What to do with old jam. Very tasty homemade wine made from old jam. Tips and tricks for making homemade wine from old jam

The season for new preparations is coming soon, and there are a lot of jars of unused jam on the shelves. No need to throw anything away! The delicacy makes a delicious wine, which will be an original addition to a festive dinner. Homemade wine made from jam is strong, aromatic and everyone likes it.

Wine Recipes

Modern technologies for the industrial production of wine drinks from various raw materials cannot be reproduced at home due to their high complexity. But it is possible to adapt.

Compliance with the recipe for making wine, the raw material for which is last year’s fermented jam forgotten on the shelves, guarantees a high-quality product.

The drink can be prepared from one type of jam, you can mix varieties, add fresh fruits and vegetables - it depends on taste. But many housewives have verified that mixing varieties of jam leads to a loss of wine quality. It is best to use raspberry, currant, strawberry jam - it will have a good aroma and color. Wine made from apple, plum or blueberry jam has excellent taste and color. A drink made from cherry jam retains its strong, pleasant aroma.

Simplified cooking method

The technology for preparing wine from jam does not depend on the type of berries or fruits from which it is made; only the methods for preparing the must will differ. How to make wine from jam at home in the easiest way? To do this you need:

  1. Well, without using detergents (you can use baking soda), wash the jar (3 liters) and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Boil water and set aside to cool to 25-30 degrees Celsius.
  3. In a bowl where the wine will ferment (prepared jar), mix jam and water at the desired temperature.
  4. Place raisins in a container (do not wash).
  5. Seal the vessel with a tight lid and place it in a warm (up to 25 degrees) place for two weeks.
  6. After 14 days, open and strain the cleared liquid into a new, cleanly washed container.
  7. Seal the neck of the vessel and put a surgical glove on it.
  8. It is necessary to secure it additionally by tying it with twine.
  9. Install a water seal - make a hole in one of the fingers of the glove, insert a flexible rubber tube, and lower its end into a container of water. This will allow the fermentation process to proceed faster.
  10. Place the container in a dark place for at least 45 days; the readiness of the wine is indicated by the stop of fermentation and the falling off of the glove.
  11. When the liquid becomes clear, carefully drain it without shaking.
  12. Strain through a watering can with an additional filter (cloth, gauze), pour into bottles washed with soda, close tightly and put away for ripening for 60-90 days in a cool place.

A wine created using this recipe will contain 9-11 degrees of alcohol.

Drink recipes from preparations

From raspberry jam

Recipe No. 1

To prepare a drink from raspberry jam you will need:

  • 2.5 l. heated water;
  • 1 l. blanks;
  • 150 g dry raisins;
  • Glass container 3 liters.

To make wine according to this recipe, the already described technology for making wine at home is used.

Recipe No. 2:

To prepare wine you should prepare:

  • 3 kg of raspberry jam (jam, grated raspberries with sugar);
  • 2 kg frozen or fresh berries;
  • wine starter;
  • 10 l. heated water;
  • bottle with a capacity of 20 l.

Cooking technology:

  1. Mix all the ingredients for wine in a container; the temperature of the wort should be about 25 degrees Celsius.
  2. The filled vessel is left in a warm place (at least 20 degrees Celsius), stirred regularly until signs of fermentation appear.
  3. As soon as the wort begins to ferment, it is poured into a vessel,
  4. Install a water seal to prevent air from entering the container.
  5. When the fermentation process is over, the liquid is carefully poured, without shaking, into a container for clarification.
  6. After 72 hours, the drink will clear, then syrup is added to it and distributed into prepared bottles or jars.
  7. The sealed wine is taken to a dark, cool place to ripen.

The wine according to the recipe is very aromatic, rich in taste and color, and can rival grape wines in taste.

From strawberry jam

Recipe No. 1.

To make the drink you need:

  • 1 l. strawberry jam;
  • 150 g dry raisins;
  • 2.5 l. water (heated to 25 degrees Celsius).

Mix the components of the future wine, pour 2/3 of the volume into a suitable, thoroughly washed container and prepare the drink using conventional technology. Some lovers note the special taste of wine made from a mixture of strawberry and currant jams.

Recipe No. 2.

When preparing a drink at home in the fall, winter or spring, for flavoring, a tincture of fresh berries in alcohol is suitable, which is added after fermentation, before aging.

In order to prepare wine, you need to take:

  • 1 l. jam;
  • 2 kg of fresh (or frozen) strawberries;
  • 400 gr. Sahara;
  • pre-made starter (25 g);
  1. Grind the berries, combine with jam, dilute with warm water.
  2. Add the starter into the liquid and place the container in a warm place to ferment the wort.
  3. After signs of active fermentation appear, pour the wort into a large container.
  4. Arrange the shutter and leave until the end of the process.
  5. Separate the finished wine from the sediment and leave for additional purification for 72 hours.
  6. Add fragrance and syrup (50 g) to the drained liquid, pour into containers and leave to mature for 60-90 days.

Apple jam wine with rice

  • one liter of jam;
  • 1 tbsp. raw rice;
  • 20 g special wine yeast (you can use regular yeast, but this will worsen the taste);
  • warm water (at least 25 degrees Celsius).

How to make wine using yeast and rice? Its preparation does not differ from the traditional one, with the addition of raisins to the wort. For flavoring, add pieces of lemon peel and syrup for taste (20 g per 1 liter of the finished drink).

Wine made from currant jam

The recipe assigns the role of sourdough to unwashed rice; you can use traditional wine sourdough and unwashed raisins.

To make currant wine at home, take:

  • 1 liter of jam from any type of currant;
  • 1 cup crushed grapes;
  • 250 g rice;
  • two liters of warm water;
  • glass jar 5 liters.

Homemade wine is fermented like this:

  1. Prepare the container, wash it with soda and hot water, and scald it with boiling water.
  2. Mix the ingredients with unwashed rice.
  3. The neck is sealed with a medical glove and further strengthened.
  4. A rubber tube is connected through a small hole in the finger of the glove and a water seal is installed.
  5. The jar is removed for fermentation in a warm place, protected from light, for 20 days.
  6. After fermentation is complete (the glove is opal), carefully drain the liquid from the sediment into a clean, prepared jar.
  7. Cover with a lid and set for clarification (additional wine purification) in a dark place for 72 hours;
  8. After clarification, the wine is carefully poured into clean and scalded bottles using a rubber tube, capped and left to ripen for 60-90 days.

Cherry jam wine

To make the wort you will need:

  • one liter jar of jam
  • liter jar of heated water;
  • up to 150 g raisins;
  • 3 liter container.

The technology for preparing wine is standard; during fermentation, it is advisable to place the container in a dark place at room temperature.

The wine has a strong aroma and a beautiful golden color.

Making wine from old or fermented jam

Stocks of last year's candied jam are an excellent supply for making wine at home. How to use old jam for this?

Recipe for homemade wine from candied jam:

  • one liter of old stock;
  • 150 g dry raisins;
  • liter of heated water;
  • 3 liter glass jar.

To make the drink you need:

  1. Prepare a jar, wash it well with soda, scald with boiling water.
  2. Mix the ingredients and pour into a jar.
  3. Seal with a lid and take to a warm place without access to light for fermentation.
  4. After 10 days, the pulp is removed from the surface, drained from the sediment and poured into a clean jar washed with hot water.
  5. The neck of the jar is covered with a medical rubber glove.
  6. The glove is additionally reinforced with twine or elastic cord.
  7. A rubber tube is passed through the hole in the finger of the glove and a water seal is created.
  8. Removed for 6 weeks for fermentation.
  9. After fermentation, the sediment is removed from the sediment using a rubber tube, poured into containers and left to ripen for 90 days.

After aging, homemade wine turns out to be similar to champagne, so you need to uncork the bottles with caution.

What can be made from fermented jam? To make homemade wine from sour stock, you should take:

  • one liter of preparation;
  • liter jar of water heated to 40 Celsius;
  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. raisins with a slide
  • glass jar 5 liters.

To set the wine you need to do the following:

  • We prepare the dishes, wash them, scald them.
  • Mix the ingredients and pour into a container.
  • We seal the neck with a glove.
  • We remove the container to a warm place for fermentation.
  • After 2 weeks, drain the liquid into the prepared jar.
  • Add 50 g of sugar, seal with a plastic lid and take it to ripen for 90 days in a dark, warm place.
  • The wine from the jam is carefully poured into bottles, trying not to stir up the settled grounds.

This technology will allow you to make delicious wine at home from sour jam that has begun to ferment.

Drink preparation technology

How to make the “correct” wine from jam? When making an intoxicating drink from fresh raw materials, the first step is the preparation of berries and fruits (they are peeled and crushed).

Jam is already prepared, purified raw material.

The second step is preparing the base for fermentation (wort).

If fresh raw materials are used, the crushed mass (pulp) is mixed with sugar and water. The amount of sweetener (sugar or honey) is determined by the sweetness of the raw material and ranges from 150 to 300 g per liter of liquid.

Sugar is added to jam during production; the housewife usually knows how much of it is contained in a liter of the product. If it is too sweet, you need to increase the amount of water to obtain a wort of the same concentration as when using fresh fruits. Maintaining the right sweetness is extremely important - in an acidic environment:

  • the yeast needed for fermentation will not multiply;
  • mold colonies may appear;
  • the development of putrefactive processes begins.

Excess sugar is unacceptable - in this case, fermentation will slow down (sugar has preservative properties).

The third step in making homemade wine will be adding yeast to the wort (the jam can be boiled and does not contain microorganisms that can “start” the fermentation process). They can be added to the wort (wine yeast is used, not ordinary yeast). The addition of ammonium chloride allows yeast to actively multiply (the compound is used in industrial winemaking to enhance the taste of wine during blending).

You can make sourdough using only natural ingredients (recipe):

  • for 500 g of warm water use 50 g of sugar and 250 g of raisins (no need to wash, the skin of the berries contains the necessary yeast cultures). The container with the mixture is covered with a piece of gauze or thick cloth folded in several layers, kept warm for up to 5 days, monitoring the process all the time, stirring the contents. The readiness of the starter is determined by active fermentation and a specific smell;
  • for berry starter for 200 g of sweet berries or fruits (strawberries, raspberries, mulberries) use 75-100 g of sugar, 300 g of water. Crushed unwashed fruits are placed in a container and combined with water and sugar. The vessel with the starter is placed in a warm place for fermentation.

Sourdough is added to the wort at the rate of 25 g per liter of liquid.

What is important in a wine drink is not only the taste, but also the smell. Wine made from fresh fruits retains their aroma; jam, with the exception of some varieties, has no pronounced odor.

To improve the aroma of the drink you can:

  • use similar fruits when adding to the wort;
  • apply lemon zest;
  • flavor the wine with a pre-prepared alcohol tincture of aromatic herbs and fruits at the final stages of product ripening.

The fourth step is to set the wort for fermentation and install a water seal so that no air gets into the future wine. After clearing the liquid (the yeast suspension should settle to the bottom), the liquid can be drained from the sediment.

This is necessary to remove impurities and reveal the rich taste and high quality of the wine.

To develop the taste of wine, it must ripen - the longer it is stored in a cool, dark room, the better. Storage bottles or other containers should be washed thoroughly, preferably without the use of synthetic detergents.

The wort for fermentation can be poured into a container made of any material (except metal) - ceramics, glass, wood up to 2/3 of the volume. Oak sawdust and bark in a thick linen bag, dipped into the wort before fermentation, will help improve the taste.

How to make wine from old jam correctly? You should not use a product with mold colonies that is clearly spoiled - homemade wine will have an unpleasant taste.

For a sweeter, dessert drink, syrup is added to the wort - up to 250 g of sugar for the entire volume of wine. Honey and spices can be added to the liquid before fermentation to flavor the drink made from raspberry jam and various varieties of currants.

There are many recipes for homemade wine from unused jam; each housewife has her own tricks and techniques. Knowledge of the main stages of technology will allow you to delight your loved ones with a tasty, aromatic drink.

Attention, TODAY only!

Perhaps every summer resident makes a bunch of preparations in the summer. And a bunch with an obvious reserve. So that you can’t overcome it even during the winter. And in the spring he complains: where to put all this? For example, what to do with a whole battery of jars of old jam. It can't stand forever, can it? We bring to your attention some simple tips on what to do with old jam.

Give to those who don't have jam. Look around - there are a lot of such people. And they will happily and gratefully accept a sweet treat as a gift.

If you find it difficult to find people willing to take a sweet gift, you can use a newspaper or an advertisement site; they are in every city. There is always a section “I will give for free.” And everything free will definitely be useful to someone.

Bring a jar of jam to work regularly. As you know, at work everyone has a great appetite and everything comes in handy.

If the jam is candied and looks unattractive, you can bring it to a boil, even in the microwave, then cool it and eat it. Of course, there are not enough vitamins in such jam, but it is tasty, sweet, and looks almost freshly brewed.

A useful use of old jam is to make a unique fertilizer out of it. According to reviews, it turns out no worse than products from well-known manufacturers.
The recipe is very simple: expired lactic acid products, homemade kvass and 1 loaf of rye bread - to 1 bucket of water, add chopped nettles or dandelions. Both there and there are a lot of all sorts of microelements. But you can cut just any green grass. All this is mixed in equal proportions in one container, fermented old jam is added there, covered with film and left for about 5 more days in a warm place. Maybe in the sun.

To use, take 1 liter of fertilizer and dilute it in a bucket of water. The results from such a home complex are excellent. And most importantly - no harmful chemicals in the garden beds.

Old jam can be used as a sweet base for compote. This way you save sugar, and the compote gets a berry flavor.

Cook jelly. The recipe is simple: put as much jam in boiling water as needed to reach the desired sweetness, boil for several minutes, and then add starch diluted in water. If the jam is sour, for example currant, it will be even tastier.

Distill into moonshine. The aroma and taste of such a drink will be much more pleasant. And you won’t have time to notice how it will disperse.

You can make wine. Wash the three-liter jar thoroughly, and then sterilize or pour boiling water over it. Place 1 liter of last year's jam into it, pour in the same amount of warm boiled water and throw in a handful of raisins. Never wash raisins, since colonies of beneficial bacteria live on their surface, stimulating the fermentation process.

Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, close the jar with a nylon lid with a hydraulic seal, or pull a rubber medical glove over the neck of the jar. Place the jar for 50-60 days in a dark place at room temperature.

During this period of time, the wort in the jar will ferment and turn into wine, imbued with the taste and aroma of the fruits from which the jam was made. After removing the fermented pulp from the surface of the jar, the wine should be strained through gauze folded in several layers.

The resulting wine must be allowed to mature by bottling it and keeping it in a dark place for at least 40 days. After the specified time, the wine can be removed, tasted and enjoyed.

When making jam, don't be greedy. Immediately estimate how much jam you can eat or give away in a year. And cook as much as needed. It is better to freeze the remaining berries and fruits.

Well, we can’t live without jam. Then let the candied jars stand for years on the back shelves of pantries and fill much-needed space in the refrigerator. But still, every autumn an ​​epic begins called “It’s time to cook!” Sugar is bought in bags; all the burners on the stove are tightly occupied with basins and other containers. Banks are sterilized en masse. In general, for several days the kitchen turns into a preparation workshop.
But the excitement ends - and the question immediately arises: what to do with last year’s jam? It's a shame to throw it away! That's right, no need to throw it away. After all, last year’s jam is an excellent “raw material” for the production of a wide variety of drinks.

Homemade wine from old jam has a light, tart taste and spicy aroma; depending on what kind of jam was used for preparation, the “notes” and “bouquet” of this noble drink will differ.

  • – Berry or fruit jam – 1 liter;
  • – Boiled water (cooled) – 3 liters;
  • – Raisins – 110 grams.

Step 1: prepare the jar.

Before we prepare the wine, let's prepare the container. To do this, take a jar and thoroughly treat it with baking soda using a kitchen dishwashing sponge. Then rinse thoroughly several times with warm running water. After this, you need to pour boiling water from the kettle over the container. Caution: Be extremely careful not to burn your hands or other parts of your body with the boiling water during this procedure. It is also important to remember that the utensils for preparing wine should be glass, ceramic or enamel, but in no case metal, so that there is no oxidation reaction during the fermentation process of the alcoholic drink.

Step 2: preparing homemade wine from jam - the first stage.

Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. At this time, take a jar of homemade jam and, using a tablespoon, transfer it into the prepared container, and pour in the raisins, previously washed under water. When the water boils, set it aside and let it cool to room temperature. To prepare wine you will need warm boiled water. Attention: under no circumstances should there be boiling water! Pour warm boiled water into a bottle with jam and raisins. Using a wooden spoon, mix all the ingredients well and close the container with a nylon lid. We put the jar in a warm place. In the summer, you can leave it in the kitchen - it’s always hot there, and in the winter - under the radiator in one of the rooms, so that the fermentation process begins in our mixture. The main thing is that the place is secluded from children.

Step 3: drain the pulp.

After 10 days, take a jar of fermented wine ingredients and open the lid. Since all the pulp will rise from the bottom to the neck of the jar after the fermentation process, carefully remove it from the surface of the liquid using a tablespoon and transfer it to a gauze cloth, first placing a clean bowl or pan under it so that the squeezed thick mixture from the pulp drains there. We take the cake out of the gauze and throw it away.

Step 4: prepare homemade wine from jam - the second stage.

We also filter the remaining liquid from the jar through cheesecloth and pour it into the same container where the squeezed pulp mixture is located. The resulting product of primary fermentation is called wort. Now pour the wort into a jar that has been well washed under running water. We put a clean rubber glove on the neck of the jar hermetically. Let's put our jar of wort in a dark place. The fermentation process lasts 40 days, but to finally make sure of this, watch the rubber glove closer to the time of preparation of the wine. When it inflates up and falls again, the fermentation process is complete. The color of the wine should become transparent.

Step 5: preparing homemade wine from jam - the third stage.

Before bottling the resulting alcoholic drink, we will prepare a container in which our aromatic wine will be stored. It is better to take glass bottles with a capacity of 500 or 700 milliliters for storing wine. To do this, carefully rinse the bottle under running water using a dish brush. Turning the container over, let the water drain.

After the preparation time for the wine drink has expired, remove the glove from the neck of the jar and very carefully, using a watering can, pour the liquid into prepared, clean, dry bottles. The main task in this process is the fact that it does not affect the sediment formed after the second fermentation process.

We close the bottles with corks or very small nylon caps. Ideally, wooden plugs. Then we transfer the finished wine to a dark, preferably cool room. Two months after bottling, it is ready for consumption. Our homemade jam wine has a strength of approximately 10 degrees.

Before serving, cool our wine a little in the refrigerator, and then pour it into a decanter and serve it with glasses. I think that our wine product will make a pleasant impression on your guests. The wine can be served for dessert with fruit and chocolates, as well as treated to friends during the main meal - the taste of the wine will not change!

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By the beginning of the new summer season, jars of last year's jam are often left on the refrigerator shelves. Don’t rush to get rid of it, because you can make wine from jam that has already lost its taste and aroma. Instead of tasteless sweetness, you will get a full-fledged product - a pleasant homemade wine that will warm and delight your household. Let's share a simple recipe for homemade wine made from jam.

A simple traditional way of making wine

You need to prepare:

  • 3 liter jar;
  • a piece of gauze for filtering and a funnel;
  • a glove purchased at a pharmacy or a water seal;

Jars for wine made from jam should be sterilized with all possible care. Wash them with soda, then pour boiling water or use another method convenient for you.


  • 1 liter of old jam;
  • 1 liter of boiled chilled water;
  • 10 - 150 g raisins or fresh grapes;

It is possible to add sugar if the jam is sour. When, on the contrary, it is oversweetened, you need to add water. Experts have determined that the optimal sugar content in wort should not be higher than 20%.

Raisins or grapes should only be taken unwashed! Otherwise, the yeast fungi living on their surface will disappear. Do not use raisins that are packaged in bags and prepared for immediate consumption.

This recipe for homemade jam wine does not involve the use of dry yeast; with it you will get a completely different drink. The fermenting element in our guide is raisins or grapes.

Cooking technology

The process of making wine from jam can be divided into two main stages. the first involves primary fermentation, and the second involves filtering the drink and settling it to obtain strength and clarity.

Stage 1

Fill a three-liter jar or bottle with jam, water and berries (raisins or fresh), stir until smooth. Crush fresh berries. Cover the jar with gauze and place in a dark and warm (not lower than 20 - 25 degrees) place. If you cannot reliably protect from light, wrap the jar with thick cloth.

You can use last year’s homemade preparations from any berries and fruits; it is advisable not to mix them, so that the wine gets a certain taste.

Keep for five days, stirring daily with a long-handled wooden spoon. If after 20 hours or earlier signs of fermentation appear: (sourish smell, foam, hissing), then the process from the old jam is proceeding normally.

After five days, it’s time to intervene: separate the floating pulp (dense, undissolved particles), filter the liquid through gauze folded in several layers and pour into a clean jar, also thoroughly sterilized. Make sure that at least 25% of the volume remains free in the jar; this space is necessary for foam and carbon dioxide formed during fermentation.

Place a rubber glove tightly on the neck of the jar, after making a puncture in one of its fingers. If your household has a water seal, use it to make wine from jam at home.

To avoid breaking the seal of the jar's contents, tie the neck of the jar tightly over the glove.

What should I do if the glove has not inflated within 4 days? Check whether the necessary conditions are met: the temperature in the room where the drink matures, the can is hermetically sealed. It may be safer to seal the joints between rubber and glass with dough.

Stage 2

We leave the jar alone for a long time: from 30 to 60 days, again in warmth and darkness, monitoring the condition of the rubber glove. When it finally wilts (or, accordingly, the water seal “calms down”), fermentation is complete. The drink became lighter in color and sediment fell to the bottom.

Carefully drain the resulting wine without disturbing the sediment; for this it is better to use a flexible tube from the set for a medical dropper. If it tastes sour, add a little sugar. Now you can pour the liquid into clean bottles, seal tightly and put them in the refrigerator. As a result, we get the strength of the drink from 10 to 13 degrees.

It can be poured into glasses after 2 – 3 months. If sediment appears during ripening, the wine should be poured again into a new container. The sediment can give a bitter taste. This wine will retain its quality for 2–3 years when stored in the cold.

The above method is also suitable if the jam has fermented. We repeat all the same operations with the sour mass, maintaining the same proportions in relation to boiled water and raisins. The only difference is that 1 cup of sugar is added. At the end of the fermentation process, the drink is also given time to ripen in the refrigerator. But practice shows that it will take a little longer to keep it in a cool place, at least 3 months.

How to quickly make wine from jam at home

For the impatient, here is a “palliative” version of the recipe for wine made from jam. For 1 liter of old product, take 2 times more water: 2 - 2, 3 liters, a handful of raisins. But the decisive factor is the addition of 10 g of dry yeast.

Cooking technology:

After 2–3 days, fermentation continues, and the movement of carbon dioxide bubbles can be observed. And after a week you can already taste the wine; it should be sweet and sour and slightly carbonated. All that remains is to get rid of the sediment - pour it into clean bottles, adding a few raisins to each, and put it in the refrigerator. Just for one or two days. After which you can treat yourself. The only downside is that wine prepared this way will not retain its quality for long.

Every housewife has old jam in her stock. Many people throw it away, but we suggest using it. So, what can you make from old jam? Let's look at some ideas:

The method of making wine is suitable from any jam, no matter what fruits and berries. Add half a glass to one liter of water. Add 1 gram of yeast. Place in a warm place for 2 months.

Important! The longer it stands, the more the degree increases.

Add 1.5 cups of jam to three liters of water. Cook for 40 minutes. If desired, you can add fresh or dried fruit.

A healthy drink for young children and adults suffering from gastritis. First, dilute the starch in cold water. Next, add last year’s preparation to boiling water. Let cool to room temperature. Then add diluted starch and boil. Time 5 minutes no more. Cool. Kissel is ready to eat.

Important! The most delicious jelly drinks are made from wild berries.

Let's suggest one recipe: stir 2 eggs + 2 tbsp flour. Add 200 grams of melted margarine and 1 tbsp jam. Stir and bake for 35 minutes in the oven. It turns out a beautiful color inside. The darker it is, the more beautiful the cake looks. And most importantly, no sugar.

Dissolve yeast in warm water. Then add enough jam to cool boiled water until you feel a sweet, but not cloying taste and pour the prepared yeast into it. Add orange or tangerine peels. Place in a warm place. When he starts playing, then slowly release the gases. Approximately 8 days. The settled mash can be consumed on the 10th day.

It’s quite easy to cook the jelly: Boil the thick itself for 2 hours until you get a dense mass without any slurry. Place while hot into jars. Let's set it to cold. The jelly is ready. Some housewives add gelatin. But this is not necessary.

Make pies and use jam instead of filling. If it is liquid, then strain so that a thick mass remains.
