Curd jelly dessert. Cottage cheese jelly is a delicious dessert for those who love sweets. Video recipe for making curd jelly

Completely undeservedly, many of us ignore sour cream jelly; the recipe for this dessert is extremely simple. And the result is amazingly delicious. Moreover, you can endlessly experiment with this dish, for example, adding fruit, cocoa or cottage cheese. We'll tell you in detail how to make sour cream jelly at home.

Sour cream jelly can confidently be called a festive dish. The dessert is attractive in appearance, tender and very tasty. It is boldly served at the table along with gourmet dishes. The calorie content of the dessert is low, which is also its advantage. Contrary to popular belief that it is necessary to use homemade full-fat sour cream for its preparation, we recommend: use store-bought low-fat sour cream. To get a delicious dish, a product with a fat content of up to 15% is suitable.

Features of preparing sour cream jelly

To prepare a good dessert, it is not enough just to follow the recipe for sour cream jelly. You should know several subtleties of the dish, which we will now tell you about.
  • The less fatty the sour cream, the better it will whip. This means that store-bought sour cream is much better suited for the dish than homemade.
  • To ensure that the products are well mixed and the sugar is completely dissolved, it is necessary to use components at room temperature. Therefore, if you plan to prepare a dessert from jelly and sour cream, remove everything you need from the refrigerator in advance.
  • Whip the sour cream with a whisk, then you will get a fluffy mass reminiscent of a soufflé. It is ideal to use a mixer or blender. Unfortunately, working with a fork or stirring with a spoon will not provide a decent result.
  • Be sure to prepare gelatin for jelly with sour cream. The recipe excludes the possibility of simply pouring the powder into the mass, otherwise it will not harden. The correct technique for working with gelatin is to soak the powder in cold water until it swells (the required volume of liquid is always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging). When the lumps increase in size by about 3-4 times, it is necessary to heat the gelatin in a water bath until completely dissolved. You can do this in the microwave, only setting the minimum time, for example, starting with 15 seconds, and stirring the gelatin well each time. You cannot let it boil and leave it undissolved, since in each case it will not thicken the mass.
  • If you are preparing sour cream jelly with fruit, remove the crusts and seeds from the latter. Almost all fruits and berries are suitable for this purpose, except for exotic kiwis and pineapples. They actively produce juice, and the mass will turn out watery. By the way, for fruit dessert you can use not only fresh, but also frozen ingredients.

Secrets of making jelly in layers

How to make layered sour cream jelly? There are 2 techniques.
  1. Laying the liquid mass. Place a couple of spoonfuls of the first layer into the mold, focusing in the center. Then a layer of a different color is placed on top, also exactly in the center. Each subsequent layer of multi-colored jelly with sour cream makes the previous one spread over the form. In this case, a characteristic pattern is formed without clear lines - the layers are smooth and seem to flow into each other. In this way you can prepare jelly from sour cream and cocoa.
  2. Laying on a thickened layer. In this case, each layer is kept in the refrigerator until it hardens, and only then the next one is laid. The preferred method is for puff sour cream and strawberry jelly and for any fruit dessert, as it allows you to preserve the location of pieces of fruit or berries.

Sour cream jelly recipes

We invite you to try making sour cream jelly with cocoa, berries or cottage cheese. With our recipes it won't be difficult!

Jelly from sour cream and cottage cheese

You will need:
  • cottage cheese and sour cream - 250 g each;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 30 g;
  • milk (can be replaced with water) - 200 ml;
  • gelatin - 15 g.
  1. Soak gelatin in milk (water) for 1 hour and dissolve.
  2. Add regular and vanilla sugar to the hot gelatin mass and stir until smooth.
  3. Mix sour cream with gelatin mass.
  4. Grind the cottage cheese (wipe through a sieve or chop with a blender), mix with sour cream and gelatin mass.
  5. Transfer to a mold or bowl and leave in the refrigerator until hardened.

Sour cream and cocoa jelly recipe

You will need:
  • sour cream - 400 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 150 g (partial glass);
  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • water - 200 ml.
  1. Soak gelatin in water, leave to swell, and then dissolve.
  2. Add sugar to sour cream and beat until completely dissolved.
  3. Mix sour cream with gelatin, stir.
  4. Divide the mixture into 2 parts, mix one of them with cocoa powder.
  5. Place layers into portioned bowls with a spoon, allowing them to spread in a circle. This will give you a zebra effect. You can also lay out a layer of one color first, for example white, let it harden in the refrigerator, and then lay down the brown one. Then you will get a two-layer jelly.

Sour cream jelly with strawberries

The beauty of this recipe for layered sour cream jelly with strawberries is that the berries can be replaced with absolutely any fruit. And get a new taste every time!

You will need:
  • sour cream - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 120 g (or 4 tablespoons);
  • gelatin - 45 g;
  • strawberries - 200 g.
  1. Pour gelatin with water, let it swell and dissolve.
  2. Beat sour cream with sugar, add gelatin.
  3. Wash, peel, dry, and cut large strawberries into pieces.
  4. Place in layers in bowls: strawberries, sour cream, strawberries, sour cream.
  5. Leave to harden in the refrigerator, garnish with berries.
As you can see, each recipe is very simple, and the taste of desserts will be a real discovery for you!

Video: preparing sour cream jelly

Step 1: Prepare gelatin.

Pour the gelatin into a small saucepan and add milk or cream. We leave it on 30-40 minutes for swelling. Then we put it in a water bath: to do this, we put the saucepan with gelatin in a larger saucepan filled with water, which we put on medium heat. Stir the gelatin until it is completely dissolved. Don't let the gelatin boil. The temperature should be around 60 degrees, heat up 10-15 minutes until the gelatin dissolves.

Step 2: Prepare the jelly.

\ We rub the cottage cheese through a sieve so that there are no curd grains, and grind (mix thoroughly) with sugar. Add sour cream to the mixture and mix again. Add dissolved gelatin and stir until smooth. The jelly is ready! Pour the jelly into portioned molds or into one large mold, then put in the refrigerator until completely set (about 2 hours).

Step 3: Serve curd jelly.

Carefully remove the frozen jelly by lowering the mold into hot water for 10 Seconds, and decorate the jelly with jam, preserves, chocolate glaze, coconut and cocoa. Bon appetit!

You can add various fillers to the jelly - chopped berries and fruits. They can also be placed on the bottom of the mold before pouring.

You can make striped curd jelly by adding cocoa to half the jelly and mixing well. Then place the jelly of two colors alternately into the molds and let it harden.

It is preferable to take instant gelatin, because... it does not need time to swell. Mix it with milk and immediately place in a water bath.

No holiday is complete without a sweet dessert. After a great evening with family and friends, after eating a lot of hot dishes, salads and snacks, we usually serve tea or coffee, accompanied by sweets, cakes and other goodies. Why not try curd jelly? Thanks to this delicate dish, the evening organized by you will be remembered by your guests for a long time. We offer several simple recipes that are very easy to master.

Jelly made from milk and cottage cheese

This is the most primitive and easiest recipe. This curd jelly is more suitable for an everyday menu than for a holiday one. You can prepare it as a reward for your child for good grades or, forgetting about calories, treat yourself to your loved one.


  • curd mass - 100 grams
  • one large spoon of gelatin
  • 200 grams of pasteurized milk
  • sugar - two tablespoons

Cooking method:

Place a saucepan with milk over low heat, add granulated sugar, stir thoroughly with a spoon and heat until bubbles appear. Then immediately turn off the burner. Now add the specified amount of instant gelatin to the same mixture, mix and put in the refrigerator. When the milk-gelatin mass sets, add cottage cheese and beat everything with a mixer or blender. This way the jelly will be more airy. Place it in small cups or special bowls and refrigerate for several hours. Before serving, you can garnish with fresh mint leaves or pieces of fruit. Bon appetit!

Chocolate curd jelly

This curd jelly can be made in one color by mixing all the ingredients, or poured into white and brown layers. In the second case, the dessert will look much more interesting and even more appetizing.


  • 25 grams gelatin
  • 100 grams of low-fat cream (we recommend using 10%)
  • 400 grams of dietary cottage cheese
  • the same amount of sour cream
  • six tablespoons of sugar
  • cocoa powder - four tablespoons

Cooking method:

Usually the gelatin for jelly is soaked in cool water, but this recipe calls for it in cream. By the way, if you don't have this product, use pasteurized milk. When the gelatin has increased in size (after about half an hour), place the mixture in a steam bath and stir constantly until this ingredient is completely dissolved. However, you should not bring it to a boil - to do this, just turn the heat to very low. Once dissolved, allow the mixture to cool.

Meanwhile, mash the sugar and cottage cheese with a fork. It is best to pass the latter through a sieve in advance, then you will not have lumps and the dessert will turn out very tender. Then add the amount of sour cream indicated in the recipe, pour in the mixture with gelatin and stir several times.

If you are preparing a one-color jelly, then it’s time to add cocoa and then put the finished mass into molds. However, if you decide to make a striped dessert, then you need to act a little differently. Divide the resulting mixture into two equal parts (to do this, pour it into different bowls). Add cocoa powder into one and mix well. Now lay out the first layer of white curd and sour cream mass, then chocolate and so on in the same sequence. Then put everything in the refrigerator, and in two to three hours you can already enjoy a delicious dessert. If you are preparing to receive guests, you can decorate it with chocolate sauce, sprinkle with coconut or ground walnuts, almonds or other nuts.

Cottage cheese jelly with pineapples

Jelly is prepared from various products: kefir or milk, fruit juice or curdled milk, even white and red wine. Of course, the fastest option is still a powdered dessert, which you just need to pour out of a bag, add water, stir a couple of times and that’s it - the preparation is complete. We suggest making a dish from low-fat cottage cheese, the delicate taste of which will be complemented by canned pineapples.


  • two glasses of low-fat sour cream
  • dietary cottage cheese - 400 grams
  • cup of powdered sugar
  • several rings of canned pineapple
  • glass of boiled water
  • one pack of gelatin
  • 25 grams of flavored cocoa

Cooking method:

To begin with, we note that this jelly does not have to be made from canned pineapples. If desired, use fresh ones. In addition, they can be safely replaced, or even better, supplemented with other fruits. Peaches, juicy oranges or bananas are suitable for this. Turn on your imagination!

So, when starting to cook, pour instant gelatin with lukewarm water and place on low heat. Remembering to stir regularly, keep it on the stove until the product dissolves, then remove the mixture from the stove and let it cool.

Drain the unnecessary syrup from the pineapples and cut into medium cubes, then place them on the bottom of the bowls or cups in which you plan to serve the dessert. Don't add too little fruit, don't be greedy! The dish should have not a subtle, but a noticeable cottage cheese-pineapple taste.

Now mix diet cottage cheese, sour cream and powdered sugar in one bowl. The latter, of course, can be replaced with regular sugar, but its disadvantage is that it does not dissolve well, so the resulting mass will have to be kneaded for a long time. By the way, as for cottage cheese, we recommend grinding it through a sieve first - then the dessert will come out incredibly airy. So, add the gelatin to the previous products and mix everything thoroughly. Then half the finished mixture: pour one part into molds, pour cocoa into the other and, stirring well, pour into the molds. The dish should freeze, this will take about three hours. After this time, remove the dessert from the refrigerator, garnish with mint and call everyone to the table.

Blueberry jelly

The combination of blueberries and cottage cheese is a real extravaganza of taste, and if they are also found in a delicious dessert, then no one will refuse such a dish. Try it! These products will be enough to prepare four servings.


  • 200 grams of store-bought cottage cheese
  • 200 milliliters regular cream
  • a glass of orange juice (preferably freshly squeezed)
  • 50 grams brown sugar
  • 12 grams gelatin
  • fresh blueberries and raspberries - 150 grams each

Cooking method:

Half an hour before cooking, soak the gelatin by filling it with cold water. Then heat the mixture over the fire until this product dissolves (you can put the bowl with it in the microwave).

Some housewives mix all the ingredients with a special whisk, but this way you will not achieve the desired effect. Therefore, we suggest putting low-fat cottage cheese, as well as orange juice and sugar, into a blender and beat until smooth. After this, add a third of the resulting portion of gelatin and cream. Mix everything a couple more times and pour into bowls. Place in the refrigerator on the top shelf.

Now mash the blueberries with a fork or mixer until pureed and combine them with 1/3 of the gelatin. Grind fresh raspberries in the same way and mix with the remaining jelly thickener.

When the cottage cheese mixture has hardened a little, pour the raspberry mixture into the bowl, and after fifteen minutes, pour the blueberry mixture. Cover the top with cling film and refrigerate for at least four hours. Fresh berries or whipped cream are suitable garnishes for this dish.

Jelly "Children's"

Yogurt can be consumed not only as a separate product, but also added to various dishes. Some make cakes, others make ice cream, and we recommend trying jelly.


  • instant gelatin - one package
  • 100 grams of fresh medium fat cream
  • 200 grams of curd mass
  • sugar - three large spoons
  • two cups (about 250 grams) of any flavor of yogurt (we used strawberry)

Cooking method:

As usual, add water to the gelatin and let it brew for a while. Then heat the mixture on the stove, and when it starts to boil, remove and set aside to cool. To avoid wasting time, grind the cottage cheese, previously passed through a sieve, with sugar, then add yogurt, low-fat cream and finally gelatin. Mix everything well with a spoon and pour into molds. The jelly mixture can be served not only in separate bowls, but also in pieces on plates. To do this, cover the bottom of a deep bowl with special cling film (then the dish will be easier to remove), and then pour in the curd and yogurt mixture. When it has hardened enough, cut it with a knife. To decorate, top the dessert with fruit sauce or jam.

Jelly from kefir and cottage cheese

If you have neither milk nor cream on hand, you can always make jelly from kefir. This simple recipe will help you with this. We used strawberries, but any other fruit, both fresh and canned, will work. Also, if you like lemon, you can grate the zest and add it to your dessert. This will give the dish a special aroma and unforgettable taste.


  • kefir - 400 milliliters
  • 200 grams of fresh cottage cheese
  • gelatin - two tablespoons (tablespoons)
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • fresh or frozen strawberries

Cooking method:

Pour the instant gelatin into a bowl and cover it with lukewarm water. After thirty minutes, put on low heat and stir in a water bath until it completely dissolves. Set aside for a while to allow the mixture to cool.

Now crush the cottage cheese using a sieve, then grind it with sugar, pour in fresh warm kefir and gelatin, mix. As for strawberries, there are two ways: you can cut them into small pieces and put them in bowls, or grind them in a blender and combine them with the curd-kefir mixture. Do as you see fit. When you make the jelly, put it on the balcony or in the refrigerator for at least three hours. Garnish with remaining strawberries or other fruit if desired.

Curd jelly has an airy, delicate taste and literally melts before it even gets into your mouth. That’s why many housewives love to cook it so much. You can complement this dessert with fresh fruit, and stores sell a huge number of special sauces (chocolate, raspberry, strawberry, etc.) that are used as a sweet gravy. In addition, do not forget about nuts - they will decorate any dish.

Discussion 2

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When a rich feast is coming to an end, many guests are not enthusiastic about the offer of cake for dessert. Hard-to-stomach cakes and rich creamy cakes attract few people. Serve your guests curd jelly for dessert. A recipe with a photo will help you make it quickly and effortlessly. Desserts are best decorated with imagination. Their bright color and rich taste will be remembered by guests for a long time. You can also make a whole cake out of jelly. It contains minimal calories, because it will consist of only one Read in this article various recipes for making jelly with cottage cheese and prepare delicious desserts.

From cottage cheese and milk

To warm up, let's start with perhaps the easiest recipe. This curd jelly is not suitable for a holiday dish, but it deserves to be eaten by the family at dinner. Place a saucepan with a glass of milk on low heat. Add two tablespoons of granulated sugar and stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. As soon as the first signs of boiling appear in the milk, turn off the heat. Add a spoonful of instant soup, stir, let cool to room temperature and put in the refrigerator (or, in cold weather, immediately put the saucepan on the balcony). When the mass thickens enough, mix it with a mixer with one hundred grams of baby cottage cheese (with vanilla, raisins or dried apricots). We'll put the dessert in bowls and put it in the refrigerator to wait for dinner. Before serving, you can garnish with mint leaves or berries.

Dessert "Zebra"

Let us now complicate our task. Soak 25 grams of gelatin in half a glass of cool 10% cream or whole milk. We do this in an iron mug. When the crystals swell after half an hour, place the container in a water bath. This means that we place a mug in a wide bowl of boiling water. Stir the mixture all the time until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Without bringing to a boil, remove from heat. Pass cottage cheese (400 g) through a sieve. This will make it easier for us to mix it with six tablespoons of sugar. Add 400 ml of sour cream to the sweet one. Knead. Combine with cream and gelatin. We divide everything into two bowls. Add four tablespoons of cocoa powder to one of them and mix well. Now we begin to place our Zebra curd jelly dessert on the bowls. Place a little white mass on the bottom and smooth the surface with a knife. Next we place the brown layer. Then white again and so on. Decorate the top of the dessert with coconut shavings and place it in the refrigerator for several hours.

For this dish, it is better to use canned pineapples in syrup, melon balls or peaches. In a word, all fruits that have a lot of juice are suitable. First, fill the gelatin package with a glass of warm water. Place on the fire and heat until the jelly thickener dissolves. While the mixture is cooling, cut the fruit into cubes and place them in bowls, filling them almost halfway. Rub four hundred grams of cottage cheese through a sieve. Mix it with two glasses of low-fat sour cream and a cup of powdered sugar. Add dissolved gelatin to the mixture. Place half of the mixture in bowls - on top of the fruit. Level the top with a knife. Add two or three tablespoons of cocoa to the second half. Mix and place in bowls on top of the white layer. Put the dessert in the refrigerator for three hours. Before serving, garnish with mint leaves.

Fresh berry jelly

Farm fresh cottage cheese with blueberries is a classic. And if they are combined into jelly, then the result is a real extravaganza of taste! We start cooking in the same way as in the previous recipe - we make a thickener from gelatin and water. Rub 200 grams of cottage cheese through a sieve. Fill it with a glass of orange juice (fresh is preferable). Add a couple of tablespoons of cane sugar. Mix with a blender. Pour a third of the thickener and a glass of cream into this mass. Stir and pour into bowls. We put the vases in the refrigerator and start eating the berries. Grind 150 grams of blueberries and raspberries into a puree in different containers. Add a third of the thickener to each bowl. When the curd jelly hardens a little, pour raspberries on it. Place in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour. When it sets, add the blueberry mixture. Cover each bowl with cling film. We will start decorating the desserts four hours after they have been in the refrigerator. Whipped cream and a couple of fresh whole berries are suitable for decoration.

Jelly with cottage cheese and yogurt

We begin work by preparing the thickener. While it cools, knead or strain 200 grams of fresh cottage cheese through a sieve. Now mix this fluffy mass with three heaped spoons of sugar. Let's add two standard packages of yogurt (not drinking) with any fruit flavor. Stir and pour half a glass of cream (medium fat content). At the end, add diluted gelatin. Now let's think about how to serve our curd jelly in an original way. Photos on culinary sites give us a lot of interesting ideas. Here is one of them. Line a baking tray with high sides with cling film. Let's pour out the still liquid mass. Let it harden in the cold. Now let's chop it into small cubes. Place a spoonful of thick jam on the bottom of the tartlets. Place cottage cheese and yogurt jelly in the baskets. Pour topping on top.

Jelly with cottage cheese and kefir

This dessert is suitable for those who are on a diet. Soak two tablespoons of instant gelatin in water. After half an hour, put it on the fire, stir and set aside to cool. Rub cottage cheese (200 g) through a sieve and mix with the same amount of granulated sugar. You can replace some of it with liquid honey. Lightly heat regular fat kefir (400 ml). Pour it over the cottage cheese. Add gelatin there. Puree a handful of fresh or frozen strawberries (but any other berries will do) using a blender or a simple fork. Also add to curd jelly. Let's add lemon or lemon juice in there. This will add flavor to the dessert. Dip the edges of the bowls in water and then in coconut flakes. It will look like frost. Divide the jelly into bowls. Place in the refrigerator for three hours. Decorate the dessert with whole berries, mint leaves and jam.

Jelly with cottage cheese and sour cream

We will use canned fruits in this product: peaches, pineapples or assorted cocktails. To balance the sour taste of sour cream, the main ingredient will be not ordinary cottage cheese, but baby mass - with vanilla or raisins. But we start work, as always when dealing with jelly, by preparing a thickener. While the gelatin is cooling, finely chop the fruit (2 peaches or several pineapple rings). Add a glass of sour cream and granulated sugar to children's curds (400 grams). Stir until smooth. Now you can add slightly cooled gelatin. Mix again. Place fruit on the bottom of the bowls. Place half the amount of jelly on them. Add two tablespoons of cocoa powder to the remaining portion. Stir and place on top of the white dessert layer. Place the bowls in the cold for two to three hours. Decorate with whipped cream, candied fruits and nuts.

with jelly

This dessert will be an excellent treat after a rich feast. The cool jelly on top of the cake looks great and stimulates the appetite, especially in the hot summer. First, let's bake the sponge cake. Mix softened butter (50 g) with 75 g of sugar. Add three eggs and two spoons of sour cream. Stir until smooth. Add flour and a packet of baking powder. The dough should be “wet”. Add 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa and a handful of nuts. Mix, put in the pan and set to bake. Now prepare the second layer of cheesecake. Pass two hundred grams of cottage cheese through a sieve. Mix with a glass of sour cream and 2-3 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Spread this mixture onto the prepared and now cooled biscuit cake. Let's put the cake in the refrigerator so that the cheesecake can “set”. You can put either regular fruit jelly or cottage cheese jelly on top. To do this, prepare a thickener, mix it with the cheese mixture, and put it in the cold. When the jelly becomes viscous, spread it on top of the cake.

Cottage cheese is a valuable product in the diet of both children and adults who care about their health. It is rich in calcium and living protein, but the amino acids contained in cottage cheese are considered the most valuable. That is why something cottage cheese should be on our table every day. But there is a problem in preparing a cottage cheese dessert in such a way that even the most malicious non-curd cheese lover will eat everything and lick his fingers!

We all love jelly. What about cottage cheese jelly? There are many recipes and you can use them. And over time, you will only have to look at the photo and the recipe will appear in your head. I suggest studying basic recipes, and then it all depends on your tastes and culinary imagination! First, let's look at a simple recipe.

To prepare you will need:

  • Fat cottage cheese grated - 350 gr
  • Boiled milk - 100 ml
  • Sugar - granulated or honey - 2 tbsp
  • Instant gelatin - 25 g
  • Cold water - 200 ml

How to cook:

  1. Pour instant gelatin into a glass and add cold water there. Leave it until it swells completely.
  2. Mix the increased gelatin with milk and sugar. We heat everything, but do not boil.
  3. Beat the cottage cheese with a whisk or blender. Pour the milk-gelatin mixture into the curd mass. Beat again.
  4. Place the resulting mixture into bowls. Now let our dessert harden (about 2-3 hours).

For a more impressive presentation, you can add berries or fruits, as in the photo. But here is a recipe for a more delicate dessert, one might say, a cottage cheese delight.

Creamy tenderness

You will need:

  • 16 g gelatin
  • 900 g dietary cottage cheese
  • 5 tbsp. vanilla syrup
  • 250 ml pastry cream
  • 2 packets of vanilla sugar

The preparation is very simple:

  1. Soak the gelatin.
  2. Mix the cottage cheese with vanilla syrup and dissolve the squeezed gelatin in it.
  3. Beat cream with vanilla sugar.
  4. Carefully combine the cream with the curd mass.
  5. Place the curd jelly in a cupcake maker and leave in a cool place for 4 hours.
  6. When serving, you can pour some syrup (currant syrup, for example) over the jelly.

This recipe can also be improved. Pour the curd jelly into a springform pan, place the sponge cake at the bottom, and pour any glaze on top after the curd jelly has hardened. You'll get a cake.

Double layer jelly cake

But the recipe is not just jelly, but also a very healthy dessert. It combines everything you need for baby food: cocoa + cottage cheese + milk + blueberry jam + blackberries! You can also replace blueberry jam with Nutella, and blackberries with strawberries - it also turns out very tasty! This recipe can be used for a holiday table, as this curd treat looks very impressive.

Required Products:

  • Children's cottage cheese - 0.5 kg
  • Sour cream 21% fat - 2/3 cup
  • Pasteurized milk - 0.5 cups
  • Granulated sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Cold water – 1 glass
  • Gelatin - 1 large sachet
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 packet
  • Cocoa powder - 20 g (2-3 tbsp.)
  • Blackberries - 100 g
  • Blueberry jam - 4 tbsp

How to cook:

  1. Pour gelatin with water.
  2. Grind the curds with sour cream, milk, sugar and vanilla.
  3. We build a water bath for gelatin. Dissolve it in a water bath until all the grains are gone.
  4. Carefully introduce liquid gelatin into the curd dough and beat everything well into a fluffy mass.
  5. Divide the cream in half.
  6. Add cocoa powder to one part.
  7. Add blackberries to the rest.
  8. Place the blackberry mixture in a mold (you can use a juice box) and put it in the refrigerator until it starts to harden.
  9. After the first layer has hardened, apply blueberry jam and the chocolate part of the cake. Put it in the refrigerator again.
  10. After complete hardening, cut the box (or take it out of the mold), decorate with blackberries and pour a lot of blueberry jam. A wonderful curd dessert is ready!

For lovers of exotic tastes, I offer the following jelly recipe. Whatever one may say, fruits add a special flavor to this dessert! There is an alternative to gelatin. Just looking at the recipe photo makes you want to ask for more!

Jelly "Tropical Island"

Required Products:

  • Homemade yogurt – 300 g
  • Dietary cottage cheese - 600 g
  • Granulated sugar - 100 g
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp.
  • Agar-agar - 2 plates
  • Bananas (small) - 2 pcs.
  • Kiwi – 2 pcs.
  • Orange - 2 pieces

Cooking method:

  1. Grind diet cottage cheese with yogurt, sugar and lemon juice.
  2. We wash and peel the oranges. We fillet the oranges and cut them into cubes. We will peel the kiwi and also dice it. Chop the bananas and sprinkle with lemon juice (to keep them light).
  3. Dissolve agar-agar in orange juice.
  4. Add agar-agar to the yogurt mixture.
  5. We divide it into three equal parts.
  6. Carefully add fruits to each part separately.
  7. Place the orange mixture in a springform cake pan and refrigerate. Let's grab it. Then we repeat a similar process with banana mass and kiwi. Let it completely harden. The colorful dessert is ready!

You can, of course, experiment with colors and the number of layers in such jellies, but the more components, the more complex the recipe. Experiment, show imagination and creativity to make such an indispensable product as cottage cheese a favorite delicacy in your home!

Video recipe for making curd jelly
