A tasty, thick and aromatic delicacy made from plums in the form of jam. Seedless plum confiture - a simple recipe for a delicious winter treat Quick plum jam

Healthy sweet plum puree for the winter - recipes for preparing tasty and healthy homemade preparations for children and adults. Simple, even without sugar or more complex with condensed milk or spices - each of the recipes will not require much time to prepare a fortified product.

To prepare any dish you need fresh ingredients. In our case, before cooking, juicy and ripe fruits will need to be broken in half and the pit removed. The main thing is that the plums are fresh and free of rotten spots. Preparation will require rubbing the fruits through a sieve or passing them through a blender or juicer, and then the juice and pulp are brought to a boil and cooked until thickened. But it is not recommended to overcook the puree; such a product loses its beneficial properties.

Another feature of plum puree is that it is not recommended to use citric acid. This aromatic additive will give the puree an attractive taste, but will also significantly lighten the final composition. You don’t need to use sugar for cooking; ripe plums will provide the pulp with a sufficient amount of sugars. For those with a sweet tooth, it is recommended to add a minimal amount.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Preparing plums is the right choice of fruit for making puree. At the market or in a store, pay attention to several points:

  • Throughout the entire internal plane of the fruit, the consistency and density of the pulp should be the same.
  • Ripe fruits are distinguished from unripe ones by visual inspection of the condition of the stalk. Ripe plums always have a dry brown twig, while unripe plums are colored green.
  • When pressed lightly, the plum should remain elastic, but not hard. Excessive softness indicates overripe fruit, in which the process of rotting may begin.

Important! Two tips from experienced gardeners. If a plum is picked from a mature tree, it will always be much sweeter than that of a young seedling. To remove worms and caterpillars from fruits, it is recommended to immerse them in a bowl of salt water for several hours. During this time, the worms will crawl out of the plum, and they can be washed off under running water.

Simple recipes for making plum puree

To prepare a healthy product at home, it is recommended to study simple recipes that can satisfy even gourmets.


For cooking you will need a ripe and juicy plum. The work is carried out in several stages:

  • Free the fruits from the seeds. Cut the plum along the hollow, divide it into 2 parts and remove the pit.
  • Place the berries in a saucepan, add water at the rate of a maximum of 150 mg of water for every 1 kg of plum. Place the container on the stove and cook the fruits over low heat until soft.
  • Place a sieve with small holes in a meat grinder and pass the pulp through. You can use a blender or strain the mixture through a sieve.
  • Place the product on low heat, bring to a boil and roll into small sterilized jars.

This puree can be given to children and patients with diabetes.

With sugar

To prepare, take plums and sugar to taste. Perform several operations:

  • the plum is prepared for cooking according to the scheme indicated above and passed through a meat grinder;
  • Place the mixture in a saucepan and place on medium heat;
  • bring to a boil, reduce heat to minimum;
  • add sugar, taste the mush, add more sweetness if necessary;
  • let the product simmer for another 5-7 minutes over low heat, place it hot in sterilized jars and seal it hermetically with a special key;
  • A label is placed on the jar indicating the type of plum and the year of preparation, the jars are turned over and wrapped in a blanket until they cool completely.

The product is ready.

Important! Plum puree was not previously sealed with airtight lids. The finished product in jars was covered with gauze and left open for several days. A dense film formed on the surface, which prevented the entry of air. Then the jar was covered with film and the neck was wrapped with thread or closed with a plastic lid.

You can try sealing the puree this way, but storing it will require a deep cellar with constant coolness.

In the microwave

This technique allows you to significantly save time when preparing several servings for breakfast, but a large volume will require large amounts of electricity, and the time gain will be insignificant when preparing the product in small portions.

For cooking 1 serving. Prepare 1 kg of ripe plums and 250 g of sugar:

  • the preparatory stage is similar to the previous ones, but the plum halves are divided into 2 more parts;
  • the plum is placed in a special container and in three 7-minute cycles under maximum load the fruit is brought to half-cookedness;
  • Before the last cycle, sugar is added and stirred.

The puree is ready, all that remains is to put it in jars and seal it tightly with a metal lid.


You will need more ingredients. The list of products is given for preparing 8 servings of the product:

  • plums are cut, pits are removed, divided into 4 parts, and 1 kg is placed in a pan;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc., grate the zest and squeeze out the juice separately;
  • cinnamon - 2-3 sticks of natural product.

The work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • place all parts of the recipe in a container;
  • heat over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  • turn the heat up, bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

The puree can be stored in the refrigerator, served, or sealed in sterilized jars.

With condensed milk

To prepare 500 g jars of sweet puree, prepare:

  • plum, divided and cut into 4 parts - 750 g;
  • filtered water - 70-80 ml;
  • high-quality condensed milk - 4-5 tbsp. spoons

The work is carried out in several stages:

  1. The prepared plums are placed in a pan, water is added, mixed and placed on the stove.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and cook over medium heat for 20-30 minutes, until the berries are soft.
  3. Grind the mass with a blender until a homogeneous puree is formed.
  4. Add condensed milk to the mixture, put it on the fire and stirring constantly, boil over low heat for 6-8 minutes.
  5. The finished puree is placed in jars and sealed with lids. The jars are wrapped in a blanket and, after cooling, put away in a storage place.

From prunes

You will need:

  • water;
  • prunes - 500 g.

There is no need for sugar; ripe plums of this variety have a sickly sweet taste:

  1. Remove the seeds and rinse under the tap. Each berry should be washed well.
  2. Soak the berries in warm water to make them swell.
  3. A day later, the old water is drained, the fruits are washed under running water and poured in so that it covers the berries.
  4. Cover the pan with a tight lid and place on low heat. The plum should be gradually heated and simmered in the pan for 90 minutes.
  5. The softened berries are placed in a blender and crushed to a smooth paste.
  6. Bring the puree to a boil and seal in jars.

In order not to say goodbye to these advantages, berry lovers come up with various ways to prepare plums for the winter. The recipes offer a wide variety of interesting solutions. One of the most common types of reworking is plum jam. This tasty mass will delight its owners for a long time with its delicate taste, but the jam will lose its beneficial substances during heat treatment. They also make excellent jam or marmalade, which goes perfectly with baked goods.

The five most commonly used ingredients in prune and plum recipes for the winter:

Sometimes prunes are pickled by cutting them, placing them in jars and filling them with a special mixture of water, vinegar and various seasonings. The best way to prepare them while preserving the taste and vitamins is to freeze the product. To do this, put the cut slices in the freezer, allowing them to freeze completely. In winter, they can be defrosted, and they will give a person a piece of summer! Other methods call on cooks to cook candied fruits, dry them or cook compote. Each of them will allow you to enjoy your favorite treat or include plums in other dishes!


Thick plum jam is very easy to prepare, even without adding additional pectin. There are many different varieties of plums, some of them are sweeter, some are sour, but it happens that you come across fruits whose seeds cling very tightly to the pulp. Working with such plums is real torture. Just think how much time it will take you to simply separate the pits from the plum and what will then be left of the pulp itself, and in what form will it be? The torment is not worth it, so we suggest you make jam from these plums according to our step-by-step photo recipe.
The highlight of this recipe is that we will not prepare our plums in any way before cooking. The pit will remove itself during cooking, and a fine sieve will help get rid of the skins. The recipe for this plum jam is a classic one only because we will not use any additional flavoring ingredients such as cinnamon or cloves. The delicacy itself will be aromatic and tender, and the natural taste will add charm to it. Moreover, a product with such a pure taste and smell can be used to prepare other desserts. Plums contain a large amount of pectin, so the jam will take no more than an hour to thicken. Let's start preparing thick plum jam at home for the winter.


Thick plum jam - recipe

For cooking, we need ripe, sweet red plums, which need to be thoroughly rinsed in cold water before further cooking. Try to choose not just ripe plums, but also aromatic ones, then the jam will have an expressive and persistent fruity smell.

In an enamel pan we simply pour all the prepared plums and granulated sugar in the amount indicated in the ingredients; we don’t even need water to prepare the jam, which will significantly affect its thickness. Place the container of fruit on the stove and begin to heat it up, stirring the contents with a wooden spoon. Be careful, because the plums will definitely start to splash as they heat up..

Gradually, the fruits will begin to boil and release juice in which sugar crystals will dissolve. In this case, the mass must continue to be stirred constantly so that it does not burn to the bottom..

After boiling, the heat under the pan can be reduced. In total, it will take you about 40 minutes to cook the fruits. Monitor the condition of the drains: Cooking time directly depends on the size and juiciness of the fruit. The finished mass should have a consistency similar to that in the photo.

After the specified time has passed, you must carefully pass the contents of the pan first through a colander, and then rub the pulp through a sieve. The thick mass must be returned to the pan and cooked for another 10 minutes until done.

Pour hot jam into small, sterilized, warm jars. Be careful and pour the mixture into glass containers carefully, do not allow a sharp temperature change, otherwise the glass will burst. We roll up the jars with tin lids, cool and put them in the pantry. Thick pitted plum jam is ready for the winter.

How nice it is on long winter evenings, when a snow blizzard rushes outside the windows, to sit back and drink tea with aromatic jam. Some people like pureed raw fruits and berries, while others like the thicker consistency of their homemade delicacy. But almost everyone likes aromatic seedless plum jam, which can be spread on toast or simply eaten with a teaspoon, washed down with hot, tart tea. Today we’ll talk about cooking tricks with step-by-step recipes for plum delicacies for the winter.

Jam or jam?

At first glance, it may seem that jam is no different from jam, but this is not so. The technology for preparing both types of dessert is different, which leads to the appearance of its own unique flavor notes in each of the above-mentioned products.

The first difference between jam and jam is the raw material for preparation, in this case it is fruit or berry puree. Whole or chopped fruits are used to make jam. To make the jam richer, overripe plums and even carrion are used. You can only use whole, even not completely ripe, berries for jam.

Fragrant plum delicacy

The consistency of jam is homogeneous and dense, jam is jelly-like. Many housewives use pectin or gelatin to prepare plum jam delicacies. It is worth noting that if individual pieces of berries or fruits get into the jam, we cannot talk about a decrease in the quality of the product.

The density of the jam is higher than that of jam. The cooking time for these 2 types of dessert is different: the jam mass is constantly boiling for 25–30 minutes, but the production of jam requires much more time and low heat.

Preparation of plum fruits

Before moving directly to the recipe for plum jam, it is necessary to consider a very important issue. This is chopping berries, which can be done in 2 different ways:

  • passing through a meat grinder;
  • grinding with a blender.

The second method, although faster, has a certain drawback - the finished jam becomes opaque and, in addition, the blender does not break all the skin of the fruit.

Removing seeds for jam is an immutable rule. Firstly, many experts consider storing jam with seeds as a “time bomb”, because Toxic substances gradually accumulate in such delicacies. The second reason for removing seeds from berries is safety of consumption. Do you agree that few people want to break a tooth while drinking evening tea?

Recipe No. 1 - plum jam with Zhelfix

Zhelfix in bags

To make this plum jam you will need the following ingredients:

  • ripe plums - 2.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - about 900 g (+ 2.5–3 heaped tablespoons);
  • Zhelfix - 2 packages.

Zhelfix is ​​a modern product created on the basis of pectin. Although it is similar in name to gelatin, it has nothing in common with it. Gelatin is made from cattle bones; it is pre-soaked in water and added to pudding or jelly immediately when removed from heat. Zhelfix - a powder that can be heated, is added to the berry mass mixed with granulated sugar and allows you to reduce the preparation time of the delicate delicacy by half.

  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly and place in a large saucepan. If your own plum juice is not enough, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of clean water. Usually, the lack of liquid is visible to the naked eye - the mass begins to stick, but the fruits do not soften;
  2. Stewing the mass continues until the berries soften, the skin of which should burst;
  3. Add 900 grams of sugar for every 2.5 kg of fruit, mix the future jam thoroughly;
  4. Zhelfix sachets should be mixed with 2.5–3 tablespoons of sugar and added to the main mass. After introducing the gelling component, the dessert is cooked for no more than 5 minutes;
  5. After this, the jam mass is laid out in clean and prepared jars.

Some housewives store the jam rolled up, others put the jars under simple nylon lids in the cellar.

Zhelfix can be replaced with pectin, simple gelatin or agar-agar. Vegetarians prefer gelling additives of plant origin, excluding gelatin from recipes.

How to make yellow fruit jam

Yellow plums are an excellent raw material for making aromatic jam, which can be used as a dessert for tea or as a filling in baked goods. It is necessary to select fruits very carefully - overripe and spoiled plums should be discarded. The ideal option is berries that have not reached 100% ripeness.

The degree to which the berries for jam are crushed affects the consistency and appearance of the finished product. Therefore, pureeing raw materials is highly not recommended.

  1. Rinse 2 kg of selected yellow plums with running water, then place the fruits in a colander to get rid of excess moisture. To speed up the process of preparing raw materials, you can use paper towels. Grind the plums with a knife, meat grinder or blender;
  2. A separate container is used to prepare sugar syrup. The proportions of the mixture of sugar and water are 200 ml for every 2 kg. The mixture is boiled, mixed with berries in an enamel or any metal container;
  3. The mass begins to boil, the process should continue for up to 20 minutes. When the future jam is removed from the heat, it is cooled to room temperature and rubbed through a sieve. This is required to get rid of unnecessary cake that is not cooked. After rubbing, the mass is placed back on the fire and heated;
  4. The next step in preparing plum jam from yellow fruits is adding freshly squeezed lemon juice (3 to 4 tablespoons) to the heated mass. Many housewives also add grated zest, which adds a fresh note to the taste. Lemon zest can be replaced with peppermint leaves;
  5. The yellow plum jam is brought to a boil 2 times; in between these procedures, the mass should cool. After reheating to a boil, turn off the mixture and wait until it cools completely.

That's it, the tasty and healthy dessert is ready for distribution into prepared jars. The amber delicacy will become a real decoration of the tea ceremony.

Traditional home recipe

For the traditional recipe for making thick plum jam, you will need 2 kg of fruit and the same amount of sugar. If the plum variety is not too sour, you can get by with 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.

At the end of cooking, any gelling substance is added to the jam, the most common being pectin. The use of apple pectin allows you to reduce cooking time and preserve a lot of vitamins in the finished dessert.

Preparation of plum jam takes 80 minutes. From 2 kg of fruits and 2 kg of granulated sugar, about 1.5 liters of aromatic product is obtained.

Main ingredients:

  • peeled plums without pits - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5–2 kg;
  • clean water - 0.100 l;
  • bag of apple pectin - 15 gr.

The algorithm for making plum jam is quite simple and is divided into separate stages:

  1. The fruits are sorted. Preference should be given to ripe plums, in which the stone is well separated from the pulp;

    Preparing fruits for jam

  2. Rinse the raw materials for jam and place in a prepared pan or basin. You need to pour water into the bottom of the dish so that the mass does not stick to the bottom during the heating process (2-3 tablespoons). The ideal container option is a stainless steel basin; food does not stick to this material;

    The plum mass is heating up

  3. The plum mass is placed on the fire and heated over low heat until it boils, the resulting foam is removed with a slotted spoon. Cooking time - from 25 to 30 minutes. During this time, the fruits soften and release juice;

  4. The degree of readiness of the dessert is determined by testing a drop placed on a saucer - if it does not spread, the aromatic delicacy is ready;
  5. Pectin is mixed with a small amount of sand and added to the jam mass, stirring. Time of introduction: 5–10 minutes before completion of the dessert preparation process;

  6. The cooled mass is packaged in jars; it is not necessary to roll up the jam. The jars are pre-sterilized to prevent premature spoilage of the product and extend its shelf life.

The storage conditions for plum jam are no different from the usual conditions created for all homemade preparations: cool air, darkening and the absence of strong odors in the room.

In addition to the described method of preparing tasty and healthy plum jam, many housewives use modern household appliances to achieve the same goal, and more specifically, a multicooker and a bread maker.

Jam from a bread machine

Using a bread machine to make jam is the easiest way to get a delicious dessert. Preparing the fruit is no different from the procedure described above.

The proportions of granulated sugar for jam from a bread machine differ from the traditional recipe. For a kilogram of plums you only need 0.7 kg of sugar and a little lemon zest.

The cooking algorithm is very simple:

  1. Place all the ingredients into the oven bowl at once;
  2. turn on the automatic “jam” mode;
  3. when the program completes its execution, the miracle machine will emit a special signal;
  4. The finished jam can be placed in prepared jars and stored.

Depending on the brand of bread machine, the duration of preparation of plum jam may vary, but on average it is 1 hour 20 minutes. The convenience of this option for producing a delicious dessert can hardly be overestimated - while the machine is preparing the delicacy, a woman can do other household chores.

How to cook something delicious in a slow cooker

By analogy with a bread maker, a multicooker is also used. Making jam or marmalade in it is a real pleasure:

  1. plums are pitted and washed with running water;
  2. the raw materials are crushed in a blender with the addition of granulated sugar;
  3. proportions for jam: 300–350 grams of granulated sugar per 1 kg of fruit;
  4. placing the mixture in the multicooker bowl, turn on the “stew” mode for 1 hour;
  5. if, after the allotted time, the jam has not reached the required thickness, start the “baking” mode for 15–20 minutes;
  6. The turned off fruit delicacy is cooled and distributed into containers prepared in advance.

On the market today you can find multicookers of a new generation - the cooking process in them occurs under pressure, which significantly reduces the cooking time. You can cook plum jam in a pressure cooker in 8-10 minutes.

Plum jam without added sugar

Not everyone can eat sugar. This may be due to the desire to control body weight or medical contraindications (diabetics, for example). The abundance of plums in the garden and the refusal of sweet desserts should not be an obstacle to making aromatic, healthy and thick plum jam.

  1. For home harvesting, only ripe fruits that have reached the required degree of maturity and natural sweetness are suitable. After peeling the plums from the bones and cutting them each into 4 parts, you need to place the mass in a food container made of any metal.
  2. After boiling, you need to note the time - with the lid closed, the future jam is cooked for at least 1.5 hours. After this, the dessert is removed from the heat and set aside for 8–10 hours.
  3. On the next day, the procedures are repeated: heating for 1.5 hours, cooling for 6 to 8 hours. In the third approach, the jam is prepared to the required thickness, after which it is placed warm in jars and put away until winter tea gatherings.

Various additives that improve the taste of plum jam

When various additives are added to jam made from plums, the taste of the finished dessert improves. Depending on the desired result, you can add the following to the jam mass during the cooking process:

There is no need to add pectin to plum-apple jam; apple pulp does an excellent job of thickening the fruit delicacy.

Video: the nuances of making delicious seedless jam at home

Whatever jam preparation option the housewife chooses, the result will certainly please her household and guests. When a jar of delicate delicacy is opened before gathering over a cup of tart tea, a cloud of memories of a sunny summer will hang in the air.
