The only normal shawarma recipe on this Internet. Shawarma with chicken at home How to marinate chicken for shawarma at home

I made shawarma today according to your recipe, and it turned out incredibly delicious! If I treated a man to such shawarma, he would immediately propose to me, getting down on one knee and holding out a box with a Tiffany ring =))) and also made carrot cake according to your recipe. True, in a rectangular muffin tin, not a round one. The cake is delicious, but lacks the traditional moistness. Do you think it's because of the shape? All proportions were respected

So, it turns out that every self-respecting unmarried man should always carry a Tiffany ring with him, in case of a phenomenal shawarma? I’m embarrassed to ask, what should a married man carry with him? :)

I can only guess about the pie. Perhaps it's the carrots - it's not the season right now, the carrots dry out when stored, and the dough becomes less moist. I’m not talking about traditional maxims about air humidity, humidity and type of flour.

“I’m embarrassed to ask, what should a married man carry with him? :)"
Aha-ha-ha. :) It's five.
Girls are like that... give them rings, and even from Tiffany.
And 90% don’t even know how to cook. Or they do it either without desire, or as a fault and rarely with a twist. Everything is standard.

The 21st century looks like it will be marked by two things (food):
1. Almost no one cooks at home.
2. And if they cook, then men cook. Because among women only mothers and grandmothers still cook.

It’s true that my grandmother never cooked much (the second one did, but it was also simple: buckwheat, millet, soups, etc.).
Simple yes: dumplings, dumplings, potatoes, salad from your garden: tomatoes + cucumbers + dill + radishes, and porridge. Apparently, the war somehow left its mark (on both of them), everything is simple and unpretentious.

Mom was cooking. But again... I really liked 3-4 dishes. Apparently, it’s hard to cook all your life. Women generally don’t fall for it.

My sister is always cooking something fresh. My husband, of course, will be healthier, but he doesn’t even want to eat it.

The second one generally eats (with her husband) some kind of rubbish from stores. Store-bought salads, semi-finished products, loaves, sausages and other rubbish.

Dad always knew how to do it, but he preferred that his wives do it.

The one who really knew how and wanted to cook was my uncle (my father’s brother). That's what a gourmet is. He puts food on the table for dinner and is already thinking about what he will cook in the evening. But this also has disadvantages. Health suffers.

My wife, in principle, never knew how. She burned my scrambled eggs a couple of times... I decided that I’d rather cook than eat that.
(fortunately, the stupid education of a cook, which no one needs, was at least somehow useful to me, although I studied on my own, because in the 90s, teachers taught the same way they were paid their salaries (our government), that is, almost nothing)

Although her mother always cooked. Again, unpretentious (regular food every day, nothing special and not to say delicious). But her homemade preparations (for the winter) were always awesome.

(My wife’s) sister cooks so well that I’m surprised my husband hasn’t run away from her yet. I have never seen such transparent, shameful pale soups even in a hospital in the 90s. And you can’t even call it food at all. I think pigs eat better food.

One of my friends cooks himself. The wife “in life” is pregnant or with a child. And her salads didn’t fall on him.

A couple more acquaintances - similarly.

I’m trying to remember WHO cooks and... I can’t. Only single mothers who don’t have husbands and are forced to cook for their children.

And at the same time, I’m surprised that forums and websites are full of women preparing food. They are probably an endangered species between the ages of 40 and 60 and beyond. And young people, apparently, cook on holidays (after all, it’s INCONVENIENT to show guests that you don’t know how to cook, here you have to show off).

Maybe a little chaotic and somewhat rude. Sorry, it wasn't even in my thoughts.
But it is what it is. Only a few are prepared from the current generation (from 18 to 35).
Of course, I don’t mean like frying cards, making soup, etc. Because a 10 year old child can do it. Moreover, rarely does it turn out tasty.
I haven’t fried potatoes for 8 years. And the sisters still remember that these were the best potatoes of their lives. A friend taught me when I was 15. I didn’t want to eat what my mother cooked; I learned how to properly fry potatoes myself. So that it is crispy and crusty, and not half-cooked, like 99%.

P.P.S. That's why the girl wrote about the ring.
For (oh my God, such a complex and difficult culinary recipe) shawarma, which takes a whole DAY to cook!
And immediately a ring. It's not simple.
It is clear that this is irony. But there is much truth in this irony. The whole meaning of which for GIRLS of the current generation is: “What kind of food is there in the bathhouse? Do I look like a cook?!”

I think you're being overly dramatic. It is clear that if there is an opportunity not to cook at home (convenience foods, food delivery, catering, etc.), someone will definitely fall out. And that's okay. It’s not normal not to like to eat, but not to like to cook is quite normal, everyone has their own hobby. Well, actually, I don’t write “for everyone,” but for those who are interested. And shawarma is a simple dish, for some even low-born, and when it turns out to be really tasty (as it should be) - it makes an impression on the inexperienced.

“And that's okay. It’s not normal not to like to eat.”
No, well, actually this is a separate extensive topic. We definitely won’t talk about this. As for abnormality, I don’t know...

“and not liking to cook is quite natural, everyone has their own hobby.”
It's hard for me to agree with this. Due to the fact that I DO NOT like to do something badly.
And if I cook, especially FOR MYSELF, how can I not love it?
Well then, we can say that a person plants tomatoes in the garden not because he likes it, but to feed himself.
Yes, there is such a category of people. Purely consumer.
When a dog is kept in a private house not for the sake of love for the dog or so that it does not die somewhere, but so that it sits on a leash all day and yapps, scaring away unwanted guests.
I believe there are a huge number of them. But I can’t say that this is the norm. The majority is not the norm yet.

That is, without having the skills to cook, at the age of 15 I enjoyed cooking for MYSELF and then enjoyed the fact that it turned out great. This is the pleasure of doing something well and it turns out and brings the result that you wanted.
At the same time, I may not like to glue postcards, but if I do it for the sake of a gift for someone close to me, I will enjoy it too.
Therefore, it is not necessary to love something for it to be a hobby in order to enjoy this process.
And when others like cooking and people like it, that’s also a pleasure.
Therefore, how you can do this automatically, without pleasure, and at the same time consider that this is how it should be - I don’t understand who does this. This is just not normal. Not enjoying a process that OTHERS should definitely enjoy.

“And shawarma is a simple dish, for some even low-born”
Well, I somehow have little idea of ​​the “low-bornness” of products or dishes. Moreover, ordinary ones. This is not barley porridge after all. :)

“and when it turns out really tasty (as it should be) – it makes an impression on the inexperienced.”
I believe that food that is NOT tasty should not exist AT ALL.
Who would eat fried potatoes if they didn't taste good? Who's the omelette? Or scrambled eggs? Who would eat mashed potatoes if they didn't taste good?
Yes, there is a category of people (and there are many of them) who don’t know how, don’t want or don’t understand, then there’s a big chance that it won’t work out.
Here you can plant a Christmas tree so that it dries up. If you do this without the desire for her to grow.
But in general, if you do everything normally, the food should turn out normal. And if it’s with soul, then it’s definitely delicious (except for cases when a person simply doesn’t like some ingredient).
If puree can taste radically different, then I think shawarma can be even more so. After all, as I understand it, everything is tied to the ratio and correct selection of vegetables, tasty meat and tasty sauce.
Some people, of course, mechanically shovel vegetables and don’t care about the sauce, trying to get away with the fact that the person is hungry (which means it will seem tastier to him than it actually is), and the meat is still tasty...

Therefore, even stewed vegetables, done correctly, turn out tasty and make an impression. :) What can we say about shawarma.

I'm going to do everything your way, but I forget. Periodically, accidentally looking for something and ending up with you again.
But I think it will definitely be great here.
Because I see the presence of spices, their variety, strict proportions, and even more so the marinade for meat.
All this cannot but be delicious.

Once I cook it, I’ll ask how they liked it.

Most = normal. Just by definition.

Hi all! Recently I really wanted to make shawarma. Most often we use it to cut ready-made meat and/or chicken. Even more often, we simply chop sausages instead of meat and add vegetables. But this time I wanted to make real shawarma. I’ll tell you about the meat marinade, since everyone has their own favorite filling.

In any case, first cut the chicken (fillet) and/or pork into strips.

1st marinade method:
1. Salt, pepper and add soy sauce to the meat. Leave for 30-60 minutes.

(We use this marinade everywhere: in chops and kebabs). Then fry until golden brown

I found the second method in contact.
We do not salt the meat, it will all be in the marinade.
Mix 3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, salt, pepper and 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon.

and place the meat in this mixture, leave for 2 hours

Fry until golden brown

For the sauce, I like to mix garlic with mayonnaise. While looking for a recipe, I found 2 more sauces: alioli, recipe here-

And one more sauce recipe, but it is red - this is Salsa Bravo (translated as Brave Sauce). Bold because it's sharp. I really like hot sauces, but I don't like red ones. I didn’t coat the pita bread with it, but added the sauce inside the shawarma.

We have prepared the meat, now we coat the pita bread with any sauce. I prefer to coat it with garlic mayonnaise sauce. Add your favorite filling.

I like to use french fries for the filling. But yours, fried until crispy:

Here's our favorite filling:

French fries, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions (red tastes better), green onions, bell peppers, cheese. I see fresh cabbage in many recipes, but we prefer Korean carrots.

Lay out the filling

And add sauces:

Fix Price stores sell delicious sweet sauce

I also add spicy sauce recipe for spicy sauce
This time we added 2 more new sauces: salsa brava sauce and alioli sauce.

The second is obtained by beating eggs with garlic and olive oil - alioli sauce recipe

But Salsa Brava is not for everyone, since few people like red sauce, but it is red. The sauce is prepared with fried onions. His recipe is Salsa Bravo sauce recipe

Wrapping the shawarma

Very tasty if fried in a dry frying pan

This is how it turned out for me. Delicious!

The cooking time indicated is approximate, taking into account that all the ingredients are prepared. It took me about 40 minutes; I had to defrost the meat and prepare the sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

Cooking time: PT00H15M 15 min.

The basic recipe for chicken shawarma at home is easy to master. It is much tastier and healthier than store-bought and, moreover, it can be easily supplemented with a variety of ingredients. The result is a great snack for a snack or main meal. Today we will master the best cooking methods and learn how to wrap shawarma correctly.

In our country, shawarma has become synonymous with cheap and even dangerous from a hygiene point of view, fast food. But in Turkey and Egypt, shawarma (its other name) is considered a cult food - long lines line up at the most popular eateries, and the owners of the establishments keep their culinary secrets secret, passing them on from generation to generation.

But no matter how much shawarma is criticized, it never ceases to be tastier. And homemade shawarma is also completely safe: all ingredients and process are under our personal control!

For homemade shawarma (2 servings) we will prepare:

  • a large sheet of thin pita bread;
  • medium-sized tomato – 1 pc.;
  • cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • chicken leg – 2 pcs.;
  • sweet onion – 1 pc. (small);
  • mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • natural yogurt (or sour cream) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato sauce or good ketchup - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cilantro, parsley or any other greens - a small bunch;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

It is better to fry the chicken the day before (or bake it in foil) - the process of assembling the shawarma will go many times faster.

  1. First, fry the leg, adding salt and pepper to the chicken to taste. If you wish, you can season it with any other spices: oregano, marjoram, ready-made seasoning for chicken.
  2. Let it cool a little, and then cut it into separate fibers, carefully freeing it from the bones.
  3. While the chicken is cooling, prepare the vegetables. Peel the cucumber (or leave it if the cucumber is young and fresh), peel the tomato from the seeds and cut into small half rings. The onion needs to be cut the same way. For the sake of accuracy, we will place the vegetables on separate plates, and the taste of the individual components will be felt much brighter. We recommend cutting out the core of the tomatoes, leaving the fleshy pulp. If we put a tomato with all the juices, our dish will quickly spoil: the pita bread will get soggy, tear and the filling will begin to crumble.
  4. Prepare the sauce in a bowl - mix mayonnaise, sour cream, salt, herbs, ketchup. The result will be a thick, flavorful dressing. Now we need to assemble our shawarma (read the special section in our article below for information on how to wrap it correctly).
  5. Cut the pita bread into two parts, brush with sauce. Place a pile of vegetables and meat on top of the sauce in the following order: chicken, onions, tomatoes, cucumber. Do not put too much filling: this will cause the shawarma to fall apart.
  6. Wrap the shawarma with a tube, bending all the edges inward. Heat the frying pan, place the appetizer on a hot dry surface with the fold down so that it is fried and the shawarma “sticks together.” As soon as one side is browned, turn it over and bake on the other side. The heat should be medium so that the dish does not burn.

Place on a plate and serve. If everything is prepared correctly, the appetizer turns out delicious - juicy filling, crispy pita bread and sauce mix, turning into a symphony of tastes and aromas!

Cooking at home with garlic dressing

Garlic goes amazing with chicken. The main thing is to add just a little bit so that the seasoning slightly highlights the chicken meat. To do this, add garlic to the white sauce.

To prepare shawarma with garlic, prepare: 300 g of chicken fillet, a clove of garlic, yogurt, thick fermented baked milk (fat content 4%), cherry tomatoes, bell pepper, pickled cucumber, vegetable oil for frying, herbs (any) and thin pita bread. From this quantity you will get 2 large hearty shawarmas.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Cut vegetables into thin strips.
  2. Mix yogurt, fermented baked milk, herbs in a separate bowl, squeeze the garlic into it.
  3. Cut the chicken into strips and fry in a frying pan.
  4. Cut the pita bread into two parts, place the chicken on them, season it with sauce.
  5. Place vegetables on top of the sauce in any order.
  6. We wrap it into a neat “column”.

Fry the shawarma in a hot frying pan until crispy. We eat enjoying it, bite quickly - the sauce will literally flow into your mouth along with pieces of vegetables and meat. It's tasty, filling and quite easy on the stomach.

In pita bread with red sauce

In Turkey, doner kebab is prepared using fresh lamb, vegetables and special seasonings, which often include the special spice sumac, a sour, slightly astringent red seasoning. It gives the sauce a pinkish tint and a subtle oriental aroma. In our country, red sauce with cilantro is very popular. We will also prepare such shawarma.

For preparation you will need:

  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • a bunch of cilantro - small;
  • clove of garlic;
  • boiled chicken leg – 1 piece, large;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • sugar, salt, pepper to taste;
  • a sheet of thin fresh pita bread.

Let's start assembling the snack:

  1. Prepare red sauce. To do this, add tomato paste and chopped cilantro to the water, stir so that there are no lumps left, add salt and pepper to taste. You can add a pinch of sugar to enhance the taste, squeeze out a clove of garlic.
  2. We cut the vegetables into slices, cut the carrots into three thin strips, and separate the chicken into fibers. Cut the lavash into 2 parts.
  3. We assemble the shawarma in the following sequence: sauce, chicken, vegetables. We wrap it into a neat roll and fry it on both sides in a frying pan.

It turns out to be an interesting option for cilantro lovers. Anyone who is wary of the spice can replace it with any other herb, for example, delicate parsley.

Diet shawarma with chicken

Diet shawarma “weighs” only 160 kcal per 100 g (we measured it and know for sure!), in a serving of large and tasty homemade shawarma there is no more than 400 kcal - a complete lunch that meets all the standards of the KBZHU. Do you want to lose weight in a tasty and satisfying way? Learn how to make a healthy version of doner kebab - your waistline will thank you.

Required ingredients (for 2 pcs.):

  • chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • 100 ml natural yogurt;
  • any greens - a bunch;
  • spices, to taste;
  • fresh tomatoes, cucumbers – 1 pc.;
  • thin lavash – 1 pc.

Add natural yoghurt and cut the greens into it. Fry the chicken in a dry frying pan. We cut vegetables into slices. Generously grease the pita bread with sauce, lay out the meat and vegetables. Wrap it up and fry it in a frying pan. We eat it with green tea or coffee beans with a piece of cane sugar.

Original version with Korean carrots

There are people who simply cannot imagine shawarma without the spicy, spicy note that Korean carrots always add. For this option, we recommend purchasing 300 g of your favorite snack in advance, or preparing it yourself.

Let's prepare pita bread, chicken leg, some Chinese cabbage (¼ fork), tomato and sweet Yalta onion. We can prepare any sauce to your taste – red, white or yogurt, diet.

We assemble shawarma like this:

  1. Place shredded Chinese cabbage on the pita bread.
  2. On top - carrots in Korean.
  3. Then tomato slices, onion rings and, finally, poultry.
  4. The final touch is the sauce.

Why did we post it in this order? It's simple.

The vegetables in this recipe are quite juicy; if you immediately spread the sauce on the pita bread, there is a risk that the shawarma will fall apart.

That's why we only put the sauce on top.

Wrap the shawarma and fry it in a dry frying pan. Don’t forget that the folded area is always fried first so that the appetizer doesn’t fall apart. We eat it warm and enjoy life!

With chicken fillet and cheese

Chicken with melted cheese and vegetables is simply a gourmet classic. For the recipe, you can take any hard cheese, even smoked, and ready-made cheese in slices also goes very well - it melts quickly and soaks all the ingredients in a viscous creamy sauce.

We will need: pita bread, chicken fillet, tomato, cheese, sweet onion, a little vegetable oil, herbs. We recommend preparing the sauce white by mixing mayonnaise, sour cream, herbs and a little garlic.

How to cook:

  1. Fry the chicken in vegetable oil, cutting into strips.
  2. Cut the vegetables into slices.
  3. Place the chicken on the pita bread and cover it with a slice of cheese.
  4. Place vegetable slices on top.
  5. Season everything with sauce.

We wrap the shawarma and be sure to heat it in a frying pan - the cheese should melt. We eat shawarma, trying to be careful - the appetizer turns out juicy, tender and it is important not to miss a single piece!

With added mushrooms

By the way, you can also make shawarma during Lent. Instead of meat, it’s easy to add mushrooms by frying them with onions in a frying pan. Use any mushrooms: frozen honey mushrooms, dry white ones (pre-soaked in water), you can even take pickled boletus, just make them as dry as possible, freeing them from liquid marinade. In addition to mushrooms, we will wrap carrots and greens in pita bread, which we take to taste.

How to prepare a vegetarian option?

  1. Fry mushrooms with onions in a frying pan.
  2. Add grated carrots and simmer everything together.
  3. At the end, cut the greens and mix everything.
  4. Place the mushroom filling on half of the pita bread and wrap it all in a tube.
  5. Fry the appetizer in a frying pan until crusty.

We eat it warm, washed down with warm herbal tea. It turns out to be an interesting and satisfying variation. Those who do not fast can add any sauce and cheese to the recipe.

Homemade shawarma with chicken and vegetables

Homemade shawarma with chicken in pita bread, according to experts, turns out to be the most delicious thigh. The ideal option is to use chicken thigh fillets so as not to have to worry about cutting the meat from the bones.

Let's prepare:

  • chicken thigh fillet – 300 g;
  • thin pita bread – 1 pc.;
  • oil for frying – 50 ml;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper;
  • Chinese cabbage – ¼ fork;
  • onions – 1 piece;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Choose any sauce recipe. We recommend preparing an authentic oriental one. The recipe looks like this: mix yogurt with crushed garlic, add coriander, black pepper, season with wine vinegar and lemon juice, add salt to taste. They don't use any ketchup in the Middle East!

There is one more secret: the most delicious shawarma is obtained when heated on a grill. At home, popular “multi-baker” devices and regular waffle irons are perfect for such purposes.

  1. We cut the vegetables into slices, fry the chicken and let it cool slightly (so that it does not burn your hands).
  2. Place the meat on the pita bread, distribute the vegetables on top, pour the sauce over everything (do not be too zealous so that the shawarma does not “float”).
  3. Roll it into a neat roll and fry it in a frying pan.

Let's eat and enjoy life!

With white cabbage

Of course, Chinese cabbage is more tender. But sometimes the usual white cabbage is also suitable for shawarma. It must be finely chopped, kneaded thoroughly with your hands, seasoned with salt, vinegar and vegetable oil. You don't need a lot of vegetables for this option. It is enough to add greenhouse cucumber and sweet tomato to meat and cabbage.

Let's prepare:

  • a quarter fork of cabbage;
  • a little dill;
  • vinegar, salt, vegetable oil to taste;
  • sweet onion – 1 pc.;
  • pita;
  • chicken thigh meat baked in foil – 200 g;
  • tomato;
  • greenhouse cucumber.

Cooking step by step:

  1. For the sauce, mix a little mayonnaise and sour cream with a tablespoon of herbs. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Cut the vegetables into thin slices, and chop the meat into arbitrary cubes.
  3. Place cabbage, mashed with salt, seasoned with vinegar and oil, on the pita bread. Place tomatoes, meat and cucumber on top. Sprinkle our entire “structure” with sauce and carefully wrap it up.
  4. The last stage is frying in a dry frying pan.

This recipe is inexpensive to make during the vegetable season, but what a juicy appetizer it turns out to be! Eat with pleasure, don’t forget about the napkin.

Step-by-step instructions for wrapping shawarma

All that remains is to master the correct technology for rolling shawarma and you can start cooking. We offer a description of the classic scheme, and you, if desired, modify it to your taste.

The step-by-step instructions look like this:

  1. Spread half of the pita bread with the sauce, leaving 4 cm of the edges untouched.
  2. Place the filling on the sauce strictly in the center.
  3. Fold the edges of the pita bread towards the center.
  4. Fold the bottom edges up and make a turn to cover the filling.
  5. Roll until the end, giving the appetizer the shape of a roll.

There is an easier way - fold everything into an envelope. This will not affect the taste of shawarma in any way.

In general, there is nothing difficult in preparing such a snack. In practice, the “origami” technique from lavash is mastered instantly - the eyes are afraid, but the hands do it. The main thing is not to put too much filling so that it does not fall out. Try shawarma with different types of meat, experiment with fillings. It's tasty, satisfying and unusual. Bon appetit.



Lamb or veal meat, maybe turkey or chicken fillet

200 ml. vinegar 5
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
3-4 teeth. crushed garlic
salt, pepper to taste

/photo from the Internet/

Place the meat in a bowl and pour the marinade over it for 12 hours or leave overnight.
Then remove from the marinade, dry and fry on both sides on the grill or grill pan in a small amount. butter until golden brown.
If the pieces of meat are thick, they must be cut into portions, folded in foil and placed at 365 F for 15 minutes, covered.
then open the foil and brown uncovered for another 5 minutes.

Cut the warm pitas with scissors from one end, open the pocket, put inside all the vegetables you like in the salad, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes,
pickled vegetables, place the meat on them and pour the sauce over everything. Wrap it in the form of a bar, wrapping the edges of the pita well so that the sauce does not leak out.
Our shawarma is ready!


300 gr. chicken breast and thighs
1 sweet red pepper (cut into strips)
1 sweet green pepper (cut into strips)
1/2 sweet onion (thinly sliced ​​into half rings)
salad mixture with chicory
1 medium tomato

salt, fresh ground pepper

Marinade for meat: for 12-16 hours, overnight (in the refrigerator)

1 tsp garlic powder (or 2 cloves of garlic pressed through a press)
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp mixture for shawarma
1 tbsp. pomegranate sauce
1 tbsp. white vinegar 5%
1 tsp honey
1.1/2 olive oil
salt, pepper

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade, coat all the meat well, cover the container with cling film, and refrigerate overnight. The next day, in a grill pan, fry the meat on both sides until golden brown. then cut into pieces lengthwise, in the form of bars, wrap the meat in foil and place at 365 F for 20 minutes. Then remove and leave in a closed bag on the table for another 5 minutes; if the meat is not browned well, then leave these 5 minutes in the oven, but in an open form.
Then we begin to assemble our shawarma by cutting the pita on both sides with scissors and opening the pocket. Vegetables can be absolutely anything, fresh or pickled, all to your taste. In my case, this is lettuce, chicory, pepper, sweet onions, tomatoes, hot peppers, garlic sauce. All this is poured with lemon juice, sprinkled with salt and ground allspice. Wrap it in the form of a bar and homemade Shawarma is ready.
Bon appetit!


chicken meat (ham, brisket)

/photo from the Internet/

1/2 tsp dried garlic
1/2 tsp. ground cumin/cardamom/
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp. ground cloves
1/2 tsp. coriander/cilantro/
1 lemon/cut into slices with zest
salt, white pepper
Sprinkle the meat with this whole mixture, arrange it with lemon slices, pour some lemon juice on it and leave to marinate for 10-12 hours in the refrigerator.
The meat can be used for baking in the oven, shawarma, shish kebab...

**In any of the marinades, you can improvise and adjust it to your taste, remove or add some of the ingredients.

If you are a lover of oriental cuisine, then you will definitely like it with chicken. The birthplace of this dish is sunny Türkiye, and then the recipe for this delicious dish gradually began to spread throughout the world. Now you can buy it at any kiosk, or you can even prepare it at home.

Homemade chicken shawarma


  • chicken fillet – 500 g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices;
  • white cabbage – 300 g;
  • fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • Armenian lavash;
  • ketchup – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • Korean carrots – 100 g.


Now we’ll tell you how to cook chicken shawarma. So, cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil, seasoning the meat with pepper and salt to taste. Then transfer to a plate and leave to cool.

Meanwhile, finely chop the cabbage, put it in a bowl and knead it well with your hands. We wash the fresh cucumbers, chop them into slices, and chop the tomatoes into small cubes. Next, spread it out on the table, put some cabbage and chicken in the middle and pour ketchup on it. The next layer is cucumbers and tomatoes, on top of which we lay carrots in Korean. Lubricate the entire filling with mayonnaise and wrap it tightly in pita bread. Now we put the chicken shawarma in the microwave for a few minutes, after which we serve the dish.

Shawarma with chicken


  • chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • pita – 2 pcs.

For filling:

  • yogurt – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • white cabbage – 100 g;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • dill, parsley;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • tomato – 1 pc.

For the marinade:

  • ground cinnamon – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • sweet ground paprika - a pinch;
  • salt, ground pepper.


So, first let's prepare the marinade for chicken shawarma. To do this, combine all the spices, olive oil and lemon juice in a bowl, mix thoroughly.

Now we’ll tell you how to marinate chicken for shawarma. Place the fillet pieces into the sauce and leave in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Fry the marinated meat over medium heat until fully cooked. Chop all the ingredients for filling shawarma with chicken into thin strips - cucumber, sweet pepper, cabbage and tomato. Now coat the pita with a thin layer of garlic sauce, lay out the meat and vegetables and roll it into a roll.

Shawarma with chicken at home


  • water – 300 ml;
  • lavash – 4 sheets;
  • chicken breast – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • pickled cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • vinegar 9% – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise - to taste;
  • spices.


Cut the chicken fillet into thin slices, marinate with finely chopped onion, pepper, salt, add a pinch of sugar, pour in vinegar and leave warm for 30 minutes. Finely chop the cabbage, cut the cucumber and tomato into small cubes. Fry the marinated chicken in a frying pan until done. We divide each pita bread in half, put a little fried chicken, pieces of cucumber and tomato, cabbage, onion on one half, season with spices, pour over vegetable oil, mayonnaise, ketchup and wrap the pita bread in an envelope.

Shawarma with smoked chicken



Grease the pita bread with any sauce and place the filling on top: finely chopped chicken, onion, finely shredded cabbage, diced tomatoes and cucumber. Then pour the sauce over all the vegetables and roll them up. Warm up the dish in the microwave, or lightly fry in a hot, dry frying pan.
