Why is gogol mogol called that? Gogol mogol why is it called so History of gogol mogol

The history of the birth of this cocktail is quite unusual. Its name comes from the Low German expression Kuddel-muddel. It is believed that eggnog was invented by confectioner Manfred Köckenbauer during experiments in canning sweets, and the patent for its mass production

The history of the birth of this cocktail is quite unusual.

Its name comes from the Low German expression Kuddel-muddel.

It is believed that eggnog was invented by confectioner Manfred Köckenbauer during experiments in canning sweets, and the patent for its mass production was purchased by one well-known food concern for one and a half million marks.

At the same time, there is a legend that says that more than a hundred years ago this drink was invented by the cantor of the synagogue Gogel from Mogilev, who lost his job due to loss of his voice.

In search of a remedy that could restore his voice, Gogel came up with a recipe that was as follows: “take a cheese egg and drop it into a mug, crumble some bread, add salt and shake.”

At this time, the poor deacon had a noble culinary rival from Bolshaya Svorotva - the young Countess Pototskaya. The fragile and absurd Mrs. Bronislava loved to surprise distinguished guests with a new romance, but her voice often broke treacherously. Having heard about the miraculous dish, she immediately ordered it to be prepared. However, she replaced the bread with honey, and renamed it from “gogel-mogil” to “gogol-mogol”.

Gogol-mogol is a vivid example of the fact that something tasty can also be healthy.

The simplest recipe for eggnog: it recommends beating a couple of egg yolks with sugar and taking two teaspoons on an empty stomach in the morning. But these days, eggnog has become quite widespread, and it can be prepared in different ways.

Honey eggnog also helps very well if you have a sore throat, of course, when you are not allergic to honey, lemon and orange juice. So, beat the yolk, add two glasses of hot milk and six tablespoons of honey, then two tablespoons of orange or lemon juice, all this needs to be heated a little and add the white, whipped with sugar; taken on an empty stomach.

Children's eggnog was prepared by Aibolit in Chukovsky's fairy tale, and not a single child will refuse this delicacy. And if your throat is hoarse or a sore throat creeps in, then this drink will simply be a lifesaver for those children who do not like medications.

Just please, when offering it to your child, remember if your baby is allergic to egg yolk. If not, then feel free to give him this delicacy: in addition to the therapeutic effect, the cocktail will cheer up the baby, and if you also offer him cookies and a good bedtime story, then the disease will completely run away without looking back. To prepare, grind the yolks with sugar, add melted butter and a little cocoa, beat the resulting mass well with a mixer.

Fruit eggnog can be prepared with the addition of fruit juice (cherry, apple, pomegranate, currant, orange, apricot). Using a mixer, beat two yolks, add a pinch of salt, three tablespoons of sugar and half a glass of juice, still stirring, add two glasses of cold milk and half a glass of ice water, then add the white whipped until stiff and sprinkle with grated nuts. So you have a cocktail that you can drink through a straw.

Gogol-mogol “Polish style” is prepared with the addition of strawberries or raspberries with a drop of lemon juice. First, you should wipe the yolks with sugar and beat the whites into a fluffy foam. In Polish, the name of this cocktail sounds like “kogel-mogel”. Coffee eggnog is prepared at the rate of one egg per four coffee cups. Beat the white with a mixer, and grind the yolk with sugar. Pour warm milk into the bottom of the cup, and then freshly brewed ground coffee, add a little yolk on top, and then, in the center, white. At the same time, you need to drink this drink from a cup without stirring.

Alcoholic eggnog served in bars is more aimed at the female half of visitors, as it turns out to be too sweet, but I think men with a sweet tooth will also like it. To prepare it, mix the yolk, cream, sugar syrup, ice with rum (wine, cognac, brandy, whiskey), then filter and serve in a tall glass with nutmeg crumbs.

Gogol-mogol “in Dutch” is called “Lawyer”, and it is prepared with the addition of cognac as follows. First, beat the yolk with salt and sugar until a thick lemon-colored mixture is formed, then add cognac and place this mass in a water bath. The cocktail is prepared over low heat, stirring carefully, the main thing is not to overheat, the drink should be warm, not hot. After removing from the water bath, you need to add vanilla, and then make a “cap” of cream. And thus the cocktail turns into a dessert that is not drunk, but eaten with a spoon.

The ancient recipe today has acquired a sweet color and the smell of spices, and you can prepare a cocktail for any occasion, but I wish you never to lose your voice, and drink this cocktail only to diversify the menu and lift your spirits.

The history of the birth of this cocktail is quite unusual. Its name comes from the Low German expression Kuddel-muddel. It is believed that eggnog was invented by confectioner Manfred Köckenbauer during experiments on canning sweets, and the patent for its mass production was acquired by one well-known food concern for one and a half million marks.
At the same time, there is a legend that says that more than a hundred years ago this drink was invented by the cantor of the synagogue Gogel from Mogilev, who lost his job due to loss of his voice. In search of a remedy that could restore his voice, Gogel came up with a recipe that was as follows: “take a cheese egg and drop it into a mug, crumble some bread, add salt and shake.” At this time, the poor deacon had a noble culinary rival from Bolshaya Svorotva - the young Countess Pototskaya. The fragile and absurd Mrs. Bronislava loved to surprise distinguished guests with a new romance, but her voice often broke treacherously. Having heard about the miraculous dish, she immediately ordered it to be prepared. However, she replaced the bread with honey, and renamed it from “gogel-mogil” to “gogol-mogol”.
Gogol-mogol- this is a vivid example of the fact that something tasty can also be healthy. This excellent remedy is recommended for medicinal purposes for sore throats, hoarseness, and loss of voice.
The simplest eggnog recipe: recommends whisking a couple of egg yolks with sugar and taking two teaspoons on an empty stomach in the morning. But these days, eggnog has become quite widespread, and it can be prepared in different ways.
Honey eggnog It also helps very well if you have a sore throat, of course, when you are not allergic to honey, lemon and orange juice. So, beat the yolk, add two glasses of hot milk and six tablespoons of honey, then two tablespoons of orange or lemon juice, all this needs to be heated a little and add the white, whipped with sugar; taken on an empty stomach.
Children's eggnog I also prepared Aibolit in Chukovsky’s fairy tale, and not a single child will refuse this delicacy. And if your throat is hoarse or a sore throat creeps in, then this drink will simply be a lifesaver for those children who do not like medications. Just please, when offering it to your child, remember if your baby is allergic to egg yolk. If not, then feel free to give him this delicacy: in addition to the therapeutic effect, the cocktail will cheer up the baby, and if you also offer him cookies and a good bedtime story, then the disease will completely run away without looking back.
To prepare, grind the yolks with sugar, add melted butter and a little cocoa, beat the resulting mass well with a mixer.
Fruit eggnog can be prepared with the addition of fruit juice (cherry, apple, pomegranate, currant, orange, apricot). Using a mixer, beat two yolks, add a pinch of salt, three tablespoons of sugar and half a glass of juice, still stirring, add two glasses of cold milk and half a glass of ice water, then add the white whipped until stiff and sprinkle with grated nuts. So you have a cocktail that you can drink through a straw.
Gogol-mogol “Polish style” prepared with the addition of strawberries or raspberries with drops of lemon juice. First, you should wipe the yolks with sugar and beat the whites into a fluffy foam. In Polish, the name of this cocktail sounds like “kogel-mogel”.
Coffee eggnog is prepared at the rate of one egg per four coffee cups. Beat the white with a mixer, and grind the yolk with sugar. Pour warm milk into the bottom of the cup, and then freshly brewed ground coffee, add a little yolk on top, and then, in the center, white. At the same time, you need to drink this drink from a cup without stirring.
Alcoholic eggnog, served in bars, is more aimed at the female half of visitors, as it turns out to be too sweet, but I think men with a sweet tooth will also like it. To prepare it, mix the yolk, cream, sugar syrup, ice with rum (wine, cognac, brandy, whiskey), then filter and serve in a tall glass with nutmeg crumbs.
Gogol-mogol “Dutch style” called “Lawyer”, and it is prepared with the addition of cognac as follows. First, beat the yolk with salt and sugar until a thick lemon-colored mixture is formed, then add cognac and place this mass in a water bath. The cocktail is prepared over low heat, stirring carefully, the main thing is not to overheat, the drink should be warm, not hot. After removing from the water bath, you need to add vanilla, and then make a “cap” of cream. And thus the cocktail turns into a dessert that is not drunk, but eaten with a spoon.
The ancient recipe today has acquired a sweet color and the smell of spices, and you can prepare a cocktail for any occasion, but I wish you never to lose your voice, and drink this cocktail only to diversify the menu and lift your spirits.

"Gogol-mogol"- This is a truly universal dish: it is called a dessert, a nutritious drink for children, while “mogol-mogol” can also be prepared with the addition of alcohol, which puts it in the “for adults” category. Besides "eggnog"It is considered a cure for a sore voice and sore throat. This healing remedy will help you deal with hoarseness in no time.

What is "gogol-mogol"?

In the United Dictionary of Culinary Terms “Eggnog” is defined as an intermediate formation between a drink and a dish(an interesting decision, given the variety of cooking recipes). Regardless of whether it is a drink, a dish, or a medicine, any “mogol-mogul” has a base - an egg. As a rule, beaten yolks mashed with sugar are used. But in Russia, also a popular option is “gogol-mogol” made from a whole egg with salt and bread. There are also variants of “gogol-mogol” made from protein alone. In general, you may come across many variations of this dish: with the addition of alcohol (wine, rum, cognac), honey, cocoa, fruit and fruit juices.

What a strange name?

According to Krylov's Etymological Dictionary, the name of this dish migrated into Russian from Polish. The Polish kogel-mogel means the same as the Russian “gogol-mogol” - egg yolk beaten with sugar. Only in the Russian version the first part of the name (kogel) sounds like “gogol”. But the history of the name “gogol-mogol” is not so simple: it came into Polish from German and goes back to "kuddel-muddel" meaning "mush". The famous linguist Vasmer in his dictionary offers another version of the origin: from English. « hug-mug", "hugger-mugger". However, the previous version, associated with Polish and German, is also presented in the Max Vasmer dictionary. The scientist points to two other variants of the sound of this dish: the St. Petersburg “gogel-mogel” and the Smolensk “gogal-mogal”.

Origin of the drink

As for the invention of “gogol-mogol”, in this respect it can truly be called legendary. Today, there are several versions of the origin of this drink.

According to first version, the cocktail was invented by the German confectioner Manfred Köckenbauer, a famous expert in experiments in canning sweets. The result of his experiments really attracted the attention of a large food concern, which acquired a patent for the mass production of eggnog.

Another version looks very much like a legend: A cantor from Mogilev (otherwise known as “Mogilya”), whose last name was Gogel, once lost his voice and was unable to perform his duties in the synagogue. It is clear that the cantor was not happy with the situation that arose: who wants to lose their job, and even sit with a sore throat? And Gogel came up with a recipe: “take a cheese egg and crack it into a mug, crumble some bread, add salt and shake.”

This matter could not have happened without a woman: third version says that Countess Bronislava Potocka worked on “mogol-mogol”. Mrs. Pototskaya, famous for her beautiful voice, faced, like Gogel, a throat disease that prevented her from singing her favorite songs. The Countess's recipe looked a little different: instead of bread, she added honey. Apparently, the Countess, as a woman, felt how much healthier honey was than bread and that the use of bread added calories to the dish. The countess began to call “Gogel-Mogel” “gogol-mogol”. Perhaps this is motivated by the following associative link: egg - duck, gogol is a diving duck from the duck family (remember the expression “walking like a gogol”, associated with the gait of a duck: protruded chest and thrown back head).

To the question Why is Gogol-Mogol called that? given by the author Yoman B the best answer is
There is a legend about the origin of this strange name. Allegedly, there was a cantor named Goga in the choral synagogue in Mogilev. Much to his chagrin, Goga lost his voice and lost his lucrative position. He tried all sorts of means to restore his voice. Finally, someone advised him to shake raw eggs with wine and drink. The remedy helped. The new drink was called gogol-mogol, since Goga was from Mogilev.
Rumors about this story reached Countess Pototskaya, who lived in the vicinity of Mogilev. The countess loved to play music, but her voice was weak, and she decided to try Goga’s remedy, adapting the recipe in an aristocratic way.
Here is the authentic recipe for Polish eggnog: “Wash the yolks with sugar until white, add mashed strawberries, raspberries or lemon juice, well-beaten egg whites and stir the mass until it turns into a fluffy foam. If there are no sour fruits, then serve eggnog without whipped whites" (Polish cuisine. Warsaw, 1957).

Answer from Tatiana[guru]
egg yolk drink

Answer from Gayk Arutyunov[active]
because he is sweet (treated)

Answer from MOSKWA[guru]
GOGEL-MOGEL (sometimes they mistakenly write and say “gogol-mogol”). Beaten egg yolks, mashed with sugar and mixed with a teaspoon of rum or cognac, slightly diluted with water, and then beaten again over ice. Most often it is made without rum, with just water and sugar, and in this form serves as a children's homemade sweet dish.

Answer from Ivan Gorbenko[guru]
Gogol-mogol is a drink, the main components of which are a beaten egg with sugar and milk. Everyone knows that gogol-mogol is an excellent remedy that is recommended to be taken for medicinal purposes for sore throats, against hoarseness, and loss of voice. This drink was invented by the synagogue cantor Gogel from Mogilev, which transformed into Gogol-Mogol

Answer from Lady[newbie]
The most common legend about the origin of this drink tells us that more than a hundred years ago there lived a cantor, a Jewish deacon, in Mogilev. A terrible misfortune befell this cantor - he was fired from the synagogue because his voice lost his voice. The father of a large family, as a true descendant of the family of Moses, struggled, but did not give up. I tried everything to restore my voice. And here's the luck: Gogel (that was the name of the clergyman) invented his own recipe. “Take a raw egg, drop it into a mug, crumble chernukha (that is, black bread), add salt and shake.” He took the medicine little by little, with a small spoon. And since Gogel from Mogil (as he was called) was a poor man, it also served him as a hearty breakfast. At this time, the poor deacon had a noble culinary rival from Bolshaya Svorotva - the young Countess Pototskaya. The fragile and absurd Mrs. Bronislava loved to surprise distinguished guests with a new romance, but her voice often broke treacherously. Having heard about the miraculous dish, she immediately ordered it to be prepared. However, she added: “Why is there bread here? It only makes you fatter! And there's no need for salt. Add half a spoonful of honey and stir longer. And why is it “gogel”? All the ganders in the area are called “gogol”. So let it be “Gogol-mogol”. This is my balm! “Soon the recipe for Panya Bronya spread throughout Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine. Traditionally it was taken in the morning. Children especially loved him. And what about our Jewish inventor? Have you given up? Nothing like this. Having learned about the treachery of a noble lady, he found something to say. "Gogol-mogol"? What kind of dish is this? Mine is called "Mogol-nog". Remember! “Today everyone knows that eggnog is an excellent remedy that is recommended to be taken for medicinal purposes for sore throat, hoarseness, and loss of voice.

Answer from User deleted[newbie]
Gogol is such a bird

Answer from Dmitry Limonov[master]
something connected with the eggs of Nikolai Vasilich Gogol, no less. Either Pushkin licked them, or Pushkin’s wife swallowed them right up to the frame
