hour; Afterwards it needs to be kept in the refrigerator for about three hours.

"Curd Tale"

And finally - a dietary cheesecake made from cottage cheese with oranges. For this, five eggs need to be divided into yolks and whites. The first ones are well beaten with half a glass of natural low-fat yogurt, half a kilogram of cottage cheese, a sweetener (this one is taken to taste) and two full spoons of starch. Finally, carefully fold in the separately beaten whites with a spoon. The “dough” is leveled in the mold.

Two oranges are carefully peeled: you need to remove the peel, seeds and whitish partitions - all of this will be bitter in the final dish. The slices are placed in a blender and beaten with two tablespoons of starch; the filling is poured on top of the leveled mass. The orange diet cheesecake goes into the oven; Baking will take about forty minutes. It is cooled directly in the mold and cut into portions when completely cooled.


● low-fat soft cottage cheese 800 g
● oat flakes 100 g
● egg white 2 pcs.
● yolk 1 pc.
● gelatin 20 g
● currants, raspberries (any berries you like, fresh or frozen) 100 g
● stevia to taste


1. Grind oatmeal in a blender, mix with eggs, add stevia and mix.
2. Spread the mixture in a thin layer in a mold and place in the oven at 180 *C for 10-15 minutes.
3. Dissolve gelatin in water, heat and cool. Mix 3/4 of gelatin water with cottage cheese and stevia.
4. Spread the resulting mixture onto the cooled oatmeal cake and place it in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours.
5. Place the berries on the frozen cheesecake, pour in the remaining gelatinous water and place in the refrigerator again for 2-4 hours.

2. Diet cheesecake: a very simple recipe


● 125 ml natural yogurt
● 9 grams of gelatin
● 75 ml lemon juice
● 3 tablespoons honey
● 200 g low-fat cottage cheese
● 2 squirrels


1. Mix lemon juice with 75 ml of water, add gelatin and soak it for 5 minutes.
2. Then heat this mixture over low heat until the gelatin dissolves, cool.
3. In a bowl, whisk cottage cheese, yogurt and honey.
4. Pour in the lemon and gelatin mixture.
5. Beat the egg whites until foamy, then carefully fold them into the curd mixture.
6. Place fruits or berries (optional) on the bottom of the mold, pour the curd mixture on top and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight.

3. Low-calorie marble cheesecake


● eggs 3 pcs.
● soft low-fat cottage cheese 400 g
● natural yogurt 0.5 tbsp.
● cocoa 2 tsp.
● stevia to taste


1. Mix cottage cheese and yogurt with a blender until you obtain a mass with a consistency similar to sour cream. Add eggs, stevia.
2. Divide the dough into 2 halves. Add cocoa to one.
3. Pour the dough one at a time into the greased pan. To make circles and stripes of different colors.
4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. Bake the cake for about an hour.
5. Once the cake is ready, remove it and cool.
6. Place the cooled cake in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

4. Chocolate banana diet cheesecake


400 g low-fat cottage cheese
100 ml skim milk
1 banana
50 g cocoa
15 g gelatin
Stevia to taste


1. Pour gelatin with a glass of water and wait until it swells.
2. Drain the remaining water from the gelatin (if any).
3. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and place over medium heat. (Do not bring to a boil)
4. Beat with a blender into a homogeneous mass.
5. Slice the banana and place it on the bottom of the mold.
6. Pour the mixture on top and put in the refrigerator until it hardens.
7. Decorate to taste and desire

5. Curd fairy tale: PP-cheesecake


Egg 5 pieces
Natural yoghurt 100 g
Low-fat cottage cheese 500 g
Oranges 2 pieces
Starch 4 tablespoons


1. Separate the yolks from the whites.
2. Beat cottage cheese, yolks, yogurt, stevia and 2 tablespoons of starch until smooth.
3. Beat the egg whites until stiff and gently mix with the cottage cheese.
4. Place the prepared curd mass in a baking dish and smooth it out.
5. Peel the oranges, remove the seeds and white partitions, transfer them to a blender, add the rest of the starch and beat well. Pour on top of the curd mixture.
6. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for about 40 minutes.
7. Cool directly in the pan and cut into portions.

Bon appetit!

Calories: 1450
Proteins/100g: 11
Carbohydrates/100g: 15

If you love cheesecake, but the calorie content in this dessert is not for you, then here is an incomparable option for you, a one hundred percent solution to your problem - dietary cheesecake made from cottage cheese and oatmeal. There is only one fatty component here - a spoonful of vegetable oil, which will need to be added to the base of the cheesecake, that is, the crust. For the recipe, you must use paste-like cottage cheese, the fat content percentage is from 0 to 5. Sugar in the recipe is added in a minimal amount, it all depends on the type of apples you will use. The result will definitely exceed expectations - you will get just the most delicate cheesecake that will melt in your mouth. Alternatively, you can top it with chopped strawberries or decorate with fresh berries/fruits. Be sure to try this recipe, I am sure you will love it and will cook it often. Try this one too.

- oatmeal – 60 gr.,
- whole grain flour – 20 gr.,
- honey – 20 gr.,
- vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.


- low-fat cottage cheese – 600 gr.,
- peeled apples – 200 gr.,
- salt – 1 pinch,
- vanilla sugar – 1 tsp,
- honey – 25 gr.,
- chicken eggs – 2 pcs.,
- semolina – 1 tbsp.,
- sugar – 30 gr.

How to cook at home

Grind the prepared oatmeal and whole grain flour in a blender bowl.

Pour literally one tablespoon of vegetable oil into the cereal.

Add also 20 grams of honey.

Mix all the ingredients again until you get a moist crumb.

Line a baking pan with parchment and spread the oatmeal base over the entire bottom of the pan. Set the form aside for a while.

Bake peeled apples in the oven or microwave.

Grind the apples using an immersion blender to achieve a homogeneous, smooth consistency.

Add a few chicken eggs to the applesauce, add a little vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt.

Add semolina and cottage cheese, add honey and sugar (30 g) as desired.

Thoroughly beat the ingredients with an immersion blender so that the mass is smooth and tender, so that there is not a single grain of cottage cheese or sugar/honey.

Place the curd mixture on top of the oatmeal base.

Place the mold in another mold, which is larger in diameter, and also fill the mold halfway with boiling water. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees, bake the cheesecake for 1.10-1.20 minutes. Check readiness - shake the mold with the cheesecake a little, if the middle of the cheesecake shakes a little, it is ready. Leave the cheesecake to cool in the oven, then cool it in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours, only then cut the cheesecake. Be sure to try these too

A dessert known all over the world that has won millions of hearts. But, alas, not everyone can afford to feast on it often, although its taste is undoubtedly divine.

But the diet cheesecake option is quite suitable for those who adhere to proper nutrition.


Cottage cheese – 500 g

Cream (the thicker the cream, the tastier) – 150 ml

Sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons (if you like it sweeter, add more sugar)

Vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon

Ground oat flakes – 100 g

Flour – 2-3 tbsp. spoons

Butter – 50 g

Strawberries (I have frozen) – 500 g

Juice (compote) – 500 ml

Agar-agar – 10 g


Mix flour with ground oatmeal and sugar. Add softened butter and grind everything until crumbly.

Place on the bottom of a springform pan and place in an oven preheated to 200°C for 10-15 minutes.

Using an immersion blender, puree the cottage cheese. Add 2 types of sugar and mix well. Pour in the cream and mix again.

We take our base out of the oven, let it cool and pour the curd mass onto it. Put it back in the oven and bake for another 30-40 minutes at 180-190°C.

We dilute agar-agar in juice according to the recipe indicated on the package and pour over the cheesecake. Place in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

We take it out, remove it from the springform pan, cut it into portions and serve. Bon appetit!
