Cherry wine with pits and glove. Cherry wine at home: a simple recipe. How to make homemade sweet, fortified and dry cherry wine from cherry juice, jam, fermented compote and fresh cherries

The availability and excellent taste of cherries make it a universal raw material for use in cooking, canning, and also for making aromatic wine. To get the final result a tasty and healthy drink, you must follow all the recommendations during the preparation process. But, as experienced winemakers say, “the simpler the technology, the better the wine.”

The main thing in the article

Is it possible to make homemade wine from cherries?

For making homemade wine, cherries are the most suitable berry after grapes. Tannins and acidity contained in cherry pulp increase the drink's resistance to various diseases. And the rich chemical composition of the berry turns wine into a healing elixir. The main thing is to choose suitable ripe fruits and prepare everything you need to magically transform the berries into homemade wine.

Cherry wine at home: what do you need?

The taste of wine directly depends on the variety of cherry. Ripeness, sweet and sour taste, pleasant aroma are the main characteristics of berries suitable for wine.

Overripe or greenish cherries are not suitable for the job, and may even spoil the taste of the drink. The berry must be clean, without the slightest damage or traces of rot. Under no circumstances should you wash the berries, since there is special yeast on their surface, which will do its main job in the future.

There are a huge number of recipes for a healthy drink. To prepare classic homemade wine you will need:

  • cherries;
  • water;
  • sugar;
  • as a container you need a large non-metallic container for fermenting the wort and a glass bottle for pouring the resulting cherry juice.

DIY cherry wine: step-by-step recipe

To prepare homemade cherry wine, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • 10 kg cherries;
  • 3 kg sugar;
  • 10 liters of water.

Cooking method:

  1. We sort out the ripe berries, remove the stems, and discard the damaged ones to the side.
  2. Leave for 3 days in a cool place.
  3. Peel the cherries.
  4. Place the finished berries in a glass or plastic container and add warm water.
  5. Add a third of the sugar and mix thoroughly.
  6. Set aside in a warm place for 3 days, after covering with clean gauze. To avoid crust formation, stir the cherry mixture 2 times a day.
  7. After 3 days, combine the strained liquid with some more sugar. Mix well.
  8. Pour the resulting cherry liquid into an appropriate container and close it with a rubber glove, after first piercing several holes with a needle so that carbon dioxide escapes during fermentation.
  9. After a few days, drain 1 liter of liquid and combine with the remaining sugar. Pour it back into the container and place it in a warm room for fermentation for 1-2 months.
  10. The readiness of the new wine will be indicated by the lowered glove, as well as the presence of sediment at the bottom of the dish. Carefully pour the drink into another container.
  11. Every 2 weeks we monitor the sediment and pour the wine into a clean container.
  12. After 3-4 months, bottle the wine, cork it and put it in a cool place again.

Cherry wine recipe with pits

To prepare good cherry wine with a tart taste, take:

  • 3 kg of ripe cherries,
  • 5 liters of water,
  • 2 kg sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Mash clean and selected berries until mushy.
  2. Add water and sugar, mix thoroughly.
  3. Cover the container with the cherry mixture and, stirring 2-3 times a day, leave for 10 days.
  4. Strain the liquid and pour it into a glass container, cover with a water seal.
  5. After a week, a sediment forms at the bottom of the container. Carefully pour the liquid, leaving the sediment in place. After 2 weeks we repeat the procedure.
  6. The fermentation process reaches its final stage after 3 months. Then we pour the wine into bottles and close with corks.

Fortified cherry wine: a simple recipe at home

To get a fortified drink with cherry flavor, you need to prepare the following components:

  • 1 bucket of ripe berries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 kg granulated sugar;
  • half a liter of alcohol.

Cooking method:

  1. Pure selected cherries, sorted and kneaded until mushy.
  2. Add warm water to the strained liquid.
  3. Dissolve part of the sugar (3/4) in the cherry liquid and set aside for fermentation for 7-8 days.
  4. After this time, add alcohol and leave for another 5-6 days.
  5. Strain and add granulated sugar.
  6. After thorough mixing, pour into a glass container and close tightly.

How to make dry wine from cherries?

Dry cherry wine has an unusual taste with sour notes. This makes it one of the most favorite wines during feasts.
To create this wonderful drink you will need:

  • 10 kg cherries,
  • 4 kg sugar,
  • 1-2 liters of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the seeds from the ripe berries.
  2. “Sugar” and mix well.
  3. Cover the container with gauze and set aside in a warm place for 1 month.
  4. Then filter through a sieve and pour into a bottle. Close with a water seal and leave for about 10 days.
  5. After this time, we taste the young wine - if the taste is too concentrated, add a little water and sugar.
  6. Stir thoroughly, pour into glass containers and seal.

Cherry wine with vodka: recipe with photo

The aromatic cherry liqueur with vodka is popularly called liqueur. This is one of the most ancient intoxicating drinks, which is still popular today. To prepare wine, take:

  • 1 kg cherries,
  • 1 liter of vodka,
  • 400 g sugar.

Cooking process:

  • We sort the berries, wash them thoroughly and place them in a glass container.

  • Fill the vessel with vodka and leave it to infuse in a dark place.

  • After 2 weeks, drain the liquid and cover the berries with granulated sugar.

  • Leave the candied cherries for another 2 weeks, shaking the container periodically.

  • Then drain the cherry syrup, mix with the tincture, and bottle it. We insist 5-6 weeks.

Recipe for making wine from frozen cherries

An equally tasty intoxicating drink is wine made from frozen cherries. True, during the cooking process you will have to speed up the fermentation process, but this does not in any way affect the quality of the wine.


  • 5 kg frozen berries;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 50 g raisins.

Cooking process:

  1. We remove the seeds from the defrosted cherries. Grind using a blender until pureed.
  2. Then add raisins and leave in a warm place for 4-5 days.
  3. After a few days, add warm water and mix well.
  4. Add sugar to the strained cherry liquid.
  5. Pour into a glass bottle or jar, while covering it with a water seal or, alternatively, a rubber glove.
  6. After 1-2 months, bottle the wine and place it in a cool place, where it is stored until ready.

Homemade wine made from cherry jam

Cherry jam never stays in the house for long. But if you happen to have an extra jar of this cherry miracle, you can become the creator of a magnificent aromatic wine.
To do this we take:

  • 1 liter of cherry jam,
  • 1 liter of warm water,
  • a handful of dark raisins.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine jam and warm water, add raisins.
  2. Place in a dark, warm place for 8-10 days, covered with gauze.
  3. Fill the bottle with the filtered mixture for further fermentation.
  4. After 40-50 days, the wine is bottled.

Cherry compote wine: a simple recipe

For those housewives who have stocked up on preserved cherries in the form of compotes, you can think about turning a soft drink into a rich and tasty wine.
To prepare wine, take:

  • 3 liters of compote,
  • 10 g raisins,
  • 0.5 kg sugar.

Add sugar and raisins to the strained liquid and mix. Pour into a glass container and seal tightly. After 3-4 weeks, the wine is poured into bottles for full maturation.

How to make wine from cherry juice?

Making cherry wine from juice is incredibly easy to prepare; any novice winemaker can handle it.
We take:

  • 3 liters of cherry juice,
  • 0.5 liters of water,
  • 400 g sugar,
  • 0.5 l of yeast starter,
  • 0.5 l of alcohol.

Cooking process:

  1. Chop the pitted cherries and strain.
  2. Add water, yeast and sugar, stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Place in a warm place for 7-8 days.
  4. Then fill a clean glass container with young wine, add alcohol and close tightly.
  5. We insist for about 5-6 months.

Video recipe for cherry wine at home

As you can see, there are a lot of recipes for making wonderful cherry wine. The only difficulty is to choose the right option and put in very little effort to create a delicious cherry elixir. This healthy ruby ​​drink will help out at any reception and will become the pride of every winemaker!

Cherries, like currants and apples, are considered, after grapes, the best raw material for winemaking. Homemade cherry wine is bright and rich, has a deep red color, and due to the high content of malic acid in the berries, which balances their astringency, it has a surprisingly mild taste. But more importantly, preparing such wine at home is a pleasure and it is very, very difficult to spoil it.

The numbers also speak in favor of cherries as one of the most successful berries for winemaking after grapes. Cherry juice has a fairly high acidity (up to 2.3%), acceptable sugar content (on average 12.8% sugar) and a tart taste associated with a high content of tannins (0.1%). Thanks to this, the wine is strong, resistant to disease and clarifies perfectly without.

The best cherry wines are made from dark-colored sour and sweet and sour berries, and these are most varieties: Levinka, Vladimirskaya, Lotovaya, Shpanka, Shubinka, Novodvorskaya, etc. Sweet berries produce wine with a weak cherry flavor, and the drink itself is less resistant to disease. In most cases, light table wines are prepared from cherries - with this berry, as mentioned earlier, the risk of spoiling the wine is very small. Vladimirskaya makes an excellent liqueur wine and you don’t even need to add water to reduce the acidity of the juice. Strong cherry wines are not bad either.

For winemaking, you need ripe berries, but not overripe, and certainly not rotten. After collection, they must be used within 3 days - waiting longer is not recommended, as the cherries may spoil. Before extracting the juice, you need to remove the seeds, otherwise the drink will be too tart and may have a bitter almond aftertaste. Also, do not forget about hydrocyanic acid, but this is not the root cause - we talked about this general misconception in the article, where almost all recipes involve a bone.

Recipe for cherry wine without yeast according to the “white scheme”

We will cook according to the “white scheme” using wild yeast. We described the process of preparing fruit and berry wines in detail in the article - first we read this article, remember the main stages and points, and write it down. We prepare wine using the same technology, but cherries, unlike apples, do not release juice well, so after pressing it, it is recommended to fill the pulp with water for 1 day. The algorithms for obtaining juice are as follows: crush the berries with your hands or a wooden spoon, squeeze out the juice using gauze, add a small amount of water to the pulp and leave for 24 hours. Afterwards you need to squeeze out the pulp, mix the juice and squeezed water, and then start making the wort.

Below are three tables with recipes for all types of cherry wines, taking into account the acidity and sugar content of the berries (tartaric acid can be replaced with citric acid or the appropriate amount of lemon juice, tannic acid = tannin).

Table for compiling 10 liters of must for making 8 liters of wine from sour cherries (acidity - 1.1%, sugar content - 12.0%)

For table wines

For sweet wines

2 3 4
Juice, l 8,3 8,4 7,9
Water, l 0,9 0 0
Sugar, kg 1,4 2,7 2,8
Tartaric acid, g 0 0 3,4
Tannic acid, g 0 27 30
Need fruit, kg 11 11,2 10,5

Table for compiling 10 liters of must for making 8 liters of wine from sweet cherries (acidity - 0.3%, sugar content - 15.0%)

Need juice, sugar and other materials

For table wines

For sweet wines
1 2 3 4
Juice, l 9,4 8,5 8,0
Sugar, kg 0,94 2,4 3,24
Tartaric acid, g 42 64 66
Tannic acid, g 30 30 30
Need fruit, kg 13,5 12 11,5

Table for compiling 10 liters of must for preparing 8 liters of wine from sweet and sour cherries (Morel) (acidity - 1.6%, sugar content - 9.2%)

Need juice, sugar and other materials

For table wines

For sweet wines
1 2 3 4
Juice, l 5,8 7,5 7,5
Water, l 3,03 1,2 0,24
Sugar, kg 1,9 2,1 3,8
Tartaric acid, g 0 0 0
Tannic acid, g 0 0 0
Need fruit, kg 7,7 10 10

1 – light table wine, 2 – strong table wine, 3 – strong sweet wine, 4 – dessert wine and 5 – liqueur wine.

How to cook:

This is a basic recipe for homemade cherry wine based on juice only, according to the so-called “white scheme”. There is also an option when the juice and pulp with water are fermented separately, and then the resulting wines are combined. This method of preparation has its place, but it is difficult to make accurate calculations here. It is only known that to obtain dry wine, yeast needs to process 21% of the sugar from the volume of the wort - everything that is above remains in the drink and sweetens it. In other words, you need to ferment the juice with pulp and pulp using the same technology with 21% sugar (in this case, you need to take into account the initial sugar content of the cherry). Difficult!

It is also possible to prepare cherry wine according to the “red scheme” (fermentation with pulp), but you will have to forget about wild yeast - pulp increases the risk of mold and other troubles. Sterilization of wort with sulfur is also a prerequisite for obtaining a quality product. This wine turns out to be more saturated, both in taste and color. Fans of classic winemaking should like it.

Recipe for cherry wine according to the “red scheme”

For the preparation of cherry wine according to the “red scheme”, pure yeast cultures (hereinafter referred to as PYC) with a high tolerance to alcohol and a complex flavor and aroma profile are best suited. Such yeasts include all ChKD for port wine, Montrachet, Lalvin 71B-1122, etc. Always use a yeast nutrient when working with these strains, otherwise too many sulfur compounds will be produced during fermentation. Pectin enzyme will facilitate the extraction of juice and further clarification of the wine.

How to cook:

  1. Sort and rinse cherries (sweet, sour-sweet and a 50/50 sour/sweet mixture), place in a fermentation container and crush roughly with your hands or a wooden spoon, without crushing the pit (cherries can first be placed in a nylon bag suspended in the fermenter - it significantly will simplify filtering in the future).
  2. Pour the crushed cherries with water (up to 19-20 liters of the total volume of wort), add sugar (it can be pre-dissolved in an equal amount of warm water and cooled or added in portions, as described in the first recipe), pectin enzyme, yeast nutrition, tartaric / lemon acid (2-4 tsp depending on the sweetness of the berry) and crushed Campden tablets (1 tablet for every 4 liters of wort). Mix the wort thoroughly, cover with a thick cotton cloth and leave for 24 hours in a cool place.
  3. When sulfur dioxide and pectin enzyme have done their job, add the yeast, having previously prepared it according to the instructions on the package. Cover the fermenter again with a clean cotton cloth and move it to a dark place with a temperature suitable for vigorous fermentation (18-25°C). Within 24 hours, the first signs of fermentation should appear. In this form, the berries need to be fermented for 5-7 days, periodically knocking down the dense cap on the surface so that it does not sour.
  4. After 5-7 days, strain the wort from the cherry pomace through cheesecloth (or simply remove the nylon bag and let it drain), squeeze. Pour the young wine into a fermenter of suitable volume right up to the neck and install a water seal. If necessary, you can add water up to 19-20 liters of total volume. Place the fermenter in a cool place (no more than 18 o C) for 2-4 months or until the wine is completely cleared
  5. During quiet fermentation, once a month the wine must be carefully removed from the yeast sediment. Once the wine has cleared completely, it can be sweetened to taste, stabilized with sulfur (1 Campden tablet for every 4 liters of wine) and bottled. Wine should be stored under the conditions described in our material.

On a note! Using this technology, wine can be prepared all year round using fresh frozen berries. All you need to do is defrost the cherries, let them drain and follow the instructions described above from the first point.

Try, experiment, share your successes and failures. As practice shows, if you use high-quality raw materials and begin with alcoholic fermentation, then it is difficult to spoil cherry wine in the future - the most important advantage of this berry. What else are you waiting for? Need to do!

The intoxicating berry – cherry – has long been the basis of recipes for liqueurs, liqueurs, and wines. Homemade cherry wine is simple to prepare and does not require significant financial costs. This drink is especially popular among summer residents in rural areas, where cherries grow in almost every yard. The availability of cherries and the ease of preparation make it possible to enjoy the taste of wine everywhere.

Read also the article: - a simple recipe.

What berries should you use?

The taste of the drink is affected by the variety and ripeness of the berries. How to make cherry wine at home tasty and aromatic, with a rich color? For a good result, several nuances should be taken into account.

Sweet varieties will add a corresponding flavor to the final product. Sour varieties will make the wine more masculine. In addition, preparing a drink from such berries will require more sugar. For high-quality wine, it is necessary to select ripe, unspoiled cherries. There is no point in hoping that the berries will ferment anyway. Rotten cherries will hopelessly ruin the taste of the wine.

If you peel the berries from the seeds, the drink will be soft and tender. If left, the taste of cherry wine with pits will become richer and a little tart.

Some connoisseurs leave the stalks on to speed up the fermentation process. This is not important, and without stems the wine ferments well and has a pleasant taste.

What you will need

Making a drink from berries is not difficult. The recipe for homemade cherry wine is simple and even a novice cook can handle it.

To prepare the drink you will need the following supplies:

  • fermentation containers;
  • gauze;
  • a lid with a water seal or a medical glove;
  • drainage tubes;
  • dishes for settling;
  • wooden spoon for stirring.

To make cherry wine at home you will need the following ingredients: 3 kg of berries, 4 liters of water, 1.5 kg of sugar. We prepare the ingredients and dishes.

Before starting work, all utensils are thoroughly washed and dried.

You can make wine from cherry juice, but you can keep the process simple and make a drink from the berries

Making a drink

Step-by-step recipe for wine made at home:

The longer homemade cherry wine is infused, the brighter its taste.


It is good to place the dishes with young wine in the basement, where the temperature is constant. From time to time check the presence of sediment in the containers. If sediment is found at the bottom, the wine is poured into another container, preventing sediment from getting into the liquid. Good stuff is infused for at least 12 months.

After this period, the finished product is bottled and stored sealed.

A homemade drink will cost much less than a store-bought one. The great advantage of making it yourself is that the person chooses its strength and uses natural ingredients in the process. What kind of wine to make - soft, from seedless berries, or to make homemade wine from cherries with pits - is up to everyone to choose depending on their preferences.

Video recipe for making cherry wine

Wine is one of the oldest drinks; in many countries it is national; winemaking traditions are passed down between generations. A glass of good wine with a rich taste is an invariable attribute of a beautiful reception, a business meeting or just a cozy evening surrounded by your loved ones. And wine prepared at home will also become a symbol of cordiality and sincerity, moreover, it is a healthy and truly tasty drink.
Grape wine is considered the most popular all over the world, but in terms of taste characteristics, wine made from cherries is in no way inferior to it. Cherry wine has a delightful aroma, deep color and exclusive taste, which makes it special.

The most preferred option is considered to be simple, non-hybrid cherry varieties. A prerequisite is that the cherries must be ripe, clean, even slight overripeness or damage is not allowed. You need to pick the berries immediately before starting cooking - the maximum shelf life in the refrigerator is only 3 days, after which these berries can no longer be used for winemaking.

In addition to the nuances of the recipe, there are unshakable rules for making wine from cherries:

  • Before cooking, you need to sort the cherries again and remove the pits. If you use whole berries (this option is allowed in some recipes), the wine will acquire a noticeable almond flavor.
  • Berries for wine are not washed. If you decide to do this, you need to mash the cherries and soak them in distilled water for 24 hours. After this, the mixture is squeezed out, and the resulting mass is used to make wine.

When selecting ingredients, keep in mind that the final product will be about 60% of the total mass of products (sugar, berries and water). That is, if you prepare wine from 10 liters of the mixture, you will end up with about 6 liters of finished wine.

Changes are allowed for any cherry wine recipe. If you want to give the wine an additional flavor or make a wine drink on this basis, you can add other berries and fruits: raspberries, currants, plums. Experiments sometimes lead to the most unexpected results and the unique taste of your wine. The main rule is that cherries should make up at least half of the mixture.

There are plenty of recipes for making homemade cherry wine. Let's consider a standard, classic recipe that will delight you with proven taste and high quality product.

Classic cherry wine recipe

This method of making homemade cherry wine has been known for a long time, but it became especially popular during the Soviet years, when there was a real boom in growing cherries among gardeners.

  • Cherry – 10 liters
  • Water – 10 liters
  • Sugar – 3 kg


Making wine from cherries is a fairly simple process; the main thing is to strictly follow the preparation method.
The berries are prepared in the classic way described earlier: the seeds are removed, and the fruits themselves are kneaded and filled with water. This is done in order to get rid of excess cherry juice - in pure concentration it is very acidic, which can affect the quality of the finished product.

The bottle must be stored in a dark and warm place. Wine fermentation begins, as a rule, after a few days, the glove is inflated at this time - under no circumstances should it be removed. After about a month, when the glove is deflated and all signs of fermentation have disappeared, you can finally open the container - the wine is ready for tasting.

During long-term storage, microorganisms may appear in such wine, so if you do not plan to consume it in the near future, you need to add 0.5 liters of alcohol or high-quality vodka to the liquid. This will increase the strength of the wine, but will preserve it for a long time.

Fortified cherry wine

For lovers of stronger drinks, there is another way to make wine from cherries, based on the classic method, but with the addition of a number of ingredients that add strength.

  • Cherry – 10 liters
  • Water – 2 liters
  • Sugar – 2 kg
  • 40% alcohol or vodka – 0.5 liters
  • 1 serving of wine yeast


The cherries need to be pitted, chopped or thoroughly mashed and filled with water. After a day, you need to squeeze out the mass and add a portion of wine yeast. As a rule, the yeast consumption is indicated on the packaging. After this, the mass must be left for 10 days, and then, very carefully, so as not to disturb the sediment formed at the bottom, pour the mass into a clean container. To do this, you can use a thin rubber tube or a pharmacy dropper; the liquid will flow according to the laws of physics. Next, alcohol and sugar are added to the drink.
The fermentation period of the drink after these steps is another 10 days, after which the young fortified wine can be filtered and bottled into sterile glass bottles. Storage should be in a cool place.


When considering ways to make homemade wine from cherries, you cannot ignore the recipe that uses the berry along with its seeds. The result is a concentrated wine that resembles liqueur.


  • Cherry – 10 liters
  • Sugar – 4 kg


This recipe does not require any special preparation of the cherries. It is not washed, only sorted to remove debris and impurities.
The berries must be placed in a glass container (sun exposure plays a key role in the cooking process), covered with sugar and placed on a sunny windowsill. The neck should be covered with gauze.

It is important to monitor mold growth. If mold appears, it means the cooking process went wrong and the resulting wort is simply thrown away.

After 30-40 days, you need to strain the mass, grind and squeeze the berries, you should get a homogeneous liquid. Next, the mixture is placed on the window sill again. After 3 days, the wine must be carefully strained (this is the last stage of filtration) and placed in a warm place for 10-15 days.

It may seem that such a wine requires complex manipulations, but its aromatic and fragrant taste justifies all the efforts put into its preparation.

Frozen cherry wine

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get large quantities of fresh berries. For such cases, there is a way out - homemade wine can be made from frozen cherries, subject to minor amendments to the classic recipe. It is necessary to add wine yeast or a handful of unwashed dark raisins to enhance the fermentation process. Let's look at the recipe for this option.


  • Frozen cherries – 5 liters
  • Water – 5 liters
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg (depending on preferences, you can increase or decrease the amount by 0.5 kg)
  • Dark raisins – 1 handful


Having previously defrosted the berries and removed the seeds, you need to grind them into puree; it is most convenient to do this using a blender. Raisins are added to the mixture, and the mixture is left in this state for two days. After this, you need to add warm boiled water, strain the mass, squeeze and add sugar to the resulting liquid. The wine is left to ferment, making sure to wear a water seal or a glove. After fermentation is complete, the wine is carefully poured into sterile bottles - the drink is ready.

Among the many varieties of methods and methods for preparing homemade wine, the same principle and composition of ingredients are observed. Depending on what kind of wine you want - dry, sweet or table, the amount of sugar and water changes, and alcohol is added depending on the required strength of the drink.
However, the best way to develop the formula for your own homemade wine, which will become your calling card, is, of course, experimentation. Don’t be afraid to change the ratio of products (within reasonable limits) and you will definitely find your unique taste.

Everyone knows that wine is the oldest of the alcoholic drinks invented by humanity at the dawn of its existence. But, contrary to the name, of course, it is prepared not only from grapes. And in some eastern and even European countries, wine made from cherries with pits is even considered something of a national symbol, and the technological methods for its preparation are passed down from grandfather to father, from father to son by inheritance. In addition, a good glass of high-quality berry drink is both an integral part of a dinner party and an addition to a business meeting or a warm feast with friends and co-workers. Why not use a good recipe?

Cherries are no worse than grapes!

Such a drink, prepared with your own hands in the kitchen, can become the real pride of the owner of the house. And making homemade wine from cherries with pits is a real hobby, for example, for an experienced gardener or a novice distiller. It’s not a sin to pamper your friends and family with a bottle of natural wine. After all, its creation, let’s not be afraid of this word, requires skills and certain efforts. But those who can properly manage their reserves of patience may want to try making it themselves using the recipes given below. And believe me: your resource will not be wasted. After all, simple wine with seeds, although perhaps inferior to some types of grape drink, is quite confidently superior to other fruit and berry wines. This is a tasty and aromatic, healthy and rich in microelements and vitamins alcohol. After all, it is done with seeds from the heart, with the addition of pulp, seeds, water and sugar. In turn, I would like to offer several simple and proven recipes for this drink: fortified, table semi-sweet, liqueur. Well, are you ready to try cooking?

The first step on which a lot depends

Homemade with seeds is made from pure, non-hybrid varieties. The berries, of course, must be chosen fresh, ripe, juicy, according to the color scheme - preferably dark-colored. It is better to immediately discard spoiled fruits with brownish spots and dots at the sorting step. We should not forget about this fact: a harvest that was stored in the refrigerator for more than three days after the end of harvest is considered not entirely suitable for making proper homemade wine. The best option is your own cherry orchard and the harvest you have just harvested with your own hands. To get excellent homemade wine from cherries with pits, regardless of the differing nuances of recipes, it is worth taking the first step for its production: careful selection of raw materials.

Berries are important!

The berries must be sorted and the seeds must not be removed. In our recipes, this is exactly what we need to do: in order to obtain an almond flavor, which, undoubtedly, will be an audible note in this wine when you use whole berries. Then the fruits (in some recipes, by the way, the cherries are not washed at all) must be kneaded and filled with purified, prepared water (it’s best if you buy it in a store). After a day, the entire mass must be thoroughly squeezed out. The resulting wort will become the basis if you decide to make wine from cherries with pits.

The following advice will help you in making the drink: if the wort has stood for a couple of days, and the fermentation processes have not yet begun or are extremely weak, you need to add a handful of unwashed natural raisins to the liquid (wine yeast lives there). At the final stage of winemaking, you will strain it out along with the rest of the unnecessary sediment. However, now the fermentation of wine will begin to occur very actively, and all your efforts (products, by the way, too) will not be in vain, and the future drink will not suffer from this at all, on the contrary, it will benefit.

Calculation of the final product

If you are planning to create wine from cherries with pits, then calculating how much of the final product you will earn in the final is not so difficult. The finished wine will have somewhere a little more than half of the initial volume of the entire mass (that is, berries, plus sugar, plus water). For example, from ten liters of raw materials you can get about six liters of the purest and most delicious wine. Naturally, with a general increase in the volume of ingredients, the final yield of the drink will also increase.

Assorted - it's possible!

It may happen that you want to make not pure wine from cherries with pits, but some kind of assortment, where the base is this berry. Don't be afraid of this experiment. You can add currants, plums, and raspberries to the cherries. This procedure will not spoil the precious product, but will only give it a piquant twist. The main thing is that cherries make up at least 50% of the total fruit mass.

A little about dishes

For winemaking, you will have to use a full arsenal of vessels and various containers: a barrel for fermentation or a food container, several ordinary 3-liter jars, narrow bottles 0.5-0.75 for the finished product, a watering can, a ladle and similar accessories. Acceptable materials are glass or stainless steel, metal with enamel, food-grade plastic. We do not recommend that wine lovers use a wooden barrel to make a drink in the kitchen. This container will greatly complicate the whole process. Don’t forget about lids with a shutter, and gauze bandages, and a culinary strainer, and other necessary equipment!

Cherry wine with pits. Step by step recipe

It should be noted that the drink has a spicy almond flavor, slightly reminiscent of the famous Amaretto. The wine has a beautiful rich ruby ​​hue, an extraordinary aroma with tart notes of spices. We will need: a bucket of cherries with pits, two buckets of purified water, 7 kilograms of granulated sugar.

To make the wine aromatic and pleasant, we choose ripe, not overripe, sweet and sour berries. As we have already said, there is no need to wash it so as not to remove bacteria from its surface that improve fermentation. We also do not remove the pit. We take spring or artesian water, warming it to room temperature. As a result of these ingredients we should get more than 20 liters of excellent table wine (semi-sweet).

Preparing the wort

We will use a plastic drinking water barrel with a lid as a container. The mass of the wort should occupy three quarters of its total. The cherries must first be crushed in a container convenient for these needs. Then put the berries with the pit into a barrel, pour water into it, add sugar, mix everything thoroughly, close the lid loosely and set aside in a warm and dark place for fermentation.


This process can last differently, depending on conditions and variety - 15-20 days. At this stage, the foam actively passes through, and the cherry fruits rise to the top. The optimal temperature is up to 25 degrees, not lower than 20. To reduce the temperature of the fermenting wort, you need to crush a small piece of ice. And if you need an increase, heat a little of the contents of the container, not to a boil, but so that it is hot, and pour it back. From the second day the wort is stirred at least twice - this continues throughout the first week.

Quiet fermentation, sediment removal

We cover the container with the fermenting mixture loosely with a lid and place it in the dark and cool (a cellar, where the temperature is about ten degrees, is good for these purposes). There the drink should stand for 10 days or 2 weeks. After settling the dense 2-centimeter sediments, we perform a transfer, straining the wine using a hose from container to container (some people prefer to do several transfers). We repeat the procedure until the fermentation process is complete (we check by placing the auricle to the bottle: there should be no hissing in the complete absence of bubbles). The taste of the drink at this time is without excessive sweetness, not alcohol waves are felt in the aroma, but the smell of good cherries with pits completes the next steps.

Wine maturation, bottling

We pack almost ready-made young wine into bottles using a familiar hose, then seal it. Now the drink needs to be kept in a dark place, then it will be as transparent as possible, different in color and aroma.

Cherry wine with pits, with glove

Our people are cunning when it comes to inventions! Here is another fairly common, fairly affordable recipe for cherry wine with pits. Prepared from cherries at home, this alcohol will have a tart and spicy taste. So, a simple recipe for cherry wine with pits - for your close attention!

Ingredients: cherries with pits - 10 kg, granulated sugar - 3 kg, prepared water - 10 liters.

  1. We prepare carefully selected cherries. Knead, sprinkle sugar, fill with purified water and squeeze lightly.
  2. We place the resulting mass in jars of three liters each. Glassware should be two-thirds full.
  3. We put a rubber glove on each jar (available at a pharmacy or hardware store). After a few days, the wort begins to ferment; this process can last about 30 days, but no more.
  4. At this time, the glove on the can rises and straightens, as if giving us a greeting. When the air comes out of the gloves and the bubbles disappear in the containers, this means that the drink is ready for consumption. Pour into beautiful bottles and seal. To keep it longer, add (but not necessarily) a little vodka with a strength of 40 degrees (fix it).


Cherry wine with pits and vodka for those who like it “hot”! We offer a simple recipe for a homemade drink. Soft, pleasant to the taste, with subtle aromas of fresh berries, ripe cherries with pits - this is its character! And what’s surprising: wine can even be made from frozen cherries.

Ingredients: 3 kg of cherries in a bag from the freezer, 8 liters of purified water, half a kilo of sugar, half a glass of vodka. It is better to take good vodka, without additives and essences - pure (or diluted alcohol). How to make wine from cherries with pits according to this recipe?

Now you know, with bones. As you can see, there are various interesting ways to prepare this wonderful, healthy cherry alcoholic drink: simpler and more complex, more traditional and according to individual recipes. At least, from cherries you can make, if desired and the appropriate skills, table, semi-sweet, vodka-fortified wine, as well as liqueurs and excellent liqueurs. However, preparing the latter is a topic for a completely different conversation. Bon appetit!
