Restaurants and diabetes: WHERE you can eat delicious food. Restaurants and diabetes: WHERE you can eat delicious Hot sour soup

Contrary to popular belief, diabetes is not a death sentence. You can eat quite well, even restaurant meals can be acceptable with this diagnosis, if you know what to order and how it will be prepared, and if you control portions. Check out this list of diabetic-friendly restaurant dishes to help you find something on the menu that won't harm you.

Turkey burger with vegetables

If you're going to a burger place, choose the turkey option. Skip the bun because it's low in fiber, and swap the fries for broccoli. This way, you'll have enough fiber in your meals to prevent blood sugar spikes. In addition, you will be able to feel full.

Beef burger with salad

If you prefer beef, have the burger with salad and vinegar dressing. Skip the top bun to minimize empty carbs, and skip the cheese to keep salt and fat to a minimum. This way you will be able to treat yourself to your favorite dish.

Filet mignon

If you want something a little fancier, order the filet with a side of non-starchy vegetables like broccoli or spinach. Watch the portion - the steak should be the size of your palm, not your head.

Grilled salmon

Grilled or steamed salmon is always a great choice because it is high in omega-3 fats. These substances help prevent cardiovascular disease, the risk of which increases with the development of diabetes. For a side dish, take stewed or steamed vegetables.

Broth soup

Soups made with broth are usually lower in fat and calories than those made with milk or cream. If you want to lose weight, focus on this dish.

Sandwich with protein and vegetables

If you're on your feet all day, just snack on a sandwich - just avoid options with salty and fatty meats like bacon. Choose healthy ingredients, such as whole grain bread, a variety of vegetables and greens, and turkey or chicken. If you want to complement your sandwich, eat a salad or fruit - avoid chips, which contain too much salt, carbohydrates and fat.

Salad bar

In some establishments you can mix your own salad from a variety of ingredients. Focus on proteins and vegetables, take less carbohydrates and fats.

Caprese salad

This salad from an Italian restaurant is a great option for a diabetic. This is an incredibly tasty dish that contains absolutely no sugar.

Vegetable pizza with thin crust

Choose whole grain dough. Vegetables are suitable as pizza toppings, which will serve as an additional source of fiber and prevent a sharp rise in blood glucose. Also, try to eat a salad before pizza - then you will consume fewer carbohydrates.

Caesar salad with chicken

Eat a Caesar salad - this dish is an excellent source of protein and healthy fats. Alternatively, the chicken can be replaced with shrimp or salmon, and the dish can also be supplemented with avocado slices. Be sure to ask for the dressing to be brought to you separately - this way you can make sure that the dish is not loaded with calories and sugar from the sauce.

Seabass with vegetables

Baked or fried fillet with potatoes and broccoli is an excellent option for diabetics. Fish is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which naturally lower blood sugar levels. If you're concerned about calories, ask for the fish to be cooked without oil.


Many restaurants offer a variety of seafood dishes, which are an excellent source of lean protein. If served with pasta, ask for whole grains. The portion of pasta should not be too large.


Ceviche is a dish that is a healthy combination of protein, fat and carbohydrates, so its consumption does not threaten the health of a diabetic at all.


This Mexican dish not only looks incredibly delicious, but also packs some impressive benefits. It's a great combination of protein and vegetables - just eat it with salad or beans rather than rice.

Fish tacos

Tacos are a dish that is quite suitable for diabetics as long as you choose a corn tortilla. It contains fewer carbohydrates, and then the portion will be small. It will be completely safe for diabetes.

Grilled shrimp and avocado salad

In Mexican restaurants, many dishes contain too much salt, but there are also options with fairly low amounts. For example, shrimp with lime juice and fresh avocado salad!

Enchiladas with beans

This mouth-watering dish is fine if you order the bean version rather than the meat version and only eat half the portion. You can ask to pack the second half for takeaway - Mexican cuisine is usually too rich and it’s not worth eating the whole dish.

Vegetable omelet

A vegetable omelette paired with whole grain toast or fruit salad is also great for diabetics. You can also choose scrambled eggs with steamed vegetables.


Oatmeal is another diabetes-safe breakfast option. Top it with nuts and order extra scrambled eggs or grilled turkey sausage to balance out the sugar levels.

Green smoothie

Choose a quality smoothie option that contains plenty of greens, one serving of fruit, and a source of protein like yogurt or protein powder, as well as a source of healthy fats like nut butter. No artificial sweeteners!

Sashimi with brown rice

At an Asian restaurant, you can order sashimi with a side dish of vegetables. Be sure to choose the brown rice option for more fiber in the dish.

Assorted Asian snacks

If you like variety, you can order a platter at an Asian restaurant. Chicken skewers, sushi, and edamame are all fine diabetic foods if eaten in moderation, so you can indulge yourself.

Chicken with broccoli

At a Chinese restaurant, you can order chicken with broccoli as a main course, and a spring roll as an appetizer. There are many other foods to be wary of because they may contain too much sugar and salt.

Hot sour soup

Choose this Chinese soup - it's incredibly filling and doesn't contain too much salt. It contains tofu, eggs and vegetables, so the dish can be called completely safe.

Buddha Bowl

This dish has different names, but the essence is the same: it is usually a vegetarian dish with a wide variety of vegetables and tofu. If served with rice, ask to use brown rice - it is much safer for diabetics than white.

Chicken kebab

If you're at a Greek restaurant, have the grilled chicken skewers paired with a Greek salad. This dish is an excellent source of protein that will not harm a diabetic.

Hummus with vegetables

Many Greek restaurant dishes are loaded with salt, but there are also options with just the right amount of fat and calories, and full of nutrients. For example, consider hummus with raw vegetables, or vegetables baked with rice. Dolma will also suit you, and you can also try moussaka.

Plate of falafel

You can also order your falafel with meat skewers and tzatziki sauce. This is a dish that is high in protein, fiber and carbohydrates. The ideal ratio of nutrients will help maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Like all people, we love to go to cafes and restaurants. However, there is a difficulty here. It is almost impossible to calculate the amount of carbohydrates in the proposed dish! An ordinary person may not notice this, but an insulin-dependent diabetic certainly cannot without counting carbohydrates.

But there are catering establishments that care about the health of their guests.

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Therefore, we decided to devote this article to the selection of a beautiful, but at the same time healthy establishment, where people diagnosed with diabetes could spend their time pleasantly, tasty and healthy.

Today we present to your attention a cozy restaurant with original cuisine called “Let's go”...

This is a 60-seat establishment in the old center of Moscow, with a seasonal Russian fusion menu and special dishes for children, diabetics and vegetarians. It was opened by the famous culinary specialist, TV show host, and author of a newspaper column about food, Elena Chekalova.

In one of her interviews, Elena described why everyone, even people with diabetes, can eat at her restaurant:

“For example, I don’t like sweets at all. And all the desserts on the Let's Go menu are low-sugar. Some guests are delighted with this, others say that they would like it sweeter. But I will continue in the same spirit. In our restaurant we have cookies with no sugar at all, but they are incredibly tasty: dried fruits, nuts and not a gram of flour.

A very important feature of my restaurant is that it has dishes for people with problems: allergy sufferers, diabetics, vegetarians. My grandmother had severe diabetes, and she had practically nothing to eat in the Soviet Union. And she never went to restaurants because there was nothing suitable for her.”

As you understand, the diagnosis is not always just home cooking. You can easily allow yourself a pleasant evening in the company of friends in a restaurant like “Let’s go.”

Of course, we will remind you that it is important to take into account the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the composition of dishes (you can find them in the establishment’s menu). Also, do not forget that BZHU is not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also great luck in life;)

And if you know similar establishments in your city, write to us and we will tell everyone about it!

According to statistics, almost every 7-8 people in our country suffer from diabetes.

And all of them can become your clients if you open a restaurant with a menu for diabetics, i.e. Only diabetic food will be served.

And it is so specific that most diabetics cannot eat at regular fast foods and restaurants, because... the food there spikes their blood sugar levels.

Don’t let the word “unusual” scare you, as there is nothing complicated in preparing such food.

You will find out this yourself when you read the relevant books and articles, but we will say this - diabetic cuisine means giving up fried, spicy, starchy and sweet foods. That is, from everything that can harm people with diabetes. Any practicing chef can prepare such dishes.

The main component of the success of a restaurant for diabetics.

In order for your restaurant to be trusted by its potential customers from day one, you must assure them that the food you prepare will not harm them.

And to do this, you should invite a doctor or a medical commission, who will make an official conclusion that the cuisine of your restaurant meets all their requirements.

It would also be a good idea to place information about the benefits of a particular dish directly on the menu.

But remember that your restaurant should not resemble a branch of a hospital or sanatorium. Let only food remind your visitors of illness.

Otherwise, nothing should remind your customers of their problems, and then they will come to you again and again, knowing that your establishment is the only place in the city with a menu for diabetics, where they can eat tasty and safe.

Successful business to you!
