Fragrant marinated squid in Korean style

You can cook a wide variety of squids and at the same time healthy dishes. For those who don’t know, seafood is rich in microelements that our body needs for the proper functioning of the stomach, intestines, heart and blood vessels. In addition, seafood dishes are especially suitable for those who are watching their weight, because they are low in calories. And if you want to surprise your loved ones or guests with a tasty and spicy appetizer, then be sure to take note: Korean squid - proven and simple recipes.

Most delicious recipe Cooking a dish begins with preparing the seafood. The main thing here is to know how to properly boil squid. After all, if you keep it in boiling water, it will turn out rubbery, which means its further use is doomed.

Of course, it is better to buy for a snack fresh product. The presence of a pink film and white flesh indicates that the seafood is truly fresh. If this is not possible, then you can use frozen shellfish, the main thing is that the carcasses separate from each other easily and quickly. If they stick to each other, it means they have been frozen and thawed repeatedly.

As a rule, our housewives most often use frozen products. In order for squids to recover from freezing faster, they need to be placed in a container and filled with boiling water. As you defrost, you will see the skin begin to peel off. Afterwards, you need to drain the water and clean the carcasses from the remaining film, chord and all the insides under running water.

Your appetizer will be more flavorful if you boil the shellfish, adding sea salt, allspice and bay leaf. To do this, in a container with clean water add all the spices and put on fire. As soon as the water begins to boil strongly, throw the carcasses there and start counting to 10, maximum to 15. After 10-15 seconds, you need to take out the squids and rinse them under cold water. As a result, they will turn out not only tasty, but also juicy and soft.

Step-by-step Korean squid recipe with photos

How to cook squid in Korean, tasty and simple? For this you will need: 1⁄2 kg of squid, 2 large heads onions, 2 carrots, a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of sesame seeds, 2 teaspoons of 6% vinegar, 1⁄2 teaspoon of paprika and 2 cloves of garlic.

You already know how to properly boil squid. Boiled carcasses should be cut into strips and set aside.

Now vegetables. For such an appetizer, it is better to take sweet onions, since the dish will already have enough pungency due to the spices. We cut the peeled onions into half rings and put them in a frying pan with oil, sea ​​salt And sesame seeds. Fry the onion until golden color. For frying, you can use any oil; unrefined oil will give the dish special taste and aroma.

It is better to grate the carrots on a special grater, the same one we use for Korean carrots, so the appetizer will look more beautiful. As soon as all the ingredients are ready, take a container with squid, add golden onions, carrots, chopped garlic, vinegar, sugar and paprika. Mix everything well, cover with a lid and refrigerate for several hours. During this time, the ingredients will absorb all the spices, and you will get a spicy, juicy and aromatic snack.

Korean squid - recipes without carrots

Some housewives prepare this dish without using vegetables. They add more seasonings, lemon juice and herbs. If you are interested in how to cook squid in Korean without carrots, then everything is just as simple here. You will need 800 gr. squid, 100 ml olive oil, salt, black pepper, 1 tbsp. spoon lemon juice, you can add fish seasonings.

Squid carcasses need to be cleaned, boiled, cut into rings and placed in deep container. Now you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, in a ladle with olive oil, add salt, black pepper, lemon juice and fish spices. Stir everything together, bring to a boil and wait 5 minutes. Pour the prepared marinade over the squid, mix, cool and refrigerate for 5 hours. Serve the marinated seafood on the table, garnished with herbs - parsley or cilantro.

Be sure to prepare delicious and unusual dishes without bypassing asian cuisine: shrimp, anchovies, squid in Korean - cooking recipes adapted for our kitchen can be easily found on any culinary website. So, carrots can be replaced bell pepper and even beans. For marinade, use common spices: oregano, coriander, chili pepper and others.

Each experienced housewife has in stock a lot culinary recipes which can be prepared for any occasion. Snacks are no exception. One of the most popular is the salad with squid and Korean carrots. The seafood itself has a neutral taste. Thanks to this, the snack can be made tender or, on the contrary, spicy.

Salad with squid and Korean carrots

One of the simplest to prepare, but not in its own way taste qualities is this type snacks. It can be served when guests unexpectedly appear on the doorstep.

To prepare it you will need the following products:

  • Four thawed and cleaned squid carcasses.
  • One hundred and fifty grams of Korean carrots. You can take it spicy if you wish.
  • Three chicken eggs.
  • Fresh greens.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mayonnaise.

How to cook

Well, now the recipe for salad with squid and Korean carrots. Thawed at room temperature The squids are washed and cleared of film. Next, pour water into a small saucepan and set to boil. Add salt, favorite seasonings and spices. When the water boils, throw in the squid. Boil them for no more than two minutes, otherwise they will be tough.

We cut the boiled and peeled squid in any order, but best of all - into thin strips. Chicken eggs also boil it. Cool and cut into small cubes. We wash the greens twice with tap water. Let the liquid drain, it’s better to shake it additionally, and finely chop or pick. Drain excess liquid from Korean carrots. Transfer it to a spacious bowl in which it will be convenient to stir the salad. Add eggs, squid and greens there. Dressing the salad sour cream sauce or mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly. The salad is ready, it can be transferred to a beautiful deep plate.

Cucumber salad recipe

A salad with squid, cucumber and Korean carrots is very interesting and light. This snack can be eaten even by those who are on a diet. To prepare it you will need:

  • Half a kilogram of fresh squid.
  • Korean carrots, about one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams.
  • Fresh cucumbers - three or four pieces, depending on their size.
  • One small head of onion.
  • Nine percent table or apple cider vinegar.
  • Vegetable oil.

If you like, you can additionally add a couple of cloves of garlic.

Peel the squid, cut into strips and boil in boiling salted water for no more than a minute. Place them in a colander to drain all excess liquid.

Cut the onion head into thin half rings. Next, heat the vegetable oil, but do not boil it. Add garlic to it through a press. Pour the mixture over the onions. Squeeze out excess liquid from Korean carrots. If necessary, it can be shortened slightly. We put it in a salad bowl, and add it cut into thin strips. fresh cucumbers. Add a tablespoon to the salad with Korean carrots, squid and cucumber apple cider vinegar. Mix thoroughly and let it brew in the refrigerator for three to four hours.

For those who like salads with mayonnaise, you can replace it with vinegar. In this case, you should simply fry the onion.

Recipe with egg

In addition, a salad with squid, egg and Korean carrots will help diversify any dinner. It cooks very quickly, but at the same time has a delicate texture and pleasant taste, which will please everyone.

To prepare it we will need the following products:

  • Squid carcasses without tentacles and heads - four pieces.
  • Chicken eggs - five pieces.
  • Large head of onion.
  • Korean carrots - about one hundred and fifty grams.
  • Oyster mushrooms or champignons - about three hundred grams.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.
  • Mayonnaise.

We clean the squid from the film. Next, boil them in boiling water for two minutes. It should be salted, and if desired, you can add spices and seasonings to your taste. We cut them into strips. Boiled eggs cut with a sharp knife or egg slicer, the main thing is not too fine. Cut the onion into half rings, and cut the mushrooms in random order. Into a frying pan with hot vegetable oil lay out the onion, fry it until translucent and add mushrooms to it. Add a little salt and fry for no more than five minutes.

Next, put all the ingredients in a salad bowl. It is worth draining the excess liquid from the Korean carrots. Season the prepared products with mayonnaise and mix. If necessary, add a little salt. Before serving, decorate with chopped herbs. You can cut out lilies or water lilies from eggs and decorate a snack with them.

This salad with squid and Korean carrots will definitely please your guests and loved ones. Do not doubt.

Salad of squid, Korean carrots, ham and cheese

To prepare a snack we need the following list of products:

  • Ham, you can take chicken - three hundred grams.
  • Squid - three carcasses.
  • Korean carrots - one hundred fifty - two hundred grams.
  • Any type of hard cheese - about three hundred grams.
  • Two chicken eggs.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Greens for decoration.

Cut the ham into strips hard cheese and grate the eggs on a coarse grater. Drain the excess liquid from the carrots and squeeze it out a little. We also cut the boiled squid into thin strips.

Lay out the salad in layers in the following order:

  • Hard grated cheese.
  • Ham.
  • Cheese again.
  • Squid.
  • Eggs.

Coat each layer with mayonnaise. Korean carrots are placed as the last top layer. Sprinkle with herbs on top for decoration. Salad with squid and Korean carrots does not contain many calories, so even people with a bad stomach can afford it once a week. Just take mild carrots.

Salad with croutons

A salad of squid, Korean carrots and croutons is quick and easy to prepare. To prepare it you need very simple ingredients:

  • A jar of canned corn.
  • Boiled squid.
  • Crackers, preferably with garlic.
  • Korean style carrots.
  • Mayonnaise.

Squids are cut into thin strips, sweet canned corn must be drained in a colander. This must be done in order to remove all excess liquid. Mix all ingredients in a salad bowl and season with mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly; if desired, you can add garlic and herbs.

Crackers can be made at home, or you can use store-bought ones.

Classic salad

There are many options for preparing a salad with squid and Korean carrots. This appetizer can be prepared with mushrooms, cheese, cucumbers, and chicken. There is an option for preparing the salad in pita bread, in which case it will be an excellent alternative beloved by many, shawarma or shawarma. However classic recipe This snack is simple. To prepare it you need minimum set products:

  • Korean carrots - about two hundred grams.
  • Boiled squid, peeled and cut into thin strips.

These ingredients must be mixed together; if desired, you can add any fresh herbs.

If you love Korean carrots, then you will definitely like the snack -. Original taste and the bright appearance of this snack makes it suitable as a snack at festive table. It’s very easy to prepare Korean-style squid at home, the main thing is to choose a delicious recipe. Korean squid recipes can be divided into two categories - Korean marinated squid in marinade without carrots and Korean squid with carrots.

Today I want to offer you my step-by-step Korean squid recipe, which will include carrots. On the preparation of this savory snacks It takes me no more than 30 minutes of time.


  • Squids – 2 pcs.,
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.,
  • Garlic - head,
  • Paprika - a pinch
  • Spices for Korean carrots - 1/3 teaspoon,
  • Dry adjika - a pinch,
  • Turmeric - a pinch
  • Salt - on the tip of a teaspoon,
  • Sugar – 0.5 tsp,
  • Vinegar – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. spoons.

You can prepare many beautiful and delicious dishes. Plus, they are great for weight watchers because they are very low in calories.

Korean squid, recipe

How to cook squid in Korean? Everything is very simple. You will need the following products:
  • Half a kilo of squid,
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • 2 onions,
  • Garlic (several cloves),
  • Vegetable oil, 3 tbsp. l.,
  • Salt (half tsp),
  • Sugar (one tsp),
  • Vinegar (2 teaspoons).
And one teaspoon at a time:
    Sesame, Paprika.

Squids need to be peeled and all hard parts removed. Place a pan of water on the stove. When it boils, place one squid carcass at a time in boiling water and cook for 15-20 seconds. You can’t do it longer, otherwise the squid will be tough. Afterwards, pour cold water over them, place them in a colander and leave to cool. Afterwards they need to be cut into thin rings (about 0.5 cm thick). Heat the frying pan over a fire, add oil (half of the prepared amount), add onion cut into thin rings, add sesame seeds, salt and fry until golden brown. Grate on a vegetable slicer or grater carrots, fry separately from the onions with the addition of paprika, sugar and the remaining oil. In a deep bowl, mix the squid, grated garlic, carrots, onions, and season it all with vinegar. Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to marinate the mixture. This Korean-style squid salad is served cold, you can decorate it with herbs. Korean-style squid, calorie content - 92 kcal. If you reduce the oil content a little, you will get an even lower-calorie version of this dish, no less tasty than the standard one.

Korean squid, photos and recipes

This Korean marinated squid recipe is the basis for many other delicious dishes.

Korean carrots with squid

We will need:
    300-350 gr. already prepared Korean carrots. Ready-made squids in Korean.
For this dish, prepare the squid in the same way as in the previous recipe, with one exception: the juice that appears during the marinating process must be drained. After this, mix the squid with Korean carrots, decorate with herbs, sprinkle with sesame seeds. This salad looks very bright and is suitable for any occasion.

Another a traditional dish Korean cuisine– heh. It's spicy and spicy snack very popular in Korea, and served in any cafe.

Korean squid hye

To prepare you will need:
    Squid, 1 kg, it is better to use young ones, 1 onion, 7-8 cloves of garlic.
One teaspoon at a time:
    Salt, Sugar, Ground red and black pepper, Sesame, Ground coriander.
One tablespoon at a time:
    Oil, Balsamic or apple cider vinegar, Soy sauce.
Depending on your taste preferences, the amount of spices, vinegar and soy sauce can be varied. The amount of pepper, especially red, can be reduced by 2-3 times. Traditional heh is very spicy, and it’s difficult to get used to it right away. We process the squid in the same way as in previous recipes - remove the skin, boil in boiling water for no more than 15-20 seconds, cool, cut into thin rings. Pour sesame seeds into a hot dry frying pan and calcined. Then fill it with oil, add onions, all the spices, grated garlic, add soy sauce and vinegar. Once everything has boiled, remove the frying pan from the stove. The squids need to be transferred to a deep dish and poured with the resulting mixture. Everything is mixed and placed in the refrigerator. Let it sit for 10-12 hours. Such Korean-style squids marinated in soy sauce with vinegar and big amount spices, become very tender, acquire a rich spicy aroma.

A salad with squid and Korean carrots will appeal to lovers of spicy and spicy dishes. It contains only two main components, so it is very easy to prepare.

At our table, the salad with squid and Korean carrots disappears very quickly, since all family members are connoisseurs of Korean cuisine. We prepare the salad without mayonnaise, with the addition of seasonings and sesame seeds. We use boiled squid, and we cook Korean carrots ourselves, but you can also buy them.

Taste Info Salads with seafood / Salads without mayonnaise


  • squid – 500 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • sesame seeds – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • table vinegar 9% – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 0.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper – 1/4 tsp;
  • ground red paprika – 1/4 tsp;
  • ground coriander – 0.5 tsp.

How to make Korean squid and carrot salad

How to prepare squid

It is necessary to remove frozen carcasses and place them under warm water from the tap to defrost. Boil 1.5 liters of water, add 1 tsp. salt, place the squid in boiling water for 2 minutes. IN hot water The skin will curl up and be easy to wash off. Then drain the boiling water and rinse the carcasses under cold water. Remove all the innards and the notochord (the long, tough strip along the body of the squid).

Using a sharp knife, cut the squid into long strips or rings.

How to cook Korean carrots

Of course, you can buy it in the store already ready carrots in Korean. But it’s quite easy to prepare it yourself. In addition, you will be sure that it does not contain any harmful chemical additives.

Peel the carrots and grate them into a grater for slicing vegetables in Korean.

Add a pinch of salt, stir and leave for 10 minutes. During this time, the carrots will release juice and become soft.

Peel the garlic and pass through a press or grate into fine grater. Add garlic to carrots. Add vinegar, sugar, pepper, paprika, coriander to this.

Stir and leave to infuse.

Preparing the salad

Cut the onion into long feathers along the growth of the onion.

Sauté the onion in a frying pan with vegetable oil (do not fry too much).

Dry the sesame seeds and lightly fry them in a dry frying pan (without oil). I highly recommend adding these seeds to your salad; without them it won’t be as wonderful and aromatic.

Combine Korean carrots, chopped squid, onion and sesame seeds in a common bowl.

Stir and let the salad stand in the refrigerator for a while so that each ingredient “gets to know” and “makes friends” with its “neighbor”.

Place the salad with squid and Korean carrots in a salad bowl and serve for public tasting.

Now you have one more in your collection wonderful dish Korean cuisine.
