Bacon calorie content per 100 grams. Calories in Bacon. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Restrictions on use

What we call pasta and noodles, the Italians call pasta. And they prepare it in different ways, using the most unexpected additives. Pasta with tomatoes is a fragrant and appetizing dish that your household will surely enjoy. Let's learn some simple Italian pasta recipes.

  • If you prefer vegetarian food, do not use chicken.
  • If you don't like the taste of garlic, omit it from the recipe if it is to be used for tomato and garlic pasta. Since this vegetable gives a metallic taste, use young garlic so as not to spoil the impression of the finished dish.
  • If you are on a diet, you can eat pasta with tomatoes every day, but just avoid the cheese component and chicken.

How to make pasta with tomatoes

There are quite a few recipes for making Italian pasta with tomatoes, so you can easily choose the right option for yourself. In any case, the dish always turns out fragrant and attractive in appearance.

With basil

Pasta with tomatoes and basil is one of the masterpieces of Italian cuisine. Prepare a light hearty dish from the following ingredients:

The cooking process takes 25 minutes.

How to make pasta with tomatoes and basil - step by step recipe:

  1. Grease the bottom of a deep frying pan with olive oil and fry the garlic slices until golden brown.
  2. Cut clean tomatoes into medium pieces, chop the aromatic herbs finely. Add these ingredients to the pan, add salt and pepper. Fry for 2 - 3 minutes covered.
  3. Combine pre-cooked spaghetti with the contents of the frying pan and mix thoroughly.

With cheese and chicken

A nutritious pasta with tomatoes and cheese is obtained in combination with chicken. You will need Parmesan cheese, the amount of chicken meat - 150 g, pasta - 250 g per serving. You will also need half an onion, olive oil, black pepper, salt, oregano, parsley, cumin and basil.

Detailed description of preparation:

  1. Boil the pasta.
  2. Fry 2 cloves of garlic, divided into slices, in olive oil.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown.
  4. Fry the chopped meat together with the prepared onions.
  5. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes, place in a frying pan, season with pepper and salt. Simmer vegetables over low heat for 15 minutes.

Already on the plate, the pasta is poured with dressing and decorated with grated cheese and chopped parsley. Pasta with tomatoes and cheese is ready!

With dried tomatoes and white wine

Don't be surprised by a dish like pasta with dried tomatoes. This is a light lunch or dinner for those on a diet. Its taste is incredibly rich and conveys all the notes of Italian cuisine. Tomatoes must first be dried in the sun.

List of ingredients:

The quantity of products is designed for 2 servings.

Step-by-step recipe for pasta with sun-dried tomatoes:

  1. Heat the nuts in a dry frying pan (1 minute).
  2. Using a blender, process the roasted nuts, cheese, salt, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, lemon juice, basil and olive oil (you should get a homogeneous mass).
  3. Place the frying pan over moderate heat and heat the contents of the blender bowl in it for 1 - 2 minutes.
  4. Pour in and evaporate the wine.
  5. Add cooked pasta, stir and heat through. Once they stick to the pesto, remove the pan from the stove. Pesto is what you put out of the blender (sauce).

Now you can put the dish on plates and eat. Bon appetit!

With zucchini

Zucchini is a type of zucchini that is widely used in cooking. Pasta with zucchini and tomatoes is easy to make and suitable for vegetarian meals. In half an hour, the specified set of products produces 3 servings of delicious fettuccine pasta.

What ingredients will you need:

How to make pasta with zucchini and tomatoes and sweet peppers:

  1. Boil fettuccine according to package instructions.
  2. Cut the tomatoes in half, cut the onion into half rings, and cut the bell pepper and zucchini into cubes.
  3. Heat the olive oil and fry all the vegetables until tender. At the end, add salt and chopped garlic, mix everything.
  4. Divide the pasta into bowls, season with the roasted vegetables and sprinkle with chopped basil. Additionally, decorate the dish with whole leaves of aromatic herbs.

If you are a fan of meatless foods, carefully study the composition of fettuccine on the package. The product must not contain eggs.

Fabrizio Innocenti, head chef of the Guelfi & Ghibellini restaurant at the Relais Santa Croce hotel in Florence, has been cooking almost all his life. His passion and talent is Tuscan cuisine, many of whose recipes, as is usual in Italian families, were taught to him by his grandmother.

But Fabrizio does not blindly follow old Italian recipes: having traveled all over the world, he introduces fusion elements into his cooking. As a result, the traditionally rather heavy Tuscan cuisine in his execution becomes lighter, and the flavors become bright and unusual. Especially for Marie Claire, he prepared an incredibly tasty, aromatic and very simple dish of pasta and tomatoes.

Pasta with brisket, garlic and tomatoes

INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings) About 400 grams of pasta (spaghetti or fettuccine), 100 grams of rigatino or any other pork belly, 600 grams of ripe tomatoes, a couple of cloves of garlic, 10 grams of finely chopped fresh parsley, olive oil and salt to taste.

Step 1

Finely chop the garlic, as well as the brisket into thin strips.

Photo by Ferruccio de Iulis

Step #2

Fry the garlic in olive oil in a heated frying pan, add the brisket and finely chopped tomatoes (you don’t have to remove the skins) and simmer, stirring, for 15 minutes. Add salt to taste.

Step #3

Cook pasta in salted water until al dente.

Step #4

Place the pasta in the prepared sauce in a frying pan, add parsley, mix everything well and simmer for another couple of minutes. Divide among plates.

Photo by Ferruccio de Iulis

Secret from the boss

“Preparing Italian pasta will take you a maximum of 20 minutes - it couldn’t be easier. Its secret is in quality ingredients: first of all, the freshest brisket and vegetables. Therefore, if you don’t have good tomatoes on hand (plum San Marzano tomatoes are ideal for this dish, we call them datterinI, which means “small date” in Italian), it is better to use canned or ready-made tomato sauce. The main thing is that they are imported from Italy, and not from China! And I prefer to combine the pasta with a ready-made sauce, which is still stewing in a frying pan, and not vice versa - pouring the sauce into the pasta,” advises Fabrizio Innocenti, chef of the Guelfi & Ghibellini restaurant.

If you're a pasta fan, you'll love the Pad Thai Rice Noodles with Shrimp. Chef Haut Sombat (known throughout the world as the “Thai Dukas”) gave a master class on preparing this delicious dish originally from Thailand.

Fabrizio Innocenti, chef of the Guelfi & Ghibellini restaurant at the Relais Santa Croce hotel in Florence.Photo by Ferruccio de Iulis

At first glance, our recipe for making pasta with tomatoes and garlic is very simple. This is true, you will spend no more than 15 minutes. The best part is that this dish is as simple as it is delicious. If you want to treat your loved ones to delicious Italian pasta, but you are short on time (and ingredients) for cooking, then I recommend serving this dish.
Cherry tomatoes are much sweeter than regular tomatoes, and they also hold their shape better, so I don’t recommend replacing cherry tomatoes with regular tomatoes. The taste will not be the same. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recipe for making pasta with.

- quality pasta, such as spaghetti or linguine,
- 300-400g. cherry tomatoes,
- 4-5 cloves of garlic,
- 2 tbsp. olive oil,
- a small bunch of basil,
- dried oregano,
- salt.

Recipe with photos step by step:

First of all, put a pan of water on the fire for spaghetti or linguine. Boil them according to the instructions on the package, usually 8 minutes. During this time we will have time to prepare the sauce.
Heat the olive oil in a deep frying pan and fry the garlic in it until golden brown. The garlic needs to be sliced, but not very finely.

Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them in half. The smallest ones, about the size of a fingernail, can be left whole.

Add the tomatoes to the garlic, add salt and fry over medium heat for 7-9 minutes.

Season the tomatoes with dried oregano. If you have it fresh, even better.

We chop the basil leaves, you can use a chopper, or you can just chop them very finely with a knife. When the tomatoes are almost ready, add the basil. If you add it earlier, it will lose most of the vitamins.

By this time the pasta should be ready. Drain the water, place the linguine in the pan and mix with the sauce. After a minute, remove from heat.

What a fragrant dish this turns out to be! It is very good to sprinkle it with grated Parmesan cheese and garnish with basil leaves before serving. We also recommend looking at the recipe for making pasta with
