Buffet in the boarding house sample menu. Buffet at the Rodnik sanatorium. Not like in a hospital

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Many public catering establishments prefer the buffet system. This approach is very convenient and practical: all the preparatory work has been done, and a varied menu is offered on the tables. This allows you to feed a large number of visitors at the same time, which is perfect for places with high traffic volumes, for example, hotels. So, food is freely available, everyone can choose what they like best. The solemnity of the format makes the meal unusual.

What is a buffet

The buffet serving method is the serving of ready-made dishes, in which the visitor chooses what he likes from those displayed on special tables or serving lines. Any snack is taken in moderation and taken to your table. There are no waiters, everything is organized on a self-service basis. Almost always such a meal is free, the cost is already included in the ticket price.

The term "buffet" is found only in Russian. In Asia and European countries, this method of eating is called “buffet”, in Sweden - smorgasbord or “sandwich table”, where sandwiches mean absolutely any food. Another idea for the origin of the Swedish food system is related to the Scandinavian principles of self-restraint in the absence of control.

The “sandwich table” system is widely used by hotels when each client needs to be fed very quickly and tasty. Beer houses and pizzerias often have salad bars, democratic cafes and fast food buffets that offer cold and hot appetizers and desserts. This approach solves the main tasks of restaurant service: providing delicious food, making it quick and convenient for everyone, and attracting new customers.


Organizing a buffet has a number of advantages. They are attractive to clients and organizers:

  • A large selection of dishes gives the visitor a feeling of abundance, the impression that there are a lot of menu options for one price.
  • The price of food is lower than with traditional nutrition.
  • Affordable additional service.
  • Saving time for guests and kitchen staff.

The features of this system depend on the religious and cultural traditions of the individual people. Very often there are days of national cuisine. Some countries prefer seasonings and sweets, others refuse pork and beef. Most establishments' buffet menus include European dishes, although the local chef always makes his own adjustments. The quantity and quality of dishes depends on how many stars the hotel has: the higher the category, the more varied the menu will be.

Each country has its own gastronomic preferences, depending on the characteristics of the people. For example:

  • Indonesia uses a lot of pepper and spices;
  • in Egypt, Tunisia, and the UAE they do not cook pork;
  • Eastern countries offer a wide variety of sweets;
  • in Southeast Asia, in addition to pork, they do not use beef, but prefer a large amount of seasonings;
  • Europe loves meat: boiled, fried cooking options;
  • Italy prefers spaghetti;
  • Spain is not complete without paella;
  • Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia include feta cheese and olives on the menu.

Drinks deserve special attention. If the hotel does not operate on an all-inclusive system, then any drink - water, coffee, juice, tea, wine - is sold for money at all meals, except breakfast. In Spain, for example, even champagne is served free of charge in the morning. The types of drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic, paid or free) depend on the characteristics of the country, and not the “star rating” of the hotel. In Europe, fresh juice is rarely served; Turkish and East Asian cuisines, on the contrary, are happy to offer any natural drink.


Depending on the method of payment for the food consumed, there are two types of buffets. Both are not included in the price of the tour (if this concerns meals at the hotel). Their features are that:

  1. You can come up for food an unlimited number of times. The price is fixed and does not affect the amount of food eaten. The plate size is any.
  2. This type of catering is based on the “plate system”: payment depends on the size of the dish (small, medium, large) and the number of approaches to the table.

Serving formats according to the Swedish system are designed to satisfy the tastes of all visitors. The varieties are as follows:

  • salad bars (salad, light soup, simple snacks) - for those who did not have time to have breakfast;
  • American table (cola, hamburgers, fatty snacks) - served near places of entertainment, for example, near the beach;
  • National cuisine;
  • the dietary diet is designed for wealthy clients and those who prefer only healthy eating;
  • lunch buffet is organized during the day;
  • a coffee or tea table is offered between main meals.

This type of brunch or “family lunch” is ideal for eating on weekends, at lunchtime. Bonuses often include offers of partial payment or free food for children of a certain age. Brunch is often used for birthdays and other holidays. The income from this form of nutrition is small, but it is considered a good marketing method to attract customers.

A banquet involves serving many guests at the same time. Drinks and juices are poured at bar counters located in several places. The most popular drinks - mineral water, orange juice, wine, champagne - are served by waiters. Snacks are displayed on special tables (round, oval, rectangular) with tablecloth skirts attached to them.

Based on the principle of banquets, catering or thematic events are organized when the celebration is held outdoors or in a room not intended for such purposes. For the organization, special catering companies are invited, which take care of all the worries about the event, from arranging the tables, decorating the hall or area, and ending with preparing the dishes.


There are a number of rules that should be followed when serving a buffet, and the most important thing is the grouping of dishes: the appetizer is displayed on one part, the main dish on the other, sweets and fruits on the third. For example, appetizers are placed at the beginning of the table, then bread, then first courses, second courses, and desserts at the end. Mixing products is strictly prohibited, so as not to create the impression of chaos. Fish and meat cannot lie next to each other on a tray or plate; seafood is allowed next to fish dishes. You can’t place vegetables, berries, or fruits nearby.

Grouping rules also apply to dishes, drinks, spices and sauces. They are:

  • Trays and plates are placed at equal intervals.
  • Each dish has its own equipment for serving food. It is important that they are made of stainless steel; wooden utensils can be used, but plastic ones are prohibited.
  • Separate places are organized for drinks (near the entrance), used dishes (further away).
  • Sauce and spices are placed in small containers next to the dishes they go with.
  • Honey, yogurt, jam are served in small glass or ceramic rosettes.

The shift and frequency of serving dishes is also subject to certain rules. In hotels, all food is displayed at once, but at banquets you need to follow the order:

  • Snacks remain until the end of the banquet, refreshed twice an hour in the summer, and once every hour in cooler times.
  • Hot dishes are served before consumption.
  • Cold appetizers are laid out on metal dishes (for cooling), salads can be served on ceramics.
  • Bakery products are placed in baskets or on pie plates.
  • Multi-level stands save space.
  • Drinks can be served poured into glasses.

Particular attention is paid to decorating the buffet. Flowers, tablecloths, bows, etc. are used. The rules for decorating the table are:

  • The presence of flowers speaks of special chic, but they need to be changed periodically.
  • The tablecloth should not reach the floor by 10 cm.
  • Paper napkins are preferable (it’s more convenient to throw away rather than toss with dirty dishes). They are laid out next to the plates in a stack or fan.
  • The decor of the table should be combined with the interior.
  • It is acceptable to use tall candelabra or small candlesticks with lit candles.

Menu at the hotel

The buffets serve more than just cold appetizers. It is important that there is no cooked food that you need to cut for yourself with a knife: all dishes are exclusively portioned. The hotel buffet menu has no more restrictions. It consists of:

  • snacks;
  • first hot courses;
  • hot meat or fish;
  • side dishes for fish and meat;
  • drinks;
  • desserts.

Different countries use their own dishes and drinks for the “sandwich” table. For example, the buffet menu in hotels in Turkey offers the following:

juice, tea, coffee, milk, tea, coffee, drinking water are offered unlimited throughout the day

eggs, cereal, cheese, sausage, butter,

tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, bread

not served

Main dishes:

porridge, omelet, scrambled eggs, sausages,

puree soups, borscht,

stewed vegetables, fish, chicken, meat;

side dish: rice, pasta

not served

casseroles, stewed vegetables, fish, meat;

side dish: rice, potatoes, pasta

jam, honey,

yogurt, buns

dessert and seasonal fruit

The Spanish diet is somewhat different from the Turkish one. In hotels in Spain, chefs are ready to offer the following menu:

coffee, glass of fresh orange juice

juices, beer, dessert wine, water

wine, beer

spicy “bocadiyo” with cheese, jamon, herbs, tuna, tomatoes;

tostada, egg, lettuce, white asparagus

salad, flatbread

jamon, cheese, sliced ​​bread

Main dishes:

potato omelet, tortilla, sandwiches with boiled ham and cheese

paella, pasta, pork, beef, lamb, fish, liver

The “Your Resort” service has selected for you the best sanatoriums in the Moscow region with a buffet. Thanks to this type of food, you do not have to worry about what you will eat on your own while relaxing in a boarding house during vacation or on weekends. You can relax, enjoy the local picturesque landscapes, a lot of all kinds of entertainment and calmly receive the treatment that the resorts of the Moscow region offer.

What is a buffet?

This is a convenient type of food that has long been popular in Europe and has won many fans in Russia. You can choose any dishes, fruits and drinks offered by the hotel and take as many of them as you can eat at one time. For example, breakfast usually includes porridge, scrambled eggs, sandwich cuts, salads, tea and coffee. For lunch you will be offered soups, various types of side dishes, meat and fish.

When choosing boarding houses in the Moscow region with a buffet, pay attention to how many times a day meals are provided. Many of them include breakfast, lunch and dinner in the price. However, there are boarding houses in the Moscow region where you can only eat in the morning or where five meals a day are provided.


The “Buffet” catering system is popular all over the world: a person chooses food himself, based on his preferences and immediate desires, and he can come to the table as many times as he likes. This is very convenient, which is why this type of food is gradually replacing food on the “Custom menu” principle in sanatoriums in Belarus.

Buffet at the Pridneprovsky sanatorium

Many guests of Pridneprovsky have already been able to appreciate the benefits of the buffet. Meals organized according to this type are distinguished by a wide variety of menus: guests of the sanatorium are offered a variety of snacks, soups, several types of side dishes and main courses, various juices and drinks.

There is a separate area for the buffet in the dining room of building No. 2. To identify vacationers who have chosen the buffet, special bracelets are used that are resistant to aggressive substances, so they can be used to attend all types of water and mud procedures.

Buffet menu at the resort

You definitely won't go hungry at the buffet. Guests of the sanatorium are offered a large selection of dishes for every taste: cold cuts of meat and cheese, poultry, meatballs, meatballs, sausages, liver, roasts, potato pancakes, babka, pollock, herring, mackerel, salmon, dumplings, cottage cheese zrazy, pancakes, breakfast cereals, fresh baked goods from our own production. Drinks include juices, compotes, jelly, fermented milk drinks, drinking yoghurts, packaged tea and coffee (there is a coffee machine in the hall).

The menu changes daily, the choice of fruits and vegetables depends on seasonality, so with the Buffet meal plan you can always try something new and choose only your favorite dishes.

Buffet food at Pridneprovsky: are there any health benefits?

There are still vacationers who are wary of the buffet, despite its popularity, because they believe that the range of dishes in the sanatorium will be similar to what we are used to seeing in the foreign all-inclusive food system - that is, a lot eat fatty, unhealthy food.

At Pridneprovsky, vacationers are offered three balanced meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner. Food is prepared mainly in boiled, steamed, baked form, so all dishes comply with the healthy nutrition standards established for sanatoriums, so the possibility of choosing dietary dishes is preserved.

PLEASE NOTE that meals in the buffet hall are only available with a bracelet on your wrist (issued upon checkout at the reception). It is PROHIBITED to remove the bracelet and give it to others, as well as to take food out of the dining room. If the bracelet is lost, a new one will be issued after paying the fine.

Buffet - a system that successfully works in many hotels around the world -can now increasingly be found in many sanatoriums, including clinical ones, where diet comes first . Whether or not to switch the sanatorium to buffet meals is up to each manager to decide for himself. Many of them are afraid that with the introduction of this type of nutrition, control over food consumption will be lost, that such a system will not be worth the investment, or that it will be difficult to combine with existing types of diets.

In fact, a properly organized buffet or “buffet” allows you to offer patients a varied assortment of dishes, meets high standards of service, immediately raising the status of the establishment, and, importantly, allows you to comply with the basic principles of diet. The main thing is not to make mistakes in the pursuit of good undertakings. Several years ago, when buffet meals were just being introduced at Russian resorts, there were a lot of negative reviews from vacationers. They said that the quality of food at Russian resorts cannot be compared with Turkey, for example, and that managers try to save beyond measure on every item of expense. As a result, on the tables there is a meager choice of dishes, stale vegetables and fruits with rotten rot, lonely, weathered slices of cheese instead of a full cut for breakfast, and low-quality meat products made from cheap semi-finished products. Agree, such a buffet can completely discourage vacationers and patients from going to the sanatorium again. If the capacity of the sanatorium does not allow it, it is better to improve the existing custom menu than to conduct such unsuccessful experiments.

The good news is that now sanatoriums have caught up, and there are fewer and fewer negative reviews about food online, and more positive ones about how tasty, varied and rationally organized everything is. Keep it up! Now we’ll tell you in more detail about organizing a buffet in a sanatorium and the main points that should be taken into account.


A buffet will come in handy wherever you need to offer a varied assortment of dishes to a large number of guests in a short time. Here, lunch for even a large group takes on average no more than half an hour, and breakfast takes only 15-20 minutes.

In sanatoriums, unlike hotels, it is always known how many vacationers will eat on a given day. Due to this, errors in calculations can be avoided and the amount of food leftovers can be reduced.

Guests are very fond of this type of food, as many prefer to see in advance the dishes they will eat (which is not always possible with a custom menu). It’s also good that the buffet does not require a fixed menu (unless it is a themed table specifically dedicated to some national cuisine). From a technical point of view, it is very convenient to use: compact, mobile, versatile, versatile, economical and at the same time quite attractive in appearance.

There is also an economic benefit - although guests think that they can eat more food than they paid for, in fact the opposite happens. (The appetite has “big eyes”, but the capabilities of the human body are very limited). Plus, the client does part of the work (carrying out dishes) “for free” himself.

An undoubted benefit for the sanatorium itself is saving staff time. If we proceed from the average norm - one waiter for 5 tables, or about 15 guests, then about thirty workers would be required to serve five hundred people in a short period of time. In reality, no more than fifteen are occupied at breakfast in a large hotel.

The profitability of a buffet directly depends on the number of guests. It is believed that a buffet is economically feasible if the resort has at least 100 rooms and operates at a good occupancy rate most of the year. In the low season, buffet meals are unprofitable, and many establishments in the three-four star category switch to the continental or expanded continental format (hot dishes are prepared to order).

Underwater rocks

Many managers of health resorts are of the opinion that our compatriots have not yet developed a nutritional culture, and if meals are organized according to a buffet system for all patients in one place, then many of them may not be able to resist and deviate from the diet prescribed by the doctor. While in foreign resorts patients are more responsible about their health, many German pensioners scrupulously count calories when choosing dishes, trying to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.

There are several ways to get out of this situation. For example, together with technologists and a nutritionist, develop a universal rational menu that would comply with dietary principles of nutrition, but at the same time would have high taste and attractive appearance. For a wellness trip to a sanatorium, a rational, balanced diet (which the vacationer will definitely not receive at home) is an excellent addition to procedures and outdoor recreation. The main thing is that the diet menu is not inferior in taste to the usual one. Such nutrition implies, first of all, the use of traditional food rations, functional nutrition, and specialized food products that are balanced in composition. The goal is to facilitate the processes of sanatorium-resort treatment of certain diseases and not cause an exacerbation of related ones. An advantage to such a system would be to add mineral waters, which will supplement the diet. The amount of water and its type is determined in each case individually and only after examination by a doctor. For patients who are prescribed special types of diets, meals can be arranged in a separate area in the same room. In addition, upon arrival at the sanatorium, they should be thoroughly educated on the basics of healthy eating, so that they do not inadvertently eat foods that are contraindicated for their illnesses.

Many sanatoriums take a different route: for vacationers who come on a basic health package, they organize buffet-style meals, and for patients who are prescribed numbered diets, they are fed in a separate dietary room. Separately, it is worth organizing meals for guests participating in weight loss programs so that they do not suffer from watching their neighbors eat delicious dishes without denying themselves anything.

Serving features

The buffet is formed according to the principle of the regular menu: cold appetizers, soups, hot meat dishes, hot fish dishes, side dishes, desserts and bread. The main rule of serving: appetizers should be next to appetizers, hot dishes should be next to hot dishes, desserts should be next to desserts. Cold snacks and bread are placed closest to the entrance to the hall. Behind them are soups. Then - the second courses. At the end - desserts. Drinks are located on a separate bar table also near the entrance. It is not customary to place drinks and food on the same table. An exception may be made for a special drink from the chef included in the buffet menu.

Between each other, dishes of each type are arranged more or less in a free order. But, for example, meat snacks should never be on the same plate or tray as fish snacks. Even if there are several plates inside one tray, only other fish and seafood can coexist under the same “roof” with fish, but in no case meat. If there is not enough space, it is better to leave only fish appetizers on the buffet, and bring meat appetizers from the kitchen upon order or vice versa. Vegetables and berries also need to be placed separately. Drinks can be in any order, as long as they are concentrated in one place.

Dishes (both cold and hot) are served in stainless steel containers, which, accordingly, are either cooled in snow baths or heated in special devices - shefings (bain-marie). Salads are sometimes placed in round ceramic refrigerated bowls. Also, cold appetizers and desserts are served on cold trays with or without roller lids. Whether a lid is needed or not is determined by how convenient it is to take the product. The cuts are usually served without lids. In some places, there is an arched static roof made of plastic glass above the buffets. It prevents a large number of bacteria from getting on the food and helps maintain the desired temperature for a longer time. Cheeses and desserts look great on trays with lids. But a dish with cold cuts will look better in a bathtub filled with snow. On a buffet, cold appetizers should be kept at a temperature of up to 5°C, hot appetizers at a temperature above 60°C.

Appetizers and desserts are placed on cold trays with lids in advance (an hour and a half before serving), covered with film and placed in the refrigerator. During this time, the plastic tray reaches the desired temperature and itself becomes an additional refrigerant. Hot dishes, on the contrary, are laid out “hot and hot.”

All dishes on the buffet must be constantly updated, regardless of whether the guests managed to eat everything or not. Snacks should be changed on average at least once an hour, and in hot weather, especially if the dish is open, even more often. Hot dishes are usually replaced when the container is half empty.

Drinks are served in special dispensers or jugs (which are also suitable for serving muesli). Which is better is a matter of taste. Jugs look nicer, but they have less volume and are not as convenient to use. Small glass rosettes are placed next to jam and honey dispensers or, for example, near a container of yogurt. The buns are usually served in baskets.

Each dish must have a serving device - either tweezers or a spoon and fork. Such devices are made mainly of stainless steel, but sometimes also of plastic (although plastic, from the point of view of European restaurant service, is considered unacceptable). Sometimes wooden spoons are used for salads, but then the dishes should also be wooden, and the table should be designed in an ethnic style.

Indication signs are a necessary attribute of a buffet. But in order not to overload it with unnecessary information, they should be placed or hung only where something may not be clear. For example, if there are two milk dispensers next to each other, you must indicate that one of them is normal fat, and the other is low fat. In addition, for patients eating on special diets, signs can indicate which dishes from the diet menu are recommended for certain diseases, and the calorie content of foods.

Service specifics

Typically, this food system operates on the principle of self-service, but in five-star hotels, a free waiter is obliged to offer assistance to guests just in case. In some places, there is even a special position for a bartender, who is solely responsible for “supervising” the buffet: bringing plates, changing cutlery, and monitoring cleanliness. The kitchen, in turn, prepares desserts, bread, cold dishes in advance and hot dishes immediately before the restaurant starts operating. All this is laid out on the buffet 5 minutes before opening, the films are removed - and the restaurant is ready for service.

The bread is placed on a tray with a lid or on a wooden board, which is accompanied by a napkin (to hold the bread) and a knife so that everyone can cut a piece themselves (sliced ​​bread dries out too quickly). Where a knife is offered, the available waiter is encouraged to offer assistance to customers so that they do not cut themselves, and this is also seen as additional concern for the guests. By the way, in a self-respecting establishment, they bake bread and pastries for the buffet themselves, and in extreme cases they buy it from another restaurant.

Soups, which are traditional in Russian cuisine, are best served in deep, narrow dishes so that guests do not accidentally wet themselves while they bring the tray to their table.

The approach to the buffet should be safe, without steps (it’s easy to trip when going downstairs with a plate). A convenient (preferably separate, fenced) approach for cooks and waiters to the buffet is definitely needed. Otherwise, with a large crowd of guests, the staff will have to stand and wait until the approach is clear.


The buffet menu depends on its cost, season and the task facing the organizers. The set of dishes of a regular buffet can include anything. Sometimes it consists only of cold appetizers (like a salad bar), and hot items are offered on the menu. Many chefs do this, rightly believing that a hot dish should be freshly prepared and not reheated.

-Dishes that dry out too quickly, such as duck breast or any carpaccio, are not suitable for a buffet - says the chef of the Golden Apple restaurant, Erwin Peters.

-It is preferable to make hot dishes with sauce, but serve the sauce separately, otherwise it will also dry out. To prevent the meat from sticking to the metal surface of the gastronomic container, you can add a little gravy there or put a piece of bread under each piece of meat. Guests will take the meat on top, and the bread will remain at the bottom. Usually the meat is taken in portions (beef or pork medallions, fried chicken breast). As a side dish you can offer potatoes, rice, vegetable stew, grilled vegetables.
Salads with mayonnaise require caution - they should only be freshly prepared.

Many cooks, noticing that cottage cheese served for breakfast instantly loses its visual appeal, separating the whey too quickly, began to replace it with yogurt. A lot of difficulties also arise with ice cream, which is why you don’t often see it on a buffet.

Coffee should only be brewed (served in a special thermos or poured from a machine) - it is not customary to serve instant coffee in restaurants. Tea bags are allowed, but a decent restaurant will then offer not a cheap option, but good quality tea bags.

Unusual solutions
At the Rus sanatorium (Essentuki), 3 dietary meals a day are provided for vacationers. Moreover, a personal nutrition program is drawn up for each guest, taking into account the characteristics and condition of the body. Meals take place in one of seven halls. The original Swedish diet menu was developed with the participation of leading nutritionists and chef-technologists. It is balanced in calorie content, energy value and taste based on the use of natural, environmentally friendly products from the region. All dishes, according to reviews from vacationers, have impeccable taste characteristics, are very original in composition and fabulously served - colorful grilled vegetables sprinkled with pesto sauce, roses from the finest carrots, basil salad with oranges, broccoli soup, sea devil cutlets. These are just a few items from the author's menu. There is always a nurse-dietician in the room, who can be asked questions regarding nutrition at any time. If one of the patients (for example, allergy sufferers) does not find a dish on the table that they can eat, the nurse transmits information about this to the cooks - and the required dish is immediately taken out. If necessary, food is prepared individually and brought to your room.

The restaurants of the Plaza 4* sanatorium chain have introduced a 14-day menu of national cuisines of the world (Spanish, Turkish, Bulgarian, Greek, etc.), changing each other daily. Moreover, all dishes are prepared as healthily as possible. A medical specialist also provides consultations in the dining room if patients and campers have questions regarding diets.

At the Balchug Hotel (Moscow), the staff is placed inside an oval buffet table. There are refrigerators downstairs - waiters take prepared dishes on trays directly from there. And guests can watch the work in full swing on this “island”. Culinary masterpieces are prepared before their eyes: the freshest steaks and grilled seafood, “gourmet pizza” and authentic Asian dishes.

At the Vityaz health center (Anapa), in order to avoid children’s reluctance to eat fish, cottage cheese, milk, nutrition specialists are trying to find new technologies for preparing and serving these products, namely, to develop and implement protein dishes based on control studies and drawing up technical and technological maps. For this purpose, recipes of dishes not provided for in production collections are used. Recipes are taken from cookbooks for home cooking, which, as a rule, makes these dishes more attractive and better tasting. For example, chicken balls “Chicken Ryaba”, meat balls “Paradise Apple”, fish balls “Meteorites”, fish in a “Vegetable coat”, etc. In this form, dishes are of greater interest to children.

At the Belaya Vezha Sanatorium, a balanced diet is complemented by a vitamin-rich vegetable buffet. Fresh vegetable dishes are available daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The vitamin table includes: fresh cabbage salads, sauerkraut, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, lightly salted cucumbers, grated beets and carrots, seaweed salad.

We are what we eat. Among other medical procedures in the voucher, the most important place is given to therapeutic and dietary nutrition in the sanatorium canteen. Eating is not a race to throw coal or firewood into the firebox. It’s not for nothing that the French take an aperitif 20-30 minutes before the start of the meal - kindling Agnes. During meals they talk only about food or tell interesting and funny stories, and after that they relax calmly. Therefore, France has the smallest percentage of stomach diseases and the smallest number of people suffering from obesity.

In our sanatorium "Yurmino" in Crimea, therapeutic nutrition is based on "three pillars"- on meals in the health resort canteen according to the principle buffet,drinking cure in the pump room with mineral waters (Sakskaya and Morshynskaya No. 6) 20-30 minutes before each meal, oxygen therapy- this is the name for taking oxygen-singlet foam, which is especially useful in children's diet menus. In addition, patients with certain diseases are recommended enotherapy- treatment with Crimean wines. You can take the doctor’s advice in a restaurant on the seashore, where you can also eat, but according to a custom menu.

Guests need to know that spa meals in our resort include the following: peculiarities:

  • most dishes are steamed
  • For lunch and dinner, a rosehip decoction is served, which is prepared not like an ordinary compote, but according to certain requirements, from pre-chopped fruits, which is why it is so tasty and extremely healthy
  • whole varieties of meat and fish are prepared for breakfast and dinner; dishes made from minced meat (cutlets, zrazy, pates) are served for lunch. Tea and coffee are provided during breakfast and dinner, for lunch - compotes, rose hips, jelly, fresh fruit, for dinner - fermented milk products (kefir, ryazhanka).

Without going into complex descriptions and details, we’ll just tell you how our sanatorium, with a buffet, organizes meals for vacationers according to their diets. Dietary nutrition begins with the patient’s appointment with the attending physician, to whom the guest tells about his possible nutritional problems, and the doctor prescribes one or another healing table

In our sanatorium, meals are available according to diets 1-2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15.

Meal times:

breakfast - 8:00 - 9:00

lunch - 13:00 - 15:00

dinner - 19:00 - 20:00

Diet No. Indications and menu
1-2 Indicated for peptic ulcers. The first diet is prescribed during the acute period of the disease. At this time, all first courses are cooked in water, in vegetable broth. No raw vegetables. During the second diet, when the patient’s health is more stable, light broths are prepared, the rest of the dishes are steamed and boiled. Steam puddings are useful for sweet dishes.
4 Prescribed for diarrhea. The food menu includes all kinds of jelly (except plum), rice water, tea, rosehip, crackers and dry biscuits. If the patient shows improvement by dinner, you can offer steamed dishes, cutlets, meat pudding.
5 and 5p Special nutrition for diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
Diet 5p (pancreatitis) also belongs to this group. You cannot eat raw vegetables, smoked foods, spicy and fatty foods, alcoholic drinks, or raw sour fruits. All dishes should be steamed, boiled and chopped. Baked apples and rosehip decoction are extremely light and healthy.>
6 Prescribed for gout and urolithiasis. You can cook various cereals with water or milk, but you cannot cook legumes, lentils, or reduce meat and fish.
7 Dietary nutrition for kidney diseases (nephritis). Complete exclusion or limitation of salt.
8 The disease is obesity, the goal is to lose weight. When drawing up a menu, it is necessary to calculate calories; at the same time, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle in such a way that energy expenditure exceeds its intake in the form of food. Similar to the 5th diet. Preference is given to fresh vegetables, meat and sweet flour products - in very limited quantities.
9 Diabetes. An exception is carbohydrates, 4-5 meals a day, steamed low-fat food, stewed vegetables. Sugar will be replaced with xylitol.
15 It is allowed to eat everything, without restrictions, a person is in the recovery stage.

The buffet food line menu changes daily for 7 days
