How many degrees is there in dark ale? English, Irish, dark and light - the famous ale

Traditional ale is a top-fermented beer produced at high temperatures. It is believed that ale was the first known type of beer: the British began brewing it back in the 15th century. In the Middle Ages, ale was a basic necessity, and containers of ale of varying quality were necessarily stored in every home. Later in Germany they learned to brew lager, which for a time became more popular than ale, but today Europeans happily drink both beers.

Over several centuries, so many varieties of ale were created in different parts of Europe that many of them were combined, and each type had its own recipe. Today there are several types of ale:

  • Bitter.
  • Pale ale.
  • Barleywine.
  • Porter.
  • Stout.
  • Dark ale.
  • Alto.
  • Trappist ale.

Of course, there are other, lesser-known varieties. Dark ale is recognized as the most famous and revered ale: the strength of the drink is in perfect harmony with the balanced taste, making this beer easy to drink. To prepare it, dark barley and caramel sauce, hops, yeast and prepared water are used. Sometimes ale is bottled immediately after the main fermentation, but Europeans prefer to drink ale that is additionally aged in oak barrels. This increases the strength of the dark ale and gives its aroma light oak notes. Dark ales typically range from 4.5% to 12% ABV.

Changes can be made to the production technology of classic ale, resulting in a new, unique product. Thus, the Belgians like to add fruit juice, crushed berries or nuts to the raw material to give the beer an original aroma, and the Scots like to age the ale until its strength reaches 10%, or even more. It is the Scots who hold the record for the strength of ale. Once upon a time, the Scottish brewery BrewDog wondered how many degrees dark ale could contain. The result of the experiments was an unprecedentedly strong drink: the “End of History” ale contains 55% alcohol and is currently the strongest dark ale in the world. But such a drink cannot be found in pubs.


Ale is a type of beer that is produced through rapid fermentation.

Unlike lager, ale takes less time to prepare and the ale is sweeter. Preparation of such a drink takes 3-4 weeks, some types are prepared for 4 months. The drink also changes its taste depending on the storage time. Aged for several weeks, it tastes like a young beer with a strong flavor, but ale aged for several months has a pleasant herbal flavor.

To increase the strength of the ale, it is enough to store it for a month at room temperature. Beer lovers claim that such storage makes the drink even tastier.

Ale is a very ancient drink. The Sumerians knew how to brew it, although they did not add hops to it, and therefore it took very little time to prepare it. The first mention of hoppy ale was first found in England already in the 15th century.

The name “ale” has Proto-Indo-European roots and literally means “intoxication.” Before hops were brought to England, the name “ale” meant drinks made by fermentation. Drinks that included hops were commonly called “beer.” The presence of hops has become a characteristic feature in order to separate beer from similar drinks. Hops gave the beer a pleasant bitterness and also perfectly set off the sweetness. Gruit was originally used to make ale. It was a kind of herbal beer that had tonic and even psychotropic properties.

In the Middle Ages, ale was very common. This is due to the fact that in those days drinking water was a very valuable product; it was obtained from rain or snow in small quantities. River water was dangerous to drink as it contained a large number of dangerous microorganisms. Low-alcohol drinks, including beer, were considered a safe alternative to drinking water. Unlike other products, this beer had a long shelf life, which was a very important advantage at that time. Beer gained particular popularity in those areas where growing grapes was problematic due to the climate or soil.

It is customary to classify ale by yeast type and fermentation temperature. At a standard temperature for ale of 15-24 degrees, esters are released. As a result of this production process, the drink is obtained with an original, slightly fruity taste. In its preparation, mainly barley malt is used.

Ale beer is very common in England. This is one of the few countries where the predominant beer type is ale rather than lager. The British drink mostly draft beer, so the maturation of this product is carried out not in brewing companies, but directly in the pub cellar. Atrectus is considered the first British brewer. His name was discovered during excavations of a Roman fort, indicating that the Romans consumed Celtic ale in Britain. In 1342, the London Brewers' Guild appeared, which was a big event in the history of the intoxicating drink. The founding of the London Guild marked the professionalization of the brewing industry.

On the world market, the main producer of ale beer is Great Britain, accounting for about 90% of all production. Basically, traditional ale can be found on the territory of the manufacturer; buying English ale abroad is quite problematic.

Calories: 41 kcal.

Energy value of the product Beer ale:

  • Proteins: 0 g.
  • Fat: 0 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 2.9 g.

How is ale different from beer?

Many lovers of intoxicating drinks often do not know how ale differs from beer.

According to accepted standards, “beer” is the general name for drinks that are produced by fermenting malt wort. Ale, on the other hand, is a type of beer, but has distinct production characteristics. Ale, unlike another type of beer - lager, is not pasteurized or filtered. The drink is first infused and then poured into barrels. The main distinguishing feature of ale is that it is produced using the top-fermentation method. The result is a drink with a more complex aroma and taste, predominantly copper in color.

The ale is poured into small barrels, and in this form it ends up in the bar. Next, a tap is installed in the lower part of the barrel, and a small hole is left in the upper part so that air can enter the barrel. The presence of air allows you to maintain the so-called “yeast cap”, which, in turn, protects the drink from rapid oxidation.

To avoid oxidation, a keg of ale should be drunk within a few days.

Types of ale

Traditional ale is usually divided into the following types:

Bitter, or bitter ale, is the national English beer; it appeared due to the fact that brewers began to add a little hops to the drink, so the taste of the ale became slightly bitter. This drink has a pleasant dark copper color and has a refreshing taste. The strength of Bitter is within 4-5%.

Pale ale is a type of ale made from light malt. Its special feature is the local water from the city of Burton, where brewers first made this drink. Burton's water is rich in minerals, which could not but affect the taste of the new drink. Pale ale was so loved by the local population that soon all of England knew about the new beer. The name of the drink translates as “pale ale”, because its color is pale honey or golden, which distinguishes it from other types of ale. Its taste is pleasant with a slight bitterness.

India pale ale - it was invented at the end of the 18th century in India, which at that time was a British colony. Unfortunately, the beer did not survive sea travel. When the drink reached the shores of India, its taste was hopelessly spoiled. In this regard, brewer George Hodgson decided to add more hops to the ale, which would play the role of a natural preservative in the drink. So George Hodgson invented a new strong, hoppy ale that finally survived the sea voyage without loss of taste. This drink became known as “India Pale Ale”; it is stronger than other types of ale; today it is produced in Burton and London.

Porter - a drink that appeared in the 18th century as an alternative to traditional ale. Porter owes its appearance to Ralph Harwood, who began using dark malt and burnt sugar to produce beer. The beer had a light taste, which harmoniously combined sweetness and bitterness. The drink got its name due to the fact that London “porters” were very fond of it. The strength of beer is 4.5-10%.

Stout is a type of porter and belongs to the type of ale. Ireland is considered the birthplace of stout. Stout is a beer with a characteristic bitterness. Its taste and color are due to its high degree of roasting. This is what distinguishes stout from other types of ale. There are many types of this drink: dry, coffee, etc. It all depends on the characteristics of preparation and the additional ingredients included in the ale.

Brown ale is a British beer known as "brown ale". Initially, it was a dense, sweet, low-alcohol beer. Then they began to add large amounts of hops to it. The range of tastes of this ale is extremely wide (it can be nutty, caramel, etc.).

A special type of ale is the traditional “real ale”, which is distinguished by the fact that the drink is not filtered or pasteurized. The shelf life of the so-called “live ale” is only a few days.

Real ale is a traditional British ale, known since the 17th century.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of ale are due to the presence of hops and other components in its composition. Ale in moderate quantities prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. The drink contains vitamins B1, B2, as well as minerals such as potassium, calcium, zinc, selenium, and iron.

How to drink correctly?

Ale beer has its own characteristics of consumption.

In order to fully enjoy the taste of ale, you should drink it from special beer mugs. They are traditionally made from glass, ceramics, and wood. Nowadays, such mugs have been replaced by transparent glasses (it is believed that the play of this foamy drink is better visible in them).

In Great Britain, it is customary to drink beer in pints, that is, a little more than 0.5 liters. To begin with, drink about half of the drink, then half of what is left. They drink ale beer slowly, enjoying its pleasant taste. Before drinking, the beer can be cooled slightly (up to +6 degrees), since a supercooled drink loses its taste. Interestingly, some types of porter are served warm.

It is not customary to eat ale beer, as even the most delicate dish will overwhelm its light fruity taste. The traditional Russian snack for beer, that is, fish, is simply inappropriate when drinking ale. In addition, the fishy smell is quite difficult to get rid of, and it will definitely end up in the glass. The difficulty is that it is not customary to wash beer glassware; it is enough to simply rinse a mug or glass with hot water.

Ale is not usually mixed with other alcoholic drinks; it is drunk on its own. Drinking beer on the go is also considered bad manners. The true taste of ale can be enjoyed in a good bar or in the company of close friends.

Use in cooking

In cooking, ale can be used to prepare some dishes.

The drink has a pleasant bitterness and a sweetish aftertaste, which gives dishes a special taste. Ale is perfect for preparing the base for soups with the addition of oysters or crabs. Also, preparing beef, onion and cheese soups cannot be done without it. Ale goes well with seafood, meat dishes, and fish.

The drink is great for making very delicate French batter. In order to prepare a beer batter, we will need ale, 2 egg whites, 40 g of butter, 125 g of flour. Pour 1/8 liter of ale into the flour and stir until smooth. Then add butter, 2 egg whites, mix again. This batter is perfect for cooking meat, fish, and also for frying shrimp.

How to cook at home?

You can easily make a refreshing ginger ale at home. This is an effervescent all-natural hop drink with a strength of 4-5%.

According to the recipe, to prepare 5 liters of this ale, we need 300 g of sugar, 1 tsp. yeast, 2 lemons, ginger root. All ingredients are available, ginger root can be bought in the supermarket. It must be finely grated. The spiciness of the future ale depends on the amount of grated ginger added, so if you have gastrointestinal diseases, it is better to use a smaller amount of the root. For those who do not like spicy food, it will be enough to add 4-5 tbsp. l. grated ginger. Next, squeeze the juice of 2 lemons. Lemon juice, grated ginger, 300 g sugar and 1 tsp. yeast now needs to be poured into 5 liters of water. The water should be boiled, but not hot (about 40 degrees).

The future ale is poured into a bottle on which a water seal is installed. Soon the drink will begin to ferment, and after two days the water seal can be removed by closing the bottle with a lid. Next, homemade ginger ale is left in the refrigerator for another day. After this, the drink can be consumed.

The benefits of ale beer and treatment

The benefits of ale have long been of interest to scientists around the world.

Thus, in Finland, scientists came to the conclusion that hops, on the basis of which beer is produced, prevents the release of calcium from the bones, which, in turn, prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Drinking a small amount of stout will also do more good than harm. Thus, the drink is able to enhance antioxidant processes, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cornea of ​​the eye, and prevents the formation of cataracts.

Harm of ale beer and contraindications

The drink can cause harm to the body if consumed excessively. It is not recommended for use by children, pregnant and lactating women. Although ale is a low-alcohol drink, its excessive consumption can lead to the development of beer alcoholism.

Drinking four glasses of beer per day increases the risk of liver cirrhosis by 2 times.

Ale (translated from the Indo-European language as “intoxication”) is a type of beer characterized by a subtle fruity flavor and high alcohol content (3-12%). The first recipes appeared in England in the 15th century, but analogs of ale were made by the ancient Sumerians several centuries BC. In the Middle Ages, the drink was considered an essential product. Unlike milk, it did not spoil and did not require special storage conditions. Due to its high calorie content, a mug of ale replaced a portion of bread.

Peculiarities. Classic ale differs from regular beer in the absence of hops in the recipe. Thanks to this, it cooks faster and is recognizable by its pronounced sweetish tint. The flavor bouquet is formed by herbs and spices, which are boiled in the wort instead of hops. The finished product is not subjected to further pasteurization or filtration.

Modern brewers often neglect ancient traditions, adding hops to ale so that their product can be called beer.

Another fundamental difference between ale and other beers is production technology. Ale is prepared by top fermentation at a temperature of 15-24°C. The yeast does not sink down during infusion, as in most other types of beer, but remains on top, forming a foamy head. During top fermentation, many esters and higher alcohols appear, which form a pronounced taste and specific aroma. The final stage is aging and maturing the ale in a cool room with a temperature of 11-12°C.

On average, it takes about 4 weeks to receive a fresh portion - these are fast varieties that are most often offered in drinking establishments. But there are varieties that take about 4 months to create.

Types of ale

British and Irish ales are classified depending on color, taste, aroma, and the additives used in the starter. There are quite a lot of varieties, so we will name only the most common varieties.

Ale comes in different colors

Barley Wine (Barley Wine) - has a high alcohol content (8.5-12%) and a high wort density - 22.5-30%. This ale is also called “barley wine.” The fruity aroma combined with a pleasant malt bitterness gives the drink a unique taste. The color of Barley Vine is dark with a hint of gold and copper. Serve barley ale in a wine glass. The drink stores well and becomes softer after aging.

Wheat (Weizen Weisse) is a light ale with a moderate fruity and floral aroma. Sometimes a hint of wheat is felt in the form of the smell of fresh bread. It has a light straw or dark golden color.

Wheat ale

Porter - originally created for people engaged in heavy physical labor. The full name is “Porter’s ale” - ale for port workers. It is distinguished by a large number of additives, including spices, herbs, and various aromatic substances. The color of porter varies depending on the additives used and can be light, golden or even dark. Several types of malt are used in preparation, which allows you to vary the flavor tones. Strength - 4.5-7%.

Stout is a dark descendant of porter. Roasted malt is used in production, which gives it a rich color and a slight hint of coffee notes. For a long time, this particular type of ale was considered healthy and was recommended to pregnant and lactating women.

Stout - the darkest ale

White (Weisse) is a light variety with a sour taste. It is very popular in Germany, for which it received the unofficial name “Berlin”. There is a slight fruity accent that intensifies with age. Color - light straw. In some German pubs it is served with sugar syrup.

Bitter is rightfully considered the national variety of English ale. Despite the name, it is not that bitter when compared with other varieties. Hops are used in production, which provides a characteristic taste despite the complete absence of sugar. The color palette is varied and ranges from light yellow to dark copper. ABV 3–6.5%.

Lambic is considered a traditional Belgian ale, to which raspberries and cherries are added, which gives a characteristic taste and a reddish hue.

Mild (MILD) - the lightest ale. Its strength is close to Russian kvass and is 2.5-3.5 degrees. It has a pronounced malt taste. They produce two variants - light and dark soft ale.

Useful properties of ale

For a long time it was believed that ale was a storehouse of useful substances. Hence the tradition in many European countries to drink beer at every opportunity. If ale is produced using traditional technologies from natural ingredients, then the finished drink contains vitamins B and E, selenium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium, and magnesium. Do not forget about the high nutritional value - the average calorie content is 40 kcal per 100 grams.

Ale is also famous for its anti-stress properties. Just one mug in pleasant company helps get rid of depression, relieve tension at the end of a hard working day, and relax. This is a source of good mood, especially around loved ones.

How to drink ale

The etiquette for drinking classic ale differs little from regular beer. The drink does not tolerate fussiness. It is slowly poured along the side of the glass so that a lot of foam does not stand out, which takes away the characteristic bitterness. Sometimes the process of filling a glass takes about 7 minutes.

Pour the ale slowly so that it does not foam too much.

They drink ale slowly, but not savoring it either. As the process stretches out, the “liquid bread” fizzles out, losing its flavor. The pace of the reception is like leisurely riding a horse. There is a tradition according to which ale is drunk in three sips with short pauses. But today this ritual is not in fashion.

Ale serving temperature is 6-12°C. Do not heat or freeze the drink, otherwise it will lose its aroma, color and taste. However, the British have a different opinion on this matter - they drink dark beer warmed up, but this is not for everybody. Which tradition to follow - decide for yourself. It is believed that light ale, like beer, goes better in the summer, and dark ale is good for long winter evenings.

In a word, ale is a universal drink with which you can have a pleasant time in good company, get rid of stress and get true pleasure. Its classic sweetish-bitter taste will help you forget about the worries of the past day and taste all the delights of evening relaxation.

The most popular alcoholic drink in the world is beer. A simple technological scheme, the absence of specific raw materials and expensive specialized equipment led to the rapid spread and emergence of a large number of private breweries. The history of beer is as rich as the number of its types.

According to the European classification, there are two main directions: bottom-fermented beer (lager) and top-fermented beer. It is to the second category that ale belongs.


El– a type of beer produced by high alcoholic fermentation of malt wort. This type of processing has a clear difference from other cooking methods.

Beer– the general name for all types of drinks obtained from the alcoholic fermentation of malt wort. The beer category includes lager, ale, porter, wheat beer, and stout.


The difference between ale is in the technological production scheme. The main thing in it is the high (as for beer) fermentation temperature (from 15 to 24°C) and, accordingly, the use of a specific yeast starter. At the same time, an increased amount of esters and other flavoring and aromatic substances are released. Yeast not treated with low temperature is collected in the upper part of the fermentation tank, which gives the technology its name.

Ale, unlike lager, is not pasteurized or filtered. After infusion (from two weeks to two months), it is poured into barrels. Mostly metal ones are used, in some areas wooden ones are used. Sugar is added to the spilled beer to trigger re-fermentation.

Interesting way of drinking. Classically, the moment to drink a keg of ale is determined by the bartender. A tap is driven into the bottom of the barrel, through which the beer will be poured into mugs. A small hole is made in the top of the barrel for air access. The yeast “cap” protects the ale from rapid oxidation, but not for long. To avoid souring of the product, such a barrel should be drained within a couple of days.

Conclusions website

  1. Beer is the general name for a low-alcohol drink. Ale is a type of beer.
  2. Ale is a beer product of top alcoholic fermentation, obtained at elevated fermentation temperatures.
  3. Ale is not subjected to pasteurization or filtration, which allows for maximum preservation of the taste and aromatic qualities of real beer.

Ale is a drink with a subtle fruity taste; it is a type of beer. The Indo-European root “ale” means “intoxication”, and the name fully justifies the content, because the drink contains from 3 to 12 percent alcohol.

In the article:

El - a little history

The history of the drink stands apart from the general one. The ale that was sung by Walter Scott as the favorite drink of knights appeared back in the 15th century in England. However, analogs of this drink were made by the ancient Sumerians, which was long before our era.

Interestingly, ale was on the list of the most necessary products during the Middle Ages. It was easy to preserve it, because storage did not require special conditions, it did not spoil, like, for example, milk. In addition, they could easily and quickly satisfy hunger. For comparison, a mug of ale could replace a portion of bread in terms of calorie content.

Features of the ale drink

Many people compare ale and beer, the difference between them is small. There are no hops in the recipe of classic ale, This is how the drink differs from.

The flavor bouquet consists of herbs and spices, which are boiled in wort instead of hops. The resulting product is not subjected to further filtering or pasteurization.

Today, many brewers quite often neglect traditions that have developed over centuries. They add hops when making ale so that the drink they prepare can be called beer.

There is another important difference between ale and any other beer - production technology. The drink we are describing is made using the top-fermentation method, the temperature during this process varies between 15-24 degrees. Unlike most other types of beer, the yeast does not fall down during infusion, it remains on top, thereby forming a foamy head. Top fermentation is also distinguished by the fact that it produces many higher alcohols and esters, thanks to which a specific taste and pronounced aroma are formed.

The final stage of production is aging and ripening the drink in a room where the temperature is maintained at 11-12 degrees above zero.

If we take averages, it will take approximately 4 weeks to get a fresh portion. This applies to quick varieties, which can often be found on the menu of various drinking establishments. However, there are varieties of ale that will take as long as 4 months to create.

Types of ale

Irish and British ales are classified according to several parameters:

  • by color;
  • according to taste;
  • by aroma;
  • on the additives used in the sourdough.

Due to the fact that there are quite a few varieties of the potion, we will list only the most famous varieties:

Barley, Barley Wine

Epic Barley Wine Ale

This type of ale is also popularly called “barley wine.” Why? It’s worth reading how many degrees it contains and everything will fall into place. So, this type contains from 9 to 12 degrees, and the gravity of the wort is from 22.5 to 30 percent.

The unforgettable taste of the drink is provided by the fruity aroma and pleasant malt bitterness. In addition, this ale has a characteristic color - darkish, with a light golden and copper tint. After aging, the taste becomes much softer. This ale will be brought to you in a wine glass.

Wheat, Weizen Weisse

Schneider Weisse Weizen

A light-colored ale with a moderate combination of fruity and floral aroma. Wheat taste or smell of fresh bread is allowed. It is characterized by a dark golden or light straw color.


Contorter Porter Ale

This drink was originally created for those people who were employed in menial jobs. Porter is a shortened name, and the full name is Porter’s ale, which translates as ale for port workers. A special feature of porter is the presence of a large number of additives, herbs, spices and aromatics.

Depending on what additives were used, the porter can have a different shade: light, golden or dark. Interestingly, several types of malt are used in the preparation of porter, this allows you to change the flavor tones. By the way, as for the strength of porter, it ranges from 4.5% to 7%.


Double Stout – Black Ale

This drink is a dark descendant of porter. Its distinctive feature is that roasted malt is used in its production, which gives a rich color, as well as subtle coffee notes.

For a long time, this variety was considered so beneficial that it was prescribed for nursing and pregnant women to drink.

White, Weisse

A light drink with a sour taste. It received the second name Berlin, this is due to the fact that such ale became very popular in Germany. The drink contains light fruity notes, which become more pronounced with prolonged aging. The color of this species is light straw. There are pubs in Germany that will serve this variety with sugar syrup.

What are the benefits of ale?

In many European countries, the tradition of drinking ale is due to the fact that it was considered a source of beneficial substances.

If the drink is made using all technologies, then it contains vitamins B and E, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, magnesium and potassium. As we have already mentioned, the potion is very nutritious and high in calories.

Ale has anti-stress properties. One mug of drink helps you relax and get rid of depression.

In general, this type of beer is a universal drink. It’s a pleasure to spend time with him in the company of loved ones and relax after a busy day at work. The unforgettable taste will relieve you of worries and give you true pleasure.
