Riddle about bath salts. Materials of the game-travel through the stations "fun transformations of salt". Salt in proverbs and sayings

    Born in water, but afraid of water.

    They don't eat me
    But even without me they eat little.

    They don't eat me alone
    And without me they eat little.

    Cabbage also loves meat,
    Tomato, watermelon and lard,
    Cucumber, it grows thickly.
    Maybe enough or not enough?

    They don't eat me alone
    And they rarely eat without me.

    Separately, I’m not so tasty,
    But everyone needs food.

    White as snow
    Black as feathers
    Spinning like a demon:
    Turn around - she’s in the forest.

    Heather white-sided,
    And her name is...

    Spinning, chirping,
    He's busy all day.

    White-sided prophetess,
    And her name is...

    What is a bird with forty letters?

    What bird is made up of forty "A's"?

    The motley fidget, the long-tailed bird,
    The bird is talkative, the most talkative.
    The soothsayer is white-sided, and her name is...

    Motley fidget,
    Long-tailed bird,
    Talkative bird
    The most chatty one.

    This restless bird
    Same color as birch:
    Vereschunya, white-sided,
    And her name is...

    Been chattering since the morning:
    - Po-rr-ra! Po-rr-ra!
    What time is it?
    She's such a hassle,
    When it cracks...

    Black patch,
    White patch,
    Jumps on a birch tree
    He gossips about everything.

    Name a word that has 40 vowels.

Soroka - Forty "A"

    That athlete will become -
    We can all follow an example.
    But he had to do a lot
    Sweat within the walls of the gym.

    The puck is apparently tired.
    They don't let you take a nap at all.
    She ran to the stands
    To get some rest.

    You hit the wall -
    And I'll bounce away
    Throw it in the cart -
    And I'll pass.
    I'm from palm to palm
    I'm flying -
    Lie still
    I don't want to!


    They walked for a long time at a skating pace
    The three of us, one after another,
    It was very difficult for them
    Climb the climb.
    Suddenly with a refined movement
    Grab your rifle and shoot!
    They hit targets accurately, -
    One, two, four, five.
    And they rushed downhill.
    What is this? ...

    These fruits are not edible
    But they are huge and comfortable.
    Their other athlete for hours
    Pounds him hard with his fists.

Punching Bags

    I rule a horned horse.
    If this horse
    I won't put you up against the fence,
    He will fall without me.


    Iron bird
    She laid an egg
    Egg from the nest
    Can't take it without difficulty.
    The egg is heavy
    There is a ring in the egg;
    You'll take the ring -
    You'll carry the egg.

    iron house,
    Not a window in it
    Round mills,
    Arched roof.

    Under enemy fire
    The soldiers stand boldly.
    And if they get shot down,
    They get up again.

    Strike more boldly with this stick,
    So that the blow would be like from a cannon,
    This stick is for hockey
    And she's called...

    I was hit with a shovel
    They made me hunchbacked
    They beat me, they beat me,
    They poured ice water on me.
    And then they all rolled off
    From my hump in droves.

Ice Hill

    They love the young man very much, but they beat him and beat him endlessly.

    If he falls, he will jump,
    If you hit him, he won't cry.

    Not offended, but inflated,
    They lead him across the field.
    But they’ll hit me - no matter
    Don't keep up with...

    I know how to jump and roll, and if they throw me, I’ll fly. Laughing faces all around: Everyone is happy about the round...

    I'm like an umbrella, white-white,
    I'm big and very brave
    I'm flying through the air
    I bring people down from the clouds.

    A swallow will fly into the sky,
    He will dive into the lake like a fish.


    Handles and rope -
    Tanya gallops deftly.

Jump rope

    Beardless and not white,
    Smooth, hairless body,
    Iron hooves
    As if dug into the ground,
    He doesn't bleat, doesn't make noise,
    Where they put it, it’s there;
    They don't move him -
    They jump over it.

Projectile - goat

    Two rings
    And two ropes
    Up and down,
    There and back again.
    Unfinished flight
    Stance, takeoff and turn.

Projectile - rings

    Right on the road
    The horse spread his legs
    Without head and tail,
    Stunned to the spot, he stood up.
    The horse stands still
    Together with the rider.

Projectile - horse

    Two rings
    And two ropes -
    I'm on them
    I spin deftly.

Sports Rings

Direct educational activities (hereinafter GED) on the topic “Magic in one crystal” are built in the form of search and research activities, using TRIZ technology, which allows you to maintain and develop the interest of children throughout the entire GED, increases their cognitive activity, facilitates the process of children’s assimilation of the software material.



Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5 "Fairy Tale"

G. Rtishchevo, Saratov region

Methodological development

GCD master class

with children of senior preschool age

(using TRIZ technology)

"Magic in one crystal"

Area "Cognitive development"



Direct educational activities (hereinafter GED) on the topic “Magic in one crystal” are built in the form of search and research activities, using TRIZ technology, which allows you to maintain and develop the interest of children throughout the entire GED, increases their cognitive activity, facilitates the process of children’s assimilation of the software material.

Preschool age is unique, because as the child develops, so will his life. That is why it is important not to miss this period to unleash the creative potential of every child. Children's minds are not limited by "deep experiences of life" and traditional ideas of how things should be. This allows them to invent, to be spontaneous and unpredictable, to notice things that we adults have not paid attention to for a long time. Practice has shown that with the help of traditional forms of work it is impossible to fully solve this problem. Today this is made possible by TRIZ technology - the theory of solving inventive problems. Adapted to preschool age, TRIZ - technology allows you to educate and teach a child under the motto “Creativity in everything.”

In my work I use one of the TRIZ technology methods - solving fairytale problems. This method consists in the fact that familiar objects begin to have unusual properties and includes different types of children's activities - play, speech, drawing, modeling, appliqué, design. GCD using TRIZ is characterized by the presence in them of fairy-tale game situations that introduce children into a problem, a state of search, stimulates thought processes. We often imagine ourselves as magicians and can see multi-colored rain or look through multi-colored pieces of glass. We get real
researchers of nature, if we have magnifying glasses in our hands. This kind of communication with nature, living and inanimate, helps children see the secrets of changes and transformations. Children make an independent conclusion that everything that we move around us changes and is similar to someone or something. These discoveries liberate children and allow them to remove their fear of the new, unknown.

Thus, as a result of free activity, GCD with the use of TRIZ elements in children, the feeling of constraint is relieved, shyness is overcome, and the logic of thinking gradually develops. The TRIZ speech and general initiative gives children the opportunity to show their individuality and think outside the box. TRIZ develops such moral qualities as the ability to rejoice in the successes of others, the desire to help, and the desire to find a way out of a difficult situation. That is why we use TRIZ technology adapted for preschool age in GCD and in free activities.



Preschool childhood is a very inquisitive age. The endless questions from children are proof of this. The theme of GCD arose after reading the fairy tale “Gold and Salt” to children. The guys had a question: where does salt come from? The children began to argue that there are different types of salt: large and fine. The children were very interested in this. We decided to explore salt as a mineral.

After all, there are foods that we eat often, very often, rarely or not at all, but no one can do without salt! Every day we eat salt and do not know why it is useful and for what unusual purposes it can be used.

The purpose and objectives of the GCD

Purpose of GCD : expand and systematize children’s knowledge about salt, its use in human life, and its use in creativity.

Educational objectives: expand children’s understanding of salt and its properties, in what forms it exists, where and how it is used.

Developmental tasks: develop observation, cognitive interest, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize and draw conclusions, creative imagination, skills in making and using colored salt to create unusual souvenirs, aesthetic perception of shape, color, fine motor skills.

Educational tasks:to cultivate accuracy in work, to observe safety rules, to evoke the joy of discoveries gained from experiments, to take care of natural resources and one’s health.

Types of children's activities in educational activities

Playful, cognitive-research, communicative, perception of fiction, musical, motor, visual.

Integration of educational areas

Cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Criteria for assessing children's activities in educational activities

Children's approval.

Praise for diligence and desire to complete the task.

Developmental environment:

Vessel with water;



Magnifying glasses according to the number of children;

Different types of salt;




Decoration material

Preliminary work:

Making riddles about salt and sugar;

Conversations about the use of salt in medicine, cooking, cosmetology;

Learning proverbs and sayings about salt.

Salt coloring

Application of colored salt

Vocabulary work:

Sea salt;

Salt crystals;

GCD move:


Hello guys! I'm glad to see you! A lot of interesting things await us today. I want you to succeed and have a good mood all day!

Do you love to travel?! I suggest you go today to a very interesting place where various experiments are being carried out.

Let's not waste time, let's go! I invite everyone to the circle!

In a wide circle, I see

All my friends stood up.

We'll go right now

Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle,

And we will all return to our place.

And closing my eyes for a moment,

Let's find ourselves in miracles...


Where did we end up?

Children's answers (we are in the laboratory).

Would you like to try yourself as a scientist? (put on robes)
- Well, now we are real scientists!

Having solved the riddles, we will find out what we will experiment with.

Riddles about salt and sugar:

He is white, like prickly snow. Like dry, loose sand.

Sweet – sweet, like honey. The fly often drinks tea with it (sugar)

Fell into the water and disappeared (salt)

Separately, I am not so tasty, but everyone needs (salt) in their food.


I propose to describe the properties of salt and sugar (children’s answer options: by color, by shape, by smell, by taste, etc., if they don’t name it, I suggest it myself by shape, by color, etc.), for this I need your help. I know that there is salt on one plate and sugar on the other. How can we understand? Where and what?

Well done, you named everything correctly. There is salt in this plate. Let us remove the sugar now, we won’t need it anymore today.

Experiments with salt:

Look in front of you there are plates with salt. We conduct experiments with children to find out the properties of salt.

1) look through a magnifying glass (they look like grains, crystals)

2) let's make a toy wind (they fly away, loose salt).

3) pour some water into a jar of salt, where did it go? (she got absorbed)

4) pour a lot of water, what now? (salt has dissolved).


Guys, I have a question for you, who knows where the salt came from?

(children's answers).


I’ll tell you guys a fairy tale about Ivan the merchant, how he walked with his goods far away across the sea and ocean. He saw many countries, traded in logs, planks and timber. A strong storm rose into the sea, and the ship was thrown onto an unprecedented island. Ivan went to explore the land and came across a great mountain. What you see in that mountain is not sand, not stone, but pure Russian salt. He returned to the shore and ordered the workers to load the ship with salt. Whether long or short, close or far, the ship sailed to the city. Ivan went to the king to allow him to trade salt at a free price. But the king had never heard of salt: in his entire state they did not eat salt. He says to Ivan with a grin: “Yes, it’s just white sand, we don’t give money for it.” Ivan was saddened. One day he decided to watch how food was prepared for the king. He’s standing in the kitchen, keeping an eye on it, so he took a moment, took it and poured as much salt as needed into all the dishes and seasonings. It was time to serve dinner: the king tried it and found it as delicious as never before. The king ordered the cooks to be rewarded, and they said to Ivan that he added something to the food. They brought Ivan to the king. And then King Ivan allowed him to trade salt. To this day, people add salt to their food.

As soon as people learned the taste of salt, they began to value it. The areas where its deposits were found were quickly settled and became the property of some tribe. Various items were purchased in exchange for salt. People came from all directions for salt. In some places there were salt mines where salt was mined in large quantities.

Guys, salt is a mineral. Salt is produced in different types: finely ground, coarse, iodized, sea, rock (show types of salt).


Guys, do you think salt is important in a person’s life and why?

Child's statement:

Yes, of course, salt gives dishes a special taste, but people use it not only for its taste. Lack of salt can lead to heart disease, digestive disorders, and destruction of bone and muscle tissue.


Where do you think salt can be used?

Children's statement

In cooking: we salt our food every day. Therefore, salt is used in cooking, in the preparation of various food products. It is necessary to enhance the taste of food. In canning vegetables: salt was an important product in people's lives. Without salt, manythe products are tasteless. An ordinary cucumber, skillfully salted for the winter, becomes a delicacy. Therefore, salt is used when pickling vegetables, since salt preserves food for a long time.

In medicine:

Gargling with a salt solution, when you take a teaspoon of crystals in a glass of warm water, helps with sore throat.

Rinse your nose with a salt solution if you have a runny nose. It is convenient to use a drop bottle or just a pipette for this.

Hot salt draws out pus well, so if you have a boil or abscess, heat a couple of spoons of crystals, wrap them in a fabric bag and apply to the sore spot.

If your ear is swollen, also apply a compress with salt, it will relieve pain and inflammation.

You can relieve a runny nose with a warm compress applied to the bridge of your nose.

Salt is used in cosmetology:

Massage with salt grains can speed up hair growth. With its help, blood circulation in the scalp improves, hair follicles receive more nutrition and hair begins to grow faster. Salt baths are very useful.

On the street: On the street, for human safety, wipers and special machines sprinkle salt on paths and ice. This is necessary so that a person walking along the path does not slip or fall.


Guys, let's remember how we used salt to make beautiful applications?!


We painted it with gouache. Gouache was diluted in a container with a small amount of water (the more water, the lighter the color; the less water, the more intense the color). Then pour salt into a plate and pour out the colored water. Gently stir the salt with a fork until all the salt is colored. Leave the salt in the molds in a warm place until completely dry.


And today I invite you to make a rainbow in a bottle using our colored salt, which I took with me to the laboratory. But before we begin our magical creativity, we need to prepare our “helpers” - our fingers. Finger gymnastics is carried out: “Here are my helpers”:

Here are my assistants, turn them any way you want:

And this way, and this way, they won’t be offended in any way.

One two three four five.

They can't sit again.

They'll work a little

We'll give them a rest.

Knocked, turned

And they wanted to work!

Now let's get started... Let's take bottles, funnels, spoons and our colored salt. Using a funnel and a spoon, pour salt in layers into our bottle, while tilting our vessel. An important addition - there is no need to shake the bottle at this moment, otherwise the salt may mix and there will be no clear line between the colors. You determine the use of different colors and the thickness of each layer, relying on your imagination.

Children doing crafts.


Well, now that our bottles are ready, I propose to decorate them; in my box there are a lot of ribbons, shreds, threads, and beads.

Tatiana Zelenskaya

GBDOU d/s No. 46

Kolpinsky district

St. Petersburg

Abstract joint cognitive - research activities

With children of senior preschool age

"Salty puzzles»

Prepared and carried out

Teacher of GBDOU d/s No. 46

Zelenskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna.

Subject: « Salty riddles»

Program content:

1. Develop the ability to draw in an unconventional way "paint with salt".

2. Create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive and research skills and abilities children: ability to put forward a hypothesis, organize a study, explain the result.

3. Arouse interest in studying the beneficial and harmful properties of salt.

4. Develop technical and visual skills activities: the ability to combine smooth hand movements with pressure adjustment hands: color perception.

5. Create conditions for the manifestation of imagination and creativity.

6. Educate "elbow feeling" skill to work in team.

7. Develop coherent speech - proof.

8. Develop the skill of dialogical speech.

Material: for experiment

2 raw eggs, 2 glasses of water, spoons, a few tablespoons of salt;

For drawing

Salt (fine, sippy cups with water, colored cardboard (warm colors, leaf templates, simple pencils, PVA glue with a dispenser, thin brush, watercolor paints, wet wipes, paper napkins.

Move: Guys, today I received an email from Mother Nature.

Let's look it over.

M.P. - “Guys, I want to tell you about one of my secrets”.

There is a substance on our planet that humans cannot live without.

It is mined both in the sea and on land. (1 slide)

Treat it with fire (2 slide)

Used for preparing and preserving food (3 slide)

It is also used for healing. (4 slide)

Born in water

She was baptized in fire.

She fell into the water and disappeared.

Children: salt

Separately, I’m not so tasty, But I’m beautiful, salty,

And in food - everyone needs it.

So what is this magical substance? Do you think this is salt? Let's check, we have a magic book of nature. (open, take out salt)

That's right - it's salt? Who can tell me what salt is and why we need it?

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

That's right guys. I also know a lot about salt and can complement your answers!

Teacher's story: with presentation.

Salt is a white crystalline substance with a pungent, salty taste. It dissolves well in water. (slide)

Serves to preserve food. (slide)

But, let's figure out why it is useful and why it is harmful to our body? In small quantities, salt is harmless to us. But there are people who are very sensitive to it and it is harmful for them. Salt retains fluid in our body, and therefore complicates the functioning of the heart and kidneys. Because of this, people may experience headaches and swelling. (slide)

Why do we actually need salt? She is responsible for muscle function (slide)

and is necessary for digestion. (slide)

Our planet is very rich in salt deposits. People have learned to extract salt in various ways. This includes evaporating it in the sun from seas and lakes, and underground mining.

And what amazing crafts we made from salt dough! (Here you can refer to the development environment in which crafts from salt: cookies, a sprig in frost, a jar of colored salt for interior decoration)

And salt is a magician - it’s almost impossible to drown in salt water.

Don't believe me? Do you want to check? Let's conduct an experiment with you and check how salty the water will push objects to the surface!

We are conducting an experiment. (slide)

To conduct the experiment you will be needed: 2 raw eggs, 2 glasses of water, a few tablespoons of salt. Place one raw egg in a glass of clean tap water. What happened to him? Children: The egg sank to the bottom of the glass. Dissolve salt in a second glass of water and lower the egg into salt water. Children: The egg was left floating on the surface of the water!

So guys, what conclusion can you draw? Children in salty It is impossible to drown in water.

Great, you are real researchers. I suggest taking a break and giving yourself a rest. Physical education minute

Guys, where is the most salt water? Yes. In the sea and ocean. Let's play a game "Ocean is shaking…".

The sea is agitated once

The sea is worried two

The sea is worried three,

Sea figure in the form of a shark freeze (1)

Marine figure in the form of a ship captain freeze (2)

Marine figure in the form of a jellyfish freeze (3)

Have you rested? Shall we continue our research?

Guys, did you know that you can draw with salt! The drawings turn out simply fabulous!

Let's draw colorful leaves using this unconventional method!

To do this, we sit down at our workplaces!

Demonstration of equipment at a presentation.

We take a simple pencil and draw a sketch in the shape of a leaf from a tree, draw it large, if you can’t do it yourself, take templates and trace it.

Well, the sketch is ready, now we draw the outline with glue.

The outline is ready, now let's move on to the most interesting part. We fill the outline with salt, count to 10 and pour the excess salt onto the tray. How beautiful the image turns out is simply magical, but do our leaves look like autumn leaves? What to do? Of course, add color. We put paint on the brush and touch the salt, the salt absorbs the colored water. Don’t forget to wash your brush before applying a different color, and paint the entire outline with drops.

Children's work.

How beautiful your work turned out. Whose work did you like the most? What else can you draw using this technique?

Let's remember what we're talking about Mother Nature asked a riddle? (about salt)


What have we learned about her? (slide about salt)

(Children's stories: what is salt, what is it like, how does it help, what is the danger? Salt the sorceress, salt the artist)

Guys, I think. M.P. is pleased with your research work. (thank you slide)

Yes, we know where the surprise may lie. Where? Of course in our magic book. Oh, and here they are small salted fish! Help yourself guys.

Salt production

Salt Museum in Europe

Salt- means life, immortality, incorruptibility, constancy, fidelity, friendship, wisdom and knowledge (sal sapientiae - salt of wisdom), soul. Later it also became associated with value, sharpness and wit. Alchemy: purification, clarification, something fixed, cubic stone, earthly nature, body, connecting active and passive principles, spirit and soul. Where there is metal, there is sulfur, and mercury, and salt; these three are Spirit, Soul and Body - the nature of metal and man. Salt is static and therefore is a natural element of the trinity; salt is not only a physical body, but also an astral body. Sulfur produces combustion, mercury produces evaporation, salt helps to fix the volatile spirit (Valentine). This is the principle of non-flammability and fixity, and in a mystical sense - the human body. Celts: imperishable spirit, while the earth is a perishable body. Christianity: chosen, divine wisdom, something of value, purity, incorruptibility, precaution, excellence, strength (Matthew 5:13; Mark 9:50) Greco-Roman tradition: literary wit. Played an important role in sacrifices and was considered to ward off evil: it was placed on the lips of eight-day-old Roman babies to protect them from evil spirits. This is probably where the Christian custom of giving salt to a convert before baptism came from. In some consecration rites, salt was added to holy water. Jewish Tradition: Spiritual Discernment.

7 misconceptions about salt

This is how man is designed - he tends to make mistakes. Unfortunately, sometimes misconceptions have consequences. For example, when they relate to health. After all, the effectiveness of treatment depends on the information we use. Sometimes the correct use of salt in food is often hampered by your misconceptions about this product.

Misconception 1. Iodized salt is a medicinal product and is used as prescribed by a doctor. In fact, everything is completely different. Iodized salt is a preventive product that is recommended for everyone.

Misconception 2: Consuming iodized salt can lead to excess iodine in the body. This opinion is not true. The standards for iodine content in salt are designed to cover the body's physiological need for the microelement.

Misconception 3. Iodized salt is not suitable for canning; it changes the color and smell of food. In fact, the iodine content in salt is so small that it cannot affect the quality of dishes and canning.

Misconception 4. Iodized salt is more expensive than regular salt. This statement is true, but the difference in price is negligible, and there is no point in saving on salt.

Misconception 5. Walnut, persimmon and feijoa membranes contain a lot of iodine. These products do contain iodine, but only a little of it. These products are not sufficiently supplied with iodine and are not suitable for prevention.

Misconception 6. To prevent iodine deficiency, you should use seaweed. Of course, it's better than nothing. But still, experts note that exotic products cannot be a reliable method of prevention.

Misconception 7. To prevent iodine deficiency, you can use iodine tincture and Lugol's solution. This should not be done: the amount of iodine in these preparations is very high.

Salt in proverbs and sayings

People say: “Speech without a proverb is like food without salt.” Kuban people respect those whose memory especially carefully preserves the best examples of folk sayings: “He who knows old sayings understands a lot in life.”

Below we present only proverbs about salt, but how they aptly express its meaning in human life, and jokes and riddles of different nations.

Don't skimp on the salt, it's more fun this way.

Whoever tastes salt once will give everything for that salt.

Eating saltines will make life more fun.

There is no lunch without salt.

Food is tasty with salt, a person is pleasant in speech.

The taste of water comes from ice, the taste of food comes from salt.

Life is like salt water: the more you drink, the more thirsty you become.

Mix the salt so you can get some bread.

There is no salt, there is no word.

No salt and the table is crooked.

Eat bread and salt, but tell the truth.

You recognize a person when you take a pound of salt from him with a spoon.

You won’t be full of salt, you won’t be able to solve your grief with thoughts.

Drink sour, eat salty, you will die, you will not rot.

Good salt, but if you put it in, your mouth will turn up.

Don't lick honey instead of salt.

Riddles about salt

Born in water, but afraid of water.

(answer: salt)

Will be born in the earth,

It grows in the sun

He dies in the water.

(answer: salt)

Born in water, raised on fire,

the mother fades and dies again.

(answer: salt)

White stone from the mountain

Always on the table.

Who doesn't eat it?

He doesn't know the taste.

(answer: salt)

Born in water

She was baptized in fire.

She fell on the water and disappeared.

(answer: salt)

What kind of white Marya is in the hut?

(answer: salt)

They don't eat me alone

and without me they eat little.

(answer: salt)

Separately, I’m not so tasty,

But everyone needs food.

Cartoons about salt

Tales of salt

B. Zakhoder “Salt”

It is not known in what land,

How recently, how long ago,

Bought a stingy one in a foreign village

A pound bag of salt.

It was thirty versts to the village,

It was cheaper there!

There - on foot...

Back - on foot...

Sprinkled a little on the purchase,

And it’s so easy for him with a bag

At first it seemed like it!

He walks, he walks,

And he himself reasons:

Is there really too much here?

What a puddle!

Probably a merchant, an old rogue,

I weighed half a weight!

But thirty miles is not a step!

Shoulders pulled...

The miser sat down to rest,

He made other speeches:

You're being naughty, you can't fool me!

There is a mind as long as...

The merchant is a thief, and like it or not -

There's no less than a pound in the bag!

Well, here it is finally home!

The stingy one can hardly trudge along.

The poor guy is dripping with sweat,

He's barely alive, but he's laughing!

What are you doing? - the wife shouts from the porch. -

I bought it well!

I heated the merchant with salt:

I think I took half a pound!

Others may think

That there is little salt in the fable.

By God, there's a whole lot of salt,

Salty workshop

Salty dough

Making salt dough is a great pleasure and joy. Moreover, the necessary materials are available to everyone. Flour, salt and water - that's the whole set for creativity!

Salt dough is an environmentally friendly material, without unnecessary chemicals, so you can safely hand a lump of soft dough to any child.

Salt dough recipe: mix 2 cups of white flour with a glass of fine salt, add water and knead thoroughly. To give crafts made from salt dough strength, you can add an incomplete glass of PVA glue to the dough. And you can start creating!

Salty pictures

Experiments with salt

How to get drinking water from salt water?

Pour water into a deep basin with your child, add two tablespoons of salt there, stir until the salt dissolves. Place washed pebbles at the bottom of an empty plastic glass so that it does not float, but its edges should be higher than the water level in the basin. Pull the film over the top, tying it around the pelvis. Squeeze the film in the center above the cup and place another pebble in the recess. Place the basin in the sun.

After a few hours, unsalted, clean drinking water will accumulate in the glass.

This is explained simply: water begins to evaporate in the sun, condensation settles on the film and flows into an empty glass. The salt does not evaporate and remains in the basin.

Now that you know how to get fresh water, you can safely go to the sea and not be afraid of thirst. There is a lot of water in the sea, and you can always get the purest drinking water from it.


Do you think it is possible to separate the mixed pepper and salt? If you master this experiment, you will definitely cope with this difficult task!

We will need:

Paper towel

1 teaspoon (5 ml) salt

1 teaspoon (5 ml) ground pepper


Wool sweater



1. Lay a paper towel on the table.

2. Sprinkle salt and pepper on it.

Let's begin the scientific magic!

1. Invite someone from the audience to become your assistant.

2. Mix salt and pepper thoroughly with a spoon. Have a helper try to separate the salt from the pepper.

3. When your assistant despairs of separating them, now invite him to sit and watch.

4. Inflate the balloon, tie it and rub it on a woolen sweater.

5. Bring the ball closer to the salt and pepper mixture. What will you see? Result:

The pepper will stick to the ball, and the salt will remain on the table.


This is another example of the effects of static electricity. When you rub the ball with a woolen cloth, it becomes negatively charged. If you bring the ball to a mixture of pepper and salt, the pepper will begin to be attracted to it. This happens because the electrons in the pepper dust tend to move as far away from the ball as possible. Consequently, the part of the peppercorns closest to the ball acquires a positive charge and is attracted by the negative charge of the ball. The pepper sticks to the ball.

The salt is not attracted to the ball, since electrons do not move well in this substance. When you bring a charged ball to salt, its electrons still remain in their places. The salt on the side of the ball does not acquire a charge - it remains uncharged or neutral. Therefore, the salt does not stick to the negatively charged ball.

It was my daughter's 6th birthday. She really wanted a princess party. And I tried to make her dream come true.

Where and how:
Venue: lawn near the house (in the city) - royal garden.
In the clearing we lay out the blankets and throw pillows on them according to the number of guests (see 1 photo).
We hang balloons and flags on the trees (we made them ourselves simply from colored paper, foil, stickers with princesses on them - stapled to the tape) (see 2 photos)
Under one tree there is a throne - a chair with a cloth (curtain) thrown over it, higher up the trunk tied around the tree (see 3 photos).
Next to the blankets is a small children's table with treats and drinks on trays.
A tape recorder with songs about princesses...

In advance, children receive invitations to the holiday of princes and princesses.
I made these for printing, only on the first side a photo of my daughter was inserted, and on the second we entered our data (date, address, time).

I prepared the following table to treat the children:
1. Juices
2. Fruit “kebabs” (pieces of fruit) on skewers.
3. Sweet “kebabs” (pieces of marshmallows and marmalade) on skewers.
4. Meat and vegetable “kebabs” (pieces of Polendvitsa, sausage, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, loaf) on skewers.
1. Skewers with hearts
2. Multi-colored cups
3. Fun straws
4. Beautiful napkins
5. Several low transparent plastic containers for “kebabs” placed on a tray.
5. Tray for glasses.
6. The trays on the table were covered with towels to prevent any flying creatures...

Unfortunately, there is no good photo of the table...

I recorded musical accompaniment on the disc.
Here are songs about princesses or similar themes that I found:

The children later danced to these songs at the competitive test.

She invited the children to take tests to see if they were worthy of the title of princesses (and princes).
1. Test one - For ingenuity.
2. For dexterity.
3. Knowledge of the rules of etiquette.
4. For sensitivity.
5. On the ability to dance.
6. The ability to have fun.
7. The ability to show yourself.

Now in more detail about each test.
For ingenuity - guess the riddles, and then help me tell a story about a little princess.
Riddles and poems were found on the Internet. Unfortunately, the authorship is unknown to me. BUT I express my deep gratitude to the authors.
So, the riddles:
1. Skin white as snow,
Sponges are like corals.
That she is the most beautiful of all
The mirror said.
She helped the gnomes in the house,
But the witch found out
She gave me an apple with poison,
And the princess died.
Just kiss the prince
He brought her back to life again. (Snow White)
2. Among the deserts the palace stands,
The Sultan sits on the throne there.
And his beautiful daughter
All my subjects like it this way.
They asked the Sultan for her hand in marriage
Rich princes and viziers.
But I gave my love
She is for a simple poor man.
And she is happy only with him,
A princess named... (Jasmine)
3. Daughter of the king of the seas Triton
Doesn't sit bored at home.
Only for her at the bottom of the sea
Every corner is familiar.
Guess it quickly
What is the princess's name?... (Ariel)
4. In a dense forest, in a hut
Our princess grew up.
Three fairies hid her
From a terrible evil witch.
And here in the forest your destiny
Once I met
Although it’s a magical dream to fall asleep
Should have been at first.
But her love's kiss
He'll wake you up again, no doubt.
And he will find his love
Beauty... (Aurora)
5. She couldn’t sit at home,
I wanted to know the world.
And something that can do a lot
Prove it to yourself.
And instead of dad to war
She went.
And with her is a dragon and a cricket -
Faithful friends.
I wasn't scared, I didn't give up,
Went through a storm of troubles.
I found both friendship and love
Brave... (Mulan)
6. In a small village there lived
And I was waiting for adventures
I read a lot.
And then one night
She rushed to save her father
And she ended up in the castle.
But a terrible monster
She wasn't scared.
I found a lot of friends there.
Have you guessed it? This is... (Belle)
7. She is not afraid of work,
Beautiful and very sweet.
All the time in work and worries
My stepmother was evil.
But the fairy godmother one day
Helped her get to the ball.
There she met the prince
And I lost my shoe there.
But with this shoe
Our beauty has been found. (Cinderella)

Princess story:
Little Princess

Tired of being Alenka
Just a little girl.
I want it out of interest
She needs to stay for a day...

What a pleasure it is to be a princess
Everyone understands it.
And under the king father
Living not in a house - in...

There are countless halls in the palace!
There will be more, if not enough.
In each hall there is a
Soft for a princess...

She needs to sit on the throne,
To give out awards,
So that you can fall in love with a princess
The bravest in the world...

There are many knights in the world.
And the touchy princess
He says: “The feast is over!
Announced... "

Messengers news about the tournament
Scattered to all ends,
So that a prince in armor arrives
On a sparkling...

The horse gallops faster than the wind.
And horseshoes for good luck
Imprinted in the dust
Somewhere on the edge...

So that the earth does not become fluff,
We must gather our courage,
Your good glory
To prove honestly...

The fight ended in victory
Evil Vaska the cannibal.
He sat with his feet on the throne,
He extended his hand to...

But give the crown to the villain -
Bad idea!
It was not in vain that they invited us to know
To the tournament...

The hero will fight with everyone
For glory or fight.
He didn’t have time to save everyone -
He arrived right away...

Dragons kidnap everyone
It's a shame they don't visit princesses.
The window in the palace is open -
Didn't save the princess...

The retinue was very scared,
Wailing, she ran away,
And the dragon carries the princess
To the enchanted...

There, behind the forest, there is a hole.
It's time to renovate it.
New wallpaper is being glued
There are captives...

For real heroes
There is no sweeter praise from a princess.
But the princess from the jug
I called by accident...

Genie grants wishes
And drives away the dragons.
The dragon fled, alas,
Without a tail and...

The head can come up with
How else will the genie help her?
To return from the end of the world
We really need...

Here they are harnessing the carriage
A flock of winged horses.
Let them not look from above
To the princess...

The clouds gathered in a heap
They became a storm cloud.
The horses turned, because
We need a cloud...

It was not possible to fly around.
And the princess went downstairs
In exactly one minute
With an umbrella as with...

The parachute has been invented!
And the princess was taken away
To a very small house
Seven hardworking...

Dwarves are looking for treasure in the depths.
But the princess needs to go home
To a palace covered with gold.
The king is waiting for her...

Yes, the King Father is in trouble!
All roads were blocked
Out of grief, the flag was lowered.
The great one will save everyone...

The magician casts a spell over a cup
And he blows hard for tea.
He says: "She was captivated
Evil green..."

The crocodile was immediately captured
He is crying in an underground prison.
Tomorrow there must be this cry
Stop with an ax...

The executioner has already been called
They gave their word to the crocodile.
The bloodthirsty bastard swore
What is nothing...

The innocence of the crocodile
The evil spirits confirmed in chorus,
Having told what is behind the hill,
We saw the princess with...

The wolf is wanted
They found him and beat him.
But the princess is nowhere to be found
After all, she had a cold and...

The dog Bug took the trail,
Self-taught super sleuth.
I sniffed for a long time and now
The trail led to the underground...

The passage leads to a high tower,
In that tower there is a homely feeling.
There he keeps count of the luminaries

The astrologer did not deny
He confessed to the super detective
That the princess was here
Tea with cheesecakes...

But drinking tea is not a crime.
And the princess, having eaten the jam,
She said that she would fall in love
Wants to go to a fabulous...

The prince immediately appeared -
He called the princess
And he called her again
Walk with him into the yard.

Test two.
For dexterity.
A stool is placed in the middle of the clearing. One girl is selected. She will be a sleeping beauty. And one more guest who will be a security guard. Sleeping Beauty sits on a stool. A security guard walks nearby, not allowing the rest of the game participants to approach her. The rest of the guests must wake up the princess by touching her. When this succeeds, the one who awakens sits in the place of the sleeping beauty, and the beauty becomes a guard. The game continues until all children have played both roles.

Test three.
To know the rules of etiquette.
Children must answer quiz questions.
I also found the quiz on the Internet.
Competition-quiz “Everything according to etiquette” (Quiz competition etiquette)
Even kings and queens must know etiquette. The easiest way to remember the rules is through quizzes. Ask participants questions and let them try to guess what the correct answer is.
1. How many minutes before the start of the holiday should you come to visit? (In 5-10 minutes)
2. If you are late, should you explain the reason for your lateness? (Yes).
3. If you were told: “Dear guests, make yourself at home,” does this mean that you can walk around the entire apartment, enter the kitchen, bedroom, etc. (No. This is tactless).
4. You can sit down at the festive table after the invitation of the hosts; the host himself seats the guests. Who knows how? (Girl, guy - alternating; the newlyweds cannot be seated).
5. You were invited to the table, how should you sit? (Straight, not tense, slightly leaning on the back of the chair, hands on your knees or armrests before eating, do not put your elbows on the table while eating).
6. If you are the host, from which side will you serve hot main courses? (On the right).
7. And if it is necessary for the guests to take something from the common dish themselves, from which side should it be presented so that the guest is comfortable? (From the left side).
8. What foods can you pick up with your hands? (Bread, cookies, pies, whole fruits, whole tomatoes, cucumbers, as well as refined sugar, if tongs are not served).
9. What foods can only be eaten with a fork? (Soft foods: omelet, cutlets, scrambled eggs, porridge, casserole).
10. How to eat bread correctly? (Break off the slice into small pieces using the fingers of your left hand).
11. If the meal is interrupted, how are the cutlery placed? (On the edge of the plate).
12. If the meal is finished, where do you put the cutlery? (The cutlery is placed parallel to each other on the plate.)
13. How to use a spoon correctly? (While eating, the spoon is held parallel to the lips, with the pointed part slightly turned towards you; when using a spoon, food is taken away from you).
14. If you are served hot chops, will you cut them all at once, or will you cut off one piece at a time? (One piece at a time).
15. What utensils are used to eat sponge cakes and pastries? (With spoons).
What should a girl do if she is invited to dance by two gentlemen at once?
1) agree to half a dance with everyone
2) ask mommy for advice
3) refuse both under the pretext of fatigue
Answer: refuse both under the pretext of fatigue (but in no case refer to a headache, this is bad manners).
In what case at a ball can a girl not allow a young man to touch her?
1) if he is wearing hats
2) if he is not wearing gloves
3) if he is not dressed in the latest fashion
Answer: if he is not wearing gloves.
What should a man do if he meets a girl he knows on the street?
1) say hello and go on about your business
2) stop and give compliments
3) walk nearby for a while, maintaining a conversation
Answer: walk nearby for a while, maintaining a conversation.
What is a person not allowed to do if he is in the house for the first time?
1) stand with your back to the fireplace
2) join the conversation
3) go to the center of the room
Answer: stand with your back to the fireplace (from traditional folk respect for the stove, hearth).
If for some reason a guest leaves without saying goodbye, what should he do?
1) write a letter with explanations the next day
2) come in two days with explanations in person
3) after three days, invite the owners for a return visit
Answer: come in two days with explanations in person.

Test four.
For sensitivity.
Princess on the Pea.
A scarf is placed on the stool. Under it are from 2 to 5 small items. Children take turns sitting on a chair and trying to figure out how many objects they are sitting on. Naturally, the number of items varies for each person.

Test five.
For the ability to dance.
It's simple. Children dance together or separately to the music. You can limit them to some kind of framework, or you can give them freedom of action. I preferred the second one.

Test six.
The ability to have fun.
Princess Nesmeyana.
One girl sits on a stool and tries not to laugh. The others, in turn, must make her laugh. The game continues until all the children are in the role of the Princess-Nesmeyana.

Seventh test.
The ability to show yourself.
All children were invited to participate in a photo shoot. Everyone had to show how they could pose. At the same time, the photographs are beautiful. I arranged the photo shoot myself.

Medals for the prince and princess.
Princess - found on the Internet, many thanks to the author.

Crown for a princess (found on the Internet)

I took the crown for the prince on the Internet, thanks to the author Dusya_du (http://forum.materinstvo.ru/journal.php?user=61539&st=0)

Royal treasure.
When the children were awarded, I suggested that they look for the palace hiding place. I gave them the first card, on which it was written: “Look there...”. The children ran there. There is the next card... And so on until the tenth card, with which they found the treasure. I hid the treasure at home because it was easier to come up with places for cards and the hiding place itself (mailbox, washing machine, shoe cabinet, refrigerator, shelf with dolls...). Under their daughter's bed, the children discovered a treasure - a box that was filled to the top with valuables (a chocolate egg for each, candy bracelets, badges, Euro chocolates, chocolate coins...). The treasure was fairly divided among all participants in the operation.
I am attaching an archive in which a variant of a box for the treasure is proposed (found on the Internet), print out the pattern and then glue it together...

That's basically all.
Then the children played a little more in the apartment and went home.
Oh yes, of course there was cake!
