Eggs stuffed with tuna and cucumber. How to cook eggs stuffed with tuna in a not trivial way? Tuna stuffed eggs recipe

I cook stuffed eggs for my family often. There doesn’t have to be a reason for this, you just want tasty and varied food every day. I made it today eggs stuffed with tuna. I used shredded tuna in oil, it is ideal for this appetizer, since you can use the oil in which the fish is located. If you use tuna in its own juice, you will need to add a little oil or mayonnaise to the filling.


To prepare eggs stuffed with tuna, we will need:

tuna in oil - 185 g;

boiled eggs - 4 pcs.;

green onions - 2-3 pcs.;

salt, pepper - to taste;

Dijon mustard - 1 tsp;

lettuce, tomato, olives for serving.

Cooking steps

Place tuna in oil in a bowl. If there is a lot of oil, then drain some of it. Add boiled yolks to the tuna.

Fill the egg halves with the resulting mixture.

To serve, cover the dish with lettuce leaves, lay out eggs stuffed with tuna, garnish with tomato slices, olives, green onions and mustard. The appetizer can be served immediately.

Bon appetit!

They have long become regulars not only on the holiday table, but also on the everyday table, because they are prepared in a matter of minutes (not counting boiling eggs), and are, in fact, a complete meal, especially if served with a lot of herbs or raw vegetables. Almost every woman has prepared this dish at least once in her life according to a traditional recipe, but you can move away from the usual and try to prepare a few more piquant versions.

Basic recipe

Eggs stuffed with tuna are prepared simply: boiled chicken eggs (10 pieces) until hard, peel them, carefully cut them into halves lengthwise and remove the yolk into a separate plate.

Next, mix a can of canned tuna with yolks and a couple of spoons of mayonnaise into a puree of uniform consistency, using a fork or a blender (if preparing a large quantity). Next, stuff the egg halves with the resulting mixture using a teaspoon or pastry bag. The top of the eggs can be sprinkled with finely chopped green onions or dill.

Filling options

Based on the standard recipe for eggs stuffed with canned tuna, you can come up with a lot of different fillings, sometimes using the most unusual combinations of products, resulting in a culinary masterpiece with an original taste. Here are some examples of minced meat:

  • Mix tuna with yolks and mayonnaise, add two or three tablespoons of shrimp paste and mix until smooth. This filling easily takes the most bizarre shapes with the help of a pastry syringe.
  • Eggs stuffed with tuna in Spanish: take 1-2 tbsp for one can of canned food. tablespoons of soft cheese and yolks from boiled eggs, one pickled cucumber, cut into very small pieces, also chop half of the pickled bell pepper and add a spoonful of mayonnaise to the mixture. Stir and stuff the egg halves, garnishing the top with an olive.

  • Grind a bunch of leafy vegetables (spinach, parsley, arugula) in a blender to puree and mix with egg yolks, add one spoon of mayonnaise. You will get a nice green mass, which we place in the prepared egg halves. Place a piece of tuna and cherry on top.
  • Mix canned tuna with yolks and mayonnaise, add two tbsp. spoons of pollock or capelin caviar. Stuff the eggs with the resulting mixture, sprinkle thickly with finely chopped green onions on top and place one shrimp vertically between them. We do this with all the egg halves. This “sea” version of stuffing will appeal to all lovers of hearty snacks.

Stuffed quail eggs

Tuna as a filling can be used not only for chicken eggs; you can make an exquisite buffet appetizer from smaller quail eggs. To prepare you need:

  • Boil 15 quail eggs until hard. On average, this takes five minutes, no more. Cut them not lengthwise, as usual, but crosswise and carefully remove the yolk from them without damaging the white shell.
  • Chop one can of tuna (80 grams) with a fork and mix with oil from the same can and quail yolks, try to mix the mass well, because the more pasty the mixture is, the easier it will be to fill the eggs with it.
  • Fill the egg halves with minced meat.
  • On a buffet skewer, prick a small piece of fresh lettuce or arugula folded in half, then put the two halves of the egg together, forming a whole, but with a “belt” of filling along the seam of the joint and also put it on the skewer. Cut gherkins (small pickled cucumbers) into circles and place a cucumber circle on each skewer after the egg.

This appetizer looks very impressive on the holiday table and is much easier to prepare than it seems.

What can replace tuna?

Stuffed eggs can be prepared not only from this type of canned fish: you can use more budget-friendly options from saury or sprats. Also, some cooks completely replace canned fish fillets with pureed salted herring, smoked horse mackerel or salmon, and even cod liver, using a blender as a chopper.

How to decorate a dish beautifully?

Of course, the aesthetics of a dish are as important as its taste and benefits for the body, and eggs stuffed with tuna are no exception: the photo perfectly shows the splendor of the chef’s creative idea.

Naturally, you will definitely want to try such a dish. To fill the egg halves, it is most convenient to use a pastry bag (or syringe) with a shaped nozzle, with which you can pipe beautifully shaped rosettes and decorate them with small sprigs of fresh herbs, olives, pieces of fresh vegetables (cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes) or sprinkle with red caviar.

As an addition, lettuce leaves are often used as a base: they are laid out on a dish, and stuffed eggs are already placed on top of them. You can also use more labor-intensive methods of decoration: make bees from sliced ​​olives, alternating colors and pricking them on a skewer for appetizers, cut flowers from carrots and cucumbers using a figured knife, or place a flower on each egg with eggs and pieces of green onions.

Eggs stuffed with tuna are a very tasty original appetizer, and it will turn out even tastier if you add some fresh or pickled vegetables. That is, you can put fresh or pickled cucumber or pickled zucchini in the filling. In addition, you can add garlic, olives, fresh herbs, onions, spices and spices. In any case, the taste of the snack is very bright, it is quite suitable for a festive table.


  • 3–4 chicken eggs
  • 150 g canned tuna in oil
  • 1 pickled or pickled cucumber
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 2 pinches of black pepper


1. Hard boil the eggs, remove the shell as carefully as possible, cut each egg into two halves and remove the yolks.

2. Place the yolks in a bowl and mash them with a fork until they form fine crumbs.

3. Open a can of tuna - you can take a whole piece of tuna, canned fish in pieces, or salad tuna will also work. Such fish, crushed into shavings, is quite fatty, so the filling itself will be fatty, so it’s better to take whole tuna in a can or pieces of fish. Transfer the tuna to the bowl with the yolks.

4. Cut the cucumber into small cubes and place in a bowl.

5. You can salt the filling or skip this step if the cucumber itself is salty. You can also add spices and then stir.

Eggs stuffed with tuna is a recipe that will help out in many cases. This original appetizer will come in handy when treating unexpected guests and will be a good variety for the daily menu. I would like to offer you a very simple version of stuffed eggs.

Stuffed eggs with canned tuna can be prepared not with mayonnaise, but with sour cream, then they will be more healthy and can be given to children who do not really like fish.

The dish is prepared very quickly, all preparation will not take more than 15–20 minutes.

Eggs stuffed with tuna and cheese, if properly decorated, will decorate any holiday table.

Taste Info Egg dishes / Buffet appetizers

Ingredients for two servings:

  • Tuna (canned) – 0.5 cans;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Smoked sweet paprika - a pinch;
  • Dry ground garlic - a pinch;
  • Green onions - to taste;
  • Parsley and dill – 2 sprigs
  • Arugula for serving

How to cook eggs stuffed with canned tuna

Preparing this dish is very simple and very quick.

To make deviled eggs you will need canned tuna. This can be tuna in oil or in its own juice. Use tuna that has already been shredded in a can, usually called "salad tuna." But if you don’t find one, take any jar, emptying half the contents (along with part of the juice), mash it into a puree-shaped mass. If there are any bones left, they need to be removed.

Pre-cook chicken eggs. To do this, put them in water, cook after the water boils for at least 10 minutes, but also do not hold for too long (so that the yolk does not get a bluish tint). Rinse boiled eggs with cold water and remove shells. Cut each egg into two parts.

Remove the yolks from the halves, place them in a separate plate, and grind with a fork until smooth.

Add tuna from a can (or prepared from a bowl) in parts, stir with a fork. To enhance the taste and add piquancy to the filling, add a pinch of smoked paprika and dry garlic. If you don't have these spices, substitute them with other aromatic, spicy spices of your choice. If desired, add mayonnaise or sour cream to the filling.

Mix the filling well. When you achieve a homogeneous mass, add chopped green onions, parsley or dill.

Fill the egg halves tightly with heaping filling.

Place the arugula on a plate and then arrange the deviled eggs (the arugula will give your halves stability). Top the eggs with a pinch of paprika for brightness and a sprig of dill. A beautifully presented dish always evokes an appetite and a desire to try it; do not forget to devote time to this process.

Filling options for eggs stuffed with tuna:

With cheese and seeds

  • Cheese (hard varieties) – 30 g;
  • Egg yolks – 3 eggs;
  • Seeds (sunflower or pumpkin) – 20 g;
  • Dill greens – 1 sprig;
  • Sour cream (9% fat) – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the tuna to a smooth puree.
  2. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  3. Grind the egg yolks until smooth.
  4. Chop the dill very finely.
  5. Place everything in one bowl, add sour cream and mix well with a fork.
  6. Roll into balls with wet hands.
  7. Grind the seeds in a blender.
  8. Roll the balls in the seeds and place in the egg whites.

Teaser network

Deviled eggs with fried onions and tuna

  • Onions – 0.5 medium onions;
  • Eggs (yolks) – 3 pcs.;
  • Tuna (canned) – ? banks
  • Oil (sunflower) – 20 g;
  • Leeks (greens) – 1 bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onion and fry in oil until soft.
  2. Grind the canned food until smooth.
  3. Chop the onion greens very finely.
  4. Add everything and mix with a fork until the ingredients are evenly distributed. It is not necessary to make the mass completely homogeneous.
  5. We fill the protein with this composition.
  • To clean the eggs well, remove them from the boiling water and place them under running cold water for 5-7 minutes.
  • To decorate eggs, in addition to a pinch of curry, you can use grated yolk, cranberry or pomegranate seeds, caviar of any fish, and finely chopped bell pepper.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

- a universal dish. As a rule, they are prepared quite quickly and look very presentable. Quite often, stuffed eggs are prepared as a cold appetizer for the holiday table. But they are also perfect for lunch with the family. This recipe will also appeal to those who love eggs, but are tired of the usual scrambled eggs for breakfast. You can make the filling and base ahead of time, so in the morning you only need a couple of minutes to stuff the eggs, decorate and serve.

By the way, the filling can be absolutely anything to your taste. I like a very simple option - eggs stuffed with tuna (canned) and fresh cucumber.

For 1 serving:

- 2 eggs;
- 0.5 cans of canned tuna (170 g can);
- 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
- 0.5 fresh cucumber, medium in size;
- greens for decoration.

How to cook with photos step by step

For this recipe (and, indeed, as for all others where eggs are needed, especially for omelettes and eggs), I try to buy homemade eggs. In fact, there is nothing difficult in finding half an hour of time and running to the market, finding a decent grandmother and buying from her several dozen, albeit unwashed and without quality control marks, but homemade eggs. Honestly, homemade tastes better than store-bought! And what yolks they have! Bright, not even yellow, but orange – little suns! So I strongly advise you to go to the market to buy eggs, not to the store or supermarket.

We need to hard boil the eggs before stuffing them. Put a pan of water on the fire, put eggs in it, bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat so that the water gurgles slightly. And cook the eggs for ten minutes. Then let it cool. Eggs can be boiled the day before - they keep well even boiled.

Carefully peel the cooled eggs. Just be careful - try not to damage the protein when removing the shell, otherwise the stuffed eggs will not look very appetizing. Cut the eggs in half. Along or across the long part - it depends only on your taste. I like it better along the length - then you get these kind of boats.

Carefully separate the yolks from the whites.

We will use the yolks for the filling, and the whites for the base.

Using a fork, mash the yolks until they form a smooth paste.

Cut the cucumber into cubes as small as possible. I don’t recommend grating a cucumber - it will then release a lot of juice. Be sure to taste the cucumber before cutting it: it should not be bitter. If you do come across a bitter cucumber, be sure to cut off the peel with a knife - it is this that gives the bitterness.

Add canned tuna to the yolks. It is sold either in one piece or already crushed. In the first case, you will also need to mash it with a fork, just like the yolks. Canned tuna also comes either in oil or in its own juice. For stuffed eggs, both of these will suit us. Try not to pour out a lot of liquid (both juice and oil) when you add the tuna to the yolks.

Add finely chopped cucumber to the yolks and tuna and mix thoroughly with a fork. You should get a homogeneous mass. I had tuna in oil, so the mass turned out as needed without adding mayonnaise. And you see for yourself - if necessary, add mayonnaise so that the filling does not turn out dry. Taste the mixture and add salt if necessary.

We carefully stuff the whites with the resulting filling, forming “mounds”. Some people stuff eggs so that the filling is flush with the sides of the whites. The choice of how to stuff eggs with tuna is yours.

Place the eggs on a dish, garnish with herbs (dill, parsley, green onions) and serve.

If desired, you can decorate eggs stuffed with tuna with a little mayonnaise.
