What to cook from black currants for the winter. Blackcurrant is a vitamin preserve for the winter. Blackcurrant and raspberry jam

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


The best vitamin product on the table in every home in winter is a boiled black berry dessert. In order to properly preserve the entire spectrum of useful substances (vitamins A, E, C, potassium), it is necessary to properly cook currants. Read the best recipes with secrets and highlights of preparing treats.

How to make blackcurrant jam

Effective ways to preserve nutrients in berries for the winter:


  • to freeze;
  • cook.

How to make blackcurrant jam in compliance with the rules and maintain the usefulness of the product? To do this you need:

    Choose a good berry (medium size is suitable for jam, large - for jelly).

  1. Prepare the correct equipment and utensils for making jam.
  2. Maintain proportions.

Selecting cookware for cooking (saucepan or basin) is an important step: enameled or stainless steel will do. But a copper container is chosen in order to preserve the brightness of the color of the finished product, since copper tends to oxidize. In addition, you will definitely need:

    jars (pre-washed and sterilized);

  • lids (optional: metal for rolling, plastic);
  • wooden spoon;
  • ladle

Useful for some recipes:

    meat grinder, blender or food processor;

  • metal sieve with a fine mesh.

How to choose the right berries

For blackcurrant jam for the winter, ripe, undamaged berries of any variety are suitable. When choosing at the market, you need to check for the absence of litter (leaves and twigs). When picking yourself, try not to take unripe berries (they give off sourness and require more granulated sugar when cooking) or overripe berries (except for use for grinding). It is necessary to carefully remove the berries from the branches.

The following processing steps:

    Sort and clean the raw materials for jam.

  1. Rinse through a colander (do not soak - they will burst).
  2. Distribute over a clean towel.
  3. Dry.

Blackcurrant jam recipe

When the berry is ready to use, we begin to prepare blackcurrant jam for the winter. It is necessary to take into account a number of differences in cooking from strawberries, raspberries and the peculiarities of the technological process of each recipe. The berry releases juice more slowly (like gooseberries) and requires more granulated sugar. Proportions from 1:1 to 1:1.5 are used. As a result of changing the recipe, jams and jellies are obtained, which are ideal for making pies, pancakes, and cakes.

Five-minute currant jam

The recipe is named according to the time it takes to cook. Five-minute blackcurrant recipe is a popular recipe among housewives; it preserves the vitamin balance as much as possible. This requires:

    currants – 1 kg;

  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 0.5-1 glass.

Cooking technology:

    Pour sugar and water into an enamel bowl.

  1. Dissolve over low heat.
  2. Boil the syrup.
  3. Place the berries in hot water (5 seconds) to prevent them from bursting in the syrup.
  4. Transfer them to syrup.
  5. Bring to a boil, hold for 5 minutes.
  6. Cool the jam.
  7. Pour the product into sterilized jars.
  8. Close tightly.

Currant jelly for the winter

Blackcurrant jam-jelly maintains an optimal balance of calories and vitamins. Ingredients for jelly (all in glasses):

    currants – 10;

  • sugar – 10;
  • water – 2.5.

The cooking technology is fundamentally different from the classic recipe:

    Mix berries and water, heat slowly until boiling.

  1. Boil the mixture for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Reduce heat to simmer slowly.
  3. Add granulated sugar.
  4. Stirring constantly, let it dissolve completely.
  5. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes.
  6. Place into containers while hot.
  7. Wrap in a blanket (make a “fur coat”) until it cools completely.
  8. Store in any convenient place.

An excellent jelly recipe using the rubbing procedure during the preparation process. The presence of green berries is allowed here, which contributes to better solidification of the finished product. Ingredients:

    currants – 1 kg;

  • sugar – 600 g;
  • water – 1.5 cups.

Cooking technology:

    Boil the berries with water for 10 minutes.

  1. Place a sieve over a large saucepan.
  2. Spread and wipe the mixture in small portions.
  3. Add sugar (600 grams per liter of juice).
  4. Add water (a little).
  5. Boil the juice for 40-60 minutes, approximately 1/3 of the original volume.
  6. Pour the jelly into jars and close with boiled lids.
  7. Turn over for 30-40 minutes to create a vacuum.
  8. Thick residues can be recycled (at ).

Blackcurrant jam without cooking

Homemade preparations without cooking should be stored in the refrigerator; ripe blackcurrant jam for the winter is no exception. The benefits of this cooking method are maximum - vitamins, pectins, organic acids, and tannins are preserved. Classic ingredients (proportions 1:1.5):

  • granulated sugar.

Cooking steps:

    Grind the berries in a deep container (a blender or meat grinder will do).

  1. Add sugar and repeat the grinding procedure.
  2. Leave for 24 hours at room temperature, covered with a towel.
  3. Stir occasionally.
  4. When granulated sugar is completely dissolved, pour into jars.

With added orange

Currants combined with orange bring double benefits. In winter, this is important - it increases immunity and provides calories in the diet. Ingredients for spicy and healing jam:

    currants and sugar – 1:2;

  • orange – 1 pc. for 1 liter of mixture;
  • lemon – 1-2 pcs.

How to make blackcurrant jam with orange:

    Cover the berries with sugar.

  1. Let it sit until the juice appears (7-8 hours).
  2. Grind the mixture with a blender. You can use a meat grinder.
  3. Grind the orange with zest.
  4. Place the pulp into the container with the berries and stir.
  5. Allow the aroma to develop (stand for about an hour and a half).
  6. Squeeze a few drops of lemon into the bottom of each prepared jar.
  7. Pour the jam.
  8. Add a few drops of lemon on top, add 1 centimeter of sugar, and close tightly.

Classic delicious blackcurrant jam

Grandma's recipes are the most delicious. It seems to have the same basic ingredients, but the taste is amazing. The duration of jam preparation is justified. Ingredients:

    currants – 1 glass;

  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • water – 0.5 cups.

Cooking technology:

    Boil water and one glass of sugar in a container.

  1. Start pouring the berries after the syrup has formed.
  2. Then every 5 minutes add a glass of berries and sugar alternately.
  3. Follow the cooking conditions (low heat, constant stirring).
  4. When all the food has been used up, let it cool slightly.
  5. Pour into jars of required capacity.


Assorted raspberries are a wonderful combination of flavors. Its benefits are beyond doubt. Blackcurrant jam for the winter with raspberries is a little more difficult to prepare, but it’s worth the trouble. Required ingredients:

    currants – 2.5 kg;

  • raspberries – 500 g;
  • sugar – 3 kg.

Cooking steps:

    Cover the raspberries with sugar (1/3 of the norm) to release the juice for 8 hours.

  1. We prepare the main berry.
  2. After the time has passed, we begin to heat the raspberries.
  3. Boil for 5 minutes, let cool slightly.
  4. Repeat the heating procedure.
  5. During the third boiling, combine both berries.
  6. Boil for 10 minutes.
  7. Distribute into jars and seal with sterile lids.
  8. Store in a cool, dark place.

Blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker

Making currant jam for the winter in a slow cooker is a new modern way that does not require constant control over the cooking process. Classic ingredients: sugar and berries in a ratio of 1:1.5. The only drawback of this method is the small capacity of the multicooker capacity. The jam is prepared in the stewing mode.

Cooking steps:

    Add berries and sugar on top.

  1. Turn on the multicooker.
  2. After the readiness signal has sounded, pour into jars.
  3. Roll up or close tightly with plastic lids (at the discretion of the hostess).
  4. The jam keeps well for 6 months.

Video: five-minute currant jam

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Blackcurrant jam for the winter

Black currant A very healthy berry, so they make delicious jam for the winter from it. Blackcurrant jam contains many vitamins and nutrients that we need so much in winter. Thrifty housewives, during the currant ripening season, try to make delicious jam for the whole family.

The best blackcurrant jam recipes for every taste.

Simple recipes: blackcurrant jam 5 minutes with whole berries, currant jelly, blackcurrant in its own juice, blackcurrant jam-jelly, raw blackcurrant jam.

A delicious jam that can be prepared very quickly, which is why it is called five-minute jam. The berries remain intact and retain maximum vitamins.

Ingredients: black currants 1.5 kg, sugar 2 kg, water 2 glasses of 200 ml.


Sort the currants, remove twigs and green leaves, bad berries. Wash under running water. Prepare half-liter jars: wash and sterilize.

Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, put on fire. Cook the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring.

Pour berries into boiling syrup. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes, do not forget to skim off the foam.

Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up the lids.

This amount of ingredients yielded 6 half-liter jars of delicious jam for the winter.

Video - Five-minute blackcurrant jam

A simple recipe for making blackcurrant jam in your own juice, healthy and tasty jam.

Ingredients: black currants 1.5 kg, sugar 1 kg.


Sort the berries, wash under running water, remove leaves and twigs. Prepare jars and lids for canning: wash and sterilize.

Grind 500 grams of black currant berries using a blender or grind through a meat grinder. Pour into a saucepan, add the remaining berries, sugar and mix.

Place on the fire and once the contents begin to boil, cook for 5 minutes.

Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up the lids.

I got 4 half-liter jars of delicious jam in its own juice.

Jam with whole berries, but like jelly. Delicious and quick to prepare.

Ingredients: black currants - 5.5 cups, sugar - 7 cups, water - 1.5 cups.


In the saucepan in which you will cook the jam, mix together currants, water and 3.5 cups of sugar.

Put on fire, boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add 3.5 cups of sugar, stir until completely dissolved and immediately pour the jam into prepared half-liter jars and roll up.

It turned out 3 half-liter jars of healthy jam-jelly from this amount of ingredients.

Healthy and tasty blackcurrant jam, easy and quick to prepare.

Ingredients: black currant, sugar.


Sort out the currants and wash. Twist the berries through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.

Combine sugar and chopped berries in a 1:1 ratio. Stir and leave at room temperature until the sugar dissolves.

Taste, if there is not enough sugar, add and wait until it melts completely.

Prepare jars in advance, wash and sterilize. Place the jam in dry, clean jars, close the lids and store in the cold (the refrigerator is ideal).

Video - Currants for the winter

A simple recipe for making currant jelly. Thick jelly can be spread on bread, it is very tasty and healthy.

Ingredients: black currants 1 kg, sugar 1 kg.


Wash the berries without removing the branches. Together with the twigs, throw the berries and sugar into a bowl to make jam.

Place over low heat and stir for 10 minutes until the sugar is completely moistened. Increase the heat to maximum; once it boils, skim off any foam that appears. Cook for 3-5 minutes.

Pour the jam little by little through a colander, wipe with a wooden spoon, the twigs will remain in the sieve. Pour the jam hot into clean jars, leave until completely cool, do not cover with lids.

This currant jelly can be rolled up and stored in the basement, or covered with lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Here are simple recipes for delicious and healthy blackcurrant jam.

Enjoy your winter tea!

This is a real vitamin bomb among berries. It supplies the human body with vitamins C, B, PP, K, E, H, A, and its composition is rich in such useful substances as iron, organic, phosphoric and ascorbic acids, pectins, potassium, calcium. Interestingly, not only berries, but also currant leaves have a healing effect.

To get the greatest possible benefit from it, doctors recommend not to heat it, but rather to freeze or dry it. That is why in our article we will talk about the methods and best recipes for preparing currants for the winter.

Selection and preparation of berries

The first step towards properly freezing currants is choosing the berries themselves. Preference should be given to ripe, fresh, high-quality berries, preferably large ones. Please ensure that the fruits are just ripe, as overripe ones lose their beneficial properties and may not look very appetizing after defrosting.

Make sure that there are no broken, damaged or rotten berries.


Currant jelly for the winter is a great opportunity to replenish your body with vitamins.
To get this delicious dessert you only need to stock up on berries and sugar (1:1.5). Pour the prepared fruits with cooled boiled water so that they are barely covered. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes.

Fragrant black currant is an obligatory resident of our summer cottages. Such a spreading bush sits somewhere near the fence and generously gifts us with fragrant sweet and sour berries. And, by the way, they will contain more vitamins than overseas oranges! Having eaten your fill of healthy berries, you can start preparing. Black currants are perfectly stored for the winter in the form of jam, compotes, jellies, and if you work hard, you can make something even more complex from it!

To make our black currants for the winter not only tasty, but also healthy, be sure to make a couple of jars of “raw” jam or freeze the berries mashed with sugar in the freezer. A spoonful of this delicacy - and it’s summer again in your apartment!

Blackcurrant jam without cooking

1 kg black currant berries,
1.2 kg sugar.

Carefully inspect the collected berries, immediately remove any spoiled or damaged ones, otherwise even one rotten berry will ruin all your efforts. Remove stems and branches from the berries and wash under cold running water. Be sure to dry the berries on a towel. Pass the dried berries through a meat grinder, place the berry mass in a deep bowl, add sugar and stir. Cover the bowl with cheesecloth and leave for an hour. After the time has passed, stir again and leave to stand. After the third stirring, place the container with currants in a cool place, preferably overnight, so that the jam has time to thicken. In the morning, mix the jam thoroughly and place it in dry sterilized jars so that there is still one centimeter of free space left at the top, and cover with nylon lids, previously scalded with boiling water and dried. This jam should be stored in a dark, cool place.

Classic blackcurrant jam

6 stacks black currant,
6 stacks Sahara,
1 stack water.

Separate the currants from the branches and rinse them thoroughly. After this, pour water over the berries, bring to a boil and add sugar. Cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring and skimming off the foam. Place the finished jam in sterilized jars, roll up the lids and, after allowing to cool, transfer to a storage area.

Five-minute jam

1 kg black currants,
1.5 kg sugar,
1 cup water.

Peel fresh blackcurrant berries from the branches, wash them thoroughly and let them dry slightly. Place a saucepan with the specified amount of water on the fire. When the water boils, gradually add sugar and stir constantly until the sugar dissolves. Now that all the sugar has been dissolved, pour the berries into the boiling syrup and stir. A little secret: to prevent the blackcurrant berries from becoming wrinkled in the jam, scald them with boiling water before cooking and only then dip them into the syrup. When foam begins to form, wait 5 minutes. Try to remove all the foam, but if a little remains, it doesn’t matter. After exactly 5 minutes of active boiling, remove the jam from the stove and begin to place it in pre-prepared sterilized jars. Roll up the jars with lids and wrap them until they cool completely.

Dry tails remaining on the berries from flowers can be left untouched. But if you want to feel like Cinderella, grab your nail scissors and go ahead! Your inner perfectionist will be pleased.

Blackcurrant jam for the winter

10 stacks black currant,
15 stacks Sahara.

Wash the currants thoroughly and spread them in a thin layer on a towel, tray or large dish to dry slightly. Then place the berries in a bowl for making jam and add half the sugar to them, stir and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally. After boiling, cook for 17-20 minutes. Next, remove the bowl from the heat, add the remaining sugar, stir well until it is completely dissolved. Then put the berry mass into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Store in a cool place.

Blackcurrant jelly for the winter

1 kg currants,
2 kg sugar,
1 liter of water.

Sort through the blackcurrant berries, first freeing them from debris and twigs, wash in small portions under cold running water, and dry lightly. Then pour cold water over the berries at the rate of 0.5 liters of water per 1 kg of berries and heat over low heat, but do not let it boil. Place the berries in a sieve and rub them over the pan to release the juice. Squeeze the berry pulp through several layers of gauze. When the juice has cooled a little, filter it, again using gauze folded in several layers. Add sugar and put on fire. Boil the jelly for half an hour. Then pour hot into sterilized jars, close the lids and let cool completely at room temperature. It is advisable to store the jelly in the refrigerator, but if this is not possible, then in each jar, when the jelly has cooled a little, pour 1 tbsp on top. l. sugar (sugar will create a thin crust that will prevent the jelly from spoiling).

And the next recipe is for those who don’t buy candy in the store. This is an old recipe, it was also called “dry jam”.

Blackcurrant berries candied in egg white

black currant berries,
1 stack sugar or ½ cup. powdered sugar,
1 egg white,
1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Remove the dense, large blackcurrant berries from the branches, wash them well and be sure to dry them, laying them out in an even layer on a towel or tray. Dissolve sugar in egg white, add lemon juice. Grind this mixture until it thickens. Dip each blackcurrant berry in the resulting mixture, place on a dish sprinkled with powdered sugar and let dry well. The protein mass around the berry should harden and keep the blackcurrant fresh for a long time. When every single berry is dry, place them in dry, prepared jars, cover the top with parchment paper, tie a thread around the neck and store in a cool, dry place. It’s hard to believe, but such a product can be stored for a very long time if you follow the recipe and avoid moisture in the storage area.

It's time for compotes for the winter. Black currant is considered an ideal companion for pale berries and fruits that do not have a pronounced taste. However, mono blackcurrant compote is an excellent thing.

Blackcurrant compote

Ingredients (for 3 liter jar):
300 g black currants,
300 g sugar,
3 liters of water.

Remove the blackcurrant berries from the branches, sort them and, as in previous recipes, wash them thoroughly and dry them. Pour sugar into boiling water, stir, wait until all the sugar has dissolved and the water boils again. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes. Pour the berries into prepared sterilized jars and fill them with a small amount of syrup (if you pour it all at once, the jar may burst). Let the jars warm up well and pour the remaining syrup into them. Roll up the boiled lids, turn them over, wrap them and, when they have cooled completely, put them in a cool place.

Many housewives leave berries on branches. This does not affect the taste, but it speeds up the cooking process.

If you like black currants for the winter in the form of an assorted compote, follow the above recipe in terms of the ratio of sugar and berries, and fill them in the classic way: first pour boiling water over the berries, drain them after 10 minutes, boil them with sugar, fill the jars and then roll them up.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Almost every housewife makes blackcurrant preparations for the winter, because they are extremely healthy and tasty. If your own garden abounds in fruits, you need to take care to preserve the harvest. There are many ways to do this, one of them is to make jam. The black garden berry is universal; jam, compotes, and juices are made from it for the winter. And healthy fruits are frozen so that later they can be used instead of fresh ones.

Options for preparing black currants for the winter

The easiest way to preserve the harvest of berries collected from your garden is to place them in the freezer. In winter, the product can be used for cooking compotes or as a filling for baked goods. Fresh fruits are added to tea and eaten sprinkled with sugar.

Another way to prepare for the winter is to make jam. Everyone loves this delicacy, especially children. The treat will bring pleasure to guests during tea drinking and will remind them of summer days.

A simple recipe for making currant juice or compote. A homemade drink is much healthier than a store-bought one. Children will definitely appreciate its pleasant taste. The best and easiest way to preserve the fruit harvest from a currant bush is to grind the berries with sugar. They store well in a cool place. Those who have a cellar should take note of this recipe.

Recipes for black currant berries

The harvested crop cannot be stored for a long time, otherwise the fruits will become soft and spoil. It is important to start canning right away. The currants need to be sorted, debris and twigs removed, and then washed. It is convenient to do this by using a colander or sieve, pouring some of the fruit into it.

Clean berries must be dried, scattered in a thin layer on a towel or baking paper. This recommendation is especially relevant if the housewife plans to freeze the currants whole.

Simple jam recipe

To prepare currant jam, you will need a basin or wide pan with a thick bottom. It is not recommended to use a thin-walled one - the sweet mass sticks to it. The following ingredients will be required:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg sugar.

Place the berries in a bowl, blend with a blender and add sugar. You can simply crush them to release the juice. The basin is placed on medium-intensity fire. The housewife must stir the berry mass without allowing it to burn. As it heats up, foam forms on top; it needs to be collected with a spoon. After waiting for the jam to boil, keep it on low heat for another 20 minutes.

The longer the treat is cooked, the thicker it becomes. For those who like very thick jam, it is recommended to increase the cooking time by another 10 minutes.

The hot delicacy is immediately poured into jars, having previously sterilized them over steam, and sealed. The container is turned over, wrapped, and after complete cooling, put away in the pantry.

Blackcurrant, grated with sugar

Clean dry fruits are sprinkled with sugar and ground using a wooden masher. You can use a blender. The second method is less preferable due to the oxidation process of the metal nozzle, but is more convenient and faster. The mass is left at room temperature for two days until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. At this time, it is stirred periodically.

It is convenient to store currants ground with sugar in half-liter glass jars. They need to be sterilized in any way and filled with sweet mass, leaving a little free space. Sprinkle a centimeter layer of sugar on top of the currants. The blanks are covered with polyethylene lids.

If the ground currants will be stored in a cellar or refrigerator, and not at room temperature, it is permissible to reduce the amount of sugar to 1.5 kg per 1 kg of berries.

Currant compote

  • 600 grams of fruits;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 2.7 liters of water.

The berries are carefully sorted, removing wrinkled and damaged ones, and placed in pre-sterilized jars. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan of suitable volume. It is advisable to use an enamel container. Boiling water is poured into a jar of berries, covered with a lid and left for 30 minutes.

After the specified time has passed, the liquid from the jar is poured back into the pan, leaving the fruits inside, sugar is added and stirred. Turning on the heat, wait until it boils, after which the container with currants is again filled with syrup and screwed on with a lid. The jar is left to cool in an inverted position, wrapped in a blanket.

Freezing for the winter

This method of harvesting blackcurrants for the winter is most often used because of its simplicity. The fruits are frozen whole. In this form, the crop is stored for several months. But first they need to be prepared:

  • sort out the debris and remove from the branches;
  • wash with cold water;
  • dry on a towel.

Only intact, firm berries are suitable for freezing whole.

The prepared currants are packaged in small bags of 200 grams, tied and placed in the freezer. If there is a compartment for quick freezing, it is worth using it. After just 3 hours, the berries will harden and can be transferred to the top drawer of the freezer. In winter, whole berries are used to make compote or added to homemade baked goods.

Jam for the winter

You can make delicious jam from blackcurrant berries. It differs from jam in consistency. You will need a sieve to remove the skin of the fruit and get a homogeneous, almost transparent jam. The recipe includes only 3 ingredients:

  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • black currant – 1 kg;
  • water – 200 ml.

Clean fruits are placed in a pan and filled with water. The housewife’s task is to bring the water to a boil; thanks to the high temperature, the berries will become soft, the skin will burst, and the juice will come out. Cooking is continued for no longer than 3 minutes.

Now you need to drain all the liquid into an enamel bowl and grind the berries through a sieve or cheesecloth to squeeze out the remaining juice. Place the pan with currant nectar on the fire, add the entire amount of sugar and cook until thickened, stirring occasionally.

It’s easy to check the readiness of the product - you need to take a little jam and drop it on a plate. If the mass does not spread when turned over, then it’s time to pour the delicacy into sterilized jars.

There are many options for preparing blackcurrants for the winter. Each recipe is good in its own way and worthy of attention. Busy housewives prefer the simplest methods - they freeze the berries whole or grind them with granulated sugar.
