School recipes for fried pies with live yeast. Fried pies - fluffy baked goods in a frying pan

Today I want to bring to your attention my signature recipe for quick yeast dough for pies. I have been using this recipe for more than 15 years, and it has become a favorite among family and friends. I make fried pies from this dough, but you can also bake them in the oven (I don’t bake in the oven because I don’t like oven pies). The filling can be very varied: potatoes with onions, potatoes with liver, rice with mushrooms, buckwheat with liver, green onions with egg, green onions with egg and rice, stewed cabbage, peas, meat, you can’t list all the fillings. It happens that there is no more filling, but the dough remains, then this dough is perfect for baking bread. By the way, there is a special secret in preparing quick yeast dough, which I will share below. Try it, I think your family will love pies made from this dough!


To prepare quick yeast dough for fried pies you will need:
water - 700 ml;
sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
dry yeast - 3 tsp;
salt - 1.5 tsp;
vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
flour - four half-liter jars;

vegetable oil for frying pies (deep frying) - 250-300 ml.

Cooking steps

Pour 200 ml of warm water into a clean 0.5-liter jar, add one tablespoon of sugar and 3 teaspoons of dry yeast, stir the resulting dough. Leave the dough for 5-7 minutes (during this time a “cap” should appear on the surface of the dough). .

Pour the remaining 500 ml of water into a deep bowl, add another tablespoon of sugar, salt, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil and suitable yeast dough, stir the resulting mixture.

Sift the flour and add to the yeast mixture, stir.

Knead the dough, at the end of kneading add another 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. The consistency of the dough is soft, not clogged, and easily comes away from your hands.

Take 2-3 liters of cold water into a deep bowl or pan and place the dough in bags into it. Leave it like this for 7-10 minutes - this is our main secret. The dough rises very quickly in water and is filled with air bubbles. After 10 minutes it is completely ready for use. In the usual way, as we know, this will take about 2 hours.

Many bubbles are clearly visible in the bag. Remove the dough from the bags.

Place the dough in a deep bowl, cover it with a towel or cling film to prevent it from drying out.

And this is what quick yeast dough for pies looks like when cut.

To form the pies, do not use additional flour. Grease the board and hands with vegetable oil. Take a piece of dough in your left hand and use your right thumb and index finger to pinch off small balls. Roll out each ball with a rolling pin (I usually don’t use a rolling pin, I just press the dough with my palm), place the filling in the center and pinch the dough on top like a dumpling, place it on the board, seam side down.

Quick yeast dough for fried pies is a real lifesaver for any housewife - it’s simple, quick and the result is always excellent.

Well, if there is not enough filling for the pies, and there is still dough, bake some bread or bread buns from it. To do this, form the dough into a product, roll in flour, and place in the mold. Let rise for 10-15 minutes and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes (baking time depends on the size of the bread). Cool the finished bread on a wire rack.
Delicious and pleasant moments!

You don’t have to be an experienced housewife to please your family with pies. Modern detailed recipes will clearly tell you how to master baking of any complexity, even for a beginner. It is especially easy to prepare dough for fried pies. It goes well with absolutely any filling.

This recipe can be called universal. Surely it will migrate to the cookbooks of most housewives. Ingredients: half a liter of filtered still water, 55 g of raw yeast, 2 large spoons of sand (sugar) and the same amount of vegetable oil, a little salt, 5 tbsp. wheat flour.

  1. The water is slightly warmed up. Crushed yeast and sand dissolve in it. You should add a small pinch of salt.
  2. Flour is added to the mixture and all ingredients are mixed.
  3. When the yeast dough rises, you need to knead it.
  4. Then you can immediately begin shaping the baked goods.

Let the pies be flat. In the frying pan they will noticeably increase in size.

With dry yeast and milk

This is a very quick dough. Some housewives call it “guests on the doorstep.” The product does not require infusion. It is prepared from: a chicken egg, half a kilogram of flour, 2 mal. spoons of quick yeast, a large pinch of sugar, salt on the tip of a spoon, 230 ml of fat milk, 3 large spoons of vegetable oil.

  1. Milk is heated in a saucepan. It is desirable that its temperature is 37-38 degrees.
  2. The liquid is poured into a deep bowl, mixed with sand and quick yeast. The mixture is covered with a towel and left until bubbles appear. For now you can take care of the filling.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and salt.
  4. The contents of both containers are combined.
  5. Oil is poured into the dough and flour enriched with oxygen is added.
  6. After kneading the yeast mass with your hands for 5 minutes, you need to form it into a ball and throw it on the table from a high distance for 40-50 seconds.

From this quantity of products you can prepare 14-15 medium pies.

With dry yeast and water

If there is no milk in stock, then it won’t hurt to treat the family to pies. The dough base can easily be prepared using water (700 ml). In addition to this, you need to prepare: 3 small spoons of quick dry yeast, 2 large spoons of sugar, 1.5 small spoons of salt, 5 large spoons of vegetable oil, 4 half-liter jars of flour.

  1. First, the dough is prepared in the traditional way. To do this, all the yeast and a little sand are diluted in warm water (1 tbsp.). When a foam cap appears on the liquid, it can be used further.
  2. The remaining water and sugars are combined. Oil and dough are poured onto them. The mixture is salted.
  3. Oxygen-enriched flour is added to the remaining ingredients.
  4. When the dough begins to stick well from your fingers, it is placed in a tight whole bag, tied well and immersed in cold water for 10-12 minutes. This will allow the mass to rise quickly.
  5. Next, you can form the pies.

The dough under discussion is popularly called “drowned”. It allows housewives to save 2 hours required for proofing.

Kefir dough

This pie dough will “rest” after kneading for no more than 20 minutes. Therefore, it can also be classified as fast. Ingredients: half a liter of kefir of any fat content, a standard packet of quick yeast, small. spoon with a heap of salt, 5.5 tbsp. flour, 2 chicken eggs.

  1. Kefir is placed on the fire in a small saucepan to heat up. It should become pleasantly warm, but by no means hot.
  2. 1/5 of kefir with yeast is dissolved in heated kefir. Under the film, the mixed products are infused for 20-25 minutes near a heat source.
  3. Lightly beaten eggs and salt are poured into the resulting dough.
  4. The remaining flour is sifted here.
  5. The mass will need another 20-25 minutes to proof.

Sour cream dough

This is a “grandmother’s” recipe that is passed down from generation to generation. Its basis is thick, fatty sour cream (200 g). It’s great if you can use a homemade product. This will make the baked goods even more delicious. To prepare the dough under discussion, in addition to sour cream, you will need to take the following products: one egg, a small spoon of salt and sugar, 1/3 of a small spoon of baking soda, 35 ml of vegetable oil, 320+ g of flour.

  1. The sour cream and chicken egg are thoroughly beaten with a mixer.
  2. Other ingredients include vegetable oil and all dry products, except flour.
  3. The flour component is introduced into the future dough slowly and gradually. The recipe specifies the minimum amount of flour that may be required. During the kneading process, its quantity may increase.
  4. After adding flour, the products are combined exclusively with a spoon. There is no need to beat them.
  5. The resulting soft, airy dough is wrapped in a bag and left for at least half an hour.

While the mixture is resting, you can start preparing the ingredients for the filling.

Unleavened dough on water

Using this recipe, you can fry delicious miniature pies with a crispy base. You can stuff them with any sweet or savory fillings. It is advisable that they are not too wet. The products you will need to use are: 1.5 kg of premium light flour, 2 large spoons of unflavoured sunflower oil, a pinch of fine table salt, water.

  1. It is difficult to determine in advance exactly how much water this test will require. You just need to pour it into the other ingredients and watch how much flour absorbs.
  2. This component is sifted into a bowl from a high distance. Oil and water are poured into the depression in the center of the resulting elevation. Table salt is also added.
  3. Kneading should be very intense.
  4. To begin with, add a glass of warm water, and then gradually pour in more liquid.
  5. The dough should not be too soft.

All that remains is to form the pies and fry them in well-heated oil.

No similar materials

Even as children, we were sent to stay with our grandmother in the village. And you can’t think of anything better for breakfast with tea than fragrant pies prepared by a loved one, combined with a glass of cow’s milk. It’s hard to get this deliciousness out of your memory.

Not everyone has an oven in their kitchen, but sometimes you really want homemade pies. There is a way out - fried yeast pies in a frying pan. The speed of cooking will make you forget about the oven!

We invite you to prepare airy fried pies with potatoes and dill. They can be absolutely any size, the main condition is thin dough. Airy, soft and satisfying pies in a frying pan - what you need for tea if you're tired of sweets!

Let's consider yeast dough for pies in two versions

Option No. 1 Lenten yeast dough recipe

  • Yeast 25 g;
  • Warm water 300 ml;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil;
  • 4.5 cups flour.

Option No. 2 Butter dough for pies

Butter dough for fried pies in a frying pan is not sweet. Analog of the test for whites:

  • Yeast 50 g;
  • 1 glass of milk or water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 5 glasses of flour.

Each of these options will be good. The first one is the most “airy”, but it is also quite high in calories.

Products for filling

  • 5 medium potatoes;
  • Salt;
  • Lots of dill or parsley;
  • Vegetable oil.

To prevent the pies from burning, you need to roll out the dough thinly, mold them, and let them sit under a towel for half an hour. Make the fire smaller. Then they won’t burn and will bake well.

For the potato filling, we need fresh herbs - dill!

We offer step-by-step instructions for preparing fried pies in a frying pan.

Step by step recipe

  1. The first step is to knead the dough. For the best result, when kneading the yeast, mix it with sugar, then carefully pour in water, stirring evenly, add salt, of course, sift two cups of flour, then mix thoroughly and leave in a warm place for 15 minutes.

  2. After that, add melted butter in a water bath, eggs (to the butter dough), add the remaining flour until our dough becomes soft enough, but does not stick to the handles. Dust it with flour and leave it warm again, about 25 minutes.

  3. While our dough will rise both times, you can start preparing the filling. We have potatoes for the filling, and dill instead of fried onions. In principle, you can use any greens you like: parsley, celery.
  4. Dip the dill in cold water for 5 minutes to thoroughly rinse it, then lay it out to dry on a towel.

  5. Boil the potatoes. Then drain the water and pound it in a mortar. It should be puree.
    Add salt. Cut the dill as finely as possible and mix into a homogeneous mass.
  6. Our filling is ready. If the puree is too crumbly, add potato broth. The filling must cool down, because... yeast dough may not “react” the way we would like. Let's move on to the next stage.
  7. It's time to make fried pies in a frying pan. The yeast dough is ready. If you do the filling in parallel while it rises, you can save a lot of time! Fried pies cannot wait! We knead the dough, divide it into equal pieces, roll it out with a rolling pin or mold each cake with our hands, put 1 tbsp of filling on each one. l. Preferably with a top.

  8. The next step is to first sprinkle the table with flour (otherwise the dough will stick), pinch the edges, turn them over and roll them out as carefully as possible. Pies can be made of any size: large and oblong or small and plump, depending on your culinary preferences.
  9. We fry the pies in a frying pan. At the same time, we lubricate with oil not only the surface of the pan, but also the pies themselves. Turn on low heat.
  10. Place the finished pies on a plate with a spatula.

Fried pies in a frying pan are a wonderful homemade dish that will be an excellent reason for drinking tea. And the presented options for kneading yeast dough will allow everyone to find their ideal flavor combination.

If you plan to make them often, here are some tips for filling:

  • Whatever the filling, it should be free of lumps and not liquid! Otherwise, the baked goods will burn.
  • The filling for fried pies should not contain raw ingredients.
  • To ensure that the pies are properly fried and the yeast dough becomes thin, carefully roll it with a rolling pin on both sides after adding the filling.
  • The dough must rise 2 times.
  • After the pies are fried, place them on a napkin so that they release excess fat from the oil. It will be much tastier this way.

As it turned out, cooking pies in a frying pan is not as difficult as it seemed to us at first glance. Even a novice housewife can easily prepare this recipe. And the most important thing is that the ingredients for cooking are very accessible, because they are available in everyday life. So you can postpone the long trip to the grocery store.

We hope that fried yeast pies with potatoes and dill will become your favorite dish for your tea party! And now you can easily prepare them according to our recipe. This recipe will not leave anyone indifferent, except those with a sweet tooth. Your loved ones will not be able to resist the enticing smell in the kitchen even while they are cooking.

Homemade rosy pies are the weakness of many Russian people. The culinary history of flour craftsmanship has been passed down through generations from grandmothers. Cooking methods changed, and the variety of fillings improved. A large number of supplemented recipes have come down to us.

How to prepare dough for pies

Choosing a baking recipe is an individual matter. Step-by-step preparation of dough for pies for any set of ingredients is given below in different variations. Experimenting with the choice of filling will delight all children and adults. These can be either sweet or meat fillings. If you follow all the instructions given, you will be guaranteed delicious pie dough.

Pie dough recipes

There are a lot of options: puff pastry, with yeast and non-yeast, with kefir, milk and even beer. All housewives must know how to prepare dough for pies. Flour products can be fried, baked in a bread machine or oven. To obtain a lean pie mass, it is enough to give up milk and eggs. There are many ways, as well as taste preferences, so for ease of understanding, the recipes are presented with photos.

Yeast dough for pies

Well suited for fried thresholds with various fillings. Prepared with milk or plain water. Yeast dough for pies should be placed in a heated place to rise the mass. Its disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time. The sequence of the process must be observed, so first you need to familiarize yourself with the recipe, and then start cooking.


  • milk – 1/4 l;
  • flour – 3.5 tbsp;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • animal oil – 50 g;
  • live yeast – 30 g;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve yeast in heated water.
  2. Add salt and egg to milk. Sift the flour. Combine with diluted yeast.
  3. Knead until smooth.
  4. Melt the butter, knead into a mass.
  5. Cover the resulting mass with a cloth and put it in a warm place.
  6. After about an hour, do a warm-up. If the gluten is good, repeat 2-3 times.

Kefir dough for pies

This is a quick way to start a yeast-free mass. The main thing is not to pour too much flour into the dough for fried kefir pies. If this happens, the mass will be tight and the buns will not turn out fluffy. Kefir can be used not the first freshness or replaced with yogurt or fermented baked milk. You can put whatever you want into the filling, but homemade cottage cheese is best suited here.


  • kefir – 1.25 tbsp;
  • flour – 3.5 tbsp;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Add all ingredients to kefir except flour. Beat with a mixer.
  2. Add flour to the resulting mixture (in portions), stirring with a spoon, then with your hands.
  3. The finished pie dough should be elastic and not stick to your hands.
  4. The kefir mass rises due to the fermented milk product and the action of soda.

Choux pastry for pies

The time spent from the start of cooking to the golden brown flour products takes less than an hour. The choux yeast dough for pies turns out thin and tender, and the buns remain soft even after a day. Every baker should know how to prepare this custard mass, and thanks to the accompanying photos, the recipe will seem simple and quick. You can use any yeast.


  • flour – 1 kg;
  • yeast – 50 g;
  • water – 2 tbsp.;
  • salt;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour salt, sugar into flour (3.5 tbsp), add butter, a glass of hot water. To stir thoroughly.
  2. When the resulting mixture has cooled, add yeast. Pour in 200 ml of warm water.
  3. Add the remaining flour portionwise, stirring.
  4. Knead in the usual way.

Unleavened dough for pies

This recipe is presented without yeast and is simple and quick. Unleavened dough for pies is rolled out into a thin layer (3 mm). Fry on each side over medium flame for 4 minutes. The unleavened mass allows you to use any filling, based on the preferences of the “starving” at home. You can serve sour cream or sour sauce on the table with flour treats.


  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 1/4 l;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the flour into a mound and make a well in the central part. Pour salted hot water in portions.
  2. Knead with a knife.
  3. When it remains a little dry, add the egg.
  4. Knead the pie dough until elastic.
  5. Sprinkle the dish and leave the mixture for half an hour.

Quick dough for pies with dry yeast

This baking option has many advantages. The dough for fried pies made with dry yeast rises perfectly, does not contain foreign odors, and does not require labor-intensive kneading and standing. Any filling is suitable here. Can be cooked both in the oven and in a frying pan. With any method, pies, buns and cheesecakes will turn out fluffy and tasty.


  • flour – 500 g;
  • dry yeast – 11-12 g;
  • sugar – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • milk – 0.2 l;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Add granulated sugar, salt, egg, butter and yeast to the heated milk.
  2. Sift the flour, add 2/3 of it, stir.
  3. Add the rest in small portions.
  4. Stop kneading when the mixture stops sticking to your hands. Place in a dish, cover with plastic or cling film. Place in a warm place for 40 minutes. The mass should double.

Sour cream dough for pies

This kneading method is very fast, takes 5-10 minutes. Pies made with sour cream without adding yeast. If the filling is berry or fruit, then it is advisable to add granulated sugar (1 tbsp). It is not necessary to use fresh sour cream for cooking; the one that has stagnated in the refrigerator will also work. If it is not enough, then you can add kefir.


  • wheat flour – 900 g;
  • sour cream 20% - 400 g;
  • soda, salt - ½ tsp each;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;

Cooking method:

  1. Combine sour cream with egg, salt and soda.
  2. Add flour, knead.
  3. The mass will be elastic and tender. Form a bun, put it in plastic, put it in the refrigerator, take it out after 30 minutes.

Guests and household members always like such baked goods, therefore, so that the treat does not seem too small, the recipe is designed for a large volume of baked goods. Sweet pies made from yeast dough are airy, fluffy and tasty. Suitable for making buns and cheesecakes. The mass doubles or more, so if you need to get 1-2 baking trays, then you should reduce the amount of ingredients.


  • wheat flour – 900-1000 g;
  • milk – 0.4 l;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • margarine (butter) – 150 g;
  • yeast – 10 g;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the milk, add yeast, a spoonful of sugar.
  2. Add salt and sugar to the eggs and beat.
  3. When the yeast starts working (foam forms on the milk), mix it with the eggs. Stir well.
  4. Melt the margarine, let it cool, add to the mixture from step 3. Add sunflower oil. Mix.
  5. Sift the flour and add to the resulting mass. Mix. If it turns out sticky, you can add flour while making the pies.
  6. Mix the mixture with your hands, cover with a cloth, and place in a warm place. After half an hour, repeat kneading to remove air. Place in a warm place for 40 minutes. You can use a bread maker for kneading. This will take 1.5 hours with a standard kneading program.

Lenten dough for pies

Even on duty you can prepare delicious flour products. With the help of yeast, the dough for eggless pies rises perfectly and fries quickly. You can use any filling: potatoes, cabbage with onions, jam. You can do without it, but then you should add additional sugar (1-2 tablespoons). When kneading, the mass should be slightly sticky and moist, then the crumb will be very tasty and not dry.


  • dry yeast – 1 packet;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat flour – 1 kg;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve a packet of yeast in 400 ml of warm water.
  2. Add sugar and salt. Mix.
  3. Sift the flour, pour in the yeast mixture. Stir, add oil.
  4. Stir for about 10 minutes. If the dough is tight, add water and vegetable oil.
  5. Cover with a cloth and leave to rise in a warm place. When the mass doubles, knead and stir.

Mayonnaise dough for pies

There are times when the refrigerator is out of eggs and dairy products at the same time, but you want to pamper your guests and family with some flour products. Don’t be afraid of such moments; mayonnaise dough for pies is perfect here. The products will turn out tasty, rosy and fluffy. Feel free to experiment with different fillings.


  • flour – 700 g;
  • mayonnaise – 150 ml;
  • yeast – 25-30 g;
  • water – 0.2 l;
  • sugar – 15 g;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve the yeast in a glass of warm water.
  2. Add mayonnaise, sand, salt. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Add flour in portions, stirring.
  4. Mix the elastic mass well. Cover with a cloth and leave for 1.5 hours to rise.

Butter dough for pies in the oven

It is rich because the recipe contains milk, eggs and sugar. The finished mass should be plastic and soft, not stick to your palms and can be easily removed from the walls of the dish, but it should not be tight (otherwise the baked goods will turn out tough). For clarity, the step-by-step recipe for pastry for pies in the oven contains detailed photos.


  • milk – 0.4 l;
  • flour – 1 kg;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • dry yeast – 10 g;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • butter (margarine) – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare the dough, combine warm milk with yeast and granulated sugar. Add 200 grams of flour.
  2. Sprinkle the sponge mixture, cover with a towel, and place in a warm place for an hour.
  3. Melt the butter, cool, mix with the egg. Add the resulting mixture to the dough.
  4. Add salt.
  5. Gradually add the remaining flour in portions. Stir on the table.
  6. Place the flour mixture in a deep dish, cover, and place in a warm place to rise (about an hour).
  7. Knead the mixture again.

Whey dough for pies

You can use it to bake baked goods with different fillings. The dough with whey for pies rises faster than with milk or water. To give the baked goods a crispy crust, you need to grease them with the white of a chicken egg (previously beaten with a fork). Use poppy or sesame seeds as a topping, depending on individual preferences and choice of filling.


  • whey – 0.3 l;
  • dry yeast – 2 tsp;
  • flour – 0.5 kg;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • salt – ½ tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour, mix with yeast.
  2. Beat one egg and the yolk of the second, adding salt and sugar.
  3. Add butter and beaten eggs to the whey. Add half of the flour. Knead and leave for a quarter of an hour. Stir in the rest. Let it sit for half an hour.

Video: simple recipe for pie dough

Everyone loves fried pies - they are easy to prepare. There are many recipes for dough suitable for fried pies. It can be yeast, with kefir, sour cream or just water. The fillings can be very diverse: familiar to everyone and exotic for real gourmets.

Typically, pie dough is prepared according to a similar pattern, using the same ingredients. The only difference is their quantity and mixing options. In order for the dough for fried pies to be like fluff, you need to know the secrets of making dough with yeast.

Tips for preparing yeast dough:

  1. Do not overheat the milk components for the dough.
  2. Use high quality flour. You should sift the flour.
  3. Butter should not be added hot, it should be at room temperature.
  4. The yeast must be fresh.
  5. If the dough is not suitable, you need to activate the yeast. To do this, put them in a cold place for a while, and then in a warm place.
  6. When kneading, grease your hands a little with sunflower oil, this will make the dough soft and fluffy.

By following these simple instructions, you can be sure of preparing high-quality dough for frying pies.


In order for the pies to be fluffy and tasty, the dough for the pies must be airy, snow-white, with a bubbly structure.


  1. Water (boiled) – 1.5 tbsp.;
  2. Sugar – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  3. Salt (rock) – 1/3 tsp;
  4. Oil (sunflower) – 3 tbsp. l.;
  5. Flour (wheat) – 600 gr.;
  6. Yeast – 1 tsp.

In order not to disturb the structure of the dough, when preparing the dough you must strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.

Recipe for fried egg pies

Fried pies are prepared with a wide variety of fillings. Pies with eggs and onions are very tasty and unusual. Their fresh and delicate taste gives a spring mood.

How to cook pies step by step:

  1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water. Pour 5 tbsp into the water. l. sifted wheat flour, beat until bubbles appear.
  2. Cover the mixture and leave it warm for 20 minutes. A fluffy foam should appear on the mixture.
  3. Add salt and remaining flour. Prepare the dough, add vegetable oil to it.
  4. Leave the dough warm for 2 hours. The dough should rise 2-3 times.

The dough will turn out airy and will harmoniously combine with the egg and onion filling. The filling is very simple. Boil the eggs, cut them into cubes, add green onions. The pie will melt in your mouth.

The simplest dough for fried pies on water

Dough in boiled water is an economical and quick option. If you don’t have kefir or sour cream on hand, but you really want pies, the water option will be no worse. This dough will be tender and fluffy.

Heat half a liter of boiled water to room temperature. Add dry yeast, sugar, salt to your taste. Mix everything well, add oil and 5 tbsp. sifted flour.

It is important to knead the dough not until it becomes stiff. It should remain sticky in this recipe.

Leave the finished dough covered with a towel and let it rest for 40 minutes. When the dough is ready, you can make pies, adding pre-prepared filling, and fry them in sunflower oil.

Delicious and snow-white dough for pies can be made without much effort with your own hands or using pie equipment. Their cost is low, and they can feed the whole family. The dough can be prepared using yeast, kefir, milk and even water. Knowing the secrets of preparation, the dough can be made fluffy, airy and very tasty.

Fried pies step by step with photos
