DIY canape decorations. Beautiful festive canapé. Recipes for canapé sandwiches for the festive table. Photo

Canapes are a very convenient form of a festive table. The word canape roughly means tiny in French. That is, these are small sandwiches that you can pick up with your hands and put the whole thing in your mouth. If you have to take a bite of the canapé, that’s it. Today this is a separate section of cooking, which in terms of the complexity of cutting and laying out can sometimes compete with a pastry chef.

I think that when preparing canapés on skewers, the main thing is to see, look at the sequence of ingredients…. And the process here is usually quite simple. Although there are also secrets. And I posted 2 of them at the end of the recipe. I made a recipe on skewers for each canapé, because... I think perhaps not everyone will understand the ingredients from which a particular recipe is assembled. Most of the ideas are not mine, but “discovered” on the culinary Internet. Canapes on skewers recipes at home.

Canapes for the festive table recipes with photos

You can simply alternate sausage cubes with cucumber and the same cheese. Or you can add a cube of bread.

A simple canapé recipe on skewers - with smoked sausage. You need to buy sausage small in diameter and cut it thinly. And the top is decorated with pieces of boiled potatoes in their jackets.

From a series of simple and elegant - canapés with grapes. There is cheese and grapes strung here. Such neat and small pieces of cheese can be made using a part from a children's construction set or a cap from a plastic bottle. But the cheese should be a little rubbery. Store-bought cheese has this property. She even creaks a little on her teeth or cheese.

And here there is a whole spread of small canapes and everything is simple. At the base is a piece of cheese, but each is decorated with: half a cherry tomato, fig or.... Although you can simply rinse the cherry jam and add it to the cheese. Salty hard cheese goes well with sweet cheese. A simple piece of cheese rolled in nuts or sesame seeds looks very nice. It turned out to be an almost popular cheese plate.

Here's the original way to serve it. The body of a hedgehog is formed from it, and the needles are made from canapés on skewers.

Simply a brilliant version of canapé recipes. This is a classic Russian appetizer. In Soviet times, herring was served on the festive table in a long special glass plate with sunflower oil and onions. But today it is so banal. And here is such an original and tasty solution. I especially like the recipe on the right - herring with a piece of fresh fig. Exotic. And in the photo on the left, the herring is sprinkled with coriander seeds. An amazing combination, especially with black bread. This is a real fusion: Russian herring with Russian bread in French decoration.

The next series of canapés is. In this recipe the ham is roasted. The pate is wrapped in it and the whole thing is nailed to a small piece of bun.

Thin slices of bacon, fried and stuffed with prunes.

Again, a fried slice of bacon. Then a piece of cheese is placed on it and it is fried again in a frying pan to melt the cheese. Very impressive served on fresh leaves (you can use basil leaves or lettuce leaves).

Here you can get creative and put a surprise inside: half an olive, the same prunes, or sprinkle the cheese with sesame seeds….

By the way, you can very nicely sprinkle sesame seeds on all three canapés - rolls. Sesame will refresh the taste of meat and decorate canapés.

Another version of the roll: cheese in ham. The products here are very simple and it's all about the presentation. The ham should be cut thinly and into long pieces so that it wraps around the cheese several times.

A special chic is canapés with shrimp. This is a delicacy and you usually can’t have too much of it. Not everyone has the opportunity to pour a whole plate of shrimp. But it’s easy to demonstrate these beauties on skewers. In this photo, a piece of salami is stabbed into a shrimp. A delicacy within a delicacy. Then, for beauty and even more piquancy, it is rolled in grated cheese, lemon zest and very finely chopped herbs.

These are shrimp with a piece of mango inside and marinated in a sauce with red bell pepper and olive oil. It turns out very colorful on the table and appetizing.

Mango pieces are pre-fried a little in olive oil. I thought that a canape with a piece of pumpkin instead of mango could be quite interesting. There will be sweetness and bright color. Although the tropical exoticism will be lost.

Incredibly simple and delicious. A piece of apple is wrapped in a piece of ham. A very refreshing snack. Especially when everything is fatty and filling. And then there’s the freshness in the meat.

A very simple set: bread, butter, cheese and sausage. The main thing is a very sharp knife. Everything is cut to the shape of a boat, and sails are made from cheese. It will look unsurpassed on the table. Especially if you are celebrating a children's party.

Making such a canape is not at all difficult if you have a heart-shaped mold. All products are thinly sliced ​​and stacked one on one. You can use butter or mayonnaise as glue. Then they are squeezed out with a mold. It turns out very romantic!

Super simple idea and again fusion: combining several cuisines. very, very small pancakes, stacked and held together with a skewer. Topped with sauce. These small ones can be made by pouring a teaspoon of dough into a frying pan.

It seems like a simple canapé, but an amazing combination of flavors. 1st - olive, 2nd piece of cheese, 3rd layer of a piece of pita bread, 4th - sun-dried tomatoes. Incredibly Italian canapés. All these products are the favorite food of Italians. As for – I have a completely different story.

Another interesting combination of flavors: cheese and kiwi.

I especially want to highlight this photo. Although there are no canapés or skewers visible on it, the idea is brilliant. Layers are made from various products and combined into a gelatinous mass. Then, using any cookie cutter, cut out squares and circles and connect them with a skewer. You should get a very bright canapé. Such an assortment!

A very beautiful snack. Culinary minimalism. Similar sprigs of greenery can be made from leeks by twisting them with a knife.

This is already a masterpiece of culinary skill. But still available. In any case, the products are all available in the supermarket. You just need to delicately cut out the penguin's belly from the olive and fill it with white cheese. And then also thinly slice the legs and beak from the boiled carrot. And there will be joy for children and admiration for adults.

Roll recipe. A sprig of rosemary in the form of a skewer looks very beautiful. Plus it also smells great. I wouldn’t be writing if rosemary hadn’t appeared in the greens section of supermarkets all year round. It is sold as fresh cut sprigs in plastic boxes, made in Israel. And it's not expensive at all.

A very simple canapé recipe on skewers: boiled quail egg and half a cherry tomato. You can also make an inverted version. Insert a skewer into the egg and decorate the tomato cap with small white dots of mayonnaise. If you put such beauty into puree for a hedgehog, it will be very beautiful!

The ham and filling are wrapped in cabbage leaves. The leaves must first be boiled a little. And since they become completely tasteless during the cooking process, be sure to coat them with a layer of sauce or mayonnaise.

The canapeshka layers consist of thinly sliced ​​and toasted bread. These are mini toasts. Still of course – . It is not difficult to make; in order for the minced meat to hold its shape better, add 1 additional egg. Although with everything miniature you need to tinker. But this is a holiday.

Canapes on skewers in a neat round shape. We select cucumbers and radishes of the same diameter. Well, cut the bread to the size of the vegetables

Canapés are mini-sandwiches that are often placed on a skewer.

In Europe they are consumed every day for a quick snack. Canapés are prepared at home or ordered in cafes, where they are very popular and are presented in various variations.

For us, this is a more festive dish, without which it is difficult to imagine a buffet.

Most often, holiday treats for children are thought out by mothers or holiday organizers. Ingredients for children's canapés are preferably neutral that do not cause allergic reactions.

Little gourmets will appreciate the delicious light snacks. Beautiful design and presentation are important.

Canapes on skewers

This is a tiny treat that weighs 60-80 grams. Ingredients of different shapes, placed on a small stick, can be conveniently put whole into the mouth.

The skewer not only serves to make the dish look aesthetically pleasing, but also allows you to make the eating process more convenient. By holding a skewer, you can easily eat the food. Your hands will remain clean.

Below are various canapé options that will help, among other things, give the children's table an elegant look.

Fruit canapés on skewers

For them The following fruits are great: apple, pear, kiwi, banana, peach or nectarine, grapes(seedless). The choice should be made on those fruits to which children do not have food allergies.

To prevent the fruit from darkening too quickly, they should be cut before serving. You can keep the beautiful look longer by sprinkling the finished canapés with lemon juice.

Procedure before threading the pieces onto a skewer:

  • Rinse the fruit under cool running water.
  • Let them dry a little in a bowl or on a paper towel.
  • Remove peels and seeds.
  • Cut into circles, cubes, or even funny shapes using molds (dog, duck, mouse, Christmas tree and much more).

Below are the most interesting recipes for children's fruit canapés on skewers.

Pineapple boat

A half ring of canned pineapple is strung on multi-colored plastic toothpicks - this is the future sail. Banana rings and ripe nectarine will serve as a deck.

You can carefully cut them out using a regular 20 cc syringe with the end cut off from the spout.

Sweet Rainbow

Cut tangerine, pineapple and kiwi into slices or cubes. Thread them together with raspberries, blueberries and grapes onto a long skewer according to the colors of the rainbow. Place the canapés next to each other to make the rainbow more visible.

It's beautiful bright and healthy treat looks impressive on the holiday table.

Merry strawberry

Cut the peeled banana into slices 2 cm thick and sprinkle them with lemon or orange juice to prevent them from darkening. On a skewer, thread a fresh mint leaf, a medium-sized strawberry and a banana, which will be at the base of the canapé.

Draw smiling faces on the strawberries using cream. The children will be delighted!

tailed peacock

The lower part of our peacock's tail will be a pillow of tangerine slices and banana slices. On top there will be grapes, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries strung on skewers.

The bird's body can become a pear. Make the paws and beak from tangerine peel, and the eyes from blackberry pieces.

Meat canapés on skewers

Meat canapes can be based on sausage, ham, boiled pork, baked or boiled pieces of chicken, duck, beef. In addition, you can use greens, lettuce, various vegetables, and olives.

Such original sandwiches on skewers will be the best treat for children at a birthday party.

The interesting thing is that on a beautifully decorated sofa, a child will eat even a product that he doesn’t really like - onions, carrots, sweet peppers, etc.

Canapes with boiled pork

Fry pieces of wheat or rye bread in butter until golden brown. Thread sweet peppers, pickled cucumber slices, diced boiled pork, hard cheese, and croutons onto skewers.

Garnish with dill and parsley.

Flight of fancy

Marinate the duck meat in orange juice for a day and then fry it in vegetable oil. Cut into thin slices. Cut the persimmon into slices.

Thread onto a skewer along with blueberries and a mint leaf. It turns out beautiful, juicy and appetizing.


Thread pieces of white loaf with mayonnaise spread, lettuce leaves, slices of ham, kiwi and halves of physalis berries (or any other) onto skewers. It would be ideal if the mayonnaise is homemade.

Quite voluminous for a canapé, but it turns out very tasty. Juicy Children will love the green and yellow colors of the canapes..

Fragrant ham rolls

You need to cut the ham into very thin slices so that it rolls up well. For the filling you can use hard cheese (or cottage cheese), homemade mayonnaise, and a little garlic.

Spread the ham with the filling and roll it up. Pierce each roll with a skewer containing a pitted olive. Simple and satisfying!

Other canapés on skewers

If you need simple and tasty canapés, there are many products you can use.

You can combine meat, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables, cheese, olives, herbs, etc. in every possible way. You don’t necessarily need a lot of ingredients to get excellent taste.

The main thing is to combine them correctly.

Exotic fish

Cut lightly salted salmon into thin strips and wrap around a black olive. Place this roll on a skewer along with a mango slice.

It turns out to be an unusually tasty snack that is quick to prepare.

Senor Tomato

Cut small cherry tomatoes in half. Place a cube of processed cheese or feta cheese inside.

Prick this stuffed tomato onto a toothpick along with a basil leaf.

Instead of feta cheese, you can use another white, lightly salted cheese.

Edible fly agarics

Beautiful mushrooms on skewers will definitely attract the attention of children. The cap is made from half a cherry tomato, and the leg is made from a boiled quail egg with the top slightly cut off. You can garnish with parsley.

Dots of sour cream or mayonnaise are applied with a toothpick.

Pancake Tower

Spread a thin pancake, cut into portions with a sharp knife, with curd cheese. Top with another piece of pancake. Place a slice of lightly salted trout.

Alternate such layers to the desired height of the tower.

Canapes without skewers

A canape without a skewer is a small sandwich. It is based on toasted croutons or oven-dried bread.- golden on the outside and soft on the inside. The shape of a piece of bread can be different to make it more interesting for children: round, square, curly.

Anapa can be either a festive dish at a children's birthday party or an alternative to morning porridge.

A sandwich can also be made tasty and healthy for a child.

Can be used:

  • wholemeal bread;
  • cereal bread;
  • oil;
  • curd and cheese mass;
  • cooked meat;
  • vegetables, fruits, greens.
  • bun;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • canned fish;
  • overly salty or spicy foods.

You should approach the design creatively, but in such a way that the sandwich is easy to pick up and eat. The filling should not drip or fall out. The curd mass will help glue the vegetables and bread together.

Kids love helping prepare simple canapés with just a few ingredients. You can entrust them with such an exciting activity, and then enjoy the result together.

Sweet holiday sandwiches

Interestingly decorated mini-sandwiches at a children's party are much more beautiful and appetizing than store-bought sweets. They are easy to prepare and turn into real culinary masterpieces.

Fruit and nut happiness

Spread a slice of loaf with sweet jam. Place banana and pear cut into slices or slices on top.

Decorate with a flower cut from a peach. Sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts or other nuts.

Strawberry heart

Cut the white loaf at right angles into one and a half centimeter slices. Use a special cookie cutter to make hearts out of these slices. Carefully apply boiled thick condensed milk along the edge using a pastry syringe. Place strawberry jelly inside.

To harden, place in a cool place for 20 minutes.

Magic bread

Spread pieces of white bread with a thin or medium layer of sweet curd mass.

Sprinkle colorful decorative food powder on top.

Makes a worthy holiday sandwich!

Mini meat sandwiches

The kids really like it sandwiches with different “edible” animals: Sausage Luntik, cheese Smeshariki, funny monkey or dog. Meat sandwiches To complete the color scheme, they should be supplemented with vegetables and herbs.

Sausage cartoon characters

All children love cartoons. The sandwich can be designed in the shape of your favorite character.

For example, Nyusha from “Smeshariki” can be made like this: put a leaf of lettuce and a slice of cheese on toast, and recreate the look using boiled and smoked sausage with tomatoes.

Mini pizza on a loaf

Cut the slightly stale loaf into slices and dip in a mixture of ketchup and water. Place on a baking sheet. Place the filling on top: sweet peppers, tomatoes, boiled meat, grated cheese and herbs.

Bake in the oven until done (or in the microwave).

Appetizing roses

Brush slices of crispy French baguette with butter.

Roll the ham rosettes and place them on the prepared bread slices.

Garnish with a slice of boiled egg, asparagus stalks, cucumber and herbs.

Other sandwiches

Preparing children's canapés is limited only by your imagination and the products you have on hand. All you have to do is put in a little effort and any banal sandwich will become a real work of art!

summer butterfly

The wings will be two eggs, each cut in half. Garnish them with slices of cucumber and radish. Make the body from a strip of red bell pepper, and the antennae from the feathers of green onions.

This butterfly looks great on a lettuce leaf placed on toast.


Spread a piece of bread with homemade mayonnaise or cream cheese. Make a feather bed from a piece of lightly salted salmon. Draw a ladybug on top using half a cherry tomato and a quarter of a black olive.

Draw the eyes with mayonnaise, and make black dots on the back from tiny pieces of olive. Decorate an impromptu clearing plate with a delicacy with a parsley leaf.

Sunny Hawaii

Simple, effective and juicy! Place a circle of ham and a ring of canned pineapple on the bread circles.

Place an olive or cherry tomato inside.

Decorate with any greenery.

Decoration of children's canapés

You shouldn’t wait for a special holiday to try out your yet unrealized talents in decorating children’s dishes. Any breakfast can be made more enjoyable by decorating the sandwich and the plate underneath.

In addition, the plate itself can be bright, colorful, and decorated with cartoon characters. And mothers who know the carving technique can cut out beautiful figures from fruits and vegetables.

Effectively serving and decorating children's sandwiches is a feasible task if you put in the effort.

And finally, basic tips that may be useful in preparing children's canapés:

  • Products must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of skins, seeds, etc.
  • It is best to cut food just before serving so that it does not lose its appearance.
  • All ingredients should be chopped into small pieces so that it is convenient for children to eat them without the help of a knife and fork.
  • To help the filling and decoration stick better to the sandwich, use a spread (preferably homemade).
  • Pre-mashed butter is easier to spread.
  • You can do without sausage by replacing it with chicken breast, turkey fillet, and beef.
  • Hard cheese can be replaced with mozzarella or health cheese.
  • Canapés should be beautifully decorated and presentable on a platter.
  • To help your child develop aesthetic taste, ask him to help in cooking.

Colorful fruit canapés will be at home at any feast. They will make a romantic dinner more refined, will delight the kids at a children's party, and will help you effortlessly impress your colleagues with a spectacular mini-buffet. They are interesting, varied, and allow you to get creative from the heart with taste and form. In short, it wouldn’t hurt any housewife to master a couple of recipes for preparing fruit snacks on skewers. Believe me, they will come in handy more than once.

Fruit canapes are the highlight of the festive table

It is now impossible to establish for certain the exact time and place of the birth of delicious baby sandwiches - and even more so to find out whose smart head guessed to string not only meat and cheese, but also aromatic fruits onto a wooden skewer. According to linguists, the word “canapé” itself came to us from ancient Greece, where it sounded like “konops” and served to designate small insects - like a mosquito or mosquito. The Egyptians, followed by the Romans, adopted the Greek term, modified it to “conopeum” and began to call it beds with a net from uninvited blood-sucking guests. Over time, the word traveler moved from Latin to European languages ​​and firmly settled in French, for some unknown reason no longer clinging to a canopy bed, but to a miniature sofa with a curved back. So what is next…

And then there are continuous secrets. Either the French remembered the original meaning of the term “canapé” and called the snack sandwiches “mosquitoes” for their small size. Perhaps the cook, with a particularly wild imagination, saw in the pieces of appetizing food piled up a resemblance to a favorite piece of furniture. Or perhaps the fact is that it was most convenient to consume an unusual snack on such sofas, leisurely sipping wine from a glass and conducting a leisurely dialogue with your interlocutor.

It’s still better to remove the pits from cherries when preparing canapés.

Whatever the situation, one thing is certain: the fun idea caught on, gained popularity and gave rise to dozens of different, but invariably delicious culinary recipes. And there are at least five reasons for this:

  1. Fruit canapés are tasty, juicy and aromatic.
  2. If you don’t set out to create some absolutely incredible composition from a dozen different ingredients, you can prepare the delicacy in no time. For example, strawberry-banana “canapes” will take a skilled housewife at most a quarter of an hour.
  3. It is impossible to find a recipe for a fruit salad or cake that would please every single guest. But from half a dozen different options for fruit sandwiches, even the most capricious picky person will find something suitable.
  4. Canapés are universal. They will perfectly play the role of dessert at a family feast or buffet table, take pride of place on the children's table, and, on occasion, serve as an exquisite snack for strong drinks. For example, “turrets” with tangerines, kiwis, and apricots will go well with white wine; Melon and strawberries go with red. Sweet liqueurs are usually enjoyed with grapes and pears; Cognac, in addition to the traditional slice of lemon, loves the company of apples and juicy peach, and the taste of champagne is perfectly complemented by pineapple and watermelon.
  5. Making fruit snacks is pure creativity. You can not only use any fruits and berries you wish, but also feel free to combine them with other ingredients: chocolate, marshmallows, fondant, nuts, marmalade. Sometimes even ham and cheese are used. Complete creative freedom and no boundaries!

According to tradition, it is customary to serve 3-4 versions of canapés with different fillings. Moreover, it is advisable to calculate the total amount of snacks in advance so that each guest has at least 8 miniature sandwiches. Considering that canapés are a one-bite treat, they can fly off the plate in a few minutes, but no one should be left behind.

How to cut fruit beautifully

The easiest way out is to take a knife and simply chop the washed and peeled and pitted fruits into cubes or slices. Cheap and cheerful, but ineffective in terms of wasted time. And the beauty of future “canapes” will suffer, since not everyone will be able to fit hand-cut pieces to one size, and different-sized slices will greatly spoil the appearance of the snack.

The neater the pieces, the more spectacular the result.

If you have a special spoon for slicing watermelon and melon in your kitchen, use it. Perfectly even multi-colored spheres on skewers always look impressive.

You can turn any large fruit with not too dense pulp into balls.

Using cookie cutters, you can turn fruit slices into shapes of any complexity.

A true masterpiece in miniature

If you are seriously passionate about the theme of canapés and plan to regularly treat guests and family with sweet “kebabs,” it won’t hurt to purchase a special device for cutting berries and fruits into pieces. In the budget option, it will be replaced by a regular egg slicer.

The slices will look identical

The most advanced cooks will come to the aid of a special syringe for canapés. Using it, successively cut pieces of fruit selected for the treat, press the piston, and the finished treat will appear on your plate. All that remains is to fasten it with a fancy skewer. The syringe can also easily handle pieces of biscuit, marshmallow, marmalade and other goodies if it occurs to you to add them to your creation.

Don't have a cooking syringe? Take a regular one, cutting off the top

Remember that fruit is a perishable product. They quickly give up juice, darken and lose their shape, so you need to prepare the delicacy shortly before serving, sprinkling the pieces with lemon juice for better preservation.

Step-by-step fruit canape recipes

So who are you going to treat? Business partners, old friends, relatives at a family holiday? Then pay attention to the recipes for fruit canapés with cheese and ham. An unusual flavor combination will arouse interest and give your evening a slight touch of aristocracy.

For adults

With grapes and cheese

You will need:

  • 100 g cheese;
  • 100g green or blue grapes (try to get the seedless variety).


Hard cheeses go well with grapes: Gouda, Maasdam, Edam, Dutch, Parmesan. However, soft curd cheeses with mold - for example, Brie - will have their place here. Or, if you want, make a mix of two or three different varieties, shading their taste with halves of walnuts, almonds, strawberries, slices of exotic mango or thin leaves of fresh tarragon.

The classic version of cheese and grape canpe is far from the only one

With melon and Parma ham

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg melon;
  • 200 g goat cheese;
  • 100 g Parma ham, sliced;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • half a lemon;
  • salt, pepper to taste.


  1. Cut the melon in half, remove the seeds, and cut the pulp into cubes or, using a special spoon, into balls.

    In the absence of a spoon for cutting, a simple dessert one will do.

  2. Mix oil, juice of half a lemon, salt and pepper. Pour the marinade over the prepared melon pieces and leave them alone for a quarter of an hour to allow the pulp to soak.

    The result will be better if you lightly whisk the mixture

  3. Cut the goat cheese to your liking.

    If desired, sprinkle the cheese with pieces of finely chopped basil.

  4. In random order, thread pieces of melon and cheese, a slice of ham onto a skewer, and then put the canapes in the refrigerator.

    The taste of the delicacy will be beyond praise

  5. The appetizer should be served chilled, with semi-dry red or white wine.

The combination of melon and Parma ham is considered classic and does not need any additions, but if you want to brighten the taste of the canapé, add basil leaves, arugula or pieces of kiwi pulp to the indicated ingredients. In addition, the melon itself can, on occasion, be easily “replaced” by a juicy pear.

With pear and Dor Blue cheese

You will need:

  • 1–2 pears;
  • 100 g Dor Blue cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped walnuts;
  • a little olive oil;
  • juice of half a lemon.


Lemon with marmalade and cheese

Here is an absolutely incredible but attractive combination:

  • hard cheese;
  • the same amount of marmalade;
  • half a lemon.


This kind of appetizer usually doesn’t sit on a plate.

For children and older sweet tooths

But enough exotic! Let's talk about simpler recipes that don't contain such spicy food combinations. For example, what could be more traditional and tastier than strawberries and chocolate?

Bananas, strawberries and marshmallows covered in chocolate

You will need:

  • banana;
  • a handful of strawberries;
  • colorful marshmallows;
  • half a bar of dark chocolate.


  1. Peel the banana and cut into slices.

    Sprinkle lemon juice on the banana to prevent it from browning.

  2. Wash the strawberries and remove the stems.

    The berries must be the same size

  3. If the marshmallows are large, cut them into pieces the size of strawberries. Leave the small one as is.

    Multi-colored marshmallows look festive

  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath.

    If you want to make the mixture less thick, add a spoon or two of milk to it.

  5. Place prepared pieces of fruit and marshmallows onto wooden sticks, pour over chocolate and let cool.

    Canapes will appeal to both children and adults with a sweet tooth.

If the combination of marshmallows and chocolate seems too sweet, remove one of the sweet ingredients from the recipe or prepare two canapes with a sweetener to suit your taste.

No one will leave the holiday disappointed

Jelly on skewers

You will need:

  • a bag of grape jelly;
  • a bag of strawberry jelly;
  • a handful of grapes;
  • a handful of strawberries;
  • ice molds.


Fruit platter

You will need:

  • apples;
  • canned pineapple;
  • kiwi;
  • grape;
  • strawberry;
  • blueberry.


  1. Wash all the fruits. Peel the apples and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into small pieces.

    Look for sweet varieties of apples on the market, such as Kitayka, Medok, Belarusian apple

  2. Peel and cut the kiwi.

    Treat your loved ones to a fragrant rainbow on a skewer

The fruits in the above recipe can be replaced with others without any damage to the taste. For example, use canned peaches instead of pineapple, soft pear instead of apple, or raspberries instead of blueberries.

It’s also worth paying attention to the combinations:

  • Banana, kiwi and tangerine. The fruits will need to be peeled, the banana and kiwi cut, the tangerine divided into slices, and then the whole fragrant company placed on wooden skewers in any order. All! Sweet, but shaded with a slight sourness, and therefore an even more delicious dessert is ready.
  • Green grapes, kiwi and pineapple. Here the situation will be the opposite: the sweet yellow tropical fruit will soften the sourness of its green neighbors. For those who cannot get a pineapple for the holiday, an orange will replace it.
  • Banana, orange and pear.
  • Strawberries and banana.
  • Apple, pear, blood orange.
  • Grapes and melon.

Fruit canapes for lunch - video

Options for serving fruit canapés in the photo

Canapés can be placed on long skewers Semicircular pieces of tangerines can be imagined as sails To prevent the skewers from remaining empty, you can offer guests pieces of fruit separately - let everyone assemble their own canapes The easiest option is to simply stack the canapes Even a minimum of ingredients can be used in interesting ways An unusual combination of basil, watermelon and strawberries goes well with soft cheese. The top of the canapé can be decorated with chocolate.

What else can you say about fruit canapes? A lot of. But why waste time on theory when you can start practicing immediately? New combinations and flavors are just waiting for you to discover them. Choose your favorite fruits and berries, shake out the kitchen cabinets in search of marshmallows, powdered sugar, chocolate and other goodies and go ahead - create a unique canapé according to a recipe invented by you personally!

Dishes on skewers are an integral part of any buffet-style feast. They add variety to the table, not only tastefully, but also aesthetically. Canapés on skewers are tiny sandwiches. They are prepared specifically to make it convenient for people to eat while standing. If you want to delight your guests, be sure to try surprising them with this appetizer. Read how to cook them correctly.

Simple and delicious recipes for making canapés on skewers

To make the dish tastier, remember the following tips:

  1. If you couldn’t buy special skewers for canapés, replace them with toothpicks.
  2. Slice your food just before serving to keep it looking fresher.
  3. To prepare dietary canapés on skewers, take pieces of chicken, turkey, and beef.
  4. If the snack is fruit, then use 5-6 ingredients. For a satisfying meal, 2-3 components are enough.
  5. It is most convenient to cut out products using baking molds.
  6. Use ingredients in contrasting bright colors.

With fish

With herring


  • black bread - 12 pieces;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • herring fillet – 12 pcs.;
  • boiled beets – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill.
  1. Grate the beets. Mix with dill, mayonnaise and crushed garlic.
  2. Place beets and herring on bread and string.

With avocado and salmon


  • white bread - 12 slices;
  • salmon – 200 grams;
  • avocado – 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice – 2 tsp.
  1. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, mash the pulp with a fork, and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  2. Cut the fish into 12 pieces.
  3. Spread the base on the avocado, lay out the salmon, garnish with herbs, and pierce with toothpicks.


With cucumber and olives

  • baguette – 6 circles;
  • raw smoked sausage – 6 rings;
  • butter;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • pitted olives – 6 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves.


  1. Grease the baguette with a thin layer of butter and add the salad.
  2. Using a vegetable peeler, cut the cucumber into thin longitudinal slices.
  3. Take a toothpick. Thread an olive and a rolled cucumber slice.
  4. Place sausage on bread and pierce with toothpick.

With olive


  • rye bread – 8 squares;
  • salami – 8 circles;
  • green olives – 8 pcs.
  1. Fry the bread on both sides.
  2. Using a toothpick, prick one side of the sausage, then the olive, then the other side and the crouton.

With cheese

With smoked chicken

  • white bread – 6 pieces;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • smoked chicken breast – 150 g;
  • olives – 6 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greenery.
  1. Cut the chicken into 6 equal pieces.
  2. Cut 6 identical pieces from bread, 12 from cheese. Cut the cucumber into slices.
  3. Grease the bread with mayonnaise.
  4. Place cheese, breast, cheese again. Thread the olive and the base. Decorate with greens.


  • baguette - 8 identical pieces;
  • Ricotta cheese – 100 grams;
  • pumpkin – 250 g;
  • rosemary, thyme;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • black pepper, salt, olive oil.


  1. Bake the baguette on both sides, rub with garlic.
  2. Cut the pumpkin into 16 equal pieces, add salt and pepper, and add rosemary. Bake it for half an hour.
  3. Mix cheese with thyme, add a drop of lemon juice.
  4. Spread the bread with Ricotta. Poke 2 cubes of baked pumpkin and baguette with a toothpick.

From fruits

Sweet and sour

  • kiwi – 3-4 pcs.;
  • banana – 2 large;
  • grape.


  1. Cut the banana into slices.
  2. Peel the kiwi. Cut into cubes.
  3. String a grape, a piece of kiwi, a banana.

Strawberry kiss


  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • strawberries – 15 pcs.;
  • White chocolate;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • mint leaves – 15 pcs.
  1. Cut the banana into slices. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  2. Place strawberries on banana.
  3. Melt white chocolate in a water bath. Apply a little onto each strawberry.
  4. Strawberry canapés on skewers are ready. Garnish them with mint leaves.

How to prepare canapés for children

If you have to feed kids, then you simply cannot find a better option. Children love these sandwiches because they are small in size, look interesting and are eaten quickly. Even during the game, the child will be able to run up to the table, enjoy a tiny appetizing snack and go to his friends. Read original canapé recipes for children.


  • canned pineapple rings – 6 pcs.;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • nectarine – 2 pcs.


  1. Cut the pineapple into 12 half rings. These will be the sails.
  2. Cut the banana into rings, and the nectarine into 12 slices.
  3. Pierce pineapple lengthwise, banana, nectarine.

Fly agarics

  • quail eggs – 12 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise.


  1. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the core.
  2. Hard-boil the quail eggs and peel them.
  3. Slide half a tomato and an egg vertically onto a toothpick.
  4. Place mayonnaise dots on the cherry tomatoes.


  • ham – 150 g;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • white bread - 12 slices;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.


  1. Cut bread, ham, cheese into star shapes. Cucumber - in rings.
  2. Thread bread, cheese, ham, and cucumber onto a toothpick.

Options for buffet appetizers on skewers for the festive table

If you have a celebration coming up, then you should definitely try making festive canapés on skewers, which look amazing in the photo. They will be a magnificent and original table decoration for both New Year and birthday. Such snacks are no different from ordinary ones, but for their preparation, as a rule, more expensive ingredients are used.

With red caviar

  • baguette – 12 pieces;
  • butter;
  • quail eggs – 6 pcs.;
  • red caviar – 6 tsp;
  • greenery.


  1. Make circles from the baguette and lightly fry.
  2. Boil the eggs and cut them into halves lengthwise.
  3. Brush the bread with butter. Place the egg halves and tsp. red caviar. Pierce the appetizer with a toothpick and garnish with herbs.

If you are going to move away from the traditional feast and have one, then recipes for canapés on skewers with photos simply must be in your notebook, or at least in your bookmarks. Canapés on skewers - recipes at home today are available not only to professional chefs and cooks, but also to ordinary housewives like you and me.

If you have in your arsenal proven appetizers on skewers for the holiday table (recipes with photos), consider this half of a successful feast. The second half is the correct setting and serving of snacks on skewers, and canapés on skewers recipes with photographs on the Home Restaurant website are designed to help you in this difficult task.

All presented snacks on skewers - recipes with photos and detailed descriptions of the cooking process, will give you confidence in your abilities and will charm all guests with the excellent execution and serving of festive canapés on skewers.

Canapes with cheese and olives on skewers

Olives go well with hard cheese and lemon, and together they form an excellent appetizer: both tasty and beautiful. These canapés can be served as an addition to an aperitif: they are ideal with cognac, brandy or rum. For a buffet event, this delicious canapé on skewers is a real find. How to cook canapés on skewers with cheese and olives (recipe with photos), see .

Canapes with shrimp skewers

How to prepare canapés on skewers for a festive table with shrimp, cheese and cherry tomatoes, I wrote .

Canapes with red fish on skewers

You can see how to prepare canapés on skewers for a festive table with red fish .

Canapes on skewers with strawberries and banana “Kiss”

You can see how to prepare canapés on skewers with strawberries and banana “Kiss” .


  • Hard cheese (Russian or Gouda)
  • (Dor Blue, Roquefort, Gorgonzola)
  • Lettuce leaves for decoration
  • Large grapes


On a toothpick or cocktail skewer, first thread a cube of one type of cheese to the end of the skewer, and then a grape. Place the canapes on a plate with lettuce leaves.

Canapés on skewers for children “Fly agaric”


  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Quail eggs
  • curly parsley
  • Mayonnaise


Boil quail eggs, peel and cut off the bottom cap (This will be the base of the fly agaric). Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and remove the seeds and pulp. First thread the egg onto a skewer, then the tomato mushroom cap. Decorate the canapes with sprigs of curly parsley and make white dots on the tomatoes with mayonnaise.


  • Lemon zest
  • Black pepper


Cut the lightly salted salmon into thin slices and string it onto a skewer like an accordion. Place the canapés on a plate and sprinkle lemon zest and even ground pepper on top.


  • Chicken fillet
  • Soy sauce
  • cucumbers
  • bell pepper
  • Marinated champignons


Melt honey in a frying pan and add soy sauce. Fry chicken breasts in this sauce, cool, and cut into portions for canapés. First thread the champignons onto a skewer, then the bell pepper, then the chicken and a cucumber ring. Garnish the canapes with green basil.


  • Lightly salted salmon
  • Boiled quail eggs
  • Fresh cucumbers


First place pieces of lightly salted salmon on the cucumber mugs, and half an egg on top. Pierce the “pyramid” with a skewer and serve.

You can watch a step-by-step master class on how to prepare pancake canapés on skewers.


  • Lightly salted salmon
  • Fresh cucumbers
  • Black bread
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Soft cream cheese
  • Black olives


We cut off the crust from the black bread and cut it into portions for canapés. Spread each piece of bread with cream cheese, place a lettuce leaf on top, then fish, and stick a skewer with cucumber and black olive as shown in the picture.

Rolls - canapés on skewers with lard


  • Fresh lard with a cut (bacon)
  • Pickles
  • bell pepper
  • Dill
  • Mustard


Cut the lard into strips, approximately 10-15 cm long. Spread mustard on each strip, and add a piece of pickled cucumber, bell pepper, and a sprig of dill. Roll the lard into a roll and pierce it with a skewer.


  • Duck fillet
  • Orange juice
  • Oyster sauce
  • Vegetable oil
  • Blueberry
  • Persimmon


Marinate the duck meat in orange juice and oyster juice for 24 hours. Then fry in oil and cut into thin slices. Wrap the persimmon in meat and place it on a skewer with blueberries and mint as shown in the picture.

Canapés on skewers with fetta and vegetables


  • Fetta cheese
  • cucumbers
  • Black olives
  • Cherry tomatoes red and yellow


Place the ingredients on a skewer in the following order: half a tomato, an olive, a cucumber slice and a cube of fetta cheese.

Canapés on skewers for a festive table (simple recipes with photos) from the Home Restaurant will allow you to avoid long and painful standing at the stove, and you will also be able to pleasantly surprise your guests with an original combination of canapé products. All recipes for canapés on skewers with photos are simple and tasty, tested personally by me and guests of the Home Restaurant website. Therefore, you can safely use canapé recipes with photos on skewers in planning and preparing the buffet table, and not worry that the appetizer will not work out or the guests will not like it.

The collection of canapé recipes with photos on skewers will be constantly updated. You can find here traditional recipes on skewers, such as: fruit canapes on skewers, canapes with cheese on skewers, canapes on skewers with salmon, canapes on skewers for children, canapes on skewers with ham, and unusual canapes on skewers recipes with photos, using various combinations of delicacies.

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