Baking recipe with cottage cheese and jam. Pie with curd filling and jam. Step-by-step recipe for pie with cottage cheese and jam

It just so happens that culinary traditions in our country are not distinguished by sophistication and sophistication. However, their secret is that from a minimum of simple products you can always make a couple of different dishes, and this also applies to desserts. One of the most striking examples is a shortcrust pastry pie with jam. Simple, fast, tasty - that's exactly what it's all about. Have you tried it? Then we’ll give you a couple of ideas for preparing it!

Classic grated pie

Our mothers and grandmothers knew its recipe by heart, because it was one of the most popular delicacies at that time. Its main advantage is the availability of all ingredients. You definitely won’t have to run to the store to get them, because you’ll definitely find each one in the refrigerator. Don't believe me? See for yourself!


  • Butter - 1 package (200 grams);
  • Flour - approximately 3 cups;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - about 1 cup (depend on your taste);
  • Salt - 1-2 pinches;
  • Soda - 2/3 teaspoon;
  • Jam - 250-300 grams.

Let’s immediately say that butter can be easily replaced with margarine, instead of soda you can add baking powder, but in the amount of a full teaspoon, and the amount of sugar can be reduced, because if you choose sweet jam, there is no point in making the same dough - the pie will simply become cloying. Now let's look at how shortbread dough is prepared. The recipe for jam pie is not at all complicated:

  1. Melt the butter over low heat. Try to do this as carefully as possible so that it does not start to boil. Let it cool a little.
  2. Mix butter and sugar. If you use powdered sugar instead, this will speed up the process much, since the powder will dissolve almost instantly, but you will have to work with sugar a little longer.
  3. Remove the eggs from the refrigerator to allow them to warm to room temperature. Beat them until foam appears, then add to the butter. If you want to add vanilla, do so at this stage.
  4. Sift the flour with baking powder and add it into the prepared base in small portions, gradually kneading the dough. It should be quite elastic, soft and pliable.
  5. We separate about 1/3 of the dough, which we need to put in the freezer for 30-40 minutes. During this time it will set well, but will not have time to freeze.
  6. From the remaining 2/3 we form a layer, which will become the basis for our pie. Roll it out not too thin (0.5-1 cm), make sides along the edges. Try to do this work without adding extra flour as it will clog the dough. You don’t have to be afraid that it will stick to the table, because the oil base will make it easy to separate the future cake from the work surface.
  7. Now all that remains is to distribute the jam evenly over the surface of the dough. If you are not entirely satisfied with the liquid consistency, the situation can be corrected by adding a little starch to the jam. This way it will definitely not spread or burn.
  8. It's time for us to get back to the remaining third of the test. It is already frozen enough, which means we can finish forming the grated shortcrust pastry pie with jam. To do this, grate the dough onto a coarse grater, thus creating a top “loose” layer. We try to distribute it as evenly as possible over the surface.
  9. We preheat the oven to standard 180 degrees for baking and send our workpiece there. it will take about half an hour to get ready.

Let the finished pie cool slightly, as it is very easy to burn yourself with hot jam. Cut it into squares/rectangles/diamonds and serve. A delicious treat for tea is ready!

Shortbread pie with cottage cheese

This is the second variation on the grated pie theme, and no less successful. Combining shortbread dough, jam and cottage cheese in one delicacy is a great idea, because after baking these ingredients turn into a wonderful airy dessert. In addition, preparing shortbread pie with cottage cheese and jam is no more difficult than its classic version.


  • Flour - 4 cups;
  • Butter - 1 package;
  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • Jam - 300 grams;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 package (optional)

The cooking method is as follows:

  1. Melt the butter and let it cool slightly. After this, mix with 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 eggs. Do not rush to add the latter, because if the oil does not have time to cool properly, they will curdle. Mix everything until smooth.
  2. Mix all dry ingredients, sift and add portions to the liquid base. Mix the dough. It will turn out soft and not sticky to your hands. Divide the dough into 3 equal parts, put two of them in the freezer.
  3. Prepare the curd filling. Depending on your taste preferences, you can grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, mash it with a fork, or blend it in a blender. Then add the rest of the eggs and sugar to it, mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Let's start forming the pie. Our first layer will be shortcrust pastry. Roll out the part that was not put into the refrigerator into a layer and place it in the mold so that there are sides along the edges. The second layer is jam. The third layer will be grated dough (1 part). Then, carefully, so as not to compact the grated dough, distribute the curd mass over the surface. And the last, fourth, layer will be the remaining frozen dough, which we also grate on a coarse grater.
  5. We heat the oven to 200 degrees and send the workpiece there, which after 20-25 minutes will turn into a fragrant delicacy.

You can move away from the classic presentation by trying to combine the same components, but in a different order:

  • Make the base of the pie using 2/3 of the dough;
  • Cover it with a generous layer of curd mass;
  • From the remaining third we roll out thin strips, about 2-3 centimeters wide (as you like);
  • Lay out the strips crosswise or diagonally;
  • In the spaces between the strips we put multi-colored jam or jam.

The pie takes the same amount of time to bake. For a golden brown crust, the dough can be greased with yolk.

Video recipes

Agree, few people will refuse homemade pies, unless of course you are on a diet and pies are taboo for you. But not everyone can bake delicious and beautiful pies. Do you want to know how to make delicious cottage cheese? Then watch this recipe, and step-by-step photos with explanations will help you prepare this miracle yourself.


Dough: butter drain 100 g, 1 egg, 1/3 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. cocoa, 4 tbsp. l. sugar, 200-220 g flour.

Filling: jam, cottage cheese 9% fat - 400 g, 2 eggs, 4-5 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. flour, 30 gr. butter, vanillin. Melted chocolate for decoration.

Cooking process

Whisk the egg and sugar, add room temperature butter.

Mix flour with cocoa and soda, gradually add to the mixture.

Knead the dough, separate a small part of the dough and put it in the freezer (it is better to roll it into a thin sausage so that it freezes faster). The rest of the dough is in the refrigerator.

Mix everything for the filling (I crushed it with a masher).

Place the dough in a 20 cm mold, make a side of 3.5-4 cm.

spread with jam, add cottage cheese, grate the dough on top.

pie and cottage cheese

Bake for 40-50 minutes at 180*. Let cool completely, pour over chocolate.

Here is our pie with curd filling and jam is ready!!! It's time to drink tea!!!

delicious pie and jam

Pie recipe and step-by-step preparation with photos from Natalia Chagai.

They make a pie from grated dough not only with jam, but also with berries, fruits, cottage cheese or other filling - it all depends on the hostess’s imagination. But the taste of the baked goods will still be unforgettable.

Even an inexperienced housewife can prepare a delicacy for tea; the ingredients for it are available to everyone and are present in almost every home. More expensive store-bought cakes, sweets, and chocolates are inferior to home-made cakes. It is enough to show a little imagination, and a delicate, melt-in-your-mouth delicacy will forever replace store-bought sweets.

Secrets of delicious pies

In order for the baked goods to come out of proper quality, you need to knead the dough correctly.

Otherwise, the dessert will not have an attractive appearance, and the sweet filling will spread over the baking sheet and burn.

Grated pie is baked mainly from shortcrust pastry.

To prepare it you need simple ingredients: flour, sugar, chicken egg, margarine or butter.

To make the base airy and elastic, baking powder must be added to it.

After all the ingredients are mixed, the dough needs to be kneaded properly. It is necessary to knead the semi-finished product until it comes off easily from your hands. The future pie is divided into 2 parts, one of which is put in the refrigerator or freezer.

To prevent the semi-finished sand product from becoming rotten in the refrigerator, it is better place in a transparent plastic bag or wrap in cling film.

Grated pie with apple jam

This recipe can be classified as classic, traditional. It is also known as Viennese, Viennese cake. The filling for such pastries can be filled with any thick jam, marmalade, marmalade or fresh berries and fruits.

Shortbread dough can be made crispy and crumbly or tender and soft. Baking with apple jam does not go stale for a long time and remains tasty and aromatic for several days.

Any pie with jam is prepared quickly and is a budget dessert.


Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:European
  • Type of dish: baked goods, dessert
  • Cooking method: in the oven
  • Servings:20
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
  • butter – 200 g
  • granulated sugar – 200 g
  • eggs – 3 pcs.
  • soda – 1 tsp.
  • apple cider vinegar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • vanilla sugar – 2 g
  • apple jam – 300 g
  • wheat flour – 400-450 g.

How to bake:

In a mixing bowl, combine eggs and granulated sugar. All products and utensils for shortcrust pastry should be cold, so eggs do not need to be taken out of the refrigerator in advance. The amount of sugar in the recipe can be changed depending on taste preferences and the degree of sweetness of the filling. If you use sour jam for the pie, then it is better to take 50 g more sugar.

Eggs and granulated sugar must be mixed until the grains are completely dissolved and the whites combine with the yolk. When whipping with a mixer, it is better to set the speed to low so that foam does not form.

It should be in a separate bowl. You need to grate cold butter onto it.

Flour and butter must be thoroughly rubbed between your palms so that you get homogeneous fine crumbs, as in the photo. In this case, the butter should not have time to melt. If moisture appears, the bowl of flour should be placed in the freezer for a few minutes. After the oil has hardened again, you can continue to grind it.

Pour the egg mixture into the resulting crumbs.

Then you need to add baking soda and vanilla sugar for flavor.

After this you need to knead a soft shortbread dough. It should not heat up, so you should knead it quickly, avoiding prolonged contact with warm hands and objects. If the dough turns out crumbly and dry, you need to add 1-2 tablespoons of ice water.

Then the dough needs to be divided into 2 unequal parts. The smaller one should be wrapped in film and placed in the freezer for 30 minutes.

The larger half of the dough must be rolled out into a thin flat cake in the form of a rectangle or circle, depending on the baking form. From the specified amount of ingredients, a round cake with a diameter of 25 cm or a rectangular one with a size of 22x30 cm is obtained. The cake should be 3 cm wider than the mold. You can roll out the dough on baking paper and then transfer it along with the paper into a mold. The sides need to be carefully pressed and trimmed to create a smooth edge.

Cover the form with the dough with film and put it in the freezer for 15 minutes. After this, you need to put cold jam on the frozen cake and spread it in an even layer.

Grate the frozen second half of the dough on top.

You need to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. After 30-35 minutes it will brown.

Cool these baked goods and cut them into portions. The baked goods are equally delicious served with tea, milk or compote.

Grated pie with cottage cheese

You can bake a lot of delicious things with cottage cheese - cheesecakes, etc.

The delicate curd filling will not leave anyone indifferent.

The taste of the delicacy melting in your mouth will be remembered for a long time by guests and household members.

We will cook with margarine - also a good dough option, but only in the absence of oil.

What you will need:

  • premium flour (wheat) – 400 g;
  • margarine – 150 g;
  • sour cream 20% fat – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 cup;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder or baking soda – 2 tsp;
  • fat cottage cheese – 400 g;
  • fat sour cream - 6 tbsp. l;
  • sugar – 6 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix margarine, sugar, flour, chicken eggs and baking powder. Divide the resulting mass into 2 parts, one of which is rolled into a bun and placed in the refrigerator.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix cottage cheese, sour cream and granulated sugar. Roll out one part of the dough into a layer and place it on a baking sheet greased with butter. Spread the cottage cheese filling evenly on top of the layer.
  3. Remove the second part of the dough from the refrigerator and, using a coarse grater, grate it onto the curd filling.
  4. Place the pie in a preheated oven at 200°C and bake for 40 minutes. Cut the slightly cooled product into small squares.

Options for the best fillings

As already mentioned, the filling for baking can be anything. The most interesting ideas:

  1. The pie with apples and cottage cheese is very tasty - place the curd layer on top of a thin layer of apples sprinkled with sugar;
  2. The filling is good from any berries - currants, cherries, raspberries - fresh or frozen. To prevent the juice from flowing out, mix the berries with sugar and semolina (3-4 tablespoons of cereal);
  3. fruits and berries grated with sugar - lingonberries, oranges, etc.;
  4. Lemon pie is an original pastry that is easy to prepare (below there will be a video with the recipe)
  5. boiled or raw condensed milk in its pure form or with the addition of sour fruits and berries;
  6. Instead of sugar, you can add honey to the filling - it will turn out even more flavorful.

Note to housewives

  • Both butter and margarine are suitable for shortbread dough. WITH with margarine it will be more crumbly, and with butter it will be more elastic.
  • It is not recommended to keep the semi-finished product in the refrigerator for a long time, otherwise the baked goods will not become fluffy during the baking process.
  • If grated pies are prepared with jam, you should not put a lot of granulated sugar in the dough.
  • The pan with the pie must be placed only in a preheated oven, otherwise the baked goods will turn out tough.
  • It is recommended to cut the baked goods into portions after they have cooled completely. If you eat the grated pastry hot, the filling will leak out.
  • The finished treat can be cut into small squares or diamonds. If desired, the pieces are decorated with mint leaves, fresh berries or sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • You can also bake a grated pie from lean dough. This option is suitable for those who suffer from allergic reactions to chicken eggs or are fasting. A pie without adding eggs will turn out no less tasty and crumbly than the classic version of baking. The ingredients are the same, you can choose the filling at your discretion.

Useful video

Finally, the promised video of grated lemon pie:

Today we have a beautiful and tasty pie for dessert, made from the most ordinary ingredients.

I really love pies with cottage cheese and baked goods with jam. And here - two in one. Very tasty and easy to prepare open shortbread pie with a delicate filling of cottage cheese and jam.

300 gr - flour + for mold
200 g - margarine for baking
100 gr - powdered sugar
1 chicken yolk
zest of half a lemon
1/2 packet - baking powder

For filling:
500 gr - cottage cheese
120 gr - powdered sugar
20 g - semolina
juice of half a lemon
150 - 200 gr - apricot jam
150 - 200 g - blueberry jam.

Beat margarine with powdered sugar, add lemon zest. Sift flour together with baking powder. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon and then with your hands. Divide the dough in half: one part for the bottom of the pie, the second part for the top lattice strips.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or grind it with a blender, add powder, juice of half a lemon, mix and add semolina, mix again and set aside.

Roll out part of the dough to a thickness of 4-5 mm and place it on the sprinkled bottom of a mold measuring 15*25 cm. I sprinkled the roller with flour using my hands. At this stage, the magazine recipe recommends putting it in the oven at 180°C for 10 minutes, but I didn’t do that.

Place the curd filling on top of the dough, smooth it out better than I did.

Divide the second part of the dough in half and also roll out and cut into strips, mine were 3 mm thick. And lay out diagonally. I made the strips longer and laid out the ends around the perimeter, overlapping the end of the next strip. Try not to pull the strips; they will tear during baking anyway.

Also lay out the second part of the strips. I rolled out the rest of the dough again, cut it and laid it on the sides. You can do it another way - just stretch it on top and then stretch it with a separate strip along the entire perimeter. If suddenly there weren’t enough strips, you can collect everything and repeat everything again - don’t be nervous. Apply the yolk to the strips with a brush.

And spread the jam into the resulting dough cells: you can use a culinary syringe, or you can use a coffee spoon. I have dark jam - blackberry. The main thing is that the jam is radically different in color. By the way, you can put the jam after baking the pie, the magazine recipe said so.

Bake the pie in a preheated oven at 180°C for 15 minutes. Our wonderful checkered pie should, of course, be completely cooled before slicing and serving.

There are a lot of delicious and unusual recipes for making pie. I like the version of the pie with curd filling and jam. Baked goods can be decorated with chocolate or fruit. I recommend cooking it!

Here is a simple recipe for making cottage cheese pie with jam. Prepare the dough from the indicated ingredients. For the filling, combine cottage cheese with flour, sugar, eggs and butter. Form a pie filled with jam and curd mass. Bake it in the oven for about 45 minutes. Happy cooking!

Number of servings: 6

A simple homemade recipe for cottage cheese pie with jam, step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 1 hour. Contains only 201 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 7 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Calorie Amount: 201 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 6 servings
  • Occasion: For children
  • Complexity: An easy recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Baking, Pies

Ingredients for six servings

  • Butter - 100 grams (+ 30 grams for filling)
  • Egg - 1 piece (+2 eggs for filling)
  • Soda - 1/1, teaspoons
  • Cocoa - 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons (+ 5 tbsp for filling)
  • Flour - 200 grams (+ 1 tsp for filling)
  • Cottage cheese - 400 grams
  • Jam - To taste
  • Vanillin - 1 To taste
  • Chocolate - 1 To taste

Step-by-step preparation

  1. I tell you how to make cottage cheese pie with jam. Prepare the dough. Beat the egg with sugar with a whisk, add softened butter.
  2. Combine flour with cocoa and soda, add to the egg-cream mixture.
  3. Now knead a homogeneous dough without lumps.
  4. Separate a small part of the dough and put it in the freezer, place the rest of the dough in the refrigerator.
  5. Mix the ingredients for the filling (cottage cheese, sugar, eggs, flour and butter). Thoroughly knead the mass using a masher.
  6. Place the dough in the mold and form a side 2-3 cm high.
  7. Place jam on the bottom.
  8. Gently distribute the curd mixture on top.
  9. We take the dough out of the freezer, grate it and sprinkle the resulting crumbs on the top of the pie.
  10. Bake the pie in the oven for 45 minutes, temperature - 180 degrees. Then remove the cake from the oven, let it cool and pour melted chocolate over it. Bon appetit!