Step-by-step recipe for pizza dough with yeast. Delicious yeast pizza dough

The classic pizza dough recipe is yeast, flour, water and salt. This is exactly the correct dough that we will prepare today. Let's slightly diversify the composition with sunflower oil.

This will make our bun even more tender and elastic. Homemade yeast pizza dough using dry yeast is kneaded in literally 15 minutes.

All you need to do is buy this dry instant yeast. You also need to take wheat flour, warm drinking water, salt and sunflower oil.

Place flour in a bowl. Add dry yeast to the flour. For pizza, yeast does not need to be dissolved in water.

Add water immediately after the yeast. It should only be used warm. Hot water kills yeast, and cold water slows down the fermentation process.

Next add sunflower oil. Knead into a soft bun.

Quick pizza dough with dry yeast is ready!

Let's divide the bun into two parts. Roll out the dough into a round cake. Place it on the bottom of the springform pan. Dust the base with flour. We also use flour for rolling.

Now about the pizza. There can be so many options for filling that you won’t be able to fill your fingers. Let's focus on economy class ingredients.

We assume that schoolchildren and students will be able to bake our pizza. You will need: tomato sauce, smoked sausage, tomatoes, “Russian” cheese, black olives.

Grease the dough with tomato sauce.

Spread it over the surface with a silicone brush.

Add sausage and tomatoes.

Sausage and tomatoes are sprinkled with grated cheese.

Then black olives, halved.

School pizza is placed in an oven preheated to 240°C for 10 minutes. Hooray! I'm all ready!

Let's add quick pizza dough with dry yeast to our collection of simple homemade recipes. Yeah?

This Italian flatbread has forever become recognized as our dish. Simply because it is always tasty and convenient. But today we’ll talk about how to make yeast pizza dough quickly and very tasty, so as not to cook it for half a day.

This dish itself was invented by Italian peasants; all the ingredients that were at hand were laid out on a flatbread of dough, then everything was baked. This is such a delicious dinner and we love it. But the dough is the main component of pizza. There are recipes for water and kefir, but yeast always turns out softer and tastier. it comes out with soul.

Pizza dough recipes with yeast

Yeast pizza recipe No. 1

What could be faster than dry yeast dough is always a 100% success of the recipe. It's so simple and quick that you'll be surprised to make this recipe yourself.

For such a simple test you will need:

  • Three quarters of a glass of warm water
  • A teaspoon of dry yeast
  • A couple of glasses of flour
  • Teaspoon of sugar
  • A quarter teaspoon of salt
  • Tablespoon vegetable oil

How we will knead the dough:

We take warm water, not room temperature, but a little warmer, about thirty degrees. Yeast should be added not to water, but to flour, which we sift in advance. Do not use too much flour, then the dough will turn out like a regular dry flatbread.

Combine water with lean butter, sugar and salt and begin to add flour little by little, constantly stirring the dough. Then, when it is already elastic enough, continue kneading with your hands. I don’t knead until it starts to stick to my hands, let it be sticky, it’s okay, but our pizza base will be soft and tasty.

When the dough is already kneaded, cover it with a towel and leave it somewhere warm for literally fifteen minutes. At these moments you will have time to prepare the filling.

I sometimes use the oven to prove the dough. I turn it on for five minutes, then turn it off and put the dough there in a warm place. It's very convenient and fast.

Baking a pizza on this dough, if the filling is very simple, at one hundred and eighty degrees takes only about ten minutes if it is rolled out very thin and the oven heats evenly.

Quick yeast pizza dough with milk, recipe No. 2

To execute the test we will need:

  • Glass of warmed milk
  • Four hundred grams of flour
  • Half a glass of sunflower or olive oil
  • Seven grams of dry yeast
  • A teaspoon of salt with sugar

How to make pizza dough with milk:

The milk should be warmed slightly above room temperature so that the yeast starts to play faster. Next, pour yeast, salt and sugar into the heated milk and pour butter into it, you know that it cannot be kept in the refrigerator. It shouldn't be cold either.

We knead all the components of the future dough well; it is very important for us to completely dissolve the yeast. Add the flour a little at a time; you can immediately sift it into the liquid. Mix thoroughly so that no lumps remain. The dough should be good, elastic and not stick to your hands.

At the last stage, leave the dough in a warm place until it rises, it should double in size. Then start preparing the base for baking pizza.

Fluffy pizza dough, recipe No. 3

We will need to take:

  • A glass of slightly warmed water
  • Three hundred grams of premium white flour
  • Six grams of dry yeast
  • Three tablespoons of olive or sunflower oil
  • Half a teaspoon of sugar
  • A pinch of salt

How to knead:

Sift the flour into a convenient container, add salt to it. The water should be at a temperature of about thirty degrees. Dissolve the yeast and sugar in it, pour in the oil and leave somewhere warm for fifteen minutes.

Then pour the resulting mixture into the flour and begin kneading. It should become soft and light, homogeneous. Then cover it and leave it to rise. It is better to stretch out the fermentation process over time, the dough will be fluffier, for this you do not need to put the dough in a warm place.

Quick yeast pizza dough, recipe No. 4

We will need for it:

  • A glass of well-heated water
  • Two and a half cups of flour
  • Eight grams of dry yeast
  • Three tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil
  • Tablespoon sugar
  • A teaspoon of salt

How to cook:

We heat the water, mix the yeast with sugar and salt in it, adding olive oil. Let it sit for a while, the yeast needs time to disperse.

Sift the flour into the resulting liquid. There is no need to knead the dough, just stir it well, then place it on a baking sheet and smooth it out with your hands.

Quick pizza dough with fresh yeast, recipe No. 5

For the recipe we will need:

  • One hundred twenty milliliters of warm water
  • A glass of flour
  • Three tablespoons of olive oil
  • Twenty grams of fresh yeast
  • A teaspoon of salt

How to make quick pizza dough with fresh yeast:

We take two convenient dishes, in one we mix flour with salt, in the other water with sugar and yeast. When the yeast has dispersed well, pour the liquid into the flour, then mix with vegetable oil.

Knead the dough with your hands until it starts to stick. It must be pliable. Cover the finished dish under a towel and leave it warm. After it has doubled in size, you can start rolling it out.

The dough is prepared quite quickly, the dough turns out thin and crispy (if you roll it out in a thin layer). But at the same time, quick yeast pizza dough is also very tasty. The recipe, as always, with step-by-step photographs.

I have been making pizza using this recipe for quite some time. A friend of mine once shared a pizza recipe with me.

Since then, all my recipes that I used to cook before have been relegated to another plan. This is the recipe I use to make pizza. We cooked it not long ago. Unlike other recipes that I had previously tried, our whole family liked this dough recipe, and I like the recipe for its speed and ease of preparation.

Quick yeast pizza dough. Recipe with photo

This dough is quite simple and does not include eggs or milk. The dough is prepared with dry yeast. The dough recipe and proportions are designed specifically for the use of dry yeast. Using compressed yeast means different proportions of ingredients.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 100 ml. warm water
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1.5 cups flour (250 grams)

I will write to you the process of preparing the dough so that you have no doubt about its simplicity and speed of preparation.

And then, in more detail, with step-by-step photographs, I will show you the entire process of preparing yeast pizza dough on water.

Pizza dough. Cooking process

The dough preparation process includes several stages. In total, it takes me 20-25 minutes to prepare the dough.

  1. Pour warm water into a bowl and add sugar and dry yeast
  2. After 7-10 minutes, add salt and vegetable oil
  3. Immediately add flour in small portions
  4. Knead the dough and leave for 15 minutes
  5. After the specified time, the dough increases in volume several times
  6. The dough is ready, you need to roll it out and lay out the filling
  7. Then immediately place the pizza in the oven

For the dough we need boiled warm water, salt, sugar, dry yeast, vegetable oil (can be replaced with olive oil), flour. These are all the components.

I pour warm water into a bowl, please note, it’s warm water, not hot. Pour in sugar and dry yeast. I mix everything and leave for 7-10 minutes.

If desired, vegetable oil can be replaced with olive oil. I haven’t tried it, I prepare quick yeast pizza dough with vegetable sunflower oil. It’s just that olive oil gives a slight bitterness in other dishes, so we don’t use it with it.

Now add the sifted flour in small portions. You don't need to add all the flour at once, add a few tablespoons at a time.

You may need a little more or a little less flour specified in the ingredients.

Mix the dough with a tablespoon or silicone spatula. Gradually add flour and mix the dough.

When the dough can no longer be mixed with a spoon, continue kneading the dough with your hand, right in the bowl, without putting the dough on the table.

Knead the dough for about 2 minutes. The dough is quite plastic, does not stick to your hands, and is very pleasant to work with. All thanks to the vegetable oil included in its composition.

Now you need to cover the dough with a clean towel. Leave the dough to rise for 15 minutes. To make this process happen faster, the dough needs to be placed in a warm place.

We came up with a very original way. Heat water in a saucepan. Place the bowl of dough on the pan, and do not forget to cover the top of the dough with a towel.

After 12-15 minutes, the dough looks like this. You can now start making pizza.

Agree, the process of preparing the dough is very quick and simple. The ingredients are very affordable. There is no need to tinker with the dough for a long time. There are big advantages to this.

The dough turns out soft, elastic, not sticky, rolls out perfectly with a rolling pin, and there is no need to additionally “dust” the dough or surface with flour.

From the specified amount of pizza ingredients, one pizza is obtained. The pizza is 25 cm in diameter. I will also cook with greens. I don’t make pizza every day, so I always want to please my family with delicious pizza.

After the dough has stood for 15 minutes and “proven”, you immediately begin working with it. Roll out the dough into a circle shape, if desired, if you have a square baking tray, the shape can be square.

The pizza dough is thin, crispy, very tasty, and a variety of tasty toppings will give the pizza an unforgettable aroma and taste.

After rolling out the dough, immediately add the filling and place the pizza in the oven. Quick yeast pizza dough is ready, the recipe with photographs will provide you with a visual process and step-by-step instructions.

This pizza is enough for a family of 4 people. Our children love pizza, especially. You can decorate the finished pizza as desired. I use any fresh herbs that are in the refrigerator (dill, parsley, basil).

Have a quick pizza and bon appetit!

There are several technological and recipe nuances in preparing high-quality pizza dough. Firstly, pizza dough must contain a minimum set of ingredients: flour, salt, water and yeast, so immediately get rid of recipes that list oil, or, worse, sour cream, or mayonnaise, with such ingredients you will only convert the products.

Secondly, do not forget to let the yeast “come to life”, let it sit in a warm place until the solution begins to bubble, then slowly add flour and knead a soft dough that will not stick to your hands.

Thirdly, do not rush, knead the dough long and diligently, at least 10 minutes. You will feel when the dough is ready, it will become perfectly smooth, soft and elastic. Well, now let's understand in practice the technology of preparing dough and recipes for yeast pizza.

Yeast pizza dough recipe


  • first ground wheat flour – 500 g;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • yeast - 1/2 tbsp. spoons.


Heat the water, pour 100 ml and dissolve sugar and yeast in it, cover the mixture with cling film and let it stand in a warm place until the yeast bubbles. Sift the flour, mix with salt and add it to the yeast solution, stirring constantly. Knead an elastic dough that will not stick to your hands, add more flour if necessary, and add water. Form the dough into a ball and place it in a bowl, cover the bowl with a damp towel and place in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours. Knead the finished dough and divide into portions.

Yeast pizza recipe


  • dough;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • basil – 1 bunch;
  • tomatoes – 400 g;
  • “Mozzarella” - 100 g;
  • olive oil;
  • salt pepper.


For the sauce, peel the tomatoes and chop them as desired. In a frying pan with olive oil, fry the chopped garlic until golden brown, add the basil leaves and tomatoes, season the sauce with salt and pepper, keep on the fire for up to 20 minutes, crushing the tomatoes with a wooden spoon.

Roll out the dough and grease with the prepared sauce, lay out the Mozzarella circles and put in the oven for 7-10 minutes at 250 degrees. Garnish the finished pizza with fresh basil.

Fried pizza recipe with yeast dough


  • yeast pizza dough;
  • “Mozzarella” - 300 g;
  • tomato sauce (according to the previous recipe) -200 ml;
  • basil – 1 bunch;
  • tomatoes – 400 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Divide the dough into 10 small parts, stretch each of them into a layer 0.5 cm thick and leave to rest.

Pour about 2 cm of vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the dough layers on it for 30 seconds on each side. Now dry the pizza bases on paper towels, brush with tomato sauce and place cheese and basil on top. Leave the pizzas under the grill until the cheese begins to bubble, and then serve.

Recipe for making yeast pizza "Calzone"


  • Pizza dough;
  • olive oil;
  • wild mushrooms – 500 g;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • thyme – 4 sprigs;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt pepper;
  • tomato sauce (according to the previous recipe) – 200 ml;
  • spinach leaves – 300 g;
  • "Mozzarella" - 150 g.


Chop the mushrooms randomly and fry in olive oil until tender, at the end add chopped garlic, butter and thyme. Salt and pepper the mushrooms.

They say that the taste of pizza depends on the toppings. I don’t agree, because the dough plays just as important in baking. Today we’ll talk about the types of yeast pizza dough made with water, milk, kefir, and dry yeast. Notice the difference? The taste of homemade products made from ready-made dough based on a specific batch also adds its own flavor.

Making pizza with yeast requires more free time, since the dough must “ripen”, but a pie with toppings only benefits from this. The pizza will turn out fluffy and very tasty.

Yeast pizza dough with water

I think this recipe is the best, fastest, easiest. The dough comes out very tasty, prepared with fast-acting yeast.


  • Water – 300 ml.
  • Flour – 500 gr.
  • Sunflower oil – 50 ml.
  • Dry yeast - 12 g bag.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • A little sugar.

Recipe with photos step by step

Warm the water, make it slightly warmer than room temperature. Pour in half of the vegetable oil specified in the recipe. Don’t measure it specifically, pour it by eye.

Sprinkle with some flour. Knead the dough with a spoon, a little thinner than for pancakes. Try to break up the lumps. But if there are a few tiny lumps left, don't worry, don't waste time trying to get the perfect consistency.

Separately, in a cup, prepare the instant yeast. Pour warm water over them, add a spoonful of sugar, stir until the crystals dissolve. Add a spoonful of flour and stir the mixture again.

Pour the yeast mixture into the dough. Mix well.

Start adding flour. Again, do not fill the entire amount completely. Pour in, stir the contents, add again and work with a spoon. The mass will become very thick, it will begin to fall off a spoon with difficulty, but it will not be stiff yet, not for baking pizza.

Place the pan in a warm place. You don't have to cover it. After 10-15 minutes the dough will begin to bubble and the yeast will begin to work. When the mass rises a little, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Place the remaining flour on the work surface of the table. Stir the dough in a bowl, place it on the table, on the flour. Knead with your hands. In total, you should use 0.5 kg of flour as stated in the recipe. If your hands are still sticking at the end, add a little more.

When the dough is almost ready and there is no flour left on the table, pour the remaining sunflower oil onto the countertop.

Start kneading the lump again so that the butter, like the flour, is completely absorbed into the mass. Leave to “rest” and soak for 10 minutes.

Tip: everyone's flour is of different quality, so if the dough continues to stick to your fingers, add a little more and knead thoroughly again.

Quick yeast pizza dough

The previous dough comes ready quite quickly, however, this recipe with water is even faster, thanks to a slight change in technology. After 20-25 minutes you can cook the pizza.

  • Water – 100 ml.
  • Granulated sugar - a teaspoon.
  • Flour – 1.5 cups.
  • Instant yeast - teaspoon.
  • Salt – ½ small spoon.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 large spoons.


  1. Pour warm water into a bowl, add yeast and sugar. After stirring, leave for 7-8 minutes.
  2. Pour oil into the dough and stir. Gradually start adding flour product. First, mix with your hands in a bowl, then, continuing to add, as the lump grows and strengthens, move to the table.
  3. After kneading the dough well, cover it with a towel and leave to “ripen” on the table for 10-15 minutes. If you want to speed up the process even more, place the bowl with the dough ball in a water bath.

Video recipe for dough like in a pizzeria

With milk and eggs

You can make equally tasty homemade dough if you use milk as a base. The elastic, pliable dough mass easily rolls out into a thin cake.

You will need:

  • Flour – 2 cups.
  • Dry yeast - a large spoon.
  • Granulated sugar - spoon.
  • Milk – ½ cup.
  • Egg.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt – ½ teaspoon.


  1. Warm the milk to approximately 40 o C. Dissolve the quick yeast in it, beat in the egg, add sugar, and salt.
  2. Sift the flour into a separate container. Slowly add the milk mixture and knead the pizza dough.
  3. Form a ball, wrap the bowl with the dough in film, and place in a warm place.
  4. After 1-1.5 hours, knead and start making pizza.

Yeast dough with milk


  • Flour – 2 cups.
  • Dry yeast – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Granulated sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Milk – 250 ml.
  • Salt.
  • Vegetable oil - tbsp. spoon.

How to knead:

  1. Combine sugar and yeast in a bowl. Pour in 2 tablespoons of warm milk and stir.
  2. Set aside and wait for the yeast to start working.
  3. Salt the rest of the milk, pour the earned dough into it.
  4. After stirring well, start adding the flour product.
  5. When the mixture becomes quite thick, stir in the sunflower oil. Then transfer the dough to the table.
  6. Continue adding flour until the dough is soft but firm.
  7. Roll into a ball and cover with a towel. Place in a warm place for 45 – 60 minutes to “ripen”.
  8. Knead the dough well and start forming the pizza.

Yeast dough for pizza with kefir

A very simple recipe for homemade dough with yeast. The dough will come out smooth and rise easily. True, this option has nothing to do with Italy; residents of the country do not make pizza with kefir. To get involved somehow, replace your native sunflower oil with olive oil.


  • Kefir – 0.7 liters.
  • Flour - how much will go in.
  • Warm water – ½ cup.
  • Dry yeast - 3 teaspoons.
  • Vegetable oil - ½ cup.
  • Sugar – 2 teaspoons.
  • Salt - to taste.


  1. Pour half the warm water called for in the recipe into a bowl. Add sugar, quick yeast, stir.
  2. Pause for 15-20 minutes, placing the dishes in a warm place.
  3. Pour kefir into the yeast, add flour (not all). Stir the mass. Add the second batch of flour, stir again.
  4. Add flour until you knead a tight, homogeneous dough. Don't make it too steep to make the dough easier to roll out.
  5. Shortly before the end of kneading, add oil. Finish kneading when the oil is completely absorbed.
  6. Cover the test ball with a towel and transfer to a warm place. Get busy with the filling or other things.
  7. After an hour, when the mass has risen well, crush the lump. Take another break for 15-20 minutes, and then start shaping the pizza.

Attention! It is very convenient to make dough for several pizzas at once. Wrap some in film and put it in the freezer. Next time you find it.

Video with a detailed recipe and step-by-step actions. This is pizza dough with mayonnaise. I haven’t done it, but I plan to do it in the near future. Join us and let us always have delicious food!
