What to cook for dinner for a guy on a romantic evening. Romantic dinner for two: fast and beautiful... How to prepare the perfect romantic dinner

Dinner alone with your loved one must be tasty and memorable, because during the meal the couple communicates, exchanges information about each other and tunes into a romantic atmosphere.

And it’s unlikely that a girl dreams of spending more time in the kitchen than in front of the mirror, so the dishes should be exquisite, but easy to prepare. The article will help you choose the right option for a romantic dinner for two, the creation of which will not take all day, and the taste of the dishes will give lovers real pleasure.

In order for the time spent together to be remembered for a long time and become a new round of relationship development, you should focus on simple recommendations when preparing for dinner:

  • You can create a romantic mood in the morning by leaving a tender message for your loved one;
  • it is important to choose a day for a date so that by the evening the lovers are not too tired and exhausted;
  • if dinner will be at home, cleaning should be done the day before so that on the day of the meeting you have more time and energy for yourself;
  • you can prepare a special music playlist of melodic compositions with which happy memories are associated;
  • an outfit for a date should not be too open and uncomfortable; its main task is to emphasize the girl’s sensuality and sexuality.

By following these tips, you can save time and get 100% confidence that the evening will be wonderful.

Delicious treat ideas

What to cook for a romantic dinner for two at home? When choosing recipes for dishes, remember that the table for a date should not be too fatty and high-calorie, otherwise the evening will turn into a struggle with heaviness in the stomach, which is not in the mood for love. Therefore, meals can be prepared from nutritious but light foods, such as:

  • Fish and seafood;
  • lean meat (beef, veal);
  • spaghetti;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • nuts;
  • sliced ​​cheese, ham or sausages;
  • olives and black olives;
  • berries;
  • sweets.

It is important that the dishes do not have strong odors, and their calorie content is not high - the food will be eaten in the evening, so it is important not to overload the body with it at night.

An approximate calculation of the calorie content of a romantic dinner (based on a serving for one) can be presented as follows:

When planning a treat for a loved one, it is worth choosing several recipes for each category of dishes at once, so that the day before you can finally decide what you want to cook and what products you need to purchase.

Since the main thing in a romantic dinner is its unobtrusive but memorable taste and lightness, you can use some of the recipes suggested below.

Main (hot) dishes

You can choose any of three dishes - shrimp, trout with champagne or champignons with potatoes.

Grilled shrimp with tomato sauce

Cooking algorithm:

  1. First, a marinade is prepared for the shrimp so that they acquire a specific flavor: 3 tablespoons (teaspoons) of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of sunflower (olive) oil are poured into a ceramic bowl, curry and turmeric (a full teaspoon each) are mixed in a mortar, 5-6 grains cumin, 0.5 teaspoon coriander and 0.5 teaspoon granulated sugar. The spice mixture is poured into lemon juice and oil and mixed thoroughly. Shrimp are dipped in the marinade for 1 hour;
  2. While the shrimp are absorbing the lemon marinade, prepare a tomato sauce: put water on the fire and bring it to a boil, then put whole tomatoes in it, keep it there for 1-2 minutes, then cool them in cold water and cut them into small pieces. Then they are immersed in water along with the sautéed onions and boiled until they lose volume twice. While the vegetables are boiling, collect 0.5 teaspoon of spices - cinnamon, peppers, cloves - into a gauze bag and add half a pinch of salt. Then the bag is tied and placed in a pan where the tomatoes and onions are cooked. A few minutes before the end, add 2 crushed cloves of garlic to the water. Place the sauce in a bowl and add a teaspoon of sugar to it, then mix the mass;
  3. After marinating is completed, the shrimp are strung on wooden skewers and placed on the grill (you can use an air grill), where they simmer for 10 or 15 minutes.

Trout in champagne sauce


  • 1 kg chilled or fresh trout fillet;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • semi-sweet champagne – 1 bottle;
  • lemon juice – 5 tablespoons;
  • sour cream 15% fat – 300 g;
  • wheat flour – 1 tablespoon;
  • yolk from chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • spices - 0.5 teaspoon each (thyme, coriander, cardamom, parsley, ground pepper);
  • salt – 2 pinches.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Nutritional value: 170 kcal per 100 g.


  1. The fillet is washed thoroughly under cold water, sprinkled with thyme and cardamom;
  2. The baking surface is greased with butter, sprinkled with parsley and ground pepper, and then trout fillet is placed on it;
  3. The fish is baked in the oven for 5 minutes at a temperature of 170-175 degrees;
  4. A bottle of champagne is opened, 125 ml of the drink is poured onto the trout, after which the fish continues to bake at the same temperature for about 20-25 minutes until soft and lightly crusted;
  5. The baked fish is placed in the sauce mixture and brought to a boil until the clear liquid has evaporated. After this, the dish is ready.

While the trout is cooking, make the sauce: put some of the butter in a tablespoon, pour into a saucepan and melt over medium heat. Then the liquid is mixed with flour and fried for another 2-3 minutes. Then add the remaining champagne in the bottle to the mixture and cook for another 10 minutes, then remove from the heat. Salt, lemon juice, sour cream and yolks are added to the resulting sauce.

Champignons with potatoes in sour cream sauce


  • 1 kg of fresh champignon mushrooms;
  • sour cream (15%) – 400 g;
  • 1 onion (onion);
  • potatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • wine (white) vinegar – 1 tablespoon;
  • grated cheese – 2 tablespoons;
  • spices (half a teaspoon each) - cardamom, turmeric, pepper, oregano;
  • salt – 2 pinches.

Cooking time: 55 minutes.

Calorie content: 80 kcal per 100 g.

Cooking process:

  1. The champignons are washed under running warm water and placed in a wide ceramic or clay bowl;
  2. Prepare a sour cream marinade sauce: cut the onion into rings, pour sour cream on it;
  3. All the spices are ground in a mortar, added to sour cream and onions, the mixture is spread on the champignons, and mixed. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave for 15 minutes;
  4. The potatoes are cut into small pieces and placed in a single layer in a greased baking dish;
  5. Champignons are laid out on top, watered with wine vinegar and sour cream and onions from the former marinade. The dish is placed in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for 30 minutes;
  6. After the time has passed, sprinkle the top of the dish with grated cheese and put it in the oven for another 10 minutes, then place the dish on plates.

Salads (to choose from)

It is better to prepare one salad from those suggested below: it can become a light and low-calorie side dish to the main dish.

“Illusion” of green vegetables with egg


  • fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves – 5-6 pcs.;
  • kale leaves – 4 pcs.;
  • boiled chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • fresh lemon juice – 1 tablespoon;
  • balsamic cream sauce – 1 teaspoon;
  • spices - 0.5 teaspoon each - pepper, cardamom, oregano;
  • salt – 1 pinch.

Salad preparation time: 10 minutes.

Preparation: Rinse the kale and salad under running warm water and leave to drain on a towel. Wash and peel the cucumbers, cut into thin slices and divide them in half.

The chicken egg is left to cook for 15 minutes, then poured with cold water and left to cool. At this time, you can cut the kale and lettuce into as small pieces as possible, put them in a bowl, pour in balsamic sauce, and add cucumbers.

Peel and finely chop the chicken egg and add to the salad. Sprinkle the mixture with salt and spices, pour in lemon juice, mix well and serve.

Salad with beets and pine nuts


  • 2 medium beets;
  • pine nuts – 50 g;
  • fresh basil leaves – 4 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Nutritional value of salad: 60 kcal per 100 g.


Shrimp salad with avocado


  • 2 large and ripe avocados;
  • frozen shrimp – 200 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream (requires another pinch of salt) – 1 tablespoon.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Nutritional value: 100 kcal per 100 g.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Place the shrimp in boiling water, keep it there for no more than 7 minutes, then remove it and let it cool;
  2. Cut the avocado in half, remove the bones, cut out the entire core with pulp. It is important not to damage the peels as they will act as small bowls for the salad;
  3. Grind the avocado pulp to a puree and place in a glass bowl;
  4. Boil the egg for 15 minutes, then pour in ice water and let cool;
  5. Remove the shrimp from their shells, cut into small pieces, add to the avocado pulp and stir thoroughly;
  6. Wash the cucumber, peel and finely chop, mix with shrimp and avocado, add chopped egg;
  7. Transfer the salad to the remaining avocado peel cups, put a large drop of mayonnaise on top and place on a plate.

Cold appetizers

You can prepare and serve 2-3 varieties of cuts or light snacks at the table:

Canapes with olives, cheese and cucumber

  • pitted olives;
  • Chees Feta;
  • fresh cucumber.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Nutritional value of the snack: 40 kcal per 100 g.

Preparation: Cut the cheese and cucumber into cubes and thread onto skewers along with the olives.

Stuffed tomatoes

  • 5 medium tomatoes;
  • grated cheese;
  • lean or light mayonnaise.

Cooking time: 25 minutes.

Nutritional value: 55 kcal per 100 g.

Preparation: cut the tomatoes in half, remove the pulp - chop it, sprinkle with grated cheese and add mayonnaise. Place the mixed filling into the remaining tomato cups.

Vegetables with green buckwheat hummus

  • any fresh vegetables.

For the hummus:

  • 100 g green buckwheat;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • spices to taste (coriander, pepper, turmeric, basil).

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content of the dish: 40 kcal per 100 g.

Pour green buckwheat with clean filtered water and leave for 2-3 hours (or do it early in the morning), then rinse thoroughly, put in a blender bowl, add spices, salt and grind on medium mode for 1-1.5 minutes. Place any vegetables (cucumbers, bell peppers, avocados, etc.) on a plate and place a bowl of hummus in the center.

Desserts for a romantic dinner (low-calorie)

Desserts can be a variety of fruits, fruit salads or light sweets, which you can buy ready-made or create yourself:

Coconut curd candies


  • coconut flakes – 100 g;
  • cottage cheese 0% fat – 50 g;
  • water – 20 ml;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • vanilla extract - a whole teaspoon;
  • wheat flour - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Calorie content of sweets: 100 kcal per 100 g.

Creating a dessert: rub the cottage cheese using a sieve or a fine colander, put it in a blender bowl, add flour, melted butter, water, vanilla extract and 50 g of coconut flakes. Blend in a blender for 2-3 minutes, then place the mixture on foil, roll into balls by hand and sprinkle with the remaining coconut. The sweets should be cooled in the freezer (30-40 minutes is enough) and only then eaten.

Fruit salad in orange cups

  • 2 large round oranges;
  • 2 kiwis;
  • 50-100 g strawberries;
  • 1 green apple;
  • natural unsweetened yogurt.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calorie content of salad: 40 kcal per 100 g.

Preparation: carefully cut the oranges into halves without damaging the peel, remove the zest and cut into small pieces, mix with chopped strawberries, kiwi and apple. Fill the remaining orange cups with the resulting salad, pour yogurt over them and place on a plate.


You should completely abstain from alcohol so that unpleasant incidents do not happen due to intoxication. Instead, you can make delicious non-alcoholic cocktails, in the preparation of which you can use your lover after dinner:

Non-alcoholic white mulled wine

  • white grape juice – 1 l;
  • spices for mulled wine (cloves, cinnamon, coriander, pepper - half a teaspoon each);
  • 2 slices of a large orange.

Mulled wine preparation time: 20 minutes.

Nutritional value of the drink: 80 kcal per 100 g.

Preparation: fill an enamel pan with juice, bring the liquid until it sizzles, then add orange and spices, boil for another 2 minutes. Serve hot in thick glass glasses.

Pinacolada without alcohol

  • pineapple juice – 1 l;
  • coconut syrup – 50 ml;
  • cream 10% fat;
  • crushed ice.

Cooking time: 5 minutes.

Calorie content of the cocktail: 100 kcal per 100 g.

Preparation: pour all ingredients into a mixer, shake well, and immediately pour into glasses.

Table decor and food decoration

To make dinner not only tasty, but also beautiful, you can use the following tricks:

  1. Cover the table with a dark-colored tablecloth, choose dishes 2-3 shades lighter;
  2. On one side, pick up the tablecloth with a decorative butterfly clothespin;
  3. Do not lay out paper napkins in a stack, but place them under the plates so that only one corner is visible on the right;
  4. It is better to place a hot dish in a container with a lid;
  5. Appetizers and fruit plates can be decorated with small skewers;
  6. It is better to pour drinks from packages or bottles into elegant transparent carafes.

It will be better if the table “breathes”: you should avoid piling up plates, an abundance of dishes and decor.

To ensure that the evening alone with your lover passes without unpleasant surprises, half an hour before his arrival you should:

  • check the readiness of the dishes (on the stove and in the oven, the treats should already be completely ready for consumption);
  • ventilate the kitchen (the mixture of smells from creating different dishes will negatively affect the romance of the atmosphere);
  • light the aroma lamp or incense for 5-15 minutes;
  • draw the curtains;
  • reduce the lighting in the room where dinner is planned.

In the last minutes before the meeting, you can use your favorite perfume and touch up your makeup to appear before your loved one in all its glory.

A romantic dinner for lovers should take place in a calm atmosphere, when the couple is not tired or overworked at work. Dishes for dinner should be selected as low in calories and as easy to digest, so that food does not interfere with further communication between lovers. It is important to allocate time so that on the day of the meeting you do not have to clean up and spend long hours cooking.

Dinner for two is not only the lot of a young couple in love. If you have lived together for decades, take time and devote it to each other. This will be another reason to take your mind off the hustle and bustle and look at your soul mate with different eyes. Just like many years ago, on the day of the first meeting. A romantic dinner for your loved one is a wonderful gift and a way to revive your relationship, add brightness to it and just have a great time.

Time for business is time for love

In the daily bustle, we think much more about how to earn money, buy, and which section to send our children to. And there is less and less time for each other. A romantic dinner for your loved one is an occasion to show that feelings are alive. You will see for yourself how wings grow after such surprises.

And the first thing you need to do is choose a time when you two will be together. Most married couples prefer not to go to a cafe, but to have dinner at home. So consider the following options:

  • Send the children to grandma.
  • Get your family movie tickets.
  • Rent an apartment and tell your family that you will be staying for a few hours.


A romantic dinner for your loved one is a secret that should not be revealed ahead of time. Otherwise, the surprise will lose some of its charm. Therefore, try to carry out all the preparations yourself, without the participation of your significant other.

You can miss this moment, then you can do the preparation together. This will reduce the load, so you can use this option if you have very little time to prepare.

You don't have to wait a whole year

This is usually remembered on the eve of Valentine's Day or March 8th. In fact, a romantic dinner for your loved one can be arranged on any of 365 days a year. The main thing is that you and your significant other do not have serious plans on this day. Agree, it is very difficult to be torn between a business dinner and an evening of love. Therefore, we find out about the plans in advance and plan for day X.

It will be even more interesting if it is not timed to coincide with some holiday. It turns out that you remembered the need to make a surprise not because a certain date is approaching, but at the behest of your heart. Of course, this is doubly pleasant. It’s not difficult to organize a romantic dinner for your loved one at home; you just need to show a little imagination.

A great idea would be to rent an apartment and tell your significant other that you have been invited to visit. Arriving at the appointed time at the specified address, he or she will be very surprised that the apartment is empty, there are candles on the table, and no one is waiting for him except you.

Today you are for each other

It’s not for nothing that we spend so much time choosing a date. A romantic dinner for your loved one at home can be the most exciting adventure, but banal workload can ruin everything. Imagine a trivial situation. My husband had a hard day, an accident at work, a call to the director, a big deal, troubles. And my wife was running around the shops from the very morning, choosing everything she needed, cleaning and cooking.

How will their evening go? The husband will say that he has no appetite, the wife will be upset. And the evening, which should have been full of affection and warm words, will quickly turn into bedtime. Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything, but you need to try to do everything possible for this.

Invitation or quest

Here a lot depends on the conditions and situation, but we will outline the general idea. You need to compose an invitation and hand it to him without him noticing. For example, if he takes a diary with him to work, you can put it between the pages. The content should be clear: “I love you, I miss you, I’m looking forward to meeting you...”. Now your significant other knows for sure what your plans are for the evening.

But you don't have to write the address. You can do a little test. If the evening is not at home, then place clues around your room, by collecting which he can find the address to the castle where the beauty is waiting for him. Let's not take it to the point of absurdity, it is not at all necessary to turn off the phone. Who wants a husband who hasn’t found the next clue to sit at home hungry and angry?


At first glance, this is a completely insignificant detail. But if you are seriously thinking about how to create a romantic dinner for your loved one that will be remembered for a long time, it is important to pay some attention to this. This does not mean that you need to order an expensive arch and curtain decorations. But a bunch of balloons in gold and red hues wouldn’t hurt at all. They will look best in candlelight.

Lighting is a very important point. A bright apartment with balloons on the ceiling is so banal. It’s much more interesting when twilight reigns, and a dozen or two candles are burning around the perimeter. You need to think about safety precautions in advance. Each one requires a stand to prevent it from tipping over and causing fire.

Bathroom and rose petals

Many agree that this is a great idea. A romantic dinner for your loved one is a way to express your love and tenderness. What could be more spectacular than a path of pink petals that leads to the bathroom? Of course, it can be taken together, complementing the procedure with aromatic bathing foam. Take an extra couple of packages; they will complement the picture.

A stylish robe would be a wonderful gift on this day. It can be laid in the bathroom and put on immediately after bathing. If the evening program does not include other outfits, then you can stay in them. Don’t be overzealous with changing clothes, today you decided to relax, and are not participating in a masquerade.

Menu for your evening

Ideas for a romantic dinner for your loved one can be suggested by your own imagination; today we are considering only the basic points. But dinner is one of the key moments that you will have to pay special attention to. The easiest way is to order dinner in a cafe or restaurant. In this case, you will be spared a number of problems:

  • you don’t have to waste time purchasing products;
  • no need to stand at the stove;
  • There will be no unnecessary worries about the fact that the dish will not turn out tasty, original or beautiful.

But believe me, dishes prepared by yourself will find a much brighter response from your partner, because you made it especially for him. And with the help of our recommendations, you can do everything quite quickly and simply.

Products - aphrodisiacs

You shouldn’t forget about them, because you have a night of love ahead. But telling the man about this is not at all necessary. Some people will understand when they see seafood and strawberries on the table. And the other one will also be offended that you doubt his abilities. Let the default menu remain the way you created it:

  • salads with shrimps in portioned bowls;
  • mussels;
  • squid in white wine;
  • rice noodles with mussels;
  • avocado paste;
  • mushrooms;
  • citrus;
  • strawberries, bananas, chocolate;
  • seasonings: ginger, cardamom, coriander.

It will not be difficult to prepare dishes for a romantic dinner using these products. It will also be very important for your loved one that you prepared them yourself. In addition, not only taste, but also smell will play a role. Therefore, feel free to take citrus aromatic oils and add them to special candles. If you are preparing a dessert with chocolate and cinnamon, then aromatherapy will no longer be needed, the smell will still be magical.

Selection of dishes

This is not a holiday, there is no need to prepare too much. Essentially, you will need two small servings of the second, a salad or light snack and dessert. This is where many people make a mistake. Not knowing how to make a perfect romantic dinner for their loved one, they focus all their attention on the rich table, which is unnecessary. There are standard guidelines that you can follow:

  • Food should be prepared quickly and simply. Even if you are a professional cook, you don’t need to come up with complex and multi-component dishes that require standing at the stove for many hours.
  • Everything must be cooked without bones, in convenient portions. Ideally, meat and fish should be cut into bite-sized pieces and beautifully presented.
  • Try to arrange all the dishes in a buffet style. Vegetables and other snacks can be collected on skewers, and meat, served in convenient pieces, can be picked up with chopsticks and fed to each other.
  • You should avoid ingredients such as spicy cheese and salted fish, garlic and onions. Although if you both are their fans, then you can indulge yourself in pleasure.
  • You want to have a pleasant evening, which means no one wants stomach pain. Avoid too original sauces, spicy and fried foods, especially if you have not cooked such things before. It is unknown how the stomach will react.
  • Don't forget about the design. For main courses, these can be plates made from lettuce leaves, and for dessert, cut out cups from pineapple. Make your dish look like it was in an expensive restaurant.

Now you have a rough idea of ​​how to make a romantic dinner for your loved one. You need a minimum of products and a maximum of your desire to create a masterpiece. Let's move on to learning the recipes. Photos of a romantic dinner for your beloved or loved one, presented in the article, will help you decorate the table correctly.

Main course

No fried chicken with potatoes, Olivier salad or herring under a fur coat. Today the menu should be light and refined. Of course, you need to take into account the tastes of your other half.

How about veal medallions in honey sauce? It cooks quickly and is eaten just as quickly. You will need several portioned pieces of meat; it is best to take internal fillet for these purposes. Lightly beat it and fry in a frying pan until golden brown. Then add a glass of water, a spoonful of honey and apple cider vinegar and leave for another 5 minutes.

Shrimp with vegetables is an ideal option if a man is cooking for the evening. Of course, if he is not a restaurant chef. But everyone can use frozen shrimp and mixed vegetables. Feel free to shake them into the pan, and at the end add a little olive oil and wine. It turns out to be a luxurious dinner.

Of course, these are just a few options. If you are not satisfied with them, then you can choose others or simply modify these ones. For example, why not bake medallions in the oven, putting on each of them a spoonful of mushrooms fried with onions, cheese and a slice of tomatoes? It turns out fantastically tasty, original and, most importantly, simple. And it looks like it was prepared in an expensive restaurant.


They should not be complex, multi-component or heavy. Let's look at what you can prepare for a romantic dinner for your loved one:

  • Vegetable mix. You can make a small Christmas tree by stringing cucumber and tomato slices onto a skewer. They can be placed on a dish with herbs. As an addition, you can make a cheese and sausage Christmas tree by inserting greens between the plates.
  • Salad. It is best to prepare a classic Caesar. For this you will need cheese and olives, lettuce, cherry tomatoes and olive oil.

Recipes for a romantic dinner for your loved one don't have to be complicated. This is a time for love and communication, not for food.


The most delicious and final part of the meal. By this time it’s time to open a bottle of wine and sip a little. And now you can taste something sweet. The ideal option is strawberries and cream. But if you don’t like this dessert, you can offer two options to choose from:

  • Fondue. A special device can be rented at a restaurant. It will require chocolate, fresh fruit, nuts and special sticks. It's very simple: dip and eat.
  • Fresh fruits. You can simply cut them and place them on a platter. And the rule will be the following: they eat fruits only with their hands, and they need to feed each other with them.

There are more than enough options for what to cook for a romantic dinner for your loved one. All you have to do is choose what your partner likes. If the meal was hearty, you can limit yourself to a sip of wine. You'll come back for dessert later, because the whole night is ahead.

Entertainment options

To make the evening fun and interesting, you can set a theme for it:

  1. For example, this could be a restaurant game. You are a waitress and your spouse is a customer. It is necessary to choose appropriate clothing. Top under the bust, short skirt and heels. Throw in a small menu to match the style. This will be a wonderful romantic dinner for your loved one. Photos taken as events unfold can become your little secret.
  2. Summer romance. It will be difficult to implement. The idea is to have a picnic dinner without leaving the house. To do this, you need to find a green rug that imitates a summer meadow. Mandatory attributes - flowers, fragrant candles, sounds of nature (forest, birds). For this evening you will need a wreath of flowers and a bright summer dress.
  3. Massage salon. There is hardly a man who will refuse. For this you will need a couch and a white robe. You can start with a foot massage. At the same time, offer a glass of wine and snacks. Gradually move to the couch, stretch your shoulders and back. Don't forget that your goal is not to straighten the vertebrae, but to provide pleasure.
  4. Romantic dinner on the balcony. You will need a huge soft blanket, a sofa and a table for eating. Wrap yourself in a blanket together and have dinner while watching the sunset. Today, time is dedicated only to each other. It’s so nice to cuddle up and drink coffee and tell each other different stories.

These are not all ideas. You can play cards where the loser will have to fulfill a wish. How do you like the good old way of playing spin the bottle? Today is an evening for relaxation and entertainment, experiment. The main thing is that each of you has the most pleasant memories.

Instead of a conclusion

Every woman can figure out how to arrange a romantic dinner for her loved one. Just imagine that this is time that you can devote to each other. No friends or family, just you. All you need is a little food, a little alcohol and a lot of warmth that you are ready to give each other. Remember what you dreamed about when you started dating, how you were waiting for a new meeting, your first kiss. This will help you tune in to the right wave.

Spending time with your soulmate is unusual, sensual and always welcome. Therefore, a romantic dinner for your loved one should be the most delicious. It’s easy to prepare the main dish at home. You will find all the recipes below, let's look at them.

Romantic dinner for your loved one - choose a dish

Treat your man to a delicious dinner. We suggest you consider chicken in half a pineapple with cheese, trout with champagne sauce, shrimp with tomato sauce, champignons in creamy sour cream sauce. What delicious things can you cook for a romantic dinner for two?

Recipe No. 1. Chicken in pineapple halves with cheese

  • hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • mayonnaise (fat content 25-40%) - 60 gr.
  • fresh pineapple, large - 1 pc.
  • chicken fillet - 0.6 kg.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • favorite seasonings - to taste

In addition to the chicken:

  • potatoes - 900 gr.
  • olive oil - 60-70 ml.
  • dried Provençal herbs - to taste

1. Wash the pineapple and dry it on towels. Arm yourself with a sharp knife, evenly cut the fruit into 2 parts along with the green “crown” (do not get rid of it). Cut the flesh out of the pineapple, being careful not to damage the edges of the fruit.

2. Rinse the chicken fillet, dry it, get rid of the film. Cut the chicken into cubes about 2 cm in size. Chop the pineapple pulp that you removed earlier in the same way. Add to meat.

3. Get rid of the husks on the onions, chop them into half rings or rings. Enter to the pineapple with bird. Pour the contents with mayonnaise combined with spices, ground pepper, and salt to taste.

4. Place the prepared filling into the pineapple halves, do not compact it, otherwise it will not bake. Sprinkle with grated cheese, line a baking sheet with foil and place 2 stuffed fruit halves on it.

5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. A romantic dinner for your loved one is best accompanied by a side dish, so go for the potatoes. At home you can make it in a rustic way. Recipes are available, use the following technology.

6. Boil the root vegetables until 80% done, then cut into “orange” slices. Place in a single row with the chicken, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with spices. Wrap the green part of the pineapple in foil so that the “crown” does not burn.

7. When the temperature in the oven reaches 180 degrees, place the baking sheet inside. Bake the chicken in the pineapple halves for half an hour. Serve on large plates, removing the foil from the tail of the fruit in advance.

Recipe No. 2. Champignons in sour cream sauce with potatoes and cheese

  • potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • fresh champignons - 1 kg.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • sour cream 25% fat - 380-400 gr.
  • hard cheese (grated) - 60 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • seasonings (favorite) - to taste
  • apple cider vinegar - 20 ml.

1. Place the mushrooms in a colander and rinse well under the tap. Prepare the filling for the champignons: mix sour cream with chopped onion in half rings, your favorite seasonings, a pinch of salt and ground pepper. Mix the mushrooms with the marinade, wait a third of an hour.

2. A romantic dinner prepared for a loved one cannot be limited to just mushrooms. At home, the dish is served with potatoes, all recipes confirm this.

3. While the champignons are steeping, prepare the potatoes: wash, peel, chop into 2*2 cm squares. Grease a baking dish with oil, place the potatoes on the bottom (do not compact).

4. Place the pickled champignons on top of everything, pour over the apple cider vinegar and the rest of the marinade. Preheat the oven to 195-200 degrees, bake the mushrooms and potatoes for at least half an hour.

5. When the specified time has come to an end, remove the dish and sprinkle the champignons with grated cheese. Place in the now turned off oven for 10 minutes, serve on wide plates.

Recipe No. 3. Trout with champagne sauce

  • sour cream 20% fat - 300 gr.
  • trout (loin) - 900-950 gr.
  • butter - 150 gr.
  • lemon juice - 100 ml.
  • champagne - 700 ml.
  • flour - 30 gr.
  • chicken yolk (chilled) - 4 pcs.
  • mixture of universal herbs - to taste

1. Rinse the chilled fish well and sprinkle with spices. It is better to take dried parsley and dill. Dry the trout, prepare a baking sheet and grease it with heated butter.

2. Sprinkle the surface with ground coriander mixed with cardamom and thyme. Place trout pieces on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees, bake the fish for 7 minutes.

3. After the specified time, uncork the champagne and measure out 100 ml. and pour the drink over the fish. Continue baking it at the same temperature for another 20-30 minutes until a light crust forms on the surface.

4. A romantic dinner for your beloved partner is something special. At home, you can prepare a dish whose recipes are kept secret. While the fish is baking, make the sauce.

5. In a frying pan with high sides, mix the remaining champagne, melted butter, a little salt and spices, sifted flour, yolks, sour cream, lemon juice. Simmer for 3 minutes.

6. While the sauce is cooking, remove the fish from the oven and place it in a frying pan with pouring. Simmer the trout in this mixture until the translucent liquid has partially evaporated. Serve in pieces on a wide plate.

Recipe No. 4. Shrimp with tomato sauce

  • large shrimp (peeled) - 800 gr.
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic cloves - 3-4 pcs.
  • olive oil - 80 ml.
  • lemon juice - 70 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 30 gr.
  • butter - 10 gr.
  • seasonings (curry, turmeric, cumin, ground pepper, cinnamon) - to taste

1. First you need to make a marinade for king prawns. They absorb flavor and smell quickly, so don't overdo it with spices. In a glass container, mix lemon juice and 20 ml. olive oils.

2. In another bowl, combine a pinch of each type of seasoning, as well as 15 g. granulated sugar. Place this mixture into the lemon-oil mixture and wait until the sugar dissolves.

3. Place the shrimp in the solution, then the romantic dinner prepared for your loved one will turn out delicious. At home, shrimp are marinated for 1 hour, all recipes say so.

4. While marinating, make the tomato sauce. To do this, boil a kettle, pour hot water into a container and soak the tomatoes for a couple of minutes. Then immediately transfer them into cold (preferably ice) liquid. Remove the skin.

5. Chop the tomatoes into cubes of equal size and place in a deep frying pan. Separately, fry the onion half rings, mix with the tomatoes and pour in 100 ml. clean water. Simmer the ingredients under the lid until they lose volume.

6. Salt, pepper, add the remaining sugar, add your favorite seasonings (but not too much). Pass the garlic cloves through a press and insert here. Simmer for another 3 minutes.

7. By this time, the shrimp have already been marinated. Fry them in butter, serve with tomato sauce.

Recipe No. 5. Warm salad with beef and honey

  • beef tenderloin (or veal) - 0.5 kg.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 15-18 pcs.
  • Iceberg salad - 60 gr.
  • salad in “Mix” packs (optional) - 1 pack
  • olive oil - 80-100 ml.
  • lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • mustard (liquid) - 10 gr.
  • soy sauce - 40 ml.
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.
  • liquid honey - 20 gr.
  • pepper and salt - to taste
  • ginger root (grated) - 10-12 gr.
  • sesame - 5 gr.

1. Wash the tomatoes and leave to dry on towels. Do the same with Iceberg lettuce and Mix (if added). Grate the ginger root, you need to get half a teaspoon. Pass the garlic cloves through a press.

2. Wash the beef (or better yet, veal), dry it, and leave it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Freezing will help you with further cutting. Chop the meat into 1.5*1.5 cm pieces or slices.

3. Prepare beef filling: mix lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce. Send the pieces to marinate for a quarter of an hour.

4. Do not overcook the meat, otherwise a romantic dinner for your loved one will go to waste. Cooking at home is not difficult, all recipes are step-by-step.

5. After marinating, fry the beef in vegetable or butter for 12-15 minutes, stirring constantly. Turn off the stove and leave the meat covered for 20 minutes.

6. Then chop the washed cherries into 2 equal halves and place in a bowl. Add chopped Iceberg and Mix lettuce, fried pieces of beef, grated ginger and garlic. Salt and pepper.

7. Drizzle the salad with olive oil mixed with lemon juice, soy sauce, mustard and liquid honey. Garnish the dish with roasted black sesame seeds.

If you are seriously thinking about what to cook for a romantic dinner planned for two, choose one of the proposed options. You should not binge on food in the evening. Leave some energy to continue the evening!

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. This may be a sad but great truth. Do you want to please your lover? Prepare something tasty and unusual.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Favorite dishes of men

Women like to be cared for, listened to, and given advice. And men like it when their favorite housewives prepare delicious dishes for them. We are not talking about banal borscht or porridge, but about something more original, refined and unusual. We will tell you what dish to surprise your loved one with, how you can pamper your heroes with delicacies, what is best to cook for breakfast and what for dinner.

Remember one thing: there are foods that are simply used to satisfy hunger, and there are foods that are truly enjoyed. Most men don't like to cook. There are, of course, exceptions when they happily pamper the girls with their own delicacies, but this often happens only on holidays.

So, if you want to bring joy to your loved one, you need to cook really delicious food so that he always asks for an extra portion. Hone your culinary skills constantly. Much depends on what kind of dishes your chosen one likes. It’s clear that if he can’t stand fish or mushrooms, then try not to use recipes containing these products.

It happens that a man does not consume such common products as mayonnaise, milk, sour cream. At first it will be difficult for you to choose the menu, but you must remember who you are trying for. After all, you want to bring joy, do something pleasant, and not teach your husband to eat properly. Therefore, when thinking about what dish to prepare, proceed from your man’s preferences. As a rule, they all love meat and fish dishes.

There are hearty dishes for men that are prepared very quickly. The main thing is to have all the ingredients on hand.

Here is a simple pasta carbonara recipe:

  • spaghetti;
  • 2 eggs;
  • olive oil;
  • brisket;
  • Parmesan;
  • spices.

While the spaghetti water is boiling, you can cut the brisket into cubes and lightly fry and season with spices. Cook the pasta according to the instructions, drain the water and add eggs mixed with grated Parmesan to the hot spaghetti. Add brisket and serve immediately.

Most women enjoy cooking. At first, everyone is nervous, worried, and doesn’t really know their lover’s preferences. Many women are embarrassed by the fact that they may not be as good a cook as their mother-in-law. But if a guy sees your efforts, he will definitely appreciate the dishes. After all, when you cook on your own, you sacrifice your precious time just for him. And this, you see, is very pleasant.

What can you cook for a man?

Women often spend time searching for recipes that allow them to cook quickly, unusually, and most importantly, deliciously. There is nothing better than waking up to the smell of aromatic coffee, walking into the kitchen and inhaling the smell of freshly prepared breakfast. At such moments, men value their loved ones the most. After all, the ability to cook deliciously is the best bonus to all feminine virtues.

But often girls simply rack their brains about what to put on the table for dear men? There are many ideas on what to cook for your loved one. The most important thing is desire, and you will definitely succeed in everything else. Remember that it is not so important for your loved one whether there will be hearty dishes or not. The most important thing is how you prepare them and then serve them. To surprise a man, you will need a little time, creativity and, of course, a set of products according to the recipes.

Among the hearty and tasty dishes are the following:

  • various kinds of meat casseroles;
  • stewed veal with apples;
  • meat in French;
  • cutlets;
  • sweet, salty pancakes;
  • various salads;
  • favorite desserts (cupcakes, cakes, pastries).

If you still don’t know how cooked food affects a man’s mood, then try eating processed or fast foods for at least one week, and then start eating fresh, home-cooked food. You will immediately notice changes in your lover's behavior.

Nobody says that the ability to cook deliciously is a mandatory feature of every woman, but all men who have found real and skilled housewives are infinitely happy. In their bachelor life (especially if they live separately from their parents), they have already eaten enough store-bought food, so it won’t hurt to pamper them with delicious home-cooked dishes.

Try it, and you will understand that your loved one is ready to lay the whole world at your feet. Believe me, men know how to be very grateful. They will appreciate your care and effort, because they understand that hours spent in the kitchen are not the most pleasant, but very difficult for most women. Try, be creative, create your own recipes, and with this you will definitely captivate the man of your dreams.

Meat marinated with beer


  • meat;
  • light beer;
  • onions, peppers, garlic, thyme;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

First the marinade is prepared. Pour half a liter of beer into a mold, add chopped garlic, thyme and salt. We hide the meat cubes in this marinade, cover with cling film and marinate for about an hour. At this time, chop the remaining ingredients. Then fry the meat until golden brown, add onions, peppers, herbs and completely fill with marinade. Place the dish (covered with foil) in a well-heated oven and wait until fully cooked (50 minutes). Delicious served with potatoes.

What to cook for dinner for a man

Dinner is a special meal, especially if we are talking about a romantic dinner together. Of course, it’s nice when men make an effort and prepare a nice romantic dinner for their ladies. But women should not forget to give their loved one such surprises.

For a romantic dinner, you will have to spend a little effort and prepare more than one dish. Pay attention to the products that make up the evening menu, it is best if they are aphrodisiacs (they excite the body and prepare it for the pleasant consequences of dinner). You should definitely avoid onions and garlic this evening, and also refrain from eating too heavy food and carbonated drinks.

What delicious things can you cook? Below we present a couple of simple but very tasty recipes for this occasion. If there is a man at the table, then there must be a meat or fish dish.

Chicken with pineapples


  • chicken fillet;
  • spices to taste;
  • oil;
  • salt;
  • canned pineapple.

You only have to cook the chicken for about half an hour. Moreover, most housewives have extensive experience working with this type of meat. Fry the chopped fillet in oil, then add chopped onion. Pineapples need to be drained and cut into several parts, then added to the chicken. Next add salt, pepper, and seasonings to taste. Pour in pineapple syrup and simmer until fully cooked (15 minutes). It is ideal to serve boiled rice as a side dish.

What else can you serve for a romantic dinner? Sweets are a must. Remember that chocolate, fruits (apples, strawberries, bananas, avocados), nuts are all foods that will slowly excite you and your lover. After consuming them, there will definitely be a luxurious continuation of the meeting, but in bed. You can make bananas in chocolate, you can make a fruit salad with condensed milk, or bake a cake (if time allows, and your loved one also has a sweet tooth).

Royal salad

To prepare this simple but delicious dish you will need the following products:

  • shrimps;
  • eggs (also an aphrodisiac);
  • lettuce leaves;
  • hard cheese;
  • olive oil;
  • bread;
  • lemon;
  • spices to taste.

Cook the shrimp, then peel them. Bread (small pieces) is fried in olive oil. Hard boil the eggs and remove the shells. We place the lettuce leaves beautifully on a dish; if necessary, you can chop them. Next we put the eggs (cut into 4 parts), croutons and shrimp. The sauce is very simple: lemon juice + oil. At the end, sprinkle everything with grated cheese and spices. The salad turns out to be very tasty and healthy!

What to cook for breakfast for a man

If you want to please your loved one in the morning with a delicious and aromatic breakfast that you quickly prepared, then you should think about it in the evening and plan everything carefully.

Of course, your loved one will be pleased to wake up, go into the kitchen and see a beautifully set table with an original dish.

If we are talking about a romantic breakfast, then be sure to not forget about the details: candles, napkins, cards, dishes, glasses, flowers. Everything should be in its place.

Remember that breakfast is not a holiday table, and you don’t need to prepare several dishes at once. The main components of such a meal should be simplicity and grace. There's nothing better than classic dishes, just serve them in an original way.

For example:

  • heart-shaped fried egg;
  • with jam;
  • pancakes decorated with fruit flowers;
  • fried sausages with a crispy crust (place with a heart, write the cherished “I love you” with ketchup on the plate);
  • salad with caviar in cute salad bowls.

There can be a great many ideas, it all depends on your creative imagination. The most important thing is the availability of products and the amount of free time you have. Believe me, such a cute, cozy breakfast together will give you positivity and good energy for the whole day! So the result is definitely worth the effort and lost hour of sleep.

Pamper your beloved men with delicious dishes, and they will definitely find a way to thank you! Not a single hour of your efforts will go unnoticed! We wish you creative success in cooking.

All couples need romance, regardless of whether the woman and the man have recently been together or have been married for many years. In order to bring the spirit of romanticism into a relationship, it is necessary to make some efforts, but you should not be afraid of this, because your efforts will soon pay off with a new surge of feelings. The best way to express your emotions, affection, and reverent attitude is to organize an unforgettable evening.

But to make the evening magical and live up to your expectations, you need to know exactly how to make a romantic dinner at home perfect. After all, it is precisely these moments, imbued with love and tenderness, given from the bottom of the heart to a loved one, that are the basis of happiness. And it doesn’t matter whether they fill the hearth of an existing family with sparks or become a guarantee of the emergence of a new one.

In order for the memories of the evening spent together to be pleasant and warm the soul for many years, you need to carefully prepare for the event and think about not only the time and place of the romantic dinner, but also its menu, the nuances of creating the appropriate mood, decor, music and much more.

For those who have known their partner for several years, it will be quite easy to organize everything, since each other’s tastes and preferences have already been studied. Those who are just starting their journey through life together will have to completely rely on their own feelings and intuition.

Place and time of a romantic dinner

The choice of a place for an intimate retreat depends on how exactly you want to spend the evening - secluded, solemn or, perhaps, unbridledly fun. For spouses with many years of experience, an excellent option would be a cozy cafe, where they may have once met for the first time, or a posh restaurant that they have long wanted to visit, but due to constant household chores and eternal busyness, they did not find the time.

For newly acquainted lovers who want to spend more time alone (without witnesses to the manifestation of their feelings), an intimate home environment is much more suitable. If you choose a restaurant as the venue for the evening, everything is more or less clear with the menu, ambiance, music and other related aspects.

In the second option, the question of how to arrange a romantic dinner at home becomes especially relevant.

In addition, you need to decide whether you want to give your loved one a surprise, or (due to your significant other’s constant employment or, perhaps, dislike of surprises) plan the event together in advance. In any case, the ideal time for a romantic dinner would be Friday evening or a weekend.

The weekday evening option is, of course, acceptable, especially if the occasion is some significant event in your life together, a significant date in your love story, or the celebration of a symbolic Valentine’s Day.

There is, of course, a risk of spoiling the mood and atmosphere of dinner with fatigue after a busy day and thoughts about the upcoming work. But the development and outcome of the planned event depends entirely on its organization and your general mood.

If you decide to spend the evening at home, then make sure in advance that no one will disturb you. For example, parents, children or other family members who unexpectedly returned home, annoying neighbors or sociable friends. Their arrival will disrupt the intimate atmosphere, and the rest of the evening will be “crumpled.”

Romantic evening menu and decor

If you are an experienced cook and know everything about the tastes of your loved one, it will not be difficult for you to decide on the choice of dishes.

The most important thing is not to go to extremes: it is important here, on the one hand, not to overfeed, and on the other, not to leave you hungry. If your culinary experience is still too small, do not plan anything stunning; if it fails, it will be uncomfortable for both you and your partner.

It’s better to limit yourself to one simple dish, but cook it perfectly. Fortunately, today there are no problems with original ideas and step-by-step descriptions of preparing all kinds of dishes. In the wealth of “culinary assistants”, both printed and online, you are sure to find practical tips on what to cook and how to make a romantic dinner at home unforgettable.

Romantic dinner menu

  • A hot dish, preferably meat (unless, of course, you are a vegetarian)
  • Vegetable salad (for example)
  • Seafood salad
  • A variety of fruits (grapes, avocado, strawberries, cherries, pineapple)
  • Light dessert (for example, this will do)
  • Favorite drinks (wine, champagne, good cognac)

Table and dish decoration

Don't forget about serving food and setting the table. A romantic dinner is not the case when you can skip the decor and get by with everyday dishes.

Take out all the most festive things - tablecloth, plates, glasses, and put maximum imagination into table decoration. Here you can give preference to traditional elements of festive table setting or focus on a specific theme, using more original design details.

In any case, the table decor should be attractive and romantic, but not distract from the main event - a pleasant meal.

The atmosphere of the place where the event will take place must necessarily create a mood appropriate to the situation. Lighted candles, rose petals scattered everywhere, small vases with fresh flowers and, of course, beautiful romantic music will help with this.

The musical accompaniment of the evening must be taken care of in advance. The music should be light, unobtrusive and, very importantly, quiet so that you don’t have to shout over it if you want to talk. Since you are organizing a romantic dinner for two, you need to choose tunes or songs not only at your own discretion, but also taking into account the preferences of your other half.

If you still don’t know the musical tastes of your loved one, then it’s time to fill this gap. Under no circumstances should you turn on the radio or TV in the background; endless advertising or a bad joke from the presenter can ruin the whole evening.

Forbidden topics of conversation

No matter how well you know each other, no matter how strong your feelings, there are some moments that can ruin the magical atmosphere of a pleasant pastime. To avoid this, you need to decide in advance what topics are painful for your partner (former relationships, financial issues, political situation in the country) and not raise them during dinner.

It is better to leave disputes and discussions for later, and during a romantic evening you should enjoy the intimate atmosphere and each other’s company.

And most importantly: do not forget that there is no single and best option for all couples on how to make a romantic dinner at home. It all depends on the characteristics of your relationship, your characters and temperaments. If you love your soulmate, if you feel your partner with your heart and soul, then you will be able to predict all the desires of your loved one and make this dinner the best memory in your life together.
